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Cell-based therapy by transplantation of nucleus pulposus (NP) progenitor/notochordal cells has been proposed as a promising way to halt and reverse the progression of disc degeneration. Although some studies have provided a broad panel of potential markers associated with the phenotype of notochordal cells, suitability of these markers for isolation of notochordal cells for the treatment of disc degeneration is unclear.


Here, we found that the number of CD24-positive NP cells significantly decreased with increasing severity of disc degeneration. In addition, CD24-positive NP cells were shown to maintain their multipotent differentiation and self-renewal potential in vitro and to abundantly express brachyury, SHH, and GLUT-1, suggesting that CD24-positive NP cells are the progenitor/notochordal cells in the NP. Moreover, our in vivo experiments revealed that transplantation of CD24-positive NP cells enables the recovery of degenerate discs, as evidenced by increased disc height, restored magnetic resonance imaging T2-weighted signal intensity, and NP structure. In terms of the mechanism, HIF-1α–Notch1 pathway activation was essential for the maintenance of CD24-positive NP cells.


Our studies identify that CD24-positive NP cells are the resident progenitor/notochordal cells in disc regeneration and elucidate a crucial role of HIF-1α–Notch1 pathway in the phenotypic maintenance of CD24-positive NP cells.



The aims of these studies were to identify the cytokine and chemokine expression profile of nucleus pulposus (NP) cells and to determine the relationships between NP cell cytokine and chemokine production and the characteristic tissue changes seen during intervertebral disc (IVD) degeneration.


Real-time q-PCR cDNA Low Density Array (LDA) was used to investigate the expression of 91 cytokine and chemokine associated genes in NP cells from degenerate human IVDs. Further real-time q-PCR was used to investigate 30 selected cytokine and chemokine associated genes in NP cells from non-degenerate and degenerate IVDs and those from IVDs with immune cell infiltrates (‘infiltrated’). Immunohistochemistry (IHC) was performed for four selected cytokines and chemokines to confirm and localize protein expression in human NP tissue samples.


LDA identified the expression of numerous cytokine and chemokine associated genes including 15 novel cytokines and chemokines. Further q-PCR gene expression studies identified differential expression patterns in NP cells derived from non-degenerate, degenerate and infiltrated IVDs. IHC confirmed NP cells as a source of IL-16, CCL2, CCL7 and CXCL8 and that protein expression of CCL2, CCL7 and CXCL8 increases concordant with histological degenerative tissue changes.


Our data indicates that NP cells are a source of cytokines and chemokines within the IVD and that these expression patterns are altered in IVD pathology. These findings may be important for the correct assessment of the ‘degenerate niche’ prior to autologous or allogeneic cell transplantation for biological therapy of the degenerate IVD.  相似文献   

Nucleus pulposus intervertebral disc cells are routinely confronted with high osmolality in their microenvironment and respond to this stress in vitro by regulating cell cycle progression and by activating a DNA repair machinery in order to counteract its genotoxic effect. In the present study, we attempted to identify the origin of this osmo-regulatory response, by using an ionic NaCl/KCl solution, the compatible osmolyte sorbitol, and the readily permeant urea. High salt and sorbitol were found to activate similar molecular pathways, including the p38 MAPK and the p53-p21(WAF1)-pRb axis, that were not stimulated by high urea. On the other hand, only high urea led to the phosphorylation of ERKs and JNKs. Furthermore, salt- and sorbitol-treated cells were able to phosphorylate histone H2A.X on Ser139, in contrast to cells exposed to urea, indicating a common mechanism for DNA repair, which was achieved by a p53-dependent activation of the G1 checkpoint by both solutes. DNA repair, as directly measured by a host cell reactivation assay, occurred under conditions of hyperosmolar salt and sorbitol, although to a lesser extent in sorbitol-treated cells than in cells exposed to high salinity. Taken as a whole, our findings suggest that the hyperosmolality-provoked DNA damage and the responses of nucleus pulposus cells induced by this genotoxic stress most probably originate from cell volume alterations mediated by hypertonicity and not from increased intracellular ionic concentration.  相似文献   

Cells of the nucleus pulposus (NP) in the intervertebral disc are derived directly from the embryonic notochord. In humans, a shift in NP cell population coincides with the beginning of age‐related changes in the extracellular matrix that can lead to spinal disorders. To begin identifying the bases of these changes, the manner by which relevant environmental factors impact cell function must be understood. This study investigated the roles of biochemical, nutritional, and physical factors in regulating immature NP cells. Specifically, we examined cell morphology, attachment, proliferation, and expression of genes associated with the notochord and immature NP (Sox9, CD24, and type IIA procollagen). Primary cells isolated from rat caudal discs were exposed to different media formulations and physical culture configurations either in 21% (ambient) or 2% (hypoxic) O2. As expected, cells in alginate beads retained a vacuolated morphology similar to chordocytes, with little change in gene expression. Interestingly, NP tissues not enzymatically digested were more profoundly influenced by oxygen. In monolayer, α‐MEM preserved vacuolated morphology, produced the highest efficiency of attachment, and best maintained gene expression. DMEM and Opti‐MEM cultures resulted in high levels of proliferation, but these appeared to involve small non‐vacuolated cells. Gene expression patterns for cells in DMEM monolayer cultures were consistent with chondrocyte de‐differentiation, with the response being delayed by hypoxia. Overall, results indicate that certain environmental conditions induce cellular changes that compromise the notochordal phenotype in immature NP. These results form the foundation on which the mechanisms of such changes can be elucidated. J. Cell. Physiol. 220: 698–705, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Cells isolated from intervertebral disc (IVD) tissues of human surgical samples are one of potential sources for the IVD cellular therapy. The purpose of this study was to develop a new non-enzymatic method, “tissue incubation”, for isolating human IVD cells. The IVD tissues of annulus fibrosus (AF) and nucleus pulposus (NP) were incubated separately in tissue culture flasks with culture medium. After 7–10 days incubation, cells were able to migrate out of IVD tissues and proliferate in vitro. After 3–4 weeks culture, expanded cells were harvested by trypsinization, and the remaining tissues were transferred to a new flask for another round of incubation. The molecular phenotype of IVD cells from juvenile and adult human samples was evaluated by both flow cytometry analysis and immunocytochemical staining for the expression of protein markers of NP cells (CD24, CD54, CD239, integrin α6 and laminin α5). Flow cytometry confirmed that both AF and NP cells of all ages positively expressed CD54 and integrin α6, with higher expression levels in NP cells than in AF cells for the juvenile group sample. However, CD24 expression was only found in juvenile NP cells, and not in AF or older disc cells. Similar expression patterns for NP markers were also confirmed by immunocytochemistry. In summary, this new non-enzymatic tissue incubation method for cell isolation preserves molecular phenotypic markers of NP cells and may provide a valuable cell source for the study of NP regeneration strategies.  相似文献   

Intervertebral disc degeneration (IDD) is a common cause of low back pain, which inflicts more global disability than any other condition. Although IDD was deemed to be a natural process that comes with ageing, a growing body of evidence suggested that both genetic and environmental factors could modify the development of IDD. In this connection, aberrant function of nucleus pulposus cells has been implicated in IDD pathogenesis. Circular RNAs are a novel class of endogenous non‐coding RNAs that play crucial regulatory roles in diverse cellular processes. Recently, deregulation of circRNAs in nucleus pulposus cells was found to functionally participate in IDD development. In this review, we summarize the current knowledge regarding the deregulation of circRNAs in IDD in relation to their actions on nucleus pulposus cell functions, including cell proliferation, apoptosis and extracellular matrix synthesis/degradation. The potential clinical utilities of circRNAs as therapeutic targets for the management of IDD are also discussed.  相似文献   

Intervertebral disc regeneration field is rapidly growing since disc disorders represent a major health problem in industrialized countries with very few possible treatments.Indeed, current available therapies are symptomatic, and surgical procedures consist in disc removal and spinal fusion, which is not immune to regardable concerns about possible comorbidities, cost-effectiveness, secondary risks and long-lasting outcomes. This review paper aims to share recent advances in stem cell therapy for the treatment of intervertebral disc degeneration. In literature the potential use of different adult stem cells for intervertebral disc regeneration has already been reported. Bone marrow mesenchymal stromal/stem cells, adipose tissue derived stem cells, synovial stem cells, muscle-derived stem cells, olfactory neural stem cells, induced pluripotent stem cells, hematopoietic stem cells, disc stem cells, and embryonic stem cells have been studied for this purpose either in vitro or in vivo. Moreover, several engineered carriers(e.g., hydrogels), characterized by full biocompatibility and prompt biodegradation, have been designed and combined with different stem cell types in order to optimize the local and controlled delivery of cellular substrates in situ. The paper overviews the literature discussing the current status of our knowledge of the different stem cells types used as a cell-based therapy for disc regeneration.  相似文献   



Biglycan is an important proteoglycan of the extracellular matrix of intervertebral disc (IVD), and its decrease with aging has been correlated with IVD degeneration. Biglycan deficient (Bgn−/0) mice lack this protein and undergo spontaneous IVD degeneration with aging, thus representing a valuable in vivo model for preliminary studies on therapies for human progressive IVD degeneration. The purpose of the present study was to assess the possible beneficial effects of adipose-derived stromal cells (ADSCs) implants in the Bgn−/0 mouse model.


To evaluate ADSC implant efficacy, Bgn−/0 mice were intradiscally (L1-L2) injected with 8x104 ADSCs at 16 months old, when mice exhibit severe and complete IVD degeneration, evident on both 7Tesla Magnetic Resonance Imaging (7TMRI) and histology. Placebo and ADSCs treated Bgn−/0 mice were assessed by 7TMRI analysis up to 12 weeks post-transplantation. Mice were then sacrificed and implanted discs were analyzed by histology and immunohistochemistry for the presence of human cells and for the expression of biglycan and aggrecan in the IVD area.


After in vivo treatment, 7TMRI revealed evident increase in signal intensity within the discs of mice that received ADSCs, while placebo treatment did not show any variation. Ultrastructural analyses demonstrated that human ADSC survival occurred in the injected discs up to 12 weeks after implant. These cells acquired a positive expression for biglycan, and this proteoglycan was specifically localized in human cells. Moreover, ADSC treatment resulted in a significant increase of aggrecan tissue levels.


Overall, this work demonstrates that ADSC implant into degenerated disc of Bgn−/0 mice ameliorates disc damage, promotes new expression of biglycan and increased levels of aggrecan. This suggests a potential benefit of ADSC implant in the treatment of chronic degenerative disc disease and prompts further studies in this field.  相似文献   



Synovial mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have high proliferative and chondrogenic potentials, and MSCs transplanted into the articular cartilage defect produce abundant extracellular matrix. Because of similarities between the articular cartilage and the intervertebral disc cartilage, synovial MSCs are a potential cell source for disc regeneration. Here, we examined the effect of intradiscal transplantation of synovial MSCs after aspiration of nucleus pulposus in rabbits.  相似文献   



The relative resistance of non-chondrodystrophic (NCD) canines to degenerative disc disease (DDD) may be due to a combination of anabolic and anti-catabolic factors secreted by notochordal cells within the intervertebral disc (IVD) nucleus pulposus (NP). Factors known to induce DDD include interleukin-1 beta (IL-1ß) and/or Fas-Ligand (Fas-L). Therefore we evaluated the ability of notochordal cell conditioned medium (NCCM) to protect NP cells from IL-1ß and IL-1ß +FasL-mediated cell death and degeneration.


We cultured bovine NP cells with IL-1ß or IL-1ß+FasL under hypoxic serum-free conditions (3.5% O2) and treated the cells with either serum-free NCCM or basal medium (Advanced DMEM/F-12). We used flow cytometry to evaluate cell death and real-time (RT-)PCR to determine the gene expression of aggrecan, collagen 2, and link protein, mediators of matrix degradation ADAMTS-4 and MMP3, the matrix protection molecule TIMP1, the cluster of differentiation (CD)44 receptor, the inflammatory cytokine IL-6 and Ank. We then determined the expression of specific apoptotic pathways in bovine NP cells by characterizing the expression of activated caspases-3, -8 and -9 in the presence of IL-1ß+FasL when cultured with NCCM, conditioned medium obtained using bovine NP cells (BCCM), and basal medium all supplemented with 2% FBS.


NCCM inhibits bovine NP cell death and apoptosis via suppression of activated caspase-9 and caspase-3/7. Furthermore, NCCM protects NP cells from the degradative effects of IL-1ß and IL-1ß+Fas-L by up-regulating the expression of anabolic/matrix protective genes (aggrecan, collagen type 2, CD44, link protein and TIMP-1) and down-regulating matrix degrading genes such as MMP-3. Expression of ADAMTS-4, which encodes a protein for aggrecan remodeling, is increased. NCCM also protects against IL-1+FasL-mediated down-regulation of Ank expression. Furthermore, NP cells treated with NCCM in the presence of IL-1ß+Fas-L down-regulate the expression of IL-6 by almost 50%. BCCM does not mediate cell death/apoptosis in target bovine NP cells.


Notochordal cell-secreted factors suppress NP cell death by inhibition of activated caspase-9 and -3/7 activity and by up-regulating genes contributing anabolic activity and matrix protection of the IVD NP. Harnessing the restorative powers of the notochordal cell could lead to novel cellular and molecular strategies in the treatment of DDD.  相似文献   

The intervertebral disc functions over a range of dynamic loading regimes including axial loads applied across a spectrum of frequencies at varying compressive loads. Biochemical changes occurring in early degeneration, including reduced nucleus pulposus glycosaminoglycan content, may alter disc mechanical behavior and thus may contribute to the progression of degeneration. The objective of this study was to determine disc dynamic viscoelastic properties under several equilibrium loads and loading frequencies, and further, to determine how reduced nucleus glycosaminoglycan content alters dynamic mechanics. We hypothesized that (1) dynamic stiffness would be elevated with increasing equilibrium load and increasing frequency, (2) the disc would behave more elastically at higher frequencies, and finally, (3) dynamic stiffness would be reduced at low equilibrium loads under all frequencies due to nucleus glycosaminoglycan loss. We mechanically tested control and chondroitinase ABC injected rat lumbar motion segments at several equilibrium loads using oscillatory loading at frequencies ranging from 0.05 to 5 Hz. The rat lumbar disc behaved non-linearly with higher dynamic stiffness at elevated compressive loads irrespective of frequency. Phase angle was not affected by equilibrium load, although it decreased as frequency was increased. Reduced glycosaminoglycan decreased dynamic stiffness at low loads but not at high equilibrium loads and led to increased phase angle at all loads and frequencies. The findings of this study demonstrate the effect of equilibrium load and loading frequencies on dynamic disc mechanics and indicate possible mechanical mechanisms through which disc degeneration can progress.  相似文献   

Intervertebral disc degeneration (IDD) is induced by multiple factors including increased apoptosis, decreased survival, and reduced extracellular matrix (ECM) synthesis in the nucleus pulposus (NP) cells. The tumor suppressor phosphatase and tensin homolog deleted from chromosome 10 (PTEN) is the only known lipid phosphatase counteracting the PI3K/AKT pathway. Loss of PTEN leads to activated PI3K/AKT signaling, which plays a key role in a variety of cancers. However, the role of PTEN/PI3K/AKT signaling nexus in IDD remains unknown. Here, we report that PTEN is overexpressed in degenerative NP, which correlates with inactivated AKT. Using the PTEN knockdown approach by lentivirus‐mediated short interfering RNA gene transfer technique, we report that PTEN decreases survival but induces apoptosis and senescence of NP cells. PTEN also inhibits expression and production of ECM components including collagen II, aggrecan, and proteoglycan. Furthermore, PTEN modulates the expression of ECM regulatory molecules SOX‐9 and matrix metalloproteinase‐3 (MMP‐3). Using small‐molecule AKT inhibitor GDC‐0068, we confirm that PTEN regulates NP cell behaviors through its direct targeting of PI3K/AKT. These findings demonstrate for the first time that PTEN/PI3K/AKT signaling axis plays an important role in the pathogenesis of IDD. Targeting PTEN using gene therapy may represent a promising therapeutic approach against disc degenerative diseases.  相似文献   

A light microscopical study was conducted to ascertain the type of cells in the nucleus pulposus of the adult human intervertrebral disc. Three lumbar intervertebral discs were removed from each of 15 male and female adults at autopsy (ages ranged from 19 to 62 years). The tissue was fixed in formalin, decalcified in formic acid, dehydrated in a graded series of ethanol, embedded in paraffin, and serially sectioned at 7-10 micron. Tissue sections were affixed to albuminized glass slides and stained either by hematoxylin and eosin or hematoxylin and Van Gieson's stain. The cells of the bulk of the nucleus pulposus consisted of chondrocytes and a few fibroblasts; however, the subchondral matrix of the nucleus pulposos contained numerous stellate cells with (from 1 to 8) unusually long (up to 80 micron) primary cytoplasmic processes that often branch into secondary processes. The cell processes contained cytoplasmic varicosities at various intervals along their lengths; and their endings often expanded into bulbous, vesicle-filled process terminals. The surrounding extracellular matrix usually contained numerous, vesicle-filled, eosinophil matrix bodies. Morphological similarities of cytoplasmic varicosities, process terminals, and matrix bodies, as well as the apparent budding of process terminals, suggest that these previously unidentified cells are secreting an unknown matrix component into the subchondral matrix of the nucleus pulposus of the adult human.  相似文献   

Intervertebral disc degeneration and associated back pain are relatively common but sparsely understood conditions, affecting over 70% of the population during some point of life. Disc degeneration is often associated with a loss of nucleus pulposus (NP) cells. Genetic mouse models offer convenient avenues to understand the cellular and molecular regulation of the disc during its formation, growth, maintenance, and aging. However, due to the lack of inducible driver lines to precisely target NP cells in the postnatal mouse disc, progress in this area of research has been moderate. NP cells are known to express cytokeratin 19 (Krt19), and tamoxifen (Tam)-inducible Krt19CreERT allele is available. The current study describes the characterization of Krt19CreERT allele to specifically and efficiently target NP cells in neonatal, skeletally mature, middle-aged, and aged mice using two independent fluorescent reporter lines. The efficiency of recombination at all ages was validated by immunostaining for KRT19. Results show that following Tam induction, Krt19CreERT specifically drives recombination of NP cells in the spine of neonatal and aged mice, while no recombination was detected in the surrounding tissues. Knee joints from skeletally mature Tam-treated Krt19CreERT/+; R26tdTOM mouse show the absence of recombination in all tissues and cells of the knee joint. Thus, this study provides evidence for the use of Krt19CreERT allele for genetic characterization of NP cells at different stages of the mouse life.  相似文献   

To investigate whether TP53-induced glycolysis and apoptosis regulator (TIGAR) participates in compression-induced intervertebral disc (IVD) degeneration, and to determine the regulatory effect of TIGAR on nucleus pulposus (NP) cell autophagy and apoptosis following compression-induced injuries. IVD tissues were collected from human patients undergoing surgery (n = 20) and skeletally mature Sprague-Dawley rats (n = 15). Initially, the effect of compression on the expression of TIGAR was evaluated with in vivo and in vitro models. In addition, TIGAR was silenced to investigate the regulatory effect of TIGAR on compression-induced intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels, autophagy, and apoptosis in rat NP cells. Furthermore, the P53 inhibitor pifithrin-α (PFTα) and SP1 inhibitor mithramycin A were employed to detect expression level changes of TIGAR and autophagy-associated target molecules. TIGAR expression of NP cells increased gradually in human degenerative IVDs and in rat NP cells under compression both in vivo and in vitro. TIGAR knockdown enhanced compression-induced intracellular ROS generation and the NADPH/NADP+ and GSH/GSSG ratios. Moreover, TIGAR knockdown amplified the compression-induced caspase-3 activation and the apoptosis rate of rat NP cells. Likewise, knockdown of TIGAR significantly accelerated LC3B expression and autophagosome formation in rat NP cells during compression-induced injuries. The results also established that mithramycin A could inhibit TIGAR expression and autophagy levels in NP cells under compression conditions, while PFTα had no similar effect. Our data demonstrated that TIGAR acted as an important endogenous negative regulator of ROS levels, which might inhibit compression-induced apoptosis and autophagy through SP1-dependent mechanisms.  相似文献   

We examined nucleus pulposus notochordal cells of individuals ranging in age from the eighth week of fetal life to 32 years of age. With increasing age, notochordal cell structure changed, as did the cell-to-cell relationships and the cell-to-matrix relationships. All notochordal cells contained normal organelles, including welldeveloped endoplasmic reticulum, but, in addition, fetal notochordal cells demonstrated an unusual relationship between rough endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria: elements of the rough endoplasmic reticulum encircled almost every mitochondrion. Fetal notochordal cells contained large amounts of glycogen, while older cells had much smaller glycogen deposits. Cytoplasmic filaments were observed in cells of all ages. The cells formed tightly packed clusters in the fetus with little, if any, extracellular matrix between individual cells. Cells separated from each other with age and by the twenty-first week of fetal life, only slender strands of cytoplasm connected them. Previous light microscopic studies described notochordal cells as ‘physaliphorus’ cells since they appeared to contain large cytoplasmic vacuoles. However, electron microscopy showed that these apparent vacuoles consist of extracellular matrix surrounded by cells or cell processes. The structure of notochordal cells and their persistence in the nucleus pulposus after fetal life suggest that they may have a significant role in the formation and maintenance of the nucleus pulposus.  相似文献   

Aging is a major risk factor of intervertebral disc degeneration and a leading cause of back pain. Pathological changes associated with disc degeneration include the absence of large, vacuolated and reticular‐shaped nucleus pulposus cells, and appearance of smaller cells nested in lacunae. These small nested cells are conventionally described as chondrocyte‐like cells; however, their origin in the intervertebral disc is unknown. Here, using a genetic mouse model and a fate mapping strategy, we have found that the chondrocyte‐like cells in degenerating intervertebral discs are, in fact, nucleus pulposus cells. With aging, the nucleus pulposus cells fuse their cell membranes to form the nested lacunae. Next, we characterized the expression of sonic hedgehog (SHH), crucial for the maintenance of nucleus pulposus cells, and found that as intervertebral discs age and degenerate, expression of SHH and its target Brachyury is gradually lost. The results indicate that the chondrocyte‐like phenotype represents a terminal stage of differentiation preceding loss of nucleus pulposus cells and disc collapse.  相似文献   

To study the effect of denucleation on the mechanical behavior of the human lumbar intervertebral disc through a 2mm incision, two groups of six human cadaver lumbar spinal units were tested in axial compression, axial rotation, lateral bending and flexion/extension after incremental steps of "partial" denucleation. Neutral zone, range of motion, stiffness, intradiscal pressure and energy dissipation were measured; the results showed that the contribution of the nucleus pulposus to the mechanical behavior of the intervertebral disc was more dominant through the neutral zone than at the farther limits of applied loads and moments.  相似文献   

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