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The complement system is an ancient innate immune defense pathway that plays a front line role in eliminating microbial pathogens. Recognition of foreign targets by antibodies drives sequential activation of two serine proteases, C1r and C1s, which reside within the complement Component 1 (C1) complex. Active C1s propagates the immune response through its ability to bind and cleave the effector molecule complement Component 4 (C4). Currently, the precise structural and biochemical basis for the control of the interaction between C1s and C4 is unclear. Here, using surface plasmon resonance, we show that the transition of the C1s zymogen to the active form is essential for C1s binding to C4. To understand this, we determined the crystal structure of a zymogen C1s construct (comprising two complement control protein (CCP) domains and the serine protease (SP) domain). These data reveal that two loops (492–499 and 573–580) in the zymogen serine protease domain adopt a conformation that would be predicted to sterically abrogate C4 binding. The transition from zymogen to active C1s repositions both loops such that they would be able to interact with sulfotyrosine residues on C4. The structure also shows the junction of the CCP1 and CCP2 domains of C1s for the first time, yielding valuable information about the exosite for C4 binding located at this position. Together, these data provide a structural explanation for the control of the interaction with C1s and C4 and, furthermore, point to alternative strategies for developing therapeutic approaches for controlling activation of the complement cascade.  相似文献   

Human chymotrypsin C (CTRC) is a pancreatic serine protease that regulates activation and degradation of trypsinogens and procarboxypeptidases by targeting specific cleavage sites within their zymogen precursors. In cleaving these regulatory sites, which are characterized by multiple flanking acidic residues, CTRC shows substrate specificity that is distinct from that of other isoforms of chymotrypsin and elastase. Here, we report the first crystal structure of active CTRC, determined at 1.9-Å resolution, revealing the structural basis for binding specificity. The structure shows human CTRC bound to the small protein protease inhibitor eglin c, which binds in a substrate-like manner filling the S6-S5′ subsites of the substrate binding cleft. Significant binding affinity derives from burial of preferred hydrophobic residues at the P1, P4, and P2′ positions of CTRC, although acidic P2′ residues can also be accommodated by formation of an interfacial salt bridge. Acidic residues may also be specifically accommodated in the P6 position. The most unique structural feature of CTRC is a ring of intense positive electrostatic surface potential surrounding the primarily hydrophobic substrate binding site. Our results indicate that long-range electrostatic attraction toward substrates of concentrated negative charge governs substrate discrimination, which explains CTRC selectivity in regulating active digestive enzyme levels.  相似文献   

Staphylococcal SplB protease belongs to the chymotrypsin family. Chymotrypsin zymogen is activated by proteolytic processing at the N terminus, resulting in significant structural rearrangement at the active site. Here, we demonstrate that the molecular mechanism of SplB protease activation differs significantly and we characterize the novel mechanism in detail. Using peptide and protein substrates we show that the native signal peptide, or any N-terminal extension, has an inhibitory effect on SplB. Only precise N-terminal processing releases the full proteolytic activity of the wild type analogously to chymotrypsin. However, comparison of the crystal structures of mature SplB and a zymogen mimic show no rearrangement at the active site whatsoever. Instead, only the formation of a unique hydrogen bond network, distant form the active site, by the new N-terminal glutamic acid of mature SplB is observed. The importance of this network and influence of particular hydrogen bond interactions at the N terminus on the catalytic process is demonstrated by evaluating the kinetics of a series of mutants. The results allow us to propose a consistent model where changes in the overall protein dynamics rather than structural rearrangement of the active site are involved in the activation process.  相似文献   

The membrane-anchored serine proteases, matriptase and prostasin, and the membrane-anchored serine protease inhibitors, hepatocyte growth factor activator inhibitor (HAI)-1 and HAI-2, are critical effectors of epithelial development and postnatal epithelial homeostasis. Matriptase and prostasin form a reciprocal zymogen activation complex that results in the formation of active matriptase and prostasin that are targets for inhibition by HAI-1 and HAI-2. Conflicting data, however, have accumulated as to the existence of auxiliary functions for both HAI-1 and HAI-2 in regulating the intracellular trafficking and activation of matriptase. In this study, we, therefore, used genetically engineered mice to determine the effect of ablation of endogenous HAI-1 and endogenous HAI-2 on endogenous matriptase expression, subcellular localization, and activation in polarized intestinal epithelial cells. Whereas ablation of HAI-1 did not affect matriptase in epithelial cells of the small or large intestine, ablation of HAI-2 resulted in the loss of matriptase from both tissues. Gene silencing studies in intestinal Caco-2 cell monolayers revealed that this loss of cell-associated matriptase was mechanistically linked to accelerated activation and shedding of the protease caused by loss of prostasin regulation by HAI-2. Taken together, these data indicate that HAI-1 regulates the activity of activated matriptase, whereas HAI-2 has an essential role in regulating prostasin-dependent matriptase zymogen activation.  相似文献   

The complement system is a vital component of the host immune system, but when dysregulated, can also cause disease. The system is activated by three pathways: classical, lectin and alternative. The initiating proteases of the classical and lectin pathways have similar domain structure and employ similar mechanisms of activation. The C1r, C1s and MASP-2 proteases have the most defined roles in the activation of the system. This review focuses on the mechanisms whereby their interaction with substrates and inhibitors is regulated.  相似文献   

The mannose-binding lectin associated-protease-3 (MASP-3) is a member of the lectin pathway of the complement system, a key component of human innate and active immunity. Mutations in MASP-3 have recently been found to be associated with Carnevale, Mingarelli, Malpuech, and Michels (3MC) syndrome, a severe developmental disorder manifested by cleft palate, intellectual disability, and skeletal abnormalities. However, the molecular basis for MASP-3 function remains to be understood. Here we characterize the substrate specificity of MASP-3 by screening against a combinatorial peptide substrate library. Through this approach, we successfully identified a peptide substrate that was 20-fold more efficiently cleaved than any other identified to date. Furthermore, we demonstrated that mutant forms of the enzyme associated with 3MC syndrome were completely inactive against this substrate. To address the structural basis for this defect, we determined the 2.6-Å structure of the zymogen form of the G666E mutant of MASP-3. These data reveal that the mutation disrupts the active site and perturbs the position of the catalytic serine residue. Together, these insights into the function of MASP-3 reveal how a mutation in this enzyme causes it to be inactive and thus contribute to the 3MC syndrome.  相似文献   

Wang T  Secombes CJ 《Immunogenetics》2003,55(9):615-628
Three complement components, C1r, C4 and C1 inhibitor, of the classical activation pathway have been fully sequenced and their expression investigated in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Trout C1r cDNA encodes a 707-amino-acid (aa) protein with a theoretical M r of 77,200. The trout translation shows highest homology with carp C1r/s, and lower, equal homologies to mammalian C1r and C1s, and MASPs from other vertebrate species. However, phylogenetic analysis and structural features suggest that the trout sequence, together with the two carp sequences, are the orthologues of mammalian C1r. The trout C4 cDNA encodes a 1,724-aa protein with a theoretical M r of 192,600. The trout translation shows higher homologies to the carp C4B and medaka C4, but lower homologies to C4 from other species and the carp C4A. It has a predicted signal peptide of 22 aa, a -chain of 773 aa, a -chain of 635 aa and a -chain of 288 aa. Trout C1 inhibitor cDNA encodes a 611-aa protein with a theoretical M r of 68,700. The trout translation has a C-terminal serpin domain with high homologies with mammalian counterparts (~37% identities), and a longer N-terminus, with no significant homology to other serpins, which contains two Ig-like domains. A molecule containing two Ig-like domains followed by a serpin domain, has also been found in an EST clone from another bony fish, the Japanese flounder. This suggests a unique structural feature of C1 inhibitor in fish. The functional significance of the Ig domains is discussed. The liver is the major site of expression of the three trout complement components, C1r, C4 and C1 inhibitor, although their expression is also detectable in other tissues. The extra-hepatic expression of complement genes may be important for local protection and inflammatory responses. Low-level constitutive expression of the three components was also detectable in a trout monocyte/macrophage cell line RTS-11, but only the expression of C4 could be upregulated by LPS.The nucleotide sequence data will appear in the EMBL/DDBJ/GenBank nucleotide sequence database under the following accession numbers: AJ519929 (trout C1r), AJ519930 (trout C1 inhibitor), AJ544262 (trout C4) and BN000290 (flounder C1 inhibitor)  相似文献   

C1, the complex that triggers the classic pathway of complement, is a 790-kDa assembly resulting from association of a recognition protein C1q with a Ca2+-dependent tetramer comprising two copies of the proteases C1r and C1s. Early structural investigations have shown that the extended C1s-C1r-C1r-C1s tetramer folds into a compact conformation in C1. Recent site-directed mutagenesis studies have identified the C1q-binding sites in C1r and C1s and led to a three-dimensional model of the C1 complex (Bally, I., Rossi, V., Lunardi, T., Thielens, N. M., Gaboriaud, C., and Arlaud, G. J. (2009) J. Biol. Chem. 284, 19340–19348). In this study, we have used a mass spectrometry-based strategy involving a label-free semi-quantitative analysis of protein samples to gain new structural insights into C1 assembly. Using a stable chemical modification, we have compared the accessibility of the lysine residues in the isolated tetramer and in C1. The labeling data account for 51 of the 73 lysine residues of C1r and C1s. They strongly support the hypothesis that both C1s CUB1-EGF-CUB2 interaction domains, which are distant in the free tetramer, associate with each other in the C1 complex. This analysis also provides the first experimental evidence that, in the proenzyme form of C1, the C1s serine protease domain is partly positioned inside the C1q cone and yields precise information about its orientation in the complex. These results provide further structural insights into the architecture of the C1 complex, allowing significant improvement of our current C1 model.  相似文献   

Trypsin-like serine proteases are involved in diverse biological processes such as complement activation, tissue remodeling, cellular migration, tumor invasion, and metastasis. Here we report a novel human C1r-like serine protease analog, CLSPa, derived from dendritic cells (DC). The 487-residue CLSPa protein contains a CUB domain and a serine protease domain, possessing characteristic catalytic triad but lacking typical activation/cleavage sequence. It shares great homology with complement C1r/C1s and mannose-associated serine proteases. CLSPa mRNA is widely expressed, especially abundant in placenta, liver, kidney, pancreas, and myeloid cells, which are a major resources of serine proteases. Upon stimulation by agonistic anti-CD40 Ab, TNF-alpha, or LPS, CLSPa mRNA expression was significantly up-regulated in monocytic cells and monocyte-derived immature DC. When overexpressed in 293T cells, CLSPa protein was synthesized into the culture supernatants as a secretory protein, which had an inhibitory effect on complement-mediated cytotoxicity to antibody-sensitized erythrocytes. However, CLSPa itself possesses little protease activity, but it plays an inhibitory role in other active protease catalytic processes. The identification of human CLSPa as a novel Clr-like protein might facilitate future investigation of the regulatory mechanism of CLSPa in complement pathways during inflammation.  相似文献   

Human digestive carboxypeptidases CPA1, CPA2, and CPB1 are secreted by the pancreas as inactive proenzymes containing a 94-96-amino acid-long propeptide. Activation of procarboxypeptidases is initiated by proteolytic cleavage at the C-terminal end of the propeptide by trypsin. Here, we demonstrate that subsequent cleavage of the propeptide by chymotrypsin C (CTRC) induces a nearly 10-fold increase in the activity of trypsin-activated CPA1 and CPA2, whereas CPB1 activity is unaffected. Other human pancreatic proteases such as chymotrypsin B1, chymotrypsin B2, chymotrypsin-like enzyme-1, elastase 2A, elastase 3A, or elastase 3B are inactive or markedly less effective at promoting procarboxypeptidase activation. On the basis of these observations, we propose that CTRC is a physiological co-activator of proCPA1 and proCPA2. Furthermore, the results confirm and extend the notion that CTRC is a key regulator of digestive zymogen activation.  相似文献   

Although optimizing the resistance profile of an inhibitor can be challenging, it is potentially important for improving the long term effectiveness of antiviral therapy. This work describes our rational approach toward the identification of a macrocyclic acylsulfonamide that is a potent inhibitor of the NS3-NS4A proteases of all hepatitis C virus genotypes and of a panel of genotype 1-resistant variants. The enhanced potency of this compound versus variants D168V and R155K facilitated x-ray determination of the inhibitor-variant complexes. In turn, these structural studies revealed a complex molecular basis of resistance and rationalized how such compounds are able to circumvent these mechanisms.  相似文献   

Chymotrypsin C (CTRC) is a proteolytic regulator of trypsinogen autoactivation in humans. CTRC cleavage of the trypsinogen activation peptide stimulates autoactivation, whereas cleavage of the calcium binding loop promotes trypsinogen degradation. Trypsinogen mutations that alter these regulatory cleavages lead to increased intrapancreatic trypsinogen activation and cause hereditary pancreatitis. The aim of this study was to characterize the regulation of autoactivation of mouse trypsinogens by mouse Ctrc. We found that the mouse pancreas expresses four trypsinogen isoforms to high levels, T7, T8, T9, and T20. Only the T7 activation peptide was cleaved by mouse Ctrc, causing negligible stimulation of autoactivation. Surprisingly, mouse Ctrc poorly cleaved the calcium binding loop in all mouse trypsinogens. In contrast, mouse Ctrc readily cleaved the Phe-150–Gly-151 peptide bond in the autolysis loop of T8 and T9 and inhibited autoactivation. Mouse chymotrypsin B also cleaved the same peptide bond but was 7-fold slower. T7 was less sensitive to chymotryptic regulation, which involved slow cleavage of the Leu-149–Ser-150 peptide bond in the autolysis loop. Modeling indicated steric proximity of the autolysis loop and the activation peptide in trypsinogen, suggesting the cleaved autolysis loop may directly interfere with activation. We conclude that autoactivation of mouse trypsinogens is under the control of mouse Ctrc with some notable differences from the human situation. Thus, cleavage of the trypsinogen activation peptide or the calcium binding loop by Ctrc is unimportant. Instead, inhibition of autoactivation via cleavage of the autolysis loop is the dominant mechanism that can mitigate intrapancreatic trypsinogen activation.  相似文献   

A case of inherited homozygous complement C3 deficiency (C3D) in a patient with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and the molecular basis for this deficiency are reported. A 22-year-old Japanese male was diagnosed as having SLE and his medical history revealed recurrent tonsillitis and pneumonia. He was diagnosed as having C3D because of undetectable serum C3 level. His parents were consanguineous. Sequence analysis of C3D cDNA revealed a homozygous deletion of exon 39 (84bp). A single base substitution (AG to GG) in the 3'-splice acceptor site of intron 38 was identified by sequencing the genomic DNA. Expression of C3Delta(ex39) cDNA, the C3cDNA lacking exon 39, in COS-7 cells revealed that C3Delta(ex39) was retained in endoplasmic reticulum-Golgi intermediate compartment because of defective secretion. These data indicate that a novel AG-->GG 3'-splice acceptor site mutation in intron 38 caused aberrant splicing of exon 39, resulting in defective secretion of C3.  相似文献   

In infection, complement C1q recognizes pathogen-congregated antibodies and elicits complement activation. Among endogenous ligands, C1q binds to DNA and apoptotic cells, but whether C1q binds to nuclear DNA in apoptotic cells remains to be investigated. With UV irradiation-induced apoptosis, C1q initially bound to peripheral cellular regions in early apoptotic cells. By 6 h, binding concentrated in the nuclei to the nucleolus but not the chromatins. When nucleoli were isolated from non-apoptotic cells, C1q also bound to these structures. In vivo, C1q exists as the C1 complex (C1qC1r2C1s2), and C1q binding to ligands activates the C1r/C1s proteases. Incubation of nucleoli with C1 caused degradation of the nucleolar proteins nucleolin and nucleophosmin 1. This was inhibited by the C1 inhibitor. The nucleoli are abundant with autoantigens. C1q binding and C1r/C1s degradation of nucleolar antigens during cell apoptosis potentially reduces autoimmunity. These findings help us to understand why genetic C1q and C1r/C1s deficiencies cause systemic lupus erythematosus.  相似文献   

The adipose-specific protein adiponectin binds to a number of target molecules, including damaged endothelium and the surface of apoptotic cells. However, the significance of this binding remains unclear. This study demonstrates the binding of purified C1q to recombinant adiponectin under physiological conditions, and the dependence of this upon Ca++ and Mg++. Binding was enhanced by metaperiodate-mediated destruction of glucosylgalactosyl sugars on adiponectin. Adiponectin was bound by the globular domain of the A chain of collagenase-digested C1q, and C1q binding induced deposition of C4 and C3 through activation of the classical complement pathway. After Western blotting, affinity-purified adiponectin from human serum bound C1q, whereas adiponectin in whole serum did not, unless pre-treated with metaperiodate. These results suggest adiponectin is member of the pattern-recognition family of defence collagens, able to bind target molecules and activate complement. It may therefore play an important role in innate immunity and autoimmune phenomena.  相似文献   

Picornavirus replication is critically dependent on the correct processing of a polyprotein precursor by 3C protease(s) (3Cpro) at multiple specific sites with related but non-identical sequences. To investigate the structural basis of its cleavage specificity, we performed the first crystallographic structural analysis of non-covalent complexes of a picornavirus 3Cpro with peptide substrates. The X-ray crystal structure of the foot-and-mouth disease virus 3Cpro, mutated to replace the catalytic Cys by Ala and bound to a peptide (APAKQ|LLNFD) corresponding to the P5-P5′ region of the VP1-2A cleavage junction in the viral polyprotein, was determined up to 2.5 Å resolution. Comparison with free enzyme reveals significant conformational changes in 3Cpro on substrate binding that lead to the formation of an extended interface of contact primarily involving the P4-P2′ positions of the peptide. Strikingly, the deep S1′ specificity pocket needed to accommodate P1′-Leu only forms when the peptide binds. Substrate specificity was investigated using peptide cleavage assays to show the impact of amino acid substitutions within the P5-P4′ region of synthetic substrates. The structure of the enzyme-peptide complex explains the marked substrate preferences for particular P4, P2 and P1 residue types, as well as the relative promiscuity at P3 and on the P′ side of the scissile bond. Furthermore, crystallographic analysis of the complex with a modified VP1-2A peptide (APAKE|LLNFD) containing a Gln-to-Glu substitution reveals an identical mode of peptide binding and explains the ability of foot-and-mouth disease virus 3Cpro to cleave sequences containing either P1-Gln or P1-Glu. Structure-based mutagenesis was used to probe interactions within the S1′ specificity pocket and to provide direct evidence of the important contribution made by Asp84 of the Cys-His-Asp catalytic triad to proteolytic activity. Our results provide a new level of detail in our understanding of the structural basis of polyprotein cleavage by 3Cpro.  相似文献   

Complement control protein modules (CCP) typically mediate protein:protein interaction during immune response in vertebrates. Using NMR chemical shift perturbation mapping, we present previously lacking experimental evidence for intermolecular interactions between the CCP1 and CCP2 modules of the human C1r serine protease (SP). The identified interface is clearly distinct from that observed in the covalently linked CCP1-CCP2 pair. Structural models of the CCP1-CCP2-SP segments of two C1r molecules built on the basis of shift perturbation data are fully consistent with an extended interaction interface and suggests the possibility of a structural rearrangement as a switch between functional states of human C1r.

Structured summary

MINT-8045767: CCP1 (uniprotkb:P00736) and CCP2 (uniprotkb:P00736) bind (MI:0407) by nuclear magnetic resonance (MI:0077)  相似文献   

Benzylquinolone carboxylic acid (BQCA) is an unprecedented example of a selective positive allosteric modulator of acetylcholine at the M1 muscarinic acetylcholine receptor (mAChR). To probe the structural basis underlying its selectivity, we utilized site-directed mutagenesis, analytical modeling, and molecular dynamics to delineate regions of the M1 mAChR that govern modulator binding and transmission of cooperativity. We identified Tyr-852.64 in transmembrane domain 2 (TMII), Tyr-179 and Phe-182 in the second extracellular loop (ECL2), and Glu-3977.32 and Trp-4007.35 in TMVII as residues that contribute to the BQCA binding pocket at the M1 mAChR, as well as to the transmission of cooperativity with the orthosteric agonist carbachol. As such, the BQCA binding pocket partially overlaps with the previously described “common” allosteric site in the extracellular vestibule of the M1 mAChR, suggesting that its high subtype selectivity derives from either additional contacts outside this region or through a subtype-specific cooperativity mechanism. Mutation of amino acid residues that form the orthosteric binding pocket caused a loss of carbachol response that could be rescued by BQCA. Two of these residues (Leu-1023.29 and Asp-1053.32) were also identified as indirect contributors to the binding affinity of the modulator. This new insight into the structural basis of binding and function of BQCA can guide the design of new allosteric ligands with tailored pharmacological properties.  相似文献   

摘要 目的:研究2型糖尿病(T2DM)患者血清尿酸(UA)、胱抑素C(CysC)、半乳糖凝集素-3(Gal-3)、丝氨酸蛋白酶抑制剂B1(Serpin B1)与血糖及颈动脉粥样硬化(CAS)的关系。方法:选取2020年4月-2022年4月青岛市中医医院内分泌科收治的110例T2DM患者,根据有无CAS分为CAS组36例和非CAS组74例,检测并对比两组血清UA、CysC、Gal-3、Serpin B1水平。通过Pearson/Spearman相关系数分析T2DM患者血清UA、CysC、Gal3、Serpin B1水平与血糖指标的相关性。收集患者基础资料,采用多因素Logistic回归分析T2DM患者发生CAS的影响因素。结果:CAS组血清UA、CysC、Gal-3、Serpin B1水平均明显高于非CAS组(P<0.05)。CAS组平均年龄大于非CAS组,吸烟史患者比例、空腹血糖、糖化血红蛋白(HbA1c)、胰岛素抵抗指数(HOMA-IR)、低密度脂蛋白胆固醇(LDL-C)水平高于非CAS组(P<0.05)。相关性分析显示,T2DM患者血清UA、CysC、Gal-3、Serpin B1水平与HbA1c、HOMA-IR呈正相关(P<0.05)。多因素Logistic回归分析显示,年龄较大、HbA1c、HOMA-IR、血清UA、CysC、Gal3、Serpin B1水平较高是T2DM患者发生CAS的危险因素(P<0.05)。结论:血清UA、CysC、Gal-3、Serpin B1水平升高与T2DM患者血糖水平有关,同时也是T2DM患者发生CAS的影响因素。  相似文献   

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