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Most mammalian cell types depend on multiple Src family kinases (SFKs) to regulate diverse signaling pathways. Strict control of SFK activity is essential for normal cellular function, and loss of kinase regulation contributes to several forms of cancer and other diseases. Previous x-ray crystal structures of the SFKs c-Src and Hck revealed that intramolecular association of their Src homology (SH) 3 domains and SH2 kinase linker regions has a key role in down-regulation of kinase activity. However, the amino acid sequence of the Hck linker represents a suboptimal ligand for the isolated SH3 domain, suggesting that it may form the polyproline type II helical conformation required for SH3 docking only in the context of the intact structure. To test this hypothesis directly, we determined the crystal structure of a truncated Hck protein consisting of the SH2 and SH3 domains plus the linker. Despite the absence of the kinase domain, the structures and relative orientations of the SH2 and SH3 domains in this shorter protein were very similar to those observed in near full-length, down-regulated Hck. However, the SH2 kinase linker adopted a modified topology and failed to engage the SH3 domain. This new structure supports the idea that these noncatalytic regions work together as a “conformational switch” that modulates kinase activity in a manner unique to the SH3 domain and linker topologies present in the intact Hck protein. Our results also provide fresh structural insight into the facile induction of Hck activity by HIV-1 Nef and other Hck SH3 domain binding proteins and implicate the existence of innate conformational states unique to individual Src family members that “fine-tune” their sensitivities to activation by SH3-based ligands.  相似文献   

The closely related Abl family kinases, Arg and Abl, play important non-redundant roles in the regulation of cell morphogenesis and motility. Despite similar N-terminal sequences, Arg and Abl interact with different substrates and binding partners with varying affinities. This selectivity may be due to slight differences in amino acid sequence leading to differential interactions with target proteins. We report that the Arg Src homology (SH) 2 domain binds two specific phosphotyrosines on cortactin, a known Abl/Arg substrate, with over 10-fold higher affinity than the Abl SH2 domain. We show that this significant affinity difference is due to the substitution of arginine 161 and serine 187 in Abl to leucine 207 and threonine 233 in Arg, respectively. We constructed Abl SH2 domains with R161L and S187T mutations alone and in combination and find that these substitutions are sufficient to convert the low affinity Abl SH2 domain to a higher affinity “Arg-like” SH2 domain in binding to a phospho-cortactin peptide. We crystallized the Arg SH2 domain for structural comparison to existing crystal structures of the Abl SH2 domain. We show that these two residues are important determinants of Arg and Abl SH2 domain binding specificity. Finally, we expressed Arg containing an “Abl-like” low affinity mutant Arg SH2 domain (L207R/T233S) and find that this mutant, although properly localized to the cell periphery, does not support wild type levels of cell edge protrusion. Together, these observations indicate that these two amino acid positions confer different binding affinities and cellular functions on the distinct Abl family kinases.  相似文献   

The non-receptor isoform of protein-tyrosine phosphatase ϵ (cyt-PTPe) supports adhesion of bone-resorbing osteoclasts by activating Src downstream of integrins. Loss of cyt-PTPe reduces Src activity in osteoclasts, reduces resorption of mineralized matrix both in vivo and in cell culture, and induces mild osteopetrosis in young female PTPe KO mice. Activation of Src by cyt-PTPe is dependent upon this phosphatase undergoing phosphorylation at its C-terminal Tyr-638 by partially active Src. To understand how cyt-PTPe activates Src, we screened 73 Src homology 2 (SH2) domains for binding to Tyr(P)-638 of cyt-PTPe. The SH2 domain of GRB2 bound Tyr(P)-638 of cyt-PTPe most prominently, whereas the Src SH2 domain did not bind at all, suggesting that GRB2 may link PTPe with downstream molecules. Further studies indicated that GRB2 is required for activation of Src by cyt-PTPe in osteoclast-like cells (OCLs) in culture. Overexpression of GRB2 in OCLs increased activating phosphorylation of Src at Tyr-416 and of cyt-PTPe at Tyr-638; opposite results were obtained when GRB2 expression was reduced by shRNA or by gene inactivation. Phosphorylation of cyt-PTPe at Tyr-683 and its association with GRB2 are integrin-driven processes in OCLs, and cyt-PTPe undergoes autodephosphorylation at Tyr-683, thus limiting Src activation by integrins. Reduced GRB2 expression also reduced the ability of bone marrow precursors to differentiate into OCLs and reduced the fraction of OCLs in which podosomal adhesion structures assume organization typical of active, resorbing cells. We conclude that GRB2 physically links cyt-PTPe with Src and enables cyt-PTPe to activate Src downstream of activated integrins in OCLs.  相似文献   

The protein tyrosine kinase C-terminal Src kinase (Csk) is activated by the engagement of its Src homology (SH) 2 domain. However, the molecular mechanism required for this is not completely understood. The crystal structure of the active Csk indicates that Csk could be activated by contact between the SH2 domain and the β3-αC loop in the N-terminal lobe of the kinase domain. To study the importance of this interaction for the SH2-domain-mediated activation of Csk, we mutated the amino acid residues forming the contacts between the SH2 domain and the β3-αC loop. The mutation of the β3-αC loop Ala228 to glycine and of the SH2 domain Tyr116, Tyr133, Leu138, and Leu149 to alanine resulted in the inability of the SH2 domain ligand to activate Csk. Furthermore, the overexpressed Csk mutants A228G, Y133A/Y116A, L138A, and L149A were unable to efficiently inactivate endogenous Src in human embryonic kidney 293 cells. The results suggest that the SH2-domain-mediated activation of Csk is dependent on the binding of the β3-αC loop Ala228 to the hydrophobic pocket formed by the side chains of Tyr116, Tyr133, Leu138, and Leu149 on the surface of the SH2 domain.  相似文献   

Activating mutations in PTPN11 cause Noonan syndrome, the most common nonchromosomal disorder affecting development and growth. PTPN11 encodes SHP2, an Src homology 2 (SH2) domain-containing protein-tyrosine phosphatase that positively modulates RAS function. Here, we characterized functionally all possible amino acid substitutions arising from single-base changes affecting codons 62 and 63 to explore the molecular mechanisms lying behind the largely invariant occurrence of the Y62D and Y63C substitutions recurring in Noonan syndrome. We provide structural and biochemical data indicating that the autoinhibitory interaction between the N-SH2 and protein-tyrosine phosphatase (PTP) domains is perturbed in both mutants as a result of an extensive structural rearrangement of the N-SH2 domain. Most mutations affecting Tyr(63) exerted an unpredicted disrupting effect on the structure of the N-SH2 phosphopeptide-binding cleft mediating the interaction of SHP2 with signaling partners. Among all the amino acid changes affecting that codon, the disease-causing mutation was the only substitution that perturbed the stability of the inactive conformation of SHP2 without severely impairing proper phosphopeptide binding of N-SH2. On the other hand, the disruptive effect of the Y62D change on the autoinhibited conformation of the protein was balanced, in part, by less efficient binding properties of the mutant. Overall, our data demonstrate that the selection-by-function mechanism acting as driving force for PTPN11 mutations affecting codons 62 and 63 implies balancing of counteracting effects operating on the allosteric control of the function of SHP2.  相似文献   

In response to amino acid starvation, GCN2 phosphorylation of eIF2 leads to repression of general translation and initiation of gene reprogramming that facilitates adaptation to nutrient stress. GCN2 is a multidomain protein with key regulatory domains that directly monitor uncharged tRNAs which accumulate during nutrient limitation, leading to activation of this eIF2 kinase and translational control. A critical feature of regulation of this stress response kinase is its C-terminal domain (CTD). Here, we present high resolution crystal structures of murine and yeast CTDs, which guide a functional analysis of the mammalian GCN2. Despite low sequence identity, both yeast and mammalian CTDs share a core subunit structure and an unusual interdigitated dimeric form, albeit with significant differences. Disruption of the dimeric form of murine CTD led to loss of translational control by GCN2, suggesting that dimerization is critical for function as is true for yeast GCN2. However, although both CTDs bind single- and double-stranded RNA, murine GCN2 does not appear to stably associate with the ribosome, whereas yeast GCN2 does. This finding suggests that there are key regulatory differences between yeast and mammalian CTDs, which is consistent with structural differences.  相似文献   

SH2D5 is a mammalian-specific, uncharacterized adaptor-like protein that contains an N-terminal phosphotyrosine-binding domain and a C-terminal Src homology 2 (SH2) domain. We show that SH2D5 is highly enriched in adult mouse brain, particularly in Purkinjie cells in the cerebellum and the cornu ammonis of the hippocampus. Despite harboring two potential phosphotyrosine (Tyr(P)) recognition domains, SH2D5 binds minimally to Tyr(P) ligands, consistent with the absence of a conserved Tyr(P)-binding arginine residue in the SH2 domain. Immunoprecipitation coupled to mass spectrometry (IP-MS) from cultured cells revealed a prominent association of SH2D5 with breakpoint cluster region protein, a RacGAP that is also highly expressed in brain. This interaction occurred between the phosphotyrosine-binding domain of SH2D5 and an NxxF motif located within the N-terminal region of the breakpoint cluster region. siRNA-mediated depletion of SH2D5 in a neuroblastoma cell line, B35, induced a cell rounding phenotype correlated with low levels of activated Rac1-GTP, suggesting that SH2D5 affects Rac1-GTP levels. Taken together, our data provide the first characterization of the SH2D5 signaling protein.  相似文献   

Pathological cardiac hypertrophy (an increase in cardiac mass resulting from stress-induced cardiac myocyte growth) is a major factor underlying heart failure. Our results identify a novel mechanism of Shp2 inhibition that may promote cardiac hypertrophy. We demonstrate that the tyrosine phosphatase, Shp2, is a component of the A-kinase-anchoring protein (AKAP)-Lbc complex. AKAP-Lbc facilitates PKA phosphorylation of Shp2, which inhibits its protein-tyrosine phosphatase activity. Given the important cardiac roles of both AKAP-Lbc and Shp2, we investigated the AKAP-Lbc-Shp2 interaction in the heart. AKAP-Lbc-tethered PKA is implicated in cardiac hypertrophic signaling; however, mechanism of PKA action is unknown. Mutations resulting in loss of Shp2 catalytic activity are also associated with cardiac hypertrophy and congenital heart defects. Our data indicate that AKAP-Lbc integrates PKA and Shp2 signaling in the heart and that AKAP-Lbc-associated Shp2 activity is reduced in hypertrophic hearts in response to chronic β-adrenergic stimulation and PKA activation. Thus, while induction of cardiac hypertrophy is a multifaceted process, inhibition of Shp2 activity through AKAP-Lbc-anchored PKA is a previously unrecognized mechanism that may promote compensatory cardiac hypertrophy.  相似文献   

c-Abl is a key regulator of cell signaling and is under strict control via intramolecular interactions. In this study, we address changes in the intramolecular dynamics coupling within the c-Abl regulatory unit by presenting its N-terminal segment (N-Cap) with an alternative function in the cell as c-Abl becomes activated. Using small angle x-ray scattering, nuclear magnetic resonance, and confocal microscopy, we demonstrate that the N-Cap and the Src homology (SH) 3 domain acquire μs-ms motions upon N-Cap association with the SH2-L domain, revealing a stabilizing synergy between these segments. The N-Cap-myristoyl tether likely triggers the protein to anchor to the membrane because of these flip-flop dynamics, which occur in the μs-ms time range. This segment not only presents the myristate during c-Abl inhibition but may also trigger protein localization inside the cell in a functional and stability-dependent mechanism that is lost in Bcr-Abl+ cells, which underlie chronic myeloid leukemia. This loss of intramolecular dynamics and binding to the cellular membrane is a potential therapeutic target.  相似文献   

Activation of trimeric G proteins has been traditionally viewed as the exclusive job of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs). This view has been challenged by the discovery of non-receptor activators of trimeric G proteins. Among them, GIV (a.k.a. Girdin) is the first for which a guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) activity has been unequivocally associated with a well defined motif. Here we discuss how GIV assembles alternative signaling pathways by sensing cues from various classes of surface receptors and relaying them via G protein activation. We also describe the dysregulation of this mechanism in disease and how its targeting holds promise for novel therapeutics.  相似文献   

The cytoplasmic tyrosine phosphatase SHP1 has been shown to inhibit the oncogenic fusion protein nucleophosmin (NPM)-anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK), and loss of SHP1 contributes to NPM-ALK-mediated tumorigenesis. In this study, we aimed to further understand how SHP1 interacts and regulates NPM-ALK. We employed an in vitro model in which GP293 cells were transfected with various combinations of NPM-ALK (or mutants) and SHP1 (or mutants) expression vectors. We found that SHP1 co-immunoprecipitated with NPM-ALK, but not the enzymatically inactive NPM-ALKK210R mutant, or the mutant in which all three functionally important tyrosine residues (namely, Tyr338, Tyr342, and Tyr343) in the kinase activation loop (KAL) of ALK were mutated. Interestingly, whereas mutation of Tyr338 or Tyr342 did not result in any substantial change in the NPM-ALK/SHP1 binding (assessed by co-immunoprecipitation), mutation of Tyr343 abrogated this interaction. Furthermore, the NPM-ALK/SHP1 binding was readily detectable when each of the remaining 8 tyrosine residues known to be phosphorylated were mutated. Although the expression of SHP1 effectively reduced the level of tyrosine phosphorylation of NPM-ALK, it did not affect that of the NPM-ALKY343F mutant. In soft agar clonogenic assay, SHP1 expression significantly reduced the tumorigenicity of NPM-ALK but not that of NPM-ALKY343F. In conclusion, we identified Tyr343 of NPM-ALK as the crucial site for mediating the NPM-ALK/SHP1 interaction. Our results also support the notion that the tumor suppressor effects of SHP1 on NPM-ALK are dependent on its ability to bind to this oncogenic protein.  相似文献   

The target of rapamycin (TOR) kinase belongs to the highly conserved eukaryotic family of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase-related kinases. TOR proteins are found at the core of two evolutionary conserved complexes, known as TORC1 and TORC2. In fission yeast, TORC2 is dispensable for proliferation under optimal growth conditions but is required for starvation and stress responses. TORC2 has been implicated in a wide variety of functions; however, the signals that regulate TORC2 activity have so far remained obscure. TORC2 has one known direct substrate, the AGC kinase Gad8, which is related to AKT in human cells. Gad8 is phosphorylated by TORC2 at Ser-546 (equivalent to AKT Ser-473), leading to its activation. Here, we show that glucose is necessary and sufficient to induce Gad8 Ser-546 phosphorylation in vivo and Gad8 kinase activity in vitro. The glucose signal that activates TORC2-Gad8 is mediated via the cAMP/PKA pathway, a major glucose-sensing pathway. By contrast, Pmk1, similar to human extracellular signal-regulated kinases and a major stress-induced mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK) in fission yeast, inhibits TORC2-dependent Gad8 phosphorylation and activation. Inhibition of TORC2-Gad8 also occurs in response to ionic or osmotic stress, in a manner dependent on the cAMP/PKA and Pmk1-MAPK signaling pathways. Our findings highlight the significance of glucose availability in regulation of TORC2-Gad8 and indicate a novel link between the cAMP/PKA, Pmk1/MAPK, and TORC2-Gad8 signaling.  相似文献   

We have shown previously that poliovirus infection disrupts cytoplasmic P-bodies in infected mammalian cells. During the infectious cycle, poliovirus causes the directed cleavage of Dcp1a and Pan3, coincident with the dispersion of P-bodies. We now show that expression of Dcp1a prior to infection, surprisingly, restricts poliovirus infection. This inhibition of infection was independent of P-body formation because expression of GFP-Dcp1a mutants that cannot enter P-bodies restricted poliovirus infection similar to wild-type GFP-Dcp1a. Expression of wild-type or mutant GFP-Dcp1a induced phosphorylation of eIF2α through the eIF2α kinase protein kinase R (PKR). Activation of PKR required the amino-terminal EVH1 domain of Dcp1a. This PKR-induced translational inhibition appears to be specific to Dcp1a because the expression of other P-body components, Pan2, Pan3, Ccr4, or Caf1, did not result in the inhibition of poliovirus gene expression or induce eIF2α phosphorylation. The translation blockade induced by Dcp1a expression suggests novel signaling linking RNA degradation/decapping and regulation of translation.  相似文献   

Cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) is a chloride (Cl) channel, which plays an important role in physiological anion and fluid secretion, and is defective in several diseases. Although its activation by PKA and PKC has been studied extensively, its regulation by receptors is less well understood. To study signaling involved in CFTR activation, we measured whole-cell Cl currents in BHK cells cotransfected with GPCRs and CFTR. In cells expressing the M3 muscarinic acetylcholine receptor, the agonist carbachol (Cch) caused strong activation of CFTR through two pathways; the canonical PKA-dependent mechanism and a second mechanism that involves tyrosine phosphorylation. The role of PKA was suggested by partial inhibition of cholinergic stimulation by the specific PKA inhibitor Rp-cAMPS. The role of tyrosine kinases was suggested by Cch stimulation of 15SA-CFTR and 9CA-CFTR, mutants that lack 15 PKA or 9 PKC consensus sequences and are unresponsive to PKA or PKC stimulation, respectively. Moreover the residual Cch response was sensitive to inhibitors of the Pyk2 and Src tyrosine kinase family. Our results suggest that tyrosine phosphorylation acts on CFTR directly and through inhibition of the phosphatase PP2A. Results suggest that PKA and tyrosine kinases contribute to CFTR regulation by GPCRs that are expressed at the apical membrane of intestinal and airway epithelia.  相似文献   

synGAP is a neuron-specific Ras and Rap GTPase-activating protein (GAP) found in high concentrations in the postsynaptic density (PSD) fraction from the mammalian forebrain. We have previously shown that, in situ in the PSD fraction or in recombinant form in Sf9 cell membranes, synGAP is phosphorylated by Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII), another prominent component of the PSD. Here, we show that recombinant synGAP (r-synGAP), lacking 102 residues at the N terminus, can be purified in soluble form and is phosphorylated by cyclin-dependent kinase 5 (CDK5) as well as by CaMKII. Phosphorylation of r-synGAP by CaMKII increases its HRas GAP activity by 25% and its Rap1 GAP activity by 76%. Conversely, phosphorylation by CDK5 increases r-synGAP''s HRas GAP activity by 98% and its Rap1 GAP activity by 20%. Thus, phosphorylation by both kinases increases synGAP activity; CaMKII shifts the relative GAP activity toward inactivation of Rap1, and CDK5 shifts the relative activity toward inactivation of HRas. GAP activity toward Rap2 is not altered by phosphorylation by either kinase. CDK5 phosphorylates synGAP primarily at two sites, Ser-773 and Ser-802. Phosphorylation at Ser-773 inhibits r-synGAP activity, and phosphorylation at Ser-802 increases it. However, the net effect of concurrent phosphorylation of both sites, Ser-773 and Ser-802, is an increase in GAP activity. synGAP is phosphorylated at Ser-773 and Ser-802 in the PSD fraction, and its phosphorylation by CDK5 and CaMKII is differentially regulated by activation of NMDA-type glutamate receptors in cultured neurons.  相似文献   

Inhibition of G-protein-coupled receptor kinase 2 (GRK2) is an emerging treatment option for heart failure. Because GRK2 is also indispensable for growth and development, we analyzed the impact of GRK2 inhibition on cell growth and proliferation. Inhibition of GRK2 by the dominant-negative GRK2-K220R did not affect the proliferation of cultured cells. In contrast, upon xenograft transplantation of cells into immunodeficient mice, the dominant-negative GRK2-K220R or a GRK2-specific peptide inhibitor increased tumor mass. The enhanced tumor growth upon GRK2 inhibition was attributed to the growth-promoting MAPK pathway because dual inhibition of the GRK2 and RAF-MAPK axis by the Raf kinase inhibitor protein (RKIP) did not increase tumor mass. The MAPK cascade contributed to the cardioprotective profile of GRK2 inhibition by preventing cardiomyocyte death, whereas dual inhibition of RAF/MAPK and GRK2 by RKIP induced cardiomyocyte apoptosis, cardiac dysfunction, and signs of heart failure. Thus, cardioprotective signaling induced by GRK2 inhibition is overlapping with tumor growth promotion.  相似文献   

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