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Soil microorganisms are sensitive indicators of land-use and climate change in the Amazon, revealing shifts in important processes such as greenhouse gas (GHG) production, but they have been overlooked in conservation and management initiatives. Integrating soil biodiversity with other disciplines while expanding sampling efforts and targeted microbial groups is crucially needed.  相似文献   

International Journal of Primatology - Primates are facing a global extinction crisis driven by an expanding human population, environmental degradation, the conversion of tropical forests into...  相似文献   

The interdisciplinary science of conservation biology provides undergraduate biology students with the opportunity to connect the biological sciences with disciplines including economics, social science and philosophy to address challenging conservation issues. Because of its complexity, students do not often have the opportunity to practise conservation biology. To increase exposure to this science, this paper describes a virtual rainforest island on which students collect data related to forest carbon storage, while also confronting ethical issues. Students are asked to independently make decisions, collect data and explore the island before writing a research report with recommendations for the future management of the island’s forests. The ethics of decision-making are addressed in the students’ research reports and are reinforced through guided class discussion. Students will complete this activity with increased ethical awareness, as well as a better understanding of the challenges associated with the practise of conservation biology.  相似文献   

Conservation and environmental concerns in the Venezuelan Amazon   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Starting in 1978, a vigorous conservation policy was established in Estado Amazonas, then the still remote and isolated southernmost part of Venezuela, covering approximately 175 750 km2. At present, four national parks, 17 natural monuments and one biosphere reserve exist in the Venezuelan Amazon, including approx. 92 000 km2; furthermore, since January 1978 all commercial logging activities, and since June 1989 all commercial mining activities have been legally banned in the Venezuelan Amazon. With more than 50% of the entire state now under protection and a population density still as low as 0.6 inhabitants/km2, one would assume that the environmental future of this region looks very bright. There are, however, a number of serious problems menacing this optimistic view: in the first place, the local population, both indigenous and immigrated, does not sincerely support this protection policy, especially with reference to the prohibition of mining and logging activities, which is considered to undermine the economic development of the region; second, none of the protected areas have been provided with a management plan, and the national authority in charge of the reinforcement of these protected areas is hopelessly understaffed, although not lacking funds; third, the establishment of guerrilla in many areas bordering Estado Amazonas on the west has caused increasing corruption of local authorities favoring illegal invasions by miners and other traders into the relatively quiet Venezuelan hinterland, often included in one of the protection categories mentioned above. During the last decade, there has been considerable interest from the international community to reinforce Venezuela's protection capacities in Estado Amazonas; especially, the World Bank, the European Union, the Spanish and German cooperation agencies have offered substantial support towards this goal. The success of these efforts, however, will depend mainly upon the political willingness of the new government to transform the many decrees now on paper into reality, and to resume seriously the role of regional leader in environmental concern which it held 20 years ago.  相似文献   

Community-based conservation (CBC) aims to benefit local people as well as to achieve conservation goals, but has been criticised for taking a simplistic view of “community” and failing to recognise differences in the preferences and motivations of community members. We explore this heterogeneity in the context of Kenya’s conservancies, focussing on the livelihood preferences of men and women living adjacent to the Maasai Mara National Reserve. Using a discrete choice experiment we quantify the preferences of local community members for key components of their livelihoods and conservancy design, differentiating between men and women and existing conservancy members and non-members. While Maasai preference for pastoralism remains strong, non-livestock-based livelihood activities are also highly valued and there was substantial differentiation in preferences between individuals. Involvement with conservancies was generally perceived to be positive, but only if households were able to retain some land for other purposes. Women placed greater value on conservancy membership, but substantially less value on wage income, while existing conservancy members valued both conservancy membership and livestock more highly than did non-members. Our findings suggest that conservancies can make a positive contribution to livelihoods, but care must be taken to ensure that they do not unintentionally disadvantage any groups. We argue that conservation should pay greater attention to individual-level differences in preferences when designing interventions in order to achieve fairer and more sustainable outcomes for members of local communities.  相似文献   

While natural resource exploration and extraction activity is expanding in the Neotropics, our understanding of wildlife response to such activity is almost non‐existent. Primates, which fulfill important ecological roles and face numerous anthropogenic threats, are of particular concern. We studied primate group distribution before, during, and after natural gas pipeline construction in the Peruvian Amazon to investigate whether primates spatially avoid areas of disturbance. We monitored primates on eight transects 20 times per annual sampling period in three consecutive years and analyzed changes in group observations relative to the pipeline right‐of‐way in a multi‐season occupancy modeling framework. Overall primate group encounter rates were low (<half) compared to a nearby protected area. Contrary to expectations, we did not see clear evidence of spatial avoidance of the pipeline area. Although higher overall encounter rates before construction suggested lower primate use of the area during and following construction, this pattern could not be confirmed statistically, and probability of colonization and extinction of transect sections in the occupancy analysis could not be differentiated from zero. These results are probably attributable to a combination of low numbers of primate encounters and high spatial variability in primate use of different transects. This study provides valuable preliminary data and a methodological framework for understanding the response of an ecologically important group of mammals to anthropogenic activity. We encourage other researchers to continue exploring the impacts of natural resource exploration‐ and extraction‐related activities in the tropics, as such activities are likely to have a growing effect on ecosystems.  相似文献   


The establishment and use of community-based natural resource management (CBNRM) groups is now the established route towards conservation in large parts of the Pacific, especially in Fiji. One of the main strengths of CBNRM that is often mentioned is its adaptability to different contexts and to changing objectives among stakeholders, an aspect thoroughly tested by events such as ‘natural’ disasters. This paper is based on 10 months of fieldwork in Kubulau district in Fiji before, during and after Cyclone Winston. It provides an ethnographic account of how this ‘natural’ disaster affected a community and the local CBNRM group. It looks at how this event was experienced and managed by the group, and how the group’s involvement in disaster assistance shifted its role both within and outside of the community, as well as changing its future agenda during the months that followed. We can see in the aftermath of disaster a shift within the group away from the original primary focus on conservation and towards development. The paper provides an account of how the disaster seemingly strengthened the group and the ‘community’ in terms of organisation, knowledge and motivation, but also how it challenged previous norms and exposed weaknesses that are arguably inherent within CBNRM itself.  相似文献   

Vietnam is home to a considerable diversity of primates: Indeed, five of the world's top 25 most endangered primate species are found within Vietnam. To understand and ultimately address Vietnam's conservation crisis, the complex interplay of history, demography, economics, international relations, and culture must be analyzed within Vietnam's specific context. Conducting a holistic analysis with the example of hunting represents how seemingly disparate factors such as the U.S. war, increased tourism and globalization, population density, and cultural traditions converge to significantly impact wildlife.  相似文献   

The Amazon rainforest, the largest equatorial forest in the world, is being cleared for pasture and agricultural use at alarming rates. Tropical deforestation is known to cause alterations in microbial communities at taxonomic and phylogenetic levels, but it is unclear whether microbial functional groups are altered. We asked whether free-living nitrogen-fixing microorganisms (diazotrophs) respond to deforestation in the Amazon rainforest, using analysis of the marker gene nifH. Clone libraries were generated from soil samples collected from a primary forest, a 5-year-old pasture originally converted from primary forest, and a secondary forest established after pasture abandonment. Although diazotroph richness did not significantly change among the three plots, diazotroph community composition was altered with forest-to-pasture conversion, and phylogenetic similarity was higher among pasture communities than among those in forests. There was also 10-fold increase in nifH gene abundance following conversion from primary forest to pasture. Three environmental factors were associated with the observed changes: soil acidity, total N concentration, and C/N ratio. Our results suggest a partial restoration to initial levels of abundance and community structure of diazotrophs following pasture abandonment, with primary and secondary forests sharing similar communities. We postulate that the response of diazotrophs to land use change is a direct consequence of changes in plant communities, particularly the higher N demand of pasture plant communities for supporting aboveground plant growth.  相似文献   

Over the past two decades, several fungal outbreaks have occurred, including the high-profile ‘Vancouver Island’ and ‘Pacific Northwest’ outbreaks, caused by Cryptococcus gattii, which has affected hundreds of otherwise healthy humans and animals. Over the same time period, C. gattii was the cause of several additional case clusters at localities outside of the tropical and subtropical climate zones where the species normally occurs. In every case, the causative agent belongs to a previously rare genotype of C. gattii called AFLP6/VGII, but the origin of the outbreak clades remains enigmatic. Here we used phylogenetic and recombination analyses, based on AFLP and multiple MLST datasets, and coalescence gene genealogy to demonstrate that these outbreaks have arisen from a highly-recombining C. gattii population in the native rainforest of Northern Brazil. Thus the modern virulent C. gattii AFLP6/VGII outbreak lineages derived from mating events in South America and then dispersed to temperate regions where they cause serious infections in humans and animals.  相似文献   

International Journal of Primatology - Observing and quantifying primate behavior in the wild is challenging. Human presence affects primate behavior and habituation of new, especially terrestrial,...  相似文献   

International Journal of Primatology - Ecology is fundamental in the development, transmission, and perpetuity of primate technology. Previous studies on tool site selection have addressed the...  相似文献   

Agroecosystems cover more than one quarter of the global land area (ca. 50 million km2) as highly simplified (e.g. pasturelands) or more complex systems (e.g. polycultures and agroforestry systems) with the capacity to support higher biodiversity. Increasingly more information has been published about primates in agroecosystems but a general synthesis of the diversity of agroecosystems that primates use or which primate taxa are able to persist in these anthropogenic components of the landscapes is still lacking. Because of the continued extensive transformation of primate habitat into human‐modified landscapes, it is important to explore the extent to which agroecosystems are used by primates. In this article, we reviewed published information on the use of agroecosystems by primates in habitat countries and also discuss the potential costs and benefits to human and nonhuman primates of primate use of agroecosystems. The review showed that 57 primate taxa from four regions: Mesoamerica, South America, Sub‐Saharan Africa (including Madagascar), and South East Asia, used 38 types of agroecosystems as temporary or permanent habitats. Fifty‐one percent of the taxa recorded in agroecosystems were classified as least concern in the IUCN Red List, but the rest were classified as endangered (20%), vulnerable (18%), near threatened (9%), or critically endangered (2%). The large proportion of threatened primates in agroecosystems suggests that agroecosystems may play an important role in landscape approaches to primate conservation. We conclude by discussing the value of agroecosystems for primate conservation at a broad scale and highlight priorities for future research. Am. J. Primatol. 74:696‐711, 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   



Large-scale forest conservation projects are underway in the Brazilian Amazon but little is known regarding their public health impact. Current literature emphasizes how land clearing increases malaria incidence, leading to the conclusion that forest conservation decreases malaria burden. Yet, there is also evidence that proximity to forest fringes increases malaria incidence, which implies the opposite relationship between forest conservation and malaria. We compare the effect of these environmental factors on malaria and explore its implications.

Methods and Findings

Using a large malaria dataset (∼1,300,000 positive malaria tests collected over ∼4.5 million km2), satellite imagery, permutation tests, and hierarchical Bayesian regressions, we show that greater forest cover (as a proxy for proximity to forest fringes) tends to be associated with higher malaria incidence, and that forest cover effect was 25 times greater than the land clearing effect, the often cited culprit of malaria in the region. These findings have important implications for land use/land cover (LULC) policies in the region. We find that cities close to protected areas (PA’s) tend to have higher malaria incidence than cities far from PA’s. Using future LULC scenarios, we show that avoiding 10% of deforestation through better governance might result in an average 2-fold increase in malaria incidence by 2050 in urban health posts.


Our results suggest that cost analysis of reduced carbon emissions from conservation efforts in the region should account for increased malaria morbidity, and that conservation initiatives should consider adopting malaria mitigation strategies. Coordinated actions from disparate science fields, government ministries, and global initiatives (e.g., Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation; Millenium Development Goals; Roll Back Malaria; and Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria), will be required to decrease malaria toll in the region while preserving these important ecosystems.  相似文献   

The study assessed the behavior of Gallotia bravoana (La Gomera, Canary Islands, one of the world's most threatened reptiles) to facilitate management decisions and improve welfare during initial stages of a species' recovery plan. The study analyzed—and remote-controlled video cameras filmed—the behavior of lizards housed in 3 outdoor enclosures, from May to September 2000. Daily activity showed a bimodal or unimodal pattern, all specimens basking more during June, with the largest male was the most active. Adults ate a higher percentage of vegetable items; subadults, a comparatively larger proportion of larvae and adult insects. The study analyzed individual compatibility; all interacted during 2 short periods. Aggression occurred mainly between males; because most directed high-intensity aggression toward a specific lizard, the study recommended isolating this lizard in a separate enclosure. The study recommended keeping 2 male-female pairs, who demonstrated social tolerance, as breeding pairs in separated terraria. Typical courtship behavior (head-bob sequences) occurred mainly during July, with highest frequency by the oldest male. Behavioral assessment provided data for improving the individuals' welfare in the enclosures and to select specific pairs for breeding.  相似文献   

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