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Attacks by the isopod Excorallana tricornis tricornis on Nassau grouper Epinephelus striatus caught in Antillean fish traps around Little Cayman Island, Cayman Islands, are recorded. Divers reported heavily parasitized fish during the study period, suggesting that trapping did not exclusively precipitate parasitism. Parasitic infestations were reported to be common in Nassau grouper immediately following their spawning season in mid-winter.  相似文献   

The reproductive biology of Epinephelus coioides was determined from the examination of 1455 individuals collected between July 2005 and June 2007 in the southern Arabian Gulf. Histological preparations of gonads indicated that males were either derived from a juvenile phase or the transition of postspawning females, confirming a diandric protogynous sexual pattern. The spawning season was well defined, occurring once a year during April and early May. Peaks in spawning occurred after the full and new moons and was completed within a single lunar cycle. The presence of mature males over the entire size and age range and the absence of inactive mature females during the spawning season suggested that the population was not constrained by sperm limitation. While specimens undergoing sexual transition were only observed in size and age ranges of 335–685 mm total length ( L T) and 5–6 years, patterns in the proportion of males in size and age classes suggested that sex change occurred at a relatively constant rate after female maturation up to the maximum size (1002 mm L T) and age (11 years). Relationships between reproductive output and capacity with size and age indicated that conventional regulations that equate the mean size at first capture to sexual maturation are unsuitable for the management of E. coioides . The maximum age, small size and young age at sexual maturation ( L min= 320 mm L T, 2 years, for females and 242 mm L T, 1 year, for males) conflict with the general pattern for large epinepheline groupers and may be a direct result of the intensive demersal fishery in the southern Arabian Gulf.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to determine (1) the seasonal timing and diel activity patterns of lacustrine brook charr when migrating to a lake outlet for spawning, and (2) the homing of reproducing individuals. In 1995, 745 individuals were captured while migrating to the spawning ground compared to 1148 in 1996. In both years, the sex ratio was not significantly different from 1:1 but females were significantly longer than males. The spawning migrations lasted about 48d and were more nocturnal (between 20:00 and 8:00h) than diurnal. The migration to the spawning ground began when water temperature decreased to 13°C and peaked when water temperature decreased from 11°C to 7°C. Peaks in migration activity were always preceded by a sudden decrease followed by an increase in temperature. The spawning migration lasted until the third week of October, when water temperature varied between 3°C and 8°C. Males, especially larger ones, arrived on the spawning ground before females in both years. The length of males migrating to the spawning ground decreased during the spawning season while the females' length showed no pattern. Only 9.7% of the 745 fin-clipped individuals from 1995 returned to the lake outlet to spawn in 1996. The results of this study indicate that lacustrine brook charr show similarities to other anadromous and lake-spawning salmonid populations when migrating to spawning grounds.  相似文献   

Synopsis Spawning aggregations of the Nassau grouper, Epinephelus striatus, occurring at the southern end of Long Island were investigated during the winters of 1987–1988 and 1988–1989. Fish aggregate at two specific sites around the time of the full moon in December and January, possibly not during November and almost certainly not during February. At one site the fish aggregate well inside the shelf edge while at the other they are on the dropoff into deep water. Fish migrate, probably as distinct groups of up to about 500 individuals, to the sites on or before the full moon and remain for several days. There was no significant difference in the size of males and females caught from the aggregations between years or months. Female/male sex ratio was between 5 : 1 and 3 : 1. Courtship occurred in late afternoon with spawning commencing shortly before sunset. Most spawning occurred within 10 min of sunset. Water temperatures were 25.0–25.5°C during a period of gradual decrease towards the annual minimum in February and March. Two color patterns were important in courtship and spawning. The bicolor pattern is a submissive coloration indicating a non-aggressive state acquired by both males and females near the time of spawning. The dark phase is acquired by females who are followed by numerous bicolor fish during courtship and they lead spawning events in this pattern. Spawning occurred among subgroups of the aggregation numbering 3–25 fish; gamete release was well above the bottom. Drogues deployed with the gametes either moved inshore or did not move far away from the shelf edge over the course of several days. Nassau groupers may not strictly be protogynous hermaphrodites and other groupers which form spawning aggregations may not be so either. Latitudinal shifts in spawning time may be related to water temperatures. Currents at aggregation sites do not appear to favor offshore transport of eggs. Questions of whether spawning aggregations should be protected need to be answered.  相似文献   

Spawning migrations in the monogamous butterflyfish,Chaetodon trifasciatus   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Spawning and related behavior of a monogamous butterflyfish,Chaetodon trifasciatus, were observed at Kuroshima Island, Okinawa, Japan. Each heterosexual pair defended a feeding territory in the daytime. Spawning occurred at dusk on the days around full or new moon in the daytime. Spawning occurred at dusk on the days around full or new moon in the vicinity of offshore tidal currents. Spawning migration to such sites occurred in pairs, the feeding territories of which were located in areas of inshore currents. In the evening each pair established a small temporary territory, which they spawned adjacent to and slept within until the next morning. The distribution of sleeping sites as well as tidal current directions may determine the spawning sites of this butterflyfish.  相似文献   

Synopsis We identify fishery management implications from a long-term monitoring program focusing on spawning aggregations of high valued reef fish in Komodo National Park (KNP), Eastern Indonesia. Management objectives of KNP are not only to protect biodiversity, but also to conserve spawning stocks of high-valued commercial species for the replenishment of surrounding fishing grounds. We monitored two sites twice monthly over five years for two species of grouper, Epinephelus fuscoguttatus and Plectropomus areolatus. One site had an aggregation of both E. fuscoguttatus and P. areolatus, whereas the other site contained an aggregation of P. areolatus only. Over the five years monitoring period, aggregations typically formed during each full moon between September and February. Additionally, P. areolatus occasionally aggregated during new moons between April and July. We observed spawning only once, but because formation of aggregations were correlated to a higher incidence of behavior and signs indicative of reproduction and because most fish present were adults, it is likely that the formation of aggregations was associated with spawning. Over the five years monitoring period there was a reduction in mean fish size of up to 8 cm for P. areolatus, and a reduction in numbers of aggregating E. fuscoguttatus. Despite limited protection initiated in 2001, both sites are still heavily fished by local artisanal fishers. Because the observed reductions in size and in numbers could be caused by fishing pressure, managers should follow the precautionary principle by putting additional protective management in place. Since both species are relatively long-lived, at least five years of continued monitoring may be necessary to determine the outcome of management intervention. The variability in timing of aggregation in respect to season and moon phase in P. areolatus indicates that long-term monitoring must cover the entire year and both moon phases.  相似文献   

 We examined the utility of otolith minor and trace element chemistry, assayed with inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), as a means of delineating population structure in the Nassau grouper (Epinephelus striatus). We characterized the elemental composition of otoliths collected in 1993 from three locations in Exuma Sound, Bahamas and from Glover Reef, Belize in 1995. A single location in Exuma Sound was sampled in 1994 to test temporal variability in otolith composition. Five elements (Ca, Zn, Sr, Ba and Pb) were routinely detected, at levels significantly above background, by solution-based ICP-MS. Results from analysis of variance of elemental data, expressed as a ratio to Ca, indicated that there were no significant differences among the Exuma locations for any element, but significant variability was found between Glover Reef and the pooled Exuma localities for Zn/Ca, Sr/Ca and Ba/Ca ratios. Significant inter-annual differences at one Exuma Sound location was restricted to Ba/Ca ratios. Discriminant function analysis correctly classified 86% and 95% of the Belize and pooled Exuma sites, respectively. Otoliths from Belize were characterized by low Zn/Ca and high Ba/Ca and Pb/Ca ratios compared to otoliths from fish collected in Exuma Sound. Although differences in Ba levels may be related to upwelling at Glover Reef, more data are needed to definitely link otolith composition with regional differences in water chemistry. Accepted: 15 February 1999  相似文献   

Long-term data from underwater video recordings in the wild and semi-natural channels are compared to the current literature to review the reproductive behaviour of fishes in the subfamily Salmoninae. Male alternative strategies and tactics are discussed. Reproductive behaviour in Salmoninae is divided into different phases related to female nest selection, construction, and completion. Still underwater video frames are used to support conclusions drawn on spawning behaviour.  相似文献   

Territorial and spawning behavior ofChaetodon trifascialis were investigated on a small patch of reef at Kuroshima Island, Okinawa, Japan. Three males and 8 females inhabited the reef, each individual defending a territory against conspecifics of the same sex. Each male territory included 2 or 3 female territories. In the daytime, each male frequently visited the females living in its territory. At dusk in the full or new moon periods, courtship began within the female territories, pair spawning subsequently occurring within or near those territories. When a male actively courted a female in the territory of a second male, the latter male immediately chased off the intruder. Thus, mating occurred only between a male and females living in former's territory. This is the first report of a haremic mating system among butterflyfishes (Chaetodontidae).  相似文献   

Synopsis We examined the physical habitat of nest sites chosen by hatchery Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, in a recovery program for this extirpated species in Lake Ontario, Canada. We compared the sites used by these captive bred fish to a set of random locations in a wide range of available habitats. Compared to random locations in the stream, the nest sites chosen were lower in the relative abundance of sediment size classes that are detrimental to embryo and juvenile survival. In addition, the process of nest construction by these captive bred fish further reduced the proportions of these detrimental sediments. Although captive breeding may have changed some aspects of the nest site selection and construction behaviour, it has not caused a complete loss or major alteration of the trait and thus does not preclude hatchery fish from restoration or reintroduction programs.  相似文献   

Spawning of hermatypic corals in Bermuda: a pilot study   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Wyers  S. C  Barnes  H. S.  Smith  S. R 《Hydrobiologia》1991,(1):109-116
This study investigates spawning of 4 hermatypic coral species from the subtropical environment of Bermuda. Laboratory evidence of spawning behaviour is supported by synchronous field observations. Development of scleractinian planulae to postlarval stages is recorded. Diploria strigosa, D. labyrinthiformis, Montastrea annularis and M. cavernosa shed highly buoyant, pigmented eggs (300–440 µm diam.) during July to September 1986. Brief spawning periods, synchronous between conspecific colonies, were recorded for M. annularis (July and August) and M. cavernosa (August) within 1 d of the last quarter of the lunar cycle. In August, there were overlaps amongst the spawning dates of D. strigosa and the Montastrea species. Nocturnal spawning periods differed between M. annularis and M. cavernosa. This constitutes the first evidence from an Atlantic community of overlapping spawning dates amongst several faviid species, and of the accumulation of scleractinian eggs and planulae in surface slicks.  相似文献   

The reproductive biology of the painted sweetlips Diagramma pictum was determined from 487 individuals collected between January and December 2010 in the southern Arabian Gulf. There was no evidence of sex change and the combination of histological results with the sex composition of the size and age structures indicated a gonochoristic sexual pattern. There were peaks in gonado-somatic indices for females in March and October with spawning occurring during two seasons (April to May and November). The mean size and age at sexual maturity (L(m50) and A(m50) ) were 35·7 cm fork length (L(F) ) and 2·9 years for females and 26·7 cm L(F) and 0·5 years for males. The maximum recorded age (11 years) and small mean size and young age at sexual maturity for males may be a direct result of intensive demersal fishing in the southern Arabian Gulf. There was an exponential increase in the cumulative reproductive potential with size and a linear increase with age for both sexes. The mean L(F) (L(c50) ) at which D. pictum became vulnerable to capture was 33·3 cm, which corresponded to only 3 and 7% of the cumulative reproductive potential of males and females, respectively. Size-specific and age-specific reproductive potential indicated that conventional regulations that equate the mean size at first capture to sexual maturation are unsuitable for the management of D. pictum.  相似文献   

The reproductive biology of the spangled emperor Lethrinus nebulosus in the southern Arabian Gulf was determined from the examination of 781 individuals collected between September 2008 and August 2009. There was no histological evidence of adult sex change, and sex ratios did not differ significantly from unity across all size and age classes. Testes had an ovarian structure and a remnant lumen which was not used for sperm transport; furthermore, residual oocytes were observed in the testes of some immature, resting and developing males. A dramatic change in the sex ratio of the smallest and youngest size and age classes suggested that juvenile female to male sex change occurred between 21·0 cm fork length (L(F)) and 24·0 cm L(F) at 1 year of age. The combination of histological evidence with the sexual composition of the size and age structures suggests a non-functional protogynous hermaphroditic sexual pattern, which is analogous to functional gonochorism. The spawning season was well defined, occurring once a year during March, April and early May. Peaks in spawning occurred after full moons, there was a cessation in spawning activity after new moons and spawning was completed within three lunar cycles. The distribution of males over the entire size and age ranges and the absence of inactive mature females during the spawning season suggested that the population was not constrained by sperm limitation. Size-specific and age-specific reproductive potential indicated that conventional regulations that equate the mean size at first capture to sexual maturation are unsuitable for the management of L. nebulosus. The maximum recorded age (11 years), small mean size and young age at sexual maturation (L(m50) = 26·7 cm L(F), 2·1 years, for females and 19·4 cm L(F), 0·5 years, for males) may be a direct result of intensive demersal fishing in the southern Arabian Gulf.  相似文献   

The reproductive biology of Great Barrier Reef populations of the long-lived grouper Epinephelus fuscoguttatus (brown-marbled grouper or flowery cod) was investigated using histological analyses. Evidence provided by gonad morphology and age-based demographics suggested monandric protogynous hermaphroditism. Younger age groups contained only immature and mature females, and all males were above the size and age of 100% female maturity, consistent with secondary males derived from mature females by adult sex change. Fishing records confirmed that spawning aggregations of this species and the co-occurring Epinephelus polyphekadion (camouflage grouper) are sometimes targeted on the Great Barrier Reef. Sampling data revealed strong spawning seasonality for E. fuscoguttatus , with a relatively narrow annual spawning period (November to January). The temporal pattern of reproductive activity within the spawning period, based on occurrence of near spawning ovaries (containing hydrated oocytes), indicated spawning events may occur throughout much of the lunar cycle and only partly coincide with seasonal fishing closure periods on the Great Barrier Reef. The results indicate that protection would be enhanced by a longer seasonal closure.  相似文献   

The aims of this investigation were to document the temporal and spatial dynamics of aggregated camouflage grouper, Epinephelus polyphekadion in Pohnpei, Micronesia, and to assess seasonal and daily patterns of spawning and reproductive behavior. Camouflage grouper aggregated and spawned adjacent to the Kehpara Marine Sanctuary (KMS), Pohnpei, Micronesia, during two consecutive months in 1998 and 1999. A combination of gonadosomatic indices, oocyte diameter analysis, and histological evidence confirmed that camouflage grouper spawned 1–2 days prior to full moon over an 8–9h period after dusk in each of the four study months. Males entered the site approximately 7 days prior to females and color variations were frequently observed. Significant differences were detected in mean size between the sexes. A series of management initiatives was initiated by the government in the 1980s to reduce fishing during aggregation periods, such as a March–April grouper sales ban, but these were largely ineffective. Following the 1998–1999 survey, several recommendations were made to halt aggregation fishing, including a commercial and subsistence catch and sales ban during spawning months, and the extension of the KMS to incorporate two additional grouper aggregations directly adjacent to it.  相似文献   

Studies had been carried out on the local non-migratory whitefish. Spawning behaviour and light conditions on the spawning ground are recorded. After artificial spawning, embryonal development took place under controlled conditions and the larvae were reared. Detailed characteristics of swim bladder creation and differentiation of the digestive tract are given. Distribution and number of pollan larvae near the spawning area and in the open lake were examined. Data are presented concerning the growth rates of larvae and fry in captivity and under lake conditions. Ecological data related to other coregonids are discussed and compared with the present study.  相似文献   

The reproductive periodicity of the sparid, Acanthopagrus pacificus, over four temporal scales is described. Acanthopagrus pacificus had a short spawning season between June and September, and within this, a peak reproductive period from July to early September. During the peak period there were several spawning peaks corresponding to a lunar periodicity, with intense reproductive activity on new and full moons that peaked during the period of the full moon when the tidal range was greatest. At the smallest temporal scale, spawning occurred at night on ebb tides. Because this study draws on data collected in 1991 and 1995, it provides a useful baseline against which to judge future changes in reproductive periodicity.  相似文献   

The migrations of Gymnocephalus baloni Balon's ruffe into the side branch of the Danube at Schönbühel were restricted to the spawning season between the end of April and mid-June. The main environmental factor correlating with the immigration is assumed to be water temperature. Water level changes influence emigration.  相似文献   

The dusky grouper, Epinephelus marginatus, inhabits coastal reefs in the Mediterranean Sea and Atlantic Ocean. A decline in the abundance of this long-lived protogynous hermaphrodite has led to its listing as an endangered species in the Mediterranean, and heightened management concerns regarding its genetic variability and population substructure. To address these concerns, we analysed genetic variation at seven microsatellite and 28 allozyme loci in dusky groupers sampled from seven areas (for microsatellites) and three areas (for allozymes) in the west-central Mediterranean. Levels of genetic variability were higher for microsatellites than for allozymes (mean H(E) = 0.78 and 0.07, respectively), but similar to those observed in other marine fishes with comparable markers. Both microsatellites and allozymes revealed significant genetic differentiation among all areas analysed with each class of marker, but the magnitude of differentiation revealed by allozymes over three locales (F(ST) = 0.214) was greater than that detected with microsatellites over seven areas, or over the three areas shared with the allozyme analysis (F(ST) = 0.018 and approximately 0, respectively). A large proportion of the allozyme differentiation was due to a single locus (ADA*) possibly influenced by selection, but allozyme differentiation over the three areas was still highly significant (F(ST) = 0.06, P < 0.0001), and the 95% confidence intervals for allozyme and microsatellite F(ST) did not overlap when this locus was excluded. There was no evidence of isolation by distance with either class of markers. Our results lead us to conclude that dusky groupers are not panmictic in the Mediterranean Sea and suggest that they should be managed on a local basis. However, more work is needed to elucidate genetic relationships among populations.  相似文献   

In a field population of the protogynous red grouper Epinephelus morio in the eastern Gulf of Mexico, females with oocytes at all stages of development were collected during the spawning season suggesting that several batches of oocytes may be released over the spawning period. Plasma oestradiol (E2) levels were highest in ripe females whose gonads contained both cortical alveoli and vitellogenic oocytes during the breeding season. Males were still spermiating as late as August, although levels of androgens 11-ketotestosterone (11-KT) and testosterone (T) had declined from their peaks in March. A few red grouper with either perinucleolar or cortical alveoli stage oocytes were undergoing sex change both during and after the spawning period. Low levels of E2, T and 11-KT were detected in transitionals. Proliferation of male tissue was not restricted to any specific area of the gonad but occurred in pockets within the ovarian lumen. The sequence of an increase in gonial cells along the periphery of the lamellae, increase in interstitial tissue, degradation of female elements, and formation of a sperm duct seemed to be concurrent with spermatocyte proliferation and the process of preparing the gonad to function as a testis.  相似文献   

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