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A rich microbial environment in infancy protects against asthma [1], [2] and infections precipitate asthma exacerbations [3]. We compared the airway microbiota at three levels in adult patients with asthma, the related condition of COPD, and controls. We also studied bronchial lavage from asthmatic children and controls.

Principal Findings

We identified 5,054 16S rRNA bacterial sequences from 43 subjects, detecting >70% of species present. The bronchial tree was not sterile, and contained a mean of 2,000 bacterial genomes per cm2 surface sampled. Pathogenic Proteobacteria, particularly Haemophilus spp., were much more frequent in bronchi of adult asthmatics or patients with COPD than controls. We found similar highly significant increases in Proteobacteria in asthmatic children. Conversely, Bacteroidetes, particularly Prevotella spp., were more frequent in controls than adult or child asthmatics or COPD patients.


The results show the bronchial tree to contain a characteristic microbiota, and suggest that this microbiota is disturbed in asthmatic airways.  相似文献   

Day MD  Beck D  Foster JA 《Bioscience》2011,61(5):398-406
Artificial ecosystem selection is an experimental technique that treats microbial communities as though they were discrete units by applying selection on community-level properties. Highly diverse microbial communities associated with humans and other organisms can have significant impacts on the health of the host. It is difficult to find correlations between microbial community composition and community-associated diseases, in part because it may be impossible to define a universal and robust species concept for microbes. Microbial communities are composed of potentially thousands of unique populations that evolved in intimate contact, so it is appropriate in many situations to view the community as the unit of analysis. This perspective is supported by recent discoveries using metagenomics and pangenomics. Artificial ecosystem selection experiments can be costly, but they bring the logical rigor of biological model systems to the emerging field of microbial community analysis.  相似文献   

《Journal of molecular biology》2019,431(23):4712-4731
In order to survive and reproduce, organisms must perform a multitude of tasks. However, trade-offs limit their ability to allocate energy and resources to all of these different processes. One strategy to solve this problem is to specialize in some traits and team up with other organisms that can help by providing additional, complementary functions. By reciprocally exchanging metabolites and/or services in this way, both parties benefit from the interaction. This phenomenon, which has been termed functional specialization or division of labor, is very common in nature and exists on all levels of biological organization. Also, microorganisms have evolved different types of synergistic interactions. However, very often, it remains unclear whether or not a given example represents a true case of division of labor. Here we aim at filling this gap by providing a list of criteria that clearly define division of labor in microbial communities. Furthermore, we propose a set of diagnostic experiments to verify whether a given interaction fulfills these conditions. In contrast to the common use of the term, our analysis reveals that both intraspecific and interspecific interactions meet the criteria defining division of labor. Moreover, our analysis identified non-cooperators of intraspecific public goods interactions as growth specialists that divide labor with conspecific producers, rather than being social parasites. By providing a conceptual toolkit, our work will help to unambiguously identify cases of division of labor and stimulate more detailed investigations of this important and widespread type of inter-microbial interaction.  相似文献   

Transformation of urea to ammonium is an important link in the nitrogen cycle in soil and water. Although microbial nitrogen transformations, such as nitrification and denitrification, are well studied in freshwater sediment and epiphytic biofilm in shallow waters, information about urea transformation in these environments is scarce. In this study, urea transformation of sedimentary, planktonic, and epiphytic microbial communities was quantified and urea transformation of epiphytic biofilms associated with three different common wetland macrophyte species is compared. The microbial communities were collected from a constructed wetland in October 2002 and urea transformation was quantified in the laboratory at in situ temperature (12°C) with the use of the 14C-urea tracer method, which measures the release of 14CO2 as a direct result of urease activity. It was found that the urea transformation was 100 times higher in sediment (12–22 mmol urea-N m−2 day−1) compared with the epiphytic activity on the surfaces of the submerged plant Elodea canadensis (0.1–0.2 mmol urea-N m−2 day−1). The epiphytic activity of leaves of Typha latifolia was lower (0.001–0.03 mmol urea-N m−2 day−1), while urea transformation was negligible in the water column and on the submerged leaves of the emergent plant Phragmites australis. However, because this wetland was dominated by dense beds of the submerged macrophyte E. canadensis, this plant provided a large surface area for epiphytic microbial activity—in the range of 23–33 m2 of plant surfaces per square meter of wetland. Thus, in the wetland system scale at the existing plant distribution and density, the submerged plant community had the potential to transform 2–7 mmol urea-N m−2 day−1 and was in the same magnitude as the urea transformation in the sediment.  相似文献   

Abstract The application of advanced microscopy and molecular and electrochemical high-resolution methods has provided insights into the structural organization and function of biofilm communities. It appears that cellular properties such as growth differentiation, chemotaxis, and cell-to-cell signaling enable biofilm communities to organize structurally in response to the external conditions and the activities of the different biofilm members. Thereby resource utilization becomes optimized, and processes which require syntrophic relationships or special micro-environments become facilitated. Received: 23 February 2000; Accepted: 8 June 2000; Online Publication: 28 August 2000  相似文献   

Soil microorganisms living in close contact with minerals play key roles in the biogeochemical cycling of elements, soil formation, and plant nutrition. Yet, the composition of microbial communities inhabiting the mineralosphere (i.e., the soil surrounding minerals) is poorly understood. Here, we explored the composition of soil microbial communities associated with different types of minerals in various soil horizons. To this effect, a field experiment was set up in which mineral specimens of apatite, biotite, and oligoclase were buried in the organic, eluvial, and upper illuvial horizons of a podzol soil. After an incubation period of two years, the soil attached to the mineral surfaces was collected, and microbial communities were analyzed by means of Illumina MiSeq sequencing of the 16S (prokaryotic) and 18S (eukaryotic) ribosomal RNA genes. We found that both composition and diversity of bacterial, archaeal, and fungal communities varied across the different mineral surfaces, and that mineral type had a greater influence on structuring microbial assemblages than soil horizon. Thus, our findings emphasize the importance of mineral surfaces as ecological niches in soils.  相似文献   

Investigation of microbial communities of Antarctica soils is a very important field of research that expands our knowledge of microbial participation in primary soil formation and specific features of their communities in extreme habitats, and it is of considerable interest in directed search of for microorganisms as potential biotechnological objects. The results of long-term (2012–2017) complex studies on soil microbial communities of the Russian East Antarctica polar stations at Shirmakher oasis (Novolazarevskaya station), the Larsemann Hills (Progress station), and the Tala Hills (Molodezhnaya station) are presented in this review. The assessment of biomass of soil microorganisms by the methods of direct microscopy has been carried out for the first time for this region. The general amount of microbial biomass is small; the fungi dominate (77–99%). The unique features of Antarctic soils are the high content and morphological diversity of small forms of microorganisms: fungi are presented by mainly single-celled structures (small spores and yeasts), while bacteria by ultrafine (filtering) forms. At the same time, microorganisms can significantly contribute to such important ecological functions of soil as the emission of greenhouse gases, especially during the warm season with the stable positive temperatures of the soil. This should be considered during creation of models and forecasts of global warming. The use of various isolation techniques for the analysis of the soil microbial population, together with the succession approach, significantly expand the information about taxonomic diversity of cultivated fungi and bacteria in Antarctica soils.  相似文献   

从湖北铜绿山铜矿和山西中条山铜矿两地采集了矿山废水样品, 用RFLP方法(限制性片段长度多态性方法)分析不同矿山废水中微生物多样性及其群落结构组成变化。结果发现:通过16S rDNA基因序列的系统发育树分析, 在5个矿山废水样品中检测到的细菌主要分为4大类:即Proteobacteria纲、Nitrospira纲、Firmicutes纲和Bacteroidetes纲。通过对古菌16S rDNA 的PCR分析发现, 取自湖北铜绿山铜矿的样品中检测到古菌的存在, 而取自山西中条山铜矿的样品中没有检测到古菌的存在。检测到的古菌主要是属于Ferroplasma属和Thermoplasma属。结合5个矿山废水样品的化学元素分析结果和细菌群落结构数据, 进行PCA分析(主成分分析), 发现不同矿山废水样品的生物地球化学性质及其微生物组成存在很大差异, pH值、温度、不同浓度的元素如S、Cu、Ni和Co可能是形成细菌种群结构差异的关键因素。  相似文献   

Proteorhodopsin (PR) sequences were PCR amplified from three Andean acidic hot spring samples. These sequences were similar to freshwater and marine PRs and they contained residues indicative of proton-pumping activity and of proteins that absorb green light; these findings suggest that PRs might contribute to cellular metabolism in these habitats.  相似文献   

Characterization of Microbial Communities in Gas Industry Pipelines   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Culture-independent techniques, denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) analysis, and random cloning of 16S rRNA gene sequences amplified from community DNA were used to determine the diversity of microbial communities in gas industry pipelines. Samples obtained from natural gas pipelines were used directly for DNA extraction, inoculated into sulfate-reducing bacterium medium, or used to inoculate a reactor that simulated a natural gas pipeline environment. The variable V2-V3 (average size, 384 bp) and V3-V6 (average size, 648 bp) regions of bacterial and archaeal 16S rRNA genes, respectively, were amplified from genomic DNA isolated from nine natural gas pipeline samples and analyzed. A total of 106 bacterial 16S rDNA sequences were derived from DGGE bands, and these formed three major clusters: beta and gamma subdivisions of Proteobacteria and gram-positive bacteria. The most frequently encountered bacterial species was Comamonas denitrificans, which was not previously reported to be associated with microbial communities found in gas pipelines or with microbially influenced corrosion. The 31 archaeal 16S rDNA sequences obtained in this study were all related to those of methanogens and phylogenetically fall into three clusters: order I, Methanobacteriales; order III, Methanomicrobiales; and order IV, Methanosarcinales. Further microbial ecology studies are needed to better understand the relationship among bacterial and archaeal groups and the involvement of these groups in the process of microbially influenced corrosion in order to develop improved ways of monitoring and controlling microbially influenced corrosion.  相似文献   

石油污染海域的微生物群落及烃的降解   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目前世界海洋石油污染问题已经严重威胁到海洋生态环境的安全,生物修复是一种处理石油污染的新方法。综述了海洋环境中烃降解微生物生态学方面的一些研究进展,包括探测未培养细菌的新方法、新的分离方法及主要的烃降解菌株的特性,以便努力改进现有分离石油降解菌及石油乳化细菌的方法,同时发现对于石油降解有益的新菌种。  相似文献   

Winter conditions in aquatic habitats of the temperate zone markedly differ from those present in warmer seasons, nevertheless, relatively scarce information is available on planktonic microbial composition, as sites are not easily accessible and it was supposed traditionally that microbial activity is low during this cold period. Since microorganisms could have great impact on the ecosystem even during winter, we explored various sites in the Eastern Carpathians regarding the abundance and taxonomic composition of planktonic microorganisms. Although many of the studied environments were extreme habitats, planktonic microbial communities were abundant and mostly diverse with the presence of previously unidentified taxa.  相似文献   

Microbiology has long studied the ways in which subtle genetic differences between closely related microbial strains can have profound impacts on their phenotypes and those of their surrounding environments and communities. Despite the growth in high-throughput microbial community profiling, however, such strain-level differences remain challenging to detect. Once detected, few quantitative approaches have been well-validated for associating strain variants from microbial communities with phenotypes of interest, such as medication usage, treatment efficacy, host environment, or health. First, the term “strain” itself is not used consistently when defining a highly-resolved taxonomic or genomic unit from within a microbial community. Second, computational methods for identifying such strains directly from shotgun metagenomics are difficult, with several possible reference- and assembly-based approaches available, each with different sensitivity/specificity tradeoffs. Finally, statistical challenges exist in using any of the resulting strain profiles for downstream analyses, which can include strain tracking, phylogenetic analysis, or genetic association studies. We provide an in depth discussion of recently available computational tools that can be applied for this task, as well as statistical models and gaps in performing and interpreting any of these three main types of studies using strain-resolved shotgun metagenomic profiling of microbial communities.  相似文献   

Extension of human habitation into space requires that humans carry with them many of the microorganisms with which they coexist on Earth. The ubiquity of microorganisms in close association with all living things and biogeochemical processes on Earth predicates that they must also play a critical role in maintaining the viability of human life in space. Even though bacterial populations exist as locally adapted ecotypes, the abundance of individuals in microbial species is so large that dispersal is unlikely to be limited by geographical barriers on Earth (i.e., for most environments everything is everywhere given enough time). This will not be true for microbial communities in space where local species richness will be relatively low because of sterilization protocols prior to launch and physical barriers between Earth and spacecraft after launch. Although community diversity will be sufficient to sustain ecosystem function at the onset, richness and evenness may decline over time such that biological systems either lose functional potential (e.g., bioreactors may fail to reduce BOD or nitrogen load) or become susceptible to invasion by human-associated microorganisms (pathogens) over time. Research at the John F. Kennedy Space Center has evaluated fundamental properties of microbial diversity and community assembly in prototype bioregenerative systems for NASA Advanced Life Support. Successional trends related to increased niche specialization, including an apparent increase in the proportion of nonculturable types of organisms, have been consistently observed. In addition, the stability of the microbial communities, as defined by their resistance to invasion by human-associated microorganisms, has been correlated to their diversity. Overall, these results reflect the significant challenges ahead for the assembly of stable, functional communities using gnotobiotic approaches, and the need to better define the basic biological principles that define ecosystem processes in the space environment.  相似文献   

Aspects of Diversity Measurement for Microbial Communities   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
A useful measure of diversity was calculated for microbial communities collected from lake water and sediment samples using the Shannon index (H′) and rarefaction [E(S)]. Isolates were clustered by a numerical taxonomy approach in which limited (<20) tests were used so that the groups obtained represented a level of resolution other than species. The numerical value of diversity for each sample was affected by the number of tests used; however, the relative diversity compared among several sampling locations was the same whether 11 or 19 characters were examined. The number of isolates (i.e., sample size) strongly influenced the value of H′ so that unequal sized samples could not be compared. Rarefaction accounts for differences in sample size inherently so that such comparisons are made simple. Due to the type of sampling carried out by microbiologists, H′ is estimated and not determined and therefore requires a statement of error associated with it. Failure to report error provided potentially misleading results. Calculation of the variance of H′ is not a simple matter and may be impossible when handling a large number of samples. With rarefaction, the variance of E(S) is readily determined, facilitating the comparison of many samples.  相似文献   

A phylogenetic comparison of microbial communities in hypersaline evaporites was conducted on crusts from Guerrero Negro, Mexico, and Lindsey Lake, New Mexico, using culture-independent rRNA gene sequence analysis. Many sequences were shared between evaporites, which suggests that similar environments select for specific microbial lineages from a global metacommunity.  相似文献   

Microbial Communities and Exopolysaccharides from Polynesian Mats   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Microbial mats present in two shallow atolls of French Polynesia were characterized by high amounts of exopolysaccharides associated with cyanobacteria as the predominating species. Cyanobacteria were found in the first centimeters of the gelatinous mats, whereas deeper layers showing the occurrence of the sulfate reducers Desulfovibrio and Desulfobacter species as determined by the presence of specific biomarkers. Exopolysaccharides were extracted from these mats and partially characterized. All fractions contained both neutral sugars and uronic acids with a predominance of the former. The large diversity in monosaccharides can be interpreted as the result of exopolymer biosynthesis by either different or unidentified cyanobacterial species. Received July 25, 2000; accepted October 21, 2000  相似文献   

Impact of Fumigants on Soil Microbial Communities   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
Agricultural soils are typically fumigated to provide effective control of nematodes, soilborne pathogens, and weeds in preparation for planting of high-value cash crops. The ability of soil microbial communities to recover after treatment with fumigants was examined using culture-dependent (Biolog) and culture-independent (phospholipid fatty acid [PLFA] analysis and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis [DGGE] of 16S ribosomal DNA [rDNA] fragments amplified directly from soil DNA) approaches. Changes in soil microbial community structure were examined in a microcosm experiment following the application of methyl bromide (MeBr), methyl isothiocyanate, 1,3-dichloropropene (1,3-D), and chloropicrin. Variations among Biolog fingerprints showed that the effect of MeBr on heterotrophic microbial activities was most severe in the first week and that thereafter the effects of MeBr and the other fumigants were expressed at much lower levels. The results of PLFA analysis demonstrated a community shift in all treatments to a community dominated by gram-positive bacterial biomass. Different 16S rDNA profiles from fumigated soils were quantified by analyzing the DGGE band patterns. The Shannon-Weaver index of diversity, H, was calculated for each fumigated soil sample. High diversity indices were maintained between the control soil and the fumigant-treated soils, except for MeBr (H decreased from 1.14 to 0.13). After 12 weeks of incubation, H increased to 0.73 in the MeBr-treated samples. Sequence analysis of clones generated from unique bands showed the presence of taxonomically unique clones that had emerged from the MeBr-treated samples and were dominated by clones closely related to Bacillus spp. and Heliothrix oregonensis. Variations in the data were much higher in the Biolog assay than in the PLFA and DGGE assays, suggesting a high sensitivity of PLFA analysis and DGGE in monitoring the effects of fumigants on soil community composition and structure. Our results indicate that MeBr has the greatest impact on soil microbial communities and that 1,3-D has the least impact.  相似文献   

The most recent publications on the phylogenetic and functional diversity of thermophilic prokaryotes inhabiting thermal deep-sea environments are reviewed. Along with a general physicochemical characterization of the biotope studied, certain adaptation mechanisms are discussed that are peculiar to the microorganisms inhabiting it. A separate chapter addresses the phylogenetic analysis of deep-sea hydrothermal microbial communities and uncultivated microorganisms recently discovered therein using molecular biological techniques. Physiological groups of thermophilic microorganisms found in deep-sea hydrothermal vents are considered: methanogens, sulfate-, iron-, and sulfur-reducers, aerobic hydrogen-oxidizing prokaryotes, aerobic and anaerobic organotrophs. In most cases, the isolates represent novel taxons.  相似文献   

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