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Gibberellin 3/ß-hydroxylase,a 2-oxoglutarate-dependentdioxygenase that catalyzes the hydroxylation of GA20 to GA1,was purified 313-fold from immature seeds of Phaseolus vulgarisL. The mol wt of the enzyme was estimated to be 42,000 by gelfiltration HPLC and SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.The enzyme exhibited maximum activity at pH 7.7. The Km valuesfor [2,3-3H]GA20 and [2,3-3H]GA, were 0.29µu and 0.33µm, respectively. The enzyme requires 2-oxoglutarate asa cosubstrate; the Km value for 2-oxoglutarate was 250µMusing [3H]- GA20 as a substrate. Fe2+ and ascorbate significantlyactivated the enzyme at all purification steps, while catalaseand BSA activated the purified enzyme only. The enzyme was inhibitedby divalent cations Mn2+, Co2+, Ni2+, Cu2+, Zn2+, Cd2+ and Hg2+.3ß-Hydroxylation of [3H]- GA20 was also inhibitedby non-radioactive GA5, GA9,GA15, GA20 and GA44. The possiblesite of 3ß-hydroxylation in gibberellin biosynthesisis discussed in terms of the substrate specificity of partiallypurified gibberellin 3ß-hydroxylase. (Received February 29, 1988; Accepted June 3, 1988)  相似文献   

Developing seeds of soya bean cultivars Chestnut and Altonahave only trace amounts of ß-amylase activity. Comparedto a standard variety, Wells, ß-amylase activitieswere 200–300 times lower in Chestnut and Altona. Nevertheless,Chestnut and Altona accumulate starch as a transient reservematerial which is utilized later in development. Seeds of Chestnutand Altona also produce starch early in germination which subsequentlydeclines after the 4th day of germination. Throughout germinationß-amylase levels in these cultivars are about 300-foldlower than that observed in Wells, which has a similar patternof starch metabolism. Widely varying levels of ß-amylasein both developing and germinating seeds appear to be unrelatedto starch metabolism which is very similar in all cultivarsstudied. Consequently, ß-amylase activity seems irrelevantto starch metabolism in the soya bean seed. starch, ß-amylase, Glycine max. (L.), Merr, soya bean  相似文献   

半胱氨酸合成酶是半胱氨酸合成反应的关键限速酶,催化了半胱氨酸合成的最后一个步骤。以A.ferro-oxidans ATCC 23270基因组为模板,通过PCR扩增得到编码半胱氨酸合成酶(cysM)的基因,与原核表达载体PLM 1构建重组体,转入大肠杆菌DH5α中,测序正确后,加IPTG诱导表达,用一步亲和层析法纯化出了浓度和纯度都较高的半胱氨酸合成酶。由蛋白颜色和紫外分析,确定是以PLP辅基作为活性中心。表达产物进行SDS-PAGE分析,证实分子量为32 kD。  相似文献   

3-14C-rß-hydroxy-rß-methylglutaric acid(HMG) was effectively incorporated into isoprenoids by excisedetiolatcd shoots as well as by the cell-free extracts of maize.The rate of incorporation indicated that HMG was not degradedto acetate or acetoacetate before entering the isoprenoid pathway.HMG and HMG-CoA were equally incorporated by the soluble extractinto carotenoids indicating that, in addition to HMG-CoA reductase(EC., HMG activating enzyme was also present in theplant. The soluble system (20,000 x g fraction) showed a pHoptimum of 7. Endogenous metabolites such as mevalonic acid(MVA) in the reaction mixture decreased the incorporation ofHMG into isoprenoids. (Received September 21, 1971; )  相似文献   

The effects of different concentrations of L--aminooxy-ß-phenyIpropionicacid (AOPP), an analog of L-phenylalanine, on the activity ofphenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL, EC [EC] ) and the growthof radicles in 24 h old germinating lettuce (Lactuca salivaL.) seeds were investigated. AOPP causes a significant inhibitionof PAL activity in the seeds (85% inhibition at 104 M). It alsocauses a stimulation of radicle growth at that concentration.The results show that the inhibition of PAL by AOPP may be dueto an irreversible binding of the inhibitor to the enzyme leadingto its inactivation. AOPP also inhibits ethylene biosynthesisin germinating lettuce seeds which could probably explain thestimulation of radicle growth in these seeds. The enzyme shows typical Michaelis-Menten kinetics. The Km forL-phenylalanine is 4.2 x 105 M. The enzyme does not show anytyrosine ammonia-lyase activity. Various substrate analogs suchas D-phenylalanine, p-fluorophenylalanine, ß-phenyllacticacid, tryptophan and the product of the enzyme reaction, trans-cinnamicacid, inhibit the enzyme competitively. A number of intermediatesand endproducts of the phenylpropanpid pathway, except chlorogenicacid, do not show any inhibition. 1Scientific contribution number 1423 from the New HampshireAgricultural Experiment Station. (Received May 9, 1986; Accepted September 8, 1986)  相似文献   

Cell walls of 4-day old rice seedlings were extracted successivelywith ammonium oxalate-oxalic acid, 4% KOH and 24% KOH. A -D-glucanpreparation and a xyloglucan preparation were isolated fromthe 4% KOH extract and 24% KOH extract, respectively. Methylationanalysis and enzymic degradation studies of the polysaccharidesshowed that the former was built up predominantly of repeating-oligosaccharideunits of 3-O--cellobiosyl-D-glucose and 3-O--cellotriosyl-D-glucosein a molar ratio of 2.6 : 1.0, and the latter was of repeating-oligosaccharideunits of -D-xylosyl-(16)--D-glucosyl-(14)-[-D-xylosyl-(16)]--D-glucosyl-(14)-D-glucose,-D-xylosyl-(16)--D-glucosyl-(14)-D-glucose and cellobiose. 1 Present address: Department of Botany, Iowa State University,Ames, Iowa 50011, U.S.A. (Received August 29, 1981; Accepted January 12, 1982)  相似文献   

We examined the methods available for the assay of -amylasein alfalfa (Medicago sativa) and found the Phadebas test mostsuitable. The Phadebas assay and activity staining on ampholinegels after isoelectrofocusing revealed that an amylase is presentin the dry seeds of alfalfa and that its activity decreasesrapidly after the second day of seed germination. An amylasewas purified by affinity chromatography and gel filtration.The kinds of sugar generated from soluble starch by the purifiedamylase resembled those generated by other -amylases from plants,in particular those from mung bean (Vigna radiata). These resultsindicate that the amylase in alfalfa seeds belongs to the familyof -amylases. The molecular weight and isoelectric point ofthe -amylase were determined to be 43 kDa and 4.92, respectively. The Pantrac assay and activity staining on immobiline gels afterisoelectrofocusing revealed that the activities of ß-amylasesincreased during the initial 4 to 5 days of germination. Furthermore,treatment of whole seedlings with cycloheximide or actinomycinD inhibited the increase in activity of ß-amylasesbut did not affect the reduction in activity of -amylase. During germination of alfalfa seeds, -amylase activity decreaseswhile, in contrast, ß-amylase activity increases (inthe cotyledons of germinating seeds), changes that are specificto the germinating seeds of alfalfa. (Received September 8, 1990; Accepted February 20, 1991)  相似文献   

Drying of seeds at certain stages prior to maturation, i.e.premature desiccation, will terminate synthetic events uniqueto development, for example, storage protein synthesis, andinitiate processes associated with germination. In this studywe have investigated the role of desiccation in the expressionof a storage protein gene, ß-phaseolin, to determineif such a developmentally-regulated gene remains sensitive todrying when controlled by a promoter that has no known sensitivityto this treatment. We compared, in transgenic tobacco seeds,the effects of maturation and premature drying on the expressionof a full ß-phaseolin gene, and ß-phaseolingenes driven by a cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter withor without an alfalfa mosaic virus (AMV) 5' untranslated leadersequence. The results indicate that the ß-phaseolinpromoter is directly down-regulated by desiccation during maturationand, although activated during the drying phase of a prematuredesiccation event, it is not active upon rehydration or imbibition.The 35S promoter is down-regulated also by both maturation dryingand premature desiccation but unlike the ß-phaseolinpromoter it is reactivated upon rehydration or imbibition. Key words: Desiccation, ß-phaseolin, gene regulation, Phoseolus vulgaris, seed development  相似文献   

p-Hydroxyphenylbutan-2-one, the characteristic aroma compound of raspberries (Rubus idaeus L.), is synthesized from p-coumaryl-coenzyme A and malonyl-coenzyme A in a two-step reaction sequence that is catalyzed by benzalacetone synthase and benzalacetone reductase (W. Borejsza-Wysocki and G. Hrazdina [1994] Phytochemistry 35: 623-628). Benzalacetone synthase condenses one malonate with p-coumarate to form the pathway intermediate p-hydroxyphenylbut-3-ene-2-one (p-hydroxybenzalacetone) in a reaction that is similar to those catalyzed by chalcone and stilbene synthases. We have obtained an enzyme preparation from ripe raspberries that was preferentially enriched in benzalacetone synthase (approximately 170-fold) over chalcone synthase (approximately 14-fold) activity. This preparation was used to characterize benzalacetone synthase and to develop polyclonal antibodies in rabbits. Benzalacetone synthase showed similarity in its molecular properties to chalcone synthase but differed distinctly in its substrate specificity, response to 2-mercaptoethanol and ethylene glycol, and induction in cell-suspension cultures. The product of the enzyme, p-hydroxybenzalacetone, inhibited mycelial growth of the raspberry pathogen Phytophthora fragariae var rubi at 250 [mu]M. We do not know whether the dual activity in the benzalacetone synthase preparation is the result of a bifunctional enzyme or is caused by contamination with chalcone synthase that was also present. The rapid induction of the enzyme in cell-suspension cultures upon addition of yeast extract and the toxicity of its product, p-hydroxybenzalacetone, to phytopathogenic fungi also suggest that the pathway may be part of a plant defense response.  相似文献   

HALL  J. L. 《Annals of botany》1969,33(3):399-406
Glycerophosphatase activity has been studied in frozen sectionsof maize, barley, and broad-bean root tips by the Gomori leadsulphide precipitation procedure. The enzyme was largely localizedat particulate sites in the cytoplasm, and in the cell walls.In maize and barley the particles were similar to acid phosphatase-containingspherosomes found in other tissues and were most active in thecortical cells. The wall reaction was highest in the outer cells,in agreement with biochemical studies. When excised roots wereincubated in the Gomori medium, staining was restricted to thesurface cells. The possible function of this surface activityand its relevance to ultrastructural studies is discussed.  相似文献   

We studied a glucuronyltransferase involved in chondroitin sulfate(CS) biosynthesis in a preparation obtained from fetal bovineserum by heparin-Sepharose affinity chromatography. This enzymetransferred GlcA from UDP-GlcA to the nonreducing GalNAc residuesof polymeric chondroitin. It required Mn2+ for maximal activityand showed a sharp pH optimum between pH 5.5 and 6.0. The apparentKm value of the glucuronyltransferase for UDP-GlcA was 51 µM.The specificity was investigated using structurally definedacceptor substrates, which consisted of chemically synthesizedtri-, penta-, and heptasaccharide-serines and various odd-numberedoligosaccharides with a GalNAc residue at the nonreducing terminus,prepared from chondroitin and CS by chondroitinase ABC digestionfollowed by mercuric acetate treatment. The enzyme utilizeda heptasaccharide-serine GalNAcß1-4GlcAß1-3GalNAcß1-4GlcAß1-3Galß1-3Galß1-4Xylß1-O-Serand a pentasaccharide-serine GalNAcß 4GlcAß1-3Galß1-3Galß1-4Xylß1-O-Seras acceptors. In contrast, neither a trisaccharide-serine Galß1-3Galß1-4Xylß1-O-Sernor an  相似文献   

The nuclear transport of proteins is mediated by the complexof importin-a and importing. We isolated two cDNAs encodingimporting-rß from rice. A rice importin-rßwas demonstrated to interact with rice GST-importin-a fusionproteins. The presence of two importin-rß genes wasshown for the first time among a variety of eukaryotes. (Received March 30, 1998; Accepted May 13, 1998)  相似文献   

The ORF sll1468 of Synechocystis sp. PCC6803 was identifiedas a gene for rß-carotene hydroxylase by functionalcomplementation in a rß-carotene-producing Escherichiacoll. The gene product of ORF sll11468 added hydroxyl groupsto the rß-ionone rings of rß-carotene (rß,rß-carotene)to form zeaxanthin (rß,rß-carotene-3,3'-diol).This newly identified rß-carotene hydroxylase doesnot show overall amino acid sequence similarity to the knownrß-carotene hydroxylases. However, it showed significantsequence similarity to rß-carotene ketolases of marinebacteria and a green alga. (Received November 29, 1997; Accepted March 6, 1998)  相似文献   

3rß-Fluorogibberellin A9 (3rß-fluoro-GA9),3rßfluoro-GA20, 3rß-fluorodeoxygibberellinC (3rß-fluoro-DGC) and 13-fluoro-GA9 were prepared,and their effects on plant growth and gibberellin (GA) 3rß-hydroxyIaseswere examined. 3rß-Fluoro-GA9 and 3rß-fluoro-GA20promoted the growth of dwarf rice (Oryza sativa L. cv. Tan-ginbozu)seedlings to three times higher than the control seedlings ata dosage of 3 µ plant–1, and 3rßfluoro-DGCto twice higher at the same dosage. 3rßg-Fluoro-GA9was active in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) hypocotyl assay,its activity being about one-thirtieth as much as that of GA4.3rß-Fluoro-GAs were active per se in promoting theshoot elongation of rice. 3rß-Fluoro-DGC inhibitedthe 3rß-hydroxylation of [3H2]GA9 to [3H]GA4 by GArß-hydroxylase from bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.),but 3rß-fluoro-GA9 and 3rß-fluoro-GA20 didnot show any effects on the enzyme activity. These 3rß-fluoro-GAsalso showed no or only a weak inhibitory effect on the rß-hydroxylasefrom pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima L.). 13-Fluoro-GA9 promoted growthof rice and cucumber seedlings, and inhibited the 3rß-hydroxylasesfrom both bean and cucumber. 13-Fluoro-GA9was converted into13-fluoro-GA4 and 2,3-didehydro-13-fluoro-GA9, in a cell-freesystem from bean, and conversion of 13-fluoro-GA9 into 13-fluoro-GA4was also observed in a cell-free system from pumpkin. Theseresults suggest that 13-fluoro-GA9 is one of the substratesof GA 3rß-hydroxy-lases, and that 13-fluoro-GA9 isactive as a result of the conversion to 13-fluoro-GA4 in riceand cucumber seedlings. (Received October 27, 1997; Accepted March 13, 1998)  相似文献   

We isolated a cDNA for the rß subunit of a heterotrimericG protein from rice (Oryza sativa L. cv. Nipponbare). The aminoacid sequence deduced from the cDNA was 76% and 94% homologusto the sequences of the rß subunits from Arabidopsisand maize (AGrß1 and ZGrß1), respectively. (Received July 28, 1995; Accepted December 25, 1995)  相似文献   

Distributions of the isozymes of ß-amylase [EC [EC] ]in seeds of the cultivated soybean, Glycine max, the semicultivatedtype, Glycine gradlis, and the wild type, Glycine ussuriensis,were studied by the isoelectric focusing method. Four isozymes(1 to 4) were found in seeds of the soybean and related species;their respective isoelectric points were 5.12, 5.25, 5.38 and5.52?0.02. Crystalline components I and II described in a previouspaper corresponded to isozymes 2 and 4, respectively. Each varietyor species of soybean contained one or two isozymes, the typeof isozyme pattern being characteristic of the variety of soybeanand the related species. Taxonomically, the isozyme patternsseem to correlate pardy with some morphological features, e.g.the determinate growth habit, the semitwinning property of thestem and the color of the seed episperm. (Received January 9, 1979; )  相似文献   

Since the fundamental defect in both type 1 and type 2 diabetes is β-cell failure, there is increasing interest in the capacity, if any, for β-cell regeneration. Insights into typical β-cell age and lifespan during normal development and how these are influenced in diabetes is desirable to realistically establish the prospects for β-cell regeneration as means to reverse the deficit in β-cell mass in diabetes. We assessed the mean β-cell age and lifespan by the classical McKendrick-von Foester equation that describes the age-based heterogeneity of β-cells in terms of the time-varying β-cell formation and loss estimated by a β-cell turnover model. This modeling approach was applied to evaluate β-cell lifespan in a rodent model of type 2 diabetes in comparison with nondiabetic controls. When rats were 10 mo old, mean β-cell lifespan was 1 mo vs. 6 mo in rats with type 2 diabetes vs. controls. A shortened β-cell lifespan in a rat model of type 2 diabetes results in a decrease in mean β-cell age and thus contributes to decreased β-cell mass.  相似文献   

Apples (Malus domestica Borkh.) were ripened in 2% O2 at 3·3°C. The loss of galactose residues from the cortical cellwalls was initiated after 27 d although an increase in the ß-galactosidaseactivity of the tissue did not occur until after 50 d. ß-Galactosidase activity associated with the cellwall was determined using discs of cortical tissue. A substantiallevel of activity was observed prior to picking and subsequentlyduring ripening of the apples in air.  相似文献   

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