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Song XZ  Andreeva IE  Pedersen SE 《Biochemistry》2003,42(14):4197-4207
Fluorescent energy transfer measurements of dansyl-C6-choline binding to the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (AChR) from Torpedo californica were used to determine binding characteristics of the alpha gamma and alpha delta binding sites. Equilibrium binding measurements show that the alpha gamma site has a lower fluorescence than the alpha delta site; the emission difference is due to differences in the intrinsic fluorescence of the bound fluorophores rather than differences in energy transfer at the two sites. Stopped-flow fluorescence kinetics showed that dissociation of dansyl-C6-choline from the AChR in the desensitized conformation occurs 5-10-fold faster from the alpha gamma site than from the alpha delta site. The dissociation rates are robust for distinct protein preparations, in the presence of noncompetitive antagonists, and over a broad range of ionic strengths. Equilibrium fluorescent binding measurements show that dansyl-C6-choline binds with higher affinity to the alpha delta site (K = 3 nM) than to the alpha gamma site (K = 9 nM) when the AChR is desensitized. Similar affinity differences were observed for acetylcholine itself. The distinct dissociation rates permit the extent of desensitization to be measured at each site during the time course of binding. This sequential mixing method of measuring the desensitized state population at each agonist site can be applied to study the mechanism of AChR activation and subsequent desensitization in detail.  相似文献   

Kawai H  Cao L  Dunn SM  Dryden WF  Raftery MA 《Biochemistry》2000,39(14):3867-3876
The binding of the semirigid agonist [(3)H]arecolone methiodide to the Torpedo nicotinic acetylcholine receptor has been correlated with its functional properties measured both in flux studies with Torpedo membrane vesicles and by single-channel analysis after reconstitution in giant liposomes. Under both equilibrium and preequilibrium conditions, the binding of arecolone methiodide is similar to that of other agonists such as acetylcholine. At equilibrium, it binds to two sites per receptor with high affinity (K(d) = 99 +/- 12 nM), and studies of its dissociation kinetics suggest that each of these sites is made up of two subsites that are mutually exclusive at equilibrium. The kinetics of arecolone methiodide binding were monitored by the changes in the receptor intrinsic fluorescence, and the data are consistent with a model in which the initial binding event is followed by sequential conformational transitions of the receptor-ligand complex. In flux studies, arecolone methiodide was approximately 3-fold more potent (EC(50) = 31 +/- 5 microM) than acetylcholine but its maximum flux rate was 4-10-fold lower. This phenomenon has been studied further by single-channel analysis of Torpedo receptors reconstituted in giant liposomes. Whereas the flexible agonist carbamylcholine (5 microM) was shown to induce channels with conductances of 56 and 34 pS with approximately equal frequency, arecolone methiodide (2 microM) preferentially induced the channel of lower conductance. These results are interpreted in terms of a simple model in which the rigidity of arecolone methiodide restrains the conformation that the receptor-ligand complex can adopt, thus favoring the lower conductance state.  相似文献   

When isolated, detergent solubilized and affinity chromatographically purified nicotinic acetylcholine receptor of Torpedo californica electric organ is incubated with [gamma-32P]ATP/Mg2+, phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate (PIP) is formed from receptor associated phosphatidylinositol (PI). This receptor associated endogenous kinase activity is enhanced by orthovanadate and, remarkably, also by acetylcholine. Exogenously added PI-kinase only increases the phosphorylation rate if vanadate is present. PIP as the main phosphorylation product (up to 95%) remains bound to the beta-, gamma- and delta-subunits of the receptor and to the receptor associated v-protein. The alpha-subunits do not carry 32p phosphate; no phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate formation has been observed. Concomitant to lipid phosphorylation tyrosine and serine residues are phosphorylated (5% of total incorporated 32P phosphate).  相似文献   

The lipid requirements of the Torpedo californica nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) were assessed by reconstituting purified receptors into lipid vesicles of defined composition and by using photolabeling with 3-trifluoromethyl-3-(m-[125I]iodophenyl)diazirine ([125I]TID) to determine functionality. Earlier studies demonstrated that nAChRs reconstituted into membranes containing phosphatidylcholine (PC), the anionic lipid phosphatidic acid (PA), and cholesterol (CH) are particularly effective at stabilizing the nAChR in the resting (closed) state that is capable of undergoing agonist-induced conformational transitions (i.e., functionality). The present studies demonstrate that (1) there is no obligatory requirement for PC, (2) increasing the CH content serves to increase the degree to which nAChRs are stabilized in the resting state, and this effect saturates at approximately 35 mol % (molar lipid percentage), and (3) the effect of increasing levels of PA saturates at approximately 12 mol % and in the absence of PA nAChRs are stabilized in the desensitized state (i.e., nonfunctional). Native Torpedo membranes contain approximately 35 mol % CH but less than 1 mol % PA, suggesting that other anionic lipids may substitute for PA. We report that (1) phosphatidylserine (PS) and phosphatidylinositol (PI), anionic lipids that are abundant in native Torpedo membranes, also stabilize the receptor in the resting state although with reduced efficacy (approximately 50-60%) compared to PA, and (2) for nAChRs reconstituted into PA/CH membranes at different lipid-protein molar ratios, receptor functionality decreases rapidly below approximately 65 lipids per receptor. Collectively, these results are consistent with a functional requirement of a single shell of lipids surrounding the nAChR and specific anionic lipid- and sterol (CH)-protein interactions.  相似文献   

B H White  J B Cohen 《Biochemistry》1988,27(24):8741-8751
The hydrophobic, photoactivatable probe 3-trifluoromethyl-3-(m-[125I]iodophenyl)diazirine ([125I]TID) was used to label acetylcholine receptor rich membranes purified from Torpedo californica electric organ. All four subunits of the acetylcholine receptor (AChR) were found to incorporate label, with the gamma-subunit incorporating approximately 4 times as much as each of the other subunits. Carbamylcholine, an agonist, and histrionicotoxin, a noncompetitive antagonist, both strongly inhibited labeling of all AChR subunits in a specific and dose-dependent manner. In contrast, the competitive antagonist alpha-bungarotoxin and the noncompetitive antagonist phencyclidine had only modest effects on [125I]TID labeling of the AChR. The regions of the AChR alpha-subunit that incorporate [125I]TID were mapped by Staphylococcus aureus V8 protease digestion. The carbamylcholine-sensitive site of labeling was localized to a 20-kDa V8 cleavage fragment that begins at Ser-173 and is of sufficient length to contain the three hydrophobic regions M1, M2, and M3. A 10-kDa fragment beginning at Asn-339 and containing the hydrophobic region M4 also incorporated [125I]TID but in a carbamylcholine-insensitive manner. Two further cleavage fragments, which together span about one-third of the alpha-subunit amino terminus, incorporated no detectable [125I]TID. The mapping results place constraints on suggested models of AChR subunit topology.  相似文献   

The nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) from Torpedo electric organ is a pentamer of homologous subunits. This receptor is generally thought to carry two high affinity sites for agonists under equilibrium conditions. Here we demonstrate directly that each Torpedo nAChR carries at least four binding sites for the potent neuronal nAChR agonist, epibatidine, i.e., twice as many sites as for α-bungarotoxin. Using radiolabeled ligand binding techniques, we show that the binding of [3H]-(±)-epibatidine is heterogeneous and is characterized by two classes of binding sites with equilibrium dissociation constants of about 15 nM and 1 μM. These classes of sites exist in approximately equal numbers and all [3H]-(±)-epibatidine binding is competitively displaced by acetylcholine, suberyldicholine and d-tubocurarine. These results provide further evidence for the complexity of agonist binding to the nAChR and underscore the difficulties in determining simple relationships between site occupancy and functional responses.  相似文献   

The nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (AChR) is a pentameric transmembrane protein (alpha 2 beta gamma delta) that binds the neurotransmitter acetylcholine (ACh) and transduces this binding into the opening of a cation selective channel. The agonist, competitive antagonist, and snake toxin binding functions of the AChR are associated with the alpha subunit (Kao et al., 1984; Tzartos and Changeux, 1984; Wilson et al., 1985; Kao and Karlin, 1986; Pederson et al., 1986). We used site-directed mutagenesis and expression of AChR in Xenopus oocytes to identify amino acid residues critical for ligand binding and channel activation. Several mutations in the alpha subunit sequence were constructed based on information from sequence homology and from previous biochemical (Barkas et al., 1987; Dennis et al., 1988; Middleton and Cohen, 1990) and spectroscopic (Pearce and Hawrot, 1990; Pearce et al., 1990) studies. We have identified one mutation, Tyr190 to Phe (Y190F), that had a dramatic effect on ligand binding and channel activation. These mutant channels required more than 50-fold higher concentrations of ACh for channel activation than did wild type channels. This functional change is largely accounted for by a comparable shift in the agonist binding affinity, as assessed by the ability of ACh to compete with alpha-bungarotoxin binding. Other mutations at nearby conserved positions of the alpha subunit (H186F, P194S, Y198F) produce less dramatic changes in channel properties. Our results demonstrate that ligand binding and channel gating are separable properties of the receptor protein, and that Tyr190 appears to play a specific role in the receptor site for acetylcholine.  相似文献   

M P Blanton  J B Cohen 《Biochemistry》1992,31(15):3738-3750
To identify regions of the Torpedo nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (AchR) interacting with membrane lipid, we have used 1-azidopyrene (1-AP) as a fluorescent, photoactivatable hydrophobic probe. For AchR-rich membranes equilibrated with 1-AP, irradiation at 365 nm resulted in covalent incorporation in all four AchR subunits with each of the subunits incorporating approximately equal amounts of label. To identify the regions of the AchR subunits that incorporated 1-AP, subunits were digested with Staphylococcus aureus V8 protease and trypsin, and the resulting fragments were separated by SDS-PAGE followed by reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography. N-terminal sequence analysis identified the hydrophobic segments M1, M3, and M4 within each subunit as containing the sites of labeling. The labeling pattern of 1-AP in the alpha-subunit was compared with that of another hydrophobic photoactivatable probe, 3-trifluoromethyl-3-(m-[125I]iodophenyl)diazirine ([125I]TID). The nonspecific component of [125I]TID labeling [White, B., Howard, S., Cohen, S. G., & Cohen, J.B. (1991) J. Biol. Chem. 266, 21595-21607] was restricted to the same regions as those labeled by 1-AP. The [125I]TID residues labeled in the hydrophobic segment M4 were identified as Cys-412, Met-415, Cys-418, Thr-422, and Val-425. The periodicity and distribution of labeled residues establish that the M4 region is alpha-helical in nature and indicate that M4 presents a broad face to membrane lipid.  相似文献   

Photoreactive derivatives of the general anesthetic etomidate have been developed to identify their binding sites in γ-aminobutyric acid, type A and nicotinic acetylcholine receptors. One such drug, [(3)H]TDBzl-etomidate (4-[3-(trifluoromethyl)-3H-diazirin-3-yl]benzyl-[(3)H]1-(1-phenylethyl)-1H-imidazole-5-carboxylate), acts as a positive allosteric potentiator of Torpedo nACh receptor (nAChR) and binds to a novel site in the transmembrane domain at the γ-α subunit interface. To extend our understanding of the locations of allosteric modulator binding sites in the nAChR, we now characterize the interactions of a second aryl diazirine etomidate derivative, TFD-etomidate (ethyl-1-(1-(4-(3-trifluoromethyl)-3H-diazirin-3-yl)phenylethyl)-1H-imidazole-5-carboxylate). TFD-etomidate inhibited acetylcholine-induced currents with an IC(50) = 4 μM, whereas it inhibited the binding of [(3)H]phencyclidine to the Torpedo nAChR ion channel in the resting and desensitized states with IC(50) values of 2.5 and 0.7 mm, respectively. Similar to [(3)H]TDBzl-etomidate, [(3)H]TFD-etomidate bound to a site at the γ-α subunit interface, photolabeling αM2-10 (αSer-252) and γMet-295 and γMet-299 within γM3, and to a site in the ion channel, photolabeling amino acids within each subunit M2 helix that line the lumen of the ion channel. In addition, [(3)H]TFD-etomidate photolabeled in an agonist-dependent manner amino acids within the δ subunit M2-M3 loop (δIle-288) and the δ subunit transmembrane helix bundle (δPhe-232 and δCys-236 within δM1). The fact that TFD-etomidate does not compete with ion channel blockers at concentrations that inhibit acetylcholine responses indicates that binding to sites at the γ-α subunit interface and/or within δ subunit helix bundle mediates the TFD-etomidate inhibitory effect. These results also suggest that the γ-α subunit interface is a binding site for Torpedo nAChR negative allosteric modulators (TFD-etomidate) and for positive modulators (TDBzl-etomidate).  相似文献   

Results of affinity-labeling studies and mutational analyses provide evidence that the agonist binding sites of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) are located at the alpha-gamma and alpha-delta subunit interfaces. For Torpedo nAChR, photoaffinity-labeling studies with the competitive antagonist d-[(3)H]tubocurarine (dTC) identified two tryptophans, gammaTrp-55 and deltaTrp-57, as the primary sites of photolabeling in the non-alpha subunits. To characterize the importance of gammaTrp-55 and deltaTrp-57 to the interactions of agonists and antagonists, Torpedo nAChRs were expressed in Xenopus oocytes, and equilibrium binding assays and electrophysiological recordings were used to examine the functional consequences when either or both tryptophans were mutated to leucine. Neither substitution altered the equilibrium binding of dTC. However, the deltaW57L and gammaW55L mutations decreased acetylcholine (ACh) binding affinity by 20- and 7,000-fold respectively. For the wild-type, gammaW55L, and deltaW57L nAChRs, the concentration dependence of channel activation was characterized by Hill coefficients of 1.8, 1.1, and 1.7. For the gammaW55L mutant, dTC binding at the alpha-gamma site acts not as a competitive antagonist but as a coactivator or partial agonist. These results establish that interactions with gamma Trp-55 of the Torpedo nAChR play a crucial role in agonist binding and in the agonist-induced conformational changes that lead to channel opening.  相似文献   

Polyclonal antisera raised against solubilized and purified nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAcChoR) from Electrophorus electroplax and a polyclonal anti-alpha-bungarotoxin antiserum have been studied by the use of four different radioimmunoassay protocols. The results indicate unique sensitivities of different assay techniques in analysis of antibody-antigen interactions, and serve as a model for immunological study of other integral membrane proteins.  相似文献   

The effects on the protein structure produced by binding of cholinergic agonists to purified acetylcholine receptor (AcChR) reconstituted into lipid vesicles, has been studied by Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy and differential scanning calorimetry. Spectral changes in the conformationally sensitive amide I infrared band indicates that the exposure of the AcChR to the agonist carbamylcholine, under conditions which drive the AcChR into the desensitized state, produces alterations in the protein secondary structure. Quantitative estimation of these agonist-induced alterations by band-fitting analysis of the amide I spectral band reveals no appreciable changes in the percent of alpha-helix, but a decrease in beta-sheet structure, concomitant with an increase in less ordered structures. Additionally, agonist binding results in a concentration-dependent increase in the protein thermal stability, as indicated by the temperature dependence of the protein infrared spectrum and by calorimetric analysis, which further suggest that AcChR desensitization induced by the cholinergic agonist implies significant rearrangements in the protein structure.  相似文献   

M P Blanton  H H Wang 《Biochemistry》1990,29(5):1186-1194
A photoactivatable analogue of phosphatidylserine, 125I-labeled 4-azidosalicylic acid-phosphatidylserine (125I ASA-PS), was used to label both native acetylcholine receptor (AchR)-rich membranes from Torpedo californica and AchR membranes affinity purified from Torpedo reconstituted into asolectin (a crude soybean lipid extract) vesicles. The radioiodinated arylazido group attaches directly to the phospholipid head group and thus probes for regions of the AchR structure in contact with the negatively charged head group of phosphatidylserine. All four subunits of the AchR incorporated the label, with the alpha subunit incorporating approximately twice as much as each of the other subunits on a per mole basis. The regions of the AchR alpha subunit that incorporated 125I ASA-PS were mapped by Staphylococcus aureus V8 protease digestion. The majority of label incorporated into fragments representing a more complete digestion of the alpha subunit was localized to 11.7- and 10.1-kDa V8 cleavage fragments, both beginning at Asn-339 and of sufficient length to contain the hydrophobic regions M1, M2, and M3 was also significantly labeled. In contrast, V8 cleavage fragments representing roughly a third of the amino-terminal portion of the alpha subunit incorporated little or no detectable amount of probe.  相似文献   

Analysis of the binding of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) by Torpedo nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (AChR) has demonstrated that a region of the alpha-subunit between alpha-156 and alpha-179 is exposed on the cytoplasmic surface of the nicotinic post-synaptic membrane. A panel of mAbs was produced that recognized sodium dodecyl sulfate-denatured subunits of the Torpedo AChR. Antibodies recognizing alpha-subunit were distinguished in terms of their ability to bind alpha-subunit fragments generated by Staphylococcus aureus V8 protease: an 18-kDa fragment beginning at Val-46, a 20-kDa fragment beginning at Ser-173/Ser-162, and a 10 kDa fragment beginning at Asn-339. Three mAbs, selected for binding to each of the V8-protease alpha-subunit fragments, respectively, were characterized in detail. The location of epitopes recognized by both anti-V8-18 and anti-V8-20 mAbs was determined to be within alpha-156 to alpha-179 by isolation of small immunoreactive peptides from proteolytic digests of the alpha-subunit, while the mAb reactive to V8-10 was bound to an epitope within alpha-339 to alpha-386. Quantitative evaluation of binding of the anti-V8-18 and anti-V8-20 mAbs to overlapping synthetic peptides corresponding to alpha-147 to alpha-179 localized the epitopes to distinct portions of this region. Further screening of the panel of mAbs using these synthetic peptides revealed three additional mAbs that bind in this region. The mAbs that bound the three distinct V8-protease alpha-subunit fragments were shown to bind to native AChR by indirect immunofluorescence on frozen sections of Torpedo electric organ. Binding to the native AChR was to the cytoplasmic surface of the AChR since the mAbs could bind to AChR in native vesicles, in which the AChR is oriented right-side-out, only after permeabilization of the vesicles by alkaline treatment or after scrambling of the orientation of the AChR by solubilization and reconstitution into liposomes. The location of the mAb-binding sites at the cytoplasmic surface of the AChR was visualized directly by freeze-etch immunoelectron microscopy. The identification of alpha-156 and alpha-179 as containing a cytoplasmic exposed sequence implies the existence of two non-hydrophobic transmembrane sequences between the site of N-glycosylation (Asn-141) and Cys-192, a site alkylated by the cholinergic affinity labels.  相似文献   

Agonist-binding kinetics to the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (AChR) from Torpedo californica were measured using sequential-mixing stopped-flow fluorescence methods to determine the contribution of each individual site to agonist-induced opening and desensitization. Timed dansyl-C6-choline (DC6C) binding followed by its dissociation upon mixing with high, competing agonist concentrations revealed four kinetic components: an initial, fast fluorescence decay, followed by a transient increase, and then two characteristic decays that reflect dissociation from the desensitized agonist sites. The transient increase resulted from DC6C binding to the open-channel based on its prevention by proadifen, a noncompetitive antagonist. Further characterization of DC6C channel binding by the inhibition of [3H]phencyclidine binding and by equilibrium measurements of DC6C fluorescence yielded KD values of 2-4 microM for the desensitized AChR and approximately 600 microM for the closed state. At this site, DC6C displayed a strongly blue-shifted emission spectrum, higher intrinsic fluorescence, and weaker energy transfer from tryptophans than when bound to either agonist site. The initial, fast fluorescence decay was assigned to DC6C dissociation from the alphadelta site of the AChR in its closed conformation, on the basis of inhibition with the site-selective antagonists d-tubocurarine and alpha-conotoxin MI. Fast decay amplitude data indicated an apparent affinity of 0.9 microM for the closed-state alphadelta site; the closed-state alphagamma-site affinity is inferred to be near 100 microM. These values and the known affinities for the desensitized conformation show that the alphagamma site drives AChR desensitization to a approximately 40-fold greater extent than the alphadelta site, undergoes energetically larger conformational changes, and is the primary determinant of agonist potency.  相似文献   

The nicotinic acetylcholine receptor possesses an agonist binding site on each of the two alpha-subunits and an allosterically coupled noncompetitive inhibitor (NCI) site. The spatial relationships between these sites have been determined by fluorescence energy transfer employing lifetime and steady-state techniques with two donor-acceptor pairs. 6-(5-Dimethylaminonaphthalene-1-sulfonamido)hexanoic acid-beta-(N-trimethylammonium)ethyl ester (dansyl-C6-choline, an agonist) and bis(choline)-N-(4-nitrobenzo-2-oxa-1,3-diazol-7-yl)-iminodiprop rionate (BCNI, a competitive antagonist) were employed as energy donors bound to the agonist sites. Ethidium was employed as a specific probe of the NCI site and served as the energy acceptor for both donors. Under steady-state conditions, energy transfer was measured by monitoring BCNI fluorescence as a function of occupancy of ethidium. Changes in acceptor occupancy were achieved by titrating acetylcholine receptor-donor-acceptor complexes with phencyclidine, a nonfluorescent NCI ligand. Extrapolation of the data to 100% acceptor occupancy yielded a transfer efficiency of 38% for the BCNI-ethidium pair. In the second method, the transfer efficiency of the dansyl-C6-choline-ethidium pair was determined by analysis of the reduction of the donor-excited state fluorescence lifetime. The nanosecond decay rates for dansyl-C6-choline measured in the presence of phencyclidine are characterized by two lifetimes (tau 1 = 6.7; tau 2 = 17.1 ns) with an amplitude ratio, alpha 1/alpha 2 = 2.3. In the presence of ethidium, the two lifetimes were proportionally diminished while retaining a comparable ratio of amplitudes. Displacement of ethidium from the NCI site by phencyclidine restored the two lifetimes to their original values. These data indicate that the donors bound to the two agonist sites transferred energy with similar efficiencies to the acceptor. Thus, the lifetime data suggest that the NCI site is approximately equidistant from each of the agonist sites. The corrected efficiency of donor quenching by this method was 34%, a value in close accord with the steady-state measurements. The distance between the agonist sites and the NCI site was calculated to be between 21-35 A for the BCNI/ethidium pair and 22-40 A for the dansyl-C6-choline/ethidium pair. Consideration of these distances with respect to the molecular dimensions of the receptor and location of the agonist sites suggests a location for the NCI site near the ion channel at the extracellular surface of the membrane bilayer.  相似文献   

Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) form ligand-gated ion channels that mediate fast signal transmission at synapses. These receptors are members of a large family of pentameric ion channels that are of active medical interest. An expression system utilizing a chimerical construct of the N-terminal extracellular ligand binding domain of alpha7 type nAChR and the C-terminal transmembrane portion of 5HT3 type receptor resulted high level of expressions. Two ligand affinity chromatography purification methods for this receptor have been developed. One method relies on the covalent immobilization of a high affinity small molecule alpha7 nAChR agonist, (R)-5-(4-aminophenyl)-N-(quinuclidin-3-yl) furan-2-carboxamide, and the other uses mono biotinylated alpha-bungarotoxin, an antagonist, that forms a quasi-irreversible complex with alpha7 nAChR. Detergent solubilized alpha7/5HT(3) chimeric receptors were selectively retained on the affinity resins and could be eluted with free ligand or biotin. The proteins purified by both methods were characterized by gel electrophoresis, mass spectra, amino acid composition analysis, and N-terminal sequence determination. These analyses confirmed the isolation of a mature alpha7/5HT(3) receptor with the signal peptide removed. These results suggest a scalable path forward to generate multi-milligram amounts of purified complexes for additional studies including protein crystallization.  相似文献   

The patch clamp K+-conductance G of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (AcChoR) dimer (Mr≈ 590 000) of Torpedo californica, reconstituted in lipid vesicles, which decreases with increasing Ca2+-concentration in the range 0.1≤[Ca2+]/mM≤2, can be quantitatively rationalized by Ca2+-binding to negatively charged sites, causing charge reversal reducing the normal K+-accumulation in the channel vestibules. Cleavage of the sialic acid residues (up to 20±2 per dimer) reduces the K+-accumulation factor α = G0/G from α = 3±0.8 of the normal AcChoR to α = 2±0.7 for the desialyated AcChoR. Desialysation also decreases the Ca2+-sensitivity of the conductance from G0 = 96.6±6 pS at [Ca2+]→0 of the normal AcChoR to G0 = 84.2±6 pS. Endogenous hyperphosphorylation (to up to 28±4 phosphates per dimer) enhances the vestibular K+-accumulation to α = 3.6±0.7, without affecting the Ca2+-dissociation equilibrium constant KCa = 0.34± 0.05 mM at 295 K (22 °C). Most interestingly, even in the absence of AcCho, the hyperphosphorylated AcChoR dimer exhibits spontaneously long-lasting open channel events (τ = 200±50 ms). At [AcCho] = 2 μM there are two open states (τ 1 = 20±10 ms, τ 2 = 140±60 ms) whereas the normal AcChoR dimer has only one open state (τ = 6±4 ms). – Physiologically important is that (i) the sialic acid and phosphate residues render the AcChoR conductance sensitive to control by divalent ions and (ii) the channel behavior of the hyperphosphorylated AcChoR without AcCho appears to indicate pathophysiologically high phosphorylation activity of the cell leading, among others, to myasthenic syndromes. Received: 10 November 1997 / Revised version: 12 January 1998 / Accepted: 7 March 1998  相似文献   

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