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Many herbivorous insects sequester defensive compounds from their host‐plants and incorporate them into their eggs to protect them against predation. Here, we investigate whether transmission of cardenolides from the host‐diet to the eggs is maternal, paternal, or biparental in the large milkweed bug, Oncopeltus fasciatus (Dallas) (Hemiptera: Lygaeidae). We reared individual bugs on either milkweed seeds [MW; Asclepias syriaca L. (Apocynaceae)] that contain cardenolides, or on sunflower seeds [SF; Helianthus annuus L. (Asteraceae)] that do not contain cardenolides. We mated females and males so that all four maternal/paternal diet combinations were represented: MW/MW, MW/SF, SF/MW, and SF/SF. Using larvae of the common green lacewing, Chrysoperla (Chrysopa) carnea (Stevens) (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae), we conducted two‐choice predation trials to assess whether maternal, paternal, or biparental transmission of cardenolides into the eggs of O. fasciatus increased protection against predation. Furthermore, we used high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) to assess putative cardenolide content of eggs from the various parental diet treatment groups. The predation trials suggested that regardless of male diet, eggs were afforded better protection when females had been raised on milkweed. However, many eggs were at least partially consumed. This suggests that although chemical defence of eggs does not guarantee protection to eggs on an individual basis, they may increase the probability that some eggs in a clutch are left intact thereby potentially conferring a fitness advantage to more offspring than if eggs are left unprotected. Based on HPLC analysis we found that maternal contribution of cardenolides was significantly greater than paternal contribution of cardenolides to the eggs, supporting the results of our predation trials that a maternal diet of milkweed makes eggs more distasteful than a paternal diet of milkweed.  相似文献   

Consistent, individual differences in the expression of maternal behaviour have been described in several species including the sheep. The neuroendocrine mechanisms underlying the onset of maternal behaviour in the sheep have been described, although the relationship between hormonal events and individual differences in behaviour has yet to be determined. In this study, we examined whether the individual differences in plasma estradiol, progesterone, oxytocin and cortisol concentrations were related to observed individual and breed differences in maternal behaviours in two breeds of sheep (Scottish Blackface and Suffolk) known to differ in maternal behavioural expression. Maternal estradiol concentration increased rapidly before parturition and was higher in Blackface ewes than Suffolk ewes. Plasma progesterone declined before parturition and was higher in Suffolk than Blackface ewes. Prepartum estradiol, but not progesterone, was related to individual differences in maternal grooming of the lamb. Plasma oxytocin did not differ between breeds in late gestation. There was a tendency for oxytocin to be higher in Blackface than Suffolk ewes immediately after birth. However, there were no significant relationships between prepartum or postpartum oxytocin and any maternal behaviours. Plasma cortisol was higher in Blackface than Suffolk ewes in the last days of pregnancy but rose in both breeds over the last 24 h before parturition and did not differ at delivery. Cortisol peripartum was negatively related to individual differences in maternal affiliative behaviours. These data suggest that estradiol, and potentially cortisol, may mediate individual differences in maternal behaviour in sheep.  相似文献   

Sockeye salmon Oncorhynchus nerka were used as a model in an artificial fertilization experiment to investigate the relationships between individual adult O. nerka and their offspring. Survival, size and burst swimming ability were assessed in fry of known parentage (adult spawners from the Weaver Creek population, British Columbia, Canada). Maternal identity significantly affected the survival rate of eggs at hatch time, though this effect did not extend to fry life stages. The results were also suggestive of a paternal effect on both egg and fry survival, though this could not be separated from the experimental block design. After 4 months of exogenous feeding, fry mass remained under significant maternal influence, though fork length did not, despite having a high correlation with mass. Burst swimming performance was highly variable among individuals, and was not significantly influenced by maternal identity or individual fry size. Collectively, the findings presented here suggest that maternal, and possibly paternal, effects can be integral components of population dynamics in the early life stages of O. nerka . A good understanding of these factors will be essential for scientists and fisheries managers in developing a more holistic view of population-level spawning success and fry survival.  相似文献   

We have previously reported that a mutation in the ankyrin repeats of mouse Notch2 results in embryonic lethality by embryonic day 11.5 (E11.5), showing developmental retardation at E10.5. This indicated that Notch2 plays an essential role in postimplantation development in mice. Here, we demonstrate that whole embryo culture can circumvent developmental retardation of Notch2 mutant embryos for up to 1 day, suggesting that the lethality was primarily caused by extraembryonic defects. Histological examinations revealed delayed entry of maternal blood into the mutant placenta and poor blood sinus formation at later stages. Notch2-expressing cells appeared around maternal blood sinuses. Specification of trophoblast subtypes appeared not to be drastically disturbed and expression of presumptive downstream genes of Notch2 signaling was not altered by the Notch2 mutation. Thus, in the developing mouse placenta, Notch2 is unlikely to be involved in cell fate decisions, but rather participates in formation of maternal blood sinuses. In aggregation chimeras with wild-type tetraploid embryos, the mutant embryos developed normally until E12.5, but died before E13.5. The chimeric placentas showed a restored maternal blood sinus formation when compared with the mutant placentas, but not at the level of wild-type diploid placentas. Therefore, it was concluded that the mutant suffers from defects in maternal blood sinus formation. Thus, Notch2 is not cell autonomously required for the early cell fate determination of subtypes of trophoblast cells, but plays an indispensable role in the formation of maternal blood sinuses in the developing mouse placenta.  相似文献   

Aims Intraspecific trait variation (ITV) has been increasingly recognized to play an important role in understanding the underlying processes influencing community assembly. However, gaps remain in our understanding of how incorporating ITV will influence the relative importance of deterministic (e.g. habitat filtering, limiting similarity) and stochastic processes in driving community assembly at different successional stages.  相似文献   

When newly emerged females of the mosquito Culex nigripalpus Theobald (Diptera: Culicidae) take a sugar meal, they develop both a propensity to seek a host and resting-stage ovarian follicles. As follicle growth is indicative of Juvenile Hormone (JH) activity, we searched for possible roles of JH in the behavioural shift from nectar to blood-host odour preference by Cx. nigripalpus after emergence, using an olfactometer-choice assay. Topically applied or injected methoprene (a JH analogue) resulted in a behavioural shift and follicular growth in unfed females that increased with increasing dosages. Topical methoprene 500 ng and 4 microg resulted in a switch to bird-odour preference. JH III injection resulted in a lesser shift from honey responses to bird responses. Methoprene application caused no detectable changes in glycogen, total sugars or total lipid when assayed 24h after treatment. Additionally, as male accessory glands (MAG) have been shown to synthesize JH, we implanted intact paired MAGs from either conspecific or Aedes aegypti (L.) donors, or injected 1/3 gland pair equivalents of conspecific MAG homogenate into unfed newly emerged females. All MAG treatments failed to induce behavioural or ovarian modifications. Ovariectomy had no effect on the sugar-induced shift from nectar to host preference in the olfactometer. Thus JH, but not MAG, mimicked the effects of a sugar meal by causing both follicular growth and the shift to preference for a host.  相似文献   

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