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Previous experiments have indicated that growth factor receptor-bound protein 14 (Grb14) may modulate rod photoreceptor cGMP-gated channels by decreasing channel affinity for cGMP; however, the function of Grb14 in rod physiology is not known. In this study, we examined the role of Grb14 by recording electrical responses from rods in which the gene for the Grb14 protein had been deleted. Suction-electrode recordings from single mouse rods showed that responses of dark-adapted Grb14−/− mice to brief flashes decayed more rapidly than strain-controlled wild type (WT) rods, with decreased values of both integration time and the exponential time course of decay (τREC). This result is consistent with an increase in channel affinity for cGMP produced by deletion of Grb14. However, Grb14−/− mouse rods also showed little change in dark current and a large and significant decrease in the limiting time constant τD, which are not consistent with an effect on channel affinity but seem rather to indicate modulation of the rate of inactivation of cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase 6 (PDE6). Grb14 has been reported to translocate from the inner to the outer segment in bright light, but we saw effects on response time course even in dark-adapted rods, although the effects were somewhat greater after rods had been adapted by exposure to bleaching illumination. Our results indicate that the mechanism of Grb14 action may be more complex than previously realized.  相似文献   

Rod and cone photoreceptor neurons utilize discrete PDE6 enzymes that are crucial for phototransduction. Rod PDE6 is composed of heterodimeric catalytic subunits (αβ), while the catalytic core of cone PDE6 (α') is a homodimer. It is not known if variations between PDE6 subunits preclude rod PDE6 catalytic subunits from coupling to the cone phototransduction pathway. To study this issue, we generated a cone-dominated mouse model lacking cone PDE6 (Nrl(-/-) cpfl1). In this animal model, using several independent experimental approaches, we demonstrated the expression of rod PDE6 (αβ) and the absence of cone PDE6 (α') catalytic subunits. The rod PDE6 enzyme expressed in cone cells is active and contributes to the hydrolysis of cGMP in response to light. In addition, rod PDE6 expressed in cone cells couples to the light signaling pathway to produce S-cone responses. However, S-cone responses and light-dependent cGMP hydrolysis were eliminated when the β-subunit of rod PDE6 was removed (Nrl(-/-) cpfl1 rd). We conclude that either rod or cone PDE6 can effectively couple to the cone phototransduction pathway to mediate visual signaling. Interestingly, we also found that functional PDE6 is required for trafficking of M-opsin to cone outer segments.  相似文献   

The activity of phosphodiesterase-5 (PDE5) is specific for cGMP and is regulated by cGMP binding to GAF-A in its regulatory domain. To better understand the regulatory mechanism, x-ray crystallographic and biochemical studies were performed on constructs of human PDE5A1 containing the N-terminal phosphorylation segment, GAF-A, and GAF-B. Superposition of this unliganded GAF-A with the previously reported NMR structure of cGMP-bound PDE5 revealed dramatic conformational differences and suggested that helix H4 and strand B3 probably serve as two lids to gate the cGMP-binding pocket in GAF-A. The structure also identified an interfacial region among GAF-A, GAF-B, and the N-terminal loop, which may serve as a relay of the cGMP signal from GAF-A to GAF-B. N-terminal loop 98–147 was physically associated with GAF-B domains of the dimer. Biochemical analyses showed an inhibitory effect of this loop on cGMP binding and its involvement in the cGMP-induced conformation changes.  相似文献   

cGMP-dependent protein kinase (PKG)-interacting proteins (GKIPs) mediate cellular targeting of PKG isoforms by interacting with their leucine zipper (LZ) domains. These interactions prevent aberrant signaling cross-talk between different PKG isotypes. To gain detailed insight into isotype-specific GKIP recognition by PKG, we analyzed the type II PKG leucine zipper domain and found that residues 40–83 dimerized and specifically interacted with Rab11b. Next, we determined a crystal structure of the PKG II LZ-Rab11b complex. The PKG II LZ domain presents a mostly nonpolar surface onto which Rab11b docks, through van der Waals interactions. Contact surfaces in Rab11b are found in switch I and II, interswitch, and the β1/N-terminal regions. This binding surface dramatically differs from that seen in the Rab11 family of interacting protein complex structures. Structural comparison with PKG Iα and Iβ LZs combined with mutagenic analysis reveals that GKIP recognition is mediated through surface charge interactions.  相似文献   

Phototransduction is a G-protein signal transduction cascade that converts photon absorption to a change in current at the plasma membrane. Certain genetic mutations affecting the proteins in the phototransduction cascade cause blinding disorders in humans. Some of these mutations serve as a genetic source of “equivalent light” that activates the cascade, whereas other mutations lead to amplification of the light response. How constitutive phototransduction causes photoreceptor cell death is poorly understood. We showed that persistent G-protein signaling, which occurs in rod arrestin and rhodopsin kinase knock-out mice, caused a rapid and specific induction of the PERK pathway of the unfolded protein response. These changes were not observed in the cGMP-gated channel knock-out rods, an equivalent light condition that mimics light-stimulated channel closure. Thus transducin signaling, but not channel closure, triggers rapid cell death in light damage caused by constitutive phototransduction. Additionally, we show that in the albino light damage model cell death was not associated with increase in global protein ubiquitination or unfolded protein response induction. Taken together, these observations provide novel mechanistic insights into the cell death pathway caused by constitutive phototransduction and identify the unfolded protein response as a potential target for therapeutic intervention.  相似文献   

The 11 families of the Class I cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterases (PDEs) are critical for regulation of cyclic nucleotide signaling. PDE5 (important in regulating vascular smooth muscle contraction) and PDE6 (responsible for regulating visual transduction in vertebrate photoreceptors) are structurally similar but have several functional differences whose structural basis is poorly understood. Using evolutionary trace analysis and structural homology modeling in conjunction with site-directed mutagenesis, we have tested the hypothesis that class-specific differences between PDE5 and PDE6 account for the biochemical and pharmacological differences in the two enzyme families. Replacing human PDE5 residues in the M-loop region of the binding site for the PDE5-selective inhibitor tadalafil (Cialis®) with the corresponding class-specific cone PDE6 residues (P773E, I778V, E780L, F787W, E796V, D803P, L804M, N806D, I813L, S815K) reduces tadalafil binding affinity to levels characteristic of PDE6. These mutations fail to alter vardenafil (Levitra®) affinity for the active site. Class-specific differences in PDE5 versus cone PDE6 that contribute to the accelerated catalytic efficiency of PDE6 were identified but required heterologous expression of full-length PDE5 constructs. Introduction of PDE6 residues into the background of the PDE5 protein sequence often led to loss of catalytic activity and reduced protein solubility, supporting the idea that multiple structural elements of PDE6 are highly susceptible to misfolding during heterologous expression. This work validates the use of PDE5 as a template to identify functional differences between PDE5 and PDE6 that will accelerate efforts to develop the next generation of PDE5-selective inhibitors with fewer adverse side effects resulting from PDE6 inhibition.  相似文献   

A nitrated guanine nucleotide, 8-nitroguanosine 3′,5′-cyclic monophosphate (8-nitro-cGMP), is formed via nitric oxide (NO) and causes protein S-guanylation. However, intracellular 8-nitro-cGMP levels and mechanisms of formation of 8-nitro-cGMP and S-guanylation are yet to be identified. In this study, we precisely quantified NO-dependent formation of 8-nitro-cGMP in C6 glioma cells via liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Treatment of cells with S-nitroso-N-acetylpenicillamine led to a rapid, transient increase in cGMP, after which 8-nitro-cGMP increased linearly up to a peak value comparable with that of cGMP at 24 h and declined thereafter. Markedly high levels (>40 μm) of 8-nitro-cGMP were also evident in C6 cells that had been stimulated to express inducible NO synthase with excessive NO production. The amount of 8-nitro-cGMP generated was comparable with or much higher than that of cGMP, whose production profile slightly preceded 8-nitro-cGMP formation in the activated inducible NO synthase-expressing cells. These unexpectedly large amounts of 8-nitro-cGMP suggest that GTP (a substrate of cGMP biosynthesis), rather than cGMP per se, may undergo guanine nitration. Also, 8-nitro-cGMP caused S-guanylation of KEAP1 in cells, which led to Nrf2 activation and subsequent induction of antioxidant enzymes, including heme oxygenase-1; thus, 8-nitro-cGMP protected cells against cytotoxic effects of hydrogen peroxide. Proteomic analysis for endogenously modified KEAP1 with matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight-tandem mass spectrometry revealed that 8-nitro-cGMP S-guanylated the Cys434 of KEAP1. The present report is therefore the first substantial corroboration of the biological significance of cellular 8-nitro-cGMP formation and potential roles of 8-nitro-cGMP in the Nrf2-dependent antioxidant response.  相似文献   

As the central effector of visual transduction, the regulation of photoreceptor phosphodiesterase (PDE6) is controlled by both allosteric mechanisms and extrinsic binding partners. However, the conformational changes and interactions of PDE6 with known interacting proteins are poorly understood. Using a fluorescence detection system for the analytical ultracentrifuge, we examined allosteric changes in PDE6 structure and protein-protein interactions with its inhibitory γ-subunit, the prenyl-binding protein (PrBP/δ), and activated transducin. In solution, the PDE6 catalytic dimer (Pαβ) exhibits a more asymmetric shape (axial ratio of 6.6) than reported previously. The inhibitory Pγ subunit behaves as an intrinsically disordered protein in solution but binds with high affinity to the catalytic dimer to reconstitute the holoenzyme without a detectable change in shape. Whereas the closely related PDE5 homodimer undergoes a significant change in its sedimentation properties upon cGMP binding to its regulatory cGMP binding site, no such change was detected upon ligand binding to the PDE6 catalytic dimer. However, when Pαβ was reconstituted with Pγ truncation mutants lacking the C-terminal inhibitory region, cGMP-dependent allosteric changes were observed. PrBP/δ bound to the PDE6 holoenzyme with high affinity (K(D) = 6.2 nm) and induced elongation of the protein complex. Binding of activated transducin to PDE6 holoenzyme resulted in a concentration-dependent increase in the sedimentation coefficient, reflecting a dynamic equilibrium between transducin and PDE6. We conclude that allosteric regulation of PDE6 is more complex than for PDE5 and is dependent on interactions of regions of Pγ with the catalytic dimer.  相似文献   

Photoreceptor cyclic nucleotide-gated (CNG) channels play a pivotal role in phototransduction. Mutations in the cone CNG channel subunits CNGA3 and CNGB3 are associated with achromatopsia and cone dystrophies. We have shown endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress-associated apoptotic cone death and increased phosphorylation of the ER Ca2+ channel inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor 1 (IP3R1) in CNG channel-deficient mice. We also presented a remarkable elevation of cGMP and an increased activity of the cGMP-dependent protein kinase (protein kinase G, PKG) in CNG channel deficiency. This work investigated whether cGMP/PKG signaling regulates ER stress and IP3R1 phosphorylation in CNG channel-deficient cones. Treatment with PKG inhibitor and deletion of guanylate cyclase-1 (GC1), the enzyme producing cGMP in cones, were used to suppress cGMP/PKG signaling in cone-dominant Cnga3−/−/Nrl−/− mice. We found that treatment with PKG inhibitor or deletion of GC1 effectively reduced apoptotic cone death, increased expression levels of cone proteins, and decreased activation of Müller glial cells. Furthermore, we observed significantly increased phosphorylation of IP3R1 and reduced ER stress. Our findings demonstrate a role of cGMP/PKG signaling in ER stress and ER Ca2+ channel regulation and provide insights into the mechanism of cone degeneration in CNG channel deficiency.  相似文献   

Rab11a has been conceived as a prominent regulatory component of the recycling endosome, which acts as a nexus in the endo- and exocytotic networks. The precise in vivo role of Rab11a in mouse embryonic development is unknown. We globally ablated Rab11a and examined the phenotypic and molecular outcomes in Rab11anull blastocysts and mouse embryonic fibroblasts. Using multiple trafficking assays and complementation analyses, we determined, among multiple important membrane-associated and soluble cargos, the critical contribution of Rab11a vesicular traffic to the secretion of multiple soluble MMPs. Rab11anull embryos were able to properly form normal blastocysts but died at peri-implantation stages. Our data suggest that Rab11a critically controls mouse blastocyst development and soluble matrix metalloproteinase secretion.  相似文献   

Soluble guanylate cyclase is an NO-sensing hemoprotein that serves as a NO receptor in NO-mediated signaling pathways. It has been believed that this enzyme displays no measurable affinity for O(2), thereby enabling the selective NO sensing in aerobic environments. Despite the physiological significance, the reactivity of the enzyme-heme for O(2) has not been examined in detail. In this paper we demonstrated that the high spin heme of the ferrous enzyme converted to a low spin oxyheme (Fe(2+)-O(2)) when frozen at 77 K in the presence of O(2). The ligation of O(2) was confirmed by EPR analyses using cobalt-substituted enzyme. The oxy form was produced also under solution conditions at -7 °C, with the extremely low affinity for O(2). The low O(2) affinity was not caused by a distal steric protein effect and by rupture of the Fe(2+)-proximal His bond as revealed by extended x-ray absorption fine structure. The midpoint potential of the enzyme-heme was +187 mV, which is the most positive among high spin protoheme-hemoproteins. This observation implies that the electron density of the ferrous heme iron is relatively low by comparison to those of other hemoproteins, presumably due to the weak Fe(2+)-proximal His bond. Based on our results, we propose that the weak Fe(2+)-proximal His bond is a key determinant for the low O(2) affinity of the heme moiety of soluble guanylate cyclase.  相似文献   

Ion transport peptide (ITP) and its alternatively spliced variant, ITP-like (ITPL), are insect peptides that belong to the crustacean hyperglycemic hormone family. These peptides modulate the homeostatic mechanisms for regulating energy metabolism, molting, and reproduction and are specifically conserved in ecdysozoans. Many of the details of the molecular mechanisms by which crustacean hyperglycemic hormone family peptides exert pleiotropy remain to be elucidated, including characterization of their receptors. Here we identified three Bombyx mori orphan neuropeptide G protein-coupled receptors (BNGRs), BNGR-A2, -A24, and -A34, as receptors for ITP and ITPL (collectively referred to as ITPs). BNGR-A2 and -A34 and BNGR-A24 respond to recombinant ITPs, respectively, with EC50 values of 1.1–2.6 × 10−8 m, when expressed in a heterologous expression system. These three candidate BNGRs are expressed at larval B. mori tissues targeted by ITPs, with cGMP elevation observed after exposure to recombinant ITPs. ITPs also increased the cGMP level in B. mori ovary-derived BmN cells via membrane-bound and soluble guanylyl cyclases. The simultaneous knockdown of bngr-A2 and -A34 significantly decreased the response of BmN cells to ITP, whereas knockdown of bngr-A24 led to decreased responses to ITPL. Conversely, transient expression of bngr-A24 potentiated the response of BmN cells to ITPL. An in vitro binding assay showed direct interaction between ITPs and heterologously expressed BNGRs in a ligand-receptor-specific manner. Taken together, these data demonstrate that BNGR-A2 and -A34 are ITP receptors and that BNGR-A24 is an ITPL receptor in B. mori.  相似文献   

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