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Cerebral cartography and connectomics pursue similar goals in attempting to create maps that can inform our understanding of the structural and functional organization of the cortex. Connectome maps explicitly aim at representing the brain as a complex network, a collection of nodes and their interconnecting edges. This article reflects on some of the challenges that currently arise in the intersection of cerebral cartography and connectomics. Principal challenges concern the temporal dynamics of functional brain connectivity, the definition of areal parcellations and their hierarchical organization into large-scale networks, the extension of whole-brain connectivity to cellular-scale networks, and the mapping of structure/function relations in empirical recordings and computational models. Successfully addressing these challenges will require extensions of methods and tools from network science to the mapping and analysis of human brain connectivity data. The emerging view that the brain is more than a collection of areas, but is fundamentally operating as a complex networked system, will continue to drive the creation of ever more detailed and multi-modal network maps as tools for on-going exploration and discovery in human connectomics.  相似文献   

The advent of high-throughput technologies and the concurrent advances in information sciences have led to an explosion in size and complexity of the data sets collected in biological sciences. The biggest challenge today is to assimilate this wealth of information into a conceptual framework that will help us decipher biological functions. A large and complex collection of data, usually called a data cloud, naturally embeds multi-scale characteristics and features, generically termed geometry. Understanding this geometry is the foundation for extracting knowledge from data. We have developed a new methodology, called data cloud geometry-tree (DCG-tree), to resolve this challenge. This new procedure has two main features that are keys to its success. Firstly, it derives from the empirical similarity measurements a hierarchy of clustering configurations that captures the geometric structure of the data. This hierarchy is then transformed into an ultrametric space, which is then represented via an ultrametric tree or a Parisi matrix. Secondly, it has a built-in mechanism for self-correcting clustering membership across different tree levels. We have compared the trees generated with this new algorithm to equivalent trees derived with the standard Hierarchical Clustering method on simulated as well as real data clouds from fMRI brain connectivity studies, cancer genomics, giraffe social networks, and Lewis Carroll''s Doublets network. In each of these cases, we have shown that the DCG trees are more robust and less sensitive to measurement errors, and that they provide a better quantification of the multi-scale geometric structures of the data. As such, DCG-tree is an effective tool for analyzing complex biological data sets.  相似文献   

Neurocomputational models of large-scale brain dynamics utilizing realistic connectivity matrices have advanced our understanding of the operational network principles in the brain. In particular, spontaneous or resting state activity has been studied on various scales of spatial and temporal organization including those that relate to physiological, encephalographic and hemodynamic data. In this article we focus on the brain from the perspective of a dynamic network and discuss the role of its network constituents in shaping brain dynamics. These constituents include the brain's structural connectivity, the population dynamics of its network nodes and the time delays involved in signal transmission. In addition, no discussion of brain dynamics would be complete without considering noise and stochastic effects. In fact, there is mounting evidence that the interaction between noise and dynamics plays an important functional role in shaping key brain processes. In particular, we discuss a unifying theoretical framework that explains how structured spatio-temporal resting state patterns emerge from noise driven explorations of unstable or stable oscillatory states. Embracing this perspective, we explore the consequences of network manipulations to understand some of the brain's dysfunctions, as well as network effects that offer new insights into routes towards therapy, recovery and brain repair. These collective insights will be at the core of a new computational environment, the Virtual Brain, which will allow flexible incorporation of empirical data constraining the brain models to integrate, unify and predict network responses to incipient pathological processes.  相似文献   

Visual cues from faces provide important social information relating to individual identity, sexual attraction and emotional state. Behavioural and neurophysiological studies on both monkeys and sheep have shown that specialized skills and neural systems for processing these complex cues to guide behaviour have evolved in a number of mammals and are not present exclusively in humans. Indeed, there are remarkable similarities in the ways that faces are processed by the brain in humans and other mammalian species. While human studies with brain imaging and gross neurophysiological recording approaches have revealed global aspects of the face-processing network, they cannot investigate how information is encoded by specific neural networks. Single neuron electrophysiological recording approaches in both monkeys and sheep have, however, provided some insights into the neural encoding principles involved and, particularly, the presence of a remarkable degree of high-level encoding even at the level of a specific face. Recent developments that allow simultaneous recordings to be made from many hundreds of individual neurons are also beginning to reveal evidence for global aspects of a population-based code. This review will summarize what we have learned so far from these animal-based studies about the way the mammalian brain processes the faces and the emotions they can communicate, as well as associated capacities such as how identity and emotion cues are dissociated and how face imagery might be generated. It will also try to highlight what questions and advances in knowledge still challenge us in order to provide a complete understanding of just how brain networks perform this complex and important social recognition task.  相似文献   

We show how Raman imaging can be combined with independent but simultaneous phase measurements of unlabeled cells, with the resulting data providing information on how the light is retarded and/or scattered by molecules in the cell. We then show, for the first time to our knowledge, how the chemistry of the cell highlighted in the Raman information is related to the cell quantitative phase information revealed in digital holographic microscopy by quantifying how the two sets of spatial information are correlated. The results show that such a multimodal implementation is highly useful for the convenience of having video rate imaging of the cell during the entire Raman measurement time, allowing us to observe how the cell changes during Raman acquisition. More importantly, it also shows that the two sets of label-free data, which result from different scattering mechanisms, are complementary and can be used to interpret the composition and dynamics of the cell, where each mode supplies label-free information not available from the other mode.  相似文献   

We show how Raman imaging can be combined with independent but simultaneous phase measurements of unlabeled cells, with the resulting data providing information on how the light is retarded and/or scattered by molecules in the cell. We then show, for the first time to our knowledge, how the chemistry of the cell highlighted in the Raman information is related to the cell quantitative phase information revealed in digital holographic microscopy by quantifying how the two sets of spatial information are correlated. The results show that such a multimodal implementation is highly useful for the convenience of having video rate imaging of the cell during the entire Raman measurement time, allowing us to observe how the cell changes during Raman acquisition. More importantly, it also shows that the two sets of label-free data, which result from different scattering mechanisms, are complementary and can be used to interpret the composition and dynamics of the cell, where each mode supplies label-free information not available from the other mode.  相似文献   

The human brain has accumulated many useful building blocks over its evolutionary history, and the best knowledge of these has often derived from experiments performed in animal species that display finely honed abilities. In this article we review a model system at the forefront of investigation into the neural bases of information processing, plasticity, and learning: the barn owl auditory localization pathway. In addition to the broadly applicable principles gleaned from three decades of work in this system, there are good reasons to believe that continued exploration of the owl brain will be invaluable for further advances in understanding of how neuronal networks give rise to behavior.  相似文献   

Species distribution models (SDMs) use spatial environmental data to make inferences on species' range limits and habitat suitability. Conceptually, these models aim to determine and map components of a species' ecological niche through space and time, and they have become important tools in pure and applied ecology and evolutionary biology. Most approaches are correlative in that they statistically link spatial data to species distribution records. An alternative strategy is to explicitly incorporate the mechanistic links between the functional traits of organisms and their environments into SDMs. Here, we review how the principles of biophysical ecology can be used to link spatial data to the physiological responses and constraints of organisms. This provides a mechanistic view of the fundamental niche which can then be mapped to the landscape to infer range constraints. We show how physiologically based SDMs can be developed for different organisms in different environmental contexts. Mechanistic SDMs have different strengths and weaknesses to correlative approaches, and there are many exciting and unexplored prospects for integrating the two approaches. As physiological knowledge becomes better integrated into SDMs, we will make more robust predictions of range shifts in novel or non-equilibrium contexts such as invasions, translocations, climate change and evolutionary shifts.  相似文献   

This paper begins with a focus on the task of stem inflection, where participants are given a verb stem and asked to produce the verb''s past-tense form, which can produce a neuropsychological double dissociation with respect to regular versus irregular verbs. Two differing theoretical interpretations are outlined: one is based on specifically morphological and separate brain mechanisms for processing regular versus irregular verbs; the other argues that the two sides of the dissociation can arise from one procedure, which is not specifically morphological, and which relies to differing extents on phonological versus semantic information for regular versus irregular verbs. We then present data from a different version of the task, in which patients were given past-tense forms and asked to produce the present-tense or stem forms (talked → talk and ate → eat). This change yielded a very different pattern of performance in four non-fluent aphasic patients as a function of the regular–irregular manipulation, an outcome which is argued to be more compatible with the single- than the dual-mechanism account. Finally, we present a small amount of data from a task in which the patient was asked to judge whether spoken regular and irregular verb stems and past-tense forms indicated actions occurring today or yesterday. This task produced an even more different and intriguing pattern of performance suggesting a deficit in morpho-syntactic knowledge: not how to produce past-tense forms but what such forms mean and how that understanding interacts with verb regularity. The paper concludes with a discussion of how the research field of acquired disorders of tense processing might advance as a result of new approaches, in particular those informed by studies of developmental disorders.  相似文献   

What is the link, if any, between the patterns of connections in the brain and the behavioural effects of localized brain lesions? We explored this question in four related ways. First, we investigated the distribution of activity decrements that followed simulated damage to elements of the thalamocortical network, using integrative mechanisms that have recently been used to successfully relate connection data to information on the spread of activation, and to account simultaneously for a variety of lesion effects. Second, we examined the consequences of the patterns of decrement seen in the simulation for each type of inference that has been employed to impute function to structure on the basis of the effects of brain lesions. Every variety of conventional inference, including double dissociation, readily misattributed function to structure. Third, we tried to derive a more reliable framework of inference for imputing function to structure, by clarifying concepts of function, and exploring a more formal framework, in which knowledge of connectivity is necessary but insufficient, based on concepts capable of mathematical specification. Fourth, we applied this framework to inferences about function relating to a simple network that reproduces intact, lesioned and paradoxically restored orientating behaviour. Lesion effects could be used to recover detailed and reliable information on which structures contributed to particular functions in this simple network. Finally, we explored how the effects of brain lesions and this formal approach could be used in conjunction with information from multiple neuroscience methodologies to develop a practical and reliable approach to inferring the functional roles of brain structures.  相似文献   

Brain imaging and research on bilinguals and patients with speech disorders is helping to unravel semantic processing – the way how the brain interprets and stores sentences and stories. Subject Categories: Neuroscience

The human brain is a powerful biological computer capable of using information to construct elaborate virtual scenarios. This is in effect what happens when people read or listen to stories: the information is both stored and used by the brain’s virtuality engine, along with other knowledge and experience, to simulate the story. This so‐called lexical and semantical knowledge is represented across distributed and flexible spatial maps in the brain that can be reconfigured to any task in hand. For decades, neurobiologists have been trying to understand how this process works and where the knowledge from reading or listening is stored and processed, but these higher brain functions have so far been elusive. It was only the application of advanced imaging techniques, especially fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging) during the past decade, that allowed scientists to observe in real time what happens in the brain while reading or listening. These advances could benefit various fields, including therapies for speaking or language disorders and, more generally, education.
It was only the application of advanced imaging techniques […] that allowed scientists to observe in real time what happens in the brain while reading or listening.
Progress has come in slow steps. At first, fMRI analysis was confined to analysing the brain’s reaction to single words. During the past year or two, scientists have been able to map study participants’ reaction to whole sentences or even complete narratives to the spatial representation of more complex semantic knowledge. Further advances will depend on analysing differences between individuals and between bilingual and monolingual people. This will help to separate purely semantic aspects from those that rely on language or even culture. Progress is also expected to come from patients with neurological defects, such as brain lesions, epilepsy or ill‐defined conditions associated with learning difficulties such as dyslexia.  相似文献   

Information on the distribution of animal populations is essential for conservation planning and management. Unfortunately, shared coordinate-level data may have the potential to compromise sensitive species and generalized data are often shared instead to facilitate knowledge discovery and communication regarding species distributions. Sharing of generalized data is, unfortunately, often ad hoc and lacks scalable conventions that permit consistent sharing at larger scales and varying resolutions. One common convention in African applications is the Quarter Degree Grid Cells (QDGC) system. However, the current standard does not support unique references across the Equator and Prime Meridian. We present a method for extending QDGC nomenclature to support unique references at a continental scale for Africa. The extended QDGC provides an instrument for sharing generalized biodiversity data where laws, regulations or other formal considerations prevent or prohibit distribution of coordinate-level information. We recommend how the extended QDGC may be used as a standard, scalable solution for exchange of biodiversity information through development of tools for the conversion and presentation of multi-scale data at a variety of resolutions. In doing so, the extended QDGC represents an important alternative to existing approaches for generalized mapping and can help planners and researchers address conservation issues more efficiently.  相似文献   

Mapping human brain networks provides a basis for studying brain function and dysfunction, and thus has gained significant interest in recent years. However, modeling human brain networks still faces several challenges including constructing networks at multiple spatial scales and finding common corresponding networks across individuals. As a consequence, many previous methods were designed for a single resolution or scale of brain network, though the brain networks are multi-scale in nature. To address this problem, this paper presents a novel approach to constructing multi-scale common structural brain networks from DTI data via an improved multi-scale spectral clustering applied on our recently developed and validated DICCCOLs (Dense Individualized and Common Connectivity-based Cortical Landmarks). Since the DICCCOL landmarks possess intrinsic structural correspondences across individuals and populations, we employed the multi-scale spectral clustering algorithm to group the DICCCOL landmarks and their connections into sub-networks, meanwhile preserving the intrinsically-established correspondences across multiple scales. Experimental results demonstrated that the proposed method can generate multi-scale consistent and common structural brain networks across subjects, and its reproducibility has been verified by multiple independent datasets. As an application, these multi-scale networks were used to guide the clustering of multi-scale fiber bundles and to compare the fiber integrity in schizophrenia and healthy controls. In general, our methods offer a novel and effective framework for brain network modeling and tract-based analysis of DTI data.  相似文献   

Microarray gene expression data generally suffers from missing value problem due to a variety of experimental reasons. Since the missing data points can adversely affect downstream analysis, many algorithms have been proposed to impute missing values. In this survey, we provide a comprehensive review of existing missing value imputation algorithms, focusing on their underlying algorithmic techniques and how they utilize local or global information from within the data, or their use of domain knowledge during imputation. In addition, we describe how the imputation results can be validated and the different ways to assess the performance of different imputation algorithms, as well as a discussion on some possible future research directions. It is hoped that this review will give the readers a good understanding of the current development in this field and inspire them to come up with the next generation of imputation algorithms.  相似文献   

Neuropsychological research on the neural basis of behaviour generally posits that brain mechanisms will ultimately suffice to explain all psychologically described phenomena. This assumption stems from the idea that the brain is made up entirely of material particles and fields, and that all causal mechanisms relevant to neuroscience can therefore be formulated solely in terms of properties of these elements. Thus, terms having intrinsic mentalistic and/or experiential content (e.g. 'feeling', 'knowing' and 'effort') are not included as primary causal factors. This theoretical restriction is motivated primarily by ideas about the natural world that have been known to be fundamentally incorrect for more than three-quarters of a century. Contemporary basic physical theory differs profoundly from classic physics on the important matter of how the consciousness of human agents enters into the structure of empirical phenomena. The new principles contradict the older idea that local mechanical processes alone can account for the structure of all observed empirical data. Contemporary physical theory brings directly and irreducibly into the overall causal structure certain psychologically described choices made by human agents about how they will act. This key development in basic physical theory is applicable to neuroscience, and it provides neuroscientists and psychologists with an alternative conceptual framework for describing neural processes. Indeed, owing to certain structural features of ion channels critical to synaptic function, contemporary physical theory must in principle be used when analysing human brain dynamics. The new framework, unlike its classic-physics-based predecessor, is erected directly upon, and is compatible with, the prevailing principles of physics. It is able to represent more adequately than classic concepts the neuroplastic mechanisms relevant to the growing number of empirical studies of the capacity of directed attention and mental effort to systematically alter brain function.  相似文献   

We describe a semantic data validation tool that is capable of observing incoming real-time sensor data and performing reasoning against a set of rules specific to the scientific domain to which the data belongs. Our software solution can produce a variety of different outcomes when a data anomaly or unexpected event is detected, ranging from simple flagging of data points, to data augmentation, to validation of proposed hypotheses that could explain the phenomenon. Hosted on the Jena Semantic Web Framework, the tool is completely domain-agnostic and is made domain-aware by reference to an ontology and Knowledge Base (KB) that together describe the key resources of the system being observed. The KB comprises ontologies for the sensor packages and for the domain; historical data from the network; concepts designed to guide discovery of internet resources unavailable in the local KB but relevant to reasoning about the anomaly; and a set of rules that represent domain expert knowledge of constraints on data from different kinds of instruments as well as rules that relate types of ecosystem events to properties of the ecosystem. We describe an instance of such a system that includes a sensor ontology, some rules describing coastal storm events and their consequences, and how we relate local data to external resources. We describe in some detail how a specific actual event—an unusually high chlorophyll reading—can be deduced by machine reasoning to be consistent with being caused by benthic diatom resuspension, consistent with being caused by an algal bloom, or both.  相似文献   

Imagine a situation in which you had to design a physical agent that could collect information from its environment, then store and process that information to help it respond appropriately to novel situations. What kinds of information should it attend to? How should the information be represented so as to allow efficient use and re-use? What kinds of constraints and trade-offs would there be? There are no unique answers. In this paper, we discuss some of the ways in which the need to be able to address problems of varying kinds and complexity can be met by different information processing systems. We also discuss different ways in which relevant information can be obtained, and how different kinds of information can be processed and used, by both biological organisms and artificial agents. We analyse several constraints and design features, and show how they relate both to biological organisms, and to lessons that can be learned from building artificial systems. Our standpoint overlaps with Karmiloff-Smith (1992) in that we assume that a collection of mechanisms geared to learning and developing in biological environments are available in forms that constrain, but do not determine, what can or will be learnt by individuals.  相似文献   

Magneto- and electroencephalography (MEG/EEG) are neuroimaging techniques that provide a high temporal resolution particularly suitable to investigate the cortical networks involved in dynamical perceptual and cognitive tasks, such as attending to different sounds in a cocktail party. Many past studies have employed data recorded at the sensor level only, i.e., the magnetic fields or the electric potentials recorded outside and on the scalp, and have usually focused on activity that is time-locked to the stimulus presentation. This type of event-related field / potential analysis is particularly useful when there are only a small number of distinct dipolar patterns that can be isolated and identified in space and time. Alternatively, by utilizing anatomical information, these distinct field patterns can be localized as current sources on the cortex. However, for a more sustained response that may not be time-locked to a specific stimulus (e.g., in preparation for listening to one of the two simultaneously presented spoken digits based on the cued auditory feature) or may be distributed across multiple spatial locations unknown a priori, the recruitment of a distributed cortical network may not be adequately captured by using a limited number of focal sources.Here, we describe a procedure that employs individual anatomical MRI data to establish a relationship between the sensor information and the dipole activation on the cortex through the use of minimum-norm estimates (MNE). This inverse imaging approach provides us a tool for distributed source analysis. For illustrative purposes, we will describe all procedures using FreeSurfer and MNE software, both freely available. We will summarize the MRI sequences and analysis steps required to produce a forward model that enables us to relate the expected field pattern caused by the dipoles distributed on the cortex onto the M/EEG sensors. Next, we will step through the necessary processes that facilitate us in denoising the sensor data from environmental and physiological contaminants. We will then outline the procedure for combining and mapping MEG/EEG sensor data onto the cortical space, thereby producing a family of time-series of cortical dipole activation on the brain surface (or "brain movies") related to each experimental condition. Finally, we will highlight a few statistical techniques that enable us to make scientific inference across a subject population (i.e., perform group-level analysis) based on a common cortical coordinate space.  相似文献   

The present model postulates the construction of motor actions through the interaction of different motor schemas via a process of competition and co-operation wherein there is no need for a unique schema to win the competition (although that might well be the result) since two or more schemas may simultaneously be active and co-operate to yield a more complicated motor pattern. Based on lesion data, our model is structured on the principles of segregation of co-ordinate systems and participation of maps intermediate between sensory and motor schemas. The motor schemas are driven by specific internal maps which between them constitute a distributed internal representation of the world. These maps collectively provide the transition from topographically-coded sensory information to frequency-coded inputs to the diverse motor schemas that drive muscle activity. We stimulate data on approach and avoidance behavior of the frog or toad under normal conditions and under lesion of different brain centers. For example, the model generates different motor zones for prey-catching behavior which match those observed experimentally in normal conditions and in the medullary hemifield deficit, and offers predictions for new experiments on both approach and avoidance behaviors.  相似文献   

Breeding systems are important, and often neglected, aspects of the natural biology of organisms, affecting homozygosity and thus many aspects of their biology, including levels and patterns of genetic diversity and genome evolution. Among the different plant mating systems, it is useful to distinguish two types of systems: 'sex systems', hermaphroditic versus male/female and other situations; and the 'mating systems' of hermaphroditic populations, inbreeding, outcrossing or intermediate. Evolutionary changes in breeding systems occur between closely related species, and some changes occur more often than others. Understanding why such changes occur requires combined genetical and ecological approaches. I review the ideas of some of the most important theoretical models, showing how these are based on individual selection using genetic principles to ask whether alleles affecting plants' outcrossing rates or sex morphs will spread in populations. After discussing how the conclusions are affected by some of the many relevant ecological factors, I relate these theoretical ideas to empirical data from some of the many recent breeding system studies in plant populations.  相似文献   

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