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The extent to which Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release (CICR) affects transmitter release is unknown. Continuous nerve stimulation (20–50 Hz) caused slow transient increases in miniature end-plate potential (MEPP) frequency (MEPP-hump) and intracellular free Ca2+ ([Ca2+]i) in presynaptic terminals (Ca2+-hump) in frog skeletal muscles over a period of minutes in a low Ca2+, high Mg2+ solution. Mn2+ quenched Indo-1 and Fura-2 fluorescence, thus indicating that stimulation was accompanied by opening of voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels. MEPP-hump depended on extracellular Ca2+ (0.05–0.2 mM) and stimulation frequency. Both the Ca2+- and MEPP-humps were blocked by 8-(N,N-diethylamino)octyl3,4,5-trimethoxybenzoate hydrochloride (TMB-8), ryanodine, and thapsigargin, but enhanced by CN. Thus, Ca2+-hump is generated by the activation of CICR via ryanodine receptors by Ca2+ entry, producing MEPP-hump. A short interruption of tetanus (<1 min) during MEPP-hump quickly reduced MEPP frequency to a level attained under the effect of TMB-8 or thapsigargin, while resuming tetanus swiftly raised MEPP frequency to the previous or higher level. Thus, the steady/equilibrium condition balancing CICR and Ca2+ clearance occurs in nerve terminals with slow changes toward a greater activation of CICR (priming) during the rising phase of MEPP-hump and toward a smaller activation during the decay phase. A short pause applied after the end of MEPP- or Ca2+-hump affected little MEPP frequency or [Ca2+]i, but caused a quick increase (faster than MEPP- or Ca2+-hump) after the pause, whose magnitude increased with an increase in pause duration (<1 min), suggesting that Ca2+ entry-dependent inactivation, but not depriming process, explains the decay of the humps. The depriming process was seen by giving a much longer pause (>1 min). Thus, ryanodine receptors in frog motor nerve terminals are endowed with Ca2+ entry-dependent slow priming and fast inactivation mechanisms, as well as Ca2+ entry-dependent activation, and involved in asynchronous exocytosis. Physiological significance of CICR in presynaptic terminals was discussed.  相似文献   

Although the well-known neurotoxic agent bilirubin can induce alterations in neuronal signaling, direct effects on neurotransmitter release have been difficult to demonstrate. In the present study we have used permeabilized nerve terminals (synaptosomes) from rat brain prelabeled with [3H]norepinephrine to examine the effects of bilirubin on transmitter release. Rat cerebrocortical synaptosomes were permeabilized with streptolysin-O (2 U/ml) in the absence or presence of bilirubin (10 M–320 M) and Ca2+ (100 M), and the amount of radiolabeled transmitter released during 5 min to the medium was analysed. Low levels of bilirubin decreased Ca2+-evoked release in a dose-dependent manner, with half-maximal effect at approx 25 M bilirubin. Higher levels of bilirubin (100–320 M) increased [3H]norepinephrine efflux in the absence of Ca2+, suggesting that high bilirubin levels induced leakage of transmitter from vesicles. The nontoxic precursor biliverdin had no effect on Ca2+-dependent exocytosis. Our data indicate that bilirubin directly inhibits both exocytotic release and vesicular storage of brain catecholamines.  相似文献   

Visual stimuli are detected and conveyed over a wide dynamic range of light intensities and frequency changes by specialized neurons in the vertebrate retina. Two classes of retinal neurons, photoreceptors and bipolar cells, accomplish this by using ribbon-type active zones, which enable sustained and high-throughput neurotransmitter release over long time periods. ON-type mixed bipolar cell (Mb) terminals in the goldfish retina, which depolarize to light stimuli and receive mixed rod and cone photoreceptor input, are suitable for the study of ribbon-type synapses both due to their large size (~10-12 μm diameter) and to their numerous lateral and reciprocal synaptic connections with amacrine cell dendrites. Direct access to Mb bipolar cell terminals in goldfish retinal slices with the patch-clamp technique allows the measurement of presynaptic Ca2+ currents, membrane capacitance changes, and reciprocal synaptic feedback inhibition mediated by GABAA and GABAC receptors expressed on the terminals. Presynaptic membrane capacitance measurements of exocytosis allow one to study the short-term plasticity of excitatory neurotransmitter release 14,15. In addition, short-term and long-term plasticity of inhibitory neurotransmitter release from amacrine cells can also be investigated by recordings of reciprocal feedback inhibition arriving at the Mb terminal 21. Over short periods of time (e.g. ~10 s), GABAergic reciprocal feedback inhibition from amacrine cells undergoes paired-pulse depression via GABA vesicle pool depletion 11. The synaptic dynamics of retinal microcircuits in the inner plexiform layer of the retina can thus be directly studied.The brain-slice technique was introduced more than 40 years ago but is still very useful for the investigation of the electrical properties of neurons, both at the single cell soma, single dendrite or axon, and microcircuit synaptic level 19. Tissues that are too small to be glued directly onto the slicing chamber are often first embedded in agar (or placed onto a filter paper) and then sliced 20, 23, 18, 9. In this video, we employ the pre-embedding agar technique using goldfish retina. Some of the giant bipolar cell terminals in our slices of goldfish retina are axotomized (axon-cut) during the slicing procedure. This allows us to isolate single presynaptic nerve terminal inputs, because recording from axotomized terminals excludes the signals from the soma-dendritic compartment. Alternatively, one can also record from intact Mb bipolar cells, by recording from terminals attached to axons that have not been cut during the slicing procedure. Overall, use of this experimental protocol will aid in studies of retinal synaptic physiology, microcircuit functional analysis, and synaptic transmission at ribbon synapses.  相似文献   

In the presynaptic nerve terminals of the bullfrog sympathetic ganglia, repetitive nerve firing evokes [Ca2+] transients that decay monotonically. An algorithm based on an eigenfunction expansion method was used for fitting these [Ca2+] decay records. The data were fitted by a linear combination of two to four exponential functions. A mathematical model with three intraterminal membrane-bound compartments was developed to describe the observed Ca2+ decay. The model predicts that the number of exponential functions, n, contained in the decay data corresponds to n – 1 intraterminal Ca2+ stores that release Ca2+ during the decay. Moreover, when a store stops releasing or starts to release Ca2+, the decay data should be fitted by functions that contain one less exponential component for the former and one more for the latter than do the fitting functions for control data. Because of the current lack of a parameter by which quantitative comparisons can be made between two decay processes when at least one of them contained more than one exponential components, we defined a parameter, the overall rate (OR) of decay, as the trace of the coefficient matrix of the differential equation systems of our model. We used the mathematical properties of the model and of the OR to interpret effects of ryanodine and of a mitochondria uncoupler on Ca2+ decay. The results of the analysis were consistent with the ryanodine-sensitive store, mitochondria, and another, yet unidentified store release Ca2+ into the cytosol of the presynaptic nerve terminals during Ca2+ decay. Our model also predicts that mitochondrial Ca2+ buffering accounted for more than 86% of all the flux rates across various membranes combined and that there are type 3 and type 1 and/or type 2 ryanodine receptors in these terminals.  相似文献   

Abstract: The potential ability of Al to affect cholinergic transmission was studied on synaptosomal fractions of rat brain incubated with pyruvate in depolarizing medium containing 30 m M K+. Addition of 1 m M Ca caused a 266% increase in the acetylcholine (ACh) release despite decreased pyruvate oxidation. Under these conditions, 0.25 m M Al did not affect pyruvate oxidation but raised mitochondrial and decreased synaptoplasmic acetyl-CoA. Simultaneously, a 61% inhibition of Ca-evoked ACh release was observed. Verapamil (0.1 and 0.5 m M ) decreased the acetyl-CoA concentration in synaptoplasm and inhibited ACh release. Al (0.012 m M ) partially reversed these inhibitory effects. Omission of Pi from the medium abolished suppressive effects of Al on acetyl-CoA content and Ca-evoked transmitter release. We conclude that the Al(PO4)OH complex may be the active form of Al, which, by interaction with the verapamil binding sites of Ca channels, is likely to restrict the Ca influx to the synaptoplasm. This may inhibit the provision of acetyl-CoA to the synaptoplasm as well as the Ca-evoked ACh release. One may suppose that excessive accumulation of Al in some encephalopathic brains may, by this mechanism, suppress still-surviving cholinergic neurons and exacerbate cognitive deficits caused by already-existing structural losses in the cholinergic system.  相似文献   

In cardiomyocyte subcellular structures, colocalization of mitochondria with Ca2+ release sites is implicated in regulation of cardiac energetics by facilitating Ca2+ influx into mitochondria to modulate the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle. However, current experimental techniques limit detailed examination of this regulatory mechanism. Earlier, we developed a three-dimensional (3D) finite-element cardiomyocyte model featuring a subcellular structure that integrates excitation-contraction coupling and energy metabolism. Here, using this model, we examined the influence of distance between mitochondria and Ca2+ release sites by comparing a normal (50-nm) distance model and a large (200-nm) distance model (LD). The influence of distance was minimal under a low pacing rate (0.25 Hz), but under a higher pacing rate (2 Hz), lower levels of mitochondrial Ca2+ and NADH, elevated phosphate, and suppressed force generation became apparent in the LD model. Such differences became greater when functional impairments (reduced TCA cycle activity, uncoupling effect, and failing excitation-contraction coupling) were additionally imposed. We concluded that juxtaposition of the mitochondria and the Ca2+ release sites is crucial for rapid signal transmission to maintain cardiac-energy balance. The idealized 3D model of cardiac excitation-contraction and metabolism is a powerful tool to study cardiac energetics.  相似文献   

Mitochondria may function as multiple separate organelles or as a single electrically coupled continuum to modulate changes in [Ca2+]c (cytoplasmic Ca2+ concentration) in various cell types. Mitochondria may also be tethered to the internal Ca2+ store or plasma membrane in particular parts of cells to facilitate the organelles modulation of local and global [Ca2+]c increases. Differences in the organization and positioning contributes significantly to the at times apparently contradictory reports on the way mitochondria modulate [Ca2+]c signals. In the present paper, we review the organization of mitochondria and the organelles role in Ca2+ signalling.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial Ca2+ and the heart   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
It is now well established that mitochondria accumulate Ca(2+) ions during cytosolic Ca(2+) ([Ca(2+)](i)) elevations in a variety of cell types including cardiomyocytes. Elevations in intramitochondrial Ca(2+) ([Ca(2+)](m)) activate several key enzymes in the mitochondrial matrix to enhance ATP production, alter the spatial and temporal profile of intracellular Ca(2+) signaling, and play an important role in the initiation of cell death pathways. Moreover, mitochondrial Ca(2+) uptake stimulates nitric oxide (NO) production by mitochondria, which modulates oxygen consumption, ATP production, reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation, and in turn provides negative feedback for the regulation of mitochondrial Ca(2+) accumulation. Controversy remains, however, whether in cardiac myocytes mitochondrial Ca(2+) transport mechanisms allow beat-to-beat transmission of fast cytosolic [Ca(2+)](i) oscillations into oscillatory changes in mitochondrial matrix [Ca(2+)](m). This review critically summarizes the recent experimental work in this field.  相似文献   

Catalytic activity has been demonstrated for holotransketolase in the absence of free bivalent cations in the medium. The two active centers of the enzyme are equivalent in both the catalytic activity and the affinity for the substrates. In the presence of free Ca2+ (added to the medium from an external source), this equivalence is lost: negative cooperativity is induced on binding of either xylulose 5-phosphate (donor substrate) or ribose 5-phosphate (acceptor substrate), whereupon the catalytic conversion of the bound substrates causes the interaction between the centers to become positively cooperative. Moreover, the enzyme total activity increase is observed.  相似文献   

Recent data shed light on two novel aspects of the mitochondria-Ca2+ liaison. First, it was extensively investigated how Ca2+ handling is controlled by mitochondrial shape, and positioning; a playground also of cell death and survival regulation. On the other hand, significant progress has been made to explore how intra- and near-mitochondrial Ca2+ signals modify mitochondrial morphology and cellular distribution. Here, we shortly summarize these advances and provide a model of Ca2+-mitochondria interactions.  相似文献   


Reductions in the activities of mitochondrial electron transport chain (ETC) enzymes have been implicated in the pathogenesis of numerous chronic neurodegenerative disorders. Maintenance of the mitochondrial membrane potential (Δψm) is a primary function of these enzyme complexes, and is essential for ATP production and neuronal survival. We examined the effects of inhibition of mitochondrial ETC complexes I, II/III, III and IV activities by titrations of respective inhibitors on Δψm in synaptosomal mitochondria. Small perturbations in the activity of complex I, brought about by low concentrations of rotenone (1–50 nM), caused depolarisation of Δψm. Small decreases in complex I activity caused an immediate and partial Δψm depolarisation, whereas inhibition of complex II/III activity by more than 70% with antimycin A was required to affect Δψm. A similarly high threshold of inhibition was found when complex III was inhibited with myxothiazol, and inhibition of complex IV by more than 90% with KCN was required. The plasma membrane potential (Δψp) had a complex I inhibition threshold of 40% whereas complex III and IV had to be inhibited by more than 90% before changes in Δψp were registered. These data indicate that in synaptosomes, both Δψm and Δψp are more susceptible to reductions in complex I activity than reductions in the other ETC complexes. These findings may be of relevance to the mechanism of neuronal cell death in Parkinson’s disease in particular, where such reductions in complex I activity are present.


Although it has long been known that mitochondria possess a complex molecular repertoire for accumulating and releasing Ca2+, only in recent years has a large body of data demonstrated that these organelles promptly respond to Ca(2+)-mediated cell stimulations. In this contribution, we will review the principles of mitochondrial Ca2+ homeostasis and its signaling role in different physiological and pathological conditions.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial Ca2+ homeostasis in intact cells   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
《The Journal of cell biology》1994,126(5):1183-1194
Ca2+ is a key regulator not only of multiple cytosolic enzymes, but also of a variety of metabolic pathways occurring within the lumen of intracellular organelles. Until recently, no technique to selectively monitor the Ca2+ concentration within defined cellular compartments was available. We have recently proposed the use of molecularly engineered Ca(2+)-sensitive photoproteins to obtain such a result and demonstrated the application of this methodology to the study of mitochondrial and nuclear Ca2+ dynamics. We here describe in more detail the use of chimeric recombinant aequorin targeted to the mitochondria. The technique can be applied with equivalent results to different cell models, transiently or permanently transfected. In all the cell types we analyzed, mitochondrial Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]m) increases rapidly and transiently upon stimulation with agonists coupled to InsP3 generation. We confirm that the high speed of mitochondrial Ca2+ accumulation with this type of stimuli depends on the generation of local gradients of Ca2+ in the cytosol, close to the channels sensitive to InsP3. In fact, only activation of these channels, but not the simple release from internal stores, as that elicited by blocking the intracellular Ca2+ ATPases, results in a fast mitochondrial Ca2+ accumulation. We also provide evidence in favor of a microheterogeneity among mitochondria of the same cells, about 30% of them apparently sensing the microdomains of high cytosolic Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]c). The changes in [Ca2+]m appear sufficiently large to induce a rapid activation of mitochondrial dehydrogenases, which can be followed by monitoring the level of NAD(P)H fluorescence. A general scheme can thus be envisaged by which the triggering of a plasma membrane receptor coupled to InsP3 generation raises the Ca2+ concentration both in the cytoplasm (thereby triggering energy-consuming processes, such as cell proliferation, motility, secretion, etc.) and in the mitochondria, where it activates the metabolic activity according to the increased cell needs.  相似文献   

High-resolution fluorescent imaging of mitochondrial-targeted probes was used to examine the ability of mitochondria to decode complex spatial and temporal Ca2+ signals evoked in synaptically active networks of hippocampal neurons. Green-to-red photoconversion of the mitochondrial-targeted probe, mito-Kaede, demonstrated that mitochondria were present as discrete organelles 2-6 microm in length. Real-time imaging of mitochondrial-targeted ratiometric pericam (2 mtRP) visualised rapid, repetitive, transient mitochondrial Ca2+ fluxes in response to periods of synaptic activation. Mitochondrial Ca2+ fluxes within cellular compartments were dependent on the extent of synaptic recruitment, but independent of cross-talk with the endoplasmic reticulum or the presence of an interconnected mitochondrial network. Mitochondria in dendritic regions demonstrated a greater sensitivity to synaptic activation compared with somatic mitochondria. Temporal decoding of synaptic signals was rate-limited by the activity of the mitochondrial Na+/Ca2+ exchanger. Spatial regulation of mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake was determined by the magnitude of the cytosolic Ca2+ rise in each cellular compartment.  相似文献   

Mitochondria of Drosophila melanogaster undergo Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release through a putative channel (mCrC) that has several regulatory features of the permeability transition pore (PTP). The PTP is an inner membrane channel that forms from F-ATPase, possessing a conductance of 500 picosiemens (pS) in mammals and of 300 pS in yeast. In contrast to the PTP, the mCrC of Drosophila is not permeable to sucrose and appears to be selective for Ca2+ and H+. We show (i) that like the PTP, the mCrC is affected by the sense of rotation of F-ATPase, by Bz-423, and by Mg2+/ADP; (ii) that expression of human cyclophilin D in mitochondria of Drosophila S2R+ cells sensitizes the mCrC to Ca2+ but does not increase its apparent size; and (iii) that purified dimers of D. melanogaster F-ATPase reconstituted into lipid bilayers form 53-pS channels activated by Ca2+ and thiol oxidants and inhibited by Mg2+/γ-imino ATP. These findings indicate that the mCrC is the PTP of D. melanogaster and that the signature conductance of F-ATPase channels depends on unique structural features that may underscore specific roles in different species.  相似文献   

In order to test the hypothesis that excitation in Drosophila photoreceptors is mediated by Ca2+ released from internal stores, the Ca2+ buffers EGTA, BAPTA and di-bromo-BAPTA (DBB) were introduced into dissociated photoreceptors via whole-cell recording pipettes. All buffers were preloaded with Ca2+ to provide the same free Ca2+ concentration (250 nM). EGTA (up to 18 mM free buffer) had only weak effects upon voltage-clamped flash responses in normal Ringer's solution (1.5 mM Ca 0 2+ ), and no effect in Ca2+-free solution. The maximum BAPTA concentration tested (14.4 mM free BAPTA) reduced the initial rate of rise by ca. 5000-fold in normal Ringer's solution; by ca. 500-fold in Ca2+free solution; and only ca. 60-fold in the absence of Mg2+, which preferentially blocks one component of the light-sensitive current. Although BAPTA delayed the time-to-peak in normal Ringer's solution, responses in Ca2+ free Ringer's solution were accelerated. These results support the role of Ca2+ influx in regulating sensitivity and response kinetics; however, in view of the high concentrations required to attenuate responses in Ca2+ free Ringer's solution, the role of Ca2+ release in excitation remains unclear. DBB was ca. 2–3 fold more potent than BAPTA, and at concentrations > 5 mM had a qualitatively different action, greatly delaying the time-to-peak. This suggests DBB may have distinct pharmacological actions or access to compartments inaccessible to BAPTA.The only current activated by introducing 5–500 M Ca2+ (buffered with nitrilo-triacetic acid) was electrogenic Na+/Ca2+ exchange. When this was blocked by removing Nao 0 + , a novel cationic conductance was activated. However, its properties did not resemble those the light-activated conductance, and thus do not support the hypothesis that Ca2+ is sufficient for excitation.Abbreviations BAPTA bis-(o-aminophenoxy)-ethane-N,N,N-tetracetic acid - DBB Di-bromo-bapta - NTA nitrilo-triacetic acid - InsP 3 inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate  相似文献   

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