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Hsp90 and tubulin are among the most abundant proteins in the cytosol of eukaryotic cells. Although Hsp90 plays key roles in maintaining its client proteins in their active state, tubulin is essential for fundamental processes such as cell morphogenesis and division. Several studies have suggested a possible connection between Hsp90 and the microtubule cytoskeleton. Because tubulin is a labile protein in its soluble form, we investigated whether Hsp90 protects it against thermal denaturation. Both proteins were purified from porcine brain, and their interaction was characterized in vitro by using spectrophotometry, sedimentation assays, video-enhanced differential interference contrast light microscopy, and native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Our results show that Hsp90 protects tubulin against thermal denaturation and keeps it in a state compatible with microtubule polymerization. We demonstrate that Hsp90 cannot resolve tubulin aggregates but that it likely binds early unfolding intermediates, preventing their aggregation. Protection was maximal at a stoichiometry of two molecules of Hsp90 for one of tubulin. This protection does not require ATP binding and hydrolysis by Hsp90, but it is counteracted by geldanamycin, a specific inhibitor of Hsp90.  相似文献   

Histone deacetylases (HDACs) play important roles in fundamental cellular processes, and HDAC inhibitors are emerging as promising cancer therapeutics. p73, a member of the p53 family, plays a critical role in tumor suppression and neural development. Interestingly, p73 produces two classes of proteins with opposing functions: the full-length TAp73 and the N-terminally truncated ΔNp73. In the current study, we sought to characterize the potential regulation of p73 by HDACs and found that histone deacetylase 1 (HDAC1) is a key regulator of TAp73 protein stability. Specifically, we showed that HDAC1 inhibition by HDAC inhibitors or by siRNA shortened the half-life of TAp73 protein and subsequently decreased TAp73 expression under normal and DNA damage-induced conditions. Mechanistically, we found that HDAC1 knockdown resulted in hyperacetylation and inactivation of heat shock protein 90, which disrupted the interaction between heat shock protein 90 and TAp73 and thus promoted the proteasomal degradation of TAp73. Functionally, we found that down-regulation of TAp73 was required for the enhanced cell migration mediated by HDAC1 knockdown. Together, we uncover a novel regulation of TAp73 protein stability by HDAC1-heat shock protein 90 chaperone complex, and our data suggest that TAp73 is a critical downstream mediator of HDAC1-regulated cell migration.  相似文献   

Histone H3 lysine 27 (H3K27) methylation and H2A monoubiquitination (ubH2A) are two closely related histone modifications that regulate Polycomb silencing. Previous studies reported that H3K27 trimethylation (H3K27me3) rarely coexists with H3K36 di- or tri-methylation (H3K36me2/3) on the same histone H3 tails, which is partially controlled by the direct inhibition of the enzymatic activity of H3K27-specific methyltransferase PRC2. By contrast, H3K27 methylation does not affect the catalytic activity of H3K36-specific methyltransferases, suggesting other Polycomb mechanism(s) may negatively regulate the H3K36-specific methyltransferase(s). In this study, we established a simple protocol to purify milligram quantities of ubH2A from mammalian cells, which were used to reconstitute nucleosome substrates with fully ubiquitinated H2A. A number of histone methyltransferases were then tested on these nucleosome substrates. Notably, all of the H3K36-specific methyltransferases, including ASH1L, HYPB, NSD1, and NSD2 were inhibited by ubH2A, whereas the other histone methyltransferases, including PRC2, G9a, and Pr-Set7 were not affected by ubH2A. Together with previous reports, these findings collectively explain the mutual repulsion of H3K36me2/3 and Polycomb modifications.  相似文献   

In eukaryotes, heat shock protein 90 (Hsp90) is an essential ATP-dependent molecular chaperone that associates with numerous client proteins. HtpG, a prokaryotic homolog of Hsp90, is essential for thermotolerance in cyanobacteria, and in vitro it suppresses the aggregation of denatured proteins efficiently. Understanding how the non-native client proteins bound to HtpG refold is of central importance to comprehend the essential role of HtpG under stress. Here, we demonstrate by yeast two-hybrid method, immunoprecipitation assays, and surface plasmon resonance techniques that HtpG physically interacts with DnaJ2 and DnaK2. DnaJ2, which belongs to the type II J-protein family, bound DnaK2 or HtpG with submicromolar affinity, and HtpG bound DnaK2 with micromolar affinity. Not only DnaJ2 but also HtpG enhanced the ATP hydrolysis by DnaK2. Although assisted by the DnaK2 chaperone system, HtpG enhanced native refolding of urea-denatured lactate dehydrogenase and heat-denatured glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase. HtpG did not substitute for DnaJ2 or GrpE in the DnaK2-assisted refolding of the denatured substrates. The heat-denatured malate dehydrogenase that did not refold by the assistance of the DnaK2 chaperone system alone was trapped by HtpG first and then transferred to DnaK2 where it refolded. Dissociation of substrates from HtpG was either ATP-dependent or -independent depending on the substrate, indicating the presence of two mechanisms of cooperative action between the HtpG and the DnaK2 chaperone system.  相似文献   

Like other nitric-oxide synthase (NOS) enzymes, neuronal NOS (nNOS) turnover and activity are regulated by the Hsp90/Hsp70-based chaperone machinery, which regulates signaling proteins by modulating ligand binding clefts (Pratt, W. B., Morishima, Y., and Osawa, Y. (2008) J. Biol. Chem. 283, 22885-22889). We have previously shown that nNOS turnover is due to Hsp70/CHIP-dependent ubiquitination and proteasomal degradation. In this work, we use an intracellular cross-linking approach to study both chaperone binding and nNOS ubiquitination in intact HEK293 cells. Treatment of cells with N(G)-nitro-L-arginine, a slowly reversible competitive inhibitor that stabilizes nNOS, decreases both nNOS ubiquitination and binding of Hsp90, Hsp70, and CHIP. Treatment with the calcium ionophore A23187, which increases Ca(2+)-calmodulin binding to nNOS, increases nNOS ubiquitination and binding of Hsp90, Hsp70, and CHIP in a manner that is specific for changes in the heme/substrate binding cleft. Both Hsp90 and Hsp70 are bound to the expressed nNOS oxygenase domain, which contains the heme/substrate binding cleft, but not to the reductase domain, and binding is increased to an expressed fragment containing both the oxygenase domain and the calmodulin binding site. Overexpression of Hsp70 promotes nNOS ubiquitination and decreases nNOS protein, and overexpression of Hsp90 inhibits nNOS ubiquitination and increases nNOS protein, showing the opposing effects of the two chaperones as they participate in nNOS quality control in the cell. These observations support the notion that changes in the state of the heme/substrate binding cleft affect chaperone binding and thus nNOS ubiquitination.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial Hsp70 (mtHsp70) mediates essential functions for mitochondrial biogenesis, like import and folding of proteins. In these processes, the chaperone cooperates with cochaperones, the presequence translocase, and other chaperone systems. The chaperonin Hsp60, together with its cofactor Hsp10, catalyzes folding of a subset of mtHsp70 client proteins. Hsp60 forms heptameric ring structures that provide a cavity for protein folding. How the Hsp60 rings are assembled is poorly understood. In a comprehensive interaction study, we found that mtHsp70 associates with Hsp60 and Hsp10. Surprisingly, mtHsp70 interacts with Hsp10 independently of Hsp60. The mtHsp70-Hsp10 complex binds to the unassembled Hsp60 precursor to promote its assembly into mature Hsp60 complexes. We conclude that coupling to Hsp10 recruits mtHsp70 to mediate the biogenesis of the heptameric Hsp60 rings.  相似文献   

Histone lysine methylation is a dynamic process that plays an important role in regulating chromatin structure and gene expression. Recent studies have identified Jhd2, a JmjC domain-containing protein, as an H3K4-specific demethylase in budding yeast. However, important questions regarding the regulation and functions of Jhd2 remain unanswered. In this study, we show that Jhd2 has intrinsic activity to remove all three states of H3K4 methylation in vivo and can dynamically associate with chromatin to modulate H3K4 methylation levels on both active and repressed genes and at the telomeric regions. We found that the plant homeodomain (PHD) finger of Jhd2 is important for its chromatin association in vivo. However, this association is not dependent on H3K4 methylation and the H3 N-terminal tail, suggesting the presence of an alternative mechanism by which Jhd2 binds nucleosomes. We also provide evidence that the JmjN domain and its interaction with the JmjC catalytic domain are important for Jhd2 function and that Not4 (an E3 ligase) monitors the structural integrity of this interdomain interaction to maintain the overall protein levels of Jhd2. We show that the S451R mutation in human SMCX (a homolog of Jhd2), which has been linked to mental retardation, and the homologous T359R mutation in Jhd2 affect the protein stability of both of these proteins. Therefore, our findings provide a mechanistic explanation for the observed defects in patients harboring this SMCX mutant and suggest the presence of a conserved pathway involving Not4 that modulates the protein stability of both yeast Jhd2 and human SMCX.  相似文献   

The R2TP is a recently identified Hsp90 co-chaperone, composed of four proteins as follows: Pih1D1, RPAP3, and the AAA+-ATPases RUVBL1 and RUVBL2. In mammals, the R2TP is involved in the biogenesis of cellular machineries such as RNA polymerases, small nucleolar ribonucleoparticles and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase-related kinases. Here, we characterize the spaghetti (spag) gene of Drosophila, the homolog of human RPAP3. This gene plays an essential function during Drosophila development. We show that Spag protein binds Drosophila orthologs of R2TP components and Hsp90, like its yeast counterpart. Unexpectedly, Spag also interacts and stimulates the chaperone activity of Hsp70. Using null mutants and flies with inducible RNAi, we show that spaghetti is necessary for the stabilization of snoRNP core proteins and target of rapamycin activity and likely the assembly of RNA polymerase II. This work highlights the strong conservation of both the HSP90/R2TP system and its clients and further shows that Spag, unlike Saccharomyces cerevisiae Tah1, performs essential functions in metazoans. Interaction of Spag with both Hsp70 and Hsp90 suggests a model whereby R2TP would accompany clients from Hsp70 to Hsp90 to facilitate their assembly into macromolecular complexes.  相似文献   

We previously reported 4-(3-((6-bromonaphthalen-2-yl)oxy)-2-hydroxypropyl)-N,N-dimethylpiperazine-1-sulfonamide (1) as a novel heat shock protein 90 inhibitor with moderate activity. In our ongoing efforts for the discovery of Hsp90 modulators we undertake structural investigations on 1. Series of the titled compound were designed, synthesized and evaluated. We have found that compounds with a hydroxyl group at C-4 of the aryl ring on the piperazine moiety possess Hsp90 inhibition properties. Compound 6f with improved activity could be further developed and optimized as Hsp90 inhibitor.  相似文献   

An eight-amino acid segment is known to be responsible for the marked difference in the rates of degradation of the EGF receptor (ErbB1) and ErbB2 upon treatment of cells with the Hsp90 inhibitor geldanamycin. We have scrambled the first six amino acids of this segment of the EGF receptor (EGFR), which lies in close association with the ATP binding cleft and the dimerization face. Scrambling these six amino acids markedly reduces EGFR stability, EGF-stimulated receptor dimerization, and autophosphorylation activity. Two peptides were synthesized as follows: one containing the wild-type sequence of the eight-amino acid segment, which we call Disruptin; and one with the scrambled sequence. Disruptin inhibits Hsp90 binding to the EGFR and causes slow degradation of the EGFR in two EGFR-dependent cancer cell lines, whereas the scrambled peptide is inactive. This effect is specific for EGFR versus other Hsp90 client proteins. In the presence of EGF, Disruptin, but not the scrambled peptide, inhibits EGFR dimerization and causes rapid degradation of the EGFR. In contrast to the Hsp90 inhibitor geldanamycin, Disruptin inhibits cancer cell growth by a nonapoptotic mechanism. Disruptin provides proof of concept for the development of a new class of anti-tumor drugs that specifically cause EGFR degradation.  相似文献   

Chromatin-modifying enzymes play a fundamental role in regulating chromatin structure so that DNA replication is spatially and temporally coordinated. For example, the lysine demethylase 4A/Jumonji domain-containing 2A (KDM4A/JMJD2A) is tightly regulated during the cell cycle. Overexpression of JMJD2A leads to altered replication timing and faster S phase progression. In this study, we demonstrate that degradation of JMJD2A is regulated by the proteasome. JMJD2A turnover is coordinated through the SKP1-Cul1-F-box ubiquitin ligase complex that contains cullin 1 and the F-box and leucine-rich repeat protein 4 (FbxL4). This complex interacted with JMJD2A. Ubiquitin overexpression restored turnover and blocked the JMJD2A-dependent faster S phase progression in a cullin 1-dependent manner. Furthermore, increased ubiquitin levels decreased JMJD2A occupancy and BrdU incorporation at target sites. This study highlights a finely tuned mechanism for regulating histone demethylase levels and emphasizes the need to tightly regulate chromatin modifiers so that the cell cycle occurs properly.  相似文献   

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