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A study was undertaken in 1975 to determine California encephalitis virus activity in southern Ontario. Three thousand and sixty-one mosquitoes, primarily Aedes species, were divided into 104 pools and inoculated into suckling mice. Isolates of snowshoe hare virus were obtained from one pool each of Aedes fitchii and A. triseriatus mosquitoes collected in the Guelph area. Serological testing of horse sera revealed extensive virus activity in southern Ontario and indicated that horses may serve as excellent monitors for California encephalitis virus.  相似文献   

Eighteen isolations of Cache Valley virus (Bunyaviridae) were obtained from a total of 113,694 mosquitoes collected in Saskatchewan during the summers of 1972 to 1974. Most of the isolations were from mosquitoes collected during August. Culiseta inornata, the most abundant mosquito (38% of total collected), had the highest minimum vector-infection rate (0.83 isolations per 1000 mosquitoes). The virus was also isolated from Culex tarsalis and Aedes vexans. It is indicated in the isolations that the prairie grasslands of the province are enzootic for Cache Valley virus.  相似文献   

Adult mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) were collected in January and February 2000 from Saibai Island in the Torres Strait of northern Australia, and processed for arbovirus isolation during a period of Japanese encephalitis (JE) virus activity on nearby Badu Island. A total of 84 210 mosquitoes were processed for virus isolation, yielding six flavivirus isolates. Viruses obtained were single isolates of JE and Kokobera (KOK) and four of Kunjin (KUN). All virus isolates were from members of the Culex sitiens Weidemann subgroup, which comprised 53.1% of mosquitoes processed. Nucleotide sequencing and phylogenetic analysis of the pre-membrane region of the genome of JE isolate TS5313 indicated that it was closely related to other isolates from a sentinel pig and a pool of Cx. gelidus Theobald from Badu Island during the same period. Also molecular analyses of part of the envelope gene of KUN virus isolates showed that they were closely related to other KUN virus strains from Cape York Peninsula. The results indicate that flaviviruses are dynamic in the area, and suggest patterns of movement south from New Guinea and north from the Australian mainland.  相似文献   

171,348 mosquitoes and 4,353 other arthropods collected at three centres in Queensland in 1972-1976 yielded 151 strains of 18 viruses. Culex annulirostris was the major source of virus isolation but 42 strains from Aedes normanensis indicate it to be a vector of importance. Ross River and Kokobera viruses were isolated at Kowanyama in the dry season, a finding of interest as being compatible with year-round survival in vector-vertebrate cycles. Culex fatigans has in part replaced Culex annulirostris in peridomestic breeding sites at Kowanyama; the infrequency of virus isolation from it suggests that this replacement may lower arbovirus infection rates. Twelve strains were identified as viruses antigenically distinct from any previously isolated in Australia or New Guinea: Ch16129, showed by the International Reference Centre for Arboviruses to be a previously undescribed member of the Simbu Group (Facey's Paddock virus), Ch16313 (Murweh), Ch19520 (Parker's Farm) and Ch19546 (little Sussex). The remaining strains were identified as viruses previously known in Australia, but included many new host or geographical records.  相似文献   

Sixty-six genera of nematodes representing 37 families were collected over a 13-month period from untreated and treated water from three water treatment plants in southern Ontario. Two plants receive water from the Grand River which drains agricultural, residential and industrial regions, the third from a small stream in an agricultural district. Specimens were isolated by filtration from weekly samples of untreated and treated water, most were identified to genus but a few to species.Estimated mean density in the organic drift of the river ranged from 0.58 individuals per litre in winter, when it was under ice, to 10.57 per litre during the spring thaw. Most of the 66 genera found passed through the treatment plants and over 50% of these were still motile.Eleven genera were abundant at some time of the year, six known only from soil-dwelling forms and five from aquatic or soil/aquatic species. There was no indication that sewage purification works were a major source of any genus. There were a few plant parasites.Aquatic nematodes occurred during most of the year although they were more abundant during the warmer months, high densities of soil nematodes were a feature of the spring thaw and rains and during heavy autumn rains. More than 50% of the specimens were juveniles and some common genera lacked males.  相似文献   

Historical changes in anthropogenic lead fallout in southern Ontario,Canada   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
Evans  R. D.  Dillon  P. J. 《Hydrobiologia》1982,91(1):131-137
A quantitative historical record of anthropogenic lead deposition has been determined for the Haliburton region of southern Ontario from a) the relative change in lead concentration in undisturbed sediment cores, and b) the total anthropogenic lead deposition measured in the region. The first parameter was measured on two sediment cores from a meromictic lake. Total lead deposition was assumed to be the average of that measured for eight other lakes in the study area. The validity of this historical record was tested on sediment cores from nearby dimictic lakes. Predicted lead concentration profiles closely resembled observed profiles.  相似文献   

A 12 month investigation on the hydrology of a southern Ontario wetland was completed. The mass flux of water and concentrations of total phosphates, ortho-phosphates, and chlorides were measured in all components of the hydrologic budget; over 800 grab samples were analyzed.The study showed that both groundwater recharge and discharge could occur within a wetland; data on these opposing flows must be quantified in order to develop effective long-term wetland management strategies and to accurately determine nutrient budgets. The study concluded that theoretical formulae may greatly underestimate summer evapotranspiration rates for hydrophyte dominated marshes. Storm inputs of physio-chemical parameters were found to be very significant, accounting for 32 to 51 percent of the total surface water loadings; failure to measure and/or model these inputs would have greatly distorted the study findings. Finally, since flow rates and concentrations of the chemical parameters were less variable at the wetland outflow, it was concluded that the wetland moderates event response inputs into stable response outputs.Over the study period total phosphate imports were double that of total phosphate exports while the ortho-phosphate discharge from the wetland was 22 percent more than the inputs. This indicates that the wetland is transforming sediment-bound phosphate to plant available ortho-phosphate, thus contributing to downstream eutrophication problems.  相似文献   

Hydroseral development in southern Ontario: patterns and controls   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Palaeoecological data from a range of wetland types were synthesized in order to study the development of wetland ecosystems in southern Ontario. The present-day nature of the wetland system occurring in a topographically defined basin was shown to be controlled in part by basin morphology. Stratigraphic and vegetational (pollen and macrofossil analysis) data were used to compare the sequence of communities occupying basins during the postglacial. In systems where terrestrial peat overlies lake sediment, the broad stages of development were relatively uniform (from a lake to a shallow open water wetland to a herbaceous marsh or fen to a woody plant-dominated community), although the exact nature of each stage varied widely between basins. The accumulation rate of sediment within such basins varied by up to two orders of magnitude during the postglacial. Allogenic and autogenic factors have been acting on these systems throughout the postglacial, and the sensitivity of individual sites to changes in these environmental conditions will also have varied. Even the widespread land clearance associated with European settlement in the area in recent centuries has not affected some wetland systems detectably, while others have either been destroyed or profoundly changed. The patterns of hydroseral development, both timing and direction, were compared with known regional environmental changes.  相似文献   

J B Pick  E W Butler  S Pavgi 《Social biology》1988,35(1-2):137-157
Cumulative fertility is analyzed for 4 regions of Mexico, based on World Fertility Survey data of 1976-77; the state of Baja California, the Northwest region, the State of Jalisco, and the Northeast region. Based on stepwise regression methodology, the study compares results for 12 subsamples of married respondents, 3 age categories by 4 regions. The dependent variables are children ever born and children ever born in the last 5 years. Migration, urban, educational, and occupational variables are included as independent variables. Regression results reveal level of education is the major, and negative, influence on fertility. Other results include specific negative effects for prior occupation, size of place of residence, and childhood place of residence. Fertility effects appear different for migration origin and destination regions, but more similar for younger ages. Effects of migration on fertility are small. Mean fertility as measured by children ever born was 4.34 for the 1976-77 World Fertility Survey samples versus 3.69 for the Mexican census of 1980. Fertility varied somewhat by region with the highest and lowest values in Jalisco and the Northeast, respectively. Expected age-related changes in fertility were noted.  相似文献   

Whole-lake lead burdens in sediments of lakes in southern Ontario,Canada   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
Dillon  P. J.  Evans  R. D. 《Hydrobiologia》1982,91(1):121-130
The anthropogenic stable lead content of the sediments of eight softwater Precambrian lakes in southern Ontario was measured at 34–92 sites per lake. Whole-lake anthropogenic lead burdens varied between only 610 and 770 mg m–2. There was no relationship between lead burden and either water replenishment time of the lake (TW) or the ratio of watershed area to lake area (Ad/A0), which varied by factors of 4 and 12 respectively. These results can be explained if a) the lead deposition in this region is uniform, and b) the only significant input of lead to the lakes is via deposition from the atmosphere directly on the lakes' surfaces. Therefore spatial differences in anthropogenic lead within a lake represent the redistribution or focusing pattern of the sediments.  相似文献   

Numerous serotypes of Salmonella have been detected in a variety of wild animals, including raccoons (Procyon lotor). Raccoons are common, mid-size omnivores that live in close association with people in urban and rural areas in Ontario. Although raccoons are known to shed Salmonella, little is known about their potential long-term role in maintaining Salmonella infections. We sampled feces from raccoons in three areas of Ontario: one primarily urban site around Niagara, one primarily rural site north of Guelph, and the grounds of the Toronto Zoo, in 2007 to identify which serotypes of Salmonella were commonly shed by raccoons in southern Ontario. In addition, we conducted a longitudinal study at the Toronto Zoo site to determine if raccoons remain persistently infected with Salmonella. Salmonella was found in 45% of samples. The prevalence of Salmonella in raccoon feces ranged from 27% at the rural site to 65% at the urban site. We detected 16 serotypes of Salmonella in 83 positive samples. The most common serotype detected in raccoons from the rural and zoo sites was Salmonella enterica serotype Typhimurium, whereas Salmonella Newport was detected most commonly in the urban site. Only one raccoon of 11 that were captured in four or more consecutive trapping sessions shed the same Salmonella serotype for two consecutive months, suggesting that raccoons regularly acquire new Salmonella serotypes from the environment.  相似文献   

It is a well-known fact that males predominate among the mentally retarded. Various explanations for this have been offered—among others, more exposure of the male fetus to external pathogenic influences in the antenatal period, a lower threshold of appearance of mutant polygenes responsible for mental retardation in males, or a high frequency of X-linked mental retardation [1]. The first two hypotheses have not been confirmed. Although a lower threshold of appearance of mental retardation in males has been demonstrated [2], this cannot explain such a major quantitative divergence between males and females as exists in mental retardation. It has not been easy to confirm the third hypothesis since the forms of X-linked hereditary pathology frequently appear sporadically, i.e., in only one boy in a family.  相似文献   

1. The relationship between fish and benthic invertebrate communities in wadeable streams in southern Ontario, Canada, was examined using three independent and spatially distinct data sets. 2. Associations between fish and benthos were always significant when benthos were identified to family and often at the level of phylum. Identification to genus improved the strength of the fish–benthos association in one case. In contrast, identification to species did not improve the strength of the fish–benthos association. Associations between benthos and fish were weaker for one study utilizing a ‘rapid’ bio-assessment protocol involving field sorting and identification, and a second study which utilized winter benthic collections. 3. In two surveys, stream temperatures were important to the distributions of both fish and benthos, while in a third survey, fish and benthos were primarily influenced by stream size. In all three studies, fish and benthos were associated with similar suites of environmental variables, suggesting that the fish–benthos associations in these streams was driven by corresponding environmental tolerances. 4. Although there was significant variation in the strength of the fish–benthos association which could be attributed to differences in sampling methodologies, the findings from the present study confirm that stream fish and benthos are significantly associated. Therefore, surveys of benthos can be used to make inferences on the condition of fish community composition.  相似文献   

Road mortality of animals (roadkill) threatens public safety and wildlife populations. As mitigation tools, predictive models of roadkill are becoming more common in the published literature; however, few models generalize across multiple taxa, and thus are less useful for management scenarios that account for multiple target species. Using a dataset of 653 vertebrate roadkills collected from 2 parks in southern Ontario, we constructed generalized linear mixed models to determine the simultaneous risk factors for bird, frog, mammal, five-lined skink (Eumeces fasciatus), snake, toad, and turtle hatchling roadkills from among a set of 8 potential predictor variables. Posted road speed limit was the dominant roadkill predictor (positive coefficient), followed by maximum daily temperature (positive), habitat diversity (positive), and distance from wetlands (negative). All else being equal, as road speed limits increase from 20 km/hr to 50 km/hr, the model predicted the season's mean roadkill probability for a given location to increase from less than 0.1 to 0.75. Conversely, roadkill probability declined from 0.55 to 0.29 as distance from wetland edges increases from 0 km to 1 km. Model diagnostics calculated from randomly resampled cross-validation datasets indicated that the best model formulation had an averaged predictive accuracy of 67.5% and an area under the curve (AUC) of 0.867. The best model also reflected seasonal patterns of animal behavior, including late-summer frog movements and fall turtle hatching events. The best model also compared favorably to single-taxon equivalent models. To reduce the incidence of vertebrate roadkill, we recommend that managers lower road speed limits, especially on roads near diverse habitats and near wetlands, and on warmer days if temporary signage is used. © 2012 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Clinical, necropsy, bacteriologic, parasitologic, histopathologic, toxicologic and animal inoculation studies suggest that organochlorine (PBC, dieldrin and DDE) poisoning was an important factor in causing deaths of free-flying ring-billed gulls (Larus delawarensis) in southern Ontario in 1969 and 1973. The brains of gulls dying with clinical signs of neurologic involvement, and dead gulls with no other apparent cause of death, contained organochlorine residues of significantly greater levels than those found in healthy gulls shot for comparison.  相似文献   

The effect of dairy pond water quality on mosquito biology was studied under laboratory conditions during 2004. Due to high turbidity and larval toxicity of raw water samples from dairy ponds with no mosquito breeding, water samples from both mosquito breeding and non-breeding ponds were filtered and diluted 5X with distilled water prior to being tested for sublethal effects on mosquito development. The diluted pond waters showed no significant deleterious effects on the overall development of Culex quiquefasciatus Say at 23.9 degrees and 26.6 degrees C. However, the 3rd and 4th instar larvae were significantly shorter and lighter in weight when reared in diluted water samples from mosquito non-breeding ponds. Similar effects were found on the developmental stages of Cx. tarsalis Coquillette. Data on water quality parameters of filtered pond waters showed higher levels of hexavalent chromium (4X), nitrites (10X), nitrates (2X), sulfates (5X), and salinity (2X) in water samples from non-breeding ponds. Based on these data, the presence of high levels of hexavalent chromium and sulfate appear to be responsible for the absence of mosquito breeding in some dairy ponds.  相似文献   

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