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Sakhalin taimen (Parahucho perryi) range from the Russian Far East mainland along the Sea of Japan coast, and Sakhalin, Kuril, and Hokkaido Islands and are considered to primarily be an anadromous species. We used otolith strontium-to-calcium ratios (Sr/Ca) to determine the chronology of migration between freshwater and saltwater and identify migratory contingents of taimen collected from the Koppi River, Russia. In addition, we examined taimen from the Sarufutsu River, Japan and Tumnin River, Russia that were captured in marine waters. Transects of otolith Sr/Ca for the Sarufutsu River fish were consistent with patterns observed in anadromous salmonids. Two fish from the Tumnin River appeared to be recent migrants to saltwater and one fish was characterized by an otolith Sr/Ca transect consistent with marine migration. Using these transects as benchmarks, all Koppi River taimen were classified as freshwater residents. These findings suggest more work is needed to assess life history variability among locations and the role of freshwater productivity in controlling migratory behavior in taimen.  相似文献   

Acoustic telemetry and microchemical analysis of otolith strontium-calcium ratios were used to evaluate how exotic brown trout Salmo trutta have responded to Japanese riverine environments of south-western Hokkaido by observing their migratory patterns. The existence of anadromous S. trutta was also verified. Most S. trutta caught in rivers for otolith analysis were freshwater residents (95·6%), whereas those caught in the sea were mainly smolts (91·3%), which had just migrated from rivers during spring. Anadromous S. trutta (n = 6) were captured in rivers and in the sea, confirming the existence of mature pre- and post-spawning fish. According to telemetry results, both mature and immature S. trutta used the river in winter, and their estimated sea-run timings showed individual differences. Through the combination of these two methods, migratory patterns on various spatio-temporal scales were observed. This first documentation of the presence of both male and female anadromous S. trutta in the same region within Japan indicated the risk of further colonization of exotic S. trutta via oceanic migration.  相似文献   

Using otolith weight to age fish   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The problem of determining and verifying ages of fish, from populations having a considerable variation in size at age, has been investigated using the relationship between otolith size and fish size, which has been shown by several authors to be influenced by growth rate. In such a population of Sardinella aurita Val. an index of age can be obtained for individual fish by calculating the equivalent otolith weight at a particular fish length, using the otolith weight–fish length relationship determined for each age group. This statistic not only permits a much greater proportion of fish to be assigned ages than is possible with otolith reading alone, but also enables the age groups to be verified as year classes. However, it is concluded that, although appropriate models based on otolith-fish size relationships can predict age for groups of fish in which growth rates are known or can be assumed to be consistent, such techniques have a limited application in ageing fish from wild populations with highly variable growth rates.  相似文献   

For the first time, an overlooked aspect of partial migration was quantified using otolith microchemistry and brown trout, Salmo trutta, as a model species. Relative contributions of freshwater resident and anadromous female brown trout to mixed-stock sea trout populations in the Baltic Sea were estimated. Out of 236 confirmed wild sea trout sampled around the coast of Estonia 88% were of anadromous maternal origin and 12% were of resident maternal origin. This novel finding underscores the importance of the resident contingent in maintaining the persistence and resilience of the migratory contingent.  相似文献   

We assessed the prevalence of life history variation across four of the five native amphidromous Hawai'ian gobioids to determine whether some or all exhibit evidence of partial migration. Analysis of otolith Sr.: Ca concentrations affirmed that all are amphidromous and revealed evidence of partial migration in three of the four species. We found that 25% of Lentipes concolor (n = 8), 40% of Eleotris sandwicensis (n = 20) and 29% of Stenogobius hawaiiensis (n = 24) did not exhibit a migratory life-history. In contrast, all individuals of Sicyopterus stimpsoni (n = 55) included in the study went to sea as larvae. Lentipes concolor exhibited the shortest mean larval duration (LD) at 87 days, successively followed by E. sandwicensis (mean LD = 102 days), S. hawaiiensis (mean LD = 114 days) and S. stimpsoni (mean LD = 120 days). These findings offer a fresh perspective on migratory life histories that can help improve efforts to conserve and protect all of these and other at-risk amphidromous species that are subject to escalating anthropogenic pressures in both freshwater and marine environments.  相似文献   

Partial migration occurs when only some animals in a population migrate. While evidence suggests that migratory strategies are partially controlled by genes, individual and environmental conditions which alter the cost‐benefit trade‐off of migration among individuals are also likely to play a role. Three hypotheses have been advanced to explain condition‐dependent partial migration: the arrival time, dominance and body size hypotheses. In this study, we asked whether these hypotheses explained differences in migratory strategy among individuals in a partially migratory population of western bluebirds Sialia mexicana breeding in southern British Columbia, Canada. We used stable hydrogen isotope signatures in claw tissue to determine migratory strategy of individual bluebirds, and examined patterns of migration at both individual and population levels. The proportion of resident bluebirds varied significantly over the three years of the study, and across study sites. Several migrants switched to the resident strategy between years; however, we found no evidence of strategy switching in the opposite direction. Young birds were significantly more likely to be resident than older birds, a pattern which could arise if early arrival is particularly important for birds obtaining a territory for the first time. Furthermore, young females were the most likely of all sex–age classes to be resident, which may reflect a survival advantage of residency for young females. Finally, birds mated assortatively by migratory strategy and isotopic evidence suggests that members of a pair often wintered in the same place. Our results provided no support for the dominance or body size hypotheses, and only limited support for the arrival time hypothesis in bluebirds. However, taken together, we suggest that our findings indicate that social factors may influence migratory strategies in this system.  相似文献   

Otolith microchemistry was applied to quantify migratory variation and the proportion of native Caribbean stream fishes that undergo full or partial marine migration. Strontium and barium water chemistry in four Puerto Rico, U.S.A., rivers was clearly related to a salinity gradient; however, variation in water barium, and thus fish otoliths, was also dependent on river basin. Strontium was the most accurate index of longitudinal migration in tropical diadromous fish otoliths. Among the four species examined, bigmouth sleeper Gobiomorus dormitor, mountain mullet Agonostomus monticola, sirajo goby Sicydium spp. and river goby Awaous banana, most individuals were fully amphidromous, but 9–12% were semi‐amphidromous as recruits, having never experienced marine or estuarine conditions in early life stages and showing no evidence of marine elemental signatures in their otolith core. Populations of one species, G. dormitor, may have contained a small contingent of semi‐amphidromous adults, migratory individuals that periodically occupied marine or estuarine habitats (4%); however, adult migratory elemental signatures may have been confounded with those related to diet and physiology. These findings indicate the plasticity of migratory strategies of tropical diadromous fishes, which may be more variable than simple categorization might suggest.  相似文献   

Partial migration, in which a fraction of a population migrate and the rest remain resident, occurs in an extensive range of species and can have powerful ecological consequences. The question of what drives differences in individual migratory tendency is a contentious one. It has been shown that the timing of partial migration is based upon a trade-off between seasonal fluctuations in predation risk and growth potential. Phenotypic variation in either individual predation risk or growth potential should thus mediate the strength of the trade-off and ultimately predict patterns of partial migration at the individual level (i.e. which individuals migrate and which remain resident). We provide cross-population empirical support for the importance of one component of this model--individual predation risk--in predicting partial migration in wild populations of bream Abramis brama, a freshwater fish. Smaller, high-risk individuals migrate with a higher probability than larger, low-risk individuals, and we suggest that predation risk maintains size-dependent partial migration in this system.  相似文献   

This study quantified the per cent contribution of water chemistry to otolith chemistry using enriched stable isotopes of strontium (86Sr) and barium (137Ba). Euryhaline barramundi Lates calcarifer, were reared in marine (salinity 40), estuarine (salinity 20) and freshwater (salinity 0) under different temperature treatments. To calculate the contribution of water to Sr and Ba in otoliths, enriched isotopes in the tank water and otoliths were quantified and fitted to isotope mixing models. Fulton's K and RNA:DNA were also measured to explore the influence of fish condition on sources of element uptake. Water was the predominant source of otolith Sr (between 65 and 99%) and Ba (between 64 and 89%) in all treatments, but contributions varied with temperature (for Ba), or interactively with temperature and salinity (for Sr). Fish condition indices were affected independently by the experimental rearing conditions, as RNA:DNA differed significantly among salinity treatments and Fulton's K was significantly different between temperature treatments. Regression analyses did not detect relations between fish condition and per cent contribution values. General linear models indicated that contributions from water chemistry to otolith chemistry were primarily influenced by temperature and secondly by fish condition, with a relatively minor influence of salinity. These results further the understanding of factors that affect otolith element uptake, highlighting the necessity to consider the influence of environment and fish condition when interpreting otolith element data to reconstruct the environmental histories of fish.  相似文献   

Within populations of adult Müller's pearlside Maurolicus muelleri the otolith radius tended to increase with age at a given fish length, which indicated the presence of a growth-rate effect. Among populations the relative otolith size was negatively correlated to growth-rate estimates, which again indicated a growth-rate effect. There were only minor differences in temperature conditions among the locations, and birth-date differences did not appear to account for variation in otolith radius relative to fish length in older age groups. The presence of a growth-rate effect may be useful, as the relative otolith size may be used for evaluation of age and growth estimates, although there are several limitations to its usefulness.  相似文献   

Fish otoliths' chronometric properties make them useful for age and growth rate estimation in fisheries management. For the Eastern Baltic Sea cod stock (Gadus morhua), unclear seasonal growth zones in otoliths have resulted in unreliable age and growth information. Here, a new age estimation method based on seasonal patterns in trace elemental otolith incorporation was tested for the first time and compared with the traditional method of visually counting growth zones, using otoliths from the Baltic and North seas. Various trace elemental ratios, linked to fish metabolic activity (higher in summer) or external environment (migration to colder, deeper habitats with higher salinity in winter), were tested for age estimation based on assessing their seasonal variations in concentration. Mg:Ca and P:Ca, both proxies for growth and metabolic activity, showed greatest seasonality and therefore have the best potential to be used as chemical clocks. Otolith image readability was significantly lower in the Baltic than in the North Sea. The chemical (novel) method had an overall greater precision and percentage agreement among readers (11.2%, 74.0%) than the visual (traditional) method (23.1%, 51.0%). Visual readers generally selected more highly contrasting zones as annuli whereas the chemical readers identified brighter regions within the first two annuli and darker zones thereafter. Visual estimates produced significantly higher, more variable ages than did the chemical ones. Based on the analyses in our study, we suggest that otolith microchemistry is a promising alternative ageing method for fish populations difficult to age, such as the Eastern Baltic cod.  相似文献   

The migratory history of the white‐spotted charr Salvelinus leucomaenis was examined using otolith microchemical analysis. The fish migrated between freshwater and marine environments multiple times during their life history. Some white‐spotted charr used an estuarine habitat prior to smolting and repeated seaward migration within a year.  相似文献   

Body size and the adoption of a migratory tactic in brook charr   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The presence of a conditional strategy based on size attained before migration and a sex-ratio at migration biased towards females were explored in a population of brook charr Salvelinus fontinalis in the Sainte-Marguerite River, Quebec Province, Canada, where anadromous and resident forms live sympatrically. Seaward migration in the system occurred at 1 and 2 years old. Comparisons between backcalculated size-at-age of migrant and resident fish revealed that smaller fish at age 1 year delay migration to the following year and that bigger fish either migrated at age 1 year or remained resident for the rest of their life-cycle. Slow growth was associated with migration later in life (age 2 years) at a bigger size, which is consistent with the hypothesis of a threshold size for migration. No difference in size at age 1 year between migrant and resident fish suggests that other factors, such as growth efficiency and the presence of heritability of the tactics, are involved. Overall the sex ratio was equal for migrant and resident fish, while an age-specific bias was found: more males migrated at age 1 year and more females at age 2 years. These differences suggest that different tactics are adopted by different sexes.  相似文献   

Marginal otolith increment width analysis was performed on field‐collected larval and juvenile spring‐spawned herring Clupea harengus that experienced variable feeding conditions and high temperatures that were above the optimum for growth. Although drastic zooplankton biomass reduction had a significant effect on increment width, a delay of a few days in the otolith response was observed. More importantly, a very clear, positive temperature effect on marginal increment width was demonstrated in fish characterized by temperature independent somatic growth. These results indicate that under natural conditions it may be impossible to distinguish increment width changes related to variation in feeding conditions from changes caused by temperature fluctuations. Therefore, it was concluded that marginal otolith increment width analysis could not be used as a recent growth index ( I G) for herring larvae and juveniles exposed to drastic temperature fluctuations. The implication of these results is significant not only for the use of marginal increments as a recent growth index, but also if growth rate backcalculation is to be used as a research method.  相似文献   

  1. Partial migration, where a portion of the population migrates between winter and summer (breeding) areas and the rest remain year‐round resident, is a common phenomenon across several taxonomic groups. Several hypotheses have been put forward to explain why some individuals migrate while others stay resident, as well as the fitness consequences of the different strategies. Yet, the drivers and consequences of the decision to migrate or not are poorly understood.
  2. We used data from radio‐tagged female (n = 73) willow ptarmigan Lagopus lagopus in an alpine study area in Central Norway to test if (i) the decision to migrate was dependent on individual state variables (age and body weight), (ii) individuals repeated migratory decisions between seasons, and (iii) the choice of migratory strategy was related to reproductive success.
  3. Partially supporting our prediction that migratory strategy depends on individual state, we found that juvenile birds with small body sizes were more likely to migrate, whereas large juveniles remained resident. For adult females, we found no relationship between the decision to migrate or stay resident and body weight. We found evidence for high individual repeatability of migratory decision between seasons. Migratory strategy did not explain variation in clutch size or nest fate among individuals, suggesting no direct influence of the chosen strategy on reproductive success.
  4. Our results indicate that partial migration in willow ptarmigan is related to juvenile body weight, and that migratory behavior becomes a part of the individual life history as a fixed strategy. Nesting success was not affected by migratory strategy in our study population, but future studies should assess other traits to further test potential fitness consequences.

Otoliths of male (1+ year old) Terubok, tropical shad Tenualosa toli from the Lupar River, Sarawak, were treated in different ways to assess the effect of post-capture storage on element concentrations in the otolith core and edge detected by laser-ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICPMS). Five treatments were compared: rapid removal and dry storage; fish kept 5 h after capture then otoliths removed; rapid removal and stored in alcohol; fish rozen for 24 h then otoliths removed; and storage of intact head in alcohol for several weeks. Seven elements were detected at the core and edge of otoliths (Li, Na, Mg, Mn, Co, Sr, Ba). Of these, Na, Mg, Co and Ba differed among treatments, being highest in treatments where the otolith remained in the head. Variation in element measurements due to treatment effects was similar to within-otolith variation for the other elements and was least variable in the fresh treatment. The variation in concentration between the core and edge was more significant than other sources of variation (up to 100 times) for some elements. These differences were probably due to physiological factors (ontogenetic) or to yearly changes in water chemistry. The results indicate that the method of otolith storage, especially freezing whole fish, can have a small, but measurable, effect on the concentrations of Na, Mg, Co and Ba.  相似文献   

To aid the interpretation of otolith microstructure in wild fishes, the present study assessed responses in daily otolith increment widths of early juvenile Australian smelt Retropinna semoni to sudden changes in feeding conditions. There was an almost immediate response in otolith increment widths (which can be interpreted as growth in length) to sudden changes in feeding conditions, with such changes being detected statistically after c. 4 days. Fish displayed compensatory growth when food supplies were increased following a period of limited food, indicating the magnitude of the response in growth appears highly dependant on feeding history. Additionally, fish size also appeared to influence increment widths suggesting that both fish size and feeding history are important factors that must be considered when interpreting otolith microstructure for the species.  相似文献   

Almost three-quarters of the 46 young adult and sub-adult striped bass Morone saxatilis that were acoustically tagged in Plum Island Estuary, Massachusetts, U.S.A., in the summer of 2006 were detected in one or more southern coastal arrays during their autumn migration. On the basis of the trajectories along which these M. saxatilis moved from feeding to overwintering areas, three migratory groups emerged. After leaving Plum Island Estuary, about half of the fish were detected only in a mid-latitude array, Long Island Sound. The other half of the tagged fish were detected during autumn and winter in a more southern array, the Delaware Estuary. This latter group of fish may have used two routes. Some travelled to the Delaware Estuary through Long Island Sound while other fish may have taken a second, more direct, coastal route that did not include Long Island Sound. Consequently, a seemingly homogeneous group of fish tagged at the same time in the same non-natal feeding location exhibited a diversity of southward movement patterns that could affect population-level processes. These three groups that differed in overwintering location and migration route could be movement contingents with migratory connectivity.  相似文献   

The effect of food intake and temperature on otolith macrostructure and microstructure was examined experimentally in Atlantic cod Gadus morhua. Daily increment formation was validated and otolith accretion rate and optical density quantified using image analysis. Two‐week periods of starvation had no discernable effect on otolith increment width or optical density, despite having negative effects on somatic growth. In contrast, temperature had a strong positive effect on otolith accretion rate and clear effects on optical density with the otolith becoming more translucent at higher temperatures. Somatic growth, otolith accretion and otolith optical density each had a significantly different response curve to temperature. No relationship was detected between individual somatic growth rates and the accretion rate or optical properties of the otolith. The experimental manipulation of temperature‐induced otolith patterns similar to the ‘false ring’ secondary structures sometimes observed in the otoliths of wild fish. The results suggest that otolith pattern arises from a combination of temperature and seasonal effects, but not directly from individual variation in somatic growth.  相似文献   

To test the hypothesis that elemental composition of otoliths (sagittae) could be influenced by differences in natural prey type, young‐of‐the‐year bluefish Pomatomus saltatrix were captured immediately after their migration from oceanic waters into mid‐Atlantic Bight estuaries and fed either shrimp, Crangon septemspinosa and Palaemonetes spp. or fish Menidia menidia under similar temperature and salinity regimes in two separate 60 day experiments. Unlimited rations of fish and shrimp prey were provided in the first experiment which led to differences in bluefish growth rate between the two prey treatments; fish prey was limited in the second experiment to ensure that growth rates of bluefish in the two prey treatments were similar. Concentrations of seven elements in bluefish otoliths were determined using solution‐based inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICPMS). There was no significant effect of diet on five of the seven elements examined (Na, Mg, K, Ca and Mn). The levels of Sr and Ba in the otoliths of shrimp‐fed bluefish, however, were significantly higher than fish‐fed bluefish in both experiments. Concentrations of Ba in shrimp‐fed bluefish otoliths were double that found in fish‐fed bluefish. The results suggest that diet can explain some of the variation in otolith chemistry previously attributed to physical and chemical properties of the water.  相似文献   

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