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Twenty-six isolates of Clostridium perfringens of different MLST types from chickens with necrotic enteritis (NE) (15 netB-positive) or from healthy chickens (6 netB-positive, 5 netB-negative) were found to contain 1–4 large plasmids, with most netB-positive isolates containing 3 large and variably sized plasmids which were more numerous and larger than plasmids in netB-negative isolates. NetB and cpb2 were found on different plasmids consistent with previous studies. The pathogenicity locus NELoc1, which includes netB, was largely conserved in these plasmids whereas NeLoc3, present in the cpb2 containing plasmids, was less well conserved. A netB-positive and a cpb2-positive plasmid were likely to be conjugative, and the plasmids were completely sequenced. Both plasmids possessed the intact tcp conjugative region characteristic of C. perfringens conjugative plasmids. Comparative genomic analysis of nine CpCPs, including the two plasmids described here, showed extensive gene rearrangements including pathogenicity locus and accessory gene insertions around rather than within the backbone region. The pattern that emerges from this analysis is that the major toxin-containing regions of the variety of virulence-associated CpCPs are organized as complex pathogenicity loci. How these different but related CpCPs can co-exist in the same host has been an unanswered question. Analysis of the replication-partition region of these plasmids suggests that this region controls plasmid incompatibility, and that CpCPs can be grouped into at least four incompatibility groups.  相似文献   

Clostridium perfringens Delta toxin is one of the three hemolysin-like proteins produced by C. perfringens type C and possibly type B strains. One of the others, NetB, has been shown to be the major cause of Avian Nectrotic Enteritis, which following the reduction in use of antibiotics as growth promoters, has become an emerging disease of industrial poultry. Delta toxin itself is cytotoxic to the wide range of human and animal macrophages and platelets that present GM2 ganglioside on their membranes. It has sequence similarity with Staphylococcus aureus β-pore forming toxins and is expected to heptamerize and form pores in the lipid bilayer of host cell membranes. Nevertheless, its exact mode of action remains undetermined. Here we report the 2.4 Å crystal structure of monomeric Delta toxin. The superposition of this structure with the structure of the phospholipid-bound F component of S. aureus leucocidin (LukF) revealed that the glycerol molecules bound to Delta toxin and the phospholipids in LukF are accommodated in the same hydrophobic clefts, corresponding to where the toxin is expected to latch onto the membrane, though the binding sites show significant differences. From structure-based sequence alignment with the known structure of staphylococcal α-hemolysin, a model of the Delta toxin pore form has been built. Using electron microscopy, we have validated our model and characterized the Delta toxin pore on liposomes. These results highlight both similarities and differences in the mechanism of Delta toxin (and by extension NetB) cytotoxicity from that of the staphylococcal pore-forming toxins.  相似文献   

The effect of Clostridium perfringens epsilon toxin on rat isolated aorta was investigated. The toxin caused contraction of the isolated aorta in a dose-dependent manner. The toxin induced no contraction of the isolated aorta in low-Na medium and of the tissue stored at 4 C for 7 days. However, tetrodotoxin (TTX) had no effect on the toxin-induced contraction. The toxin-induced contraction was significantly inhibited by phentolamine and prazosine, but did not by atropine, mecamylamine, chlorpheniramine and methysergide. These data suggest that the toxin-caused contraction is mediated through nervous system in rat isolated aorta.  相似文献   

A tryptone-salts medium for continuous growth and alpha toxin production of Clostridium perfringens type A in an adapted chemostat is described. In such steady-state cultures, fermentative and biochemical activity of C. perfringens remained unchanged. Toxigenic ability to produce alpha, theta, and nu toxins was preserved.  相似文献   

Guanethidine treatment or adrenal medullectomy significantly inhibited the elevation in blood pressure induced by Clostridium perfringens beta toxin, and the combination of the two drastically reduced the pressure rise, to less than 19% of that in control rats. When rats were pretreated with tetrodotoxin or hexamethonium, the toxin-evoked rise was significantly inhibited. Elevation in blood pressure induced by the toxin in spinal rats tended to be less than that in control rats. When investigated by a microscopical technique, arteriolar constriction in the mesenteric vasculature was observed after the blood pressure elevation induced by the toxin reached a maximum. Blood flow in the skin decreased with an increase in blood pressure following intravenous injection of the toxin. It is concluded that beta toxin acts on the autonomic nervous system and produces arterial constriction.  相似文献   

用NooI/EcoRI酶切含α毒素基因质粒pXCPA02,回收1.2kb的α毒素基因片段,通过T4 DNA连接酶,将回收的α毒素基因片段与经NcoI/Eco RI酶切的表达载体pET-28c连接,转化至受体菌BI21(DE3)中,经NcoI/EcoRI,BamHI/Eco RI和NcoI/BamHI/Eco RI酶切反应鉴定和核苷酸序列分析证实,获得的表达质粒aXETA02含有α毒素基因,而且阅读框架是正确的.重组菌株BL21(DE3),(pXETA02)经IPTG诱导后,其表达产物经ELISA检测和SDS-PAGE分析,结果表明重组菌株可以高效表达α毒素蛋白,该蛋白占菌体总蛋白相对含量的36.83%.  相似文献   

The effect of Clostridium perfringens alpha toxin on contraction induced by-electric stimulation of isolated guinea-pig diaphragm was investigated. The toxin inhibited electrically stimulated contraction of the tissue in a dose- and incubation time-dependent manner. Tetrodotoxin resulted in no effect of the action of the toxin. Nifedipine dose-dependently delayed the action of the toxin, but verapamil and diltiazem did not. On the other hand, treatment of the toxin with N-acetylimidazole caused significant reduction of the inhibitory activity of the toxin on contraction, but did not cause significant loss of phospholipase C activity (PN activity) as measured by hydrolysis of p-nitrophenylphosphorylcholine. The data showed that the toxin impairs contraction of isolated guinea-pig diaphragm.  相似文献   

C型产气荚膜梭菌β1毒素基因表达   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
利用PCR技术,从C型产气荚膜梭菌染色体DNA中扩增出β1毒素基因,然后用限制性核酸内切酶BamHI和EcoRI对其进行双酶切处理,回收0.95kb的β1毒素基因片段,最后将其定向克隆在事先经同样内切酶处理的载体pET-28c中相应位点上,转化至受体菌B121(DE3)qh。经BamHI和Eco RI双酶切鉴定和核苷酸序列测定证实,构建的重组质粒pETXBl含有B毒素基因,并且具有正确的基因序列和阅读框架。重组菌株BI21(DE3)(pETXB1)经IPIG诱导后,其表达产物经ELISA检测和SDS-PAGE分析,结果表明重组菌株可以高效表达β1毒素蛋白,该蛋白占菌体总蛋白相对含量的12.24%。  相似文献   

In order to avoid the use of experimental animals, the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method was applied to differentiate Clostridium perfringens into five toxin types. Twenty-two out of 23 strains tested produced the toxin(s) corresponding to the toxin gene(s) identified by PCR, and vice versa. Consequently, the gene typing was consistent with conventional typing by animal tests. Twenty-five strains were identified as types different from original ones by the PCR method as well as a toxin neutralization test. These findings suggest that the PCR method, which is easy and timesaving, is applicable to identify the toxin types of C. perfringens as an alternative to animal tests, and that beta-, epsilon- and iota-toxin genes might be lost by long-term preservation. The reasons why the strains lost the genes are discussed.  相似文献   

Evidence from multiple studies suggests that Clostridium perfringens ε-toxin is a pore-forming toxin, assembling into oligomeric complexes in the plasma membrane of sensitive cells. In a previous study, we used gene-trap mutagenesis to identify mammalian factors contributing to toxin activity, including caveolin-2 (CAV2). In this study, we demonstrate the importance of caveolin-2 and its interaction partner, caveolin-1 (CAV1), in ε-toxin-induced cytotoxicity. Using CAV2-specific shRNA in a toxin-sensitive human kidney cell line, ACHN, we confirmed that cells deficient in CAV2 exhibit increased resistance to ε-toxin. Similarly, using CAV1-specific shRNA, we demonstrate that cells deficient in CAV1 also exhibit increased resistance to the toxin. Immunoprecipitation of CAV1 and CAV2 from ε-toxin-treated ACHN cells demonstrated interaction of both CAV1 and -2 with the toxin. Furthermore, blue-native PAGE indicated that the toxin and caveolins were components of a 670 kDa protein complex. Although ε-toxin binding was only slightly perturbed in caveolin-deficient cells, oligomerization of the toxin was dramatically reduced in both CAV1- and CAV2-deficient cells. These results indicate that CAV1 and -2 potentiate ε-toxin induced cytotoxicity by promoting toxin oligomerization – an event which is requisite for pore formation and, by extension, cell death.  相似文献   

The Clostridium perfringens alpha-toxin   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The gene encoding the alpha-(cpa) is present in all strains of Clostridium perfringens, and the purified alpha-toxin has been shown to be a zinc-containing phospholipase C enzyme, which is preferentially active towards phosphatidylcholine and sphingomyelin. The alpha-toxin is haemolytic as a result if its ability to hydrolyse cell membrane phospholipids and this activity distinguishes it from many other related zinc-metallophospholipases C. Recent studies have shown that the alpha-toxin is the major virulence determinant in cases of gas gangrene, and the toxin might play a role in several other diseases of animals and man as diverse as necrotic enteritis in chickens and Crohn's disease in man. In gas gangrene the toxin appears to have three major roles in the pathogenesis of disease. First, it is able to cause mistrafficking of neutrophils, such that they do not enter infected tissues. Second, the toxin is able to cause vasoconstriction and platelet aggregation which might reduce the blood supply to infected tissues. Finally, the toxin is able to detrimentally modulate host cell metabolism by activating the arachidonic acid cascade and protein kinase C. The molecular structure of the alpha-toxin reveals a two domain protein. The amino-terminal domain contains the phospholipase C active site which contains zinc ions. The carboxyterminal domain is a paralogue of lipid binding domains found in eukaryotes and appears to bind phospholipids in a calcium-dependent manner. Immunisation with the non-toxic carboxyterminal domain induces protection against the alpha-toxin and gas gangrene and this polypeptide might be exploited as a vaccine. Other workers have exploited the entire toxin as the basis of an anti-tumour system.  相似文献   

Clostridium perfringens iota toxin is a binary toxin composed of the enzymatically active component Ia and receptor binding component Ib. Ia is an ADP-ribosyltransferase, which modifies Arg177 of actin. The previously determined crystal structure of the actin-Ia complex suggested involvement of Asp179 of actin in the ADP-ribosylation reaction. To gain more insights into the structural requirements of actin to serve as a substrate for toxin-catalyzed ADP-ribosylation, we engineered Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains, in which wild type actin was replaced by actin variants with substitutions in residues located on the Ia-actin interface. Expression of the actin mutant Arg177Lys resulted in complete resistance towards Ia. Actin mutation of Asp179 did not change Ia-induced ADP-ribosylation and growth inhibition of S. cerevisiae. By contrast, substitution of Glu270 of actin inhibited the toxic action of Ia and the ADP-ribosylation of actin. In vitro transcribed/translated human β-actin confirmed the crucial role of Glu270 in ADP-ribosylation of actin by Ia.  相似文献   

Epsilon toxin is a potent neurotoxin produced by Clostridium perfringens types B and D, an anaerobic bacterium that causes enterotoxaemia in ruminants. In the affected animal, it causes oedema of the lungs and brain by damaging the endothelial cells, inducing physiological and morphological changes. Although it is believed to compromise the intestinal barrier, thus entering the gut vasculature, little is known about the mechanism underlying this process. This study characterizes the effects of epsilon toxin on fluid transport and bioelectrical parameters in the small intestine of mice and rats. The enteropooling and the intestinal loop tests, together with the single-pass perfusion assay and in vitro and ex vivo analysis in Ussing''s chamber, were all used in combination with histological and ultrastructural analysis of mice and rat small intestine, challenged with or without C. perfringens epsilon toxin. Luminal epsilon toxin induced a time and concentration dependent intestinal fluid accumulation and fall of the transepithelial resistance. Although no evident histological changes were observed, opening of the mucosa tight junction in combination with apoptotic changes in the lamina propria were seen with transmission electron microscopy. These results indicate that C. perfringens epsilon toxin alters the intestinal permeability, predominantly by opening the mucosa tight junction, increasing its permeability to macromolecules, and inducing further degenerative changes in the lamina propria of the bowel.  相似文献   

Plasmids in Clostridium botulinum and related Clostridium species.   总被引:8,自引:6,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Toxigenic Clostridium botulinum and nontoxigenic C. sporogenes, C. subterminale, and C. botulinum-like organisms from a variety of sources were screened for plasmids. Of the 68 toxigenic C. botulinum isolates, 56% carried one or more plasmids, ranging in mass from 2.1 to 81 megadaltons. Within individual groups (based on the type of neurotoxin produced), many strains showed identical plasmid banding patterns on agarose gels. Of the 15 nontoxigenic strains tested, 40% also carried one or more plasmids ranging from 1.7 to 25.0 megadaltons, with both unique and common banding patterns represented. A total of 67 plasmids from both toxigenic and nontoxigenic strains were detected. At this time, no phenotypic functions have been assessed for these plasmids, and they must therefore be considered cryptic. A variety of lysing and extraction techniques were necessary to detect plasmids in the different C. botulinum groups.  相似文献   

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