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The elements of the transposon families G, copia, mdg 1, 412, and gypsy that are located in the heterochromatin and on the Y chromosome have been identified by the Southern blotting technique in Drosophila simulans and D. melanogaster populations. Within species, the abundance of such elements differs between transposon families. Between species, the abundance in the heterochromatin and on the Y chromosome of the elements of the same family can differ greatly suggesting that differences within a species are unrelated to structural features of elements. By shedding some new light on the mechanism of accumulation of transposable elements in the heterochromatin, these data appear relevant to the understanding of the long-term interaction between transposable elements and the host genome. Received: 8 August 1997 / Accepted: 11 December 1997  相似文献   

Drosophila willistoni was the subject of intensive allozyme studies and the locus coding for alcohol dehydrogenase (Adh) was found to be virtually monomorphic. DNA sequence analysis of 18 alleles throughout the distribution of the species has revealed six replacement polymorphisms. The ratio of replacement to silent polymorphisms is higher in D. willistoni than in any other Drosophila species studied for Adh nucleotide variation. Also in contrast to other species, the variation in introns and noncoding DNA is about the same as in the coding region. We speculate that both these differences indicate D. willistoni has historically had a small population size possibly related to Pleistocene refugia in the Neotropics. Received: 5 August 1996 / Accepted: 12 April 1997  相似文献   

The elements of the Bari 1, hobo, and pogo transposon families that are located in euchromatin, heterochromatin, and on the Y chromosome have been identified, and their stability has been assessed by Southern blot analysis. The fraction of heterochromatic elements appears to be distinctive of all transposon families tested, except for Bari 1. Evidence for instability of heterochromatic elements is described. The analysis of unstable elements in different Drosophila stocks suggests that the host genome contributes to the stability/instability of transposon families. Received: 21 August 1996 / Accepted: 24 March 1997  相似文献   

Base composition is not uniform across the genome of Drosophila melanogaster. Earlier analyses have suggested that there is variation in composition in D. melanogaster on both a large scale and a much smaller, within-gene, scale. Here we present analyses on 117 genes which have reliable intron/exon boundaries and no known alternative splicing. We detect significant heterogeneity in G+C content among intron segments from the same gene, as well as a significant positive correlation between the intron and the third codon position G+C content within genes. Both of these observations appear to be due, in part, to an overall decline in intron and third codon position G+C content along Drosophila genes with introns. However, there is also evidence of an increase in third codon position G+C content at the start of genes; this is particularly evident in genes without introns. This is consistent with selection acting against preferred codons at the start of genes. Received: 24 February 1997 / Accepted: 10 November 1997  相似文献   

The intragenomic location of the elements of the I, G, jockey, F, and Doc transposon families has been studied by the Southern blot analysis, in 12 laboratory Drosophila melanogaster stocks. Elements located in euchromatin, heterochromatin, and on the Y chromosome are identified, and their stability has been assessed by comparing the autoradiographs detected in different stocks and analysis of individual flies. Evidence is shown suggesting that preferential location in euchromatin or heterochromatin and the distribution within heterochromatin are distinctive of transposon families. Elements located in heterochromatin can be unstable. These results are discussed in the context of the relationship between transposable elements and the host genome. Received: 21 August 1996 / Accepted: 24 March 1997  相似文献   

Whereas the genomes of many organisms contain several nonallelic types of linker histone genes, one single histone H1 type is known in Drosophila melanogaster that occurs in about 100 copies per genome. Amplification of H1 gene sequences from genomic DNA of wild type strains of D. melanogaster from Oregon, Australia, and central Africa yielded numerous clones that all exhibited restriction patterns identical to each other and to those of the known H1 gene sequence. Nucleotide sequences encoding the evolutionarily variable domains of H1 were determined in two gene copies of strain Niamey from central Africa and were found to be identical to the known H1 sequence. Most likely therefore, the translated sequences of D. melanogaster H1 genes do not exhibit intragenomic or intergenomic variations. In contrast, three different histone H1 genes were isolated from D. virilis and found to encode proteins that differ remarkably from each other and from the H1 of D. melanogaster and D. hydei. About 40 copies of H1 genes are organized in the D. virilis genome with copies of core histone genes in gene quintets that were found to be located in band 25F of chromosome 2. Another type of histone gene cluster is present in about 15 copies per genome and contains a variable intergenic sequence instead of an H1 gene. The H1 heterogeneity in D. virilis may have arisen from higher recombination rates than occur near the H1 locus in D. melanogaster and might provide a basis for formation of different chromatin subtypes. Received: 2 March 2000 / Accepted: 1 June 2000  相似文献   

The Drosophila fat body protein 2 gene (Fbp2) is an ancient duplication of the alcohol dehydrogenase gene (Adh) which encodes a protein that differs substantially from ADH in its methionine content. In D. melanogaster, there is one methionine in ADH, while there are 51 (20% of all amino acids) in FBP2. Methionine is involved in 46% of amino acid replacements when Fbp2 DNA sequences are compared between D. melanogaster and D. pseudoobscura. Methionine accumulation does not affect conserved residues of the ADH-ADHr-FBP2 multigene family. The multigene family has evolved by replacement of mildly hydrophobic amino acids by methionine with no apparent reversion. Its short-term evolution was compared between two Drosophila species, while its long-term evolution was compared between two genera belonging respectively to acalyptrate and calyptrate Diptera, Drosophila and Sarcophaga. The pattern of nucleotide substitution was consistent with an independent accumulation of methionines at the Fbp2 locus in each lineage. Under a steady-state model, the rate of methionine accumulation was constant in the lineage leading to Drosophila, and was twice as fast as that in the calyptrate lineage. Substitution rates were consistent with a slight positive selective advantage for each methionine change in about one-half of amino acid sites in Drosophila. This shows that selection can potentially account for a large proportion of amino acid replacements in the molecular evolution of proteins. Received: 12 December 1994 / Accepted: 15 April 1996  相似文献   

Gypsy is an endogenous retrovirus present in the genome of Drosophila melanogaster. This element is mobilized only in the progeny of females which contain active gypsy elements and which are homozygous for permissive alleles of a host gene called flamenco (flam). Some data strongly suggest that gypsy elements bearing a diagnostic HindIII site in the central region of the retrovirus body represent a subfamily that appears to be much more active than elements devoid of this site. We have taken advantage of this structural difference to assess by the Southern blotting technique the genomic distribution of active gypsy elements. In some of the laboratory Drosophila stocks tested, active gypsy elements were found to be restricted to the Y chromosome. Further analyses of 14 strains tested for the permissive vs. restrictive status of their flamenco alleles suggest that the presence of permissive alleles of flam in a stock tends to be associated with the confinement of active gypsy elements to the Y chromosome. This might be the result of the female-specific effect of flamenco on gypsy activity. Received: 13 June 1997 / Accepted: 27 August 1997  相似文献   

To get a better understanding of the effect of interelement selection on the variation of long terminal repeat retrotransposon families, we have investigated the evolutionary history of blood in the Drosophila melanogaster species complex. We carried out a PCR approach to amplify the 5′ untranslated region from blood in the four species of the complex. This procedure revealed two main classes of size variants. Phylogenetic analyses of nucleotide sequences from these variants and blood elements from the Drosophila Genome Projects database show that elements are grouped according to their size, so that they probably correspond to two subfamilies. These two subfamilies arose prior to the split of the complex, and several facts indicate that the expansion of one of them is leading to the competitive exclusion of the other, at least from the euchromatic regions of the genome. Received: 17 August 2000 / Accepted: 20 November 2000  相似文献   

Cecropin is a type of antibacterial peptide that is synthesized in response to infection and has been characterized in many insect species and one mammal. The Cecropin locus of Drosophila melanogaster also contains the gene Andropin, which has been identified only in this species and encodes a male-specific antibacterial peptide. As a first step in studying the molecular evolution of the cecropin and andropin genes among Drosophila species, we have isolated genomic clones that cover the Cecropin locus in Drosophila virilis. The cloned region totals approximately 25 kb, within which a 9-kb fragment contains four cecropin genes and one pseudogene. All four genes have a high level of sequence homology to D. melanogaster Cecropin, about 80% identity in the coding regions, and the intron positions are conserved. As in D. melanogaster and other insects, κB-related cis-regulatory elements are found upstream of these cecropin genes. An Andropin-related sequence was not identified in D. virilis; however, genome Southern hybridizations suggest that Andropin-related sequences are present in at least the melanogaster species subgroup. Analysis of 19 insect cecropin genes identifies a common ancestral Cecropin before the divergence of Diptera and Lepidoptera. In addition, D. melanogaster and D. virilis can be identified by monophyletic clades for Cecropin. In contrast, the Lepidopteran species show polyphyletic relationships for duplicated cecropin genes. Received: 12 August 1996 / Accepted: 18 October 1996  相似文献   

Fcγ receptor III (FcγRIII), a low-affinity receptor for the Fc portion of immunoglobulin G (IgG Fc), targets antigen-antibody complexes in a variety of effector cells of the immune system. We have investigated FcγRIII and IgG Fc polymorphism and made comparative analysis of the functional and evolutionary implications of the interaction between these two molecules. Sequence analysis and comparison of the three-dimensional structure suggest that the C-terminal Ig domain of FcγRIII is associated with the binding of IgG. The polymorphic residues of FcγRIII are mainly located in the region of the C-terminal Ig domain that might be involved in IgG binding. Therefore, polymorphism and functional binding affinity seems to be related to each other as has been increasingly implicated in clinical observations. IgG Fcs, the natural ligand of FcγRs, also exhibit significant polymorphism. Three regions have been identified where polymorphism frequently occurs: the putative FcR binding site, the linker region, and the intermolecular domain-domain interface of the second Ig domain. The putative FcγR binding sites where polymorphic, and isotype-specific residues cluster are consistent with the regions that have been identified by mutagenesis and molecular modeling studies. The polymorphic residues of IgG Fc were mainly located in the molecular surface, which could be used in the recognition of other binding molecules. These observations suggest that polymorphic and isotype-specific residues in IgG Fc are closely related to their function and protein-protein interaction. Therefore, the colocalization of the polymorphic residues of FcγRIII and IgG Fcs at their docking sites implies that the polymorphic residues would affect the IgG-FcγRIII binding interactions to optimize their signaling through evolution. Received: 9 December 1999 / Accepted: 15 February 2001  相似文献   

Codon Usage Bias and tRNA Abundance in Drosophila   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Codon usage bias of 1,117 Drosophila melanogaster genes, as well as fewer D. pseudoobscura and D. virilis genes, was examined from the perspective of relative abundance of isoaccepting tRNAs and their changes during development. We found that each amino acid contributes about equally and highly significantly to overall codon usage bias, with the exception of Asp which had very low contribution to overall bias. Asp was also the only amino acid that did not show a clear preference for one of its synonymous codons. Synonymous codon usage in Drosophila was consistent with ``optimal' codons deduced from the isoaccepting tRNA availability. Interestingly, amino acids whose major isoaccepting tRNAs change during development did not show as strong bias as those with developmentally unchanged tRNA pools. Asp is the only amino acid for which the major isoaccepting tRNAs change between larval and adult stages. We conclude that synonymous codon usage in Drosophila is well explained by tRNA availability and is probably influenced by developmental changes in relative abundance. Received: 5 December 1996 / Accepted: 14 June 1997  相似文献   

In this paper we report a new retrotransposon-like element of Drosophila melanogaster called Tirant. This sequence is moderately repeated in the genome of this species and it has been found to be widely dispersed throughout its distribution area. From Southern blot and in situ analyses, this sequence appears to be mobile in D. melanogaster, since its chromosome location and the hybridization patterns vary among the different strains analyzed. In this way, partial sequencing of Tirant ends suggests that it is a retrotransposon, since it is flanked by two LTRs. The presence of sequences homologous to Tirant has been also investigated in 28 species of the genus Drosophila by means of Southern analyses. These sequences were only detected in species from melanogaster and obscura groups. These data suggest that ancestral sequences of Tirant appeared after the Sophophora radiation and before the divergence of those groups. Received: 1 January 1995 / Accepted: 20 August 1995  相似文献   

In this study, a comparative genomics approach is employed to investigate the forces that shape evolutionary change in the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) of members of the Drosophila melanogaster subgroup. This approach facilitates differentiation of the patterns of variation resulting from processes acting at a higher level from those acting on a single gene. The mitochondrial genomes of three isofemale lines of D. simulans (siI, -II, and -III), two of D. melanogaster (Oregon R and a line from Zimbabwe), and D. mauritiana (maI and -II), and one of D. sechellia were sequenced and compared with that derived from D. yakuba. Data presented here indicate that at least three broad mechanisms shape the evolutionary dynamics of mtDNA in these taxa. The first set of mechanisms is intrinsic to the molecule. Dominant processes may be interpreted as selection for an increased rate of replication of the mtDNA molecule, biases in DNA repair, and differences in the pattern of nucleotide substitution among strands. In the genes encoded on the major strand (62% of the coding DNA) changes to or from C predominate, whereas on the minor changes to or from G predominate. The second set of mechanisms affects distinct lineages. There are evolutionary rate differences among lineages, possibly owing to population demographic changes or changes in mutational biases. This is supported by the heterogeneity found in synonymous, nonsynonymous, and silent substitutions. The third set of mechanisms differentially affects distinct genes. A maximum-likelihood sliding-window analysis detected four disjunct regions that have a significantly different nucleotide substitution process from that derived from the complete sequence. These data show the potential for comparative genomics to tease apart subtle forces that shape the evolution of DNA. Received: 30 July 1999 / Accepted: 16 March 2000  相似文献   

Are genes nonrandomly distributed around the genome and might this explain why it was found that, in the mouse genome, proteins of linked genes evolve at similar rates? Anecdotal evidence suggests that the similarity of expression of linked genes might, in part, explain the similarity in their rates of evolution. Immune system genes, for example, are known to evolve at a high rate and sometimes cluster in the genome. Here we develop methods for statistical tests of similarity of expression of linked genes and report that there is a significant tendency for genes of similar expression breadth to be linked. Significantly, when we exclude tissue specific genes from our sample, the similarity in rates of protein evolution of linked genes is greatly diminished, if not abolished. This diminution is not a sampling artifact. In contrast, while half of the immune genes in our sample reside in 1 of 10 immune clusters in the mouse genome, this clustering appears not to affect the extent of local similarity in rates of evolution. The distribution of placentally expressed genes, in contrast, does have an effect.  相似文献   

We carried out an analysis of partial sequences from expressed major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I genes isolated from a range of equid species and more distantly related members of the mammalian order Perissodactyla. Phylogenetic analysis revealed a minimum of six groups, five of which contained genes and alleles that are found in equid species and one group specific to the rhinoceros. Four of the groups contained only one, or very few sequences, indicating the presence of relatively nonpolymorphic loci, while another group contained the majority of the equid sequences identified. These data suggest that a diversification of MHC genes took place after the split between the Equidae and the Rhinocerotidae yet before the speciation events within the genus Equus. Received: 17 November 1998 / Accepted: 7 April 1999  相似文献   

The D. melanogaster clock gene period (per) is an internally repetitive gene encoding a tandem array of Thr-Gly codons that are highly polymorphic in length in European natural populations. The two major length variants, (Thr-Gly)20 and (Thr-Gly)17, show a highly significant latitudinal cline. In this study we present the complete sequence of the Thr-Gly region of 91 individuals from 6 natural populations of D. melanogaster, 5 from Europe and 1 from North Africa. We further characterized these 91 individuals for polymorphic sites in two other regions, one upstream and one downstream of the Thr-Gly repeat. We used the haplotypic combinations of Thr-Gly allele with flanking markers in an attempt to identify the mechanisms involved in the evolution of the D. melanogaster Thr-Gly region and to infer the phylogenetic relationship existing among the Thr-Gly alleles. We observe evidence for both intra- and interallelic mutational mechanisms, including replication slippage, unequal crossing-over, and gene conversion. Received: 22 August 1995 / Accepted: 17 October 1995  相似文献   

Drosophila ananassae is known to produce numerous alpha-amylase variants. We have cloned seven different Amy genes in an African strain homozygous for the AMY1,2,3,4 electrophoretic pattern. These genes are organized as two main clusters: the first one contains three intronless copies on the 2L chromosome arm, two of which are tandemly arranged. The other cluster, on the 3L arm, contains two intron-bearing copies. The amylase variants AMY1 and AMY2 have been assigned to the intronless cluster, and AMY3 and AMY4 to the second one. The divergence of coding sequences between clusters is moderate (6.1% in amino acids), but the flanking regions are very different, which could explain their differential regulation. Within each cluster, coding and noncoding regions are conserved. Two very divergent genes were also cloned, both on chromosome 3L, but very distant from each other and from the other genes. One is the Amyrel homologous (41% divergent), the second one, Amyc1 (21.6% divergent) is unknown outside the D. ananassae subgroup. These two genes have unknown functions. Received: 30 May 2000 / Accepted: 17 July 2000  相似文献   

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