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BackgroundNanoparticle-based therapies have emerged as a promising approach to overcome limitations of conventional chemotherapy. Present study investigates the potential of oleic acid-functionalized iron-oxide nanoparticles (MN-OA) to enhance the radiation response of fibrosarcoma tumor and elucidates its underlying mechanism.MethodsVarious cellular and molecular assays (e.g. MTT, clonogenic, cell cycle analysis, cell death, DNA damage/repair) and tumor growth kinetics were employed to investigate the mechanism of MN-OA induced radio-sensitization.ResultsMouse (WEHI-164) and human (HT-1080) fibrosarcoma cells treated with MN-OA and gamma-radiation (2 Gy) showed a significant decrease in the cell proliferation. Combination treatment showed significant decrease in clonogenic survival of WEHI-164 cells and was found to induce cell cycle arrest, apoptosis and mitotic catastrophe. The mechanism of radio-sensitization was found to involve binding of MN-OA with HSP90, resulting in down-regulation of its client proteins, involved in cell cycle progression (Cyclin B1 and CDC2) and DNA-double strand break repair (e.g. RAD51 and BRCA1). Consistently, longer persistence of DNA damage in cells treated with MN-OA and radiation was observed in the form of γ-H2AX foci. The efficacy and mechanism of MN-OA-induced radio-sensitization was also validated in an immuno-competent murine fibrosarcoma model.ConclusionThis study reveals the key role of HSP90 in the mechanism of tumor radio-sensitization by MN-OA.General significancePresent work provides a deeper understanding about the mechanism of MN-OA-induced tumor radiosensitization, highlighting the role of HSP90 protein. In addition to diagnostic and magnetic hyperthermia abilities, present remarkable radiosensitizing activity of MN-OA would further excite the clinicians to test its anti-cancer potential.  相似文献   

The histone-like proteins (HU) belong to a family of DNA architectural proteins that stabilize nucleoprotein complexes. We found a putative HU protein (TgGlmHMM_3045) in Toxoplasma gondii genome that was homologous to the bacterial HU protein. This putative sequence was located in the scaffold TGG_995361 of the chromosome 10. The sequence included the prokaryotic bacterial histone-like domain, KFGSLGlRRRGERVARNPRT (ID number PS00045). HU protein sequences were also found in Plasmodium falciparum, Neospora caninum, Theileria parva and Theileria annulata. We found that the homology of the putative HU protein in Apicomplexa was greater with bacterial histone-like proteins than with eukaryotic histone proteins. The phylogenetic tree indicated that the putative HU protein genes were acquired in Apicomplexa by means of a secondary endosymbiotic event from red algae and later they were transferred from the apicoplast organelle to the nuclear genome.  相似文献   

Cytokines are extracellular signalling molecules, produced by different cell types and displaying a wide range of activities such as the induction or inhibition of target cell survival, proliferation and differentiation. When directly interacting with different parasites, cytokines exert similar activities, acting as growth factors and, in one of the examples given here, also enhancing parasite survival. The importance of this interaction in the natural history of parasitic diseases as well as the selective forces maintaining functional cytokine 'receptors' in protozoan parasites is discussed in this review by Marcello Barcinski and Maria Elisabete Costa-Moreira.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine whether overexpression of stress proteins (SPs) could be a sensitive biomarker for cell injury due to exposure to low doses of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) such as benzene, ethylbenzene, toluene, xylene, and chlorinated derivatives (ClB). Sublethal and cytotoxic threshold concentrations of the VOCs were determined by studying the growth rate of normal (fibroblasts) or tumor-derived human cell lines (A549, HepG2) exposed for 4 days to VOCs. Changes in SP expression as a function of concentrations were investigated by Western blotting.VOC toxicity was found to be correlated with their degree of chlorination and their hydrophobicity. Cytotoxic threshold concentrations (no-observed effect concentration, NOEC) were found to be similar for the three cell lines. It was observed that using a mixture of VOCs, each of them at concentration below the NOEC, resulted in an actual toxicity to the cells. This finding reveals a synergistic effect and should be taken into account when assessing threshold risk and exposure limit values in the worker's environment when several pollutants may be present. HSP72 and HSP90 expression levels were not affected whereas GRP78 expression was increased by all the VOCs. Taking into account the specific molecular function of GRP78, it suggests that VOC exposure results in misfolded or underglycosylated protein accumulation in the endoplasmic reticulum. GRP78 overexpression was closely related to the magnitude of growth inhibition due to increasing concentrations of each VOC. The overexpression was found to be significant for concentrations 5 to 30 times higher than NOEC, indicating that, under our experimental conditions, GRP78 expression cannot be considered as a sensitive biomarker of exposure to environmental VOCs.  相似文献   

We have previously shown an increase in the Hsp70 and Hsp90 level in pea seedlings (cv. Damir) in response to clinorotation. In this work, Western-blot analysis of the Hsp70 and Hsp90 under clinorotation of different duration--from hours to days--was carried out with pea seedlings (cv. Intensive) with more intensive seed germination and seedling growth. Under clinorotation, the higher Hsp70 and Hsp90 amounts in the germinating seeds seem to be caused by some deceleration of their hydrolysis that correlated with common slowing down of seedling growth. Time-dependent changes in response to clinorotation were determined: some temporary increase in the Hsps level with the maximum for the Hsp70 at 2 h of clinorotation and for the Hsp90--at 6 h and their subsequent returning to the control level.  相似文献   

The majority of the world's population still live without access to healthy water and the contamination of drinking water with protozoan pathogens poses a serious threat to millions of people in the developing world. Even in the developed world periodic outbreaks of diarrhoeal diseases are caused by the protozoan parasites Cryptosporidium sp., Giardia duodenalis and Entamoeba histolytica. Thus, surveillance of drinking water is imperative to minimize such contaminations and ensure continuous supplies of healthy water world-wide. This article reviews the progress in technology for detection and surveillance of these important waterborne parasites.  相似文献   

Heat shock protein 90 (HSP90) is a conserved molecular chaperone that functions as part of complexes in which different client proteins target it to diverse sets of substrates. In this paper, HSP90 complexes were investigated in γ-proteobacteria from mild (Shewanella oneidensis) and cold environments (Shewanella frigidimarina and Psychrobacter frigidicola), to determine changes in HSP90 interactions with client proteins in response to the adaptation to cold environments. HSP90 participation in cold adaptation was determined using the specific inhibitor 17-allylamino-geldanamycin. Then, HSP90 was immunoprecipitated from bacterial cultures, and the proteins in HSP90 complexes were analyzed by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and identified by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry. According to HSP90-associated protein analysis, only 15 common proteins were found in both species from the same genus, S. oneidensis and S. frigidimarina, whereas a significant higher number of common proteins were found in both psychrophilic species S. frigidimarina and P. frigidicola 21 (p < 0.001). Only two HSP90-interacting proteins, the chaperone proteins DnaK and GroEL, were common to the three species. Interestingly, some proteins related to energy metabolism (isocitrate lyase, succinyl-CoA synthetase, alcohol dehydrogenase, NAD(+) synthase, and malate dehydrogenase) and some translation factors only interacted with HSP90 in psychrophilic bacteria. We can conclude that HSP90 and HSP90-associated proteins might take part in the mechanism of adaptation to cold environments, and interestingly, organisms living in similar environments conserve similar potential HSP90 interactors in opposition to phylogenetically closely related organisms of the same genus but from different environments.  相似文献   

Protozoan parasites are causing some of the most devastating diseases world-wide. It has now been recognised that a major effort is needed to be able to control or eliminate these diseases. Genome projects for the most important protozoan parasites have been initiated in the hope that the read-out of these projects will help to understand the biology of the parasites and identify new targets for urgently needed drugs. Here, I will review the current status of protozoan parasite genome projects, present findings obtained as a result of the availability of genomic data and discuss the potential impact of genome information on disease control.  相似文献   

Although gentamicin (GM) has been used widely as an antibiotic, the specific binding protein of the drug has not yet been understood sufficiently. Here we show that GM specifically associates with the 73-kDa molecular chaperone HSP73 and reduces its chaperone activity in vitro. In the present study, we investigated GM-specific binding proteins using a GM-affinity column and porcine kidney cytosol. After washing the column, only the 73-kDa protein was eluted from the column by the addition of 10 mm GM. None of the other proteins were found in the eluant. Upon immunoblotting, the protein was identical to HSP73. Upon CD spectrum analysis, the binding of GM to HSP73 resulted in a conformational change in the protein. Although HSP73 prevents aggregation of unfolded rhodanese in vitro, the chaperone activity of HSP73 was suppressed in the presence of GM. Using limited proteolysis of HSP73 by TPCK-trypsin, the GM binding site is a COOH-terminal for one third of the protein known to be a peptide-binding domain. During immunohistochemistry, HSP73 and GM were co-localized in enlarged lysosomes of rat kidneys with GM-induced acute tubular injury in vivo. Our results suggest that the specific association between HSP73 and GM may reduce the chaperone activity of HSP73 in vitro and/or in vivo, and this may have an interaction with GM toxicity in kidneys with GM-induced acute tubular injury.  相似文献   

Inactivation of HSP90 and HSP70 leads to loss of invasion in a variety of cancer cell types, presumably as a result of destabilization of, as yet, undefined clients of these molecular chaperones that influence this phenotype. The WASF3 gene has been shown to be up-regulated in high-grade tumors and its down-regulation leads to loss of invasion and metastasis. WASF3 phosphorylation by ABL kinase is essential for its ability to regulate invasion. Mass spectroscopy analysis now shows that HSP90 is present in the WASF3 immunocomplex from prostate cancer cells. Inactivation of HSP90 in these and other cell types does not affect WASF3 stability but prevents its phosphoactivation as a result of destabilization of ABL. HSP70 was also found in the WASF3 immunocomplex and inactivation of HSP70 results in destabilization of WASF3 through proteasome degradation. Knockdown of WASF3, HSP90, and HSP70 individually, all lead to loss of invasion but as knockdown of WASF3 in the presence of robust expression of HSP90/70 has the same effect, it seems that the influence these chaperone proteins have on invasion is mediated, at least in part, by their control over the critical invasion promoting capacity of the WASF3 protein. Overexpression of HSP70 in WASF3 null cells does not enhance invasion. These observations suggest that targeting HSP90/70 may have efficacy in reducing cancer cell invasion.  相似文献   

The most common human diseases are caused by pathogens. Several of these microorganisms have developed efficient ways in which to exploit host molecules, along with molecular pathways to ensure their survival, differentiation and replication in host cells. Although the contribution of the host cell to the development of many intracellular pathogens (particularly viruses and bacteria) has been unequivocally established, the study of host-cell requirements during the life cycle of protozoan parasites is still in its infancy. In this review, we aim to provide some insight into the manipulation of the host cell by parasites through discussing the hurdles that are faced by the latter during infection.  相似文献   

HSP90, a major molecular chaperone, plays an essential role in the maintenance of several signaling molecules. Inhibition of HSP90 by inhibitors such as 17-allylamino-demethoxy-geldanamycin (17AAG) is known to induce apoptosis in various cancer cells by decreasing the activation or expression of pro-survival molecules such as protein kinase B (Akt). While we did not observe either decrease in expression or activation of pro-survival signaling molecules in human breast cancer cells upon inhibiting HSP90 with 17AAG, we did observe a decrease in cell motility of transformed cells, and cell motility and invasion of cancer cells. We found a significant decrease in the number of filopodia and lamellipodia, and in the F-actin bundles upon HSP90 inhibition. Our results show no change in the active forms or total levels of FAK and Pax, or in the activation of Rac-1 and Cdc-42; however increased levels of HSP90, HSP90α and HSP70 were observed upon HSP90 inhibition. Co-immuno-precipitation of HSP90 reveals interaction of HSP90 with G-actin, which increases upon HSP90 inhibition. FRET results show a significant decrease in interaction between actin monomers, leading to decreased actin polymerization upon HSP90 inhibition. We observed a decrease in the invasion of human breast cancer cells in the matrigel assay upon HSP90 inhibition. Over-expression of αB-crystallin, known to be involved in actin dynamics, did not abrogate the effect of HSP90 inhibition. Our work provides the molecular mechanism by which HSP90 inhibition delays cell migration and should be useful in developing cancer treatment strategies with known anti-cancer drugs such as cisplatin in combination with HSP90 inhibitors.  相似文献   

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