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M. Dittrich 《Journal of comparative physiology. A, Neuroethology, sensory, neural, and behavioral physiology》1995,177(2):207-217
Color induction in the honeybee is investigated in color discrimination experiments. An individual bee walks in a dark arena and is trained to a self-luminant stimulus presented from below. In the dual-choice tests the dark background is replaced by a colored induction stimulus. Choice behavior is recorded by TV camera and analyzed by computer. Successive color induction is separated from simultaneous induction by analysis of the walking paths. Only successive color induction occurs. Simultaneous effects are not observed. That is a stimulus acts as a color inducing stimulus only when the bee crosses this stimulus. Thus, the color perceived by a given eye region is found to be dependent on the viewing history, but not on the stimuli presented simultaneously on neighboring parts of the retina. Color induction in the honeybee described in terms of selective sensitivity decrease (adaptation) does not explain all behavioral effects induced by the stimulus. The time course of successive color induction is calculated from the exposure times to the induction stimulus and from the choice behavior. The data suggest that color induction is complete after a few seconds. Photoreceptor adaptation is sufficient to explain the observed time course. 相似文献
G. A. Horridge 《Journal of comparative physiology. A, Neuroethology, sensory, neural, and behavioral physiology》1999,185(1):105-113
This paper investigates how the pattern influences the discrimination of different locations of two or more areas of black,
white or colour. The coloured patterns were made from two calibrated coloured papers that give contrast only to green receptors,
or alternatively only to blue receptors. The patterns are fixed during training. It is found that the discrimination of translocation
of two areas of colour involves green receptors and also blue receptors, and the resolution depends strongly on the pattern.
Patterns that offer horizontal strips and up-down differences in locations are well resolved, even with no green contrast.
Resolution of left-right reversal is greatly improved when the patterns promote fixation in the horizontal plane, as if green
contrast is essential to stabilize the eye in yaw. The addition of radial bars with green contrast, a central black spot or
a black surround, is particularly effective. The additions promote fixation, and would aid the detection of natural symmetrical
Accepted: 30 May 1999 相似文献
Recent work shows that at any one place bees detect a limited variety of simple cues in parallel. At each choice point, they recognize a few cues in the range of positions where the cues occurred during the learning process. There is no need to postulate that they re-assemble the surrounding panorama in memory; only that they retain memories of the coincidences of cues in the expected retinotopic directions. The cues could be stimuli that excite groups of peripheral visual neurons. All the experimentally known cues are described, including modulation of the receptors, the locations of areas of black or colour, the nearness, size, averaged edge orientation, and radial and tangential edges. Cues of each type are separately summed within large fields, the size of which varies with the cue. Local orientation cues from edges at right angles cancel each other within each field, which also suggests that the discrimination of shape and texture is limited. Resolution depends on lateral interactions and the number of ommatidia required for each cue. To identify a new place, a few sparse cues, together with their directions, are learned in orientation flights. When the bee returns, the cues in the panorama are progressively matched as they coincide with the cues in memory. The limited number of cues, though economical for memory, may restrict the foraging behaviour and lead to flower constancy. This kind of a visual system is a candidate model for other animals or machines with economical processing systems. 相似文献
J. Erber S. Kierzek E. Sander K. Grandy 《Journal of comparative physiology. A, Neuroethology, sensory, neural, and behavioral physiology》1998,183(6):737-744
Free-flying bees were conditioned on a vertical wall to a vertical tactile pattern consisting of parallel lines of grooves
and elevations. The asymptote of the learning curve is reached after approximately 25 rewards. Bees can discriminate the conditioned
vertical pattern from a horizontal or diagonal alternative. Angle discrimination is apparent only for relatively coarse tactile
cues. The proboscis extension response of fixed bees was used to condition bees to a vertical tactile pattern which was presented
to the antennae. The learning curve reaches an asymptote after 4 rewards. After 7 unrewarded extinction trials the conditioned
responses are reduced to 50%. Bees show best discrimination for patterns whose edges they can scan with their antennae. The
animals show a high degree of generalization by responding to an object irrespective of the trained pattern. Under laboratory
conditions fixed bees can discriminate the angles and spatial wavelengths of fine tactile patterns consisting of parallel
grooves. Bees can also discriminate forms and sizes of tactile patterns. They do not discriminate between different types
of edges and between positive and negative forms.
Accepted: 17 September 1998 相似文献
Adrian G Dyer Christa Neumeyer 《Journal of comparative physiology. A, Neuroethology, sensory, neural, and behavioral physiology》2005,191(6):547-557
The colour discrimination of individual free-flying honeybees (Apis mellifera) was tested with simultaneous and successive viewing conditions for a variety of broadband reflectance stimuli. For simultaneous viewing bees used form vision to discriminate patterned target stimuli from homogeneous coloured distractor stimuli, and for successive discrimination bees were required to discriminate between homogeneously coloured stimuli. Bees were significantly better at a simultaneous discrimination task, and we suggest this is explained by the inefficiency with which the bees brain can code and retrieve colour information from memory when viewing stimuli successively. Using simultaneous viewing conditions bees discriminated between the test stimuli at a level equivalent to 1 just-noticeable-difference for human colour vision. Discrimination of colours by bees with simultaneous viewing conditions exceeded previous estimates of what is possible considering models of photoreceptor noise measured in bees, which suggests spatial and/or temporal summation of colour signals for fine discrimination tasks. The results show that when behavioural experiments are used to collect data about the mechanisms facilitating colour discrimination in animals, it is important to consider the effects of the stimulus viewing conditions on results. 相似文献
Saito A Mikami A Hasegawa T Koida K Terao K Koike S Onishi A Takenaka O Teramoto M Mori Y 《Primates; journal of primatology》2003,44(2):171-176
Although color vision deficiency is very rare among Old World monkeys and apes, one male chimpanzee (Lucky) was identified
as protanomalous by genetic and physiological analyses. This study assessed behavioral phenotypes of Lucky and four chimpanzees
with normal color vision by discrimination task using the modified Ishihara pseudo-isochromatic plates. Lucky could not discriminate
the stimuli that the other chimpanzees could. This is the first behavioral evidence of color vision deficiency in chimpanzees.
Electronic Publication 相似文献
为建立快速有效的蜜蜂囊状幼虫病检疫方法, 依据TaqMan荧光标记探针技术原理, 针对蜜蜂囊状幼虫病病毒保守序列, 设计出一对特异性引物和一条探针, 建立了一种快速检测蜜蜂囊状幼虫病病毒的荧光PCR方法。该方法对蜜蜂囊状幼虫病的检测具有较好的特异性, 与蜜蜂急性麻痹病病毒、蜜蜂慢性麻痹病病毒、蜜蜂残翼病病毒和黑蜂王台病病毒之间均无交叉反应。检测灵敏度可达1.0×102拷贝/μL阳性质粒, 可对低病毒含量的样品进行准确检测。重复性和稳定性试验结果显示, 变异系数为1.6%, 说明该方法具有较好的重复性和稳定性。应用该方法对蜜蜂及蜂制品进行检测, 结果显示所建立的荧光PCR检测方法4 h内即可报告检测结果, 该方法具有快速、灵敏、特异及重复性好等优点, 适用于蜜蜂及其制品中蜜蜂囊状幼虫病病毒的快速检疫。 相似文献
The honeybee, Apis mellifera L., is one of the living creatures that has its colour vision proven through behavioural tests. Previous studies of honeybee colour vision has emphasized the relationship between the spectral sensitivities of photoreceptors and colour discrimination behaviour. The current understanding of the neural mechanisms of bee colour vision is, however, rather limited. The present study surveyed the patterns of chromatic information processing of visual neurons in the lobula of the honeybee, using intracellular recording stimulated by three light-emitting diodes, whose emission spectra approximately match the spectral sensitivity peaks of the honeybee. The recorded visual neurons can be divided into two groups: non-colour opponent cells and colour opponent cells. The non-colour opponent cells comprise six types of broad-band neurons and four response types of narrow-band neurons. The former might detect brightness of the environment or function as chromatic input channels, and the latter might supply specific chromatic input. Amongst the colour opponent cells, the principal neural mechanism of colour vision, eight response types were recorded. The receptive fields of these neurons were not centre surround as observed in primates. Some recorded neurons with tonic post-stimulus responses were observed, however, suggesting temporal defined spectral opponency may be part of the colour-coding mechanisms. 相似文献
John de Souza Horst Hertel Dora Fix Ventura Randolf Menzel 《Journal of comparative physiology. A, Neuroethology, sensory, neural, and behavioral physiology》1992,170(3):267-274
1. | Monopolar cells of the first visual ganglion, the lamina, of the bee were recorded from and stained intracellularly. |
2. | Several different response types to pulses of spectral light were found. The most common response type hyperpolarized in a phasic-tonic fashion. The tonic hyperpolarizing response frequently decreased gradually, but in some cases increased with lasting illumination. Some cells also gave a transient response to light-OFF. In contrast, one stained and several unstained cells showed depolarizing responses. Five cells exhibited spiking responses under normal physiological conditions. |
3. | The V/log I-functions were steeper than those of the photoreceptors and, in some cases, had both rising and falling parts with increasing intensities. The spectral sensitivity obtained with the constant response method showed a peak in the green (510–535 nm) in most cells. A series of spectral flashes revealed an additional type with highest sensitivity in UV. Indirect evidence was found in one cell for spectral opponent processing. |
4. | Two morphological types of monopolar cells were stained. These correspond well to Ribi's (1976) L1 and L2 cells, with some differences in detail. The most frequently stained cell type closely resembles his L2 type. All 3 stained spiking cells were of this type. |
David L. Cowles Jaclyn R. Van Dolson Lisa R. Hainey Dallas M. Dick 《Journal of experimental marine biology and ecology》2006,330(2):528-534
A behavioral assay was used to assess the ability of the stomatopod Hemisquilla californiensis to perceive and respond to a moving target under different wavelengths and intensities of light illumination. Subjects responded to targets rotating horizontally across their visual field by a brief startle response of their eyes or antennules but did not track the targets. Under white light responses were elicited down to a light intensity of 0.9 μW cm− 2. Responses were seen in blue light at intensities as low as 0.5 μW cm− 2, and in green light down to 1.0 μW cm− 2. The animals were less sensitive to red light, with no responses seen at intensities below 3.0 μW cm− 2. Subjects did not respond to the targets at all under infrared light. This response pattern mirrors the computed sensitivity spectrum of ommatidia in the species' peripheral hemispheres but not that in most of the central bands. We conclude that this species uses the monochromatic vision in the peripheral hemispheres of its eyes to recognize objects and that the sharply tuned color receptors of the central band serve to add supplemental information if light conditions allow. 相似文献
We previously reported preferential expression of genes for ecdysteroid signaling in the mushroom bodies of honeybee workers, suggesting a role of ecdysteroid signaling in regulating honeybee behaviors. The organs that produce ecdysteroids in worker honeybees, however, remain unknown. We show here that the expression of neverland and Non-molting glossy/shroud, which are involved in early steps of ecdysteroid synthesis, was enhanced in the ovary, while the expression of CYP306A1 and CYP302A1, which are involved in later steps of ecdysone synthesis, was enhanced in the brain, and the expression of CYP314A1, which is involved in converting ecdysone into active 20-hydroxyecdysone (20E), was enhanced in the brain, fat body, and ovary. In in vitro organ culture, a significant amount of ecdysteroids was detected in the culture medium of the brain, fat body, and hypopharyngeal glands. The ecdysteroids detected in the culture medium of the fat body were identified as ecdysone and 20E. These findings suggest that, in worker honeybees, cholesterol is converted into intermediate ecdysteroids in the ovary, whereas ecdysone is synthesized and secreted mainly by the brain and converted into 20E in the brain and fat body. 相似文献
本文综述了国内外蜜蜂毒主要过敏原磷脂酶A_2的研究进展,主要包括一般的蛋白质特性、作用机制、免疫学及生物学作用等。 相似文献
It has long been assumed that bees cannot see red. However, bees visit red flowers, and the visual spectral sensitivity of
bees extends into wavelengths to provide sensitivity to such flowers. We thus investigated whether bees can discriminate stimuli
reflecting wavelengths above 560 nm, i.e., which appear orange and red to a human observer. Flowers do not reflect monochromatic
(single wavelength) light; specifically orange and red flowers have reflectance patterns which are step functions, we thus
used colored stimuli with such reflectance patterns. We first conditioned honey bees Apis mellifera to detect six stimuli reflecting light mostly above 560 nm and found that bees learned to detect only stimuli which were
perceptually very different from a bee achromatic background. In a second experiment we conditioned bees to discriminate stimuli
from a salient, negative (un-rewarded) yellow stimulus. In subsequent unrewarded tests we presented the bees with the trained
situation and with five other tests in which the trained stimulus was presented against a novel one. We found that bees learned
to discriminate the positive from the negative stimulus, and could unambiguously discriminate eight out of fifteen stimulus
pairs. The performance of bees was positively correlated with differences between the trained and the novel stimulus in the
receptor contrast for the long-wavelength bee photoreceptor and in the color distance (calculated using two models of the
honeybee colors space). We found that the differential conditioning resulted in a concurrent inhibitory conditioning of the
negative stimulus, which might have improved discrimination of stimuli which are perceptually similar. These results show
that bees can detect long wavelength stimuli which appear reddish to a human observer. The mechanisms underlying discrimination
of these stimuli are discussed.
Handling Editor: Lars Chittka. 相似文献
N. M. Balderrama L. O. B. de Almeida J. A. Núñez 《Journal of comparative physiology. B, Biochemical, systemic, and environmental physiology》1992,162(5):440-447
Summary The metabolic rate of free-flying honeybees, Apis mellifera ligustica, was determined by means of a novel respirometric device that allowed measurement of CO2 produced by bees foraging under controlled reward at an artificial food source. Metabolic rate increased with reward (sugar flow rate) at the food source. In addition, there was no clear-cut dependence of metabolic rate on load carried during the visit, neither as crop load nor as supplementary weights attached to the thorax. The hypothesis that metabolic rate, as well as foraging and recruiting activities, depend on the motivational state of the foraging bee determined by the reward at the food source is discussed.Abbreviations CL
crop load (fuel load at the FSS)
- FC
(=CL-Wc), fuel consumed during the visit
food source simulator
+dome, respirometric chamber
non-visit time
- TT
titration time
- VT
visit time
- Wc (=Wf-Wi)
load carried at the end of the visit
- Wf
final weight of the forager
- Wi
initial weight of the forager 相似文献
Werner Nachtigall Ulrike Hanauer-Thieser 《Journal of comparative physiology. B, Biochemical, systemic, and environmental physiology》1992,162(3):267-277
Summary Drag forces and lift forces acting on honeybee trunks were measured by using specially built sensitive mechanical balances. Measurements were made on prepared bodies in good and in bad flight position, with and without legs, at velocities between 0.5 and 5m·s-1 (Reynolds numbers between 4·102 and 4·103) and at angles of attack between-20° and +20°. From the forces drag coefficients and lift coefficients were calculated. The drag coefficient measured with a zero angle of attack was 0.45 at 3v5m·s-1, 0.6 at 2m·s-1, 0.9 at 1m·s-1 and 1.35 at 0.5m·s-1, thus demonstrating a pronounced effect of Reynolds number on drag. These values are about 2 times lower (better) than those of a drag disc with the same diameter and attacked at the same velocity. The drag coefficient (related to constant minimal frontal area) was minimal at zero angle of attack, rising symmetrically to larger (+) and smaller (-) angles of attack in a non-linear fashion. The absolute value is higher and the rise is steeper at lower speeds or Reynolds numbers, but the incremental factors are independent of Reynolds number. For example, the drag coefficient is 1.44±0.05 times higher at an angle of attack of 20° than at one of 0°. On a double-logarithmic scale the slope of the drag versus Reynolds number plot was 1.5: with decreasing Reynolds number the relationship between drag and velocity changes from quadratic (Newton's law) to linear (viscous flow). Trunk drag was not systematically increased by the legs at any velocity or Reynolds number or any angle of attack. The legs appear to shape the trunk aerodynamically, to form a relatively low-drag trunk-leg system. The body is able to generate dynamic lift. Highly significant positive linear correlations between lift coefficient and angle of attack were determined for the trunk-leg system in the typical flight position. Lift coefficient was +0.05 at zero angle of attack (possibly attained during very fast flight), +0.1 at 5° (attained during fast flight), +0.25 at +20° (attained during slow flight) and +0.55 at 45° (attained whilst changing over to hovering). Average slope cL was 0.66±0.07, and average profile efficiency was 0.10. Non-wing lift contribution due to body form and banking only accounts for a few percent of body weight during fast flight. A non-wing lift contribution due to the legs has been demonstrated. The legs increase trunk lift by 23–24%. Reynolds number lift effects are present but of no biological significance. Force and power calculations do not support maximum flight speeds substantially higher than approximately 7m · s-1 relative to the ambient air. At this speed body drag attains 35% and body lift 8.4% of the body weight, and parasite power is 5% of the maximum metabolic power.Abbreviations
angle of attack
- A
- c
drag coefficient
- cL
lift coefficient
- D
- F
- L
- P
- Q
- Re
Reynolds number
dliding number
oxygen consumption
- W
- v
kinematic viscosity
- v
velocity 相似文献
Due to the prevailing importance of the tracheal system for insect respiration, hemoglobins had been considered rare exceptions in this arthropod subphylum. Here we report the identification, cloning and expression analysis of a true hemoglobin gene in the honeybee Apis mellifera (Hymenoptera). The deduced amino acid sequence covers 171 residues (19.5kDa) and harbors all globin-typical features, including the proximal and the distal histidines. The protein has no signal peptide for transmembrane transport and was predicted to localize in the cytoplasm. The honeybee hemoglobin gene shows an ancient structure, with introns in positions B12.2 and G7.0, while most other insect globins have divergent intron positions. In situ hybridization studies showed that hemoglobin expression in the honeybee is mainly associated with the tracheal system. We also observe hemoglobin expression in the Malpighi tubes and testis. We further demonstrated that hemoglobins occur in other insect orders (Hemiptera, Coleoptera, Lepidoptera), suggesting that such genes belong to the standard repertoire of an insect genome. Phylogenetic analyses show that globins evolved along with the accepted insect systematics, with a remarkable diversification within the Diptera. Although insect hemoglobins may be in fact involved in oxygen metabolism, it remains uncertain whether they carry out a myoglobin-like function in oxygen storage and delivery. 相似文献
Dr. Thomas Heinzeller 《Cell and tissue research》1976,171(1):91-99
Summary Electrophoretic injection of Procion Yellow M-R4 into the ocellar tract of the worker bee has revealed the following:Two types of giant axon run from the lateral ocellus to the circumesophageal neuropile, where one branches ipsilaterally and the other contralaterally. A third type comes from the median ocellus and can be traced into the cervical connectives. The largest dendritic complex is in the circumesophageal neuropile; in addition, fiber endings have been demonstrated in the following areas: in the subretinal region, along the optic commissure, in the medulla interna, in the subesophageal ganglion and between the neurosecretory cells of the pars intercerebralis. — The giant fibers are enclosed in a glial sheath.Three types of cell body are described. One is associated with the glia; another, larger cell type comprises giant-axon somata. The third type of cell is small, and cannot yet be identified.Some of the histological results are discussed with respect to the possible function of the ocellus. 相似文献
A. Bernadou F. Dmares T. Couret-Fauvel J.C. Sandoz M. Gauthier 《Journal of insect physiology》2009,55(12):1099-1106
In the honeybee, the conditioning of the proboscis extension response using tactile antennal stimulations is well suited for studying the side-specificity of learning including the possible bilateral transfer of memory traces in the brain, and the role of inhibitory networks. A tactile stimulus was presented to one antenna in association with a sucrose reward to the proboscis. The other antenna was either not stimulated (A+/0 training), stimulated with a non-reinforced tactile stimulus B (A+/B− training) or stimulated with B reinforced with sucrose to the proboscis (A+/B+ training). Memory tests performed 3 and 24 h after training showed in all situations that a tactile stimulus learnt on one side was only retrieved ipsilaterally, indicating no bilateral transfer of information. In all these groups, we investigated the effect of the phenylpyrazole insecticide fipronil by applying a sublethal dose (0.5 ng/bee) on the thorax 15 min before training. This treatment decreased acquisition success and the subsequent memory performances were lowered but the distribution of responses to the tactile stimuli between sides was not affected. These results underline the role of the inhibitory networks targeted by fipronil on tactile learning and memory processes. 相似文献
Dr. Joseph Torres Jr. 《Cell and tissue research》1980,208(1):29-33
Summary A polytrophic ovariole of the queen honeybee, Apis mellifera, is composed of a linear series of increasingly mature egg chambers, each consisting of an oocyte, an interconnected cluster of nurse cells, and a covering layer of follicle cells. This study describes changes in the volume of each of these components, as a function of the position of the egg chamber in the ovariole. An oocyte increases in volume from approximately 8.9 × 103 m3 to approximately 9.6 × 106 m3 over an average series of 20 egg chambers. 相似文献