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ObjectivesThis study focuses on integration of anatomical left ventricle myocardium features and optimized extreme learning machine (ELM) for discrimination of subjects with normal, mild, moderate and severe abnormal ejection fraction (EF). The physiological alterations in myocardium have diagnostic relevance to the etiology of cardiovascular diseases (CVD) with reduced EF.Materials and MethodsThis assessment is carried out on cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) images of 104 subjects available in Kaggle Second Annual Data Science Bowl. The Segment CMR framework is used to segment myocardium from cardiac MR images, and it is subdivided into 16 sectors. 86 clinically significant anatomical features are extracted and subjected to ELM framework. Regularization coefficient and hidden neurons influence the prediction accuracy of ELM. The optimal value for these parameters is achieved with the butterfly optimizer (BO). A comparative study of BOELM framework with different activation functions and feature set has been conducted.ResultsAmong the individual feature set, myocardial volume at ED gives a better classification accuracy of 83.3% compared to others. Further, the given BOELM framework is able to provide higher multi-class accuracy of 95.2% with the entire feature set than ELM. Better discrimination of healthy and moderate abnormal subjects is achieved than other sub groups.ConclusionThe combined anatomical sector wise myocardial features assisted BOELM is able to predict the severity levels of CVDs. Thus, this study supports the radiologists in the mass diagnosis of cardiac disorder.  相似文献   

The investigation of lie detection methods based on P300 potentials has drawn much interest in recent years. We presented a novel algorithm to enhance signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of P300 and applied it in lie detection to increase the classification accuracy. Thirty-four subjects were divided randomly into guilty and innocent groups, and the EEG signals on 14 electrodes were recorded. A novel spatial denoising algorithm (SDA) was proposed to reconstruct the P300 with a high SNR based on independent component analysis. The differences between the proposed method and our/other early published methods mainly lie in the extraction and feature selection method of P300. Three groups of features were extracted from the denoised waves; then, the optimal features were selected by the F-score method. Selected feature samples were finally fed into three classical classifiers to make a performance comparison. The optimal parameter values in the SDA and the classifiers were tuned using a grid-searching training procedure with cross-validation. The support vector machine (SVM) approach was adopted to combine with an F-score because this approach had the best performance. The presented model F-score_SVM reaches a significantly higher classification accuracy for P300 (specificity of 96.05%) and non-P300 (sensitivity of 96.11%) compared with the results obtained without using SDA and compared with the results obtained by other classification models. Moreover, a higher individual diagnosis rate can be obtained compared with previous methods, and the presented method requires only a small number of stimuli in the real testing application.  相似文献   

Recently, ensemble learning methods have been widely used to improve classification performance in machine learning. In this paper, we present a novel ensemble learning method: argumentation based multi-agent joint learning (AMAJL), which integrates ideas from multi-agent argumentation, ensemble learning, and association rule mining. In AMAJL, argumentation technology is introduced as an ensemble strategy to integrate multiple base classifiers and generate a high performance ensemble classifier. We design an argumentation framework named Arena as a communication platform for knowledge integration. Through argumentation based joint learning, high quality individual knowledge can be extracted, and thus a refined global knowledge base can be generated and used independently for classification. We perform numerous experiments on multiple public datasets using AMAJL and other benchmark methods. The results demonstrate that our method can effectively extract high quality knowledge for ensemble classifier and improve the performance of classification.  相似文献   

Background and objectiveBreast cancer, the most intrusive form of cancer affecting women globally. Next to lung cancer, breast cancer is the one that provides a greater number of cancer deaths among women. In recent times, several intelligent methodologies were come into existence for building an effective detection and classification of such noxious type of cancer. For further improving the rate of early diagnosis and for increasing the life span of victims, optimistic light of research is essential in breast cancer classification. Accordingly, a new customized method of integrating the concept of deep learning with the extreme learning machine (ELM), which is optimized using a simple crow-search algorithm (ICS-ELM). Thus, to enhance the state-of-the-art workings, an improved deep feature-based crow-search optimized extreme learning machine is proposed for addressing the health-care problem. The paper pours a light-of-research on detecting the input mammograms as either normal or abnormal. Subsequently, it focuses on further classifying the type of abnormal severities i.e., benign type or malignant.Materials and methodsThe digital mammograms for this work are taken from the Curated Breast Imaging Subset of DDSM (CBIS-DDSM), Mammographic Image Analysis Society (MIAS), and INbreast datasets. Herein, the work employs 570 digital mammograms (250 normal, 200 benign and 120 malignant cases) from CBIS-DDSM dataset, 322 digital mammograms (207 normal, 64 benign and 51 malignant cases) from MIAS database and 179 full-field digital mammograms (66 normal, 56 benign and 57 malignant cases) from INbreast dataset for its evaluation. The work utilizes ResNet-18 based deep extracted features with proposed Improved Crow-Search Optimized Extreme Learning Machine (ICS-ELM) algorithm.ResultsThe proposed work is finally compared with the existing Support Vector Machines (RBF kernel), ELM, particle swarm optimization (PSO) optimized ELM, and crow-search optimized ELM, where the maximum overall classification accuracy is obtained for the proposed method with 97.193% for DDSM, 98.137% for MIAS and 98.266% for INbreast datasets, respectively.ConclusionThe obtained results reveal that the proposed Computer-Aided-Diagnosis (CAD) tool is robust for the automatic detection and classification of breast cancer.  相似文献   

假尿苷(ψ)是RNA序列中的一种化学修饰,其在基因转录过程中,由酶的催化作用而形成。它是目前所发现为数最多的一种RNA修饰,并且在正常行使生物学功能方面扮演着重要角色。因此,假尿苷修饰位点的识别是一个非常重要的研究领域。随着RNA序列数据的急速增长,基于机器学习识别假尿苷位点的方法相继提出,但其识别精度有待提高。因此,本文提出了一个新的融合核苷酸化学性质、核苷酸浓度和位置特异性的单核苷酸、双核苷酸、三核苷酸偏好特征的序列编码方式,并基于此编码方式和核极限学习机(Kernel Extreme Learning Machine, KELM)算法,构建了一个新的假尿苷位点预测器,该预测器被称为“KELMPSP”。通过Jackknife测试和独立数据集测试表明,KELMPSP明显优于现有的假尿苷位点预测器。KELMPSP可以通过网站:http://39.10577.161:8890/KELMPSP进行使用。  相似文献   

In order to overcome the problems of poor understandability of the pattern recognition-based transient stability assessment (PRTSA) methods, a new rule extraction method based on extreme learning machine (ELM) and an improved Ant-miner (IAM) algorithm is presented in this paper. First, the basic principles of ELM and Ant-miner algorithm are respectively introduced. Then, based on the selected optimal feature subset, an example sample set is generated by the trained ELM-based PRTSA model. And finally, a set of classification rules are obtained by IAM algorithm to replace the original ELM network. The novelty of this proposal is that transient stability rules are extracted from an example sample set generated by the trained ELM-based transient stability assessment model by using IAM algorithm. The effectiveness of the proposed method is shown by the application results on the New England 39-bus power system and a practical power system — the southern power system of Hebei province.  相似文献   

Advances in next-generation sequencing technologies have enabled the identification of multiple rare single nucleotide polymorphisms involved in diseases or traits. Several strategies for identifying rare variants that contribute to disease susceptibility have recently been proposed. An important feature of many of these statistical methods is the pooling or collapsing of multiple rare single nucleotide variants to achieve a reasonably high frequency and effect. However, if the pooled rare variants are associated with the trait in different directions, then the pooling may weaken the signal, thereby reducing its statistical power. In the present paper, we propose a backward support vector machine (BSVM)-based variant selection procedure to identify informative disease-associated rare variants. In the selection procedure, the rare variants are weighted and collapsed according to their positive or negative associations with the disease, which may be associated with common variants and rare variants with protective, deleterious, or neutral effects. This nonparametric variant selection procedure is able to account for confounding factors and can also be adopted in other regression frameworks. The results of a simulation study and a data example show that the proposed BSVM approach is more powerful than four other approaches under the considered scenarios, while maintaining valid type I errors.  相似文献   

In this paper, the recently developed Extreme Learning Machine (ELM) is used for direct multicategory classification problems in the cancer diagnosis area. ELM avoids problems like local minima, improper learning rate and overfitting commonly faced by iterative learning methods and completes the training very fast. We have evaluated the multi-category classification performance of ELM on three benchmark microarray datasets for cancer diagnosis, namely, the GCM dataset, the Lung dataset and the Lymphoma dataset. The results indicate that ELM produces comparable or better classification accuracies with reduced training time and implementation complexity compared to artificial neural networks methods like conventional back-propagation ANN, Linder's SANN, and Support Vector Machine methods like SVM-OVO and Ramaswamy's SVM-OVA. ELM also achieves better accuracies for classification of individual categories.  相似文献   

The Filtered Back-Projection (FBP) algorithm and its modified versions are the most important techniques for CT (Computerized tomography) reconstruction, however, it may produce aliasing degradation in the reconstructed images due to projection discretization. The general iterative reconstruction (IR) algorithms suffer from their heavy calculation burden and other drawbacks. In this paper, an iterative FBP approach is proposed to reduce the aliasing degradation. In the approach, the image reconstructed by FBP algorithm is treated as the intermediate image and projected along the original projection directions to produce the reprojection data. The difference between the original and reprojection data is filtered by a special digital filter, and then is reconstructed by FBP to produce a correction term. The correction term is added to the intermediate image to update it. This procedure can be performed iteratively to improve the reconstruction performance gradually until certain stopping criterion is satisfied. Some simulations and tests on real data show the proposed approach is better than FBP algorithm or some IR algorithms in term of some general image criteria. The calculation burden is several times that of FBP, which is much less than that of general IR algorithms and acceptable in the most situations. Therefore, the proposed algorithm has the potential applications in practical CT systems.  相似文献   

Pneumonia is one of the diseases that people may encounter in any period of their lives. Approximately 18% of infectious diseases are caused by pneumonia. This disease may result in death in the following stages. In order to diagnose pneumonia as a medical condition, lung X-ray images are routinely examined by the field experts in the clinical practice. In this study, lung X-ray images that are available for the diagnosis of pneumonia were used. The convolutional neural network was employed as feature extractor, and some of existing convolutional neural network models that are AlexNet, VGG-16 and VGG-19 were utilized so as to realize this specific task. Then, the number of deep features was reduced from 1000 to 100 by using the minimum redundancy maximum relevance algorithm for each deep model. Accordingly, we achieved 100 deep features from each deep model, and we combined these features so as to provide an efficient feature set consisting of totally 300 deep features. In this step of the experiment, this feature set was given as an input to the decision tree, k-nearest neighbors, linear discriminant analysis, linear regression, and support vector machine learning models. Finally, all models ensured promising results, especially linear discriminant analysis yielded the most efficient results with an accuracy of 99.41%. Consequently, the results point out that the deep features provided robust and consistent features for pneumonia detection, and minimum redundancy maximum relevance method was found a beneficial tool to reduce the dimension of the feature set.  相似文献   

Erroneous behavior usually elicits a distinct pattern in neural waveforms. In particular, inspection of the concurrent recorded electroencephalograms (EEG) typically reveals a negative potential at fronto-central electrodes shortly following a response error (Ne or ERN) as well as an error-awareness-related positivity (Pe). Seemingly, the brain signal contains information about the occurrence of an error. Assuming a general error evaluation system, the question arises whether this information can be utilized in order to classify behavioral performance within or even across different cognitive tasks. In the present study, a machine learning approach was employed to investigate the outlined issue. Ne as well as Pe were extracted from the single-trial EEG signals of participants conducting a flanker and a mental rotation task and subjected to a machine learning classification scheme (via a support vector machine, SVM). Overall, individual performance in the flanker task was classified more accurately, with accuracy rates of above 85%. Most importantly, it was even feasible to classify responses across both tasks. In particular, an SVM trained on the flanker task could identify erroneous behavior with almost 70% accuracy in the EEG data recorded during the rotation task, and vice versa. Summed up, we replicate that the response-related EEG signal can be used to identify erroneous behavior within a particular task. Going beyond this, it was possible to classify response types across functionally different tasks. Therefore, the outlined methodological approach appears promising with respect to future applications.  相似文献   

For current computational intelligence techniques, a major challenge is how to learn new concepts in changing environment. Traditional learning schemes could not adequately address this problem due to a lack of dynamic data selection mechanism. In this paper, inspired by human learning process, a novel classification algorithm based on incremental semi-supervised support vector machine (SVM) is proposed. Through the analysis of prediction confidence of samples and data distribution in a changing environment, a “soft-start” approach, a data selection mechanism and a data cleaning mechanism are designed, which complete the construction of our incremental semi-supervised learning system. Noticeably, with the ingenious design procedure of our proposed algorithm, the computation complexity is reduced effectively. In addition, for the possible appearance of some new labeled samples in the learning process, a detailed analysis is also carried out. The results show that our algorithm does not rely on the model of sample distribution, has an extremely low rate of introducing wrong semi-labeled samples and can effectively make use of the unlabeled samples to enrich the knowledge system of classifier and improve the accuracy rate. Moreover, our method also has outstanding generalization performance and the ability to overcome the concept drift in a changing environment.  相似文献   

Choosing an appropriate kernel is very important and critical when classifying a new problem with Support Vector Machine. So far, more attention has been paid on constructing new kernels and choosing suitable parameter values for a specific kernel function, but less on kernel selection. Furthermore, most of current kernel selection methods focus on seeking a best kernel with the highest classification accuracy via cross-validation, they are time consuming and ignore the differences among the number of support vectors and the CPU time of SVM with different kernels. Considering the tradeoff between classification success ratio and CPU time, there may be multiple kernel functions performing equally well on the same classification problem. Aiming to automatically select those appropriate kernel functions for a given data set, we propose a multi-label learning based kernel recommendation method built on the data characteristics. For each data set, the meta-knowledge data base is first created by extracting the feature vector of data characteristics and identifying the corresponding applicable kernel set. Then the kernel recommendation model is constructed on the generated meta-knowledge data base with the multi-label classification method. Finally, the appropriate kernel functions are recommended to a new data set by the recommendation model according to the characteristics of the new data set. Extensive experiments over 132 UCI benchmark data sets, with five different types of data set characteristics, eleven typical kernels (Linear, Polynomial, Radial Basis Function, Sigmoidal function, Laplace, Multiquadric, Rational Quadratic, Spherical, Spline, Wave and Circular), and five multi-label classification methods demonstrate that, compared with the existing kernel selection methods and the most widely used RBF kernel function, SVM with the kernel function recommended by our proposed method achieved the highest classification performance.  相似文献   



Circulating tumor cell (CTC) detection and genetic analysis may complement currently available disease assessments in patients with melanoma to improve risk stratification and monitoring. We therefore sought to establish the feasibility of a telomerase-based assay for detecting and isolating live melanoma CTCs.


The telomerase-based CTC assay utilizes an adenoviral vector that, in the presence of elevated human telomerase activity, drives the amplification of green fluorescent protein. Tumor cells are then identified via an image processing system. The protocol was tested on melanoma cells in culture or spiked into control blood, and on samples from patients with metastatic melanoma. Genetic analysis of the isolated melanoma CTCs was then performed for BRAF mutation status.


The adenoviral vector was effective for all melanoma cell lines tested with sensitivity of 88.7% (95%CI 85.6-90.4%) and specificity of 99.9% (95%CI 99.8-99.9%). In a pilot trial of patients with metastatic disease, CTCs were identified in 9 of 10 patients, with a mean of 6.0 CTCs/mL. At a cutoff of 1.1 CTCs/mL, the telomerase-based assay exhibits test performance of 90.0% sensitivity and 91.7% specificity. BRAF mutation analysis of melanoma cells isolated from culture or spiked control blood, or from pilot patient samples was found to match the known BRAF mutation status of the cell lines and primary tumors.


To our knowledge, this is the first report of a telomerase-based assay effective for detecting and isolating live melanoma CTCs. These promising findings support further studies, including towards integrating into the management of patients with melanoma receiving multimodality therapy.  相似文献   

Finding efficient analytical techniques is overwhelmingly turning into a bottleneck for the effectiveness of large biological data. Machine learning offers a novel and powerful tool to advance classification and modeling solutions in molecular biology. However, these methods have been less frequently used with empirical population genetics data. In this study, we developed a new combined approach of data analysis using microsatellite marker data from our previous studies of olive populations using machine learning algorithms. Herein, 267 olive accessions of various origins including 21 reference cultivars, 132 local ecotypes, and 37 wild olive specimens from the Iranian plateau, together with 77 of the most represented Mediterranean varieties were investigated using a finely selected panel of 11 microsatellite markers. We organized data in two ‘4-targeted’ and ‘16-targeted’ experiments. A strategy of assaying different machine based analyses (i.e. data cleaning, feature selection, and machine learning classification) was devised to identify the most informative loci and the most diagnostic alleles to represent the population and the geography of each olive accession. These analyses revealed microsatellite markers with the highest differentiating capacity and proved efficiency for our method of clustering olive accessions to reflect upon their regions of origin. A distinguished highlight of this study was the discovery of the best combination of markers for better differentiating of populations via machine learning models, which can be exploited to distinguish among other biological populations.  相似文献   

Expression Quantitative Trait Locus (eQTL) analysis is a powerful tool to study the biological mechanisms linking the genotype with gene expression. Such analyses can identify genomic locations where genotypic variants influence the expression of genes, both in close proximity to the variant (cis-eQTL), and on other chromosomes (trans-eQTL). Many traditional eQTL methods are based on a linear regression model. In this study, we propose a novel method by which to identify eQTL associations with information theory and machine learning approaches. Mutual Information (MI) is used to describe the association between genetic marker and gene expression. MI can detect both linear and non-linear associations. What’s more, it can capture the heterogeneity of the population. Advanced feature selection methods, Maximum Relevance Minimum Redundancy (mRMR) and Incremental Feature Selection (IFS), were applied to optimize the selection of the affected genes by the genetic marker. When we applied our method to a study of apoE-deficient mice, it was found that the cis-acting eQTLs are stronger than trans-acting eQTLs but there are more trans-acting eQTLs than cis-acting eQTLs. We compared our results (mRMR.eQTL) with R/qtl, and MatrixEQTL (modelLINEAR and modelANOVA). In female mice, 67.9% of mRMR.eQTL results can be confirmed by at least two other methods while only 14.4% of R/qtl result can be confirmed by at least two other methods. In male mice, 74.1% of mRMR.eQTL results can be confirmed by at least two other methods while only 18.2% of R/qtl result can be confirmed by at least two other methods. Our methods provide a new way to identify the association between genetic markers and gene expression. Our software is available from supporting information.  相似文献   

Epilepsy surgery is effective in reducing both the number and frequency of seizures, particularly in temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE). Nevertheless, a significant proportion of these patients continue suffering seizures after surgery. Here we used a machine learning approach to predict the outcome of epilepsy surgery based on supervised classification data mining taking into account not only the common clinical variables, but also pathological and neuropsychological evaluations. We have generated models capable of predicting whether a patient with TLE secondary to hippocampal sclerosis will fully recover from epilepsy or not. The machine learning analysis revealed that outcome could be predicted with an estimated accuracy of almost 90% using some clinical and neuropsychological features. Importantly, not all the features were needed to perform the prediction; some of them proved to be irrelevant to the prognosis. Personality style was found to be one of the key features to predict the outcome. Although we examined relatively few cases, findings were verified across all data, showing that the machine learning approach described in the present study may be a powerful method. Since neuropsychological assessment of epileptic patients is a standard protocol in the pre-surgical evaluation, we propose to include these specific psychological tests and machine learning tools to improve the selection of candidates for epilepsy surgery.  相似文献   

Cardiac arrhythmia is a condition when the heart rate is irregular either the beat is too slow or too fast. It occurs due to improper electrical impulses that coordinates the heart beats. Sudden cardiac death may occurs due to some dangerous arrhythmias conditions. Hence the main objective of the electrocardiogram (ECG) analysis is to detect the life-threatening arrhythmias accurately for appropriate treatment in order to save life. Since the last decades, several methods were reported for automatic ECG beat classifications. In this work, we present a systematic review of the current state-of-the-art methods used to detect cardiac arrhythmia using on ECG signals. It includes the signal decomposition, feature extraction and machine learning approaches used for automatic detection and decision making process. The articles covers the pre-processing, detection of QRS complex, feature extraction and classification of ECG beats. Based on the past studies, it is understood that the automated approach using computer-aided decision making process is highly required for real-time detection of cardiac arrhythmias. The advantages and limitations of different methods are discussed and also the future scopes is highlighted in the process of effective detection of cardiac arrhythmias. This study could be beneficial for researchers to analyze the existing state-of-art techniques used in detection of arrhythmia conditions.  相似文献   



Dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (DCE-MRI) is increasingly used for breast cancer diagnosis as supplementary to conventional imaging techniques. Combining of diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) of morphology and kinetic features from DCE-MRI to improve the discrimination power of malignant from benign breast masses is rarely reported.

Materials and Methods

The study comprised of 234 female patients with 85 benign and 149 malignant lesions. Four distinct groups of features, coupling with pathological tests, were estimated to comprehensively characterize the pictorial properties of each lesion, which was obtained by a semi-automated segmentation method. Classical machine learning scheme including feature subset selection and various classification schemes were employed to build prognostic model, which served as a foundation for evaluating the combined effects of the multi-sided features for predicting of the types of lesions. Various measurements including cross validation and receiver operating characteristics were used to quantify the diagnostic performances of each feature as well as their combination.


Seven features were all found to be statistically different between the malignant and the benign groups and their combination has achieved the highest classification accuracy. The seven features include one pathological variable of age, one morphological variable of slope, three texture features of entropy, inverse difference and information correlation, one kinetic feature of SER and one DWI feature of apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC). Together with the selected diagnostic features, various classical classification schemes were used to test their discrimination power through cross validation scheme. The averaged measurements of sensitivity, specificity, AUC and accuracy are 0.85, 0.89, 90.9% and 0.93, respectively.


Multi-sided variables which characterize the morphological, kinetic, pathological properties and DWI measurement of ADC can dramatically improve the discriminatory power of breast lesions.  相似文献   

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