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Maximum elastance is an experimentally validated, load-independent systolic function index stemming from the time-varying elastance paradigm that decoupled extrinsic load from (intrinsic) contractility. Although Doppler echocardiography is the preferred method of diastolic function (DF) assessment, all echo-derived indexes are load dependent, and no invasive or noninvasive load-independent index of filling (LIIF) exists. In this study, we derived and experimentally validated a LIIF. We used a kinematic filling paradigm (the parameterized diastolic filling formalism) to predict and derive the (dimensionless) dynamic diastolic efficiency M, defined by the slope of the peak driving force [maximum driving force (kx(o)) proportional, variant peak atrioventricular (AV) gradient] to maximum viscoelastic resistive force [peak resistive force (cE(peak))] relation. To validate load independence, we analyzed E-waves recorded while load was varied via tilt table (head up, horizontal, and head down) in 16 healthy volunteers. For the group, linear regression of E-wave derived kx(o) vs. cE(peak) yielded kx(o) = M (cE(peak)) + B, r2 = 0.98; where M = 1.27 +/- 0.09 and B = 5.69 +/- 1.70. Effects of diastolic dysfunction (DD) on M were assessed by analysis of preexisting simultaneous cath-echo data in six DD vs. five control subjects. Average M for the DD group (M = 0.98 +/- 0.07) was significantly lower than controls (M = 1.17 +/- 0.05, P < 0.001). We conclude that M is a LIIF because it uncouples intrinsic DF (i.e., the pressure-flow relation) from extrinsic load (left ventricular end-diastolic pressure). Larger M values imply better DF in that increasing AV pressure gradient results in relatively smaller increases in peak resistive losses (cE(peak)). Conversely, lower M implies that increasing AV gradient leads to larger increases in resistive losses. Further prospective validation characterizing M in well-defined pathological states is warranted.  相似文献   

The effect of LV properties on v p and the E/v p ratio remains a matter of debate. Therefore, the objective of this study is to explore – in a new hydraulic model – the individual contributions of LV relaxation, filling pressure and compliance in changes of E, v p and E/v p for different stages of diastolic function. A new hydraulic model, consisting of an open cylindrical LA connected to an ellipsoidal LV, is designed. E and v p are measured for varying values of (45–60–90 ms), LV compliance (0.45–1.35 ml/mmHg) and filling pressure (3–10–30 mmHg). The results are used for predicting the evolution of E, v p and E/v p during different stages of diastolic function. An increase in compliance decreases E, whereas it augments v p. v p is less load-dependent than E. E decreases with delayed relaxation, increases for the case of pseudonormalisation, and becomes higher than the reference values during restrictive filling. The v p value is lower for the case of delayed relaxation than for the reference situation. During pseudonormalisation, the value of v p remains lower than the reference value but higher than the value for delayed relaxation. . v p further decreases during restrictive filling. In conclusion, the effect of simultaneous changes in compliance and loading counterbalance changes in v p. Therefore, under normal physiologic conditions where load and compliance are coupled, v p is apparently load-insensitive and E/v p increases as filling pressure increases. Moreover, in the different stages of diastolic dysfunction, due to the interference of the co-varying relaxation, the increase in E/v p is more pronounced.  相似文献   

A mechanism is developed for Na(+)-Ca2+ exchange using a new approach made possible by the availability of computer software that allows the systematic search of a large parameter space for optimum sets of parameters to fit multiple sets of experimental data. The approach was to make the experimental data dictate the form of the mechanism: the qualitative features of the data dictating the number and nature of the states of the exchanger and their interrelationship, and the quantitative aspects of the data dictating the values of the rate constants that govern the amount of each state relative to the total amount of exchanger. A single set of experimental data served this initial purpose, namely, observations of equilibrium Ca(2+)-Ca2+ exchange in cardiac sarcolemmal vesicles (Slaughter et al., 1983, J. biol. Chem. 258, 3183-3190). From this data a minimum mechanism was induced having 56 states (SYM56), which gave satisfactory quantitative fits to the experimental data. With this set of parameters additional experimental data were fitted, from the same preparation, the single cardiac cell and the squid giant axon, with some changes in parameters, but none dramatic. In spite of the symmetric nature of the mechanism, i.e. binding constants for Na+ and Ca2+ do not depend on the orientation of the binding sites, the mechanism exhibits marked asymmetric behavior similar to that observed experimentally. Finally, in accounting for Ca(2+)-Ca2+ exchange in the absence of monovalent cations, Ca2+ influx becomes dependent on intracellular Ca(2+)--an unexpected outcome--exactly in keeping with the "essential activator" role of intracellular Ca2+ observed by DiPolo & Beaugé (1987, J. gen. Physiol. 90, 505-525). Observations of Na(+)-Ca2+ exchange in the retinal rod outer segment are well fitted with a simplified version of SYM56 comprising 25 states (namely, SYM25), supporting the notion that the exchanger in the retinal rod outer segment differs from that in cardiac sarcolemma and squid axon. Maximum turnover rate of 840 sec-1 for SYM56 and 20 sec-1 for SYM25 are comparable to those reported for the exchanger in cardiac muscle and retinal rod outer segment, respectively.  相似文献   

Objective To develop and validate version two of the QRISK cardiovascular disease risk algorithm (QRISK2) to provide accurate estimates of cardiovascular risk in patients from different ethnic groups in England and Wales and to compare its performance with the modified version of Framingham score recommended by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE).Design Prospective open cohort study with routinely collected data from general practice, 1 January 1993 to 31 March 2008.Setting 531 practices in England and Wales contributing to the national QRESEARCH database.Participants 2.3 million patients aged 35-74 (over 16 million person years) with 140 000 cardiovascular events. Overall population (derivation and validation cohorts) comprised 2.22 million people who were white or whose ethnic group was not recorded, 22 013 south Asian, 11 595 black African, 10 402 black Caribbean, and 19 792 from Chinese or other Asian or other ethnic groups.Main outcome measures First (incident) diagnosis of cardiovascular disease (coronary heart disease, stroke, and transient ischaemic attack) recorded in general practice records or linked Office for National Statistics death certificates. Risk factors included self assigned ethnicity, age, sex, smoking status, systolic blood pressure, ratio of total serum cholesterol:high density lipoprotein cholesterol, body mass index, family history of coronary heart disease in first degree relative under 60 years, Townsend deprivation score, treated hypertension, type 2 diabetes, renal disease, atrial fibrillation, and rheumatoid arthritis.Results The validation statistics indicated that QRISK2 had improved discrimination and calibration compared with the modified Framingham score. The QRISK2 algorithm explained 43% of the variation in women and 38% in men compared with 39% and 35%, respectively, by the modified Framingham score. Of the 112 156 patients classified as high risk (that is, ≥20% risk over 10 years) by the modified Framingham score, 46 094 (41.1%) would be reclassified at low risk with QRISK2. The 10 year observed risk among these reclassified patients was 16.6% (95% confidence interval 16.1% to 17.0%)—that is, below the 20% treatment threshold. Of the 78 024 patients classified at high risk on QRISK2, 11 962 (15.3%) would be reclassified at low risk by the modified Framingham score. The 10 year observed risk among these patients was 23.3% (22.2% to 24.4%)—that is, above the 20% threshold. In the validation cohort, the annual incidence rate of cardiovascular events among those with a QRISK2 score of ≥20% was 30.6 per 1000 person years (29.8 to 31.5) for women and 32.5 per 1000 person years (31.9 to 33.1) for men. The corresponding figures for the modified Framingham equation were 25.7 per 1000 person years (25.0 to 26.3) for women and 26.4 (26.0 to 26.8) for men). At the 20% threshold, the population identified by QRISK2 was at higher risk of a CV event than the population identified by the Framingham score.Conclusions Incorporating ethnicity, deprivation, and other clinical conditions into the QRISK2 algorithm for risk of cardiovascular disease improves the accuracy of identification of those at high risk in a nationally representative population. At the 20% threshold, QRISK2 is likely to be a more efficient and equitable tool for treatment decisions for the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease. As the validation was performed in a similar population to the population from which the algorithm was derived, it potentially has a “home advantage.” Further validation in other populations is therefore advised.  相似文献   

One of the earliest applications of clinical echocardiography is evaluation of left ventricular (LV) function and size. Accurate, reproducible and quantitative evaluation of LV function and size is vital for diagnosis, treatment and prediction of prognosis of heart disease. Early three-dimensional (3D) echocardiographic techniques showed better reproducibility than two-dimensional (2D) echocardiography and narrower limits of agreement for assessment of LV function and size in comparison to reference methods, mostly cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) imaging, but acquisition methods were cumbersome and a lack of user-friendly analysis software initially precluded widespread use. Through the advent of matrix transducers enabling real-time three-dimensional echocardiography (3DE) and improvements in analysis software featuring semi-automated volumetric analysis, 3D echocardiography evolved into a simple and fast imaging modality for everyday clinical use. 3DE provides the possibility to evaluate the entire LV in three spatial dimensions during the complete cardiac cycle, offering a more accurate and complete quantitative evaluation the LV. Improved efficiency in acquisition and analysis may provide clinicians with important diagnostic information within minutes. The current article reviews the methodology and application of 3DE for quantitative evaluation of the LV, provides the scientific evidence for its current clinical use, and discusses its current limitations and potential future directions.  相似文献   

The decay of human coagulation factor VIIIa has been studied by kinetic methods that ensure no interference through proteolytic feedback. The rate of decay of factor VIIIa activity was found to vary with the activator used to activate factor VIII. Thrombin-activated factor VIII-von Willebrand factor complex (fVIII-vWf) decayed at a rate of 0.31 min-1, whereas factor Xa-activated fVIII-vWf decayed at 0.11 min-1 under the same conditions. Factor VIII free of von Willebrand factor (factor VIII: C), although decaying at a generally slower rate after activation, still showed a dependence of decay rate on activator: thrombin-activated factor VIII:C decaying at a rate of 0.06 min-1, and factor Xa-activated factor VIII: C at 0.01 min-1. Readdition of von Willebrand factor (18 micrograms/ml) to factor VIII:C did not alter the observed activity or decay rate. The decay of the two species of factor VIIIa was studied, using the fVIIIa-vWf complex, in the presence of varying levels of factor IXa. Plots of reciprocal decay rates vs factor IXa concentration were linear, and nearly parallel for the two factor VIIIa species, with a mean slope of 0.56 min.nM-1. In addition to these studies, we have confirmed previous studies showing that the two forms of factor VIIIa differ in cofactor activity, but they do so in the same ratio as in their decay rates. We suggest that this difference and that observed in decay rate have a common cause, and incorporate this into a potential kinetic model of factor VIII activation and decay.  相似文献   

A kinetic model of cellulosic biomass conversion to ethanol via simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF) developed previously was validated experimentally using paper sludge as the substrate. Adsorption parameters were evaluated based on the data obtained at various values for fractional cellulose conversion. The adsorption model was then combined with batch SSF data to evaluate the cellulose hydrolysis parameters. With the parameters evaluated for the specific substrate, the discrete model was able to predict SSF successfully both with discrete addition of cellulase only and with discrete feeding of substrate, cellulase, and media. The model tested in this study extends the capability of previous SSF models to semi-continuous feeding configurations, and invites a mechanistic interpretation of the recently observed trend of increasing conversion with decreasing feeding frequency [Fan et al. (2007a) Bioprocess Biosyst Eng 30(1):27-34]. Our results also support the feasibility and utility of determining adsorption parameters based on data obtained at several conversions, particularly when the model is to be applied to extended reaction times rather than only initial hydrolysis rates. The revised model is considerably more computationally efficient than earlier models, and appears for many conditions to be within the capability of simulation using computational fluid dynamics.  相似文献   

Despite the tremendous growth of microarray usage in scientific studies, there is a lack of standards for background correction methodologies, especially in single-color microarray platforms. Traditional background subtraction methods often generate negative signals and thus cause large amounts of data loss. Hence, some researchers prefer to avoid background corrections, which typically result in the underestimation of differential expression. Here, by utilizing nonspecific negative control features integrated into Illumina whole genome expression arrays, we have developed a method of model-based background correction for BeadArrays (MBCB). We compared the MBCB with a method adapted from the Affymetrix robust multi-array analysis algorithm and with no background subtraction, using a mouse acute myeloid leukemia (AML) dataset. We demonstrated that differential expression ratios obtained by using the MBCB had the best correlation with quantitative RT–PCR. MBCB also achieved better sensitivity in detecting differentially expressed genes with biological significance. For example, we demonstrated that the differential regulation of Tnfr2, Ikk and NF-kappaB, the death receptor pathway, in the AML samples, could only be detected by using data after MBCB implementation. We conclude that MBCB is a robust background correction method that will lead to more precise determination of gene expression and better biological interpretation of Illumina BeadArray data.  相似文献   

Tramadol, an analgesic agent, and its two main metabolites O-desmethyltramadol (M1) and N-desmethyltramadol (M2) were determined simultaneously in human plasma by a rapid and specific HPLC method. The sample preparation was a simple extraction with ethyl acetate. Chromatographic separation was achieved with a Chromolith Performance RP-18e 50 mm x 4.6 mm column, using a mixture of methanol:water (13:87, v/v) adjusted to pH 2.5 by phosphoric acid, in an isocratic mode at flow rate of 2 ml/min. Fluorescence detection (lambda(ex)=200 nm/lambda(em)=301 nm) was used. The calibration curves were linear (r(2)>0.997) in the concentration range of 2.5-500 ng/ml, 1.25-500 ng/ml and 5-500 ng/ml for tramadol, M1 and M2, respectively. The lower limit of quantification was 2.5 ng/ml for tramadol, 1.25 ng/ml for M1 and 5 ng/ml for M2. The within- and between-day precisions in the measurement of QC samples at four tested concentrations were in the range of 2.5-9.7%, 2.5-9.9% and 5.9-11.3% for tramadol, M1 and M2, respectively. The developed procedure was applied to assess the pharmacokinetics of tramadol and its two main metabolites following administration of 100mg single oral dose of tramadol to healthy volunteers.  相似文献   

A validated method for the determination of triethylenetetramine, a selective copper-chelator currently undergoing clinical trials for the treatment of diabetic heart failure, and its two major metabolites, N(1)-acetyltriethylenetetramine and N(1),N(10)-diacetyltriethylenetetramine in human serum using HPLC is reported. The method used 9-flouorenylmethylchloroformate chloride to label all three analytes. The fluorescence labeled analytes were then separated chromatographically using a reversed phase C18 column under a gradient elution program and detected spectrofluorometrically at 317 nm with excitation at 263 nm. Application of the method is demonstrated by pharmacokinetic measurement in one healthy volunteer taking the drug orally.  相似文献   

Numerous methods are available for measurement of nitrate (NO(-)(3)). However, these assays can either be time consuming or require specialized equipment (e.g., nitrate reductase, chemiluminescent detector). We have developed a method for simultaneous evaluation of nitrate and nitrite concentrations in a microtiter plate format. The principle of this assay is reduction of nitrate by vanadium(III) combined with detection by the acidic Griess reaction. This assay is sensitive to 0.5 microM NO(-)(3) and is useful in a variety of fluids including cell culture media, serum, and plasma. S-Nitrosothiols and L-arginine derivatives were found to be potential interfering agents. However, these compounds are generally minor constituents of biological fluids relative to the concentration of nitrate/nitrite. This report introduces a new, convenient assay for the stable oxidation products of nitrogen oxide chemistry in biological samples.  相似文献   

Chemical genomics is a new research paradigm with importantapplications in drug discovery. It links genomic targets withsmall-molecule chemistries thereby allowing for efficient targetvalidation and lead compound identification. ACADIA'schemical-genomics platform consists of a large and diverse small-moleculelibrary (800,000), a reference drug library (2,000), druggablegenomic targets (>300) and a cell-based functional assaytechnology (R-SATTM; Receptor Selection and AmplificationTechnology) that allows for ultra-high throughput screening(>500,000 data points/week) as well as high throughputpharmacology and profiling over a wide range of targets. Twoexamples are presented that illustrate the success of ourchemical-genomics approach: (i) The validation of inverse agonismat serotonin 5-HT2A receptors as an antipsychotic mechanismand the subsequent discovery of potent and selectively acting 5-HT2A inverse agonists, currently in preclinical development,and (ii) the discovery of the first ectopically binding subtype-selective muscarinic m1 agonist.  相似文献   

Two different methods of examining triglyceride turnover are described. One measures the clearance of endogenously labeled triglyceride glycerol, the radioglyceride method. The other assesses the hydrolysis of endogenous very low density lipoproteins after a primed infusion of maximal doses of heparin, the lipolytic rate. Both depend on widely different assumptions. A comparison of data obtained by both methods at the same time in single individuals with widely differing triglyceride concentrations revealed them to agree quite closely. This correspondence indirectly suggests the validity of the procedures. The procedures have been applied to show that fat-free high-carbohydrate diets accelerate triglyceride production in some humans.  相似文献   

The development of a safe and efficient bioreactor design has remained a challenge for the clinical application of immobilized enzymes. Specifically, the use of immobilized heparinase I has been the target of many studies to make heparin anticoagulation therapy safer for the critically ill patient with kidney failure or heart disease. We have investigated the use of Taylor-Couette flow for a novel type of bioreactor. In a previous study, we showed that the fluidization of agarose immobilized heparinase within Taylor vortices in whole blood can lead to extensive blood damage in the form of cell depletion and hemolysis. Based on these findings, we designed and developed a reactor, referred to as vortex-flow plasmapheretic reactor (VFPR), that incorporated plasmapheresis and fluidization of the agarose in the reactive compartment, separate from the whole-blood path. In the present study, immobilized heparinase I was tested as a means of achieving regional heparinization of a closed circuit. This is a method in which heparin is infused into the extracorporeal circuit predialyzer and neutralized postdialyzer. Saline studies were performed with an immobilized heparinase I-packed bed and with the VFPR. An in vitro feasibility study was performed with the VFPR using human blood. The VFPR achieved heparin conversions of 44 +/- 0.5% and 34 +/- 2% in saline and blood, respectively. In addition, the VFPR caused no blood damage. We report a novel method to achieve fluidization which depended on secondary, circumferencial flow, and was independent of the primary flow through the device.  相似文献   

施氮量对夏玉米籽粒灌浆特性和营养品质的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
合理施氮可显著提高夏玉米籽粒灌浆速率,增加产量,改善品质.本试验以登海518(DH518)和郑单958(ZD958)为供试材料,大田条件下设置不施氮(N0)、少量施氮(N1,129kg N·hm-2)、适量施氮(N2,184.5 kg N·hm-2)和过量施氮(N3,300 kg N·hm-2)4个施氮量处理,研究施氮量对夏玉米籽粒灌浆特性和籽粒品质的影响.结果表明:不施氮处理玉米的籽粒灌浆受抑制,粒重减小,产量显著降低;随着施氮量增加,两品种的籽粒平均灌浆速率增加,粒重和产量显著增加,N1处理较N0增产16.4%~57.2%,N2处理较N0增产35.8%~65.1%.N0处理的籽粒粗蛋白、可溶性糖和总淀粉含量及支链/直链淀粉(支/直)降低,粗脂肪含量增加;DH518品种N2处理较N0、N1处理的粗蛋白、可溶性糖和总淀粉含量分别增加32.5%、6.5%,19.9%、9.5%和8.9%、5.2%,且支/直升高;ZD958品种N2处理较N0、N1处理的粗蛋白、可溶性糖和总淀粉含量分别增加16.9%、7.8%,30.5%、14.8%和11.5%、5.7%,支/直升高;两品种N2处理的粗脂肪含量较N0和N1降低4.8%~12.3%.但是,过量施氮(N3)较N2处理夏玉米产量降低,籽粒品质下降.可见,合理施氮可促进夏玉米籽粒灌浆,增加粒重,提高产量,改善品质.  相似文献   

The importance of estrogens in bone metabolism is illustrated by the accelerated bone loss and increase in osteoporotic fractures associated with postmenopausal estrogen deficiency. In this study, the expression and activity of the enzymes involved in estrogen metabolism in human osteoblastic cells were investigated in relation to differentiation of these cells. PCR reactions using mRNA from an in vitro differentiating human cell line (SV-HFO) were performed to assess mRNA expression of the enzymes aromatase, different subtypes of 17beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (17beta-HSD), and steroid sulfatase. Aromatase, sulfatase, and 17beta-HSD type 2 and 4 were found to be expressed throughout differentiation. Expression of 17beta-HSD type 3, however, was relatively weak, except for early time points in differentiation. Type 1 17beta-HSD expression was not detected. Aromatase activity decreased during differentiation, as was demonstrated by the conversion of androstenedione (A) and testosterone (T) into estrone (E(1)) and estradiol (E(2)), respectively. The 17beta-HSD isozymes catalysing a reductive reaction convert androstenedione and estrone into testosterone and estradiol, respectively. Their activity declined with differentiation. Analysis of 17beta-HSD activity indicated both oxidative (E(2) to E(1); T to A) and reductive (E(1) to E(2); A to T) metabolism at all stages of osteoblast differentiation. Both activities declined as cells moved toward a differentiating mineralizing phenotype. However, the oxidative reaction was increasingly in favor of the reductive reaction at all times during differentiation. Sulfatase activity, as demonstrated by the conversion of estrone-sulfate into estrone, was constant during differentiation. In conclusion, we have demonstrated that all enzymes necessary for estrogen metabolism are expressed and biologically active in differentiating human osteoblasts. The activity of aromatase and 17beta-HSD was found to be dependent on the stage of cell differentiation. In addition, human osteoblasts effectively convert estradiol into estrone. The efficacy of osteoblasts to synthesize estradiol may determine the ultimate change in rate of bone turnover after menopause, as well as the development of osteoporosis. Moreover, the enzymes involved in the metabolism of estradiol may form a target for intervention.  相似文献   

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