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Insular cortex (IC) receives inputs from multiple sensory systems, including taste, and from receptors that monitor body electrolyte and fluid balance and blood pressure. This work analyzed metabolic activity of IC cells after water and sodium ingestion induced by sodium depletion. Rats were injected with the diuretic furosemide (10 mg/kg body wt), followed 5 min later by injections of the angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor captopril (5 mg/kg body wt). After 90 min, some rats received water and 0.3 M NaCl to drink for 2 h while others did not. A third group had access to water and saline but was not depleted of fluids. All rats were killed for processing of brain tissue for Fos-immunoreactivity (Fos-ir). Nondepleted animals had weak-to-moderate levels of Fos-ir within subregions of IC. Fluid-depleted rats without fluid access had significantly increased Fos-ir in all areas of IC. Levels of Fos-ir were highest in fluid-depleted rats that drank water and sodium. Fos-ir levels were highest in anterior regions of IC and lowest in posterior regions of IC. These results implicate visceral, taste, and/or postingestional factors in the increased metabolic activity of cells in IC.  相似文献   

Magnesium (Mg) modulates blood lipid levels, atherogenesis, and atherosclerosis in rabbits, when supplemented to diet. We have recently reported that a high concentration (50 g/L) of Mg sulfate fortification of drinking water attenuates atherogenesis in male and female LDL-receptor-deficient mice fed a high-cholesterol diet. The aims of the current study were to examine whether lower concentrations and another Mg salt could also have such an antiatherogenic effect. Thirty male LDL-receptor-deficient mice were divided into three groups (n=10 in each group). The mice received either distilled water or water fortified with 0.83 g or with 8.3 g Mg-chloride per liter. In the first (27 wk) and second (5 wk) stages of the experiment, the mice received normal chow and Western-type diet, respectively. Blood was drawn for determination of plasma Mg, calcium, and lipid levels. The extent of atherosclerotic lesions was determined at the aortic sinus. Magnesium-chloride fortification of drinking water did not result in higher plasma Mg concentrations, whereas a trend toward lower plasma calcium concentrations did not reach statistical significance. Even though plasma lipid levels were similar at the beginning and the end of the study, there were decreased plasma cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the Mg groups after stage I. The atherosclerosis extent at the aortic sinus was significantly decreased in the 8.3-g Mg-chloride/L group (23,437 +/- 10,083 micron2) compared with the control group (65,937 +/- 31,761 microm2). There was also a trend toward lower atherosclerosis extent at the aortic sinus in the 0.83-g Mg-chloride/L group. An additional Mg salt (Mg-chloride) fortification of drinking water is capable of inhibiting atherogenesis in male LDL-receptor-deficient mice. That is done in a lower concentration of Mg than previously reported.  相似文献   

The combination of dietary sodium depletion and unilateral chorda tympani (CT) nerve section decreases sodium taste function in the intact CT nerve. However, functional changes have not been examined prior to day 4 postsectioning, even though degenerative and inflammatory responses are robust during that period. Rats received unilateral CT section and/or dietary sodium depletion, accomplished by 2 injections of furosemide and a sodium-restricted diet, on day 0. Surgical controls received sham nerve sectioning. At days 1, 2, 3, or 4, taste responses were recorded from the intact nerve. Functional changes were rapid and unexpected. At day 1 postsectioning, neural responses from the uninjured CT of both control-fed and sodium-depleted animals were reduced. By day 2, however, normal function was restored in control-fed rats, whereas functional deficits persisted in depleted animals. Sodium depletion alone also induced a transient decrease in sodium responses at days 2-3 after furosemide injection. These results demonstrate that distant neural injury can elicit gustatory plasticity regardless of the dietary environment, but normal responses can be restored. We suggest that neutrophils mediate the initial postinjury deficits in taste function, whereas macrophages promote the recovery of normal function.  相似文献   

Pure narcotic antagonists such as naloxone and naltrexone have consistently been shown to attenuate drinking in the rat after periods of water deprivation. One objective of this study was to extend observations to a primate species, the squirrel monkey. Whereas naloxone and naltrexone have a greater relative affinity for opiate receptors preferentially binding morphine and other opiate alkaloids than for those with high affinity for the endogenous opioid peptides, diprenorphine, another pure opiate antagonist, binds with equally high affinity to both receptor subtypes. Therefore, a second objective was to determine the actions of diprenorphine on drinking in water-deprived rats and squirrel monkeys and to compare the effects of this drug to those of naloxone and naltrexone. All three narcotic antagonists suppressed water consumption of monkeys and rats deprived of water for 18 and 24 hr, respectively. Diprenorphine was the most potent compound tested in both species, producing significant reductions in water consumption of monkeys and rats at systemic doses as low as 0.01 and 0.1 mg/kg respectively. Moreover, diprenorphine was the longest acting of the three drugs in the monkey. These results demonstrate that the narcotic antagonists attenuate drinking in primates as well as in rodents and support the hypothesis that these drugs reduce water intake by interrupting the activity of endogenous opioid pathways mediating drinking behavior.  相似文献   

Adult male rats maintained on dry food, water, and 3% NaCl solution received continuous infusion of angiotensin II (A II) via right atrial catheters. A II was delivered in 0.315 ml/hr at doses of 15, 30, and 60 ng/min/rat for 3 to 5 days. At the higher doses mean daily salt solution intake rose from very low preinfusion levels to 18.7 and 19.6 ml, respectively. Daily water intakes increased in some animals and decreased in others on the first day of infusion but were double preinfusion levels by the second day. Persistence of the sodium appetite after the end of A II infusion was seen in most of the rats which received the highest dose. The mechanisms which might underlie the effect of blood-borne A II on sodium intake are discussed and three possibilities considered: (1) that A II may act on the brain to stimulate sodium appetite, (2) that A II may act via the adrenal cortex, and that the sodium appetite may arise as a result of increased plasma levels of adrenal steroids, and (3) that A II may act via the kidney, producing a natriuresis. According to this view, sodium appetite would arise as a result of loss of body sodium and/or blood volume.  相似文献   

In batrachotoxin (BTX)-treated frog node of Ranvier, in spite of a marked reduction in Na inactivation, the Na current still presents a time- and voltage-dependent inactivation that could induce a 50-60% decrease in the current. The inactivation was found to be modified by changing the amplitude of a conditioning pulse, adding tetrodotoxin in the external solution, or replacing NaCl with KCl in the external solution. Conditioning pulses were able to alter the reversal potential of the BTX-modified Na current (Vrev). Vrev was shifted toward negative values for inward conditioning currents and was shifted toward positive values for outward conditioning currents. The change in Vrev was proportional to the conditioning current amplitude. Large inward currents induced 15-25 mV shifts of Vrev. During a 10-20-ms depolarizing pulse, the inactivation and change in Vrev were proportional to the time integral of the current. For longer depolarizations, Vrev reached a steady state level proportional to the current amplitude. The conductance, as calculated from the current and the actual Vrev, showed an inactivation proportional to exp(Vrev F/RT). These observations suggest that the BTX-modified Na current induces a decrease in local Na concentrations, which results in an alteration of the driving force and the conductance. During a pulse that induced a large inward current, the Na space concentration [( Na]s) changed from 114 to 50-60 mM. In normal fibers, the reversal potential of Na current was also shifted toward negative values by a prepulse that induced a large inward current. The change in Vrev reached 5-15 mV, which corresponded to a decrease in [Na]s of 20-50 mM. This change in Vrev slightly altered the time course of Na current. On the basis of a three- compartment model (axoplasm-perinodal space-bulk solution), a Na permeability of the barrier between the space and the bulk solution (PNa,s) and a mean thickness of the space (theta) were calculated. The mean value of PNa,s was 0.0051 cm X s-1 in both normal and BTX-treated fibers, whereas the value of theta was 0.29 micron in BTX-treated fibers and 0.05 micron in normal fibers. When compared with the values calculated during K accumulation, PNa,s was 10 times smaller than PK,s and theta Na-BTX was equal to theta K.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Malignant cells harbor mechanisms which allow escape from drug-induced apoptosis, and the drug-resistance phenotype can be significantly associated with resistance to programmed cell death. There is accumulating evidence that mitochondria play a role in the tumorigenic phenotype, including the relative resistance to apoptosis. Whether changes at the mitochondrial level per se, would impact on the relative sensitivity of malignant cells to undergo drug-induced apoptosis, is not know. Accordingly, we determined if depleting mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) would change the susceptibility of U937 cells to undergo apoptosis. With depletion, increases in sensitivity to cis-diamminedichoroplatinum (cisplatin)-induced apoptosis was observed. This sensitivity could be reverted to the parental phenotype by transforming the depleted cells with normal platelet mitochondria. mRNA expression of BAX, BCL2, MDR1, MRP, ERCC1 and ERCC2, putatively associated with cisplatin resistance to apoptotic death was unchanged. Inhibition of mitochondrial ATP production by oligomycin did not result in a change in ATP levels, indicating energetics were not playing a role in the observed phenotype changes. All U937 cells (with/without mtDNA) continued to respond to cisplatin by an apoptotic death. MtDNA-encoded molecules may be playing a role in the relative sensitivity of cells to undergo a cisplatin-induced apoptotic death, but may not be required for cells to undergo apoptosis per se.  相似文献   

The liver eliminates ethanol through several oxygen dependent processes. Since the liver receives most of its blood flow through the portal vein, it should be possible to increase its oxygen tension by augmenting the oxygen saturation of the portal vein. We therefore studied elimination of ethanol administered intravenously to three monkeys who received strongly oxygenated drinks at 20 to 30 minute intervals during the whole experiment. From these drinks dissolved oxygen was presumably released in the stomach and upper intestine and arrived to the liver along the portal vein. As a consequence of this treatment the elimination rate of ethanol increased 60 % on the average. The increase was significant on the level of p < 0.02. The production of acetaldehyde also increased but less significantly. Measurements of oxygen tensions in the portal blood of two anaesthetized dogs indicated 7 and 8 % increases lasting for 10 and 15 minutes after infusion of oxygenated water into the stomach.  相似文献   

Bacterial nutrients in drinking water.   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Regrowth of coliform bacteria in distribution systems has been a problem for a number of water utilities. Efforts to solve the regrowth problem have not been totally successful. The current project, which was conducted at the New Jersey American Water Co.-Swimming River Treatment Plant, showed that the occurrence of coliform bacteria in the distribution system could be associated with rainfall, water temperatures greater than 15 degrees C, total organic carbon levels greater than 2.4 mg/liter, and assimilable organic carbon levels greater than 50 micrograms of acetate carbon equivalents per liter. A multiple linear regression model based on free chlorine residuals present in dead-end sections of the distribution system and temperature predicted 83.8% of the heterotrophic plate count bacterial variation. To limit the growth of coliform bacteria in drinking water, the study concludes that assimilable organic carbon levels should be reduced to less than 50 micrograms/liter.  相似文献   

Antibiotic-resistant bacteria in drinking water.   总被引:9,自引:6,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
We analyzed drinking water from seven communities for multiply antibiotic-resistant (MAR) bacteria (bacteria resistant to two or more antibiotics) and screened the MAR bacterial isolates obtained against five antibiotics by replica plating. Overall, 33.9% of 2,653 standard plate count bacteria from treated drinking waters were MAR. Two different raw water supplies for two communities carried MAR standard plate count bacteria at frequencies of 20.4 and 18.6%, whereas 36.7 and 67.8% of the standard plate count populations from sites within the respective distribution systems were MAR. Isolate identification revealed that MAR gram-positive cocci (Staphylococcus) and MAR gram-negative, nonfermentative rods (Pseudomonas, Alcaligenes, Moraxella-like group M, and Acinetobacter) were more common in drinking waters than in untreated source waters. Site-to-site variations in generic types and differences in the incidences of MAR organisms indicated that shedding of MAR bacteria living in pipelines may have contributed to the MAR populations in tap water. We conclude that the treatment of raw water and its subsequent distribution select for standard plate count bacteria exhibiting the MAR phenotype.  相似文献   

Astrovirus survival in drinking water.   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文

Injured coliforms in drinking water.   总被引:11,自引:9,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Coliforms were enumerated by using m-Endo agar LES and m-T7 agar in 102 routine samples of drinking water from three New England community water systems to investigate the occurrence and significance of injured coliforms. Samples included water collected immediately after conventional treatment, during the backwash cycle, at various points in the distribution system, and 1 week after the break and subsequent repair of a distribution main. Injured coliforms in these samples averaged greater than 95%. m-T7 agar yielded 8- to 38-fold more coliforms than did m-Endo agar LES. The geometric mean of coliforms recovered by m-Endo agar LES was less than 1 confirmed coliform per 100 ml, although m-T7 agar yielded 5.7 to 67.5 confirmed coliforms per 100 ml. In addition, the majority of these samples giving positive results on m-T7 agar produced no detectable counts on m-Endo agar LES. These findings indicated that coliforms were injured and largely undetected by use of accepted analytical media in the systems examined.  相似文献   

Inactivation of Norwalk virus in drinking water by chlorine.   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
Norwalk virus in water was found to be more resistant to chlorine inactivation than poliovirus type 1 (LSc2Ab), human rotavirus (Wa), simian rotavirus (SA11), or f2 bacteriophage. A 3.75 mg/liter dose of chlorine was found to be effective against other viruses but failed to inactivate Norwalk virus. The Norwalk virus inoculum remained infectious for five of eight volunteers, despite the initial presence of free residual chlorine. Infectivity in volunteers was demonstrated by seroconversion to Norwalk virus. Fourteen of 16 subjects receiving untreated inoculum seroconverted to Norwalk virus. Illness was produced in four of the eight volunteers and in 11 of 16 control subjects. A similar Norwalk virus inoculum treated with a 10 mg/liter dose of chlorine produced illness in only one and failed to induce seroconversion in any of eight volunteers. Free chlorine (5 to 6 mg/liter) was measured in the reaction vessel after a 30-minute contact period. Norwalk virus appears to be very resistant to chlorine which may explain its importance in outbreaks of waterborne disease.  相似文献   

One-day-old mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) ducklings were given drinking water for up to 28 days that contained concentrations of sodium and/or magnesium similar to those found in saline wetlands. Growth, tissue development, and biochemical characteristics of these ducklings were compared to those reared on fresh water. Much of the ingested salt was excreted by passage of voluminous fluid excreta. This effect occurred in birds given water with as little as 500 ppm Mg or 1,000 ppm Na. The supraorbital salt gland was active within 4 days in ducklings drinking water containing greater than or equal to 1,500 ppm of Na. Feather growth was decreased in ducklings drinking water with greater than or equal to 1,500 ppm of either Na or Mg. Ducklings drinking water with 3,000 ppm of either ion, or 1,500 ppm of each, grew more slowly than control birds. Ducklings drinking water with 3,000 ppm of either Na or Mg had reduced thymus size and bone breaking strength. Those drinking water with 3,000 ppm of Mg, or 3,100 ppm Na and 1,300 ppm Mg also had less trabecular bone and enlarged adrenals. Birds drinking the latter water had an elevated concentration of Na and calcium, and a decreased concentration of phosphorus and chloride in their serum, and elevated plasma protein levels. Ducklings reared on fresh or slightly saline water adapted very poorly to an abrupt change to more saline water (specific conductivity = 15,250 microns hos/cm) at 14 days of age. These birds stopped eating, became inactive and some died within 3 days; survivors had many tissue and biochemical abnormalities at 20 days of age. The level of salinity in these trials was similar to that in "brackish" or "moderately saline" wetlands and lower than that previously found to have effects on growth and feathering of ducklings. Many of the sublethal effects were subtle and non-specific manifestations of stress, and would be difficult to detect in wild ducklings on saline wetlands.  相似文献   

Ingestion of small amounts of some types of condensed tannins (CTs) by ruminant livestock can provide nutritional, environmental and economic benefits. However, practical methods are needed to make these tannins more available to ruminant livestock. Results from previous trials with crude quebracho and black wattle tannin indicated that cattle and/or sheep would not preferentially drink water containing these tannins. Therefore, we conducted preference trials to determine if cattle and sheep would learn to prefer water containing purified grape seed tannin (GST) that provided up to 2% of their daily dry matter (DM) intake. After gradual exposure to increasing amounts of this tannin in water during a pre-trial period, five adult ewes and five yearling heifers fed lucerne (Medicago sativa) pellets (19% CP) were offered water and several concentrations of GST solutions for either 15 (sheep trial) or 20 days (cattle trial). We measured intake of all liquids daily. Concentrations of blood urea were also measured for heifers when they drank only tannin solutions or water. Both sheep and cattle developed preferences for water with GST in it over water alone (P < 0.01) although this preference appeared earlier in the trial for sheep than for cattle. For the sheep, mean daily intake of water alone and all tannin solutions (in total) was 0.6 and 6.1 l, respectively. For the cattle, mean daily intake of water and all tannin solutions in total was 21.8 and 20.6 l, respectively, in the first half of the trial and 10.8 and 26.1 l, respectively, in the second half of the trial. Compared with the other tannin solutions, both sheep and cattle drank more of the solution with the highest tannin concentration (2% of daily DM intake as GST) than of water on more trial days (P < 0.05). Ingestion of water with the highest concentration of GST reduced blood plasma urea concentration in the cattle by 9% to 14% (P ⩽ 0.10) compared with ingestion of water alone. Results from the trials suggest that providing grape seed and perhaps other CTs via drinking water may be a practical way to introduce CTs into sheep and cattle diets.  相似文献   

We recently showed that we can selectively and safely deplete most (average 85%) of the pulmonary intravascular macrophages in sheep by intravenously infusing liposomes containing dichloromethylene bisphosphonate. After a 1-h stable baseline, we made a 6-h comparison after a 30-min intravenous endotoxin infusion (1 microg/kg) between six anesthetized control lambs and six anesthetized lambs in which the intravascular macrophages had been depleted 24 h previously. Three of the control lambs had been macrophage depleted and allowed to recover their intravascular macrophage population for >/=2 wk. After depletion, both the early and late pulmonary arterial pressure rises were dramatically attenuated. Our main interest, however, was in the acute lung microvascular injury response. The early and late rises in lung lymph flow and the increase in lung lymph protein clearance (lymph flow x lymph-to-plasma protein concentration ratio) were >90% attenuated. We conclude the pulmonary intravascular macrophages are responsible for most of the endotoxin-induced pulmonary hypertension and increased lung microvascular leakiness in sheep, although the unavoidable injury of other intravascular macrophages by the depletion regime may also contribute something.  相似文献   

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