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黄曼  王东 《生态学报》2015,35(17):5721-5727
蚁播植物种子上常附着有蚂蚁喜食的油质体,该物体可吸引蚂蚁取食或为蚂蚁提供钳着位点从而影响种子散布。为进一步揭示油质体在种子散布中的作用,在野外研究了4属5种典型蚁播植物包括小花宽瓣黄堇(Corydalis giraldii Fedde)、假刻叶紫堇(C.pseudoincisa C.Y.Wu)、白屈菜(Chelidonium majus L.)、紫花堇菜(Viola grypoceras A.Gray)和柔毛淫羊藿(Epimedium pubescens Maxim.)其相应的搬运蚂蚁即玉米毛蚁(Lasius alienus(Foerster))和尼特纳大头蚁(Pheidole nietneri Emery)对植物完整种子(SE)、去除油质体的种子(S)和粘有人工模拟油质体的种子(S+H)的搬运行为和搬运效率。结果显示,蚂蚁对相同植物3类种子的触碰和检查次数均无显著差异。蚂蚁对种子的尝试搬运次数除玉米毛蚁对小花宽瓣黄堇、假刻叶紫堇和白屈菜去除油质体的种子(S)显著高于完整种子(SE)和粘有人工模拟油质体的种子(S+H)外,其它的均无显著差异。玉米毛蚁对小花宽瓣黄堇、假刻叶紫堇、白屈菜和紫花堇菜以及尼特纳大头蚁对小花宽瓣黄堇、假刻叶紫堇和紫花堇菜完整种子(SE)的搬运效率显著高于粘有人工模拟油质体的种子(S+H)和去除油质体的种子(S),此外,玉米毛蚁对小花宽瓣黄堇粘有人工模拟油质体的种子(S+H)的搬运效率显著高于去除油质体的种子(S)。这说明玉米毛蚁在搬运小花宽瓣黄堇种子过程中油质体不仅起到吸引作用,而且起到钳着位点作用;玉米毛蚁在搬运假刻叶紫堇、白屈菜和紫花堇菜以及尼特纳大头蚁搬运小花宽瓣黄堇、假刻叶紫堇和紫花堇菜种子过程中油质体仅起到吸引作用。研究表明油质体可通过对蚂蚁起吸引作用,或同时起吸引和钳着位点的双重作用等影响种子散布,油质体的影响作用不但取决于植物种类,也与搬运蚂蚁的种类有关。  相似文献   

张智英  李玉  张亮 《昆虫知识》2006,43(2):196-199
在云南西双版纳和思茅地区有12种蚂蚁帮助舞草(Codariocalyx motorius)种子扩散。科学有效地监测蚂蚁种群的数量变化,对分析蚂蚁种群动态与舞草种群扩散的相互关系有重要的意义。作者采用陷阱诱捕法,用糖、鱼、肉、舞草种子做诱饵,并与不含诱饵的水(对照)及含3%甲醛的水溶液进行诱集蚂蚁的效果比较。结果显示搬运舞草种子的蚂蚁对不同诱饵的趋性及反应强度有明显差异。用糖、鱼、肉做诱饵与其它3种诱集方法相比,所诱集到的样地搬运和不搬运舞草种子的蚂蚁种类和数量要多。邻巨首蚁Pheidologeton affinisJerdon对糖和鱼有极强趋性,并影响诱集其他搬运舞草种子的。除邻巨首蚁外,通用的含3%甲醛溶液的诱集方法不影响诱集其他搬运舞草种子的蚂蚁,同时还能防止蚂蚁腐烂。搬运舞草种子的主要蚂蚁——伊大头蚁Pheidole yeensisForel对糖、鱼和肉均有趋性,对舞草种子也有一定的趋性。搬运舞草种子的蚂蚁在雨天的随机觅食活动很少,只有在食物的引诱下才出巢采食。试验结果表明,选择糖、鱼做诱饵不能完全反映搬运舞草种子的蚂蚁数量,而通用的含3%甲醛的水溶液是一种较好的监测方法,但诱集试验应避开雨天进行。  相似文献   

蚂蚁与蚁运植物的互惠共生关系   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
蚁运植物(myrmecochore)即指种子靠蚂蚁携带散布的植物。在长期的协同进化中,蚂蚁与蚁运植物形成了互惠共生关系。由于蚁运植物种子上附生有蚂蚁喜食的油质体,蚂蚁取食油质体后,将种子丢弃在蚁巢附近,从而使植物得以扩散。蚁运植物广布全世界,但主要分布在澳大利亚和南非。蚂蚁主要搬运草本植物和部分灌木植物的种子。对蚂蚁与蚁运植物互惠共生关系的研究表明:蚂蚁的搬运有利于保护和传播植物种子;蚁巢有利于种子萌发,出苗和建群;蚂蚁的搬运是影响某些温带森林群落结构的重要因素之一;蚂蚁与蚁运植物互惠共生对自然群落的恢复有重要作用。  相似文献   

祝艳  王东 《生态学报》2014,34(17):4938-4942
蚂蚁是无脊椎动物中重要的种子传播者,蚂蚁散布影响植物种子的传播和扩散,进而会影响种苗的空间分布格局。在野外研究了蚂蚁觅食及搬运行为对阜平黄堇(Corydalis wilfordii Regel)和小花黄堇(C.racemosa(Thunb.)Pers.)种子散布的影响。结果显示,双针棱胸蚁和束胸平结蚁是两种植物种子的共同搬运者,前者行使群体募集,后者行使简单协作募集。在搬运阜平黄堇种子时,双针棱胸蚁在原地或搬运途中取食油质体后抛弃的种子约占种子总数的56%,而拖至蚁巢的种子约占种子总数的44%,平均搬运距离为(1.85±0.24)m,搬运效率为(43.8±7.5)粒/h;而束胸平结蚁将完整种子全部直接搬运至蚁巢,平均搬运距离为0.45 m,搬运效率为(7.3±2.2)粒/h。在搬运小花黄堇种子时,双针棱胸蚁和束胸平结蚁均将完整种子全部直接搬运至蚁巢,平均搬运距离分别为(6.27±4.40)m和(6.65±1.64)m,搬运效率分别为(34.2±6.5)粒/h和(10.6±3.2)粒/h。这说明行使群体募集的蚂蚁比行使简单协作募集的蚂蚁有较高的搬运效率,蚂蚁散布导致阜平黄堇和小花黄堇种子到达蚁巢的数量和搬运距离不同,而这种不同与相应搬运蚂蚁的觅食对策、搬运行为和种子特征有关。阜平黄堇种子比小花黄堇种子大,但阜平黄堇的油质体质量比小于小花黄堇的油质体质量比,讨论了种子特征对蚂蚁散布的影响。  相似文献   

张霜  陈进 《生态学杂志》2008,27(11):1913-1919
蚂蚁对热带森林中小种子的二次散布会影响种子最终到达地点和种子命运.本文以一种由鸟散布的榕树垂叶榕(Ficus benjamina)为研究对象,观察蚂蚁对不同处理种子二次散布的影响.共记录到菱结大头蚁(Pheidole rhombinoda)、法老小家蚁(Monomorium pharaonis)、横纹齿猛蚁(Odontoponera transversa)和布立毛蚁(Paratrechina bourbonica)等4种蚂蚁参与了种子的搬运,其出现频率分别为71.7%、23.3%、2.5%、2.5%.蚂蚁对种子的搬运距离为179 cm±13 cm(n=159).其中,最主要的散布者菱结大头蚁把种子搬进蚁巢后,取食了内果皮,并把58.6%的净种子抛弃在巢外垃圾堆中.蚂蚁取食内果皮显著提高了种子萌发特性(萌发率由49.3%提高到93.3%).去除内果皮后种子被蚂蚁搬走的比率显著下降(由75.0%降为29.5%).垂叶榕种子外着生的内果皮,明显提高了对蚂蚁的吸引力,而蚂蚁取食内果皮显著提高了种子萌发能力,垂叶榕和二次散布的蚂蚁之间存在着明显的互惠关系.  相似文献   

自然界中蚂蚁与蚁运植物的互惠关系是一种普遍的现象。蚁运植物种子的油质体是两者发生联系的纽带,它能为蚂蚁提供营养物质,且蚂蚁在消耗油质体的同时,搬运并散布了种子。红火蚁是近年来在华南地区严重发生的一种入侵性蚂蚁,能在短时间内迅速发展成为优势种,造成入侵地生物多样性降低和生态单一化,是世界范围内最具危险的社会性昆虫之一。由于该入侵蚂蚁极具侵略性、觅食能力强、种群庞大等特点,对蚁运植物具有深远的影响。为了深入、全面地了解红火蚁对蚁运植物种子的影响,本文综述了红火蚁对蚁运植物种子油质体的喜好及搬运行为,以及对蚁运植物种子的直接影响(搬运、取食、划痕或毁坏)及间接影响(排挤本地蚂蚁),最后展望了未来红火蚁对蚁运植物影响的研究方向。  相似文献   

 在野外系统观测了澜沧舞花姜(Globba lancangensis)18个果实共216粒种子的散布过程。共有10种蚂蚁参与了澜沧舞花姜的种子散布,距离为0.01~3.35 m,平均距离(0.47±0.03) m(平均值±SE,n=216)。其中最重要的3种蚂蚁是横纹齿猛蚁(Odontoponera transversa)、大头蚁(Pheidole sp.)和黄足厚结猛蚁(Pachycondyla luteipes),其出现频率分别为61%、50%和28%,散布的平均距离分别为(0.60±0.09) m、(0.20±0.01) m和(0.32±0.05) m。从总体上看,蚂蚁促进了种子的分散,降低了种子的聚集程度。横纹齿猛蚁对于种子上的油质体最为敏感,对人工去除了油质体的种子不搬运,对种子散布距离较远,暗示了其与澜沧舞花姜之间可能存在更紧密的互惠关系。野外样方调查结果表明,在3种舞花姜属植物中,以种子繁殖为主的澜沧舞花姜种苗之间的平均最近距离为(36.8±1.45) cm(平均值±SE,n=74),显著大于以珠芽繁殖为主的毛舞花姜(Globba barthiri)的(29.8±2.70) m(n=34)(t73,33=2.11,p=0.037)和异果舞花姜(Globba racemosa)的(28.7±3.16) cm(n=32)(t73,31=2.33,p=0.022);澜沧舞花姜的种苗聚集程度(Z=-1.70±0.19)显著小于毛舞花姜(Z=-2.58±0.37,t73,33=2.36,p=0.020)和异果舞花姜(Z=-3.28±0.53)(t73,31=3.54,p=0.001)。这说明相对于毛舞花姜和异果舞花姜,蚂蚁对种子的散布作用显著增加了澜沧舞花姜种苗间的平均最近距离,降低了居群的聚集度。  相似文献   

江谱娟  王东 《生态学报》2015,35(17):5797-5803
作为蚁播植物种子的重要传播者,蚂蚁不但取食种子上附着的油质体,也喜食其它富含蛋白质、脂类、糖和维生素等的食物,因此环境中其它可利用食物的存在可能会影响蚂蚁对种子的搬运进而影响种子散布,但目前对于这种影响是如何发生的仍不清楚。在野外研究了蚂蚁对小花宽瓣黄堇(Corydalis giraldii Fedde)种子、肉、蜂蜜、苹果、馒头等食物的趋性和偏好程度,以及添加食物后蚂蚁对种子的拜访频率和搬运效率,以揭示其它可利用食物如何影响蚂蚁觅食和取食偏好,进而影响小花宽瓣黄堇种子散布。结果显示,在所诱捕的8种蚂蚁中,玉米毛蚁(Lasius alienus(Foerster))和丝光蚁(Formica fusca Linnaeus)是小花宽瓣黄堇种子的主要搬运者,不同食物诱捕的玉米毛蚁数量无显著性差异(P0.05),但蜂蜜和苹果诱捕的丝光蚁数量均显著大于种子(P0.05)。玉米毛蚁和丝光蚁均为杂食性,在觅食中分别行使群体募集和简单协作性募集。在仅有种子的对照处理中,玉米毛蚁和丝光蚁对种子的拜访频率分别为(38.73±4.57)头和(30.8±2.87)头(40min,n=15),两种蚂蚁对种子的拜访频率差异不显著(P0.05);玉米毛蚁和丝光蚁搬运种子的效率分别为(33.87±4.22)粒和(16.27±3.35)粒(40min,n=15),玉米毛蚁的搬运效率显著高于丝光蚁(P0.05)。与对照相比,添加馒头、苹果和蜂蜜后丝光蚁对种子的拜访频率显著降低(P0.05),分别为(15.6±3.61)头、(9.07±1.4)头和(7.67±1.58)头(40min,n=15);添加苹果和蜂蜜后丝光蚁对种子的搬运效率显著降低(P0.05),分别为(3.47±1.17)粒和(2.87±0.9)粒(40min,n=15);添加不同食物后玉米毛蚁对种子的拜访频率和搬运效率均无显著变化(P0.05)。研究结果表明行使群体募集的玉米毛蚁比行使简单协作募集的丝光蚁有更高的种子搬运效率,添加食物后影响丝光蚁对种子的拜访频率和搬运效率,这说明其它可利用食物对小花宽瓣黄堇种子散布的影响与搬运蚂蚁的种类及其觅食的募集方式有关。研究结果可为进一步研究蚂蚁与植物(种子)间的互利共生关系及其影响因素提供资料。  相似文献   

部分蚂蚁种类是白蚁的重要天敌。为了探明成都市白蚁天敌——蚂蚁的常见种类及其生境,2011—2015年通过对成都市房屋建筑、园林树木、古建筑以及安装在住宅小区绿地的地下型白蚁监测装置等生境中调查白蚁与蚂蚁种类及数量,共鉴定白蚁9种,隶属于3科4属,黑胸散白蚁Reticulitermes chinensis占比最高(83.9%);蚂蚁29种,隶属于4亚科15属,中国短猛蚁Brachyponera chinensis占比最高(38.2%)。相关性分析表明,黑毛蚁Lasius niger与尖唇散白蚁R.aculabialis、新中华散白蚁R.neochinensis之间,莱曼氏蚁Formica lemani与黑胸散白蚁、尖唇散白蚁之间,敏捷扁头猛蚁Pachycondyla astuta、铺道蚁Tetramorium caesputum与尖唇散白蚁之间均呈显著负相关。黑毛蚁、莱曼氏蚁、敏捷扁头猛蚁、铺道蚁的种群数量大,在白蚁生物防治中具有一定的应用潜力。鉴于蚂蚁对白蚁的控制作用受环境、人为等多种因素的影响,建议进一步加强蚂蚁对白蚁自然控制作用的系统研究。  相似文献   

云南石林公园不同生境蚂蚁多样性研究   总被引:25,自引:1,他引:24  
2003年5月下旬(雨季初期)和9月下旬(雨季后期),选择云南石林公园地带性植被滇青冈(Cyclobalanopsisglaucoides)林(原始林)、次生林、灌丛、草地、云南松(Pinusyunnanensis)林5种生境,采用陷阱诱捕法采集蚂蚁,共获蚂蚁8775头,隶属4亚科16属26种。优势种为阿诗玛无刺蚁(Kartidrisashima)、布立毛蚁(Pseudolasiusbournica)和重庆弓背蚁(Campontuschongqingensis)。两个季节蚂蚁多样性指数均以原始林最低,灌丛和松林最高。各生境蚂蚁群落相似性低,相似性系数在0–0.2609之间。结果显示,蚂蚁的多样性受多种环境因子影响;与地带性植被相比,蚂蚁群落在人为干扰的各种生境中已发生较大的变化。  相似文献   

Many invasive ant species form mutualisms with honeydew-producing Hemiptera and their aggressive presence deters the natural enemies of the Hemiptera. Invasive ant species like the Argentine ant have often been associated with hemipteran outbreaks in urban, agricultural and natural ecosystems. We investigated the effects of a mutualism between the invasive Argentine ant and the endemic terrapin scale on coccid density and the fitness of the host of this mutualism, the endemic red maple, situated in a commercial park. The terrapin scale has numerous natural enemies and we predicted that the high terrapin scale numbers associated with tending Argentine ants would collapse once Argentine ants were excluded from the host tree canopy. We predicted that excluding the Argentine ant from the tree canopy would result in an indirect net fitness benefit to the host. Terrapin scale numbers collapsed when Argentine ants were excluded from the host tree canopy. Red maples with Argentine ants excluded from their canopy had higher seed mass and larger early leaves indicating that this invasive ant-endemic scale mutualism imposed a net fitness cost to the host tree. The Argentine ant has yet to invade closed-canopy forest within its introduced range. The red maple is common in adjacent closed-canopy forest fragments and recent work has shown that invasion of these forest fragments by the Argentine ant is limited by a steady carbohydrate resource. We discuss the implications to forest invasion posed by a mutualism involving the Argentine ant and an endemic coccid.  相似文献   

Many plants have mutualistic relationships with ants, whereby plants provide food and/or nesting sites for the symbiotic ants, and in turn the ants protect the host plants by excluding herbivores. While the ants are useful as guards, they may negatively affect host reproduction by excluding pollinators. Here we studied this potential conflict in the myrmecophytic Macaranga winkleri pollinated by the thrips Dolichothrips fialae. Behavioural responses of ant guards to pollinator thrips and their chemicals, and related chemical analyses, provide evidence that thrips deter ant-guards by secreting droplets containing ant-repelling n-decanoic acid from their anuses. This is the first report of insect pollinators repelling their host’s symbiotic guard ants to perform pollination. This is a novel strategy by which a plant host avoids interference with pollination by ant-guards in an ant–plant mutualism. The acquisition of a pollination system that is resistant to ant attacks may have facilitated the evolution of myrmecophytes in the genus Macaranga.  相似文献   

Zhang S  Zhang Y  Ma K 《PloS one》2012,7(4):e35468
Ant-aphid mutualism is known to play a key role in the structure of the arthropod community in the tree canopy, but its possible ecological effects for the forest floor are unknown. We hypothesized that aphids in the canopy can increase the abundance of ants on the forest floor, thus intensifying the impacts of ants on other arthropods on the forest floor. We tested this hypothesis in a deciduous temperate forest in Beijing, China. We excluded the aphid-tending ants Lasius fuliginosus from the canopy using plots of varying sizes, and monitored the change in the abundance of ants and other arthropods on the forest floor in the treated and control plots. We also surveyed the abundance of ants and other arthropods on the forest floor to explore the relationships between ants and other arthropods in the field. Through a three-year experimental study, we found that the exclusion of ants from the canopy significantly decreased the abundance of ants on the forest floor, but increased the abundance of beetles, although the effect was only significant in the large ant-exclusion plot (80*60 m). The field survey showed that the abundance of both beetles and spiders was negatively related to the abundance of ants. These results suggest that aphids located in the tree canopy have indirect negative effects on beetles by enhancing the ant abundance on the forest floor. Considering that most of the beetles in our study are important predators, the ant-aphid mutualism can have further trophic cascading effects on the forest floor food web.  相似文献   

蚁对植物种子的传播作用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
许多种子植物依靠动物传播种子 ,称为动物传播。根据动物类群的不同 ,可分为哺乳类传播 ,鸟传播 ,鱼传播 ,蚁传播等。鸟传播和蚁传播的研究近年取得了很大的进展 ,但国内在这方面研究较缺乏 ,作者已就鸟传播作了综述报道 ,现将蚁传播的研究综述报道如下。1 蚁与植物的相互关系蚁类属膜翅目 (Hymenoptera) ,蚁科 (Formici dae) ,典型的社会性昆虫。多数蚁类是肉食性的 ,以小动物或更小的蚁类为食 ,但也有很多蚁类是植物食性的。在大多数生态系统中均有蚁类分布 ,而且蚁类数量众多 ,在森林生态系统中每 1ha可达 6~10…  相似文献   

传粉甲虫的研究进展   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
罗峰  雷朝亮 《昆虫知识》2003,40(4):313-317
许多鞘翅目甲虫是重要的传粉昆虫 ,在漫长的历史进化过程中伴随着一系列的相互适应的形成 ,很多甲虫与花之间建立了固定的传粉关系。该文从甲虫与花之间传粉的相互适应、传粉甲虫的类群、甲虫传粉的植物和甲虫传粉效果等 4方面做了简要综述。  相似文献   

Mutualism is a net positive interaction that includes varying degrees of both costs and benefits. Because tension between the costs and benefits of mutualism can lead to evolutionary instability, identifying mechanisms that regulate investment between partners is critical to understanding the evolution and maintenance of mutualism. Recently, studies have highlighted the importance of interspecific signalling as one mechanism for regulating investment between mutualist partners. Here, we provide evidence for interspecific alarm signalling in an insect protection mutualism and we demonstrate a functional link between this acoustic signalling and efficacy of protection. The treehopper Publilia concava Say (Hemiptera: Membracidae) is an insect that provides ants with a carbohydrate-rich excretion called honeydew in return for protection from predators. Adults of this species produce distinct vibrational signals in the context of predator encounters. In laboratory trials, putative alarm signal production significantly increased following initial contact with ladybeetle predators (primarily Harmonia axyridis Pallas, Coleoptera: Coccinellidae), but not following initial contact with ants. In field trials, playback of a recorded treehopper alarm signal resulted in a significant increase in both ant activity and the probability of ladybeetle discovery by ants relative to both silence and treehopper courtship signal controls. Our results show that P. concava treehoppers produce alarm signals in response to predator threat and that this signalling can increase effectiveness of predator protection by ants.  相似文献   

Recent studies about mutualism consider the complexity and versatility of the relationship, in addition to highlighting the importance of the cost/benefit balance between the two protagonists. Because species interactions are highly dependent on the environment, the climate changes foreseen for the coming years are expected to have significant impacts on the evolution of mutualistic interactions. Among mutualisms, the aphid–ant interaction is well documented, partly explained by the pest status of aphids. This literature review focuses on the impact of climate change (particularly atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration and temperature) on aphid biology and the potential consequences with respect to their mutualistic interactions with ants. We provide an overview of the published reports concerned with the effects of temperature and carbon dioxide on aphids, for which a positive, a negative or no effect has been highlighted. We then discuss how climatic changes can alter four major components of aphid biology that are shaping their interaction with ants: (i) aphid population growth; (ii) aphid behaviour and mobility; (iii) honeydew production and composition; and (iv) semiochemistry. Finaly, we discuss the limitations of such studies on aphid–ant mutualism, as well as the information that is still needed to predict how climate change might impact this type of relationship.  相似文献   

Mutualisms (cooperative interactions between species) have had a central role in the generation and maintenance of life on earth. Insects and plants are involved in diverse forms of mutualism. Here we review evolutionary features of three prominent insect-plant mutualisms: pollination, protection and seed dispersal. We focus on addressing five central phenomena: evolutionary origins and maintenance of mutualism; the evolution of mutualistic traits; the evolution of specialization and generalization; coevolutionary processes; and the existence of cheating. Several features uniting very diverse insect-plant mutualisms are identified and their evolutionary implications are discussed: the involvement of one mobile and one sedentary partner; natural selection on plant rewards; the existence of a continuum from specialization to generalization; and the ubiquity of cheating, particularly on the part of insects. Plant-insect mutualisms have apparently both arisen and been lost repeatedly. Many adaptive hypotheses have been proposed to explain these transitions, and it is unlikely that any one of them dominates across interactions differing so widely in natural history. Evolutionary theory has a potentially important, but as yet largely unfilled, role to play in explaining the origins, maintenance, breakdown and evolution of insect-plant mutualisms.  相似文献   

Cultivation of fungus for food originated about 45-65 million years ago in the ancestor of fungus-growing ants (Formicidae, tribe Attini), representing an evolutionary transition from the life of a hunter-gatherer of arthropod prey, nectar, and other plant juices, to the life of a farmer subsisting on cultivated fungi. Seven hypotheses have been suggested for the origin of attine fungiculture, each differing with respect to the substrate used by the ancestral attine ants for fungal cultivation. Phylogenetic information on the cultivated fungi, in conjunction with information on the nesting biology of extant attine ants and their presumed closest relatives, reveal that the attine ancestors probably did not encounter their cultivars-to-be in seed stores (von Ihering 1894), in rotting wood (Forel 1902), as mycorrhizae (Garling 1979), on arthropod corpses (von Ihering 1894) or ant faeces in nest middens (Wheeler 1907). Rather, the attine ant-fungus mutualism probably arose from adventitious interactions with fungi that grew on walls of nests built in leaf litter (Emery 1899), or from a system of fungal myrmecochory in which specialized fungi relied on ants for dispersal (Bailey 1920) and in which the ants fortuitously vectored these fungi from parent to offspring nests prior to a true fungicultural stage. Reliance on fungi as a dominant food source has evolved only twice in ants: first in the attine ants, and second in some ant species in the solenopsidine genus Megalomyrmex that either coexist as trophic parasites in gardens of attine hosts or aggressively usurp gardens from them. All other known ant-fungus associations are either adventitious or have nonnutritional functions (e.g., strengthening of carton-walls in ant nests). There exist no unambiguous reports of facultative mycophagy in ants, but such trophic ant-fungus interactions would most likely occur underground or in leaf litter and thus escape easy observation. Indirect evidence of fungivory can be deduced from contents of the ant alimentary canal and particularly from the contents of the infrabuccal pocket, a pharyngeal device that filters out solids before liquids pass into the intestine. Infrabuccal pocket contents reveal that ants routinely ingest fungal spores and hyphal material. Infrabuccal contents are eventually expelled as a pellet on nest middens or away from the nest by foragers, suggesting that the pellet provides fungi with a means for the dispersal of spores and hyphae. Associations between such "buccophilous" fungi and ants may have originated multiple times and may have become elaborated and externalized in the case of the attine ant-fungus mutualism. Thus, contrary to the traditional model in which attine fungi are viewed as passive symbionts that happened to come under ant control, this alternative model of a myrmecochorous origin of the attine mutualism attributes an important role to evolutionary modifications of the fungi that preceded the ant transition from hunter-gatherer to fungus farmer.  相似文献   

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