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Effects of extraction of the H-subunit from Rhodobacter sphaeroides photosynthetic reaction centers (RC) on the characteristics of the photoinduced conformational transition associated with electron transfer between photoactive bacterio-chlorophyll and primary quinone acceptor were studied. Extraction of the H-subunit (i.e., the subunit that is not directly bound to electron transfer cofactors) was found to have a significant effect on the dynamic properties of the protein–pigment complex of the RC, the effect being mediated by modification of parameters of the relaxation processes associated with charge separation.  相似文献   

The process of electron transfer from the primary electron donor P* to the primary electron acceptor BA in the reaction center of Rhodobacter sphaeroides R-26 under 30 fsec pulse excitation was studied in this work with the aim of establishing a relationship between the nuclear subsystem motion and charge transfer. For this purpose the fsec and psec oscillations in the bands of stimulated emission of P* and in the band of reaction product B A - at 1020 nm were investigated. It was established that the reversible formation of the P+B A - state is characterized by two vibration modes (130 and 320 cm-1) and connected with an arrival of the wavepacket induced by fsec excitation to the intersection of potential surfaces P*BA and P+B A - . The irreversible formation of the P+B A - state with the time constant of 3 psec is followed by oscillations with frequencies of 9 and 33 cm-1. These results show that the irreversibility of electron transfer is determined by two factors: 1) by a difference between the energy width of the wavepacket and the gap between the named surfaces; 2) by a difference between the duration of wavepacket residence near the intersection of the surfaces and the relaxation time of the P+B A - state.  相似文献   

The effect of molecular oxygen on the photochemical activity of the Rhodobacter sphaeroides reaction centers frozen to 160 K under actinic illumination was investigated by the ESR method. About 90% of initially photochemically active bacteriochlorophyll (P) were fixed at 160 K for a long time in aerobic samples in an inactive form. In anaerobic samples, not more than 65% were fixed in an inactive form under the same conditions. In aerobic preparations, a small portion of photochemically active bacteriochlorophyll (about 10%) that retains its photochemical activity at 160 K after freezing under illumination has dark reduction kinetics similar to that of samples at room temperature after several seconds of actinic illumination. In anaerobic samples frozen under illumination, the remaining photochemically active reaction centers (35%) have the same dark reduction kinetics as samples illuminated at 295 K for 1-2 min. The conclusion is that the irreversible stabilization of bacteriochlorophyll P in the oxidized inactive state formed in the reaction centers frozen under illumination is brought about by light-induced conformational changes fixed under low temperatures.  相似文献   

Biochemistry (Moscow) - Photosynthetic reaction center (RC) of the purple bacterium Rhodobacter sphaeroides is one of the most well-studied transmembrane pigment-protein complexes. It is a...  相似文献   

Biochemistry (Moscow) - To elucidate the mechanism of site-selective chemical replacement of chromophores in the reaction centers (RCs) of photosynthetic bacteria by external pigments, we...  相似文献   

球形红假单胞菌反应中心中蛋白的量子化学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用重叠二体近似方法和建立在从算水平上的扩展负本征值因数计算方法(extended negative factor counter method)研究了球形红假单胞菌(Rhodobacter sphaeroides(Van Niel)Imhoff,Truper et Pfennin)中兴合反应中心中蛋白链L及M的电子结构。结果表明:(1)对组成蛋白链L(M)的前线轨道有重要贡献的氨基酸残基分布在L链的自由螺旋区(M链的α螺旋区)。由于自由螺旋是有柔曲性的,它易于在电子转移的过程中改变其构象并降低体系的能量,而α螺旋结构却相对稳定,这种差别有可能是光合反庆中心中电子转移只沿L支进行的原因之一。(2)与特殊对分子及辅助叶绿素分子形成轴向配位的组氨酸残基对于特殊对P和辅助叶绿素分子的ELUMO有重要影响,但此组氨酸的相应分子轨道的贡献并没有出现在蛋白链的前线轨道组成中。这意味着色素分子与蛋白链之间的相互作用对蛋白链前线轨道的贡献没有影响,但却能影响相应色素分子的ELUMO能级。  相似文献   

Reaction centers from the photosynthetic bacterium Rhodobacter sphaeroides were oriented in phospholipid interfacial layers adsorbed to a Teflon film separating two electrolyte-filled compartments of a Teflon cell. Light-induced voltage changes were measured as a function of time across electrodes immersed in the cell compartments. The experimental system is characterized both experimentally and theoretically to relate the measured signals to the light-induced displacement currents in the reaction centers. Mathematical relations between the measured signals and the distances and geometries of the charge-transfer reactions are derived. At pH 8.0 the reaction centers were found to be oriented with ∼60% of the population oriented with the donor facing the aqueous phase. The density of the reaction centers in the layer was ∼1011 cm−2, which is close to that found in the native system. Reconstitution of the secondary quinone, Q B , in 90% of the RCs was achieved with an ∼100-fold excess of ubiquinone in the vesicle preparation. Received: 1 July 1997/Revised: 23 June 1998  相似文献   

The electronic structure of protein chains L and M in photosynthetic reaction center (PRC) of Rhodobacter sphaeroides (Van Niel) Imhoff, Truper et Pfennig) was studied by using the Overlapping Dimer Approximation method and the Extended Negative Factor Counter method at ab initio level. The result indicated that: (1) Amino acid residues, the molecular orbitals of which composed the main components of frontier orbitals of protein chain L (M ), are located at the random coil areas of chain L (α helix areas of chain M ). Since the random coil is flexible and more easy to change its conformation in the electron transfer process and to reduce the energy of the system, and the structure of the α helix is reletively stable, this difference might be one of the causes for the electron transfer in photosynthetic reaction center (PRC) only takes place along the L branch. (2) The His residues which axially coordinated to the “special pair” P and accessory chlorophyll molecules (ABChls) are essentially important for the ELUMO levels of P and ABChl. But, the corresponding molecular orbitals of these His residues do not appear in the composition of frontier orbitals of protein chains. It means that the interaction between pigment molecules and protein chains do not influence the contribution to the frontier orbitals of protein chains explicitly, but influences the corresponding ELUMO levels significantly.  相似文献   

The tetrapyrrole electron donors and acceptors (bacteriochlorophyll, BCh; bacteriopheophytin, BPh) within the bacterial photosynthetic reaction center (RC) are arranged with a specific geometry that permits rapid (picosecond time scale) electron tunneling to occur between them. Here we have measured the angle between the molecular planes of the bacteriochlorophyll dimer (primary donor), B2, and the acceptor bacteriopheophytin, H, by analyzing the dichroism of the absorption change associated with H reduction, formed by photoselection with RCs of Rhodopseudomonas viridis. This angle between molecular planes is found to be 60° ± 2. This means that the ultrafast electron tunneling must occur between donors and acceptors that are fixed by the protein to have a noncoplanar alignment. Nearly perpendicular alignments have been determined for other electron tunneling complexes involving RCs. These geometries can be contrasted with models proposed for heme-heme electron transfer complexes, which have emphasized that mutually parallel orientations should permit the most kinetically facile transfers.  相似文献   

The two-component sensing system controlling bacterial chemotaxis is one of the best studied in biology. Rhodobacter sphaeroides has a complex chemosensory pathway comprising two histidine protein kinases (CheAs) and eight downstream response regulators (six CheYs and two CheBs) rather than the single copies of each as in Escherichia coli. We used in vitro analysis of phosphotransfer to start to determine why R.sphaeroides has these multiple homologues. CheA(1) and CheA(2) contain all the key motifs identified in the histidine protein kinase family, except for conservative substitutions (F-L and F-I) within the F box of CheA(2), and both are capable of ATP-dependent autophosphorylation. While the K(m) values for ATP of CheA(1) and CheA(2) were similar to that of E.coli, the k(cat) value was three times lower, but similar to that measured for the related Sinorhizobium meliloti CheA. However, the two CheAs differed both in their ability to phosphorylate the various response regulators and the rates of phosphotransfer. CheA(2) phosphorylated all of the CheYs and both CheBs, whilst CheA(1) did not phosphorylate either CheB and phosphorylated only the response regulators encoded within its own genetic locus (CheY(1), CheY(2), and CheY(5)) and CheY(3). The dephosphorylation rates of the R.sphaeroides CheBs were much slower than the E.coli CheB. The dephosphorylation rate of CheY(6), encoded by the third chemosensory locus, was ten times faster than that of the E.coli CheY. However, the dephosphorylation rates of the remaining R.sphaeroides CheYs were comparable to that of E.coli CheY.  相似文献   

Osmoregulation in Rhodobacter sphaeroides.   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Betaine (N,N,N-trimethylglycine) functioned most effectively as an osmoprotectant in osmotically stressed Rhodobacter sphaeroides cells during aerobic growth in the dark and during anaerobic growth in the light. The presence of the amino acids L-glutamate, L-alanine, or L-proline in the growth medium did not result in a significant increase in the growth rate at increased osmotic strengths. The addition of choline to the medium stimulated growth at increased osmolarities but only under aerobic conditions. Under these conditions choline was converted via an oxygen-dependent pathway to betaine, which was not further metabolized. The initial rates of choline uptake by cells grown in media with low and high osmolarities were measured over a wide range of concentrations (1.9 microM to 2.0 mM). Only one kinetically distinguishable choline transport system could be detected. Kt values of 2.4 and 3.0 microM and maximal rates of choline uptake (Vmax) of 5.4 and 4.2 nmol of choline/min.mg of protein were found in cells grown in the minimal medium without or with 0.3 M NaCl, respectively. Choline transport was not inhibited by a 25-fold excess of L-proline or betaine. Only one kinetically distinguishable betaine transport system was found in cells grown in the low-osmolarity minimal medium as well as in a high-osmolarity medium containing 0.3 M NaCl. In cells grown and assayed in the absence of NaCl, betaine transport occurred with a Kt of 15.1 microM and a Vmax of 3.2 nmol/min . mg of protein, whereas in cells that were grown and assayed in the presence of 0.3 M NaCl, the corresponding values were 18.2 microM and 9.2 nmol of betaine/min . mg of protein. This system was also able to transport L-proline, but with a lower affinity than that for betaine. The addition of choline of betaine to the growth medium did not result in the induction of additional transport systems.  相似文献   

Chromatophores of Rhodobacter sphaeroides were excited with light flashes to generate a transmembrane electrical potential difference. The electric relaxation was measured by electrochromic absorption changes as a function of added gramicidin. At low gramicidin/bacteriochlorophyll (BChl) molar ratios the decay of the electrochromic absorption changes showed a biphasic behaviour, with a fast phase relaxing at some s, and a slow phase relaxing at more than 100 ms. This was attributable to a mixture of vesicles containing gramicidin dimers with others containing none. The concentration dependence of this effect was linear. This implied full dimerization of gramicidin. The data were interpreted to yield an average bacteriochlorophyll content per chromatophore of 770(±150) and the conductance of a single gramicidin dimer in the chromatophore membrane of 15(±4) pS (in about 115 mM KCl).Abbreviations BChl Bacteriochlorphyll - tricine N-Tris[hydroxymethyllmethylglycine Offprint requests to: W. Junge  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli two-component chemosensory pathway has been extensively studied, and its response regulator, CheY, has become a paradigm for response regulators. However, unlike E. coli, most chemotactic nonenteric bacteria have multiple CheY homologues. The roles and cellular localization of the CheYs in Rhodobacter sphaeroides were determined. Only two CheYs were required for chemotaxis, CheY(6) and either CheY(3) or CheY(4). These CheYs were partially localized to either of the two chemotaxis signaling clusters, with the remaining protein delocalized. Interestingly, mutation of the CheY(6) phosphorylatable aspartate to asparagine produced a stopped motor, caused by phosphorylation on alternative site Ser-83 by CheA. Extensive mutagenesis of E. coli CheY has identified a number of activating mutations, which have been extrapolated to other response regulators (D13K, Y106W, and I95V). Analogous mutations in R. sphaeroides CheYs did not cause activation. These results suggest that although the R. sphaeroides and E. coli CheYs are similar in that they require phosphorylation for activation, they may differ in both the nature of the phosphorylation-induced conformational change and their subsequent interactions with the flagellar motor. Caution should therefore be used when projecting from E. coli CheY onto novel response regulators.  相似文献   

In this study, the in vivo function and properties of two cytochrome c maturation proteins, CcmF and CcmH from Rhodobacter sphaeroides, were analyzed. Strains lacking CcmH or both CcmF and CcmH are unable to grow under anaerobic conditions where c-type cytochromes are required, demonstrating their critical role in the assembly of these electron carriers. Consistent with this observation, strains lacking both CcmF and CcmH are deficient in c-type cytochromes when assayed under permissive growth conditions. In contrast, under permissive growth conditions, strains lacking only CcmH contain several soluble and membrane-bound c-type cytochromes, albeit at reduced levels, suggesting that this bacterium has a CcmH-independent route for their maturation. In addition, the function of CcmH that is needed to support anaerobic growth can be replaced by adding cysteine or cystine to growth media. The ability of exogenous thiol compounds to replace CcmH provides the first physiological evidence for a role of this protein in thiol chemistry during c-type cytochrome maturation. The properties of R. sphaeroides cells containing translational fusions between CcmF and CcmH and either Escherichia coli alkaline phosphatase or beta-galactosidase suggest that they are each integral cytoplasmic membrane proteins with their presumed catalytic domains facing the periplasm. Analysis of CcmH shows that it is synthesized as a higher-molecular-weight precursor protein with an N-terminal signal sequence.  相似文献   

含硒类球红细菌的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了确定类球红细菌转硒培养的最佳条件 ,研究了无机硒的加入浓度、时间以及分批补料培养对菌体生长和转硒效率的影响。实验表明 ,无机硒的浓度低于 1× 10 -5mol/L时 ,对类球红细菌的生长基本没有影响 ,并能将6 3.9%的无机硒转化为有机硒。转硒的最佳时间是在接种后 12h左右 ,此时转硒效率最高。实验还表明 ,分批补料培养可以提高菌体浓度 ,可使转硒效率和绝对量增加。体内试验表明 ,用 5mL/kgbw和 10mL/kgbw剂量的含硒类球红细菌灌养小鼠 ,可以使其全血GSH Px酶活性提高 2 0 .9%和 2 5 .5 % ,使其血清丙二醛 (MDA)含量降低2 1.0 %和 2 3.2 %。  相似文献   

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