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Virus infection causes specific learning deficits in honeybee foragers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In both mammals and invertebrates, virus infections can impair a broad spectrum of physiological functions including learning and memory formation. In contrast to the knowledge on the conserved mechanisms underlying learning, the effects of virus infection on different aspects of learning are barely known. We use the honeybee (Apis mellifera), a well-established model system for studying learning, to investigate the impact of deformed wing virus (DWV) on learning. Injection of DWV into the haemolymph of forager leads to a RT-PCR detectable DWV signal after 3 days. The detailed behavioural analysis of DWV-infected honeybees shows an increased responsiveness to water and low sucrose concentrations, an impaired associative learning and memory formation, but intact non-associative learning like sensitization and habituation. This contradicts all present studies in non-infected bees, where increased sucrose responsiveness is linked to improved associative learning and to changes in non-associative learning. Thus, DWV seems to interfere with molecular mechanism of learning by yet unknown processes that may include viral effects on the immune system and on gene expression.  相似文献   

This paper develops and explores a model of foraging in honey bee colonies. The model may be applied to forage sources with various properties, and to colonies with different foraging-related parameters. In particular, we examine the effect of five foraging-related parameters on the foraging response and consequent nectar intake of a homogeneous colony. The parameters investigated affect different quantities critical to the foraging cycle--visit rate (affected by g), probability of dancing (mpd and bpd), duration of dancing (mcirc), or probability of abandonment (A). We show that one parameter, A, affects nectar intake in a nonlinear way. Further, we show that colonies with a midrange value of any foraging parameter perform better than the average of colonies with high- and low-range values, when profitable sources are available. Together these observations suggest that a heterogeneous colony, in which a range of parameter values are present, may perform better than a homogeneous colony. We modify the model to represent heterogeneous colonies and use it to show that the most important effect of heterogeneous foraging behaviour within the colony is to reduce the variance in the average quantity of nectar collected by heterogeneous colonies.  相似文献   

When exotic animal species invade new environments they also bring an often unknown microbial diversity, including pathogens. We describe a novel and widely distributed virus in one of the most globally widespread, abundant and damaging invasive ants (Argentine ants, Linepithema humile). The Linepithema humile virus 1 is a dicistrovirus, a viral family including species known to cause widespread arthropod disease. It was detected in samples from Argentina, Australia and New Zealand. Argentine ants in New Zealand were also infected with a strain of Deformed wing virus common to local hymenopteran species, which is a major pathogen widely associated with honeybee mortality. Evidence for active replication of viral RNA was apparent for both viruses. Our results suggest co-introduction and exchange of pathogens within local hymenopteran communities. These viral species may contribute to the collapse of Argentine ant populations and offer new options for the control of a globally widespread invader.  相似文献   

The antennal lobe (AL) is the first center for processing odors in the insect brain, as is the olfactory bulb (OB) in vertebrates. Both the AL and the OB have a characteristic glomerular structure; odors sensed by olfactory receptor neurons are represented by patterns of glomerular activity. Little is known about when and how an odor begins to be perceived in a developing brain. We address this question by using calcium imaging to monitor odor-evoked neural activity in the ALs of bees of different ages. We find that odor-evoked neural activity already occurs in the ALs of bees as young as 1 or 2 days. In young bees, the responses to odors are relatively weak and restricted to a small number of glomeruli. However, different odors already evoke responses in different combinations of glomeruli. In mature bees, the responses are stronger and are evident in more glomeruli, but continue to have distinct odor-dependent signatures. Our findings indicate that the specific glomerular patterns for odors are conserved during the development, and that odor representations are fully developed in the AL during the first 2 weeks following emergence.  相似文献   

Members of the cys-loop ligand-gated ion channel (cys-loop LGIC) superfamily mediate neurotransmission in insects and are targets of successful insecticides. We have described the cys-loop LGIC superfamily of the honeybee, Apis mellifera, which is an important crop pollinator and a key model for social interaction. The honeybee superfamily consists of 21 genes, which is slightly smaller than that of Drosophila melanogaster comprising 23 genes. As with Drosophila, the honeybee possesses ion channels gated by acetylcholine, γ-amino butyric acid, glutamate and histamine as well as orthologs of the Drosophila pH-sensitive chloride channel (pHCl), CG8916, CG12344 and CG6927. Similar to Drosophila, honeybee cys-loop LGIC diversity is broadened by differential splicing which may also serve to generate species-specific receptor isoforms. These findings on Apis mellifera enhance our understanding of cys-loop LGIC functional genomics and provide a useful basis for the development of improved insecticides that spare a major beneficial insect species.Sequence data from this article have been deposited with the EMBL/GenBank Data Libraries under accession nos. DQ667181–DQ667195.  相似文献   

Varroa destructor (Vd) is a honeybee ectoparasite. Its original host is the Asian honeybee, Apis cerana, but it has also become a severe, global threat to the European honeybee, Apis mellifera. Previous studies have shown that Varroa can mimic a host''s cuticular hydrocarbons (HC), enabling the parasite to escape the hygienic behaviour of the host honeybees. By transferring mites between the two honeybee species, we further demonstrate that Vd is able to mimic the cuticular HC of a novel host species when artificially transferred to this new host. Mites originally from A. cerana are more efficient than mites from A. mellifera in mimicking HC of both A. cerana and A. mellifera. This remarkable adaptability may explain their relatively recent host-shift from A. cerana to A. mellifera.  相似文献   

The presence of noise in a communication system may be adaptive or may reflect unavoidable constraints. One communication system where these alternatives are debated is the honeybee (Apis mellifera) waggle dance. Successful foragers communicate resource locations to nest-mates by a dance comprising repeated units (waggle runs), which repetitively transmit the same distance and direction vector from the nest. Intra-dance waggle run variation occurs and has been hypothesized as a colony-level adaptation to direct recruits over an area rather than a single location. Alternatively, variation may simply be due to constraints on bees' abilities to orient waggle runs. Here, we ask whether the angle at which the bee dances on vertical comb influences waggle run variation. In particular, we determine whether horizontal dances, where gravity is not aligned with the waggle run orientation, are more variable in their directional component. We analysed 198 dances from foragers visiting natural resources and found support for our prediction. More horizontal dances have greater angular variation than dances performed close to vertical. However, there is no effect of waggle run angle on variation in the duration of waggle runs, which communicates distance. Our results weaken the hypothesis that variation is adaptive and provide novel support for the constraint hypothesis.  相似文献   

Bee parasitic mite syndrome is a disease complex of colonies simultaneously infested with Varroa destructor mites and infected with viruses and accompanied by high mortality. By using real-time PCR (TaqMan), five out of seven bee viruses were detected in mite samples (V. destructor) collected from Thailand. Moreover, the results of this study provide an evidence for the co-existence of several bee viruses in a single mite. This is also the first report of bee viruses in mites from Thailand.  相似文献   

Octopamine influences honey bee foraging preference   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Colony condition and differences in individual preferences influence forage type collected by bees. Physiological bases for the changing preferences of individual foragers are just beginning to be examined. Recently, for honey bees octopamine is shown to influence age at onset of foraging and probability of dance for rewards. However, octopamine has not been causally linked with foraging preference in the field. We tested the hypothesis that changes in octopamine may alter forage type (preference hypothesis). We treated identified foragers orally with octopamine or its immediate precursor, tyramine, or sucrose syrup (control). Octopamine-treated foragers switched type of material collected; control bees did not. Tyramine group results were not different from the control group. In addition, sugar concentrations of nectar collected by foragers after octopamine treatment were lower than before treatment, indicating change in preference. In contrast, before and after nectar concentrations for bees in the control group were similar. These results, taken together, support the preference hypothesis.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Understanding the species composition of pollen on pollinators has applications in agriculture, conservation and evolutionary biology. Current identification methods, including morphological analysis, cannot always discriminate taxa at the species level. Recent advances in flow cytometry techniques for pollen grains allow rapid testing of large numbers of pollen grains for DNA content, potentially providing improved species resolution.


A test was made as to whether pollen loads from single bees (honey-bees and bumble-bees) could be classified into types based on DNA content, and whether good estimates of proportions of different types could be made. An examination was also made of how readily DNA content can be used to identify specific pollen species.

Key Results

The method allowed DNA contents to be quickly found for between 250 and 9391 pollen grains (750–28 173 nuclei) from individual honey-bees and between 81 and 11 512 pollen grains (243–34 537 nuclei) for bumble-bees. It was possible to identify a minimum number of pollen species on each bee and to assign proportions of each pollen type (based on DNA content) present.


The information provided by this technique is promising but is affected by the complexity of the pollination environment (i.e. number of flowering species present and extent of overlap in DNA content). Nevertheless, it provides a new tool for examining pollinator behaviour and between-species or cytotype pollen transfer, particularly when used in combination with other morphological, chemical or genetic techniques.  相似文献   

The microsporidian species, Nosema apis and Nosema ceranae are both known to infect the European honeybee, Apis mellifera. Nosema disease has a global distribution and is responsible for considerable economic losses among apiculturists. In this study, 336 honeybee samples from 18 different prefectures in Japan were examined for the presence of N. apis and N. ceranae using a PCR technique. Although N. ceranae was not detected in most of the apiaries surveyed, the parasite was detected at three of the sites examined. Further, N. ceranae appears to be patchily distributed across Japan and no apparent geographic difference was observed among the areas surveyed. In addition, the apparent absence of N. apis suggests that N. ceranae may be displacing N. apis in A. mellifera in Japan. Partial SSU rRNA gene sequence analysis revealed the possible existence of two N. ceranae groups from different geographic regions in Japan. It seems likely that these microsporidian parasites were introduced into Japan through the importation of either contaminated honeybee-related products or infected queens. This study confirmed that PCR detection is effective for indicating the presence of this pathogen in seemingly healthy colonies. It is therefore hoped that the results presented here will improve our understanding of the epidemiology of Nosema disease so that effective controls can be implemented.  相似文献   

The microsporidium Nosema ceranae is detected in honeybees in Thailand for the first time. This endoparasite has recently been reported to infect most Apis mellifera honeybee colonies in Europe, the US, and parts of Asia, and is suspected to have displaced the endemic endoparasite species, Nosema apis, from the western A. mellifera. We collected and identified species of microsporidia from the European honeybee (A. mellifera), the cavity nesting Asian honeybee (Apis cerana), the dwarf Asian honeybee (Apis florea) and the giant Asian honeybee (Apis dorsata) from colonies in Northern Thailand. We used multiplex PCR technique with two pairs of primers to differentiate N. ceranae from N. apis. From 80 A. mellifera samples, 62 (77.5%) were positively identified for the presence of the N. ceranae. Amongst 46 feral colonies of Asian honeybees (A. cerana, A. florea and A. dorsata) examined for Nosema infections, only N. ceranae could be detected. No N. apis was found in our samples. N. ceranae is found to be the only microsporidium infesting honeybees in Thailand. Moreover, we found the frequencies of N. ceranae infection in native bees to be less than that of A. mellifera.  相似文献   

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