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Fungi, especially basidiomycetous litter decomposers, are pivotal to the turnover of soil organic matter in forest soils. Many litter decomposing fungi have a well-developed capacity to translocate resources in their mycelia, a feature that may significantly affect carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) dynamics in decomposing litter. In an eight-month long laboratory study we investigated how the external availability of N affected the decomposition of Scots pine needles, fungal biomass production, N retention and N-mineralization by two litter decomposing fungi – Marasmius androsaceus and Mycena epipterygia. Glycine additions had a general, positive effect on fungal biomass production and increased accumulated needle mass loss after 8 months, suggesting that low N availability may limit fungal growth and activity in decomposing pine litter. Changes in the needle N pool reflected the dynamics of the fungal mycelium. During late decomposition stages, redistribution of mycelium and N out from the decomposed needles was observed for M. epipterygia, suggesting autophagous self degradation.  相似文献   

凋落物分解是生态系统营养物质循环的核心过程,而土壤微生物群落在凋落物分解过程中扮演着极其重要且不可替代的角色。随着生物多样性的丧失日益严峻,探讨凋落物多样性及组成对凋落物分解和土壤微生物群落的影响,不仅有助于了解凋落物分解的内在机制,而且可为退化草原生态系统的恢复提供参考。以内蒙古呼伦贝尔草原退化恢复群落中的草本植物为研究对象,依据植物多度、盖度、频度和物种的重要值及其在群落中的恢复程度筛选出排序前4的羊草(Leymus chinensis)、茵陈蒿(Artemisia capillaris)、麻花头(Serratula centauroides)、二裂委陵菜(Potentilla bifurca)的凋落物为实验材料,通过设置3种凋落物多样性水平(1,2,4),包括11种凋落物组合(单物种凋落物共4种,两物种凋落物混合共6种,四物种凋落物混合共1种),利用磷脂脂肪酸(PLFA)方法来研究分解60 d后凋落物多样性及组成对凋落物分解和土壤微生物群落的影响。结果表明:(1)凋落物物种多样性仅对C残余率具有显著影响,表现在两物种混合凋落物C残余率显著低于单物种凋落物,而凋落物组成对所观测的4个凋落物分解参数(质量、C、N残余率以及C/N)均具有显著影响;(2)凋落物物种多样性对细菌(B)含量具有显著影响,而凋落物组成对真菌(F)含量具有显著影响,两者对F/B以及微生物总量均无显著影响;(3)冗余分析结果表明凋落物组成与凋落物分解相关指标(凋落物质量、C、N残余率及C/N)和土壤微生物(真菌、细菌含量)的相关关系高于凋落物多样性。(4)进一步建立结构方程模型(Structural Equation Model,SEM)发现,凋落物初始C含量对凋落物质量、C、N残余率及C/N有显著正的直接影响;凋落物木质素含量对凋落物质量、C、N残余率有显著正的直接影响;凋落物初始N含量对N残余率有显著正的直接影响,而对C残余率及C/N有显著负的直接影响;凋落物初始C/N对凋落物质量、N残余率有显著正的直接影响,而对C/N有显著负的直接影响。此外,凋落物初始C、N、木质素含量及C/N均对真菌含量具有显著正影响,并可通过真菌对凋落物质量分解产生显著负的间接影响。以上结果表明该退化恢复区域优势种凋落物分解以初始C、木质素为主导,主要通过土壤真菌影响凋落物的分解进程,这将减缓凋落物的分解速率进而减慢草原生态系统的进程。这些结果为凋落物多样性及组成对自身分解和土壤微生物群落的影响提供了实验依据,也为进一步分析凋落物分解内在机制以及草原生态系统的恢复提供了数据参考。  相似文献   

受全球变化的影响生物多样性的丧失日益严重,及时了解凋落物物种多样性及其组成如何直接或者通过调节微生物群落来间接影响凋落物分解已经成为生态学领域的热点问题之一。在呼伦贝尔典型草原区,羊草(Leymus chinensis)为原生群落建群种,茵陈蒿(Artemisia capillaris)、麻花头(Serratula centauroides)、二裂委陵菜(Potentilla bifurca)在退化及恢复群落中的多度均较大,本研究以此4种植物的凋落物为研究对象,在两倍于当前大气CO2浓度(800 μmol/mol)条件下,通过嵌套实验设计来研究凋落物多样性(凋落物组成)对凋落物质量、C、N残余率和残余C/N的影响,并深入分析凋落物初始性质以及土壤革兰氏阳性菌(G+)、革兰氏阴性菌(G-)、细菌(B)、真菌(F)及土壤总微生物磷脂脂肪酸(Phospholipid Fatty Acid,PLFA)含量和F/B对凋落物分解的影响。结果表明:(1)凋落物多样性及组成对凋落物质量、C、N残余率以及残余C/N均具有显著影响;凋落物组成对G+ PLFAs含量具有显著影响;(2)冗余分析(Redundancy Analysis,RDA)结果表明凋落物组成对凋落物分解和土壤微生物群落相关指标的影响高于凋落物多样性;(3)结构方程模型(Structural Equation Model,SEM)结果表明凋落物初始木质素含量和初始C/N均对凋落物分解具有显著影响,其中凋落物初始木质素含量起主导作用,其还可通过对土壤真菌PLFAs含量的影响来间接影响凋落物N残余率和残余C/N。所得结果可为大气CO2浓度升高条件下退化草原生态系统的物质循环特征的预测乃至草原生态系统功能的合理评估提供数据支持。  相似文献   

杉木和香樟酸雨酸解底物的分解格局   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
唐黎  林永慧  何兴兵 《生态学报》2017,37(18):6038-6052
采用凋落物分解袋法,选取湘西地区两种人工林优势树种(香樟和杉木)的凋落叶作为分解材料,分析了两种凋落叶经酸解处理后凋落物分解及其微生物活性的变化。结果表明:酸解处理过程会使两种凋落叶损失一定的质量,随着酸解强度的增加质量损失增加,且酸解处理对香樟凋落物质量损失的影响较杉木凋落物大。不同物种凋落物对酸解强度的差异性反应产生了后续分解过程的差异格局:酸雨酸解作用的增强抑制了杉木凋落物分解过程中包括真菌生物量以及纤维素酶与木质素酶在内的微生物活性;而对于香樟凋落物分解过程,微生物活性对酸雨酸解的响应因变量不同、分解期不同而存在差异性。两物种凋落物的总失重率、木质素和纤维素分解率对酸解作用的响应及其在不同分解期的表现也存在差异性:对于杉木凋落物,在分解前期其失重率表现为T1T2T3,而在后期随酸解强度的增大而升高,即T3T2/T1;香樟凋落物在分解的前期(T1T2T3)与后期(T1T2T3)情况则正好与杉木凋落物相反。总之,酸雨酸解凋落物不仅使底物有机组成发生了变化,在一定程度上导致凋落物物理结构紧密程度改变,而且也可能相应地改变了凋落物定殖微生物群落,这些复合影响从不同程度上决定了凋落物分解及其微生物活性对凋落物底物酸解的响应。  相似文献   

The links among the changes in litter chemistry, the activity of extracellular enzymes and the microbial community composition were observed in Quercus petraea litter. Three phases of decomposition could be distinguished. In the early 4-month stage, with high activities of β-glucosidase, β-xylosidase and cellobiohydrolase, 16.4% of litter was decomposed. Hemicelluloses were rapidly removed while cellulose and lignin degradation was slow. In months 4-12, with high endocellulase and endoxylanase activities, decomposition of cellulose prevailed and 31.8% of litter mass was lost. After the third phase of decomposition until month 24 with high activity of ligninolytic enzymes, the litter mass loss reached 67.9%. After 2 years of decay, cellulose decomposition was almost complete and most of the remaining polysaccharides were in the form of hemicelluloses. Fungi largely dominated over bacteria as leaf endophytes and also in the litter immediately before contact with soil, and this fungal dominance lasted until month 4. Bacterial biomass (measured as phospholipid fatty acid content) in litter increased with time but also changed qualitatively, showing an increasing number of Actinobacteria. This paper shows that the dynamics of decomposition of individual litter components changes with time in accordance with the changes in the microbial community composition and its production of extracellular enzymes.  相似文献   

为探究漓江流域岩溶区檵木群落不同恢复阶段凋落物的分解情况,运用凋落物袋法研究其凋落物分解初期动态。结果表明:经过1a的分解,檵木群落凋落物失重大小顺序为:灌木阶段乔灌阶段乔林阶段。檵木群落灌木阶段、乔灌阶段和乔林阶段凋落物分解50%所需的时间分别为1.28a、1.38a、1.41a,分解95%所需的时间分别为5.54a、5.97a和6.09a。经过1a的分解,凋落物养分动态变化为:灌木阶段和乔灌阶段C含量总体上升,乔林阶段C含量总体下降;3个恢复阶段N和纤维素含量总体上升;灌木阶段和乔林阶段P含量总体下降,乔灌阶段P含量总体上升;灌木阶段木质素含量总体上升,而乔灌阶段和乔林阶段木质素含量总体下降。相关分析表明,灌木阶段凋落物分解速率分别与C,N,P,C/P,N/P之间呈显著或极显著相关性,乔灌阶段凋落物分解速率与N和木质素/N之间呈显著或极显著相关性,乔林阶段凋落物分解速率分别与N,纤维素、C/N和木质素/N之间呈显著或极显著相关性。  相似文献   

1. We investigated the effects of riparian plant diversity (species number and identity) and temperature on microbially mediated leaf decomposition by assessing fungal biodiversity, fungal reproduction and leaf mass loss. 2. Leaves of five riparian plant species were first immersed in a stream to allow microbial colonisation and were then exposed, alone or in all possible combinations, at 16 or 24 °C in laboratory microcosms. 3. Fungal biodiversity was reduced by temperature but was not affected by litter diversity. Temperature altered fungal community composition with species of warmer climate, such as Lunulospora curvula, becoming dominant. 4. Fungal reproduction was affected by litter diversity, but not by temperature. Fungal reproduction in leaf mixtures did not differ or was lower than that expected from the weighted sum of fungal sporulation on individual leaf species. At the higher temperature, the negative effect of litter diversity on fungal reproduction decreased with the number of leaf species. 5. Leaf mass loss was affected by the identity of leaf mixtures (i.e. litter quality), but not by leaf species number. This was mainly explained by the negative correlation between leaf decomposition and initial lignin concentration of leaves. 6. At 24 °C, the negative effects of lignin on microbially mediated leaf decomposition diminished, suggesting that higher temperatures may weaken the effects of litter quality on plant litter decomposition in streams. 7. The reduction in the negative effects of lignin at the higher temperature resulted in an increased microbially mediated litter decomposition, which may favour invertebrate‐mediated litter decomposition leading to a depletion of litter stocks in streams.  相似文献   

Summary Myrica gale litter deposition and decomposition were studied in a central Massachusetts peatland to determine the amount of N made available to the ecosystem by these processes. Leaf litter added 114–140 g biomass m–2 annually and contained 2.12–2.59 g N m–2 returning about 70% as much N to the ecosystem as was fixed annually byMyrica gale. During the first five years of decomposition, the leaf liter lost only 40% of its initial biomass and released only 10% of its initial N content. About 60% of its original N mass was still present when the litter reached the permanently waterlogged zone, and thus was effectively lost to the vegetation. The low decomposition rate was due primarily to the chemical content of the litter because similarly low rates were observed in an upland forest where the native litter decayed rapidly. The initial lignin content (40%) ofM. gale litter may be largely responsible for its slow decomposition in spite of its relatively high (1.69%) initial N content.M. gale litter decayed substantially more slowly and had a much higher initial lignin content than the litter of other woody N2-fixing plants which have been examined.  相似文献   

房福金  肖金兰  王东 《生态学报》2023,43(7):2927-2937
氮(N)是陆地生态系统初级生产力的重要限制因子,大气N沉降的增加将会对植物的化学元素含量和生物量产生重要影响,进而影响凋落物的化学计量特征及其养分归还。高寒灌丛是陆地生态系统的重要组成部分,但有关N沉降对高寒灌丛凋落物尤其是凋落枝的化学元素和生物量的研究还较为缺乏,难以深入揭示N沉降对高寒灌丛土壤碳(C)和养分循环的影响机理。基于此,以青藏高原东部地区的优势高寒灌丛类型—窄叶鲜卑花(Sibiraea angustata(Rehd.) Hand.-Mazz.)灌丛为研究对象,连续4年人工模拟N沉降,分析了凋落枝C、N、磷(P)、木质素和纤维素化学计量特征及其归还量对不同N添加浓度(0、20、50、100 kg hm-2 a-1)的响应趋势。结果表明:(1)N添加对凋落枝C、N含量无显著性影响(P>0.05),而对P、木质素和纤维素含量有显著性影响(P<0.05),但不同年份间的影响趋势不一致;(2)4年的N添加并未改变凋落枝的C/N、N/P,但显著降低了凋落枝的木质素/N(第3年)、C/P(第1年和第4年)和C/N/P(第1年);(...  相似文献   

Growth, senescence and decomposition rates of Scirpus maritimus were studied in a Mediterranean brackish wetland. Plant tussocks were tagged in March, 2002 and were totally dead by September, 2002. Decomposition rates were determined over 360 days using litter bag technique and mass loss, nutrient dynamics, fungal biomass, meiofauna and macroorganisms were determined. Decomposition rate of detached S. maritimus litter was 0.00196 (k, day–1) with a 54% of mass lost observed in 1 year. The pattern of mass loss was characterized by an initial phase of fast loss of organic matter with high density of meiofauna and a decrease of oxygen content, followed by two slower phases, with no significant losses from 50 to 180 days and with 21% of mass lost from 180 to 360 days. Nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) content of plant litter increased during decomposition process whereas atomic C:N and C:P ratios decreased, suggesting a nutrient immobilization on plant detritus. Fungal biomass measured as ergosterol content decreased after submersion of leaves, indicating that their importance in litter decomoposition decreases in submerged leaves during the first days of decomposition. An inverse relationship (r = –0.79, P < 0.005) was observed between ergosterol content and nematodes density on S. maritimus litter. Our results suggest that in Mediterranean brackish marshes, where large amounts of dead organic matter is accumulated over the sediment surface, decomposition process is greatly affected by extremely high temperatures in summer that, if water is available, accelerates microbial activity decreasing oxygen content thus slowing decomposition. (© 2007 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Litterfall and its subsequent decomposition are important feedback mechanisms in the intrasystem cycling of nutrients in forest ecosystems. The amount of litterfall and the rate of decomposition are expected to vary with stand age and climate. Over a 2-year period, decomposition of five litter types were measured in two second-growth forest stands and one old-growth stand in the Cascade Mountains of southern Washington state, USA. Both second-growth stands were dominated by Douglas-fir [Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.,) Franco] but one had a significant proportion of red alder (Alnus rubra Bong.), a nitrogen (N) fixer. The old-growth stand was dominated by Douglas-fir and western hemlock [Tsuga heterophylla (Raf.) Sarg.]. All stands had a relatively shallow layer of forest floor mass. The five litter types were placed in each stand to evaluate decomposition patterns. Despite significant differences in stand age, microclimate and mean residence times for carbon (C) and N, the rates of litter mass loss varied only slightly between sites. The relative order of species litter mass loss was: vine maple ≫ salal = western hemlock > Douglas-fir (from the youngest stand) > Douglas-fir (from the N rich stand with red alder). The initial litter lignin concentration, not lignin:N, was the primary determinant of decomposition rates, although the initial N concentration was the predictor for mass loss after 2 years in the N rich Douglas-fir-alder stand. All litter types showed immobilization of N for nearly 2 years. Data for Douglas-fir litter suggest that higher levels of N may retard decomposition of tissues with greater amounts of lignified material. The retention of N by the litter appeared influenced by the nutrient capital of the stands as well as the forest floor C:N ratio. Decomposition was minimal during the cold winter months, but displayed a definitive peak period during early Fall with wet weather, warm soils, and fungal activity. Thus, long-term climatic change effects on forest floor C storage may depend more on changes in seasonality of precipitation changes than just temperature changes.  相似文献   

Decomposition of culms (sheaths and stems) of the emergent macrophyte Phragmites australis (common reed) was followed for 16 months in the litter layer of a brackish tidal marsh along the river Scheldt (the Netherlands). Stems and leaf sheaths were separately analyzed for mass loss, litter-associated fungal biomass (ergosterol), nutrient (N and P), and cell wall polymer concentrations (cellulose and lignin). The role of fungal biomass in litter nutrient dynamics was evaluated by estimating nutrient incorporation within the living fungal mass. After 1 year of standing stem decay, substantial fungal colonization was found. This corresponded to an overall fungal biomass of 49 ± 8.7 mg g−1 dry mass. A vertical pattern of fungal colonization on stems in the canopy is suggested. The litter bag experiment showed that mass loss of stems was negligible during the first 6 months, whereas leaf sheaths lost almost 50% of their initial mass during that time. Exponential breakdown rates were −0.0039 ± 0.0004 and −0.0026 ± 0.0003 day−1 for leaf sheaths and stems, respectively (excluding the initial lag period). In contrast to the stem tissue—which had no fungal colonization—leaf sheaths were heavily colonized by fungi (93 ± 10 mg fungal biomass g−1 dry mass) prior to placement in the litter layer. Once being on the sediment surface, 30% of leaf sheath's associated fungal biomass was lost, but ergosterol concentrations recovered the following months. In the stems, fungal biomass increased steadily after an initial lag period to reach a maximal biomass of about 120 mg fungal biomass g−1 dry mass for both plant parts at the end of the experiment. Fungal colonizers are considered to contain an important fraction of nutrients within the decaying plant matter. Fungal N incorporation was estimated to be 64 ± 13 and 102 ± 15% of total available N pool during decomposition for leaf sheaths and stems, respectively. Fungal P incorporation was estimated to be 37 ± 9 and 52 ± 15% of total available P during decomposition for leaf sheaths and stems, respectively. Furthermore, within the stem tissue, fungi are suggested to be active immobilizers of nutrients from the external environment because fungi were often estimated to contain more than 100% of the original nutrient stock.  相似文献   

Riparian vegetation typically provides substantial allochthonous material to aquatic ecosystems where micro-organisms can play an important role in organic matter degradation which can support consumer biomass. We examined the effects of leaf litter quality (e.g., leaf nutrients, lignin and cellulose content), leaf species mixing, and microbial community diversity on in-stream breakdown rates of litter from dominant riparian trees (Melaleuca argentea, M. leucadendra, and Nauclea orientalis) in both a perennial and intermittent river in Australia’s wet-dry tropics. Leaf mass remaining after 82 days of in-stream incubation was negatively correlated (P < 0.05) with initial leaf N and P content while initial lignin and cellulose content had no statistically significant effect. Breakdown rates of incubated leaves of both Melaleuca and Nauclea were significantly higher in mixed litter bags compared with single species litter bags. Although it was expected that leaf N content would decrease from initial levels during decomposition, we found either similar or slightly higher N content following in-stream incubation suggesting microbial colonisation increased overall N content. Stable isotopes of δ13C and δ15N for the major sources and consumers in both rivers provide evidence that leaf litter was an important macroinvertebrate food source in the perennial river where heavy shading may limit algal production. However, in the intermittent river where riparian cover was low, benthic algae were the major organic carbon source for consumers. Our findings suggest that riparian tree species influence rates of in-stream organic matter processing, microbial community composition, and aquatic food web dynamics in tropical wet-dry streams.  相似文献   



This study was carried out to improve our understanding of the interception effect of understorey vegetation on litter decomposition in Cinnamomum camphora plantation forest of subtropical China.


The interception simulation experiment in field was performed to determine how the litterfall interception delayed the leaf litter decomposition of C. camphora, by comparing the difference in variables among 4 litter interception locations.


The results showed that total mass loss, lignin loss, cellulose loss, microbial activities (CO2 release, fungal biomass and enzyme activities), and water content except nitrogen for litters on the crown were significantly lower than that of litters without interception. The maximum mass loss difference value among litter locations reached 35 %, indicative of obvious decomposition delay by the understorey. Litter CO2 release, enzyme activities and water content exhibited a clear seasonal pattern, suggesting a strong relation between the degree of microbial activities and the succession of cold and warm as well as moist and dry periods. A clear nitrogen increase was observed in this experiment, indicating persistent immobilization. No clear variation pattern in nitrogen content was observed in this study, which was probably mixed by the N precipitation from acid rain.


The litterfall interception delayed the decomposition of leaf litter, displaying slow decomposition rate and inhibitive microbial activities by interception, which presumably resulted from low water content on the crown.  相似文献   

Xiaoniu Xu  Eiji Hirata 《Plant and Soil》2005,273(1-2):279-289
Litter decomposition, governing nutrient and C cycling, is strongly influenced by the chemical litter quality. In order to determine the interspecific variation in leaf decomposition rates and to understand the chemical basis for such variation, decomposition dynamics of seven common canopy species was investigated over 2year using the litterbag technique in a subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest on Okinawa Island, Japan. The species studied are representatives of the vegetation in the study area and differed significantly in their chemical litter quality. Dry mass loss at the end of study varied in the order: Distylium racemosum< Quercus miyagii< Rapanea neriifolia< Symplocos confusa< Castanopsis sieboldii< Schima wallichii< Daphniphyllum glaucescens. All species showed a pattern characterized by a rapid initial decomposition followed by lower rates except for D. glaucescenswhich decomposition rate appeared to be rather constant. In the late phase, decomposition rates were correlated positively to initial N and ash contents and negatively to lignin content, lignin:N, C:N, and C:P ratios. The effects of N and lignin content or lignin:N ratio were stronger than other quality parameters. There was a wide range in patterns of N and P concentrations, from a net accumulation to a rapid loss in decomposition. The correlation between N and P release suggests that N and P dynamics may have influenced each other during litter decomposition. Analysis of initial quality for species showed that the C:P ratios were extremely high (range 1639–3811) but the N:P ratios were from 28 to 56, indicating a likely P-limitation for this forest. Our results suggest that P is an important control of litter decomposition and N and P dynamics.  相似文献   

阔叶红松林是我国东北地区地带性顶级森林群落,对维持区域生态系统稳定性具有重要作用。对阔叶红松林内主要树种凋落叶分解过程及影响因素进行研究,有助于增加长白山阔叶红松林生态系统的基础数据,为明确阔叶红松林的养分循环和物质流动提供依据。选取了长白山阔叶红松林内30个常见乔灌树种和16个凋落叶性状,采用野外分解袋法和室内样品分析等方法研究了长白山阔叶红松林内主要树种凋落叶分解速率及其与凋落叶性状的关系。1年的野外分解实验表明,30个树种的凋落叶重量损失率表现出较大差异。不同树种凋落叶的重量损失率在20.56%—92.11%之间,以红松(Pinus koraiensis)质量损失率最低,东北山梅花(Philadelphus schrenkii)质量损失率最高。不同生活型树种的凋落叶在质量损失率上存在显著差异,以灌木树种凋落叶的质量损失率最高,小乔木次之,乔木树种质量损失率最低。Olson模型拟合结果表明,不同树种凋落叶的分解速率k以红松最低,瘤枝卫矛(Euonymus verrucosus)最高,分别为0.24和1.64。不同树种分解50%和95%所需的时间分别在0.43—2.86年,1.83—...  相似文献   

The capacity of forest ecosystems to sequester C in the soil relies on the net balance between litter production above, as well as, below ground, and decomposition processes. Nitrogen mineralization and its availability for plant growth and microbial activity often control the speed of both processes. Litter production, decomposition and N mineralization are strongly interdependent. Thus, their responses to global environmental changes (i.e. elevated CO2, climate, N deposition, etc.) cannot be fully understood if they are studied in isolation. In the present experiment, we investigated litter fall, litter decomposition and N dynamics in decomposing litter of three Populus spp., in the second and third growing season of a short rotation coppice under FACE. Elevated CO2 did not affect annual litter production but slightly retarded litter fall in the third growing season. In all species, elevated CO2 lowered N concentration, resulting in a reduction of N input to the soil via litter fall, but did not affect lignin concentrations. Litter decomposition was studied in bags incubated in situ both in control and FACE plots. Litter lost between 15% and 18% of the original mass during the eight months of field incubation. On average, litter produced under elevated CO2 attained higher residual mass than control litter. On the other end, when litter was incubated in FACE plots it exhibited higher decay rates. These responses were strongly species‐specific. All litter increased their N content during decomposition, indicating immobilization of N from external sources. Independent of the initial quality, litter incubated on FACE soils immobilized less N, possibly as a result of lower N availability in the soil. Indeed, our results refer to a short‐term decomposition experiment. However, according to a longer‐term model extrapolation of our results, we anticipate that in Mediterranean climate, under elevated atmospheric CO2, soil organic C pool of forest ecosystems may initially display faster turnover, but soil N availability will eventually limit the process.  相似文献   

荒漠草原4种典型植物群落枯落物分解速率及影响因素   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李学斌  陈林  吴秀玲  宋乃平  李昕 《生态学报》2015,35(12):4105-4114
测定荒漠草原甘草、赖草、蒙古冰草以及黑沙蒿等植物群落枯落物分解过程中质量损失量分析荒漠草原枯落物分解速,同时通过枯落物自身化学成份、含水率的测定,结合气候因子进行偏相关分析,探讨荒漠草原枯落物分解的影响因素。结果表明:荒漠草原4种植物群落枯落物的质量累积损失率随分解时间的延长而增加,但枯落物分解的质量损失量与时间并不呈线性相关;4种群落枯落物质量损失量大小依次均为:甘草群落赖草群落蒙古冰草群落黑沙蒿群落;荒漠草原枯落物分解采用单指数衰减的Olson模型拟合效果较好,4种植物群落中甘草群落枯落物分解最快,黑沙蒿群落分解最慢;蒙古冰草、赖草和甘草群落枯落物中N、P、K的含量显著高于黑沙蒿群落,但是C、木质素、纤维素、C/N、木质素/N和纤维素/N值则显著低于黑沙蒿群落枯落物,蒙古冰草群落、甘草群落、赖草群落和黑沙蒿群落4种群落枯落物分解速率(k)与枯落物初始N、P、K含量均呈显著正相关;偏相关分析表明,4种植物群落枯落物分解速率与降雨量、枯落物自身含水量的偏相关系数达显著水平,其余因子偏相关系数均未达显著水平。结合上述研究可以确定荒漠草原枯落物分解50%所需时间为2—5a,分解95%需8—24a。  相似文献   

Frouz J  Cajthaml T  Mudrák O 《Biodegradation》2011,22(6):1247-1254
The common grass Calamagrostis epigeions produces a large amount of dead biomass, which remain above the soil surface for many months. In this study, we determined how exposure of dead biomass above the soil affects its subsequent decomposition in soil. Collected dead standing biomass was divided in two parts, the first one (initial litter) was stored in a dark, dry place. The other part was placed in litterbags in the field. The litterbags were located in soil, on the soil surface, or hanging in the air without contact with soil but exposed to the sun and rain. After 1 year of field exposure, litter mass loss and C and N content were measured, and changes in litter chemistry were explored using NMR and thermochemolysis-GC–MS. The potential decomposability of the litter was quantified by burying the litter from the litterbags and the initial litter in soil microcosms and measuring soil respiration. Soil respiration was greater with litter that had been hanging in air than with all other kinds of litter. These finding could not be explained by changes in litter mass or C:N ratio. NMR indicated a decrease in polysaccharides relative to lignin in litter that was buried in soil but not in litter that was placed on soil surface or that was hanging in the air. Thermochemolysis indicated that the syringyl units of the litter lignin were decomposed when the litter was exposed to light. We postulate that photochemical decay of lignin increase decomposability of dead standing biomass.  相似文献   

凋落物所处的土壤微环境是影响其分解的关键因素之一,然而在黄土高原广泛栽植的刺槐人工林中,土壤微环境随林龄增加如何改变、其对凋落物分解过程的影响趋势尚不清楚。为明确上述问题,以油松凋落物(典型的难分解凋落物)和白三叶凋落物(易分解)为对象,分别在林龄为10、20、33 a和43 a的刺槐林地土壤表面进行为期592 d的模拟分解试验,检测凋落物分解特征以及地表土壤理化生物学性质随林龄增加的变化趋势,并分析凋落物分解速率与土壤微环境指标间的关系。结果表明:(1)随林龄增加,油松凋落物的分解速率呈先小幅降低后提高的趋势,白三叶凋落物的分解速率持续提高(P<0.05);(2)总体而言,随林龄增加林地表层土壤温度呈先降后增趋势,土壤湿度、有效磷含量和pH持续降低,而速效氮含量持续提高(P<0.05);(3)林龄增加显著改变了林地土壤微生物群落结构,特别是在各分解时间点时均导致真菌属的明显演替现象。土壤中9种凋落物分解酶的总酶活性和木质纤维素酶活性均在分解第108天时随林龄增加呈先降后增趋势,而在分解第389天和第592天时持续提高(P<0.05)。(4)油松凋落物分解速率仅与土壤总酶活性、真菌群落结构和铵态氮含量呈显著正相关,白三叶凋落物分解速率则与总酶和木质纤维素酶活性、细菌和真菌群落结构、温度和铵态氮含量显著正相关,而与土壤湿度和pH显著负相关(P<0.05)。综上所述,刺槐林龄增加引起的土壤理、化和生物微环境变化总体倾向于加速凋落物的分解过程。  相似文献   

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