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An empirical model for stomatal conductance (g), proposed by Leuning (1995, this issue) as a modification of Ball, Woodrow & Berry's (1987) model, is interpreted in terms of a simple, steady-state model of guard cell function. In this model, stomatal aperture is a function of the relative turgor between guard cells and epidermal cells. The correlation between g and leaf surface vapour pressure deficit in Leuning's model is interpreted in terms of stomatal sensing of the transpiration rate, via changes in the gradient of total water potential between guard cells and epidermal cells. The correlation between g, CO2 assimilation rate and leaf surface CO2 concentration in Leuning's model is interpreted as a relationship between the corresponding osmotic gradient, irradiance, temperature, intercellular CO2 concentration and stomatal aperture itself. The explicit relationship between osmotic gradient and stomatal aperture (possibly describing the effect of changes in guard cell volume on the membrane permeability for ion transport) results in a decrease in the transpiration rate in sufficiently dry air. Possible extension of the guard cell model to include stomatal responses to soil water status is discussed.  相似文献   

The feasibility of two hypothetical mechanisms for the stomatal response to humidity was evaluated by identifying theoretical constraints on these mechanisms and by analysing timecourses of stomatal aperture following a step change in humidity. The two hypothetical mechanisms, which allow guard cell turgor pressure to overcome the epidermal mechanical advantage, are: (1) active regulation of guard cell osmotic pressure, requiring no hydraulic disequilibrium between guard and epidermal cells, and (2) a substantial hydraulic resistance between guard and epidermal cells, resulting in hydraulic disequilibrium between them. Numerical simulations of the system are made possible by recently published empirical relationships between guard cell pressure and volume and between stomatal aperture, guard cell turgor pressure, and epidermal cell turgor pressure; these data allow the hypothetical control variables to be inferred from stomatal aperture and evaporative demand, given physical assumptions that characterize either hypothesis. We show that hypothesis (1) predicts that steady‐state πg is monotonically related to transpiration rate, whereas hypothesis (2) suggests that the relationship between transpiration rate and the steady‐state guard to epidermal cell hydraulic resistance may be either positive or negative, and that this resistance must change substantially during the transient phase of the stomatal response to humidity.  相似文献   

Leaf discs of Vicia Faba were allowed to float on water in glass dishes placed in vessels containing KOH. The vessels were kept in darkness at constant temperature. The stomatal width and osmotic values of the guard cells and epidermal cells were measured, generally at one-hour intervals. When the CO2 content of the air surrounding the leaf specimen falls, it causes a disturbance in the osmotic equilibrium between guard cells and epidermal cells. Sometimes the changes start in the form of falling osmotic values in both kinds of cell. In other cases the values rise, and in still others the changes may be confined chiefly to one of these kinds of cell. Since the changes are not the same in guard cells and epidermal cells, the osmotic difference between them rises or falls. The difference rises during the time immediately after removal of CO2 from the surrounding air. This causes an osmotic surplus to arise or increase in the guard cells. Later, this change may take place in the opposite direction. The stomatal movements occurring simultaneously follow, on broad lines, the osmotic surplus of the guard cells. Consequently, the CO2-induced stomatal movement is the result of an interaction between an active component—i.e., the intrinsic osmotic changes in the guard cells—and an osmopassive component, by which is meant here the osmotic changes in the epidermal cells.  相似文献   

A model of stomatal conductance was developed to relate plant transpiration rate to photosynthetic active radiation (PAR), vapour pressure deficit and soil water potential. Parameters of the model include sensitivity of osmotic potential of guard cells to photosynthetic active radiation, elastic modulus of guard cell structure, soil‐to‐leaf conductance and osmotic potential of guard cells at zero PAR. The model was applied to field observations on three functional types that include 11 species in subtropical southern China. Non‐linear statistical regression was used to obtain parameters of the model. The result indicated that the model was capable of predicting stomatal conductance of all the 11 species and three functional types under wide ranges of environmental conditions. Major conclusions included that coniferous trees and shrubs were more tolerant for and resistant to soil water stress than broad‐leaf trees due to their lower osmotic potential, lignified guard cell walls, and sunken and suspended guard cell structure under subsidiary epidermal cells. Mid‐day depression in transpiration and photosynthesis of pines may be explained by decreased stomatal conductance under a large vapour pressure deficit. Stomatal conductance of pine trees was more strongly affected by vapour pressure deficit than that of other species because of their small soil‐to‐leaf conductance, which is explainable in terms of xylem tracheids in conifer trees. Tracheids transport water by means of small pit‐pairs in their side walls, and are much less efficient than the end‐perforated vessel members in broad‐leaf xylem systems. These conclusions remain hypothetical until direct measurements of these parameters are available.  相似文献   

A mechanism for co-ordinating behaviour of stomata within an areole during patchy stomatal conductance has recently been proposed. This mechanism depends on hydraulic interactions among stomata that are mediated by transpiration-induced changes in epidermal turgor. One testable prediction that arises from this proposed mechanism is that the strength of hydraulic coupling among stomata should be proportional to evaporative demand and, therefore, inversely proportional to humidity. When a leaf is illuminated following a period of darkness, there is typically a period of time, termed the Spannungsphase, during which guard cell osmotic and turgor pressure are increasing, but the pore remains closed. If hydraulic coupling is proportional to evaporative demand, then variation among stomata in the duration of the Spannungsphase should be lower for leaves at low humidity than for leaves at high humidity. A similar prediction emerged from a computer model based on the proposed hydraulic mechanisms. These predictions were tested by measuring individual stomatal apertures on intact transpiring leaves at low and high humidity and on vacuum-infiltrated leaf pieces (to eliminate transpiration) as PFD was increased to high values from either darkness or a low value. Results showed that the range of Spannungsphasenamong stomata was reduced at low humidity compared to high humidities. Experiments that began at low PFD, rather than at darkness, showed no delay in stomatal opening. These results are discussed in the context of the proposed hydraulic coupling mechanisms.  相似文献   

Given that stomatal movement is ultimately a mechanical process and that stomata are morphologically and mechanically diverse, we explored the influence of stomatal mechanical diversity on leaf gas exchange and considered some of the constraints. Mechanical measurements were conducted on the guard cells of four different species exhibiting different stomatal morphologies, including three variants on the classical "kidney" form and one "dumb-bell" type; this information, together with gas-exchange measurements, was used to model and compare their respective operational characteristics. Based on evidence from scanning electron microscope images of cryo-sectioned leaves that were sampled under full sun and high humidity and from pressure probe measurements of the stomatal aperture versus guard cell turgor relationship at maximum and zero epidermal turgor, it was concluded that maximum stomatal apertures (and maximum leaf diffusive conductance) could not be obtained in at least one of the species (the grass Triticum aestivum) without a substantial reduction in subsidiary cell osmotic (and hence turgor) pressure during stomatal opening to overcome the large mechanical advantage of subsidiary cells. A mechanism for this is proposed, with a corollary being greatly accelerated stomatal opening and closure. Gas-exchange measurements on T. aestivum revealed the capability of very rapid stomatal movements, which may be explained by the unique morphology and mechanics of its dumb-bell-shaped stomata coupled with "see-sawing" of osmotic and turgor pressure between guard and subsidiary cells during stomatal opening or closure. Such properties might underlie the success of grasses.  相似文献   

Models of guard cell dynamics, built on the OnGuard platform, have provided quantitative insights into stomatal function, demonstrating substantial predictive power. However, the kinetics of stomatal opening predicted by OnGuard models were threefold to fivefold slower than observed in vivo. No manipulations of parameters within physiological ranges yielded model kinetics substantially closer to these data, thus highlighting a missing component in model construction. One well‐documented process influencing stomata is the constraining effect of the surrounding epidermal cells on guard cell volume and stomatal aperture. Here, we introduce a mechanism to describe this effect in OnGuard2 constructed around solute release and a decline in turgor of the surrounding cells and its subsequent recovery during stomatal opening. The results show that this constraint–relaxation–recovery mechanism in OnGuard2 yields dynamics that are consistent with experimental observations in wild‐type Arabidopsis, and it predicts the altered opening kinetics of ost2 H+‐ATPase and slac1 Cl? channel mutants. Thus, incorporating solute flux of the surrounding cells implicitly through their constraint on guard cell expansion provides a satisfactory representation of stomatal kinetics, and it predicts a substantial and dynamic role for solute flux across the apoplastic space between the guard cells and surrounding cells in accelerating stomatal kinetics.  相似文献   

Uptake of CO2 by the leaf is associated with loss of water. Control of stomatal aperture by volume changes of guard cell pairs optimizes the efficiency of water use. Under water stress, the protein kinase OPEN STOMATA 1 (OST1) activates the guard‐cell anion release channel SLOW ANION CHANNEL‐ASSOCIATED 1 (SLAC1), and thereby triggers stomatal closure. Plants with mutated OST1 and SLAC1 are defective in guard‐cell turgor regulation. To study the effect of stomatal movement on leaf turgor using intact leaves of Arabidopsis, we used a new pressure probe to monitor transpiration and turgor pressure simultaneously and non‐invasively. This probe permits routine easy access to parameters related to water status and stomatal conductance under physiological conditions using the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana. Long‐term leaf turgor pressure recordings over several weeks showed a drop in turgor during the day and recovery at night. Thus pressure changes directly correlated with the degree of plant transpiration. Leaf turgor of wild‐type plants responded to CO2, light, humidity, ozone and abscisic acid (ABA) in a guard cell‐specific manner. Pressure probe measurements of mutants lacking OST1 and SLAC1 function indicated impairment in stomatal responses to light and humidity. In contrast to wild‐type plants, leaves from well‐watered ost1 plants exposed to a dry atmosphere wilted after light‐induced stomatal opening. Experiments with open stomata mutants indicated that the hydraulic conductance of leaf stomata is higher than that of the root–shoot continuum. Thus leaf turgor appears to rely to a large extent on the anion channel activity of autonomously regulated stomatal guard cells.  相似文献   

Illuminated leaf discs of Vicia faba were brought into equilibrium with a series of mannitol solutions. The width of stomatal aperture and the osmotic potential of guard cells and epidermal cells were determined. It was found that the maximal aperture was obtained when epidermal cells were at about incipient plasmolysis and that any increase in their turgor pressure brought about a decrease in stomatal aperture. These findings emphasize the importance of epidermal cells in determining the width of the stomatal pore.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Global climate models predict decreases in leaf stomatal conductance and transpiration due to increases in atmospheric CO2. The consequences of these reductions are increases in soil moisture availability and continental scale run-off at decadal time-scales. Thus, a theory explaining the differential sensitivity of stomata to changing atmospheric CO2 and other environmental conditions must be identified. Here, these responses are investigated using optimality theory applied to stomatal conductance.


An analytical model for stomatal conductance is proposed based on: (a) Fickian mass transfer of CO2 and H2O through stomata; (b) a biochemical photosynthesis model that relates intercellular CO2 to net photosynthesis; and (c) a stomatal model based on optimization for maximizing carbon gains when water losses represent a cost. Comparisons between the optimization-based model and empirical relationships widely used in climate models were made using an extensive gas exchange dataset collected in a maturing pine (Pinus taeda) forest under ambient and enriched atmospheric CO2.

Key Results and Conclusion

In this interpretation, it is proposed that an individual leaf optimally and autonomously regulates stomatal opening on short-term (approx. 10-min time-scale) rather than on daily or longer time-scales. The derived equations are analytical with explicit expressions for conductance, photosynthesis and intercellular CO2, thereby making the approach useful for climate models. Using a gas exchange dataset collected in a pine forest, it is shown that (a) the cost of unit water loss λ (a measure of marginal water-use efficiency) increases with atmospheric CO2; (b) the new formulation correctly predicts the condition under which CO2-enriched atmosphere will cause increasing assimilation and decreasing stomatal conductance.  相似文献   

When epidermal peels of Vicia faba L. were treated with solutions of varying pH, stomatal aperture was significantly increased at pH 4.0, 3.0, and 2.7 in darkness, but not in light. This effect was independent of the presence of KCl in the medium. Using a short-term plasmolytic method, estimates were made of the osmotic pressure (IIi) and the volumetric elastic modulus of guard cells, the aperture of which varied due to pretreatments at different pH, in darkness or light. In darkness, the lower pH pretreatments induced an increase in IIi and a decrease in volumetric elastic modulus. In comparison to the response in unbuffered solutions, 10 and 25 millimolar Mes buffer at pH 6.5 significantly reduced the degree of stomatal opening induced by light or by fusicoccin. These results indicate that acid-induced stomatal opening is, at least partially, due to an increase in guard cell wall elasticity which occurs in association with changes in IIi. It is suggested that the observed inhibitory effect of Mes buffer on stomatal opening may be due to a reduction in the degree of acidification of the guard cell wall and a consequent decrease of cell wall elasticity.  相似文献   

Uprety  D.C.  Dwivedi  N.  Jain  V.  Mohan  R. 《Photosynthetica》2002,40(2):315-319
The response of stomatal parameters of four rice cultivars to atmospheric elevated CO2 concentration (EC) was studied using open top chambers. EC brought about reduction in stomatal conductance and increase in stomatal index, size of stomatal guard cells, stroma, and epidermal cells. Such acclimation helped the regulation of photosynthesis to EC. These changes in stomatal characters made rice cultivars adjustable to EC environment.  相似文献   

Models of vegetation function are widely used to predict the effects of climate change on carbon, water and nutrient cycles of terrestrial ecosystems, and their feedbacks to climate. Stomatal conductance, the process that governs plant water use and carbon uptake, is fundamental to such models. In this paper, we reconcile two long‐standing theories of stomatal conductance. The empirical approach, which is most commonly used in vegetation models, is phenomenological, based on experimental observations of stomatal behaviour in response to environmental conditions. The optimal approach is based on the theoretical argument that stomata should act to minimize the amount of water used per unit carbon gained. We reconcile these two approaches by showing that the theory of optimal stomatal conductance can be used to derive a model of stomatal conductance that is closely analogous to the empirical models. Consequently, we obtain a unified stomatal model which has a similar form to existing empirical models, but which now provides a theoretical interpretation for model parameter values. The key model parameter, g1, is predicted to increase with growth temperature and with the marginal water cost of carbon gain. The new model is fitted to a range of datasets ranging from tropical to boreal trees. The parameter g1 is shown to vary with growth temperature, as predicted, and also with plant functional type. The model is shown to correctly capture responses of stomatal conductance to changing atmospheric CO2, and thus can be used to test for stomatal acclimation to elevated CO2. The reconciliation of the optimal and empirical approaches to modelling stomatal conductance is important for global change biology because it provides a simple theoretical framework for analyzing, and simulating, the coupling between carbon and water cycles under environmental change.  相似文献   

It has been found that the stomatal behaviour of C3 and C4 plants can be predicted from the assumption that they increase transpiration whenever the increase δW in daily water loss is offset by a gain of at least λδW in carbon assimilation, where the minimum acceptable marginal conversion efficiency λ is determined by long term ecological factors, and is essentially constant within the course of a day. This paradigm is here extended to plants with Crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM). During daytime assimilation the results are the same as for C3 and C4 metabolisms. However night-time assimilation can be inhibited by the accumulation of malate in the cell vacuoles. In this event our model predicts that in a constant environment the stomatal conductance remains proportional to the square root of the mesophyll conductance as the latter declines. This is intermediate between keeping a constant stomatal conductance and keeping a constant intercellular CO2 concentration (as tends to occur in the C3/C4 model when illumination varies), and results in an increasing intercellular CO2 concentration towards the end of the night. This prediction accords with the Agave data of Nobel & Hartsock 1979. The model also predicts the allocation of time between C3 and CAM for different degrees of water stress. The results agree qualitatively with observation, even though physiological changes (other than stomatal conductance) are not included in the model.  相似文献   

Malate is a characteristic metabolite in the photosynthesis of C4 and CAM plants. Furthermore, changes in the intracellular concentration of this organic acid provide part of the osmotic motor for guard cells. Since alterations in the malate concentration influence the photosynthetic capacity on one side and stomatal action on the other, it was studied whether the extracellular malate level represents an indicator of changes in the ambient CO2 concentration and a key regulator of ion transport in guard cells. Here it is demonstrated that alterations in the ambient CO2 level modify the extracellular malate concentration of Vicia faba leaves. Elevated external malate caused stomatal closure in a concentration-dependent manner (Kmmal = 0.3 mM). Slight variations in the external malate concentration strongly regulate the voltage-dependent properties of GCAC1, an anion-release channel in the plasma membrane of guard cells. Superfusion of guard cell protoplasts with malate levels in the physiological range (Kmmal = 0.4 mM) caused the voltage gate to shift towards the resting potential of the cell-activating GCAC1. Single-channel conductance was dependent on the extracellular chloride concentration (KmCl = 3 mM). In the absence of extracellular chloride the plasma membrane lacked anion conductance until the addition of malate induced channel opening. Isophthalate was a powerful agonist in both malate-induced processes, channel regulation and stomatal closure, indicating that modulation of GCAC1 is a key step in stomatal action. It was thus concluded that feedback regulation of volume and turgor with respect to the ambient CO2 concentration via malate-sensitive anion channels may provide a CO2 sensor to guard cells.  相似文献   

Monda K  Negi J  Iio A  Kusumi K  Kojima M  Hashimoto M  Sakakibara H  Iba K 《Planta》2011,234(3):555-563
The Arabidopsis Cape Verde Islands (Cvi-0) ecotype is known to differ from other ecotypes with respect to environmental stress responses. We analyzed the stomatal behavior of Cvi-0 plants, in response to environmental signals. We investigated the responses of stomatal conductance and aperture to high [CO2] in the Cvi-0 and Col-0 ecotypes. Cvi-0 showed constitutively higher stomatal conductance and more stomatal opening than Col-0. Cvi-0 stomata opened in response to light, but the response was slow. Under low humidity, stomatal opening was increased in Cvi-0 compared to Col-0. We then assessed whether low humidity affects endogenous ABA levels in Cvi-0. In response to low humidity, Cvi-0 had much higher ABA levels than Col-0. However, epidermal peels experiments showed that Cvi-0 stomata were insensitive to ABA. Measurements of organic and inorganic ions in Cvi-0 guard cell protoplasts indicated an over-accumulation of osmoregulatory anions (malate and Cl). This irregular anion homeostasis in the guard cells may explain the constitutive stomatal opening phenotypes of the Cvi-0 ecotype, which lacks high [CO2]-induced and low humidity-induced stomatal closure.  相似文献   

Summary The accuracy of most of the published values for guard cell osmotic pressures is disputed and it is considered that many values are grossly in error. Since most of the values were obtained from incipient plasmolysis experiments limitations of the technique were investigated. It was concluded that it is not possible to use the incipient plasmolysis method for accurately determining guard cell osmotic pressures since all concentrations of plasmolytica (concentrations down to 0.1 M sucrose or calcium nitrate were used) bring about incipient plasmolysis depending on the period of time the tissue is immersed in the plasmolytica. In other words, the concentration of a plasmolyticum at which incipient plasmolysis occurs continues to decrease as the plasmolysing time increases. Furthermore, the time taken for incipient plasmolysis to occur varies according to the solutes in the plasmolyticum and the extent of stomatal aperture.A reason for the changing values of guard cell osmotic pressures was the loss of K+, and to a lesser extent, Cl, Ca2+ and Na+, and sugars and organic acids from the tissue during exposure to graded concentrations of plasmolytica (sucrose and calcium nitrate). A good correlation between loss of solutes from the epidermal tissue and decrease in guard cell osmotic pressure was not observed, however.Histochemical tests for K+ support the view that leakage of K+ from the guard cells occurs while the tissue is immersed in the plasmolytica except when high concentrations of sucrose (2.0 M) and calcium nitrate (greater than 1.0 M) were used and then leakage was minimal. However, these high concentrations of plasmolytica caused cell damage.The osmotic relationships of the various cell types within the epidermis ofCommelina communis were investigated during stomatal movements. Although absolute values for the osmotic pressures of the various cell types could not be evaluated it was apparent from the rates of changes of the osmotic pressures that when stomata closed guard cell osmotic pressures decreased while epidermal and subsidiary cell osmotic pressures increased to almost the same values as the guard cells.  相似文献   

Circadian Stomatal Rhythms in Epidermal Peels from Vicia faba   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Circadian rhythms in stomatal aperture and in stomatal conductance have been observed previously. Here we investigate circadian rhythms in apertures that persist in functionally isolated guard cells in epidermal peels of Vicia faba, and we compare these rhythms with rhythms in stomatal conductance in attached leaves. Functionally isolated guard cells kept in constant light display a rhythmic change in aperture superimposed on a continuous opening trend. The rhythm free-runs with a period of about 22 hours and is temperature compensated between 20 and 30°C. Functionally isolated guard cell pairs are therefore capable of sustaining a true circadian rhythm without interaction with mesophyll cells. Stomatal conductance in whole leaves displays a more robust rhythm, also temperature-compensated, and with a period similar to that observed for the rhythm in stomatal aperture in epidermal peels. When analyzed individually, some stomata in epidermal peels showed a robust rhythm for several days while others showed little rhythmicity or damped out rapidly. Rhythmic periods may vary between individual stomata, and this may lead to desynchronization within the population.  相似文献   


Backgrounds and Aims

The stem growth habit, determinate or indeterminate, of soybean, Glycine max, varieties affects various plant morphological and developmental traits. The objective of this study is to identify the effect of stem growth habit in soybean on the stomatal conductance of single leaves in relation to their leaf morphology in order to better understand the ecological and agronomic significance of this plant trait.


The stomatal conductance of leaves on the main stem was measured periodically under favourable field conditions to evaluate gmax, defined as the maximum stomatal conductance at full leaf expansion, for four varieties of soybean and their respective determinate or indeterminate near isogenic lines (NILs). Leaf morphological traits including stomatal density, guard cell length and vein density were also measured.

Key Results

The value of gmax ranged from 0·383 to 0·754 mol H2O m−2 s−1 across all the genotypes for both years. For the four pairs of varieties, the indeterminate lines exhibited significantly greater gmax, stomatal density, numbers of epidermal cells per unit area and total vein length per unit area than their respective determinate NILs in both years. The guard cell length, leaf mass per area and single leaf size all tended to be greater in the determinate types. The variation of gmax across genotypes and years was well explained by the product of stomatal density and guard cell length (r = 0·86, P < 0·01).


The indeterminate stem growth habit resulted in a greater maximum stomatal conductance for soybean than the determinate habit, and this was attributed to the differences in leaf structure. This raises the further hypothesis that the difference in stem growth habit results in different water use characteristics of soybean plants in the field. Stomatal conductance under favourable conditions can be modified by leaf morphological traits.Key words: Soybean, Glycine max, stem growth habit, stomatal conductance, stomatal density, guard cell length, near isogenic lines  相似文献   

M. G. Stålfelt 《Protoplasma》1963,57(1-4):719-729
Summary The osmotic value (incipient plasmolysis) of the epidermal cells ofVicia Faba rises with a water deficit, if it is of several days' duration, and sometimes leads to transient wilting. The stomatal cells are an exception, because their osmotic value undergoes little change. Consequently, the osmotic potential of the stomatal cells is strongly negative in relation to that of the epidermal cells. This potential decreases and finally disappears after the plant has been watered, since the osmotic value of the epidermal cells falls; it reaches that of the guard cells after 12–14 hours.Owing to the negative osmotic potential of the guard cells, stomatal opening is prevented as long as the deficit lasts, as well as during the time required for restoring the deficit. Even if it has been restored, the impediment to opening persists for a certain time, because of the after-effect exerted by the water deficit on hydroactive closure.The expenses of the investigation were defrayed by a grant from the Science Research Council of Sweden.Valuable help in carrying out the investigation has been given by Fil. kand. Gösta Stenbeck.  相似文献   

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