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Recombination at the Rp1 locus of maize.   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Summary The Rp1 locus of maize determines resistance to races of the maize rust fungus (Puccinia sorghi). Restriction fragment length polymorphism markers that closely flank Rp1 were mapped and used to study the genetic fine structure and role of recombination in the instability of this locus. Susceptible progeny, lacking the resistance of either parent, were obtained from test cross progeny of several Rp1 heterozygotes. These susceptible progeny usually had non-parental genotypes at flanking marker loci, thereby verifying their recombinational origin. Seven of eight Rp1 alleles (or genes) studied were clustered within about 0.2 map units of each other. Rpl G, however, mapped from 1–3 map units distal to other Rp1 alleles. Rp5 also mapped distally to most Rp1 alleles. Other aspects of recombination at Rp1 suggested that some alleles carry duplicated sequences, that mispairing can occur, and that unequal crossing-over may be a common phenomenon in this region; susceptible progeny from an Rp1 A homozygote had recombinant flanking marker genotypes, and susceptible progeny from an Rp1 DlRp1 F heterozygote showed both possible nonparental flanking marker genotypes.  相似文献   

Equilibria and convergence of gene frequencies are studied in the case of a diallelic X-linked locus under the influence of selection and mutation. The model used is that of an infinite diploid population with nonoverlapping discrete generations and random mating. It is proved that if the mutation rates and fitnesses are constant and the mutation rates are less than one-third, then global convergence of gene frequencies to equilibria occurs. The phase portraits of the dynamical system describing the change of allelic frequencies from one generation to the next are determined. Convergence of gene frequencies is monotone from a certain generation on if every other generation is skipped. In the case without mutation, our proof of this monotone convergence simplifies G. Palm's original proof [37].  相似文献   

A null mutation at the phosphoglucomutase locus (Pgm-1) was discovered by electrophoretic analysis of the inbred mouse strain C57 BL/6J. The null allele (Pgm-1 n) was shown to segregate as a Mendelian unit alternative to the Pgm-1 a and Pgm-1 b alleles. Mice expressing the Pgm-1 n allele, either in the heterozygous or homozygous state, are viable, healthy, and fertile. The occurrence of the Pgm-1 n mutant revealed a previously unreported genetic locus (Pgm-3) that controls the expression of a third phosphoglucomutase. Two electrophoretically expressed alleles of Pgm-3 (inherited without dominance) are found in the inbred mouse strains C57 BL/6J and DBA/2J. Linkage observed between the Pgm-3 locus, the dilute locus (d) and the cytoplasmic malic enzyme locus (Mod-1) has allowed assignment of the Pgm-3 locus to chromosome 9. A striking tissue specific expression of Pgm-1 and Pgm-3 was observed. Products of the Pgm-3 locus were detected in kidney, testes, brain, and heart. In contrast, Pgm-1 controlled isozymes were present in kidney, spleen, ovaries, and erythrocytes.Financial support for this work was provided in part by Contract #263-78-C-0393 from the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences to the Research Triangle Institute.  相似文献   

The codon 408 mutation (CGG----TGG, Arg----Trp) in exon 12 of the phenylalanine hydroxylase (PAH) gene occurs on haplotype 1 in French-Canadians; elsewhere this mutation (R408W) occurs on haplotype 2. A CpG dinucleotide is involved. The finding is compatible with a recurrent mutation, gene conversion, or a single recombination between haplotypes 2 and 1. A tabulation of 20 known mutations at the PAH locus reveals three instances of putative recurrent mutation.  相似文献   

S Cory  E Webb  J Gough  J M Adams 《Biochemistry》1981,20(9):2662-2671
Immunoglobulin heavy-chain expression is initiated by recombination between a variable region (VH) gene and one of several joining region (JH) genes located near the mu constant region (Cmu) gene, and the active VH gene can subsequently switch to another CH gene. That the general mechanism for CH switching involves recombination between sites within the JH-Cmu intervening sequence and the 5' flanking region of another CH gene is supported here by Southern blot hybridization analysis of eight IgG- and IgA-secreting plasmacytomas. An alternative model requiring successive VH linkage to similar JH clusters near each CH gene is shown to be very unlikely since the mouse genome appears to contain only one complement of the JH locus and no JH gene was detectable within large cloned sequences flanking germline C gamma 3 and C gamma 1 genes. Thus, VH-JH joining and CH switching are mediated by separate regions of "the joining-switch" or J-S element. In each plasmacytoma examined, the J-S element had undergone recombination within both the JH locus and the switch region and was shown to be linked to the functional CH gene in an IgG3, and IgG1, and three IgA secretors. Both JH joining and CH switching occurred by deletion of DNA. Switch recombination occurred at more than one site within the J-S element in different lines, even for recombination with the same CH gene. Significantly, although heavy-chain expression is restricted to one allele ("allelic exclusion"), all rearranged in each plasmacytoma. Some rearrangements were aberrant, involving, for example, deletion of all JH genes from the allele. Hence, an error-prone recombination machinery may account for allelic exclusion in many plasmacytomas.  相似文献   

A major barrier to recombination between bacterial species lies in the mismatch repair system, a complex of proteins that has evolved to proof-read freshly replicated DNA. It now appears that a second system, involving an inducible DNA recombination, repair and mutagenesis pathway, also regulates interspecies recombination, but in a positive way, being required for recombination between Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium(1). Thus the rate at which newly emerging species of bacteria diverge can be seen as a balance between a permissive state associated with inducible repair and recombination, and the proof-reading of intermediates in the recombination pathway by the mismatch correction system.  相似文献   

Cross‐species amplifications of microsatellite locus Spl‐106, which was originally screened from the genome of shovelnose sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus platorynchus) with a perfect TAGA repeat motif, were carried out in four other species of the genera Acipenser. A total of 34 polymerase chain reaction (PCR) products representing 16 different alleles of this locus was sequenced. Sequence analysis results showed that besides the number changes of repeat units, many mutational events, such as single‐base substitutions and various insertion/deletion (indels) occurred not only at species level but also at individual level, even among the different alleles within the same individual. The repeat motifs varied from perfect (TAGA)n array to perfect compound (TAAA)m (GAAA)n and perfect or imperfect compound (TAAA)m (TAGA)n (TAAA)x arrays in different species and different individuals. The evolution dynamics of this locus in sturgeons was inferred in that it may evolve from a single perfect to different perfect or imperfect compounds.  相似文献   

Small (100-260 kb), nested deletions were characterized in DNA from two unrelated patients with familial adenomatous polyposis coli (APC). Three candidate genes located within the deleted region were ascertained and a previous candidate gene, MCC, was shown to be located outside the deleted region. One of the new genes contained sequence identical to SRP19, the gene coding for the 19 kd component of the ribosomal signal recognition particle. The second, provisionally designated DP1 (deleted in polyposis 1), was found to be transcribed in the same orientation as MCC. Two other cDNAs, DP2 and DP3, were found to overlap, forming a single gene, DP2.5, that is transcribed in the same orientation as SRP19.  相似文献   

Osterman JC  Schwartz D 《Genetics》1981,99(2):267-273
A Ds-suppressed Adh mutant was isolated by the allyl alcohol pollen selection technique. The mutant produces a reduced level of an altered thermolabile enzyme suggesting that the Ds element is inserted in the Adh structural gene. The mutant protein is enzymatically active and does not differ detectably in size from the progenitor protein. A number of possible explanations for the data are presented.  相似文献   

Familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy (FAP) is associated with the deposition of an abnormal transthyretin (TTR) molecule. We have studied DNA from a family of Greek descent with FAP. The proband's TTR gene was asymmetrically amplified by using PCR and then was sequenced directly, to reveal a cytosine-for-guanine substitution in codon 36. This substitution removes a recognition site for endonuclease Fnu4HI. Allele-specific PCR was employed for diagnosis of the mutation. The predicted amino acid change of alanine to proline at position 36 was confirmed by protein sequencing of the proband's plasma TTR.  相似文献   

S A Bowling  A Guo  H Cao  A S Gordon  D F Klessig    X Dong 《The Plant cell》1994,6(12):1845-1857
Systemic acquired resistance (SAR) is a nonspecific defense response in plants that is associated with an increase in the endogenous level of salicylic acid (SA) and elevated expression of pathogenesis-related (PR) genes. To identify mutants involved in the regulation of PR genes and the onset of SAR, we transformed Arabidopsis with a reporter gene containing the promoter of a beta-1,3-glucanase-encoding PR gene (BGL2) and the coding region of beta-glucuronidase (GUS). The resulting transgenic line (BGL2-GUS) was mutagenized, and the M2 progeny were scored for constitutive GUS activity. We report the characterization of one mutant, cpr1 (constitutive expressor of PR genes), that was identified in this screen and shown by RNA gel blot analysis also to have elevated expression of the endogenous PR genes BGL2, PR-1, and PR-5. Genetic analyses indicated that the phenotype conferred by cpr1 is caused by a single, recessive nuclear mutation and is suppressed in plants producing a bacterial salicylate hydroxylase, which inactivates SA. Furthermore, biochemical analysis showed that the endogenous level of SA is elevated in the mutant. Finally, the cpr1 plants were found to be resistant to the fungal pathogen Peronospora parasitica NOCO2 and the bacterial pathogen Pseudomonas syringae pv maculicola ES4326, which are virulent in wild-type BGL2-GUS plants. Because the cpr1 mutation is recessive and associated with an elevated endogenous level of SA, we propose that the CPR1 gene product acts upstream of SA as a negative regulator of SAR.  相似文献   

Monogenically inherited hypercholesterolemia is most commonly caused by mutations at the low density lipoprotein receptor (LDLR) locus causing familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) or at the apolipoprotein B (APOB) locus causing the disorder familial defective apoB (FDB). Probands from 47 kindreds with a strict clinical diagnosis of FH were selected from the Cardiovascular Genetics Research Lipid Clinic, Utah, for molecular genetic analysis. Using a combination of single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) and direct sequencing, 12 different LDLR gene mutations were found in 16 of the probands. Three of the probands were carriers of the APOB R3500Q mutation. In five of the remaining 28 pedigrees where no mutation had been detected, samples from enough relatives were available to examine co-segregation with the LDLR region using the microsatellite marker D19S221, which is within 1 Mb centromeric of the LDLR locus, and D19S394, sited within 150 kb telomeric of the LDLR locus. In four of the families there was strong evidence for co-segregation between the LDLR locus and the phenotype of hypercholesterolemia, but in one large family with 18 living affected members and clear-cut bimodal hypercholesterolemia, there were numerous exclusions of co-segregation. Using length polymorphic markers within and outside the APOB gene, linkage of phenotype in this family to the APOB region was similarly excluded. In this large family, the degree of hypercholesterolemia, prevalence of tendon xanthomata, and occurrence of early coronary disease were indistinguishable from the other families studied. In summary, the data provide unequivocal evidence that a third locus can be etiological for monogenic familial hypercholesterolemia and should be reinvigorating to research in this field.  相似文献   

Here is presented an approach to testing whether the effect of a candidate gene on a quantitative trait is dominant and for testing whether the effect is recessive. The approach uses parental genotype information in nuclear families to adjust for bias due to population admixture. The approach is applicable regardless of the nature of the sampling. The results of an application of the methods to a candidate mutation for diabetic nephropathy are used for illustration.  相似文献   

Glycoprotein fucosylation enables fringe-dependent modulation of signal transduction by Notch transmembrane receptors, contributes to selectin-dependent leukocyte trafficking, and is faulty in leukocyte adhesion deficiency (LAD) type II, also known as congenital disorder of glycosylation (CDG)-IIc, a rare human disorder characterized by psychomotor defects, developmental abnormalities, and leukocyte adhesion defects. We report here that mice with an induced null mutation in the FX locus, which encodes an enzyme in the de novo pathway for GDP-fucose synthesis, exhibit a virtually complete deficiency of cellular fucosylation, and variable frequency of intrauterine demise determined by parental FX genotype. Live-born FX(-/-) mice exhibit postnatal failure to thrive that is suppressed with a fucose-supplemented diet. FX(-/-) adults suffer from an extreme neutrophilia, myeloproliferation, and absence of leukocyte selectin ligand expression reminiscent of LAD-II/CDG-IIc. Contingent restoration of leukocyte and endothelial selectin ligand expression, general cellular fucosylation, and normal postnatal physiology is achieved by modulating dietary fucose to supply a salvage pathway for GDP-fucose synthesis. Conditional control of fucosylation in FX(-/-) mice identifies cellular fucosylation events as essential concomitants to fertility, early growth and development, and leukocyte adhesion.  相似文献   

Partial gene deletion is the major cause of mutation leading to Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) and Becker muscular dystrophy (BMD). Partial gene duplication has also been recognized in a few cases. We have conducted a survey for duplication in 72 unrelated nondeletion patients, analyzed by Southern blot hybridization with clones representing the entire DMD cDNA. With careful quantitative analysis of hybridization band intensity, 10 cases were found to carry a duplication of part of the gene, a frequency of 14% for nondeletion cases (10/72), or 6% for all cases (10/181). The extent of these duplications has been characterized according to the published exon-containing HindIII fragment map, and in six of the 10 duplications a novel restriction fragment that spanned the duplication junction was detected. The resulting translational reading frame of mRNA has been predicted for nine duplications. A shift of the reading frame was predicted in four of the six DMD cases and in one of the two intermediate cases, while the reading frame remained uninterrupted in both BMD cases. RFLP and quantitative Southern blot analyses revealed a grandpaternal origin of duplication in four families and grandmaternal origin in one family. In all five families, the duplication was found to originate from a single X chromosome. Unequal sister-chromatid exchange is proposed to be the mechanism for the formation of these duplications.  相似文献   

Familial dysautonomia (FD; also known as "Riley-Day syndrome"), an Ashkenazi Jewish disorder, is the best known and most frequent of a group of congenital sensory neuropathies and is characterized by widespread sensory and variable autonomic dysfunction. Previously, we had mapped the FD gene, DYS, to a 0.5-cM region on chromosome 9q31 and had shown that the ethnic bias is due to a founder effect, with >99.5% of disease alleles sharing a common ancestral haplotype. To investigate the molecular basis of FD, we sequenced the minimal candidate region and cloned and characterized its five genes. One of these, IKBKAP, harbors two mutations that can cause FD. The major haplotype mutation is located in the donor splice site of intron 20. This mutation can result in skipping of exon 20 in the mRNA of patients with FD, although they continue to express varying levels of wild-type message in a tissue-specific manner. RNA isolated from lymphoblasts of patients is primarily wild-type, whereas only the deleted message is seen in RNA isolated from brain. The mutation associated with the minor haplotype in four patients is a missense (R696P) mutation in exon 19, which is predicted to disrupt a potential phosphorylation site. Our findings indicate that almost all cases of FD are caused by an unusual splice defect that displays tissue-specific expression; and they also provide the basis for rapid carrier screening in the Ashkenazi Jewish population.  相似文献   

A mutation resulting in inducer-independent expression of the proline-degradative enzymes was isolated in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Strains carrying the mutation, put3, are partially constitutive for proline oxidase and delta 1-pyrroline-5-carboxylate dehydrogenase when grown on a medium lacking proline and are hyperinducible for both enzyme activities when grown on a proline-containing medium. put3 segregates as a single nuclear gene, is not linked to either of the presumed structural genes for proline oxidase and delta 1-pyrroline-5-carboxylate dehydrogenase, and does not affect proline transport. When heterozygous in diploid strains, put3 behaves neither fully dominant nor fully recessive. Endogenous induction by proline has been eliminated as a cause of the inducer-independent enzyme expression in the put3 mutant and the mutation is believed to be in a regulatory component of the proline-degradative pathway.  相似文献   

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