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We discuss pooling methods of mutation detection for identifying rare mutations. We provide mathematical formulae for obtaining the optimal pool size as a function of the mutation frequency in the study population and the specificity of the test. The optimal pool size depends strongly on the specificity of the test. With a test that has 99% specificity, pooling can reduce the number of tests that need to be performed by 80%, whereas, with a test with 95% specificity, pooling reduces the number of samples that must be tested by only 50%. We used the software PHRED to call mutations after sequencing of pooled samples with known STK11 mutations. We found that, when the area under the curve for the less prominent peak was used to call mutations, we were able to pool pairs of samples and correctly identify mutations. Pooling of three samples did not lead to an adequately specific test for the basic automated allele-calling procedures that we used. We discuss methods by which the specificity may be improved to permit pooling of three or more samples when testing for mutations by sequencing.  相似文献   

Obligate neotenic salamanders die if forced to metamorphose. We suggest that this can be explained by assuming: 1) their “excess” DNA is “junk” DNA; 2) the “adult” specifying portion of the DNA becomes junk DNA and is available for repeated duplication. This suggests a “new” junk DNA molecular clock. We obtain remarkable agreement in “predicting” the amount of DNA per nucleus in present day non-obligate neotene salamanders from this molecular clock. These observatons are consistent with the idea that the development of these animals is describable in terms of differentiation trees whose branches (gene cascades) corresponding to adult somatic tissues accumulate deleterious mutations over evolutionary time. We show that the amount of DNA per nucleus increases linearly with the phylogenetic age of salamander families. The lack of constraints by natural selection, on unused adult branches, may account for the large amount of so-called “junk DNA” in obligate neotenic salamanders. The effects of this excess DNA, via increased cell size, suggest a positive feedback, ecophysiological explanation for such junk DNA: adaptation to cool water environments is enhanced by the lower metabolism associated with more DNA, larger cells and slower developmental time.  相似文献   

Summary In biological electron transport the spin, and thus the magnetic property of electrons, is neglected. Furthermore, no attention is paid to the fact that the great majority of biologically important molecules are chiral, and during excitation a magnetic moment is induced in them. It is shown, both theoretically and experimentally, that the magnetic moment of the electron and the magnetic transition moment of the optically active molecules may interact. The main consequences of such an interaction are a higher probability of the occurrence of optically active molecules in triplet states, and the polarization of transported electrons.Note: The term chirality has been introduced byKelvin (Robert Boyle Lecture May 16, 1893, printed in Baltimore Lectures Appendix H p. 439, 1904). He wrote: I call any geometrical figure, or any group of points chiral, and say it has chirality, if its image in a plane mirror can not be brought to coincide with itself.  相似文献   

Studies of neutrally evolving sequences suggest that differences in eukaryotic genome sizes result from different rates of DNA loss. However, very few pseudogenes have been identified in microbial species, and the processes whereby genes and genomes deteriorate in bacteria remain largely unresolved. The typhus-causing agent, Rickettsia prowazekii, is exceptional in that as much as 24% of its 1.1-Mb genome consists of noncoding DNA and pseudogenes. To test the hypothesis that the noncoding DNA in the R. prowazekii genome represents degraded remnants of ancestral genes, we systematically examined all of the identified pseudogenes and their flanking sequences in three additional Rickettsia species. Consistent with the hypothesis, we observe sequence similarities between genes and pseudogenes in one species and intergenic DNA in another species. We show that the frequencies and average sizes of deletions are larger than insertions in neutrally evolving pseudogene sequences. Our results suggest that inactivated genetic material in the Rickettsia genomes deteriorates spontaneously due to a mutation bias for deletions and that the noncoding sequences represent DNA in the final stages of this degenerative process.  相似文献   

In primate genomes more than 40% of CpG islands are found within repetitive elements. With more than one million copies in the human genome, the Alu family of retrotransposons represents the most successful short interspersed element (SINE) in primates and CpG dinucleotides make up about 20% of Alu sequences. It is generally thought that CpG dinucleotides mutate approximately ten times faster than other dinucleotides due to cytosine methylation and the subsequent deamination and conversion of C-->T. However, the disparity of Alu subfamily age estimations based upon CpG or non-CpG substitution density indicates a more complex relationship between CpG and non-CpG substitutions within the Alu elements. Here we report an analysis of the mutation patterns for 5296 Alu elements comprising 20 subfamilies. Our results indicate a relatively constant CpG versus non-CpG substitution ratio of approximately 6 for the young (AluY) and intermediate (AluS) Alu subfamilies. However, a more complex non-linear relationship between CpG and non-CpG substitutions was observed when old (AluJ) subfamilies were included in the analysis. These patterns may be the result of the slowdown of the neutral mutation rate during primate evolution and/or an increase in the CpG mutation rate as the consequence of increased DNA methylation in response to a burst of retrotransposition activity approximately 35 million years ago.  相似文献   

Biémont C 《Genetics》2010,186(4):1085-1093
The idea that some genetic factors are able to move around chromosomes emerged more than 60 years ago when Barbara McClintock first suggested that such elements existed and had a major role in controlling gene expression and that they also have had a major influence in reshaping genomes in evolution. It was many years, however, before the accumulation of data and theories showed that this latter revolutionary idea was correct although, understandably, it fell far short of our present view of the significant influence of what are now known as "transposable elements" in evolution. In this article, I summarize the main events that influenced my thinking about transposable elements as a young scientist and the influence and role of these specific genomic elements in evolution over subsequent years. Today, we recognize that the findings about genomic changes affected by transposable elements have considerably altered our view of the ways in which genomes evolve and work.  相似文献   

Recently, numerous genome analyses revealed the existence of a universal G:C → A:T mutation bias in bacteria, fungi, plants and animals. To explore the molecular basis for this mutation bias, we examined the three well-known DNA mutation models, i.e., oxidative damage model, UV-radiation damage model and CpG hypermutation model. It was revealed that these models cannot provide a sufficient explanation to the universal mutation bias. Therefore, we resorted to a DNA mutation model proposed by Löwdin 40 years ago, which was based on inter-base double proton transfers (DPT). Since DPT is a fundamental and spontaneous chemical process and occurs much more frequently within GC pairs than AT pairs, Löwdin model offers a common explanation for the observed universal mutation bias and thus has broad biological implications.  相似文献   

UV mutagenesis in E. coli is believed to occur in two discrete steps. The second step involves continued DNA synthesis beyond a blocking lesion in the template strand. This bypass step requires induced levels of umuD and umuC gene products and activated recA protein. DNA polymerase III may be involved since a dnaE mutator strain (believed to have defective base selection) is associated with enhanced UV mutagenesis in conjunction with a genetic background permitting the bypass step. In non-UV-mutable umu and lexA strains, UV mutagenesis can be demonstrated if delayed photorevesal is given. This is interpreted as indicating that an earlier misincorporation step can occur in such strains but the resulting mutations do not survive because the bypass step is blocked. The misincorporation step does not require any induced SOS gene products and can occur either at the replication fork or during repair replication following excision of a DNA lesion. Neither a dnaE mutator gene (leading to a defective subunit of DNA polymerase III holoenzyme) nor a mutD5 mutator gene (leading to a defective ε proofreading subunit) had any effect on he misincorporation step. Although this is consistent with DNA polymerase III holoenzyme not being involved in the misincorporation step, other interpretations involving the inhibition of ε proofreading activity by recA protein are possible.

In vitro studies are reported in which sites of termination of synthesis by DNA polymerase III holoenzyme on UV-irradiated M13 mp8 DNA were examined in the presence of inhibitors of the 3′–5′ proofreading exonuclease (including recA protein). No evidence was found for incorporation of bases opposite photoproducts suggesting that either inhibition is more complete in the cell and/or that other factors are involved in the misincorporation step.  相似文献   

Genome deterioration: loss of repeated sequences and accumulation of junk DNA   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
A global survey of microbial genomes reveals a correlation between genome size, repeat content and lifestyle. Free-living bacteria have large genomes with a high content of repeated sequences and self-propagating DNA, such as transposons and bacteriophages. In contrast, obligate intracellular bacteria have small genomes with a low content of repeated sequences and no or few genetic parasites. In extreme cases, such as in the 650kb-genomes of aphid endosymbionts of the genus Buchnera all repeated sequences above 200bp have been eliminated. We speculate that the initial downsizing of the genomes of obligate symbionts and parasites occurred by homologous recombination at repeated genes, leading to the loss of large blocks of DNA as well as to the consumption of repeated sequences. Further sequence elimination in these small genomes seems primarily to result from the accumulation of short deletions within genic sequences. This process may lead to temporary increases in the genomic content of pseudogenes and junk DNA. We discuss causes and long-term consequences of extreme genome size reductions in obligate intracellular bacteria.  相似文献   

Facilitated diffusion along nontarget DNA is employed by numerous DNA-interactive proteins to locate specific targets. Until now, the biological significance of DNA scanning has remained elusive. T4 endonuclease V is a DNA repair enzyme which scans nontarget DNA and processively incises DNA at the site of pyrimidine dimers which are produced by exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light. In this study we tested the hypothesis that there exists a direct correlation between the degree of processivity of wild type and mutant endonuclease V molecules and the degree of enhanced UV resistance which is conferred to repair-deficient Eshcerichia coli. This was accomplished by first creating a series of endonuclease V mutants whose in vitro catalytic activities were shown to be very similar to that of the wild type enzyme. However, when the mechanisms by which these enzymes search nontarget DNA for its substrate were analyzed in vitro and in vivo, the mutants displayed varying degrees of nontarget DNA scanning ranging from being nearly as processive as wild type to randomly incising dimers within the DNA population. The ability of these altered endonuclease V molecules to enhance UV survival in DNA repair-deficient E. coli then was assessed. The degree of enhanced UV survival was directly correlated with the level of facilitated diffusion. This is the first conclusive evidence directly relating a reduction of in vivo facilitated diffusion with a change in an observed phenotype. These results support the assertion that the mechanisms which DNA-interactive proteins employ in locating their target sites are of biological significance.  相似文献   

Mammalian DNA replication: mutation biases and the mutation rate   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Experimental studies have shown that the fidelity of DNA replication can be affected by the concentrations of free deoxyribonucleotides present in the cell. Replication of mammalian chromosomes is achieved using pools of newly-synthesized deoxyribonucleotides which fluctuate during the cell cycle. Since regions of mammalian chromosomes are replicated sequentially, there is the potential for differences among mammalian loci in both the relative and absolute frequencies of the various transitional and transversional mutations which may occur. Where these mutations are effectively neutral, at silent sites in genes and in non-coding sequences, this may result in different rates of evolution and in different base compositions, as have been observed in data from mammalian genes. A simple model of the DNA replication process is developed to describe how the mutation rate could be affected by the G + C contents of the deoxyribonucleotide pools and of the replicating DNA. Mutation rates are predicted to vary from locus to locus; only in the particular case of identical G + C contents in the DNA locus and the deoxyribonucleotide pools, and no proofreading, will the mutation rate be uniform over all loci.  相似文献   

Fasciola gigantica and Fasciola hepatica are causative pathogens of fascioliasis, with the widest latitudinal, longitudinal, and altitudinal distribution; however, among parasites, they have the largest sequenced genomes, hindering genomic research. In the present study, we used various sequencing and assembly technologies to generate a new high-quality Fasciola gigantica reference genome. We improved the integration of gene structure prediction, and identified two independent transposable element expansion events contributing to (1) the speciation between Fasciola and Fasciolopsis during the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary mass extinction, and (2) the habitat switch to the liver during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum, accompanied by gene length increment. Long interspersed element (LINE) duplication contributed to the second transposon-mediated alteration, showing an obvious trend of insertion into gene regions, regardless of strong purifying effect. Gene ontology analysis of genes with long LINE insertions identified membrane-associated and vesicle secretion process proteins, further implicating the functional alteration of the gene network. We identified 852 predicted excretory/secretory proteins and 3300 protein-protein interactions between Fasciola gigantica and its host. Among them, copper/zinc superoxide dismutase genes, with specific gene copy number variations, might play a central role in the phase I detoxification process. Analysis of 559 single-copy orthologs suggested that Fasciola gigantica and Fasciola hepatica diverged at 11.8 Ma near the Middle and Late Miocene Epoch boundary. We identified 98 rapidly evolving gene families, including actin and aquaporin, which might explain the large body size and the parasitic adaptive character resulting in these liver flukes becoming epidemic in tropical and subtropical regions.  相似文献   

H Su  X Liu  W Yan  T Shi  X Zhao  DP Blake  FM Tomley  X Suo 《PloS one》2012,7(6):e40075
piggyBac, a type II transposon that is useful for efficient transgenesis and insertional mutagenesis, has been used for effective and stable transfection in a wide variety of organisms. In this study we investigate the potential use of the piggyBac transposon system for forward genetics studies in the apicomplexan parasite Eimeria tenella. Using the restriction enzyme-mediated integration (REMI) method, E. tenella sporozoites were electroporated with a donor plasmid containing the enhanced yellow fluorescent protein (EYFP) gene flanked by piggyBac inverted terminal repeats (ITRs), an Asc I-linearized helper plasmid containing the transposase gene and the restriction enzyme Asc I. Subsequently, electroporated sporozoites were inoculated into chickens via the cloacal route and transfected progeny oocysts expressing EYFP were sorted by flow cytometry. A transgenic E. tenella population was selected by successive in vivo passage. Southern-blotting analysis showed that exogenous DNA containing the EYFP gene was integrated into the parasite genome at a limited number of integration sites and that the inserted part of the donor plasmid was the fragment located between the 5' and 3' ITRs as indicated by primer-specific PCR screening. Genome walking revealed that the insertion sites were TTAA-specific, which is consistent with the transposition characteristics of piggyBac.  相似文献   

G. Magni 《Mycopathologia》1943,4(1):207-214
Summary By means of a quantitative investigation of mycelium formation in an asporogenous yeast the author reached the conclusion that pseudomycelium-production facilitates the absorption of nutrients when these are highly diluted in the culture medium. The reciprocical inhibition of mycelia by parallel growing colonies does not depend upon an inhibitory substance diffusing into the medium, but on the exhaustion of the culture medium.
Résumé L'auteur ayant analizé par rechèrches quantitatives le phénomène de la filamentisation dans un champignon levuriforme conclue que la filamentisation a le but de faciliter l'absorption des matérieux nutritifs lorsque ces-ci sont bien dilués dans le milieu de culture. L'inibition réciproque entre le pseudomycelia des colonies de levure parallèles n'est pas déterminé par une substance emp/'echante qui se trasmet dans le milieu de culture, mais seulement par un empauvrissement des matérieux nutritifs.

Riassunto I'A., avendo analizzato con esperienze quantitative, il fenomeno della filamentizzazione in un lievito asporigeno conclude che la comparsa del filamento ha lo scopo di facilitare l'assorbimento dei materiali nutritivi quando questi sono troppo scarsi nel mezzo di cultura. L'inibizione reciproca dei filamenti di colonie di lievito parallele non è dovuta ad una sostanza inibitrice diffusa nel mezzo di cultura ma semplicemente ad un impoverimento del mezzo culturale stesso.

Tang Y  Nilsson L 《Proteins》1999,35(1):101-113
Molecular dynamics simulation was conducted to investigate the reason why the mutant G40R of hSRY protein has a low affinity for DNA. Compared with the previous dynamics results of the wild-type hSRY-HMG-DNA complex, the results of molecular dynamics simulation on the mutant G40R hSRY-HMG-DNA system demonstrated that the whole structure of DNA (especially the second strand) had a major deviation away from the short arm of the HMG box. Consequently, the DNA and the mutant protein could not specifically recognize each other, that is, very different, and low-occupancy, direct, and water-mediated hydrogen bonds were detected at the protein-DNA interface, no conformational changes occurred at the loop region around Met9 during the simulation, and residue IIe13 did not intercalate between the bases of A5 and A6. These results indicated that the mutant G40R did not form a specific complex with the DNA target, hence led to complete gonadal dysgenesis. From the simulation, we realized that the residue Gly40 played a critical structural role in the hSRY-DNA recognition. It might be a structural supporting point of DNA binding because of the absence of a side chain. The reason for the difficulty of the mutant G40R to form a complex with DNA might be that the long and positively charged side chain of Arg40 by its bulk and positive charge hindered the DNA's access to the active sites of the protein.  相似文献   

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