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为探究容性寄生蜂对不同龄期寄主幼虫的选择性及其子代蜂发育表现的关联,通过双选试验观察了斑痣悬茧蜂(Meteorus pulchricornis)对斜纹夜蛾(Spodoptera litura)不同虫龄幼虫的寄生选择,并观察了与子代蜂适合度相关的特性表现.结果表明:斑痣悬茧蜂在4龄与5龄之间未表现出偏好,在2龄和3龄、3龄和4龄之间显著偏好较低虫龄;结茧率在不同寄主虫龄间无显著差异,羽化率随寄主虫龄增大而减小,寄生2、3龄幼虫的子代蜂显著高于寄生5龄;寄生5龄幼虫的子代蜂死亡率比寄生2龄的高2.5倍,比寄生3龄的高5.4倍.寄生3龄幼虫的子代蜂发育历期最短(11.9 d),比寄生4龄幼虫的短6.8 d,比寄生2龄幼虫的短4.7 d;子代蜂体型大小在寄生的寄主虫龄间无显著差异.根据研究结果推测,斑痣悬茧蜂在寄生时可能不是根据寄主龄期来评价寄主品质,而是基于寄主体型大小进行评价.  相似文献   

徐清华  孟玲  李保平 《昆虫学报》2007,50(5):488-493
研究寄生蜂对寄主不同龄期的寄生策略通常采用适温下(≈25℃)培养的寄主进行试验。 为探究蚜茧蜂对高温下生长的寄主蚜虫的寄生反应及其适合度表现,在30℃条件下饲养寄主孤雌胎生无翅黑豆蚜Aphis fabae Scopli,获得不同龄期若蚜和刚羽化的成蚜,分别提供给可疑柄瘤蚜茧蜂Lysiphlebus ambiguous Haliday寄生,观察蚜茧蜂的寄生率以及后代性比、体型大小和发育时间等适合度相关特性。结果表明: 可疑柄瘤蚜茧蜂对1至4龄若蚜及成蚜均寄生,但偏向寄生较早龄期的若蚜,对成蚜的寄生率为28.0%,显著低于对1龄(400%)和2龄(42.8%)寄主若蚜的寄生率。后代雌蜂比例和体型随寄主龄期(体型)增大而减小,而发育历期则呈现“中间低,两头高”的格局。后代性比、体型大小及发育历期等适合度表现与此前适温(≈25℃)下得到的结果截然相反。因此推测,寄主黑豆蚜体型或龄期可能不是或不全部是可疑柄瘤蚜茧蜂评价寄主质量的依据,其他与寄主蚜虫内共生菌动态相关的线索(如行为的,化学的等)可能才是其评价寄主质量的依据。  相似文献   

江化琴  陈媛  刘映红 《昆虫学报》2014,57(10):1213-1218
【目的】过寄生现象普遍存在于寄生蜂寄生过程中。本研究旨在探究螟蛉盘绒茧蜂Cotesia ruficrus的过寄生对子代发育的影响及影响过寄生行为的主要因素。【方法】室内研究了螟蛉盘绒茧蜂在其寄主稻纵卷叶螟Cnaphalocrocis medinalis3龄幼虫上过寄生行为的发生,不同产卵次数对寄主存活及子代蜂生长发育的影响,研究了不同接蜂时间和不同接蜂密度对过寄生发生的影响。【结果】螟蛉盘绒茧蜂存在过寄生行为,无论雌蜂有无产卵寄生经历,均能在被自身寄生过和同种不同个体寄生过的寄主内产卵。寄生蜂茧量随着被产卵次数的增加而增加,被产卵3~5次的寄主体内死亡的寄生蜂幼虫数随着增大。寄主在育出蜂前的死亡率随着被产卵寄生次数的增加而增加,被产卵5次时,寄主育出蜂前死亡率达50%。过寄生使螟蛉盘绒茧蜂子代蜂卵-蛹的历期延长,羽化率和雌雄性比下降,雌蜂体型随寄生次数的增加显著变小。过寄生率随着接蜂密度及接蜂时间的增加而增加。【结论】在寄主上产卵2次对螟蛉盘绒茧蜂子代发育是最适合的,产卵3次及以上为过寄生。过寄生使蜂子代发育适合度降低,不利于子代生长发育。在室内大量繁殖螟蛉盘绒茧蜂时,应减少接蜂密度和接蜂时间,从而减少过寄生的发生。  相似文献   

"选择-表现"假说认为,成虫应该选择有利于子代发育的高品质寄主,但在寄主选择中,除了寄主品质外,其他因素也可能影响寄主选择决策。寄主选择研究通常以成虫为对象,而对那些初龄幼虫选择寄主的寄生性昆虫很少关注。以1龄幼虫积极搜寻寄主的寄生性花绒寄甲为模式生物,采用双选试验设计,观察了花绒寄甲初孵幼虫在不同体重青杨天牛幼虫之间、在已被寄生与健康的黄粉虫蛹之间的寄生选择性;然后采用回归设计,观察了花绒寄甲寄生若干不同体重的青杨天牛幼虫后的发育表现。研究结果表明,花绒寄甲1龄幼虫对体型较大的青杨天牛幼虫的选择偏好显著大于对体型较小的寄主幼虫的选择,选择大体型幼虫的比值比是选择小体型幼虫的4.55倍;对已被寄生的寄主黄粉虫蛹的选择偏好显著大于对健康寄主蛹的选择,选择已被寄生寄主的比值比是选择健康寄主的12.57倍。寄生青杨天牛幼虫的花绒寄甲幼虫发育历期平均为11.49 d、蛹历期为26.67 d、幼虫发育至成虫的羽化率50%,这些发育表现与寄生时青杨天牛幼虫的体重没有显著关系。但刚羽化寄甲成虫体重与寄生时寄主的体重存在显著的正直线关系:寄生时的寄主体重每增大0.01 g,羽化出的寄甲成虫体重增大近0.08%;方差分析寄甲成虫体重在不同寄主体重水平之间的差异表明,从体型较大寄主中羽化的寄甲成虫体重显著大于从体型较小寄主中羽化的成虫。研究结果说明,花绒寄甲初孵幼虫在寄主选择决策时,在寄主体型大小与被寄生状态之间可能采取折衷对策,而且对体型大小不同的寄主选择与子代发育适合度表现存在一致性,从而支持"选择-表现"假说。  相似文献   

甘明  苗雪霞  丁德诚 《昆虫学报》2003,46(5):598-604
在25℃下研究了日本柄瘤蚜茧蜂Lysiphlebus japonicus Ashmead对寄主豆蚜Aphis craccivora Koch龄期的选择和被寄生豆蚜的龄期对蚜茧蜂发育的影响。结果表明:在混合虫态寄主中,日本柄瘤蚜茧蜂通常选择较小龄期的若蚜寄生,其中2龄若蚜的相对被寄生率最高,为26.4%;其次是1龄若蚜,为20.6%;无翅成蚜与3、4龄有翅若蚜和成蚜的相对被寄生率较低。日本柄瘤蚜茧蜂的寄生延长了豆蚜若蚜的发育,其中1龄若蚜被寄生后,1~3龄历期显著延长;有翅3龄若蚜被寄生后,3、4龄历期明显延长;但无翅和有翅4龄若蚜被寄生后的发育历期均不受影响。各龄若蚜被寄生后羽化的成蚜寿命明显缩短,其中,被寄生的1龄若蚜不能发育至成蚜,其它较早龄期被寄生的若蚜羽化的成蚜繁殖力均显著降低。寄生时寄主的发育期也影响寄生蜂的发育,2龄豆蚜被寄生时的日本柄瘤蚜茧蜂个体发育最快,为194.10 h;1龄寄主被寄生时蚜茧蜂的发育最慢,需215.80 h。并对不同发育期蚜虫总蛋白质和总糖原含量进行了测定。  相似文献   

【目的】不同种寄生蜂在同一小生境中可能寄生同一共享寄主。本研究旨在为认识寄生蜂种间互作关系,并为科学评价寄生性天敌控害效应提供依据。【方法】在室内以单寄生性斑痣悬茧蜂Meteorus pulchricornis(Wesmael)和中红侧沟茧蜂Microplitis mediator(Halidy)及其寄主黏虫Mythimna separata(Walker)低龄幼虫为材料,以寄生顺序和间隔时间为因素进行种间寄生竞争效应实验,观察比较两种蜂的存活和斑痣悬茧蜂子代的发育历期、体型大小和寿命等发育参数。【结果】不同寄生顺序和间隔时间组合处理下斑痣悬茧蜂子代蜂存活率始终高于中红侧沟茧蜂,且先寄生的斑痣悬茧蜂子代存活率高于后寄生的蜂,提前24 h寄生的斑痣悬茧蜂子代存活率可高达96.7%。当斑痣悬茧蜂先于中红侧沟茧蜂寄生时,其子代幼虫发育历期比单独寄生(对照)时显著延长;当后于中红侧沟茧蜂寄生时,其子代幼虫发育历期与单独寄生时无显著差异。各竞争处理下,斑痣悬茧蜂子代成虫寿命均长于单独寄生的子代成虫;子代成虫后足胫节长度与单独寄生相比明显缩短。【结论】结果说明,斑痣悬茧蜂在黏虫低龄幼虫体内与中红侧沟茧蜂的竞争中占有优势,但竞争对斑痣悬茧蜂子代生长发育具有负面影响。  相似文献   

为检验基于经典搜寻理论的最优膳食模型的预测——产卵雌蜂应该选择最适于子代蜂发育的寄主种进行产卵,本研究以斑痣悬茧蜂(Meteorus pulchricornis)及其寄主斜纹夜蛾(Spodoptera litura)和粘虫(Mythimna separata)的幼虫为材料,在控制寄主体型大小和龄期影响的基础上,分别在体型大小相近和日龄相同的3个水平上观察了斑痣悬茧蜂对2种寄主幼虫的选择偏好,并观察了子代蜂生长发育适应度表现。在观察期(1h)内,当2种寄主幼虫的体型相近或者龄期相同的情况下,斑痣悬茧蜂对粘虫的产卵器刺扎次数以及寄生率(用结茧率表示)均高于斜纹夜蛾;而在斜纹夜蛾幼虫体内发育出的子代蜂茧重和体型均大于粘虫,成蜂寿命无显著差异。最后,对斑痣悬茧蜂的寄主选择和子代发育表现不一致现象进行了讨论。  相似文献   

【目的】鉴定玉米Zea mays L.和棉铃虫Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner)幼虫体表挥发性成分中对中红侧沟茧蜂 Microplitis mediator (Haliday)具有生境与寄主定位作用的信息化合物,从化学生态学的角度研究玉米-棉铃虫-中红侧沟茧蜂三重营养关系,解释中红侧沟茧蜂寻找寄主的过程中的信息识别机制,为害虫的综合防治的“推-拉”方法提供一定的理论基础。【方法】利用触角电位仪(EAG)、触角电位联用仪(GC-EAD)、气质联用仪(GC-MS)及“Y”型嗅觉仪确定玉米和棉铃虫幼虫体表提取物的信息化合物。在室内利用玉米以及棉铃虫幼虫体表挥发物标准品化合物以及模拟混合物,使用“Y”型嗅觉仪进行中红侧沟茧蜂成虫行为反应试验。【结果】玉米挥发物中有11种化学成分,棉铃虫幼虫体表挥发物中有6种化学成分对中红侧沟茧蜂的触角具有电生理活性,其中4种成分在两种挥发物中都存在。室内行为反应试验发现:与正己烷对照相比,玉米的模拟组分对雌、雄蜂均表现出显著(P<0.05)的诱引作用;棉铃虫1龄幼虫体表模拟组分对雌蜂具有极显著的诱引作用(P<0.01),对雄蜂具有显著的诱引作用(P<0.05);棉铃虫2龄幼虫体表模拟组分对雌蜂具有显著的诱引作用(P<0.05)。【结论】本研究证明了玉米以及棉铃虫幼虫体表挥发物中分别存在11种(庚醛、2-己醇、1-己醇、1-辛烯-3-醇、壬醛、葵醛、苯甲醛、反式-2-壬烯-1-醇、己酸、苯基乙醇、月桂醇)和6种(2-己醇、己酸乙酯、1-己醇、壬醛、辛酸乙酯、癸醛)中红侧沟茧蜂生境及寄主定位的化学信息物质。  相似文献   

前裂长管茧蜂个体发育研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
前裂长管茧蜂Diachasmimorpha longicaudata(Ashmead)是许多双翅目实蝇类害虫的重要寄生性天敌。在实验室条件下,以桔小实蝇Bactrocera dorsalis(Hendel)为繁育寄主,系统观测了前裂长管茧蜂个体发育过程中各虫态的特征及其相应的发育历期。观察结果表明,前裂长管茧蜂整个生活史由卵、幼虫、蛹及成虫四个阶段组成。其幼虫可划分为四个龄期,一龄幼虫具几质丁的坚硬头壳和镰刀状的颚,形态特征与行为习性与二、三、四龄幼虫完全不同。前裂长管茧蜂约需20天完成世代发育。卵、一龄幼虫、二龄幼虫、三龄幼虫及四龄幼虫的历期依次为1.91、2.02、1.75、2.04和2.31d;蛹的历期介于8~10d,雌性个体发育时间长于雄性。前裂长管茧蜂通常比未被寄生的寄主迟3~5d羽化,雌、雄蜂在羽化后即能交配、产卵,被寄生的桔小实蝇幼虫体表上会留下明显的深褐色产卵孔,寄主化蛹后产卵孔仍保留在其蛹壳上。  相似文献   

白蜡吉丁柄腹茧蜂的羽化和产卵与寄主之间的关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
白蜡窄吉丁是危害白蜡属树木的一种重要蛀干害虫,因其幼虫期高度的隐蔽性生活而极难检测和防治.白蜡吉丁柄腹茧蜂是新发现外寄生于白蜡窄吉丁幼虫的优势天敌种,对寄主害虫的控制作用较强,具有良好的生物防治利用前景.研究调查了白蜡吉丁柄腹茧蜂及其寄主白蜡窄吉丁越冬代成虫羽化的时序差异、不同时期林间的寄生率、寄主密度与寄生率的关系以及寄主幼虫大小与茧蜂产卵量的关系.结果表明,越冬后白蜡吉丁柄腹茧蜂的羽化时间比其寄主害虫白蜡窄吉丁的羽化要晚1个多月.2003年白蜡吉丁柄腹茧蜂越冬代成虫的羽化从6月中旬持续到8月中旬,羽化高峰期在7月份;寄主白蜡窄吉丁的羽化期在5月中下旬.2004年白蜡吉丁柄腹茧蜂越冬代成虫的羽化从5月下旬持续到7月下旬,羽化高峰期在6月下旬至7月上旬;寄主羽化期在4月中旬至5月中旬(室内).越冬后天敌的羽化时间刚好适应最早寄主发育到可供寄生的龄期,这是二者长期协同进化的结果,也表明白蜡吉丁柄腹茧蜂很可能是一种专性寄生蜂.林间白蜡吉丁柄腹茧蜂对白蜡窄吉丁幼虫的自然寄生率随着时间的推移总体上是逐步上升的.自然条件下茧蜂决定是否产卵与寄主幼虫的大小即龄期有关,它仅在前胸宽和体宽1.5 mm、体长12 mm以上,即3~4龄的寄主幼虫体表产卵,但只要接受寄主并产卵,不同龄期寄主幼虫上的产卵量无显著的差异.  相似文献   

A single choice test was performed to examine developmental strategies in the uniparental endoparasitoid Meteorus pulchricornis and its host, the cotton bollworm Helicoverpa armigera. The results support the dome-shaped model in which the fitness functions are 'dome-shaped' relative to size (and age) of host at parasitism. Older and, hence, larger host larvae were simply not better hosts for the developing parasitoids. Although parasitoid size (measured as cocoon weight and adult hind tibia length) was positively correlated with host instars at parasitism, parasitoids developing in larger hosts (L5 and L6) suffered much higher mortality than conspecifics developing in smaller hosts (L2-L4). Furthermore, egg-to-adult development time in M. pulchricornis was significantly longer in older host larvae (L4-L6) than in the younger. Performance of M. pulchricornis, as indicated by fitness-related traits, strongly suggests that the L3 host is the most suitable for survival, growth and development of the parasitoid, followed by both L2 and L4 hosts; whereas, L1, L5 and L6 are the least favourable hosts. The oviposition tendency of M. pulchricornis, represented by parasitism level, was not perfectly consistent with the performance of the offspring; L2-L4 hosts, although with the same parasitism level, had offspring parasitoids with differences in fitness-related performance. Larval development in Helicoverpa armigera was usually suspended, but occasionally advanced, in the final instar.  相似文献   

The reproductive success of female parasitoids is dependent on their ability to accurately assess the suitability of a host for larval development. For generalist parasitoids, which utilize a broad range of species and instars as hosts, a set of assessment criteria determines whether a host is accepted or rejected. The suitability of a host, however, can only be imperfectly assessed by the female parasitoid, which can result in the selection of lesser quality hosts for oviposition. In this study we explored the disparity between host quality and host preference using the generalist koinobiotic parasitoid Aphidius ervi Haliday (Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae) and the host Aulacorthum solani (Harris) (Homoptera: Aphididae), the foxglove aphid. The second instar hosts produced the highest level of reproductive success, while third and fourth instars resulted in a substantially reduced reproductive performance. When given a choice of host instars, parasitoids preferred the older hosts for oviposition disregarding their reduced suitability for larval development. Results are discussed in context of mechanisms involved in A. ervi host selection and biases in the criteria used to assess hosts that may arise when parasitoids transfer host species between generations.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Many studies examining the relationship between host size, an index of host quality, and parasitoid fitness use development time and/or adult parasitoid size as currencies of fitness, while ignoring pre-adult mortality. Because the physiological suitability of the host may vary in different stages, sizes, or ages of hosts, a misleading picture of host quality may therefore be obtained in cases where fitness is based on only one or two developmental traits.
2. The development of the solitary koinobiont endoparasitoid Microplitis demolitor is examined in different larval age-classes of its host the soybean looper Pseudoplusia includens . Hosts were parasitised on days 1–8 after hatching from the egg, and development time, adult body size, and mortality of the parasitoid were compared.
3. A comparison of larval growth trajectories (using dry body mass) of M. demolitor revealed that parasitoid larvae attained over twice as much body mass in old hosts than in younger hosts. Similarly, adult parasitoid size at eclosion generally increased with host size, although parasitoids developing in smaller hosts lost a much lower proportion of mass between pupation and eclosion.
4. Overall egg-to-adult development was most rapid in intermediate-aged hosts, and longer in hosts at opposite ends of the age continuum. Moreover, parasitoid mortality varied non-linearly with host stage, and was generally higher in very young and older hosts.
5. Based on these results and other empirical data for koinobionts, it is argued that fitness functions in this group of parasitoids are not simply a positive function of host size or age, but instead may be distinctly dome-shaped, both patterns reflecting the degree of physiological and nutritional compatibility between the two organisms.  相似文献   

Larvae of Anastrepha suspensa that were in the first day of the third instar were parasitized by females of the solitary endoparasitoid, Biosteres longicaudatus. At the end of the 6-hr oviposition period, larvae were ligated posterior to the ring gland so that some larvae had parasitoids anterior to the ligature while in others, the parasitoids were in the abdomen, posterior to the ligature. Ninety-two percent of the parasitoids anterior to the ligature hatched to the first through third instars. Parasitoids posterior to the ligature had a 75% egg hatch to the first instar only. No larval molts to the second or subsequent instars occurred in these parasitoids. Upon parabiosis to 3-day-old, unparasitized host pupae, the ligated larvae pupated and 97% of the first-instar parasitoids in these parabiosed larval abdomens molted to the second instar. Newly laid parasitoid eggs transplanted to 3-day-old pupal hosts had less than one-third of the egg hatch of those transplanted to first-day third-instar hosts. The data implicate the physiological state of the host (vis-a-vis pupation and associated events) as being an important factor in the development of the endoparasitoid.  相似文献   

黄娟娟  张钦威  舒晓晗  刘亚慧 《昆虫学报》2015,58(12):1300-1306
【目的】明确诱导植物抗性对植食性昆虫甜菜夜蛾 Spodoptera exigua (Hübner) 及内寄生蜂斑痣悬茧蜂 Meteorus pulchricornis (Wesmael) 生长发育的影响。【方法】采用取食损伤、机械损伤及外源喷施3种浓度 (0.01, 0.1和1 mmol/L) 茉莉酸甲酯 (MeJA) 3种方式来诱导菜薹抗性,观察甜菜夜蛾初孵幼虫及其寄生蜂斑痣悬茧蜂的发育表现。【结果】取食取食损伤和茉莉酸甲酯处理的菜薹后,甜菜夜蛾幼虫存活率显著降低,茉莉酸甲酯浓度与幼虫存活呈负相关; 取食0.1 mmol/L MeJA处理的菜薹后,甜菜夜蛾幼虫体重显著低于清水对照。甜菜夜蛾取食取食损伤和0.1 mmol/L MeJA处理的菜薹,其寄生蜂斑痣悬茧蜂幼虫的死亡率显著增加,同时结茧率显著降低;0.1 mmol/L MeJA处理的菜薹使成蜂体重显著低于对照。不同处理间斑痣悬茧蜂的卵巢发育无明显差异,卵巢由8~10根卵巢管组成,羽化24 h后成熟卵数量为7~10个,成熟卵的长度和宽度分别为350和78 μm。【结论】结果说明,取食损伤和茉莉酸甲酯处理诱导的菜薹反应会影响甜菜夜蛾的存活和大小,进而抑制斑痣悬茧蜂生长。  相似文献   

Relative effects of parasitism by Microplitis rufiventris on the development of the third instar Spodoptera littoralis (preferable, optimal host) with the development of penultimate (5th) and last (6th) instars (suboptimal hosts) were investigated. Newly molted 6th instar hosts were more acceptable for parasitization by the wasp female than older hosts. In singly parasitized 3rd instar hosts, 82.0 +/- 3.9% of the parasitoid eggs developed to full-grown instar wasp larvae. However, parasitoid eggs deposited singly in 73.9 +/- 3.3% of 5th and 100% of 6th instar hosts failed to develop. Superparasitization in the 3rd instar hosts reduced the production of pseudoparasitized larvae and, conversely, all parasitized hosts yielded viable parasitoid offspring. In suboptimal hosts, the development interaction between the parasitoid and its host larvae was highly influenced by the age of hosts at parasitism, load of deposited eggs, and other parasitoid factors. The latter factors, e.g., mainly calyx fluid particles, might be involved in establishing parasitoid eggs in the suboptimal hosts. In the last two host instars, superparasitization significantly increased the number of parasitoid larvae successfully reaching their final instar. Variation in host quality, e.g., physiological status, might be attributed, in part, to the partial breakdown of the solitary habit observed in the earlier instars. More parasitoid eggs developed to mature parasitoid larvae in hosts superparasitized as 6th instar than parasitoid eggs laid in 5th instar hosts. Superparasitization significantly lengthened the developmental period of 5th and 6th host instars and inhibited their development to the pupal stage. Studying parasitoid development in suboptimal instars of its habitual host provided physiological insight, as shown here. The results may have implication for biological control and in vitro mass rearing programs with solitary parasitoids.  相似文献   

The apple ermine moth, Yponomeuta malinellus Zeller (Lepidoptera: Yponomeutidae), is a tent caterpillar that feeds on Malus spp. in Korea. Populations of the moth in native areas appeared to be regulated by the assemblage of parasitoids. Phenological associations between host stages and parasitoids, susceptible stage(s) of the host for each parasitoid, and stage‐specific parasitism were studied. The egg larval parasitoid Ageniaspis fuscicollis (Dalman) had highest parasitism of first instar larvae (24%), with 14% parasitism of other larval stages. Dolichogenidea delecta (Haliday) was recovered from all larval instars with the highest parasitism rate of second instar larvae (20.1%), followed by 19.9% parasitism of mid‐larval hosts. Herpestomus brunicornis Gravenhorst was reared from second instar larvae through to pupal collection, and had the highest parasitism rate (29.9%) at the pupal stage. The larval pupal parasitoid Zenillia dolosa (Meigen) was recovered from mid‐larval to pupal stages with the highest parasitism rate (5.5%) occurring in third to fourth instar larvae. The host stages for developing A. fuscicollis completely overlap with those of D. delecta, and with those of H. brunicornis to some degree. A statistically significant negative correlation exists between A. fuscicollis and these dominant parasitoids, indicating competitive interaction within the host.  相似文献   

李帅  陈文龙  金道超 《昆虫学报》2015,58(11):1237-1244
【目的】为了解稻虱红单节螯蜂Haplogonatopus apicalis与白背飞虱Sogatella furcifera间的互作关系,开展了稻虱红单节螯蜂在白背飞虱不同龄期寄生时,对寄主及其自身发育表现影响的研究。【方法】在室内25℃条件下,观察了被寄生的白背飞虱各龄若虫及其寄生蜂稻虱红单节螯蜂的发育表现。【结果】白背飞虱2, 3, 4和5龄若虫被寄生后,当龄及其后各龄的历期均显著延长;2和3龄若虫被寄生后,成虫羽化率仅分别为54.29%和60.95%,显著低于在4和5龄若虫被寄生后的成虫羽化率(分别为96.20%和100%)。稻虱红单节螯蜂寄生白背飞虱5龄若虫后的发育历期(23.77 d)显著短于寄生2龄若虫后的发育历期(27.77 d);寄生3龄若虫的成蜂羽化率最高,为56.19%;而寄生5龄若虫的羽化雄蜂比例最高,为77.12%。【结论】稻虱红单节螯蜂寄生可使白背飞虱若虫发育历期显著延长,白背飞虱2和3龄若虫是稻虱红单节螯蜂发育的适宜寄主。  相似文献   

The mean total progeny produced by female Glyptapanteles flavicoxis was significantly greater when the parasitoid attacked 4th instar gypsy moth rather than younger larvae. The development of parasitoids within older instars was faster than that in younger hosts. The proportion of female progeny was not altered by the host instar parasitised. The total reproductive output per female G. flavicoxis increased as the number of host larvae increased. However, since the reproductive output was spread among more available hosts, the reproductive output per host declined as the number of host larvae increased. There was no trend in the relationship between total progeny produced or the proportion of female progeny and the number of matings of parental females.  相似文献   

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