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New method to characterize microbial diversity using flow cytometry   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The majority of microorganisms have yet to be cultivated and represent a vast uncharacterized and untapped resource. Here, we report the utilization of a combination of flow cytometry, cultivation, and molecular genetics to develop new methodologies to access and characterize biodiversity in microbial samples. We demonstrate that fluorescent dyes and combinations of dyes can selectively stain portions of bacterial populations that can be isolated as sub-populations using fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS). Microbial sub-populations obtained by FACS differ substantially from the original microbial population, as demonstrated by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis and determination of 16S rRNA gene sequences. These sub-populations can subsequently be used to inoculate microbial growth media, allowing the isolation of different microbial species from those that can be readily cultivated from the original sample using the same microbial growth media. When this technique was applied to the analysis of activated-sludge and Yellowstone Lake hydrothermal vent samples, comparative analysis of 16S rDNA sequences revealed that FACS allowed the detection of numerous bacterial species, including previously unknown species, not readily detectable in the original sample due to low relative abundance. This approach may result in a convenient methodology to more thoroughly characterize microbial biodiversity.  相似文献   

Summary Plant heterokaryons were identified and isolated from a population of protoplasts following fusion. Endogenous chlorophyll autofluorescence and exogenously supplied fluorochromes were utilized to differentiate between parental and heterokaryon populations. Flow cytometric analysis detected heterokaryons based upon the simultaneous presence of both chlorophyll and an exogenously supplied fluorochrome within one cell. These parameters were utilized to sort large numbers of heterokaryons from the fusion mixture using modified flow instrumentation. Modifications to the instrumentation which allowed this sorting are discussed.  相似文献   

Recent studies using stem cells or cancer stem cells have revealed the importance of detecting minor populations of cells in blood or tissue and analyzing their biological characteristics. The only possible method for carrying out such procedures is fluorescence activated cell sorting (FACS). However, FACS has the following limitations. First, cells without an appropriate cell surface marker cannot be sorted. Second, the cells have to be kept alive during the sorting process in order to analyze their biological characteristics. If an intracellular antigen that was specific to a particular cell type could be stained with a florescent dye and then the cells can be sorted without causing RNA degradation, a more simple and universal method for sorting and analyzing cells with a specific gene expression pattern could be established since the biological characteristics of the sorted cells could then be determined by analyzing their gene expression profile. In this study, we established a basic protocol for messenger RNA quantification after FACS (FACS-mQ) targeting intracellular antigens. This method can be used for the detection and analysis of stem cells or cancer stem cells in various tissues.  相似文献   

Flow cytometry is a potential method for the separation of X and Y bearing spermatozoa, on the basis of their relative DNA content evaluated by the fluorescence emission intensity due to specific fluorochrome DNA staining. However, spermatozoa DNA is highly condensed and nuclei exhibit flat non spherical shape, which can produce artefacts impeding accurate analysis. In order to avoid these limitations, decondensation of DNA performed by enzymatic treatment and a modification of the flow cytometer that orients the spermatozoa relative to the laser beam are generally used. In this work, we describe alternative methods and materials for selection of 1) decondensed and thus dead spermatozoa without orientation, sorted on the basis of only the 10% spermatozoa containing the least DNA (expected Y) and the 10% spermatozoa containing the more DNA (expected X), or 2) native spermatozoa homogeneously oriented using a simultaneous measurement of Axial light loss (extinction) and Forward angle light scatter. For testing enrichment of each selected fraction we have worked out a molecular hybridization procedure using X and Y specific DNA probes. We analyse and sort bull spermatozoa on these basis: the purity obtained for these fractions is 80% without orientation after enzymatic treatment, and 70% on live spermatozoa "optically" oriented.  相似文献   

Fundamentals of flow cytometry   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Flow cytomelers arc instruments that arc used primarily to measure the physical and biochemical characteristics of biological particles. This technology is used to perform measurements on whole cells as well as prepared cellular constituents, such as nuclei and organelles. Flow cytomcters are investigative tools for a broad range of scientific disciplines because they make measurements on thousands of individual cells/ particles in a matter of seconds. This is a unique advantage relative to other detection instruments that provide bulk particle measurements. Flow cytomety is a complex and highly technical field; therefore, a basic understanding of the technology is essential for all users. The purpose of this article is to provide fundamental information about the instrumentation used for flow cytometry as well as the methods used to analyze and interpret data. This information will provide a foundation to use flow cytometry effectively as a research tool.  相似文献   

The fusion of antigen presenting and cancer cells leads to the formation of hybrid cells, which are considered a potential vaccine for treating cancer. The quality assessment of hybrid cell vaccines is crucial for the introduction of this new treatment. Flow cytometry was the method used recently, since it is faster in comparison to classical microscopy. Here we describe a rapid confocal microscopy based approach to quantify hybrid cell yields. The extent of fusion rate was determined by confocal microscopy by counting dual fluorescent cells and by measuring the area of co-localized pixels. Results of both methods showed high degree of correlation. The same samples were also analyzed by flow cytometry. Fusion rates determined with both techniques showed significant correlation. In conclusion, using confocal microscopy we developed a sensitive and a rapid method to assess the yield of hybridomas in a large number of electrofused cells.  相似文献   

Increasing evidence of intratumor heterogeneity and its augmentation due to selective pressure of microenvironment and recent achievements in cancer therapeutics lead to the need to investigate and track the tumor subclonal structure. Cell sorting of heterogeneous subpopulations of tumor and tumor-associated cells has been a long established strategy in cancer research. Advancement in lasers, computer technology and optics has led to a new generation of flow cytometers and cell sorters capable of high-speed processing of single cell suspensions. Over the last several years cell sorting was used in combination with molecular biological methods, imaging and proteomics to characterize primary and metastatic cancer cell populations, minimal residual disease and single tumor cells. It was the principal method for identification and characterization of cancer stem cells. Analysis of single cancer cells may improve early detection of tumors, monitoring of circulating tumor cells, evaluation of intratumor heterogeneity and chemotherapeutic treatments. The aim of this review is to provide an overview of major cell sorting applications and approaches with new prospective developments such as microfluidics and microchip technologies.  相似文献   

The article reviews applications of flow cytometry sorting in manufacturing of pharmaceuticals. Flow cytometry sorting is an extremely powerful tool for monitoring, screening and separating single cells based on any property that can be measured by flow cytometry. Different applications of flow cytometry sorting are classified into groups and discussed in separate sections as follows: (a) isolation of cell types, (b) high throughput screening, (c) cell surface display, (d) droplet fluorescent-activated cell sorting (FACS). Future opportunities are identified including: (a) sorting of particular fractions of the cell population based on a property of interest for generating inoculum that will result in improved outcomes of cell cultures and (b) the use of population balance models in combination with FACS to design and optimize cell cultures.  相似文献   

Using flow cytometric DNA measurement and sorting combined with morphometric light microscopy, different groups of cells were studied in a human melanoma pleural effusion, a human melanoma lymph node metastasis and a mouse tumor, as well as in normal reference tissues. Beside cells of the predominant tumor cell population, three types of rare tumor cells were studied after enrichment by sorting: a) giant cells from the >8c region, comprising about 5% of the tumor cells, b) binucleated and multinucleated cells with unequal nuclear sizes within the same cell, found at frequencies of about 1.5%, and c) <2c cells which were derived from the so-called “debris”-region of the DNA histogram, found at frequencies of about 1 to 6%. All these rare cells were found only in the malignant tumors and not in the benign reference tissues. Morphometry showed that the increase in the cellular DNA content in the different fractions of tumor cells was combined with an increase in the cellular and nuclear sizes. However, the n/c-ratio was constant in the whole range of tumor cell fractions, including the fractions from the the <2c and the >8c regions. The n/c-ratio of the <2c cells and giant cells differed from that of corresponding normal cells underlining their origin from the predominant tumor cell population. The possible linkage between the occurrence of the three rare cell types and genetic instability of tumors related to faulty nucleus and cell division is discussed.  相似文献   

一株十二烷基苯磺酸钠降解菌的分离鉴定及降解特性研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
吴楚 《微生物学报》2006,46(6):988-993
从受污染河水中筛选分离得到一株能以十二烷基苯磺酸钠(Sodiumdodecylbenzenesulfonate,SDBS)为唯一碳源和能源生长的菌株WZR-A。经对其形态特征、生理生化、以及16SrDNA序列分析,将WZR-A初步鉴定为人苍白杆菌(Ochrobactrumanthropi)。研究表明该菌株利用SDBS生长的最适温度为30℃,最适pH为7·0。SDBS浓度低于400mg/L时菌株对SDBS的降解率可在80%以上。菌株细胞蛋白SDS-PAGE结果显示,菌株在SDBS诱导前后的细胞蛋白组成有明显差异。酶的定域试验表明,该菌株的相关降解酶为胞内酶。相关降解酶活性及降解底物测试结果表明,该菌株可能通过邻位途径裂解芳环并具有对多种芳香族化合物降解的能力。此外,利用质粒检测和消除试验发现菌株WZR-A中含有大质粒且该菌株的相关降解基因初步定位于该质粒。  相似文献   

Comparative measurements of bacterial total counts and volumes of flow cytometry (FCM), transmission electron (TEM), and epifluorescence microscopy (EFM), were undertaken during a four week mesocosm experiment. Total counts of bacteria measured by TEM, EFM, and FCM were in the range of 1 · 106−6 cells ml−1, 1 · 106−3 · 1016 cells ml−1, and 5 · 105 cells ml−1 respectively. The mean volume of the bacterial community, measured by means of EFM and TEM, increased from 0.12–0.15 μm3 at the start of the experiment to 0.39–0.53 μm3 at the end. Generally, there was good agreement between the two methods and regression analyses gave r = 0.87 (p < < 0.01) for cell volume and r = 0.97 (p < < 0.01) for cell number. DAPI stained bacteria with volumes less than 0.2 μm3 were not detected by flow cytometry and these were generally an order of magnitude lower than counts made by TEM and EFM. For samples where the mean bacterial cell volume was longer than 0.3 μm3, all three methods were in agreement both with respect to counts and volume estimates.  相似文献   

Using four human tumor cell lines, MCF-7 and T47-D from breast tumors, MOLT-4 and K-562 from leukemia, flow cytometric DNA analysis of pure and mixed cell population was performed using monoclonal antibodies to cytokeratin to distinguish cytokeratin-containing carcinoma cells from leukemia cells which do not contain cytokeratins. Surprisingly, on pure or mixed K-562 cells, we found positive labeling with KL1, CK8, and CK18 antibodies (results confirmed by immunocytology). This preliminary study has allowed a DNA analysis on epithelial cells of human breast tumors.  相似文献   

Disseminated neoplasia (DN) is a disorder referred to as hemic neoplasia (HN) in the soft-shell clam Mya arenaria. Traditionally, diagnosis is performed by hematocytology or histology. The intensity of the disease is generally given as the percentage of transformed neoplastic cells out of total number of hemocytes. Flow cytometry techniques have found a field of application in diagnosis of HN with analysis of ploidy. Hemocytes of the soft-shell clams with HN display tetraploid DNA content, as shown by propidium iodide staining. This feature makes difficult HN diagnosis in the soft-shell clam, especially for early stages of the condition, since the percentage of normal circulating cells undergoing mitosis, which also are tetraploid, remains unknown in molluscs. Use of specific monoclonal antibodies in a flow cytometry assay was foreseen as a way to overcome the difficulty. The purpose of this study was to develop a double staining protocol using propidium iodide for hemocyte cycle analysis and the MAb 1E10 for staining of HN cells. Our results showed a correlation between tetraploid and MAb 1E10-stained hemocytes in a single clam with moderate HN. This protocol offers some potential for further investigation of this cell disorder. However, a validation step will be necessary to confirm our preliminary results.  相似文献   

Flow cytometric studies of human sperm from fertile men display a constant and characteristic bimodal nonartifactual DNA pattern confirming the existence of two distinct populations. The main population is represented by a peak followed by a shoulder (“marginal population”). The appearance of this marginal population fluctuates with either freezing and thawing or with Percoll gradient centrifugation. We have analyzed both the main and marginal sperm populations by flow cytometry after cell sorting, laser scanning cytometry, light microscopic evaluation, and their sensitivity to DNase digestion. We have observed that the marginal population detected in fertile men represents a sperm group altered in the nuclear condensation, yielding unstable chromatin which appears more stainable with propidium iodide. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

 One of the most important problems in recovering DNA distribution from flow cytometric DNA measurements is the presence of background noise. In this paper, we analyse a probabilistic model recently proposed for background debris distribution and based on a specific probabilistic mechanism for the DNA fragmentation process of the cell nucleus. In particular, we carry out some sufficient conditions to uniquely identify the original DNA distribution from the flow cytometric data. Received: 15 June 1997 / Revised version: 18 November 1997  相似文献   

The assessment of cell concentration and viability of freshly isolated hepatocyte preparations has been traditionally performed using manual counting with a Neubauer counting chamber and staining for trypan blue exclusion. Despite the simple and rapid nature of this assessment, concerns about the accuracy of these methods exist. Simple flow cytometry techniques which determine cell concentration and viability are available yet surprisingly have not been extensively used or validated with isolated hepatocyte preparations. We therefore investigated the use of flow cytometry using TRUCOUNT Tubes and propidium iodide staining to measure cell concentration and viability of isolated rat hepatocytes in suspension. Analysis using TRUCOUNT Tubes provided more accurate and reproducible measurement of cell concentration than manual cell counting. Hepatocyte viability, assessed using propidium iodide, correlated more closely than did trypan blue exclusion with all indicators of hepatocyte integrity and function measured (lactate dehydrogenase leakage, cytochrome p450 content, cellular ATP concentration, ammonia and lactate removal, urea and albumin synthesis). We conclude that flow cytometry techniques can be used to measure cell concentration and viability of isolated hepatocyte preparations. The techniques are simple, rapid, and more accurate than manual cell counting and trypan blue staining and the results are not affected by protein-containing media.  相似文献   

Cellular components of innate immunity (NK cells, monocytes and granulocytes) play an important role in early resistance to Listeria monocytogenes in the mouse model. Minimally invasive methods of measuring the bacteriocidal capacity of these cells may be useful as a biomarker of susceptibility in humans. A technique was developed whereby the uptake and survival of L. monocytogenes could be measured in human granulocytes and monocytes using small volumes of peripheral blood. This method used flow cytometry to detect the presence of PKH-2-labeled bacteria within these cells. Survival of bacteria was determined by sorting of infected cells based on a combination of fluorescence and light scattering properties. Considerable variation in bacterial recovery was seen between normal volunteers. There was consistently greater survival of a fully virulent strain of L. monocytogenes within monocytes and granulocytes compared with an isogenic strain lacking the hemolysin, listeriolysin O, when measured at baseline. There was no evidence of longer-term bacterial survival or growth at 2 or 24 h. This technique may be useful for assessment of both host resistance and pathogen virulence.  相似文献   

Various sources of variability in flow cytometric determination of cell concentration have previously been investigated with respect to andrologic applications. Although common aspects related to the variation between samples, variation between operators, and accuracy have been extensively studied, specific sources of false-count estimation have found less attention. In particular, a major and well-recognized source of misestimation of cell counts (i.e., contamination of the sample by non-sperm particles) has not to date been characterized in detail. We show here by means of original mathematical research that not only the cell counts but also the percentages of cells expressing different fluorescence patterns are affected by the presence of alien particles often neglected in studies involving flow cytometric characterization. We demonstrate that there is a systematic overestimation in the proportion of unstained (viable) cells detected by flow cytometry in cases where the non-sperm particles are not excluded from analysis by additional identification other than light-scatter characteristics. Moreover, we provide an exact mathematical estimate for the magnitude of this overestimation, and we discuss the consequences for diagnostic applications and studies on sperm physiology, specifically for studies on sperm capacitation and evaluation of cryopreserved semen. Finally, equations are derived for the correction of the flow cytometric values for use in practical applications.  相似文献   

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