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Effects of external ionic conditions on light induced phase shifting of the circadian rhythm of conidiation in Neurospora crassa were examined in simple buffer solutions for discerning effects of individual ions. Mycelia were cultured to liquid media of different pHs and then transferted to 10 mM piperazine-N,N-bis(2-ethanesulmonic acid) (Pipes) buffer of various pHs and irradiated with while light. The phase of the rhythm of dark controls was not changed by transfer from medium to buffer. When mycelia were cultured in media of pH above 6.7, light did not advance the phase of the clock in Pipes buffer alone. However, light-induced phase advance was restored when an ammonium salt was added to buffer of pH higher than 7.6. An amination-defective mutant, bd am, showed the same response to ammonium nitrate as the wild-type strain, bd. Ammonium must be present before light irradiation for restoration of phase shifting. Free-amino-acid pools in the cells were changed by treatment with Pipes buffer: aspartle acid, glutamic acid, ammonia, glutamine and ornithine levels decreased, while lysine and histidine increased. Addition of ammonium nitrate to Pipes buffer resulted in further changes in amino-acid pools; lysine, histidine, arginine, alanine and ornithine decreased, and glutamine levels increased. Irradiation did not result in significant changes in amino acid pools.Abbreviation Pipes piperazine-N,N-bis(2-ethanesulfoniccid)  相似文献   

We model theoretically the response of the widely studied circadian oscillator of Neurospora crassa to inactivation of the frq gene. The resulting organism has been termed "arrhythmic" under constant conditions. Under entrainment to periodic temperature cycles Roenneberg, Merrow and coworkers have shown that the phase angle at which spore formation occurs depends on the entrainment period, curiously even in the null frq mutants (frq9 and frq10). We show that such a response does not imply the presence of a self-sustained free-running oscillator. We derive a simple candidate model (a damped harmonic oscillator) for the null frq mutants that successfully reproduces the observed phase angle response. An endogenous period of 21 h for the damped harmonic oscillator coincides with the endogenous period of wild-type Neurospora. This suggests that the (noise driven) "residual system" present in the mutants may have a significant timekeeping role in the wild-type organism. Our model (with no change of parameters) was then used to investigate spore formation patterns under constant conditions and reproduces the corresponding experimental data of Aronson et al. (Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 91 (1994) 7683.)  相似文献   

The circadian clocks govern many metabolic and behavioral processes in an organism. In insects, these clocks and their molecular machinery have been found to influence reproduction in many different ways. Reproductive behavior including courtship, copulation and egg deposition, is under strong influence of the daily rhythm. At the molecular level, the individual clock components also have their role in normal progress of oogenesis and spermatogenesis. In this study on the desert locust Schistocerca gregaria, three circadian clock genes were identified and their expression profiles were determined. High expression was predominantly found in reproductive tissues. Similar daily expression profiles were found for period (per) and timeless (tim), while the clock (clk) mRNA level is higher 12 h before the first per and tim peak. A knockdown of either per or tim resulted in a significant decrease in the progeny produced by dsRNA treated females confirming the role of clock genes in reproduction and providing evidence that both PER and TIM are needed in the ovaries for egg development. Since the knockdown of clk is lethal for the desert locust, its function remains yet to be elucidated.  相似文献   

Light and temperature are major environmental cues that influence circadian clocks. The molecular effects of these zeitgebers on the circadian clock of Neurospora crassa have been studied intensively during the last decade. While signal transduction of light into the circadian clock is quite well characterized, we have only recently begun to understand the molecular mechanisms that underlie temperature sensing. Here we summarize briefly the current knowledge about the effects of temperature on the circadian clock of Neurospora crassa.  相似文献   

Light and temperature are major environmental cues that influence circadian clocks. The molecular effects of these zeitgebers on the circadian clock of Neurospora crassa have been studied intensively during the last decade. While signal transduction of light into the circadian clock is quite well characterized, we have only recently begun to understand the molecular mechanisms that underlie temperature sensing. Here we summarize briefly the current knowledge about the effects of temperature on the circadian clock of Neurospora crassa.  相似文献   

Early life nutritional adversity is tightly associated with the development of long-term metabolic disorders. Particularly, maternal obesity and high-fat diets cause high risk of obesity in the offspring. Those offspring are also prone to develop hyperinsulinemia, hepatic steatosis and cardiovascular diseases. However, the precise underlying mechanisms leading to these metabolic dysregulation in the offspring remain unclear. On the other hand, disruptions of diurnal circadian rhythms are known to impair metabolic homeostasis in various tissues including the heart and liver. Therefore, we investigated that whether maternal obesity perturbs the circadian expression rhythms of clock, metabolic and inflammatory genes in offspring heart and liver by using RT-qPCR and Western blotting analysis. Offspring from lean and obese dams were examined on postnatal day 17 and 35, when pups were nursed by their mothers or took food independently. On P17, genes examined in the heart either showed anti-phase oscillations (Cpt1b, Pparα, Per2) or had greater oscillation amplitudes (Bmal1, Tnf-α, Il-6). Such phase abnormalities of these genes were improved on P35, while defects in amplitudes still existed. In the liver of 17-day-old pups exposed to maternal obesity, the oscillation amplitudes of most rhythmic genes examined (except Bmal1) were strongly suppressed. On P35, the oscillations of circadian and inflammatory genes became more robust in the liver, while metabolic genes were still kept non-rhythmic. Maternal obesity also had a profound influence in the protein expression levels of examined genes in offspring heart and liver. Our observations indicate that the circadian clock undergoes nutritional programing, which may contribute to the alternations in energy metabolism associated with the development of metabolic disorders in early life and adulthood.  相似文献   

The signal transduction and amplification in a Neurospora circadian clock system is studied by using the mechanism of internal signal stochastic resonance (ISSR). Two cases have been investigated: the case of no correlations between multiplicative and additive colored noises and the case of correlations between two noises. The results show that, in both cases, the noise-induced circadian oscillations can be transduced with the phenomenon of internal signal stochastic resonance (ISSR). However, the correlation time and intensity of an additive colored noise play different roles for the ISSR, driven by multiplicative colored noise, while the correlation time and intensity of multiplicative colored noise hardly influence the ISSR driven by additive colored noise. In addition, the ISSR can be amplified or suppressed at an appropriate range of the correlation intensity between two colored noises. The fundamental frequency of noise-induced circadian oscillations is hardly shifted with the increment of the intensity and correlation time of colored noises, which implies that the Neurospora system could be resistant to colored noises, exhibit strong vitality and sustain intrinsic circadian rhythms.  相似文献   

利用脉孢菌生物钟体系,研究了色噪音对其进行诱导所产生的日夜节律振荡信号及其内信号随机共振的行为.结果表明,色噪音的相关时间对该体系内信号随机共振的强弱起较大的影响作用.当无外信号存在时,色噪音的相关时间对体系内信号随机共振强度起抑制的作用,且随相关时间的增大,抑制作用增强.当外信号加到体系中时,由于相关时间和外信号的协同作用,相关时间不仅对其内信号随机共振强度起抑制的作用,而且还影响内信号随机共振峰的数目,即随相关时间的增大,可使单峰随机共振变为随机双共振.存在最佳的外信号频率使体系的内信号随机共振强度得到最大的增强,而其他频率的外信号却起抑制作用.色内噪音和色外噪音相比,前者对该体系进行诱导所得的内信号随机共振强度比后者的更强,而且体系对前者更敏感.另外,存在极限的噪音强度使白噪音和色噪音对该体系内信号随机共振的影响差异得以消失.所得结果可为治疗生物钟紊乱综合症提供理论依据,同时可更好地理解其他节奏机理,如心脏搏动节奏、呼吸节奏以及荷尔蒙水平的波动节奏等.  相似文献   

Molecular studies revealed that autoregulatory negative feedback loops consisting of so-called “clock genes” constitute the circadian clock in Drosophila. However, this hypothesis is not fully supported in other insects and is thus to be examined. In the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus, we have previously shown that period (per) plays an essential role in the rhythm generation. In the present study, we cloned cDNA of the clock gene timeless (tim) and investigated its role in the cricket circadian oscillatory mechanism using RNA interference. Molecular structure of the cricket tim has rather high similarity to those of other insect species. Real-time RT-PCR analysis revealed that tim mRNA showed rhythmic expression in both LD and DD similar to that of per, peaking during the (subjective) night. When injected with tim double-stranded RNA (dstim), tim mRNA levels were significantly reduced and its circadian expression rhythm was eliminated. After the dstim treatment, however, adult crickets showed a clear locomotor rhythm in DD, with a free-running period significantly shorter than that of control crickets injected with Discosoma sp. Red2 (DsRed2) dsRNA. These results suggest that in the cricket, tim plays some role in fine-tuning of the free-running period but may not be essential for oscillation of the circadian clock.  相似文献   

W. -E. Mayer 《Planta》1981,152(4):292-301
The energy requirements of the various phases of the circadian clock in the laminar pulvini cells of primary leaves of Phaseolus coccineus L. were investigated using 4-h pulses of NaCN (5 mM) and NaN3 (1 mM). The induced phase shifts were calculated from the timing of the subjective night position during the third cycle after the treatment. Both inhibitors produce advances during phases which are correlated with the upward movement of the leaf (ca. 0–12 h after the maximum of the subjective night position) and during phases which are correlated with the downward movement of the leaf (ca. 20–28 h after the maximum of the subjective night position). Maximal advances are induced during the phase which is correlated with the maximum of the subjective night position (hour 0), whereas during phases which are correlated with the subjective day position (ca. 12–20 h after the maximum of the subjective night position) the inhibitors have no effect or induce only small advances. These results demonstrate that the part of the circadian cycle which, according to Bünning's tension-relaxation model of the circadian clock, is characterized by features of relaxation, represents a sequence of phases with decreasing energy requirement, whereas the tension part of the circadian cycle represents a sequence of phases with increasing energy requirement. The energy requirement for changing and maintaining the leaf positions was investigated by continuously offering NaCN, NaN3, and dinitrophenol (DNP) to leaves with intact and half (flexor cut away) pulvini. The substances inhibit in both pulvini the upward movement or induce a downward movement, depending on the leaf position, when the transfer to the inhibitor solution takes place. These results give evidence that the movement of intact pulvini reflects the turgor (volume) state of the extensor cells and that the increase of turgor (volume) and high turgor (volume) state requires more energy than the decrease of turgor (volume) or low turgor (small volume) state. Therefore, the time course of the energy requirements of the circadian clock and the clock-controlled turgor (volume states or leaf movement) is out of phase during a circadian cycle. Consequently the reaction of the clock-controlled leaf movement to the reduced energy supply can mask the clock behavior in pulse and step experiments. The phase response curves towards CN- and N 3 - reflect the time course of the CN--induced membrane depolarizations (the energy requirement of the electrogenic pump) in extensor cells of the pulvinus (Freudling et al. (1980), Plant Physiol. 65, 966–968), and both are out of phase with the time course of the energy requirement of the turgor. Consequently it is hypothesized that in Phaseolus advances are due to membrane depolarization and that at least in this organism electric properties of the plasmalemma are essentially involved in the mechanism of the circadian clock.Abbreviations LD light-dark cycle - LL continuous light - DNP dinitrophenol This paper is dedicated to Professor Erwin Bünning on the occasion of his 75th birthdayIn this paper zero corresponds to the second maximum of the subjective night position of the leaves after transfer to constant conditions. Zero to twelve hours corresponds approximately to the upward movement of the leaves, 12–20 h to the elevated (subjective day) position, and 20–28 h to the downward movement of the leaves. In other circadian systems Pittendrigh's CT (circadian time) convention is used. CT 00 is the time of dawn after a 12-h light/12-h dark cycle. Since in Phaseolus the plants are raised in a LD cycle different from 12:12 and since the phases at dawn differ considerably from leaf to leaf and are furthermore not precisely determinable (whereas the subjective night position of the leaves is a well-defined and recognizable phase) this convention is not followed in Phaseolus. Phase zero in Phaseolus corresponds to approximately CT 18 in other systems  相似文献   

The influence of environmental (extracellular) pH on the sporulation rhythm in Neurospora crassa was investigated for wild-type (frq+) and the mutants chr, frq1, frq7, and frq8. In all mutants, including wild type, the growth rate was found to be influenced strongly by extracellular pH in the range 4-9. On the other hand, for the same pH range, the period length of the sporulation rhythm is little influenced in wild type, chr, and frq1. A loss of pH homeostasis of the period, however, was observed in the mutants frq7 and frq8, which also are known to have lost temperature compensation. Concerning the influence of extracellular pH on growth rates, a clear correspondence between growth rates and the concentration of available H2PO4- ion has been found, indicating that the uptake of H2PO4- may be a limiting factor for growth under our experimental conditions. The loss of pH compensation in the frq7 and frq8 mutants may be related to less easily degradable FRQ7,8 proteins when compared with wild-type FRQ. Results from recent model considerations and experimental results predict that, with increasing extra-and intracellular pH, the FRQ7 protein degradation increases and should lead to shorter period lengths. (Chronobiology International, 17(6), 733-750, 2000)  相似文献   

A two variable model with delay in both the variables, is proposed for the circadian oscillations of protein concentrations in the fungal species Neurospora crassa. The dynamical variables chosen are the concentrations of FRQ and WC-1 proteins. Our model is a two variable simplification of the detailed model of Smolen et al. (J. Neurosci. 21 (2001) 6644) modeling circadian oscillations with interlocking positive and negative feedback loops, containing 23 variables. In our model, as in the case of Smolen's model, a sustained limit cycle oscillation takes place in both FRQ and WC-1 protein in continuous darkness, and WC-1 is anti-phase to FRQ protein, as observed in experiments. The model accounts for various characteristic features of circadian rhythms such as entrainment to light dark cycles, phase response curves and robustness to parameter variation and molecular fluctuations. Simulations are carried out to study the effect of periodic forcing of circadian oscillations by light-dark cycles. The periodic forcing resulted in a rich bifurcation diagram that includes quasiperiodicity and chaotic oscillations, depending on the magnitude of the periodic changes in the light controlled parameter. When positive feedback is eliminated, our model reduces to the generic one dimensional delay model of Lema et al. (J. Theor. Biol. 204 (2000) 565), delay model of the circadian pace maker with FRQ protein as the dynamical variable which represses its own production. This one-dimensional model also exhibits all characteristic features of circadian oscillations and gives rise to circadian oscillations which are reasonably robust to parameter variations and molecular noise.  相似文献   

Colonic function is controlled by an endogenous clock that allows the colon to optimize its function on the daytime basis. For the first time, this study provided evidence that the clock is synchronized by rhythmic hormonal signals. In rat colon, adrenalectomy decreased and repeated applications of dexamethasone selectively rescued circadian rhythm in the expression of the clock gene Per1. Dexamethasone entrained the colonic clock in explants from mPer2Luc mice in vitro. In contrast, pinealectomy had no effect on the rat colonic clock, and repeated melatonin injections were not able to rescue the clock in animals maintained in constant light. Additionally, melatonin did not entrain the clock in colonic explants from mPer2Luc mice in vitro. However, melatonin affected rhythmic regulation of Nr1d1 gene expression in vivo. The findings provide novel insight into possible beneficial effects of glucocorticoids in the treatment of digestive tract-related diseases, greatly exceeding their anti-inflammatory action.  相似文献   

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