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An ability of primates to compare and identify planar images and three-dimensional objects has been studied at solving tasks of the choice on model type. The study is carried out on three species of monkeys of different levels of phylogenetic development: macaques rhesuses Macaca mulata, brown capuchins Cebus apella, and chimpanzee Pan troglodytes. Plaster casts of fruits, household objects, and toys–animals were used for the identification. It is revealed that representatives of the studied monkey species are able to compare and identify three-dimensional objects and their two-dimensional images and to extract identical attributes during solution of visual tasks of different degrees of complexity in variants of the methodical approach choice on model. Under conditions of our experiments, the capuchins, macaques, and chimpanzee performed a direct transfer of the elaborated principle of the solution. There have also been established peculiarities of behavior of different species of the lower and higher monkeys. Macaques rhesuses had difficulties when solving complex combinatory tasks. Capuchins displayed pronounced negative emotions and characteristic patterns of defensive behavior at demonstration and during identification of two- and three-dimensional objects of the toys–animals type. Unlike the lower monkeys, the chimpanzee, when presented with toys–animals, did not change the level of their correct answers and demonstrated pronounced play reactions.  相似文献   

The capability of monkeys for comparison and identification of plane images and three-dimensional objects has been studied using tasks of the sample choice type. The study was performed on three species of monkeys with different level of phylogenic development: rhesus macaques Macaca mulatta, brown capuchins Cebus apella, and chimpanzee Pan troglodites. It has been established that representatives of the studied species are able to differentiate two-dimensional images of berries and corresponding three-dimensional models in various quantitative ratios from 1 to 5 and to choose identical signs of stimuli in solving problems of the sample choice type. These circumstances argue in favor of the existence of quantitative notions in primates and their capability of counting in the limits from 1 to 5. Rhesus macaques had difficulties in solving complicated combinatory tasks. The obtained facts indicate a sufficiently high level of the pre-verbal cognition in primates.  相似文献   

SARS冠状病毒分离培养和鉴定的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立严重急性呼吸综合征(SARS)冠状病毒分离、培养方法,为SARS冠状病毒动物模型的建立提供实验依据,并根据病毒在体内存活的时间确定检测指标。选用已鉴定为SARS冠状病毒的毒株,经过鼻腔接种感染恒河猴。定期采集咽拭子标本,分离血清或血浆,用Vero细胞进行病毒培养、分离。结果显示,在SARS冠状病毒感染恒河猴后2、5、7天,可以从拭子中分离到病毒,5~15天可在猴肺、脾、肝、肾和淋巴组织中分离到病毒,并用免疫荧光法和RT-PCR方法进行了确定。首次实验证实了SARS冠状病毒可在恒河猴体内复制。SARS病毒的成功分离是SARS冠状病毒动物模型建立的主要依据,在进行疫苗安全性和药效评价等工作中,病毒分离可作为药物筛选、疫苗评价的重要指标。  相似文献   

Transmembrane channel proteins play pivotal roles in maintaining the homeostasis and responsiveness of cells and the cross-membrane electrochemical gradient by mediating the transport of ions and molecules through biological membranes. Therefore, computational methods which, given a set of 3D coordinates, can automatically identify and describe channels in transmembrane proteins are key tools to provide insights into how they function.  相似文献   

为了解不同种皮色地方稻种的总黄酮含量与其种子萌发品质的相关性,测定了17份云南地方稻种谷粒、糙米和谷壳的总黄酮含量,以及谷粒和糙米的发芽势、发芽率、发芽指数和活力指数4项萌发指标。结果表明,红皮和紫皮谷粒及糙米的总黄酮含量显著、极显著高于白皮,而谷壳的总黄酮含量则无明显差异。红皮谷粒的4项萌发指标均高于紫皮和白皮,但仅红皮与白皮谷粒之间的发芽势差异达到极显著水平;红皮糙米的4项萌发指标极显著地高于紫米和白米,且除发芽指数外,紫米的其他3项萌发指标显著或极显著地高于白米,表明有色种皮谷粒、糙米的总黄酮含量较高,其萌发指标也相应较高。相关分析表明,谷粒的总黄酮含量与4项萌发指标之间没有明显的相关性,但糙米的总黄酮含量则与4项萌发指标呈显著正相关;谷壳的黄酮含量与种子萌发无关,而糙米的黄酮含量则显著地影响种子的萌发特性。  相似文献   

目的:探讨和分析传统二维及彩色多普勒超声在诊断肾细胞癌中的价值.方法:对我院2008-2011年收治的40例手术病理证实为肾细胞癌的肾脏肿瘤患者的二维和彩色多普勒超声的检查诊断结果进行回顾性分析,并与CT检查结果相比较.结果:对患者的超声和CT检查结果与术后病理诊断进行对比,超声诊断率82.5%,CT诊断率92.5%,两种检查诊断率相比无显著差异(x2=2.9,P>0.05).其中,彩色多普勒超声表现为抱球型和丰富血流型的肾癌,术前均定性诊断正确(29/29).对于星点型的肾脏肿瘤,诊断符合率较高(4/6).对于少血流型肿瘤,超声无法作出正确的定性诊断(0/5).结论:传统二维及彩色多普勒超声在诊断肾细胞癌中具有很高价值,可以作为早期筛查的检查方法,尤其是血供丰富的肾癌,其对小肾癌也有较高的诊断率.  相似文献   

植物花色形成及其调控机理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综述了植物花色的表现、起源与进化、功能及其调控机制。植物花色主要表现为单色、变色和杂色,是长期进化的结果,主要功能是指示传粉者和保护花器官。花色素主要包括类黄酮、类胡萝卜素和生物碱。花色素的存在及其变化是植物花色表现的化学机制,色素在花瓣中的空间分布及其对光的作用是花色表现的解剖学和光学机制,细胞液pH值、花发育阶段和植物激素是花色表现的植物生理学机制。传粉者、真菌侵染、机械损伤、园艺措施、光、温度、水分、矿质营养和糖等是影响花色的外部因素。花瓣彩斑主要由基因突变或病毒入侵而形成。  相似文献   

植物花色形成及其调控机理   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
综述了植物花色的表现、起源与进化、功能及其调控机制.植物花色主要表现为单色、变色和杂色,是长期进化的结果,主要功能是指示传粉者和保护花器官.花色素主要包括类黄酮、类胡萝卜素和生物碱.花色素的存在及其变化是植物花色表现的化学机制,色素在花瓣中的空间分布及其对光的作用是花色表现的解剖学和光学机制,细胞液pH值、花发育阶段和植物激素是花色表现的植物生理学机制.传粉者、真菌侵染、机械损伤、园艺措施、光、温度、水分、矿质营养和糖等是影响花色的外部因蝌素.花瓣彩斑主要由基因突变或病毒入侵而形成.  相似文献   

恒河猴慢性青光眼模型的建立及相关生物学特性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的建立两种激光光凝的恒河猴慢性高眼压性青光眼模型,评价模型眼的相关生物学特性。方法成年恒河猴15只,分别采用半导体倍频532激光和氩激光,在房角镜下对功能小梁网区行360°光凝。对其中7只恒河猴分别采用A超、视网膜断层成像仪和视网膜血流仪进行模型眼和另侧对照眼的眼球及视盘形态、血流参数的检测。结果两种光凝模式相比,眼压升高后第4周,倍频532激光组平均眼压为48.4±10.3mmHg,氩激光组平均眼压为44.2±7.0mmHg,倍频532激光组与氩激光组的三次光凝成功率的差异无显著性意义。除视盘面积外,恒河猴模型眼的视杯形态指数、杯盘面积比、盘沿面积、视网膜神经纤维层的平均厚度,与对照眼相比差异有极显著性意义。眼轴和前房深度与对照眼相比差异有显著性意义。筛板血流量、血流速度和红细胞移动速率与对照眼相比差异无显著性意义。结论两种激光光凝恒河猴小梁网均可用以建立慢性高眼压性青光眼模型,模型眼出现青光眼眼底特征性的形态学改变。  相似文献   

The visual system has a remarkable ability to extract categorical information from complex natural scenes. In order to elucidate the role of low-level image features for the recognition of objects in natural scenes, we recorded saccadic eye movements and event-related potentials (ERPs) in two experiments, in which human subjects had to detect animals in previously unseen natural images. We used a new natural image database (ANID) that is free of some of the potential artifacts that have plagued the widely used COREL images. Color and grayscale images picked from the ANID and COREL databases were used. In all experiments, color images induced a greater N1 EEG component at earlier time points than grayscale images. We suggest that this influence of color in animal detection may be masked by later processes when measuring reation times. The ERP results of go/nogo and forced choice tasks were similar to those reported earlier. The non-animal stimuli induced bigger N1 than animal stimuli both in the COREL and ANID databases. This result indicates ultra-fast processing of animal images is possible irrespective of the particular database. With the ANID images, the difference between color and grayscale images is more pronounced than with the COREL images. The earlier use of the COREL images might have led to an underestimation of the contribution of color. Therefore, we conclude that the ANID image database is better suited for the investigation of the processing of natural scenes than other databases commonly used.  相似文献   

The overview demonstrates how the use of only one physico-chemical approach, viz., the electron paramagnetic resonance method, allowed detection and identification of dinitrosyl iron complexes with thiol-containing ligands in various animal and bacterial cells. These complexes are formed in biological objects in the paramagnetic (electron paramagnetic resonance-active) mononuclear and diamagnetic (electron paramagnetic resonance-silent) binuclear forms and control the activity of nitrogen monoxide, one of the most universal regulators of metabolic processes in the organism. The analysis of electronic and spatial structures of dinitrosyl iron complex sheds additional light on the mechanism whereby dinitrosyl iron complex with thiol-containing ligands function in human and animal cells as donors of nitrogen monoxide and its ionized form, viz., nitrosonium ions (NO+).  相似文献   

This review deals with the questions related to the composition of ion channels in the membranes of neurons belonging to the nociceptive system; special attention is focused on channels belonging to the TRP family.The factors (in particular, genetically determined) influencing the activity of these channels are discussed. The roles of certain enzymes (protein kinases, phospholipases, etc.) in modulation of the functioning of channel structures typical of nociceptive neurons are reviewed. The roles of calcium transmembrane currents and the state of cellular calcium-controlling compartments in transmission of nociceptive signals are also discussed. Special attention is paid to long-lasting modulatory changes in the activity of different ion channels responsible for the development of stable shifts of sensitive abilities of the nociceptive system (hyperalgesia, hypoalgesia, and allodynia) typical of certain neurological disorders.  相似文献   

采用“面”上宏观调查与“点”上典型研究相结合, 集中对塔里木河下游阿拉干断面100 hm2的胡杨(Populus euphratica)林木分布与胸径结构进行了调查。结果发现, 在距河道0-20 m的范围内, 胸径为0-4 cm的幼龄胡杨占最多, 达到13.24%。以后随着离河道距离的增加, 幼龄胡杨所占比例逐渐减小。胸径分布范围简单, 胸径为16-36 cm的林木株数在胡杨林中所占的比例最多。另外, 随着离河道距离的增加, 胸径在48 cm以上的过熟林和衰老林的比例逐渐增多。距河道0-200 m的范围内, 胡杨分布占整个胡杨林的80%以上。其中以疏失度为0-50%的长势较好的胡杨为主。在200-400 m的范围内, 疏失度为50%-75%的长势较差的过熟林和衰老林的比例开始增多。距河道400 m以上, 胡杨密度开始急剧下降, 胡杨株数所占的比例几乎下降到5%以下。  相似文献   

塔里木河下游胡杨林胸径结构及林木分布特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用“面”上宏观调查与“点”上典型研究相结合,集中对塔里木河下游阿拉干断面100hm^2的胡杨(Populus euphratica)林木分布与胸径结构进行了调查。结果发现,在距河道0—20m的范围内,胸径为0—4cm的幼龄胡杨占最多,达到13.24%。以后随着离河道距离的增加,幼龄胡杨所占比例逐渐减小。胸径分布范围简单,胸径为16—36cm的林木株数在胡杨林中所占的比例最多。另外,随着离河道距离的增加,胸径在48cm以上的过熟林和衰老林的比例逐渐增多。距河道0—200m的范围内,胡杨分布占整个胡杨林的80%以上。其中以疏失度为0—50%的长势较好的胡杨为主。在200—400m的范围内,疏失度为50%-75%的长势较差的过熟林和衰老林的比例开始增多。距河道400m以上,胡杨密度开始急剧下降,胡杨株数所占的比例几乎下降到5%以下。  相似文献   

Entomological Review - An insect complex decomposing large animal carcasses was studied in two habitat types in northern European Russia (the Republic of Karelia), with the domestic pig Sus scrofa...  相似文献   

目的:分析年轻和中老年乳腺癌彩色多谱勒超声图像特征的差异.方法:对手术病理证实的253例乳腺癌患者的彩色多谱勒超声图像进行回顾性分析,其按病理改变分为直接征象及间接征象,分析年轻组(≤35岁)和中老年组(>35岁)乳腺癌超声图像特征的差异.结果:年轻组和中老年组在直接征象中肿块形态、边缘毛刺、内部回声、微钙化、后方回声、纵横比、收缩期峰值血流速(Vmax)以及间接征象中肿块周边高回声晕、浅筋膜连续线改变、深筋膜连续线改变、Cooper韧带改变上均没有统计学差异(P>0.05);而在直接征象中的血流分级、穿支血管、阻力指数(RI)和间接征象中的腋窝淋巴结肿大均具有统计学差异(P<0.05).结论:在彩色多普勒超声图像特征上,年轻乳腺癌和中老年乳腺癌在血流分级、穿支血管、阻力指数和腋窝淋巴结肿大方面有差异,在实际应用中重视这些特征能提高年轻乳腺癌超声诊断的灵敏性和准确性.  相似文献   

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