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Mutations within T cell epitopes represent a common mechanism of viral escape from the host protective immune response. The diverse T cell repertoire and the extensive human leukocyte antigen (HLA) polymorphism across populations is the evolutionary response to viral mutation. However, the molecular basis underpinning the interplay between HLA polymorphism, the T cell repertoire, and viral escape is unclear. Here we investigate the T cell response to a HLA-B*35:01- and HLA-B*35:08-restricted 407HPVGEADYFEY417 epitope from Epstein-Barr virus and naturally occurring variants at positions 4 and 5 thereof. Each viral variant differently impacted on the epitope''s flexibility and conformation when bound to HLA-B*35:08 or HLA-B*35:01. We provide a molecular basis for understanding how the single residue polymorphism that discriminates between HLA-B*35:01/08 profoundly impacts on T cell receptor recognition. Surprisingly, one viral variant (P5-Glu to P5-Asp) effectively changed restriction preference from HLA-B*35:01 to HLA-B*35:08. Collectively, our study portrays the interplay between the T cell response, viral escape, and HLA polymorphism, whereby HLA polymorphism enables altered presentation of epitopes from different strains of Epstein-Barr virus.  相似文献   

Altered peptide antigens that enhance T-cell immunogenicity have been used to improve peptide-based vaccination for a range of diseases. Although this strategy can prime T-cell responses of greater magnitude, the efficacy of constituent T-cell clonotypes within the primed population can be poor. To overcome this limitation, we isolated a CD8+ T-cell clone (MEL5) with an enhanced ability to recognize the HLA A*0201-Melan A27–35 (HLA A*0201-AAGIGILTV) antigen expressed on the surface of malignant melanoma cells. We used combinatorial peptide library screening to design an optimal peptide sequence that enhanced functional activation of the MEL5 clone, but not other CD8+ T-cell clones that recognized HLA A*0201-AAGIGILTV poorly. Structural analysis revealed the potential for new contacts between the MEL5 T-cell receptor and the optimized peptide. Furthermore, the optimized peptide was able to prime CD8+ T-cell populations in peripheral blood mononuclear cell isolates from multiple HLA A*0201+ individuals that were capable of efficient HLA A*0201+ melanoma cell destruction. This proof-of-concept study demonstrates that it is possible to design altered peptide antigens for the selection of superior T-cell clonotypes with enhanced antigen recognition properties.  相似文献   

αβ T-cell receptors (TCRs) engage antigens using complementarity-determining region (CDR) loops that are either germ line-encoded (CDR1 and CDR2) or somatically rearranged (CDR3). TCR ligands compose a presentation platform (major histocompatibility complex (MHC)) and a variable antigenic component consisting of a short “foreign” peptide. The sequence of events when the TCR engages its peptide-MHC (pMHC) ligand remains unclear. Some studies suggest that the germ line elements of the TCR engage the MHC prior to peptide scanning, but this order of binding is difficult to reconcile with some TCR-pMHC structures. Here, we used TCRs that exhibited enhanced pMHC binding as a result of mutations in either CDR2 and/or CDR3 loops, that bound to the MHC or peptide, respectively, to dissect the roles of these loops in stabilizing TCR-pMHC interactions. Our data show that TCR-peptide interactions play a strongly dominant energetic role providing a binding mode that is both temporally and energetically complementary with a system requiring positive selection by self-pMHC in the thymus and rapid recognition of non-self-pMHC in the periphery.  相似文献   

Although the major histocompatibility complex class I (MHC-I) molecules typically bind short peptide (p) fragments (8-10 amino acids in length), longer, "bulged" peptides are often be presented by MHC-I. Such bulged pMHC-I complexes represent challenges for T-cell receptor (TCR) ligation, although the general principles underscoring the interaction between TCRs and bulged pMHC-I complexes are unclear. To address this, we have explored the energetic basis of how an immunodominant TCR (termed SB27) binds to a 13-amino acid viral peptide (LPEPLPQGQLTAY) complexed to human leukocyte antigen (HLA) B*3508. Using the crystal structure of the SB27 TCR-HLA B*3508(LPEP) complex as a guide, we undertook a comprehensive alanine-scanning mutagenesis approach at the TCR-pMHC-I interface and examined the effect of the mutations by biophysical (affinity measurements) and cellular approaches (tetramer staining). Although the structural footprint on HLA B*3508 was small, the energetic footprint was even smaller in that only two HLA B*3508 residues were critical for the TCR interaction. Instead, the energetic basis of this TCR-pMHC-I interaction was attributed to peptide-mediated interactions in which the complementarity determining region 3α and germline-encoded complementarity determining region 1β loops of the SB27 TCR played the principal role. Our findings highlight the peptide-centricity of TCR ligation toward a bulged pMHC-I complex.  相似文献   

In immune-mediated control of pathogens, human leukocyte antigen (HLA) class I presents various antigenic peptides to CD8+ T-cells. Long-lived peptide presentation is important for efficient antigen-specific T-cell activation. Presentation time depends on the peptide sequence and the stability of the peptide-HLA complex (pHLA). However, the determinant of peptide-dependent pHLA stability remains elusive. Here, to reveal the pHLA stabilization mechanism, we examined the crystal structures of an HLA class I allomorph in complex with HIV-derived peptides and evaluated site-specific conformational fluctuations using NMR. Although the crystal structures of various pHLAs were almost identical independent of the peptides, fluctuation analyses identified a peptide-dependent minor state that would be more tightly packed toward the peptide. The minor population correlated well with the thermostability and cell surface presentation of pHLA, indicating that this newly identified minor state is important for stabilizing the pHLA and facilitating T-cell recognition.  相似文献   

The transporter associated with antigen processing (TAP) enables the flow of viral peptides generated in the cytosol by the proteasome and other proteases to the endoplasmic reticulum, where they complex with nascent human leukocyte antigen (HLA) class I. Later, these peptide-HLA class I complexes can be recognized by CD8+ lymphocytes. Cancerous cells and infected cells in which TAP is blocked, as well as individuals with unusable TAP complexes, are able to present peptides on HLA class I by generating them through TAP-independent processing pathways. Here, we identify a physiologically processed HLA-E ligand derived from the D8L protein in TAP-deficient vaccinia virus-infected cells. This natural high affinity HLA-E class I ligand uses alternative interactions to the anchor motifs previously described to be presented on nonclassical HLA class I molecules. This octameric peptide was also presented on HLA-Cw1 with similar binding affinity on both classical and nonclassical class I molecules. In addition, this viral peptide inhibits HLA-E-mediated cytolysis by natural killer cells. Comparison between the amino acid sequences of the presenting HLA-E and HLA-Cw1 alleles revealed a shared structural motif in both HLA class molecules, which could be related to their observed similar cross-reactivity affinities. This motif consists of several residues located on the floor of the peptide-binding site. These data expand the role of HLA-E as an antigen-presenting molecule.  相似文献   

Osteosarcoma is a rare but highly malignant tumor occurring most frequently in adolescents. The prognosis of non-responders to chemotherapy is still poor, and new treatment modalities are needed. To develop peptide-based immunotherapy, we previously identified autologous cytotoxic T lymphocyte-defined osteosarcoma antigen papillomavirus binding factor (PBF) in the context of HLA-B55 and the cytotoxic T lymphocyte epitope (PBF A2.2) presented by HLA-A2. PBF and HLA class I are expressed in ∼90 and 70% of various sarcomas, respectively. However, the expression status of peptide PBF A2.2 presented by HLA-A2 on osteosarcoma cells has remained unknown because it is difficult to generate a specific probe that reacts with the HLA·peptide complex. For detection and qualification of the HLA-A*02:01·PBF A2.2 peptide complex on osteosarcoma cells, we tried to isolate a single chain variable fragment (scFv) antibody directed to the HLA-*A0201·PBF A2.2 complex using a naïve scFv phage display library. As a result, scFv clone D12 with high affinity (KD = 1.53 × 10−9 m) was isolated. D12 could react with PBF A2.2 peptide-pulsed T2 cells and HLA-A2+PBF+ osteosarcoma cell lines and simultaneously demonstrated that the HLA·peptide complex was expressed on osteosarcoma cells. In conclusion, scFv clone D12 might be useful to select candidate patients for PBF A2.2 peptide-based immunotherapy and develop antibody-based immunotherapy.  相似文献   

Human leukocyte antigens (HLA) bind peptides generated by limited proteolysis in cells and present them at the cell surfaces for recognition by T cells. Through this antigen presentation function they control the specificity of T cell responses and thereby adaptive immune responses. Knowledge of HLA-bound peptides is thus key to understanding adaptive immunity and to the development of vaccines and other specific immune intervention strategies. To gain insight into the antigenicity of melanomas, peptides were extracted from HLA isolated from the tumor cells, separated by two-dimensional HPLC, and sequenced by mass spectrometry. The spectra were analyzed by database-dependent MASCOT searches and database-independent de novo sequencing and, where required, confirmed with synthetic peptides, which were also used to determine their immunogenicity. Comparing four different melanoma cell lines, little overlap of the HLA-bound peptides was found, suggesting a high degree of individualization of the HLA peptidomes. This notwithstanding, the peptidomes were highly immunogenic in the patients from whom the tumor cells had been established and in unrelated patients. This broad cross-patient immunogenicity was only exceptionally related to individual peptides. The majority of the identified epitopes were derived from low to medium abundance proteins, mostly involved in sensitive cellular processes such as cell cycle control, DNA replication, control of gene expression, tumor suppressor function, and protein metabolism. The peptidomes thus provide insights into processes potentially related to tumorigenesis. Furthermore, analyses of the peptide sequences yield information on the specificity of peptide selection by HLA applicable to the developing prediction algorithms for T cell epitopes.  相似文献   

HLA class II α and β chains form receptors for antigen presentation to CD4+ T cells. Numerous pairings of class II α and β subunits from the wide range of haplotypes and isotypes may form, but most of these combinations, in particular those produced by isotype mixing, yielded mismatched dimers. It is unclear how selection of functional receptors is achieved. At the atomic level, it is not known which interactions of class II residues regulate selection of matched αβ heterodimers and the evolutionary origin of matched isotype mixed dimer formation. In this study we investigated assembly of isotype-mixed HLA class II α and β heterodimers. Assembly and carbohydrate maturation of various HLA-class II isotype-mixed α and β subunits was dependent on the groove binding section of the invariant chain (Ii). By mutation of polymorphic DPβ sequences, we identified two motifs, Lys-69 and GGPM-(84–87), that are engaged in Ii-dependent assembly of DPβ with DRα. We identified five members of a family of DPβ chains containing Lys-69 and GGPM 84–87, which assemble with DRα. The Lys/GGPM motif is present in the DPβ sequence of the Neanderthal genome, and this ancient sequence is related to the human allele DPB1*0401. By site-directed mutagenesis, we inspected Neanderthal amino acid residues that differ from the DPB1*0401 allele and aimed to determine whether matched heterodimers are formed by assembly of DPβ mutants with DRα. Because the *0401 allele is rare in the sub-Saharan population but frequent in the European population, it may have arisen in modern humans by admixture with Neanderthals in Europe.  相似文献   

T cells use the αβ T cell receptor (TCR) to recognize antigenic peptides presented by class I major histocompatibility complex proteins (pMHCs) on the surfaces of antigen-presenting cells. Flexibility in both TCRs and peptides plays an important role in antigen recognition and discrimination. Less clear is the role of flexibility in the MHC protein; although recent observations have indicated that mobility in the MHC can impact TCR recognition in a peptide-dependent fashion, the extent of this behavior is unknown. Here, using hydrogen/deuterium exchange, fluorescence anisotropy, and structural analyses, we show that the flexibility of the peptide binding groove of the class I MHC protein HLA-A*0201 varies significantly with different peptides. The variations extend throughout the binding groove, impacting regions contacted by TCRs as well as other activating and inhibitory receptors of the immune system. Our results are consistent with statistical mechanical models of protein structure and dynamics, in which the binding of different peptides alters the populations and exchange kinetics of substates in the MHC conformational ensemble. Altered MHC flexibility will influence receptor engagement, impacting conformational adaptations, entropic penalties associated with receptor recognition, and the populations of binding-competent states. Our results highlight a previously unrecognized aspect of the “altered self” mechanism of immune recognition and have implications for specificity, cross-reactivity, and antigenicity in cellular immunity.  相似文献   

HLA-DM mediates the exchange of peptides loaded onto MHCII molecules during antigen presentation by a mechanism that remains unclear and controversial. Here, we investigated the sequence and structural determinants of HLA-DM interaction. Peptides interacting nonoptimally in the P1 pocket exhibited low MHCII binding affinity and kinetic instability and were highly susceptible to HLA-DM-mediated peptide exchange. These changes were accompanied by conformational alterations detected by surface plasmon resonance, SDS resistance assay, antibody binding assay, gel filtration, dynamic light scattering, small angle x-ray scattering, and NMR spectroscopy. Surprisingly, all of those changes could be reversed by substitution of the P9 pocket anchor residue. Moreover, MHCII mutations outside the P1 pocket and the HLA-DM interaction site increased HLA-DM susceptibility. These results indicate that a dynamic MHCII conformational determinant rather than P1 pocket occupancy is the key factor determining susceptibility to HLA-DM-mediated peptide exchange and provide a molecular mechanism for HLA-DM to efficiently target unstable MHCII-peptide complexes for editing and exchange those for more stable ones.  相似文献   

Exocrine gland-secreting peptide 1 (ESP1) is a sex pheromone that is released in male mouse tear fluids and enhances female sexual receptive behavior. ESP1 is selectively recognized by a specific class C G-protein-coupled receptor (GPCR), V2Rp5, among the hundreds of receptors expressed in vomeronasal sensory neurons (VSNs). The specific sensing mechanism of the mammalian peptide pheromone by the class C GPCR remains to be elucidated. Here we identified the minimal functional region needed to retain VSN-stimulating activity in ESP1 and determined its three-dimensional structure, which adopts a helical fold stabilized by an intramolecular disulfide bridge with extensive charged patches. We then identified the amino acids involved in the activation of VSNs by a structure-based mutational analysis, revealing that the highly charged surface is crucial for the ESP1 activity. We also demonstrated that ESP1 specifically bound to an extracellular region of V2Rp5 by an in vitro pulldown assay. Based on homology modeling of V2Rp5 using the structure of the metabotropic glutamate receptor, we constructed a docking model of the ESP1-V2Rp5 complex in which the binding interface exhibited good electrostatic complementarity. These experimental results, supported by the molecular docking simulations, reveal that charge-charge interactions determine the specificity of ESP1 binding to V2Rp5 in the large extracellular region characteristic of class C GPCRs. The present study provides insights into the structural basis for the narrowly tuned sensing of mammalian peptide pheromones by class C GPCRs.  相似文献   

MHC class I molecules display peptides at the cell surface to cytotoxic T cells. The co-factor tapasin functions to ensure that MHC I becomes loaded with high affinity peptides. In most mammals, the tapasin gene appears to have little sequence diversity and few alleles and is located distal to several classical MHC I loci, so tapasin appears to function in a universal way to assist MHC I peptide loading. In contrast, the chicken tapasin gene is tightly linked to the single dominantly expressed MHC I locus and is highly polymorphic and moderately diverse in sequence. Therefore, tapasin-assisted loading of MHC I in chickens may occur in a haplotype-specific way, via the co-evolution of chicken tapasin and MHC I. Here we demonstrate a mechanistic basis for this co-evolution, revealing differences in the ability of two chicken MHC I alleles to bind and release peptides in the presence or absence of tapasin, where, as in mammals, efficient self-loading is negatively correlated with tapasin-assisted loading. We found that a polymorphic residue in the MHC I α3 domain thought to bind tapasin influenced both tapasin function and intrinsic peptide binding properties. Differences were also evident between the MHC alleles in their interactions with tapasin. Last, we show that a mismatched combination of tapasin and MHC alleles exhibit significantly impaired MHC I maturation in vivo and that polymorphic MHC residues thought to contact tapasin influence maturation efficiency. Collectively, this supports the possibility that tapasin and BF2 proteins have co-evolved, resulting in allele-specific peptide loading in vivo.  相似文献   

MHC class II molecules are composed of one α-chain and one β-chain whose membrane distal interface forms the peptide binding groove. Most of the existing knowledge on MHC class II molecules comes from the cis-encoded variants where the α- and β-chain are encoded on the same chromosome. However, trans-encoded class II MHC molecules, where the α- and β-chain are encoded on opposite chromosomes, can also be expressed. We have studied the trans-encoded class II HLA molecule DQ2.3 (DQA1*03:01/DQB1*02:01) that has received particular attention as it may explain the increased risk of certain individuals to type 1 diabetes. We report the x-ray crystal structure of this HLA molecule complexed with a gluten epitope at 3.05 Å resolution. The gluten epitope, which is the only known HLA-DQ2.3-restricted epitope, is preferentially recognized in the context of the DQ2.3 molecule by T-cell clones of a DQ8/DQ2.5 heterozygous celiac disease patient. This preferential recognition can be explained by improved HLA binding as the epitope combines the peptide-binding motif of DQ2.5 (negative charge at P4) and DQ8 (negative charge at P1). The analysis of the structure of DQ2.3 together with all other available DQ crystal structures and sequences led us to categorize DQA1 and DQB1 genes into two groups where any α-chain and β-chain belonging to the same group are expected to form a stable heterodimer.  相似文献   

Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) is a newly emerging human pathogen that was first isolated in 2012. MERS-CoV replication depends in part on a virus-encoded papain-like protease (PLpro) that cleaves the viral replicase polyproteins at three sites releasing non-structural protein 1 (nsp1), nsp2, and nsp3. In addition to this replicative function, MERS-CoV PLpro was recently shown to be a deubiquitinating enzyme (DUB) and to possess deISGylating activity, as previously reported for other coronaviral PLpro domains, including that of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus. These activities have been suggested to suppress host antiviral responses during infection. To understand the molecular basis for ubiquitin (Ub) recognition and deconjugation by MERS-CoV PLpro, we determined its crystal structure in complex with Ub. Guided by this structure, mutations were introduced into PLpro to specifically disrupt Ub binding without affecting viral polyprotein cleavage, as determined using an in trans nsp3↓4 cleavage assay. Having developed a strategy to selectively disable PLpro DUB activity, we were able to specifically examine the effects of this activity on the innate immune response. Whereas the wild-type PLpro domain was found to suppress IFN-β promoter activation, PLpro variants specifically lacking DUB activity were no longer able to do so. These findings directly implicate the DUB function of PLpro, and not its proteolytic activity per se, in the inhibition of IFN-β promoter activity. The ability to decouple the DUB activity of PLpro from its role in viral polyprotein processing now provides an approach to further dissect the role(s) of PLpro as a viral DUB during MERS-CoV infection.  相似文献   

Breakthroughs in G protein-coupled receptor structure determination based on crystallography have been mainly obtained from receptors occupied in their transmembrane domain core by low molecular weight ligands, and we have only recently begun to elucidate how the extracellular surface of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) allows for the binding of larger peptide molecules. In the present study, we used a unique chemoselective photoaffinity labeling strategy, the methionine proximity assay, to directly identify at physiological conditions a total of 38 discrete ligand/receptor contact residues that form the extracellular peptide-binding site of an activated GPCR, the angiotensin II type 1 receptor. This experimental data set was used in homology modeling to guide the positioning of the angiotensin II (AngII) peptide within several GPCR crystal structure templates. We found that the CXC chemokine receptor type 4 accommodated the results better than the other templates evaluated; ligand/receptor contact residues were spatially grouped into defined interaction clusters with AngII. In the resulting receptor structure, a β-hairpin fold in extracellular loop 2 in conjunction with two extracellular disulfide bridges appeared to open and shape the entrance of the ligand-binding site. The bound AngII adopted a somewhat vertical binding mode, allowing concomitant contacts across the extracellular surface and deep within the transmembrane domain core of the receptor. We propose that such a dualistic nature of GPCR interaction could be well suited for diffusible linear peptide ligands and a common feature of other peptidergic class A GPCRs.  相似文献   

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