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Regulation of the Caulobacter crescentus dnaKJ operon.   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文

Caulobacter crescentus strains requiring isoleucine and valine (ilv) for growth were shown by transduction and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis to contain mutations at one of two unlinked loci, ilvB and ilvD. Other C. crescentus strains containing mutations at a third locus, ilvA, required either isoleucine or methionine for growth. Biochemical assays for threonine deaminase, acetohydroxyacid synthase, and dihydroxyacid dehydratase demonstrated that the ilvA locus encodes threonine deaminase, the ilvB locus encodes acetohydroxyacid synthase, and the ilvD locus encodes dihydroxyacid dehydratase. C. crescentus strains resistant to the herbicide sulfometuron methyl, which is known to inhibit the action of certain acetohydroxyacid synthases in a variety of bacteria and plants, were shown to contain mutations at the ilvB locus, further suggesting that an acetohydroxyacid synthase gene resides at this locus. Two recombinant plasmids isolated in our laboratory, pPLG389 and pJCT200, were capable of complementing strains containing the ilvB and ilvD mutations, respectively. The DNA in these plasmids hybridized to the corresponding genes of Escherichia coli and Serratia marcescens, confirming the presence of ilvB-like and ilvD-like DNA sequences at the ilvB and ilvD loci, respectively. However, no hybridization was observed between any of the other enteric ilv genes and C. crescentus DNA. These results suggest that C. crescentus contains an isoleucine-valine biosynthetic pathway which is similar to the corresponding pathway in enteric bacteria but that only the ilvB and ilvD genes contain sequences which are highly conserved at the DNA level.  相似文献   

Regulation of polar morphogenesis in Caulobacter crescentus.   总被引:10,自引:5,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文

Pili are functionally expressed during the predivisional and swarmer stages of the Caulobacter crescentus differentiation cycle. They appear on the developing swarmer pole and at the same cellular location as flagella and the phiCbK receptor sites. Pili disappear when the swarmer cell differentiates into a stalked cell; this occurs with the loss of flagella and the disappearance of phage receptor sites. C. crescentus CB13B1a pili have been purified and characterized. Monomeric pilin is a protein with an apparent molecular weight of 8,500 that stains weakly with periodic acid-Schiff reagent. The amino acid composition of purified pilin reveals very low quantities of basic amino acids and a complete absence of methionine. Pilin is synthesized throughout the C. crescentus differentiation cycle. Neither free pili nor pilin monomers are detectable in the growth media, suggesting that loss of piliation in the swarmer- to stalked-cell transition occurs via pilus retraction.  相似文献   

Caulobacter crescentus is a bacterium with a distinctive life cycle and so it is studied as a cell development model. In addition, we have adapted this bacterium for recombinant protein production and display based on the crystalline surface protein (S)-layer and its C-terminal secretion signal. We report here the development of small, high-copy-number plasmid vectors and methods for producing an obligate expression host. The vectors are based on a narrow-host-range colE1-replicon-based plasmid commonly used in Escherichia coli, to which was added the replication origin of the IncQ plasmid RSF1010. C. crescentus strains were modified to enable plasmid replication by introduction of the RSF1010 repBAC genes at the recA locus. The small (4.0-4.5 kb) plasmids were in high copy numbers in both C. crescentus and E. coli and amenable to rapid methods for plasmid isolation and DNA sequencing. The method for introducing repBAC is suitable for other C. crescentus strains or any bacterium with an adequately homologous recA gene. Application of the vector for protein expression, based on the type I secretion system of the S-layer protein, when compared to constructs in broad-host-range plasmids, resulted in reduced time and steps required from clone construction to recombinant protein recovery and increased protein yield.  相似文献   

The decision to initiate DNA replication is a critical step in the cell cycle of all organisms. In nearly all bacteria, replication initiation requires the activity of the conserved replication initiation protein DnaA. Due to its central role in cell cycle progression, DnaA activity must be precisely regulated. This review summarizes the current state of DnaA regulation in the asymmetrically dividing α-proteobacterium Caulobacter crescentus, an important model for bacterial cell cycle studies. Mechanisms will be discussed that regulate DnaA activity and abundance under optimal conditions and in coordination with the asymmetric Caulobacter cell cycle. Furthermore, we highlight recent findings of how regulated DnaA synthesis and degradation collaborate to adjust DnaA abundance under stress conditions. The mechanisms described provide important examples of how DNA replication is regulated in an α-proteobacterium and thus represent an important starting point for the study of DNA replication in many other bacteria. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Dynamic gene expression, edited by Prof. Patrick Viollier.  相似文献   

Stalkless mutants of Caulobacter crescentus.   总被引:3,自引:6,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
A Fukuda  H Iba    Y Okada 《Journal of bacteriology》1977,131(1):280-287
A stalk, a single falgellum, several pili, and deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) phage receptors are polar surface structures expressed at a defined time in the Caulobacter crescentus cell cycle. When mutants were isolated as DNA phage phiCbK-resistant or ribonucleic acid (RNA) phage phiCp2-resistant, as well as nonmotile, strains, 5 out of 30 such mutant isolates were found not to possess stalks, but did possess inactive flagella. These stalkless mutants were resistant simultaneously to both DNA and RNA phages and did not possess pili and DNA pendent stalkless mutants. All motile revertants simultaneously regained the capacity to form stalks and susceptibility to DNA and RNA phages. It is suggested that a single mutation pleiotropically affects stalk formation, flagella motility, and coordinate polar morphogenesis of pili and DNA phage receptors. The stalkless mutants grew at a generation time similar to that of the wild-type strain at 30 degrees C. Cell size and morphology of a stalkless mutant, C. crescentus CB13 pdr-819, were also similar to those of the wild-type strain, except for the absence of a stalk. In addition, the CB13 pdr-819 predivisional cells were partitioned into smaller and larger portions, indicating asymmetrical cell division, as in the wild-type strain. From these results, it is suggested that swarmer cells undergo transition to cells of a stalked-cell nature without stalk formation and that the cell cycle of the stalkless mutant proceeds in an ordered sequence similar to that defining the wild-type cell cycle.  相似文献   

Caulobacter crescentus wild-type strain CB13 is unable to utilize galactose as the sole carbon source unless derivatives of cyclic AMP are present. Spontaneous mutants have been isolated which are able to grow on galactose in the absence of exogenous cyclic nucleotides. These mutants and the wild-type strain were used to determine the pathway of galactose catabolism in this organism. It is shown here that C. crescentus catabolizes galactose by the Entner-Duodoroff pathway. Galactose is initially converted to galactonate by galactose dehydrogenase and then 2-keto-3-deoxy-6-phosphogalactonate aldolase catalyzes the hydrolysis of 2-keto-3-deoxy-6-phosphogalactonic acid to yield triose phosphate and pyruvate. Two enzymes of galactose catabolism, galactose dehydrogenase and 2-keto-3-deoxy-6-phosphogalactonate aldolase, were shown to be inducible and independently regulated. Furthermore, galactose uptake was observed to be regulated independently of the galactose catabolic enzymes.  相似文献   

The polar organelle development gene, podJ, is expressed during the swarmer-to-stalked cell transition of the Caulobacter crescentus cell cycle. Mutants with insertions that inactivate the podJ gene are nonchemotactic, deficient in rosette formation, and resistant to polar bacteriophage, but they divide normally. In contrast, hyperexpression of podJ results in a lethal cell division defect. Nucleotide sequence analysis of the podJ promoter region revealed a binding site for the global response regulator, CtrA. Deletion of this site results in increased overall promoter activity, suggesting that CtrA is a negative regulator of the podJ promoter. Furthermore, synchronization studies have indicated that temporal regulation is not dependent on the presence of the CtrA binding site. Thus, although the level of podJ promoter activity is dependent on the CtrA binding site, the temporal control of podJ promoter expression is dependent on other factors.  相似文献   

Membrane phospholipid composition of Caulobacter crescentus.   总被引:28,自引:18,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
The phospholipid composition of Caulobacter crescentus CB13 and CB15 was determined. The acidic phospholipids, phosphatidylglycerol and cardiolipin, comprise approximately 87% of the total phospholipids. Neither phosphatidylethanolamine nor its precursor phosphatidylserine was detected. The outer and inner membranes of C. crescentus CB13 were separated, and phospholipid analysis revealed heterogeneity with respect to the relative amounts of phosphatidylglycerol and cardiolipin in the two membranes. As has been shown to be the case for other bacterial membranes, the concentration of cardiolipin increases and phosphatidylglycerol decreases as cell cultures enter stationary phase.  相似文献   

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