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Black spruce forests are a dominant covertype in the boreal forest region, and they inhabit landscapes that span a wide range of hydrologic and thermal conditions. These forests often have large stores of soil organic carbon. Recent increases in temperature at northern latitudes may be stimulating decomposition rates of this soil carbon. It is unclear, however, how changes in environmental conditions influence decomposition in these systems, and if substrate controls of decomposition vary with hydrologic and thermal regime. We addressed these issues by investigating the effects of temperature, moisture, and organic matter chemical characteristics on decomposition of fibric soil horizons from three black spruce forest sites. The sites varied in drainage and permafrost, and included a “Well Drained” site where permafrost was absent, and “Moderately well Drained” and “Poorly Drained” sites where permafrost was present at about 0.5 m depth. Samples collected from each site were incubated at five different moisture contents (2, 25, 50, 75, and 100% saturation) and two different temperatures (10°C and 20°C) in a full factorial design for two months. Organic matter chemistry was analyzed using pyrolysis gas chromatography-mass spectrometry prior to incubation, and after incubation on soils held at 20°C, 50% saturation. Mean cumulative mineralization, normalized to initial carbon content, ranged from 0.2% to 4.7%, and was dependent on temperature, moisture, and site. The effect of temperature on mineralization was significantly influenced by moisture content, as mineralization was greatest at 20°C and 50–75% saturation. While the relative effects of temperature and moisture were similar for all soils, mineralization rates were significantly greater for samples from the “Well Drained” site compared to the other sites. Variations in the relative abundances of polysaccharide-derivatives and compounds of undetermined source (such as toluene, phenol, 4-methyl phenol, and several unidentifiable compounds) could account for approximately 44% of the variation in mineralization across all sites under ideal temperature and moisture conditions. Based on our results, changes in temperature and moisture likely have similar, additive effects on in situ soil organic matter (SOM) decomposition across a wide range of black spruce forest systems, while variations in SOM chemistry can lead to significant differences in decomposition rates within and among forest sites.  相似文献   

Brenner RE  Boone RD  Jones JB  Lajtha K  Ruess RW 《Oecologia》2006,148(4):602-611
Floristic succession in the boreal forest can have a dramatic influence on ecosystem nutrient cycling. We predicted that a decrease in plant and microbial demand for nitrogen (N) during the transition from mid- to late-succession forests would induce an increase in the leaching of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN), relative to dissolved organic nitrogen (DON). To test this, we examined the chemistry of the soil solution collected from within and below the main rooting zones of mid- and late-succession forests, located along the Tanana River in interior Alaska. We also used a combination of hydrological and chemical analyses to investigate a key assumption of our methodology: that patterns of soil water movement did not change during this transition. Between stands, there was no difference in the proportion of DIN below the rooting zone. 84–98% of DIN at both depths consisted of nitrate, which was significantly higher in the deeper mineral soil than at the soil surface (0.46±0.12 mg NO 3 –N l−1 vs 0.17±0.12 mg NO 3 –N l−1, respectively), and 79–92% of the total dissolved N consisted of DON. Contrary to our original assumption that nutrients were primarily leached downward, out of the rooting zone, we found much evidence to suggest that the glacially-fed Tanana River (>200 m from these stands) was contributing to the influx of water and nutrients into the soil active layer of both stands. Soil water potentials were positively correlated with river discharge; and ionic and isotopic (δ18O of H2O) values of the soil solution closely matched those of river water. Thus, our ability to elucidate biological control over ecosystem N retention was confounded by riverine nutrient inputs. Climatic warming is likely to extend the season of glacial melt and increase riverine nutrient inputs to forests along glacially-fed rivers.  相似文献   

Beaver (Caster canadensis) foraging and edaphic conditions can modify the vegetational characteristics of woody plant community in lowland boreal forests. Effective management of these areas requires an understanding of the relative contribution of these factors in shaping the woody plant community structure. Our objective was to quantify the effects of herbivory by beavers and edaphic conditions on woody plant community organization of lowland boreal forests surrounding beaver ponds. Woody vegetation and soils were sampled at 15 ponds occupied by beavers and one other pond abandoned by them in southern Algonquin Park, Ontario. We measured spatial variation in plant diversity, foraging rates and sapling recruitment of trees and shrubs along gradients of beaver foraging intensity and soil moisture, P, K, Mg, and pH. Beavers fed preferentially on a small number of deciduous species and the number of cut stems declined sharply with increasing distance from ponds. Conifers increased in relative dominance to deciduous species in the presence of beavers. Plant species richness and stem and basal area diversity peaked at intermediate distances (about 25 m) from ponds. Sapling recruitment by non-preferred species was positively related to foraging intensity. Total stem abundance and basal area and sapling recruitment by four preferred species (Populus tremuloides, Acer rubrum, Acer saccharum and Corylus cornuta) were negatively related to foraging intensity. However, by including Alnus rugosa and Salix bebbiana (also preferred by beavers) these patterns changed, becoming positively related to foraging intensity. There was also a pronounced gradient in soil moisture, which also decreased with distance from ponds. The other measured edaphic variables did not vary consistently with distance from ponds. Sapling recruitment in mesic versus xeric species varied consistently with hydrid conditions along the moisture gradient, such that variation in moisture also could produce the observed pattern of plant diversity. Diversity patterns changed three years after beaver abandonment of a pond, though sapling recruitment patterns in preferred and non-preferred species around the abandoned pond were similar to the occupied ponds. These observations suggest spatial variation in woody plant richness and diversity could be determined by combined effects of both herbivory (disturbance by beavers) and variable responses of different species to edaphic conditions.  相似文献   

Land-use change is likely to be a major component of global change at high latitudes, potentially causing significant alterations in soil C and N cycling. We addressed the biogeochemical impacts of land-use change in fully replicated black spruce forests and agricultural fields of different ages (following deforestation) and under different management regimes in interior Alaska. Change from forests to cultivated fields increased summer temperatures in surface soil layers by 4–5 °C, and lengthened the season of biological activity by two to three weeks. Decomposition of a common substrate (oat stubble) was enhanced by 25% in fields compared to forests after litter bags were buried for one year. In-situ net N mineralization rates in site-specific soil were similar in forests and fields during summer, but during winter, forests were the only sites where net N immobilization occurred. Field age and management had a significant impact on C and N mineralization. Rates of annual decomposition, soil respiration and summer net N mineralization tended to be lower in young than in old fields and higher in fallow than in planted young fields. To identify the major environmental factors controlling C and N mineralization, soil temperature, moisture and N availability were studied. Decomposition and net N mineralization seemed to be mainly driven by availability of inorganic N. Soil temperature played a role only when comparing forests and fields, but not in field-to-field differences. Results from soil respiration measurements in fields confirmed low sensitivity of heterotrophic respiration, and thus decomposition to temperature. In addition, both soil respiration and net N mineralization were limited by low soil water contents. Our study showed that (1) C and N mineralization are enhanced by forest clearing in subarctic soils, and (2) N availability is more important than soil temperature in controling C and N mineralization following forest clearing. Projecting the biogeochemical impacts of land-use change at high latitudes requires an improved understanding of its interactions with other factors of global change, such as changing climate and N deposition.  相似文献   

Organic matter decomposition and soil CO2 efflux are both mediated by soil microorganisms, but the potential effects of temporal variations in microbial community composition are not considered in most analytical models of these two important processes. However, inconsistent relationships between rates of heterotrophic soil respiration and abiotic factors, including temperature and moisture, suggest that microbial community composition may be an important regulator of soil organic matter (SOM) decomposition and CO2 efflux. We performed a short-term (12-h) laboratory incubation experiment using tropical rain forest soil amended with either water (as a control) or dissolved organic matter (DOM) leached from native plant litter, and analyzed the effects of the treatments on soil respiration and microbial community composition. The latter was determined by constructing clone libraries of small-subunit ribosomal RNA genes (SSU rRNA) extracted from the soil at the end of the incubation experiment. In contrast to the subtle effects of adding water alone, additions of DOM caused a rapid and large increase in soil CO2 flux. DOM-stimulated CO2 fluxes also coincided with profound shifts in the abundance of certain members of the soil microbial community. Our results suggest that natural DOM inputs may drive high rates of soil respiration by stimulating an opportunistic subset of the soil bacterial community, particularly members of the Gammaproteobacteria and Firmicutes groups. Our experiment indicates that variations in microbial community composition may influence SOM decomposition and soil respiration rates, and emphasizes the need for in situ studies of how natural variations in microbial community composition regulate soil biogeochemical processes.  相似文献   

以青海省果洛州藏族自治州甘德县青珍乡高山嵩草Kobresia pygmaea草甸轻度退化草地和重度退化草地为研究对象,通过植物地上部分主要功能群(禾草类、杂类草、莎草类)、植物根系和土壤碳、氮浓度及储量动态研究,结果表明:高寒小嵩草草甸轻度退化草地地上部分主要功能群碳、氮浓度和C∶N比值明显高于重度退化草地的浓度。同一草地类型主要功能群比较,碳、氮浓度依次为杂类草>禾草类>莎草类;植物地上部分的碳、氮浓度明显高于地下根系的碳、氮浓度。重度退化草地植物根系碳、氮浓度高于轻度退化草地植物根系碳、氮浓度。重度退化草地土壤总有机碳浓度显著低于轻度退化草地土壤总有机碳浓度,随着土层的加深碳、氮浓度有减少的趋势。江河源区高山嵩草草甸的土壤有机碳、氮储量最大,植物根系碳、氮储量居中,植物地上部分碳、氮储量最小。重度退化草地总有机碳储量(13554.3 g/m2)较轻度退化草地储量(14669.2 g/m2)下降7.60%。其中,0~40cm土壤层碳储量下降4.10%,植物根系碳储量下降59.97%,植物地上部分碳储量下降15.39%;重度退化草地总氮储量(3780.6 g/m2)较轻度退化草地储量(3352.7 g/m2)高12.76%,其中,0~40cm土壤中总氮储量高13.07%,植物根系全氮储量下降5509%,植物地上部分全氮下降16.00%。由于草地退化损失有机碳11149 kg/hm2,而全氮增加4278 kg/hm2。  相似文献   

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