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Cephalanthus occidentalis L. is protandrous and presents pollen secondarily on the stigma surface. Because self-pollen is present on the stigma, the degree of selling vs. outcrossing in this species will depend on 1) the phenology of pollen presentation and stigma receptivity; 2) whether the species is self-incompatible; and 3) the rates of self vs. crossed pollen tube growth. This study describes floral morphology and phenology, self-incompatibility, and pollen tube growth rates in self- and crosspollinations of C. occidentalis. Light and scanning electron microscopy were used to study stigma morphology after flower opening, while controlled pollinations tested for incompatibility. Stigmas were unreceptive initially but became receptive by the second day after flower opening. Ninety-two percent of cross-pollinated flowers set fruit, compared to 12% fruit set in self-pollinations. Pollen tubes from selfed and out-crossed pollen initially had similar growth rates. Out-crossed pollen tubes began to grow rapidly ca. 5 hr after pollination of a receptive stigma, whereas selfed pollen tubes ceased growth or grew slowly after this time. Pollen tubes from out-crossed pollen grew the length of the style within 24 hr after pollination, while selfed pollen tubes were inhibited at the stigma-style junction. Our results indicate that C. occidentalis has selfincompatibility, in addition to protandry and secondary pollen presentation. Protandry allows removal of self-pollen from the unreceptive stigma, while self-incompatibility prevents fertilization by unremoved self-pollen.  相似文献   

Flowers of white clover (Trifolium repens L.) are hermaphrodite and self-incompatible; their cross-pollination depends entirely on insect visitors, mainly bees (Apoidea). Because self-pollination of white clover occurs before flower anthesis, we determined whether selfing affected the pollination efficiency of a honeybee visit. We compared pollen deposition in emasculated and intact flowers following (1) a single honeybee visit, (2) open-pollination for a day and (3) enclosure in a cloth bag to prevent insect visits. In emasculated flowers, open-pollination resulted in more pollen deposited than after one visit (+30%) which is consistent with flowers being visited more than once by pollinators during the course of a day. On intact flowers, saturation of the stigma was achieved after the first visit of a honeybee (near 280 grains) because of self-pollination. Additional visits did not increase pollen deposits, but they improved pollen efficiency in terms of numbers of pollen tubes reaching the ovules. In such a context of easily saturated stigmas, self-pollen does not inhibit cross-pollen activity, but represents a constraint for pollination which demands multiple bee visits to each flower to achieve maximum fertilization. Received: 20 May 1997 / Accepted: 25 October 1997  相似文献   

The pollination biology ofSymphonia globulifera was studied in Central Amazonia, Brazil. As suggested by the bird syndrome of the flowers, these are mainly pollinated by hummingbirds. Occasional visits by other birds, butterflies and more rarely bees, as well as tamarin monkeys were also observed.Trigona bees partly destroy the flower tube to rob nectar. The possibility thatS. globulifera may not be primarily adapted to hummingbird pollination is discussed. The pollen is intermixed in an oily fluid secreted by the anthers (antheroil). Each of the five stigmas consists of a pore-like opening at the apex and a small chamber behind it. The antheroil mixed with pollen is absorbed by capillarity into the chamber when deposited on the pore. the pollen germinates inside the stigma. The presence of antheroil and pore-like stigmas in the flowers of the closely relatedPlatonia insignis indicate a similar mode of pollination. The results of this study are compared with observations in some otherClusiaceae (Caraipa, Clusia, Garcinia, Mahurea), where floral oils or floral resin occur. The role of these substances in the pollination process and their relation to the evolution of flower biology inClusiaceae are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The New Zealand alpine flora displays a range of unusual characteristics compared with other alpine floras, in particular the high frequency of species with small white flowers. The presence of both white and bright purple flowers on the same plant in the New Zealand alpine annual creeping eyebright (Euphrasia dyeri Wettst.) provides an ideal opportunity to investigate the significance of flower colour in an environment where coloured flowers are rare. The relationships among flower age, gender phase, reward availability and petal colour were assessed in natural populations of E. dyeri. The effect of pollination on flower colour was tested using hand pollination of bagged flowers. Direct observations and videos of flowers were used to assess patterns of flower visitation by native and introduced pollinators. Unpollinated white E. dyeri flowers changed from white to purple within 6 days. However, pollination of white flowers triggered a significantly faster colour change, typically within 1–2 days. White flowers had receptive stigmas, large amounts of lipid‐rich pollen and small amounts of nectar, whereas stigmas of purple flowers are not receptive and flowers did not provide pollen or nectar rewards. Flowers were mainly visited by native syrphid flies. Both native syrphids and introduced Bombus bees showed a marked avoidance of purple flowers, tending to preferentially visit white flowers. Our study suggests that flower colour change from white to bright purple in E. dyeri functions to direct pollinators to rewarding, receptive flowers. As many Euphrasia L. species are described as having variably coloured flowers, this mechanism may be more widespread in the genus. Furthermore, our results add to the growing evidence that the dominance of white flowers in the New Zealand alpine is not simply due to a lack of colour discrimination among pollinators.  相似文献   

Experimental manipulation of a trait can be used to distinguish direct selection from selection of correlated traits and to identify mechanisms of selection. Here we use experiments to investigate phenotypic selection of stigma position in angiosperm flowers. In natural populations of the subalpine herb Ipomopsis aggregata, plants with more strongly exserted stigmas receive more pollen per flower, indicating selection favoring stigma exsertion during the pollination stage of the life cycle. We pose four hypotheses for this association, two involving direct selection on stigma position and two involving indirect selection of a correlated floral trait. The first three hypotheses were tested using hand pollinations that mimicked natural hummingbird visitation, and by presenting captive hummingbirds with a series of flowers that differed in stigma and anther positions, sex ratio, and presence of anthers. In these experiments, pollen deposition either was independent of stigma exsertion or was highest on inserted stigmas, suggesting direct selection against exserted stigmas. In natural populations, however, stigma exsertion is highly correlated with time spent by the protandrous flowers in the pistillate phase. When we manipulated the latter trait in the field, pollen deposition increased with duration of exposure to hummingbirds, indicating indirect selection for stigma exsertion. Stigma exsertion and time spent in the pistillate phase are genetically and phenotypically correlated, as shown by a quantitative genetic experiment conducted in the field with paternal half sibships. Our results suggest that the evolution of stigma position can be driven by selection of a genetically correlated trait.  相似文献   

Summary Can bees accurately gauge accumulating bodily pollen as they harvest pollen from flowers? Several recent reports conclude that bees fail to assess pollen harvest rates when foraging for nectar and pollen. A native nightshade (Solanum elaeagnifolium Cavanilles) that is visited exclusively for pollen by both solitary and social bees (eg. Ptiloglossa and Bombus) was studied in SE Arizona and SW New Mexico. The flowers have no nectaries. Two experiments were deployed that eliminated pollen feedback to the bees by experimentally manipulating flowers prior to bee visits. The two methods were 1) plugging poricidal anthers with glue and 2) emptying anthers of pollen by vibration prior to bee visitation. Both experiments demonstrated that bees directly assess pollen harvest on a flower-by-flower basis, and significantly tailor their handling times, number of vibratile buzzes per flower and grooming bouts according to the ongoing harvest on a given flower. In comparison to experimental flowers, floral handling times were extended for both Bombus and Ptiloglossa on virgin flowers. Greater numbers of intrafloral buzzes and numbers of times bees groomed pollen and packed it into their scopae while still on the flower were also more frequent at virgin versus experimental flowers. Flowers with glued andreocia received uniformly brief visits from Bombus and Ptiloglossa with fewer sonications and virtually no bouts of grooming. Curtailed handling with few buzzes and grooms also characterized visits to our manually harvested flowers wherein pollen was artificially depleted. Sonicating bees respond positively to pollen-feedback while harvesting from individual flowers, and therefore we expect them to adjust their harvesting tempo according to the currency of available pollen (standing crop) within Solanum floral patches.  相似文献   

  • Analyses of resource presentation, floral morphology and pollinator behaviour are essential for understanding specialised plant‐pollinator systems. We investigated whether foraging by individual bee pollinators fits the floral morphology and functioning of Blumenbachia insignis, whose flowers are characterised by a nectar scale‐staminode complex and pollen release by thigmonastic stamen movements.
  • We described pollen and nectar presentation, analysed the breeding system and the foraging strategy of bee pollinators. We determined the nectar production pattern and documented variations in the longevity of floral phases and stigmatic pollen loads of pollinator‐visited and unvisited flowers.
  • Bicolletes indigoticus (Colletidae) was the sole pollinator with females revisiting flowers in staminate and pistillate phases at short intervals, guaranteeing cross‐pollen flow. Nectar stored in the nectar scale‐staminode complex had a high sugar concentration and was produced continuously in minute amounts (~0.09 μl·h?1). Pushing the scales outward, bees took up nectar, triggering stamen movements and accelerating pollen presentation. Experimental simulation of this nectar uptake increased the number of moved stamens per hour by a factor of four. Flowers visited by pollinators received six‐fold more pollen on the stigma than unvisited flowers, had shortened staminate and pistillate phases and increased fruit and seed set.
  • Flower handling and foraging by Bicolletes indigoticus were consonant with the complex flower morphology and functioning of Blumenbachia insignis. Continuous nectar production in minute quantities but at high sugar concentration influences the pollen foraging of the bees. Partitioning of resources lead to absolute flower fidelity and stereotyped foraging behaviour by the sole effective oligolectic bee pollinator.

Pollen dispersal success in entomophilous plants is influenced by the amount of pollen produced per flower, the fraction of pollen that is exported to other flowers during a pollinator visit, visitation frequency, and the complementarity between pollen donor and recipients. For bumble bee-pollinated Polemonium viscosum the first three determinants of male function are correlated with morphometric floral traits. Pollen production is positively related to corolla and style length, whereas pollen removal per visit by bumble bee pollinators is a positive function of corolla flare. Larger-flowered plants receive more bumble bee visits than small-flowered individuals. We found no evidence of tradeoffs between pollen export efficiency and per visit accumulation of outcross pollen; each was influenced by unique aspects of flower morphology. Individual queen bumble bees of the principal pollinator species, Bombus kirbyellus, were similar in male, female, and absolute measures of pollination effectiveness. An estimated 2.9% of the pollen that bumble bees removed from flowers during a foraging bout was, on average, deposited on stigmas of compatible recipients. Significant plant-to-plant differences in pollen production, pollen export per visit, and outcross pollen receipt were found for co-occurring individuals of P. viscosum indicating that variation in these fitness related traits can be seen by pollinator-mediated selection.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

The close relationship between distylic Cordia leucocephala and the bee Ceblurgus longipalpis, both endemic to the Caatinga, north-east Brazil, was investigated, emphasizing reproductive dependence, morphological adaptations of the partners, and pollen flow.


In the municipality of Pedra, in the Caatinga of Pernambuco, the breeding system and reproductive success of C. leucocephala, its interaction with flower visitors and inter- and intramorph pollen flow were determined.

Key Results

The bee Ceblurgus longipalpis, the unique flower visitor and effective pollinator of self-incompatible Cordia leucocephala, presents morphological features adapted to exploit hidden pollen and nectar in the long and narrow corolla tubes. Pollen of low-level anthers is collected with hairs on prolonged mouthparts and pollen of high-level anthers with clypeus, mandibles, and labrum, showing pollen removal from both levels with the same effectiveness. In both morphs, this results in similar legitimate, i.e. intermorph cross-pollen flow. Illegitimate pollen flow to stigmas of pin flowers, however, was much higher than to stigmas of thrum flowers. Moreover, more illegitimate pollen was transported to stigmas of pin and less to those of thrum flowers when compared with legitimate pollen flow.


The study reveals a one-to-one reproductive inter-dependence between both partners. Data indicate that this relationship between bee species and plant species is one of the rare cases of monolecty among bees. Monotypic Ceblurgus longipalpis, the only rophitine species of Brazil, evolved prolonged mouthparts rare among short-tongued bees that enable them to access pollen from flowers with short-level anthers hidden for bees of other species, and nectar at the base of the flower tube.  相似文献   

The reproductive ecology of a dioecious Caribbean seagrass, Thalassia testudinum was studied in St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands. Flowering in Thalassia coincided with spring tides with anthesis and anther dehiscence in staminate plants occurring at night. As predicted by search theory, pollen is dispersed in negatively buoyant rafts of pollen grains (that superficially resemble strings of frog spawn) which are bound by a slime of apparent thecal origin. Dispersal of pollen is submarine and approximately two-dimensional along the plane of the substratum. The stigmas on pistillate plants are linear, stiff, and densely papillate; they protrude from the mouth of the subtending leaf. Floral ratios of staminate to pistillate flowers were 60 to 1 with an average distance of 4.0 cm from pistillate flower to the closest staminate flowers. Populations included a high proportion of short shoots with numerous (> 100) leaf scars indicating ages for these axes of up to 3–4 years. Nonflowering shoots can be sexed and frequency of flowering can be assessed from scars of old inflorescences. Preliminary results suggest that there is no regular pattern of flowering, since the interval between flowering events is variable.  相似文献   

We examined factors affecting the duration of the staminate and pistillate phases in the protandrous flowers of Campanula rapunculoides L. (Campanulaceae). Under conditions of natural pollinator visitation, flowers experiencing low rates of pollen removal lasted significantly longer than flowers that had faster rates of pollen removal. Experimental manipulations showed that low levels of pollen removal resulted in extension of the staminate phase. Hand-pollinations in which we varied the amount and source of pollen showed that when the number of fertilized ovules within an ovary is low, senescence of the flower is delayed, resulting in extension of the pistillate phase. We also report on pollinator foraging patterns within the vertical inflorescences of C. rapunculoides and the limiting factor for seed set in this population. The results are relevent to recent suggestions that floral characters often serve to reduce interference between the sexual functions in cosexual plants.  相似文献   

Taxonomically related species can differ in a number of reproductive traits, which may translate into a differential mating system and pollination success. Here we compare two hermaphroditic insect-pollinated Daphne species (D. rodriguezii and D. gnidium) which differ in distribution (island endemic vs. mediterranean) and floral traits (long- vs. short-tube corolla). We investigated their mating system and pollen limitation by means of hand-pollination experiments and quantified the diversity and abundance of flower visitors by direct observations. Plant size and five reproductive traits (flower production, proportion of viable anthers, pollen production, flower tube length and tepal area) were studied to assess how they contribute to reproductive success, measured as proportion of pollen grains germinated per stigma and fruit set. Selfing was very low and pollen limitation existed in both species, though was higher in D. rodriguezii probably due to the scarcity of flower visitors. The low fruit set in both species suggests that most of the pollen grains found on stigmas are self-pollen. Pollinators appeared to favour some floral traits (specifically, flower tube length or tepal area) in both species, although flower crop in D. rodriguezii was the only reproductive trait influencing fruit set. In both species, the highest variability in reproductive traits and pollination success was within individuals. Our findings suggest that despite both species showed similar mating system, dependency on outcrossing pollen and selection of floral traits, pollen limitation was higher in D. rodriguezii, probably as a higher proportion of self-pollen arrives to its stigmas.  相似文献   

Hermaphroditism is prevalent in plants but may allow interference between male function (pollen removal and dispersal) and female function (pollen receipt and seed production) within a flower. Temporal or spatial segregation of gender within a hermaphroditic flower may evolve to reduce this interference and enhance male and female reproductive success. We tested this hypothesis using Chamerion angustifolium (Onagraceae), in which pollen removal (male) and pollen deposition (female) were measured directly on hermaphroditic and experimentally produced unisexual flowers. During a single flower visit in the field, bees deposited 159±24 (SE) pollen grains on a stigma and removed 1058±198 grains from each flower. Anther removal did not alter deposition rates. In the laboratory, bees removed 2669±273 pollen grains and deposited 209±72.3 cross-pollen and 120±28.4 facilitated self-pollen grains per visit. The presence of anthers significantly reduced cross-pollen deposition on the stigma. In contrast, pollen removal was not affected by presence of the pistil. These results suggest that within-flower interference affects female function and represents a fitness cost that can be reduced through temporal segregation of gender within the flower. Co-ordinating editor: S.-M. Chang  相似文献   

Darwin pointed out that plants with vertical inflorescences are likely to be outcrossed if the inflorescence is acropetalous (flowers from the bottom up), the flowers are protandrous (pollen is dispersed before stigmas are receptive), and pollinators move upward on the inflorescence. This syndrome is common in species pollinated by bees and flies, and very few exceptions are known. We investigated flowering phenology and pollinator behavior in Besseya bullii (Scrophulariaceae) and found that it did not fit Darwin's syndrome. The vertical inflorescence was acropetalous but the flowers were distinctly protogynous, so flowers with newly receptive stigmas appeared on the inflorescence above those with dehiscing anthers. A number of small insects visited B. bullii; bees in the family Halictidae (Augochlorella striata and Dialictus spp.) were most common. When insects moved between gender phases within inflorescences, they moved up more often than down (61% versus 39% of observations, respectively) but this difference was only marginally significant. Most visits were to male-phase flowers only, and this preference was more pronounced for pollen-foraging insects than for nectar-foraging insects. B. bullii was self-compatible, so its flowering characteristics potentially could result in considerable self-pollination. However, an average of 38% of the lowermost flowers opened before any pollen was available on the same inflorescence; these solo females had a high probability of outcrossing (though fruit set was relatively low in the bottom portion of the inflorescence). Upper flowers may also be outcrossed because downward insect movement was not uncommon. Therefore protogyny in B. bullii may not necessarily lead to more selfing than would protandry.  相似文献   

I measured phenotypic selection of floral traits through both male and female functions of the hermaphroditic flowers of Ipomopsis aggregata (Pursh) V. Grant subsp. aggregata (Polemoniaceae). Fluorescent powdered dyes were used to track movement of pollen by hummingbirds and to measure pollen delivery to individual plants as well as pollen receipt. A phenotypic selection analysis revealed that selection due to male-male competition during pollination was capable of delaying flowering date and widening corolla tubes by 0.22 and 0.24 standard-deviation units, respectively, in a single generation. Several floral traits were highly correlated with each other. Multivariate selection analysis suggested that selection through male function directly favored late flowering as well as a sexual expression characterized by a short pistillate phase and long corollas. Selection intensities through male and female functions were of similar overall magnitude during the pollination stage of the life cycle, but different traits were favored, and selection sometimes acted in opposing directions. In 1985, selection through female function favored increased time spent in the pistillate phase and exserted stigmas (unlike selection through male function). As a result, individual plants varied greatly in functional gender. Plants that had exserted stigmas and narrow corollas and that spent a disproportionately long time in the pistillate phase achieved greater pollination success as females, while plants with the opposite traits achieved greater success as males. Moreover, female pollination success tended to increase, and male pollination success to decrease, with time spent in the pistillate phase, supporting a critical assumption of sex-allocation theory. Selection in the populations studied fluctuated from year to year and was highly sex-specific.  相似文献   

Occurrence of secondary pollen presentation (SPP) is evidenced for Duperrea pavettifolia. For this, self-pollen was presented on the stigma and reduced fertilization was observed in this case. The receptive area located in the furrow of the stigma becomes receptive from the third day of elongation growth. Fruit set upon hand pollination with pollen from other individuals was significantly higher than the results of selfed, bagged, emasculated and control treatments. However there was no difference in pollen tube growth rate between selfed and crossed pollen on a receptive stigma. Hawkmoths and butterflies were effective pollinators for D. pavettifolia, but the visiting frequencies were very low. Stingless bees removed pollen from the unreceptive stigma which had no contribution to reproductive success. High level of outcrossing in D. pavettifolia was demonstrated by molecular analyses using the simple sequence repeats (SSR) method. Although the wild populations of D. pavettifolia are small and with fragmented distribution, the genetic diversity of seedlings was high, with fluctuations among years. Our results indicated that protandry and the visitation of stingless bees reduced the amount of self-pollen on the still unreceptive stigma and self-incompatibility prevented fertilization by un-removed self-pollen.  相似文献   

The inflorescences of Phyla incisa consist of flowers in two phases: younger, nectar-containing flowers that have yellow corolla throats and older, nectar-lacking flowers that have dark purple corolla throats. Observations of pollinator visitation patterns to both natural and manipulated inflorescences were made to determine the role of each flower phase in pollinator attraction. The effect of older-phase flowers on male and female reproductive success was determined by comparing stigmatic pollen loads and estimates of pollen removal from inflorescences having different numbers of these flowers. The pollinators of Phyla selected larger inflorescences more often than expected based upon the size distribution of inflorescences available to them. Both younger- and older-phase flowers contributed to the attraction of pollinators, but the latter were less effective in this function. The presence of older-phase flowers significantly increased the visitation rate to inflorescences and the amount of pollen removed but had little effect on pollen deposition on stigmas. The lack of correspondence between pollen deposition and pollinator-visitation rate was not due to stigma saturation, since stigma loads varied greatly. The data indicate that the deposition of pollen on stigmas in this species is a relatively stochastic process, whereas pollen removal from inflorescences occurs at a much more regular rate. Old-phase flower retention appears to contribute to reproductive success through increased pollen donation when pollinator activity is high and may also increase the probability of seed set when pollinators are rare.  相似文献   

In hermaphrodite neotropicalLauraceae a highly evolved dichogamous system is present which represents a kind of temporal dioecy. This system involves the existence of two flower morphs which are characterized by reciprocal phases of receptivity of the stigmas and pollen release. In some genera (Persea, Cinnamomum), nectar is produced as a reward for the flower visitors, while in other genera (Aniba, Clinostemon, Licaria), nectar is absent and pollen seems to be the only reward. This implies that in this case the flowers in the female stage must be deceptive flowers. In dioecious species of the generaOcotea andNectandra, both the male and female flowers attract the visitors with nectar. The pollen-ovule ratio of theLauraceae is comparatively low. — The type of reproductive system that characterizes theLauraceae, comprising functional dioecy, small, inconspicuously coloured flowers, pollination by small bees, and large, one-seeded fruits dispersed by birds, is quite prominent among trees of various families in the tropical lowland forest. The relationship between the different modes of flowering within theLauraceae and the causes for the correlation of their reproductive traits are discussed.  相似文献   

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