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The effect of temperature on production and abscission of flowerbuds, flowers and pods was studied in a determinate snap-beancultivar (cv. Tenderette). Under moderate temperature (e.g.27/17°C) the onset of pod development was associated withcessation of flower bud production and with enhanced abscissionof flower buds. Raising night temperature from 17°C to 27°Cstrongly reduced pod production, mature pod size and seeds perpod, while an increase in day temperature from 22°C to 32°Chad smaller and less consistent effects. Pod production underhigh night temperature was not constrained by flower productionsince 27°C at night promoted branching and flower bud appearance.Under 32/27°C day/night temperature the large reductionin pod set was due to enhanced abscission of flower buds, flowersand young pods ( 3 cm). Flowers had the highest relative abscissionfollowed by young pods and flower buds. Therefore, the onsetof anthesis and of pod development were the plant stages mostsensitive to night temperature. Pods larger than 3 cm did notabscise but usually aborted and shrivelled under high nighttemperature. The effects of 32/27°C were not due to transientwater stresses and were observed even under continuous irrigationand mist-spraying. High temperature, flower production, pod set, seed set, abscission, snap bean, Phaseolus vulgaris L, Tenderette  相似文献   

Cellulase (β-1, 4-glucan-glucanohydrolase EC activity in the abscission zone of red kidney bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) was previously shown to exist in at least two different molecular forms. The form of the enzyme which has an isoelectric point of 4.5 is present in both abscising and nonabscising tissue and requires grinding for extraction. Another form of the enzyme which has an isoelectric point of 9.5 is present only in tissue in which the abscission process has been induced. Further, much of this form of cellulase can be removed from the tissue by vacuum infiltration with buffer. Time course studies indicate that while the increase in measurable cellulase activity in tissue which is actively undergoing abscission was due primarily to the appearance of cellulase 9.5, this form of the enzyme cannot be removed by vacuum infiltration until after the breakstrength of the abscission zone has decreased nearly to zero. The intracellular localization of these two forms of cellulase is discussed.  相似文献   

When each vegetative aerial organ of the young bean plant isunilaterally mechanically perturbed by gentle rubbing, it exhibitspositive thigmotropism. The internodes undergo only moderatethigmotropism, but leaves and petioles bend much more, especiallywhen they are rubbed on their abaxial surfaces. When the abaxialsurface of one petiole is rubbed, it bends down, but the oppositepetiole bends upward at the stem-petiole pulvinus. These observationsare interpreted in terms of the vining habit of bean plants. Bean, Phaseolus vulgaris, thigmotropism, mechanical perturbation  相似文献   

Whole bean (var. “Eastern Butterwax”) plants and isolated cells were used to investigate possible mechanisms of action of glyphosate [N-(phosphonomethyl)glycine]. Results showed that glyphosate was quickly absorbed by the whole plant but not by individual cells and that it caused a rapid reduction in leaf dry matter accumulation, leaf expansion, leaf angle, and stomatal aperture without affecting the water status of the plant. Glyphosate also caused a rapid reduction in cellular uptake of 86Rb and 32P which preceded its detrimental effects on photosynthesis, RNA and protein synthesis, and respiration of isolated cells. This reduction in ion absorption was not due to a loss of membrane integrity, decrease in energy supply or chelation of ions. It was concluded that glyphosate was directly inhibiting the ion absorption process of bean leaf cells.  相似文献   

A combination of microdissection and viscometric endo-[beta]-1,4-glucanhydrolase assays was used to investigate if the early appearance of the abscission-related isoelectric point-9.5 endo-[beta]-1,4-glucanhydrolase in the stele of the pulvinus and abscission zone of the foliar abscission zone of Phaseolus vulgaris L. prior to cell separation (reported by E. del Campillo, P.D. Reid, R. Sexton, L.N.Lewis [1990] Plant Cell 2: 245-254) indicates that the vascular tissue of this region has a specific role in abscission. We find that no endo-[beta]-1,4-glucanhydrolase activity or cell separation is detectable in the abscission zone cortex if the abscission zone cortex is separated from the stele tissue. If the stele is separated from the abscission zone cortex after a lag period but again before any endo-[beta]-1,4-glucanhydrolase activity is present in the abscission zone cortex, then the enzyme is produced in the cortex and abscission ensues. We conclude that the cortex of the abscission zone is able to abscind independently of the vascular tissue only after the vascular tissue has begun to respond to abscission-promoting signals. We suggest that ethylene promotes formation of an abscission-permitting signal in the stele of the abscission zone and pulvinus, and that this signal is an essential elicitor for the synthesis of cell separation enzymes in the target cells of the abscission zone cortex.  相似文献   

On Vessel Member Differentiation in the Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ESAU  K.; CHARVAT  I. 《Annals of botany》1978,42(3):665-677
Certain ultrastructural features of vessel member differentiationwere examined in the primary xylem of petiole of bean (Phaseolusvulgaris L.). The cells used had helical secondary wall thickeningsand simple perforation plates. The primary cell wall increasesin thickness before the helices of secondary wall develop. Ina common wall between two vessel members of different ages,theprimary thickening occurs first in the older cell so thatfor a time the middle lamella is located closer to the youngercell rather than medianly. Apparently the helix is depositedafter the primary wall of a given cell reaches maximum thickness.The perforation of the end wall is preceded by primary thickeningof the part of the wall that is later removed. The marginalregion remains relatively thin and becomes covered with a rimof secondary wall. Vesicles with fibrous content appear nearthe surface within the end wall shortly before the perforationoccurs. A highly vacuolated protoplast with a much enlargednucleus and numerous organdIes is present during cell wall differentiation.After that process is completed, the protoplast disintegratesand the primary wall bearing the helix is hydrolysed where itis exposed to the cell lumen and, under certain conditions,also under the secondary wall.  相似文献   

Recent studies among several plant species have shown that maturationof the largest vessels in primary xylem of roots occurs muchlater than is commonly assumed. These results have importantimplications for studies of water and nutrient uptake sincethe condition of the vessels, termed late metaxylem (LMX), mighthave a large effect on the potential conductivity of the xylem.To determine whether this phenomenon occurred in common bean(Phaseolus vulgaris L.), patterns of root xylem differentiationwere studied in young bean plants. Soil bulk density was variedin one trial to determine whether differentiation of LMX wassensitive to the growing medium. Vessels of LMX lost cell contentsand-became functional conduits between 100 and 150 mm from theroot apex. Increasing soil bulk density caused the zone of maturationof LMX to shift toward the root apex, but this zone was nevercloser than 67 mm. In the region where the primary root increasedin diameter as it merged with the hypocotyl, a zone was foundwhere vessels increased in number, had a reduced diameter, andwere arranged in a ring, the normal tetrarch arrangement ofthe xylem being lost. Potential conductivity in this zone wasconsiderably less than in zones with conventional large LMXvessels, so the zone appears to present an important restrictionto water transport from the root to the shoot. Thus, while thephenomenon of late maturation of LMX occurs in common bean,its significance in transport of water from roots to shootsis unclear Phaseolus vulgaris L., common bean, metaxylem, soil compaction, roots, anatomy  相似文献   

The pathogenicity of Pratylenchus penetrans (root-lesion nematode) to Phaseolus vulgaris (navy bean) was evaluated in greenhouse experiments. Shoot and root fresh weight of cv. Sanilac plants were increased 4 and 21%, respectively, by an initial population density (Pi) of 25 P. penetrans per 100 cm³ soil. Leaf area and shoot fresh and dry weights were decreased by a Pi of 50 or more P. penetrans per 100 cm³ soil. A significant positive linear relationship existed between initial soil population densities of P. penetrans and final soil and root population densities of this nematode. Three dry bean cultivars, Sanilac, Seafarer, and Tuscola, were susceptible to P. penetrans, and yields were reduced by 43-76% when plants were exposed to a Pi of 150 P. penetrans per 100 cm³ soil. P. penetrans also reproduced on bean cultivars Saginaw, Gratiot, and Kentwood, but did not decrease bean yields, suggesting that these cultivars were tolerant to this nematode.  相似文献   

Two bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) cultivars differing in growth responses to zinc were examined for differences in uptake and subcellular localization of 65Zn during a 15-day growth period. The zinc-sensitive cultivar Sanilac showed initially a much higher rate of absorption, which declined after 24 hours. The zinc-tolerant cultivar Saginaw showed a slow but steady rate of absorption for 10 days. In roots as well as in stem callus tissues of both cultivars, three-fourths of the absorbed 65Zn was localized in the “cytoplasmic” supernatant fractions (containing ribosomes and vacuolar sap). Very little (less than 7%) 65Zn was localized in the cell wall fraction. There was a much greater proportion of the absorbed 65Zn localized in root mitochondria and nuclei of the zinc-sensitive Sanilac than in the zinc-tolerant Saginaw. Stem callus tissues, however, did not show such cultivar differences in zinc accumulation at the sub-cellular level.  相似文献   

普通菜豆种质资源表型鉴定及多样性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对646份普通菜豆核心种质在贵州毕节进行了表型鉴定,结果表明,普通菜豆具有丰富的形态性状多样性。总变异数为367,平均遗传丰富度为8.34,变异范围2~31;遗传多样性指数为0.63,变异范围为0.02~0.91。通过多变量的主成分分析,前3个主成分的贡献率较大,分别为17.73%、15.35%和11.33%。依据表型鉴定数据信息,将供试种质聚类并划分为4组。Ⅰ组的遗传多样性较高,主要为直立有限的大粒资源,大多资源属于安第斯基因库;Ⅱ组的遗传多样性最低,为直立无限生长习性的小粒资源,属于中美基因库;Ⅲ组的遗传多样性最高,主要以蔓生无限为主,包括小部分直立无限和匍匐无限的资源;Ⅳ组的遗传多样性较低,为蔓生无限生长习性、株高最高、分枝数最少的资源。筛选到大粒、多荚、长荚、宽荚等具有特异性状的种质资源35份。  相似文献   

The major globulin of the French bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) undergoes a reversible pH-dependent polymerization. At pH values above 6.5, the monomeric form of the protein predominates; and at pH values below 6.5, the protein occurs as a polymer, probably a tetramer. At extremes of pH, the protein dissociates further into peptides. The reversible pH-dependent interaction between globulin subunits is used in this report as the basis for an affinity chromatography procedure for isolation of the globulin. The major globulin from several genetic variants can be obtained in gram quantities and does not indicate the presence of any impurities on discontinuous sodium dodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis.  相似文献   

CARMI  A.; SHOMER  I. 《Annals of botany》1979,44(4):479-484
The effects of starch accumulation on photosynthesis and chloroplastultrastructure were studied in primary leaves of bean (Phaseolusvulgaris L. cv. Bulgarian). De-topping the shoot above the primaryleaf node, caused over an 8-day period, a considerable increasein the photosynthetic activity of the primary leaves, despitethe fact that a large quantity of starch had accumulated intheir chloroplasts. The accumulation of starch was greater inthe chloroplasts of spongy cells in comparison with that ofthe palisade cells. Initiation of starch grains was observedmainly in the peripheral part of the chloroplast, distant fromthe cell wall. As a result, most of the starch was accumulatedclose to the inner part of the cell, leaving a considerablemass of the chloroplast near the cell wall free of starch. Theaccumulation of starch was accompanied by the destruction, deformationand disorientation of grana and thylakoids. It is concludedthat the accumulation of starch is not inevitably a limitingfactor in photosynthesis and the results cast doubt on the hypothesisthat starch accumulation or dissipation is the main factor involvedin the regulation of photosynthesis. Phaseolus vulgaris L, bean, photosynthesis, starch accumulation, chloroplast ultrastructure  相似文献   

Bean common mosaic virus (BCMV) and Bean common mosaic necrosis virus (BCMNV) are among the biggest threats for snap bean production in Bulgaria due to their seed, aphid and mechanical transmission. Old valuable Bulgarian snap bean varieties are being neglected, because of the high percentage of virus‐infected seeds. Breeding resistant cultivars is the best way to solve the problem. The genetic control towards both viruses is assured by one dominant I gene and a number of recessive (bc‐u, bc‐1, bc‐12, bc‐2, bc‐22 and bc‐3) genes. Our aim was to identify resistance gene combinations in advanced F8 breeding lines, derived from two crosses (A‐8‐40‐7‐2‐1 × IVT 7214) and (Zaria × RH 26D), by the application of conventional and molecular approaches. Four methods were applied for the characterization of their resistance gene makeup: (i) leaf‐abscission infection test designed to identify I gene by direct inoculation with NL3 strain of BCMNV; (ii) intact‐plant infection test with strain NY15 of BCMV to separate immune genotypes, possessing bc‐ubc‐12, bc‐ubc‐22,bc‐ubc‐2bc‐3, I, Ibc‐12, Ibc‐22 or Ibc‐3; (iii) PCR analysis with the following markers: SCAR – SW13 (for I gene), SBD5 (for bc‐12), ROC11 (for bc‐3) and CAPS – eIFE4 (for bc‐3); and 4) high‐temperature (more than 30°C) infection test with NL3 of BCMNV to provoke systemic necrosis in I, Ibc‐1, Ibc‐12, Ibc‐12bc‐22 or Ibc‐3. The four methods applied worked properly and complemented each other. Valuable gene combination (Ibc‐3) was established in seven breeding lines with immune reaction to BCMNV. They will be included in the snap bean breeding programme for virus resistance.  相似文献   

In the last few years, much attention has been given to the role of proteins that accumulate during water deficit. In this work, we analyzed the electrophoretic patterns of basic protein extracts, enriched for a number of cell-wall proteins, from bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) seedlings and 21-d-old plants subjected to water deficit. Three major basic proteins accumulated in bean seedlings exposed to low water potentials, with apparent molecular masses of 36, 33, and 22 kD, which we refer to as p36, p33, and p22, respectively. Leaves and roots of 21-d-old plants grown under low-water-availability conditions accumulated only p36 and p33 proteins. In 21-d-old plants subjected to a fast rate of water loss, both p33 and p36 accumulated to approximately the same levels, whereas if the plants were subjected to a gradual loss of water, p33 accumulated to higher levels. Both p36 and p33 were glycosylated and were found in the cell-wall fraction. In contrast, p22 was not glycosylated and was found in the soluble fraction. The accumulation of these proteins was also induced by abscisic acid (0.1-1.0 mM) treatment but not by wounding or by jasmonate treatment.  相似文献   

普通菜豆种质资源遗传多样性研究进展   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
普通菜豆于15世纪从美洲直接引入中国,作为重要的食用豆类作物之一,在我国的许多地区广泛种植。本文对普通菜豆的起源、驯化、传播以及遗传多样性研究等方面的进展进行综述,并根据普通菜豆育种和生产中存在的问题及今后的研究方向提出一些建议,旨在为普通菜豆的种质收集保存以及合理利用提供参考。  相似文献   

CARMI  A.; KOLLER  D. 《Annals of botany》1977,41(1):59-67
The rate of photosynthesis and/or dry matter production wasstudied in fully-expanded primary leaves of bean (Phaseolusvulgaris cv. Bulgarian) plants which had been subjected to varioussurgical and hormonal treatments. Between 30 and 40 per centof the assimilates produced by the primary leaves, over a 4-dayperiod starting with expansion of the first trifoliate leaf,were diverted to the growing shoot above the insertion of theprimary leaves. In detopped plants (i.e. lacking all leaves,stem and buds above insertion of primary leaves), both the rateof net photosynthesis (NP) of the primary leaves 4 days afterdetopping, and the mean net assimilation rate (NAR) over thisinterval, did not differ significantly from those of intactplants. The assimilate normally diverted to the top in intactplants was distributed between the remaining organs of the detoppedplant. When translocation of assimilates from the primary leaveswas stopped by girdling their petioles, both NAR and NP wereas in untreated control plants after a 2-day period. The assimilatesproduced during that period accumulated in the mesophyll chlorenchymain the form of starch granules. Intact plants supplied withGA3, or IAA, through the primary leaves as well as detoppedplants supplied with IAA through the stump, differed from untreatedcontrol plants in the pattern of distribution of the assimilatesproduced: IAA favoured dry-matter accumulation in the roots,while GA3 favoured the tops. Nevertheless, neither NP, nor NARdiffered significantly from the corresponding controls.  相似文献   

Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. phaseoli strain collections harbor heterogeneous groups of bacteria in which two main types of strains may be distinguished, differing both in the symbiotic plasmid and in the chromosome. We have analyzed under laboratory conditions the competitive abilities of the different types of Rhizobium strains capable of nodulating Phaseolus vulgaris L. bean. R. leguminosarum bv. phaseoli type I strains (characterized by nif gene reiterations and a narrow host range) are more competitive than type II strains (that have a broad host range), and both types are more competitive than the promiscuous rhizobia isolated from other tropical legumes able to nodulate beans. Type I strains become even more competitive by the transfer of a non-Sym, 225-kilobase plasmid from type II strain CFN299. This plasmid has been previously shown to enhance the nodulation and nitrogen fixation capabilities of Agrobacterium tumefaciens transconjugants carrying the Sym plasmid of strain CFN299. Other type I R. leguminosarum bv. phaseoli transconjugants carrying two symbiotic plasmids (type I and type II) have been constructed. These strains have a diminished competitive ability. The increase of competitiveness obtained in some transconjugants seems to be a transient property.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2006,9(4):317-320
Red kidney bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) an important cash crop is attacked by eight species of insect pests which cause considerable damage. They included thrips, Scirtothrips dorsalis; aphids, Aphis craccivora; whitefly, Bemisia tobaci; hairy caterpillar, Spilosoma obliqua; stemfly, Ophiomyia phaseoli; pulse beetle Callosobruchus chinensis; bean gall weevil Alcidodes signatus and blister beetle Cyaneolylta coerculea. Of all these pests, bean gall weevil Alcidodes signatus and blister beetle, Cyaneolylta coerculea were the serious pests and recorded for the first from the crop and the country.  相似文献   

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