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三维激光扫描技术在骨骼形态学研究中得到越来越广泛的应用。运用激光扫描可得到骨骼三维几何形态学的全部信息,用于骨骼形态的定量分析,对于建立客观的分类指标以及形态生态学研究有重要意义。本研究以大熊猫、亚洲黑熊、棕熊和北极熊为研究对象,为亚洲黑熊、棕熊和北极熊的共计28件头骨和对应下颌建立三维模型,提取熊类下颌的9个形态测量的比例指标和头骨的15个形态测量的比例指标,对下颌和头骨进行数学建模。使用Weka的J48算法,构建决策树,成功实现了模式分类。又在上述三维模型的基础上,确定了23个下颌形态标志点和29个头骨形态标志点;以标志点的三维坐标为初始变量,进行主成分分析,比较4种熊类的下颌和头骨形态差异。结果显示大熊猫的下颌和头骨形态与其他3类熊差别显著;棕熊的头骨和下颌形态介于黑熊和北极熊之间。在此基础上,以同样方法将一例大熊猫小种化石头骨与4种现生熊类头骨形态进行比较,结果显示大熊猫小种头骨形态与现生大熊猫相似,而又不在其种内差异的形态区间内。除去大小因素,大熊猫小种在头骨形态上与现生大熊猫仍有一定差异,略倾向于杂食熊类。  相似文献   

几何形态学方法及其在动物发育与系统进化研究中的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
简要回顾了几何形态学的发展历史,介绍了30多年来该领域使用的主要方法及其在生物发育与进化研究中的实际应用。除目前应用最为广泛的标点法和轮廓线法外,基于三维数据的表面特征分析和有限元分析也在该领域得到推广。这些方法可运用于分析两性分化、异速生长、种群分化、种上进化以及复杂功能结构的形态集成等科学问题。几何形态学与生物信息学的综合运用还将有利于探讨表型变化与遗传物质变化的相关性。随着生物成像技术和海量数据计算技术的进步,几何形态学将由目前以二维数据为主的研究向三维重建和分析的方向发展。  相似文献   

几何形态测量方法是生物学研究中用于形态特征分析和形态比较研究的一种常用方法。其核心思想是利用空间坐标点获取研究对象的形态数据,再通过坐标数据的多元统计分析,定量探讨研究对象的形态特征及影响其形态变异的因素。近年来,随着三维扫描技术的广泛应用以及对于石制品形态特征量化分析要求的提高,基于三维模型的几何形态测量方法开始出现在相关的旧石器考古研究中。本文首先对三维几何形态测量分析方法及其在石制品研究中的应用情况进行介绍,随后具体阐述了该方法的分析流程。为便于国内学者更好地了解这一方法,本文进一步以广西百色盆地南坡山遗址发现的手斧为例,利用三维几何形态测量方法对这些手斧的几何形态特征进行了初步探讨。三维几何形态测量方法为石制品形态研究提供了新思路和新视角,有望成为今后中国旧石器考古研究中一个重要的发展方向。  相似文献   

生物三维打印的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
三维(3D)打印具有灵活性和精密性的特点,已在军工、航天等制造行业中发挥重要作用.随之兴起的生物3D打印在再生医学领域同样具有广泛的应用前景.生物3D打印是将打印的墨水改成含有活细胞的混合物,从而构建活体组织器官.目前生物3D打印更多的是应用于硬组织的仿生重建和新型给药装置的制备,但具有生物活性、更复杂的组织器官的重建还处于探索阶段.本文主要对3D打印在生物医学上的应用进行综述,讨论生物3D打印目前面临的问题,并探讨生物3D打印的未来发展方向.  相似文献   

几何形态测量法在生物形态学研究中的应用   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
白明  杨星科 《昆虫知识》2007,44(1):143-147
形态分析是生物系统学及其多样性研究中很重要的一部分。随着统计学的发展,我们可以对非常复杂的数据进行分析,这在客观上导致了多变量形态测量的出现。在20世纪80年代,在数据收集和分析上产生了重要突破——标点和标点相对位置的几何信息的匹配,从而可以将多变量分析的标点集叠加到生物原始图上,它不仅仅是生成散点图,而是试图客观反映生物的形态性状。这项研究被称为几何形态测量法(geometricmorphometrics),Rohlf和Marcus(1993)称其为形态测量方法上的一次革命。文章简要介绍了该方法。  相似文献   

排放到环境中的各种农药、多环芳烃、卤代芳烃等有机污染物以及阻燃剂等新兴污染物,对环境污染、农产品质量和环境安全造成了沉重负担。因此,有效去除环境中的有机污染物已成为迫在眉睫的挑战。3D生物打印技术已经在医学材料、制药等行业中发挥着重要作用。现在,越来越多的微生物被确定适合通过3D生物打印生产具有复杂结构和功能的生物材料。微生物的3D生物打印越来越受到环境微生物学家和生物技术专家的关注。本文综述了用于污染物微生物去除的不同3D生物打印技术的原理和优缺点,及用于微生物生物修复技术的可行性,并指出了可能遇到的限制和挑战。  相似文献   

Logistic回归模型及其在昆虫学中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
孙传恒  唐启义 《昆虫知识》2004,41(6):599-602
介绍了应用Logistic回归分析对二值反应的试验数据进行分析的方法 ,以及Logistic回归分析模型参数估计及其统计检验的方法 ,并结合 1个实际例子说明了Logistic回归模型的应用。  相似文献   

【目的】甲虫的后胸叉骨是基部位于后足基节关节处,端部游离在胸腔内的几丁质构成的内骨骼。后胸叉骨作为胸腹部运动肌肉的联结点,在甲虫运动过程中扮演了重要角色,同时也承载了分类和系统发育信息。蜣螂根据其习性可分为滚粪球和直接掘洞两类行为类型。通过传统的比较形态学方法,我们无法得知滚粪球或直接掘洞的行为对后胸叉骨形态的影响。本研究旨在利用定量的几何形态学方法探究蜣螂后胸叉骨形态对不同行为选择压力的响应关系。【方法】对76种蜣螂后胸叉骨的形态多样性进行二维几何形态学定量评估;利用显微CT和计算机三维重建方法,对直接掘洞类蜣螂和滚粪球类蜣螂的代表种西班牙粪蜣螂Copris hispanus和忠诚泽蜣螂Kheper devotus的后胸叉骨进行三维重建,用于比较两者的三维形态差异。【结果】经过几何形态学分析可知,两类蜣螂后胸叉骨背面观和侧面观的马氏距离和普氏距离的p值均低于0.0001,表明两类蜣螂的后胸叉骨的形态存在显著性差异;通过对C.hispanus和K.devotus后胸叉骨3D模型的比较发现,两类蜣螂后胸叉骨的最大区别在于后胸叉骨的端半部(叉臂和中突)。前者的叉臂细长,中突面积大,背立脊呈窄条状且不发达;后者的叉臂宽扁,叉臂基半部十分宽大,中突面积小,背立脊呈鳍状且十分发达。【结论】滚粪球或直接掘洞的行为会对蜣螂后胸叉骨的形态有显著性影响,蜣螂后胸叉骨形态与滚粪球和直接掘洞两种行为的选择压力显著相关,这与后胸叉骨所附着的胸部肌肉参与相关运动关系密切。本研究为探索昆虫形态与功能关系提供了一个有益范例。  相似文献   

目的:探讨3D打印聚醚醚酮在先天性缺牙患者修复中的应用价值。方法:2013年5月至2019年10月选择在本院诊治的先天性缺牙患者72例,根据随机数字表法把患者分为观察组与对照组各36例。对照组给予传统口腔修复治疗,观察组在对照组治疗的基础上给予3D打印聚醚醚酮修复治疗,记录与随访两组预后情况。结果:所有患者都顺利完成修复,治疗3个月观察组的总有效率为100.0%,显著高于对照组的88.9%(P<0.05)。两组治疗3个月的牙龈指数都低于治疗前,观察组也低于对照组(P<0.05)。治疗后3个月观察组的感染、刺激痛、出血、修复体脱落等并发症发生率为5.6%,显著低于对照组的27.8%(P<0.05)。治疗后3个月与4个月,观察组的美学评分都显著高于对照组(P<0.05)。结论:3D打印聚醚醚酮在先天性缺牙患者修复中的应用能够促进牙周清洁,减少并发症的发生,从而提高临床疗效与美学效果。  相似文献   

目的 了解医院骨科医师和管理者对3D打印技术在骨科应用的安全性、有效性、经济性和伦理性的感知。方法 对上海市4所三级综合性医院的所有骨科临床医师和相关管理部门的负责人或管理者进行问卷调查,并邀请4名骨科专家进行定性访谈。结果 3所被调查医院在骨科领域应用了3D打印技术,但使用量有限。被调查的医师和管理者认为:骨科3D打印主要优点是手术时间短、增加手术便利性和手术成功率高,主要缺点是费用高且价格昂贵、缺乏相关规范标准和整个过程相对复杂且耗时长。结论 3D打印技术在骨科临床应用的安全性和有效性需长期评价,骨科3D打印技术的临床应用需要规制。  相似文献   

This study investigated the impact of the third dimension in geometric morphometrics (GM) using sailfin silversides (Telmatherinidae) from the Malili Lakes of Sulawesi (Indonesia). The three morphospecies of the monophyletic “roundfin” radiation are laterally compressed and vary in shape traits. The results of 2D and 3D GM were compared and quantified to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of both methods for closely related species and their sexes. This approach focused on the head because it is far more complex and three-dimensionally structured than the trunk or the caudal region. The results revealed no significant benefit concerning repeatability and measurement error in 3D GM compared to 2D GM. The z-axis contributed substantially to the variance of the 3D data set but was irrelevant for discrimination of species and sexes in the approach. Limited gain in information was contrasted by substantially higher effort for 3D compared to the 2D analyses. The study concluded that 2D GM is the more efficient shape analysis approach for discriminating roundfins. Broader studies are needed to test which of the two methods is more efficient in distinguishing laterally compressed fishes in general. For future studies, due to the high investment required, this study recommends carefully evaluating the necessity of 3D GM. If in doubt, this study suggests testing for congruence between 2D and 3D GM with a subsample and consequently applying 2D GM in the case of high congruence.  相似文献   

The Tinamidae comprise exclusively Neotropical palaegnathous birds, with homogeneous body morphology and no sexual dimorphism. The goal of this work was to explore the variation in skull morphology between taxa and its possible correspondence with features such as diet or gender using geometric morphometric tools. Eleven landmarks were analyzed in 53 skulls of 4 genera that inhabit grasslands: Nothoprocta, Eudromia, Nothura and Rhynchotus. Intrageneric and intergeneric variability was analyzed. The genera studied here can be distinguished based on the geometric shape of their skull, with prenarial region length and neurocranium shape as the most outstanding features. In the genus Eudromia, males and females could be differentiated, while in the genus Nothoprocta, the species differentiated according to their trophic habits. This study allows establishing that genera and, in some cases, the gender of the Tinamidae can be differentiated based on cranial shape.  相似文献   

白尾鼹属为东洋界单型属,主要分布于中国西南山地、印度阿萨姆地区、孟加拉国、缅甸北部和老挝等地。由于白尾鼹分布区范围内地形、气候和生境十分复杂,很可能导致物种的地理分化。为此我们查看了分布区之内18 个地区的49 号标本的下颌骨,并基于几何形态测量的方法进行分析比较。结果显示所有的标本按照地理分布可分为3 组(滇东北、横断山南段以及印度)。3 组标本间的形态差异主要表现在水平枝上,其中下臼齿齿列的长度、下颌骨水平枝下缘的弯曲度以及水平枝中部高度差异最为明显,而上升枝对3 个地理居群的区分能力较弱。其中滇东北标本的下颌骨最为平直,下臼齿列长度最短;而横断山居群的下颌骨弯曲度最大,下臼齿列最长。根据以上结果,我们推测3 个下颌骨形态有明显差异的地理居群可能代表了3 个不同的地理亚种或是不同的种。但这仍需要结合上颌骨的形态差异和遗传结构分析加以证实。  相似文献   

The evolution of carnassial teeth in mammals, especially in the Carnivora, has been subject of many morphometric and some dental topographic studies. Here, we use a combination of dental topographic analysis (Dirichlet normal energy) and 3D geometric morphometrics of less and high carnassialized lower teeth of carnivoran, dasyuromorph and hyaenodont taxa. Carnassial crown curvature, as indicated by Dirichlet normal energy, is high in lesser carnassialized teeth and low in higher carnassialized teeth, where it is influenced by the reduction of crown features such as cusps and crests. PC1 of the geometric morphometric analysis is linked to enlargement of the carnassial blade, reduction of the talonid crushing basin and an increasingly asymmetric cervix line with an enlarged mesial flexure in more carnassialized teeth. Distribution of PC1 values further indicates that along the tooth row of dasyuromorphs (m2–m4) and hyaenodonts (m1–m3) the most distal carnassial is the most carnassialized (principal carnassial), and in most taxa with overall higher carnassialized teeth, carnassialization successively increases from the anterior to the posterior tooth position along the tooth row. PC2 indicates that a longitudinal elongated carnassial is present in caniforms and in unspecialized feliforms, which separates these taxa in morphospace from all dasyuromorphs, hyaenodonts and specialized feliforms. An ancestral state reconstruction shows that this longitudinal elongation may be a plesiomorphic ancestral state for the Carnivora, which is different from the Dasyuromorphia and the Hyaenodonta. This elongation, enabling the presence of a longitudinally aligned carnassial blade as well as a complete talonid basin, might have provided the Carnivora with an advantage in terms of adaptive versatility.  相似文献   

The scapula of the ecomorphologically diverse South American caviomorph rodents was studied through geometric morphometric techniques, using landmarks and semilandmarks to capture the shape of this complex morphological structure. Representatives of 33 species from all caviomorph superfamilies, as well as Hystrix cristata for comparisons, were analyzed. Marked differences in scapular shape were found among the major caviomorph lineages analyzed, particularly in the shape and length of the scapular spine and development of the great scapular notch. Shape differences were not influenced by body size, and only partially influenced by locomotor mode. Thus, at this scale of analysis, phylogenetic history seems to be the strongest factor influencing scapular shape. The scapular shape of erethizontids, chinchillids and Cuniculus paca could represent the less specialized state with respect to the highly differentiated scapula of octodontoids and most cavioids. In this sense, the characteristic scapular morphologies of octodontoids and cavioids could reflect particular functional capabilities and constraints associated with the evolution of prevalent locomotor modes within each lineage.  相似文献   

周蜜  崔娅铭  邢松 《人类学学报》2016,35(4):585-597
牙齿的釉质-齿质连接面(EDJ或Enamel-dentine junction)是釉质表面(OES或Outer enamel surface)形态的发生基础,其形态特征在牙齿发育早期形成,与遗传因素密切相关。为探讨EDJ形状在近代人群中的变异特点,本文使用显微断层扫描技术(micro-CT或micro-computed tomography)扫描了100例采自华中地区近代农业人群的上颌前臼齿(P~3和P~4各50例),并复原了EDJ表面三维结构。采用基于30个标志点(landmark)和半标志点(semi-landmark)的三维几何形态测量量化了上颌前臼齿EDJ表面形状。结果显示,牙齿内部舌侧尖区域变异程度较颊侧尖大。在人群内部,上颌前臼齿的变异方式主要表现在1)颊舌尖相互靠近或远离造成的咬合面深浅的差别;2)颊舌尖齿质最高点(dentine horn)相对高度的差异;3)舌侧尖近远中方向尺寸的变化;4)P~3颊侧尖近中脊的内收与外扩造成的整个轮廓形状的对称性变化;5)P~4整个咬合面轮廓MD/BL比值的大小差别。基于以上发现,本文进一步探讨了上颌前臼齿EDJ形状在两性或不同时代标本之间是否存在差异。平均形状的比较发现男性上颌前臼齿的舌尖相对较宽,颊侧尖近中脊相对较低。但主成分分析(Principal component analysis)和置换检验(Permutation test)显示两性差异未达到显著水平。同样,从新石器时代以来的各样本组之间在EDJ形状上的差别也没有达到统计上的显著水平。这一结果提示中国近代人群上颌前臼齿EDJ表面形状的变异特点至少可以追溯到全新世早期(本文使用标本最早来自距今6000-7000年前的新石器时代阶段)。未来EDJ的三维几何形态测量可通过扩大标本数量进一步探讨不同性别、不同地区人群、不同演化阶段之间的差异。  相似文献   

Body morphology is a valuable feature for distinguishing teleostean fishes. However, the utility of character variation in separate body regions has yet to be tested. The taxonomy of the Gerreidae family is controversial due to character overlapping among its fish species. This work aims to analyze and compare the body shape variation in three regions, cephalic, trunk, and caudal peduncle, using landmark data and geometric morphometric methods in 17 species and five genera of the family Gerreidae. The pattern of shape variation for the cephalic region consisted of well-defined character states exclusive of each species analyzed. Shape variation in the trunk and caudal peduncle regions does not distinguish all species in this study. This study showed that the dorsal cephalic profile is highly variable among the species, therefore, shape variation in this region is useful for distinguishing Gerreidae species. In contrast, some species within the same genus share similar shape states in the trunk and caudal peduncle regions, with the most shape variation in the dorsal profile and anal fin for the trunk and in the middle of the caudal peduncle.  相似文献   

The superfamily Gelechioidea (Lepidoptera: Obtectomera) has a high species diversity. It consists of more than 18,400 described species and has a global distribution. Among it, large numbers of species were reported to be economically important to people's production and life. However, relationships among families or subfamilies in Gelechioidea have been exceptionally difficult to resolve using morphology or single gene genealogies. Multiple gene genealogies had been used in the molecular phylogenetic studies on Gelechioidea during the past years, but their phylogenetic relationships remain to be controversial mainly due to their limited taxa sampling relative to such high species diversity. In this paper, 89 ingroup species representing 55 genera are sequenced and added to the data downloaded from GenBank, and six species representing four closely related superfamilies are chosen as outgroup. The molecular phylogeny of Gelechioidea is reconstructed based on the concatenated data set composed of one mitochondrial marker (COI) and seven nuclear markers (CAD, EF-1ɑ, GAPDH, IDH, MDH, RpS5, wingless). The phylogenetic results, taking into consideration of the comparative morphological study, show that the clade of Gelechioidea is strongly supported and separated from other superfamilies, which further proves its monophyly. Five families are newly defined: Autostichidae sensu nov., Depressariidae sensu nov., Peleopodidae sensu nov., Ashinagidae sensu nov. and Epimarptidae sensu nov. Meanwhile, a monophyletic “SSABM” clade considered to be closely related is proposed for the first time, consisting of Stathmopodidae, Scythrididae, Ashinagidae, Blastobasidae and Momphidae. Moreover, geometric morphometric analyses using merged landmark data set from fore and hind wings of 118 representative species are conducted. The phenetic tree shows that the monophyly and phylogenetic relationships correspond with the results of molecular phylogeny largely, which well proves its importance and potential application in both phylogenetic reconstruction and species identification.  相似文献   

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