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A mesophilic acetogenic bacterium (MPOB) oxidized propionate to acetate and CO2 in cocultures with the formate- and hydrogen-utilizing methanogens Methanospirillum hungatei and Methanobacterium formicicum. Propionate oxidation did not occur in cocultures with two Methanobrevibacter strains, which grew only with hydrogen. Tricultures consisting of MPOB, one of the Methanobrevibacter strains, and organisms which are able to convert formate into H2 plus CO2 (Desulfovibrio strain G11 or the homoacetogenic bacterium EE121) also degraded propionate. The MPOB, in the absence of methanogens, was able to couple propionate conversion to fumarate reduction. This propionate conversion was inhibited by hydrogen and by formate. Formate and hydrogen blocked the energetically unfavorable succinate oxidation to fumarate involved in propionate catabolism. Low formate and hydrogen concentrations are required for the syntrophic degradation of propionate by MPOB. In triculture with Methanospirillum hungatei and the aceticlastic Methanothrix soehngenii, propionate was degraded faster than in biculture with Methanospirillum hungatei, indicating that low acetate concentrations are favorable for propionate oxidation as well.  相似文献   

The butyrate-oxidizing, proton-reducing, obligately anaerobic bacterium NSF-2 was grown in batch cocultures with either the hydrogen-oxidizing bacterium Methanospirillum hungatei PM-1 or Desulfovibrio sp. strain PS-1. Metabolism of butyrate occurred in two phases. The first phase exhibited exponential growth kinetics (phase a) and had a doubling time of 10 h. This value was independent of whether NSF-2 was cultured with a methanogen or a sulfate reducer and likely represents the maximum specific growth rate of NSF-2. This exponential growth phase was followed by a second phase with a nearly constant rate of degradation (phase b) which dominated the time course of butyrate degradation. The specific activity of H2 uptake by the hydrogen-oxidizing bacterium controlled the bioenergetic conditions of metabolism in phase b. During this phase both the Gibbs free energy (ΔG′) and the butyrate degradation rate (v) were greater for NSF-2-Desulfovibrio sp. strain PS-1 (ΔG′ = −17.0 kJ/mol; v = 0.20 mM/h) than for NSF-2-M. hungatei PM-1 (ΔG′ = −3.8 kJ/mol, v = 0.12 mM/h). The ΔG′ value remained stable and characteristic of the two hydrogen oxidizers during phase b. The stable ΔG′ resulted from the close coupling of the rates of butyrate and H2 oxidation. The addition of 2-bromoethanesulfonate to a NSF-2-methanogen coculture resulted in the total inhibition of butyrate degradation; the inhibition was relieved when Desulfovibrio sp. strain PS-1 was added as a new H2 sink. When the specific activity of H2 consumption was increased by adding higher densities of the Desulfovibrio sp. to 2-bromoethanesulfonate-inhibited NSF-2-methanogen cocultures, lower H2 pool sizes and higher rates of butyrate degradation resulted. Thus, it is the kinetic parameters of H2 consumption, not the type of H2 consumer per se, that establishes the thermodynamic conditions which in turn control the rate of fatty acid degradation. The bioenergetic homeostasis we observed in phase b was a result of the kinetics of the coculture members and the feedback inhibition by hydrogen which prevents butyrate degradation rates from reaching their theoretical Vmax.  相似文献   

Syntrophic degradation of normal- and branched-chain fatty acids with 4 to 9 carbons was investigated with a mesophilic syntrophic isobutyrate-butyrate-degrading triculture consisting of the non-spore-forming, syntrophic, fatty acid-degrading, gram-positive rod-shaped strain IB, Methanobacterium formicicum T1N, and Methanosarcina mazei T18. This triculture converted butyrate and isobutyrate to methane and converted valerate and 2-methylbutyrate to propionate and methane. This triculture also degraded caproate, 4-methylvalerate, heptanoate, 2-methylhexanoate, caprylate, and pelargoate. During the syntrophic conversion of isobutyrate and butyrate, a reversible isomerization between butyrate and isobutyrate occurred; isobutyrate and butyrate were isomerized to the other isomeric form to reach nearly equal concentrations and then their concentrations decreased at the same rates. Butyrate was an intermediate of syntrophic isobutyrate degradation. When butyrate was degraded in the presence of propionate, 2-methylbutyrate was synthesized from propionate and isobutyrate formed from butyrate. During the syntrophic degradation of valerate, isobutyrate, butyrate, and 2-methylbutyrate were formed and then degraded. During syntrophic degradation of 2-methylbutyrate, isobutyrate and butyrate were formed and then degraded.  相似文献   

A novel, strictly anaerobic, cadaverine-oxidizing, defined coculture was isolated from an anoxic freshwater sediment sample. The coculture oxidized cadaverine (1,5-diaminopentane) with sulfate as the electron acceptor. The sulfate-reducing partner could be replaced by a hydrogenotrophic methanogenic partner. The defined coculture fermented cadaverine to acetate, butyrate, and glutarate plus sulfide or methane. The key enzymes involved in cadaverine degradation were identified in cell extracts. A pathway of cadaverine fermentation via 5-aminovaleraldehyde and crotonyl-coenzyme A with subsequent dismutation to acetate and butyrate is suggested. Comparative 16S rRNA gene analysis indicated that the fermenting part of the coculture belongs to the subphylum Firmicutes but that this part is distant from any described genus. The closest known relative was Clostridium aminobutyricum, with 95% similarity.Cadaverine is a biogenic primary aliphatic amine. Together with other biogenic amines, like putrescine or spermidine, it is formed during oxygen-limited decomposition of protein-rich organic matter by decarboxylation of amino acids or by amination of aldehydes and ketones (8, 27, 30, 42, 53, 54). These putrid-smelling and, at higher concentrations (100 to 400 mg per kg), often toxic compounds play a major role in food microbiology, e.g., as flavoring constituents in the ripening of cheese or as contaminants of fish and meat products, wine, and beer (24, 29, 49).Little is known about the degradation of primary amines. Mono- and diamine oxidases of higher organisms and bacteria (23, 41, 64) initiate aerobic degradation, leading to the respective formation of aldehyde, ammonia, and hydrogen peroxide as products (28). Alternatively, in a putrescine-degrading mutant of Escherichia coli, putrescine is degraded by a putrescine-2-oxoglutarate transaminase and a subsequent dehydrogenase to form 4-aminobutyrate, which is further metabolized via succinate (43).Anaerobic degradation of primary amines could follow basically similar pathways. The released reducing equivalents can be disposed of in a manner similar to that described for primary alcohols (9, 15, 16). In the absence of external electron acceptors, such as sulfate or nitrate, incomplete oxidation of cadaverine to fatty acids or dicarboxylic acids could be coupled to syntrophic methane production, homoacetogenesis, or reductive synthesis of long-chain fatty acids (1, 25, 31).In the present study, we describe a new isolate of strictly anaerobic bacteria which oxidizes cadaverine syntrophically with the methanogen Methanospirillum hungatei and forms acetate, butyrate, glutarate, and methane as products. The enzymes involved in the degradation of cadaverine were identified, and a catabolic pathway is proposed.  相似文献   

m-Cresol metabolism under sulfate-reducing conditions was studied with a pure culture of Desulfotomaculum sp. strain Groll. Previous studies with a sulfate-reducing consortium indicated that m-cresol was degraded via an initial para-carboxylation reaction. However, 4-hydroxy-2-methylbenzoic acid was not degraded by strain Groll, and no evidence for ring carboxylation of m-cresol was found. Strain Groll readily metabolized the putative metabolites of a methyl group oxidation pathway, including 3-hydroxybenzyl alcohol, 3-hydroxybenzaldehyde, 3-hydroxybenzoic acid, and benzoic acid. Degradation of these compounds preceded and inhibited m-cresol decay. 3-Hydroxybenzoic acid was detected in cultures that received either m-cresol or 3-hydroxybenzyl alcohol, and trace amounts of benzoic acid were detected in m-cresol-degrading cultures. Therefore, we propose that strain Groll metabolizes m-cresol by a methyl group oxidation pathway which is an alternate route for the catabolism of this compound under sulfate-reducing conditions.  相似文献   

Kinetics of butyrate, acetate, and hydrogen metabolism were determined with butyrate-limited, chemostat-grown tricultures of a thermophilic butyrate-utilizing bacterium together with Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum and the TAM organism, a thermophilic acetate-utilizing methanogenic rod. Kinetic parameters were determined from progress curves fitted to the integrated form of the Michaelis-Menten equation. The apparent half-saturation constants, Km, for butyrate, acetate, and dissolved hydrogen were 76 μM, 0.4 mM, and 8.5 μM, respectively. Butyrate and hydrogen were metabolized to a concentration of less than 1 μM, whereas acetate uptake usually ceased at a concentration of 25 to 75 μM, indicating a threshold level for acetate uptake. No significant differences in Km values for butyrate degradation were found between chemostat- and batch-grown tricultures, although the maximum growth rate was somewhat higher in the batch cultures in which the medium was supplemented with yeast extract. Acetate utilization was found to be the rate-limiting reaction for complete degradation of butyrate to methane and carbon dioxide in continuous culture. Increasing the dilution rate resulted in a gradual accumulation of acetate. The results explain the low concentrations of butyrate and hydrogen normally found during anaerobic digestion and the observation that acetate is the first volatile fatty acid to accumulate upon a decrease in retention time or increase in organic loading of a digestor.  相似文献   

A facultative anaerobic bacterium that rapidly degrades cyanuric acid (CA) was isolated from the sediment of a stream that received industrial wastewater effluent. CA decomposition was measured throughout the growth cycle by using a high-performance liquid chromatography assay, and the concomitant production of ammonia was also measured. The bacterium used CA or cysteine as a major, if not the sole, carbon and energy source under anaerobic, but not aerobic, conditions in a defined medium. The cell yield was greatly enhanced by the simultaneous presence of cysteine and CA in the medium. Cysteine was preferentially used rather than CA early in the growth cycle, but all of the CA was used without an apparent lag after the cysteine was metabolized. Atrazine was also degraded by this bacterium under anaerobic conditions in a defined medium.  相似文献   

A strictly anaerobic bacterium was isolated from a continuous fermentor culture which converted the organic constituents of sulfite evaporator condensate to methane and carbon dioxide. Furfural is one of the major components of this condensate. This furfural isolate could degrade furfural as the sole source of carbon and energy in a defined mineral-vitamin-sulfate medium. Acetic acid was the major fermentation product. This organism could also use ethanol, lactate, pyruvate, or fumarate and contained cytochrome c3 and desulfoviridin. Except for furfural degradation, the characteristics of the furfural isolate were remarkably similar to those of the sulfate reducer Desulfovibrio gigas. The furfural isolate has been tentatively identified as Desulfovibrio sp. strain F-1.  相似文献   

Anaerobic degradation of the aromatic hydrocarbon ethylbenzene was studied with sulfate as the electron acceptor. Enrichment cultures prepared with marine sediment samples from different locations showed ethylbenzene-dependent reduction of sulfate to sulfide and always contained a characteristic cell type that formed gas vesicles towards the end of growth. A pure culture of this cell type, strain EbS7, was isolated from sediment from Guaymas Basin (Gulf of California). Complete mineralization of ethylbenzene coupled to sulfate reduction was demonstrated in growth experiments with strain EbS7. Sequence analysis of the 16S rRNA gene revealed a close relationship between strain EbS7 and the previously described marine sulfate-reducing strains NaphS2 and mXyS1 (similarity values, 97.6 and 96.2%, respectively), which grow anaerobically with naphthalene and m-xylene, respectively. However, strain EbS7 did not oxidize naphthalene, m-xylene, or toluene. Other compounds utilized by strain EbS7 were phenylacetate, 3-phenylpropionate, formate, n-hexanoate, lactate, and pyruvate. 1-Phenylethanol and acetophenone, the characteristic intermediates in anaerobic ethylbenzene degradation by denitrifying bacteria, neither served as growth substrates nor were detectable as metabolites by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry in ethylbenzene-grown cultures of strain EbS7. Rather, (1-phenylethyl)succinate and 4-phenylpentanoate were detected as specific metabolites in such cultures. Formation of these intermediates can be explained by a reaction sequence involving addition of the benzyl carbon atom of ethylbenzene to fumarate, carbon skeleton rearrangement of the succinate moiety (as a thioester), and loss of one carboxyl group. Such reactions are analogous to those suggested for anaerobic n-alkane degradation and thus differ from the initial reactions in anaerobic ethylbenzene degradation by denitrifying bacteria which employ dehydrogenations.  相似文献   

The ability of the strictly anaerobic sulfate-reducing bacterium Desulfobacula toluolica (strain Tol2) to cometabolically degrade p-toluidine (p-methylaniline) while using toluene as the primary source of carbon and energy has been studied. This organism has been shown to modify and degrade toluidine in dense cell suspensions when no other source of carbon and energy is added. The metabolism led to the formation of a variety of metabolites. From these metabolites a biphenyl-like compound as well as phenylacetic acid have been identified by means of HPLC/MS techniques. The probable conversion of p-toluidine to p-aminophenylacetic acid and phenylacetic acid as dead end products suggested that this organism initiates p-toluidine degradation by the carboxylation of the methyl group. If this could be validated in further experiments, it would be the first time that a toluidine was carboxylated at the methyl moiety by an anaerobic, sulfate-reducing bacterium. Received: 6 March 1998 / Accepted: 3 April 1998  相似文献   

In a lab-scale upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor inoculated with granular sludge from a full-scale wastewater treatment plant treating paper mill wastewater, methanethiol (MT) was degraded at 30°C to H2S, CO2, and CH4. At a hydraulic retention time of 9 h, a maximum influent concentration of 6 mM MT was applied, corresponding to a volumetric loading rate of 16.5 mmol liter−1 day−1. The archaeal community within the reactor was characterized by anaerobic culturing and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis analysis, cloning, and sequencing of 16S rRNA genes and quantitative PCR. Initially, MT-fermenting methanogenic archaea related to members of the genus Methanolobus were enriched in the reactor. Later, they were outcompeted by Methanomethylovorans hollandica, which was detected in aggregates but not inside the granules that originated from the inoculum, the microbial composition of which remained fairly unchanged. Possibly other species within the Methanosarcinacaea also contributed to the fermentation of MT, but they were not enriched by serial dilution in liquid media. The archaeal community within the granules, which was dominated by Methanobacterium beijingense, did not change substantially during the reactor operation. Some of the species related to Methanomethylovorans hollandica were enriched by serial dilutions, but their growth rates were very low. Interestingly, the enrichments could be sustained only in the presence of MT and did not utilize any of the other typical substrates for methylotrophic methanogens, such as methanol, methyl amine, or dimethylsulfide.  相似文献   

Using a synthetic medium supplemented with biphenyl (a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon), a new bacterial strain of Citrobacter freundiiwas isolated from enrichment cultures containing soil and industrial wastewater samples of the Serpukhov Condenser Factory. This strain was found to be capable of degrading biphenyl under anaerobic conditions in the course of nitrate reduction. When the initial concentration of biphenyl in the culture medium equaled 150 mg/ml, the culture with a titer of 109 cells/ml degraded up to 26–28% of biphenyl in 3 days (28°C). At 250 mg/ml, the culture with a titer of 107 cells/ml degraded 15% of biphenyl in 21 days. Approximately 10% of the substrate consumed was utilized completely, whereas the remainder underwent transformation.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The life cycle of a methanogenic bacterium, symbiotic within the marine, free-living anaerobic ciliate Plagiopyla frontata , was studied using light microscopy and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). the bacteria are disc-shaped. During the growth phase of the host, bacteria and hydrogenosomes (organelles which ferment pyruvate into acetate and hydrogen) are arranged in conglomerates resembling stacks of coins in which bacteria and hydrogenosomes alternate; hydrogenosomes always cap the ends of the stacks. During the growth phase, numbers of hydrogenosomes and bacteria remain constant (about 5,000 and 3,500 per cell, respectively). Hydrogenosomes increase in volume shortly after cell division. Methanogens increase in volume slowly during the growth phase of the ciliate and rapidly when the ciliate begins to divide. the hydrogenosomes divide mainly during the initial phases of cell division while the methanogens divide synchronously during the last phase of ciliate division. the timing of reproduction of the symbionts is controlled by the host-cell cycle. the ciliate is known to receive an energetic advantage from its symbionts. the suppression of continuous bacterial reproduction may trigger the secretion of excess bacterial production as soluble organic compounds, for use by the ciliate.  相似文献   

一株DDT降解菌的筛选、鉴定及降解特性的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从DDT污染的土壤中筛选具有DDT降解能力的细菌,经过富集培养、分离纯化得到56株细菌,将其接种到基础盐酵母培养基,7d后用紫外分光光度计法初筛得到降解率较高的一株菌,编号为D-1.通过16S rDNA序列分析结合传统分类学方法确定该菌为寡养单胞菌属(Stenotrophomonas sp.)的一株茵.对菌体降解DDT的特性的研究表明,在培养温度为3℃,底物质量浓度为40 mg/L, pH 7.0,摇床转速为200 r/min的条件下,该菌株对DDT降解10d的降解率为69.0%.  相似文献   

一株DDT降解菌的筛选、鉴定及降解特性的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从DDT污染的土壤中筛选具有DDT降解能力的细菌, 经过富集培养、分离纯化得到56株细菌, 将其接种到基础盐酵母培养基, 7 d后用紫外分光光度计法初筛得到降解率较高的一株菌, 编号为D-1。通过16S rDNA序列分析结合传统分类学方法确定该菌为寡养单胞菌属(Stenotrophomonas sp.)的一株菌。对菌体降解DDT的特性的研究表明, 在培养温度为30℃, 底物质量浓度为40 mg/L, pH 7.0, 摇床转速为200 r/min的条件下, 该菌株对DDT降解10 d的降解率为69.0%。  相似文献   

The alkane-degrading, sulfate-reducing bacterium Desulfatibacillum aliphaticivorans strain CV2803T, recently isolated from marine sediments, was investigated for n-alkane metabolism. The total cellular fatty acids of this strain had predominantly odd numbers of carbon atoms (C odd) when the strain was grown on a C-odd alkane (pentadecane) and even numbers of carbon atoms (C even) when it was grown on a C-even alkane (hexadecane). Detailed analyses of those fatty acids by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry allowed us to identify saturated 2-, 4-, 6-, and 8-methyl- and monounsaturated 6-methyl-branched fatty acids, with chain lengths that specifically correlated with those of the alkane. Growth of D. aliphaticivorans on perdeuterated hexadecane demonstrated that those methyl-branched fatty acids were directly derived from the substrate. In addition, cultures on pentadecane and hexadecane produced (1-methyltetradecyl)succinate and (1-methylpentadecyl)succinate, respectively. These results indicate that D. aliphaticivorans strain CV2803T oxidizes n-alkanes into fatty acids anaerobically, via the addition of fumarate at C-2. Based on our observations and on literature data, a pathway for anaerobic n-alkane metabolism by D. aliphaticivorans is proposed. This involves the transformation of the initial alkylsuccinate into a 4-methyl-branched fatty acid which, in addition to catabolic reactions, can alternatively undergo chain elongation and desaturation to form storage fatty acids.  相似文献   

Strain Hxd3, an alkane-degrading sulfate reducer previously isolated and described by Aeckersberg et al. (F. Aeckersberg, F. Bak, and F. Widdel, Arch. Microbiol. 156:5-14, 1991), was studied for its alkane degradation mechanism by using deuterium and 13C-labeled compounds. Deuterated fatty acids with even numbers of C atoms (C-even) and 13C-labeled fatty acids with odd numbers of C atoms (C-odd) were recovered from cultures of Hxd3 grown on perdeuterated pentadecane and [1,2-13C2]hexadecane, respectively, underscoring evidence that C-odd alkanes are transformed to C-even fatty acids and vice versa. When Hxd3 was grown on unlabeled hexadecane in the presence of [13C]bicarbonate, the resulting 15:0 fatty acid, which was one carbon shorter than the alkane, incorporated a 13C label to form its carboxyl group. The same results were observed when tetradecane, pentadecane, and perdeuterated pentadecane were used as the substrates. These observations indicate that the initial attack of alkanes includes both carboxylation with inorganic bicarbonate and the removal of two carbon atoms from the alkane chain terminus, resulting in a fatty acid one carbon shorter than the original alkane. The removal of two terminal carbon atoms is further evidenced by the observation that the [1,2-13C2]hexadecane-derived fatty acids contained either two 13C labels located exclusively at their acyl chain termini or none at all. Furthermore, when perdeuterated pentadecane was used as the substrate, the 14:0 and 16:0 fatty acids formed both carried the same numbers of deuterium labels, while the latter was not deuterated at its carboxyl end. These observations provide further evidence that the 14:0 fatty acid was initially formed from perdeuterated pentadecane, while the 16:0 fatty acid was produced after chain elongation of the former fatty acid with nondeuterated carbon atoms. We propose that strain Hxd3 anaerobically transforms an alkane to a fatty acid through a mechanism which includes subterminal carboxylation at the C-3 position of the alkane and elimination of the two adjacent terminal carbon atoms.  相似文献   

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