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1. The pharmacokinetics of frusemide have been compared in 3 non-human primate species after single intravenous dose of 3 mg/kg of the drug. 2. Peak mean plasma concentrations of frusemide were 31.6, 33.6, 43.6 micrograms/ml in the rhesus monkey, cynomolgus monkey and baboon respectively, and concentrations declined with a half-life of about 20 min. 3. There were no notable differences in the pharmacokinetic parameters estimated from either a one-compartment or two-compartment open model. 4. There were statistically significant species-related differences in clearance, half-lives and volumes of distribution adjusted for bodyweight. 5. The pharmacokinetics of frusemide in the cynomolgus monkey are closer to those in man than are those in the rhesus monkey, the baboon or other commonly used laboratory animal species.  相似文献   

1. Bilirubin-IXalpha monoglucuronide was the predominant bilirubin in biles and meconiums of newborn humans and rhesus monkeys. Rhesus-monkey baby biles contained slightly more diglucuronide than did human baby biles. 2. Bilrubin-IXalpha glucoside, bilirubin-IXalpha xyloside and bilirubin-IXbeta were also constituents of human and rhesus-monkey baby biles and meconiums. Bilirubin-IXalpha glucuronide glucoside was present in human and rhesus-monkey baby biles but not in meconiums. The identity of the bilirubins was confirmed by u.v.-visible and mass spectroscopy of the azodipyrroles obtained by treating the bilirubins with diazotized ethyl anthranilate. The resulting azodipyrroles were identical with the corresponding azodipyrroles obtained from human adult biles and also from reduced isomers of biliverdin. 3. Bilirubin-IXbeta was present in much higher proportions in the extracts of meconiums than in the extracts of biles from the same babies. 4. Oxidation of bilirubins to biliverdins occurs in utero to a small but undetermined extent. The resulting green pigments were present in meconiums collected from the lower small and large intestines of newborn babies and rhesus monkeys. 5. Butanol extracted most of the bilirubins present in biles. This modified method proved to be quick and easy. Little hydrolysis of bilirubins took place during extraction or separation by t.l.c.  相似文献   

The objective was to study dynamic changes of ovaries in rhesus macaques stimulated by gonadotropins to identify an indicator for predicting ovarian response to stimulation. Twenty-one cycling monkeys were given 36 IU/d recombinant human follicle-stimulating hormone (rhFSH) for 8 d. Animals (n = 17) with ≥5 follicles (≥3 mm) in their ovaries on Day 9 of ovarian stimulation were deemed good responders, whereas those with a lesser response were poor responders (n = 4). For these two groups, the mean (±SD) numbers of oocytes retrieved were 44.3 ± 21.4 and 11.0 ± 4.6, respectively. In retrospect, the mean diameters of the ovaries and of the largest follicles, the total number of detectable follicles (diameter >0.5 mm), and serum estradiol concentrations gradually increased during the stimulation period in the good responders but did not increase in the poor responders. Comparing good and poor responders, the number of ovarian follicles >0.5 mm already exhibited a difference (12.9 ± 6.5 vs. 2.9 ± 1.3, respectively, P < 0.05) on Day 1 of stimulation. However, for other end points, differences were not significant until at least Day 5. Moreover, good responders yielded a fivefold higher blastocyst development rate than that of poor responders (P < 0.01). In conclusion, the number of ovarian follicles detected with ultrasonography could be useful to predict the response to FSH stimulation in non-human primates.  相似文献   

Change detection is a popular task to study visual short-term memory (STM) in humans [1-4]. Much of this work suggests that STM has a fixed capacity of 4 ± 1 items [1-6]. Here we report the first comparison of change-detection memory between humans and a species closely related to humans, the rhesus monkey. Monkeys and humans were tested in nearly identical procedures with overlapping display sizes. Although the monkeys' STM was well fit by a one-item fixed-capacity memory model, other monkey memory tests with four-item lists have shown performance impossible to obtain with a one-item capacity [7]. We suggest that this contradiction can be resolved using a continuous-resource approach more closely tied to the neural basis of memory [8, 9]. In this view, items have a noisy memory representation whose noise level depends on display size as a result of the distributed allocation of a continuous resource. In accord with this theory, we show that performance depends on the perceptual distance between items before and after the change, and d' depends on display size in an approximately power-law fashion. Our results open the door to combining the power of psychophysics, computation, and physiology to better understand the neural basis of STM.  相似文献   

Controlled ovarian stimulation (COS) is an alternative to natural breeding in nonhuman primates; however, these protocols are costly with no guarantee of success. Toward the objective of predicting COS outcome in rhesus monkeys, this study evaluated three clinically used ovarian reserve tests (ORTs): day 3 (d3) follicle‐stimulating hormone (FSH) with d3 inhibin B (INHB), the clomiphene citrate challenge test (CCCT), and the exogenous FSH Ovarian Reserve Test. A COS was also performed and response was classified as either successful (COS+) or unsuccessful (COS?) and retrospectively compared with ORT predictions. FSH and INHB were assessed for best hormonal index in conjunction with the aforementioned tests. INHB was consistently more accurate than FSH in all the ORTs used. Overall, a modified version of the CCCT using INHB values yielded the best percentage of correct predictions. This is the first report of ORT evaluation in rhesus monkeys and may provide a useful diagnostic test before costly follicle stimulations, as well as predicting the onset of menopause. Am. J. Primatol. 72:672–680, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Seasonal effects on ovarian folliculogenesis in rhesus monkeys   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Reproductive performance is reportedly reduced in some rhesus monkeys during the summer months, even when environmental conditions are controlled. The mechanism(s) underlying this phenomenon remain unknown. We noted that the pattern of folliculogenesis appeared to be altered in rhesus monkeys that continued to exhibit ovulatory menstrual cycles during the "nonbreeding" season. This study was designed to investigate the effect of season on development of the dominant follicle (DF) and upon levels of serum gonadotropins and sex steroids in animals maintained in a controlled environment. Forty-four menstrual cycles were evaluated from October, 1982 to October, 1983. Animals were housed individually in controlled light (12L:12D) and temperature (22-25 degrees C). A DF was identified by laparoscopy on Day 6 of the cycle in only 45% of cycles during the months of May through September, compared with 87.5% the remainder of the year. No effect of season was detected on either the length of the menstrual cycle or luteal phase, mean follicular diameter, or the percentage of ovulatory cycles. During the follicular phase, amounts of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) in peripheral sera were depressed, whereas those of luteinizing hormone (LH) were consistently elevated. Amounts of circulating estradiol were similar between groups. However, serum concentrations of progesterone were markedly reduced in the summer. Development of the DF appeared to be delayed in the early follicular phase during the summer months in those rhesus monkeys that had ovulatory menstrual cycles. This delay was accompanied by an alteration in the FSH to LH ratio. Although most cycles were ovulatory, altered follicular development resulted in deficient luteal function.  相似文献   

By learning to discriminate among visual stimuli, human observers can become experts at specific visual tasks. The same is true for Rhesus monkeys, the major animal model of human visual perception. Here, we systematically compare how humans and monkeys solve a simple visual task. We trained humans and monkeys to discriminate between the members of small natural-image sets. We employed the "Bubbles" procedure to determine the stimulus features used by the observers. On average, monkeys used image features drawn from a diagnostic region covering about 7% +/- 2% of the images. Humans were able to use image features drawn from a much larger diagnostic region covering on average 51% +/- 4% of the images. Similarly for the two species, however, about 2% of the image needed to be visible within the diagnostic region on any individual trial for correct performance. We characterize the low-level image properties of the diagnostic regions and discuss individual differences among the monkeys. Our results reveal that monkeys base their behavior on confined image patches and essentially ignore a large fraction of the visual input, whereas humans are able to gather visual information with greater flexibility from large image regions.  相似文献   

We detected 19 complete endogenous retroviruses of the K family in the genome of rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta; RhERV-K) and 12 full length elements in the genome of the common chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes; CERV-K). These sequences were compared with 55 human HERV-K and 20 CERV-K reported previously, producing a total data set of 106 full-length ERV-K genomes. Overall, 61% of the human elements compared to 21% of the chimpanzee and 47% of rhesus elements had estimated integration times less than 4.5 million years before present (MYBP), with an average integration times of 7.8 MYBP, 13.4 MYBP and 10.3 MYBP for HERV-K, CERV-K and RhERV-K, respectively. By excluding those ERV-K sequences generated by chromosomal duplication, we used 63 of the 106 elements to compare the population dynamics of ERV-K among species. This analysis indicated that both HERV-K and RhERV-K had similar demographic histories, including markedly smaller effective population sizes, compared to CERV-K. We propose that these differing ERV-K dynamics reflect underlying differences in the evolutionary ecology of the host species, such that host ecology and demography represent important determinants of ERV-K dynamics.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate juvenile rhesus monkeys responding to various gonadotropin regimen stimulations. Thirty-two prepubertal rhesus monkeys were randomly allocated into five groups for ovarian stimulation as follows: Groups I, II, and III were given 35, 18, and 9 IU recombinant human follicle-stimulating hormone (rhFSH), respectively, twice daily for 8 d; Group IV was given 18 IU rhFSH twice daily until the appearance of maximal increase in sex skin during the breeding season; and Group V was treated identically to Group II but during the nonbreeding season. In addition, nine menarchial monkeys (Group VI) were treated identically to Group II. Menarchial monkeys yielded two- to fivefold the numbers of MII oocytes (24.1) and almost twice the development potential of in vitro-fertilized oocytes (blastocyst rate: 50.0%) compared with those of the other groups. Moreover, prepubertal monkeys in Group V had approximately double the numbers of MII oocytes and in Groups IV and V twice the development potential compared with those of Groups I and II, whereas Group III did not respond to stimulation. The most prominent sex skin swelling was in association with peak serum estradiol concentrations, and good responses to stimulation were associated with reduced body temperatures. All stimulated monkeys had normal reproductive performance at adulthood, except those in Group I. In conclusion, gonadotropin stimulation of menarchial monkeys could be appropriate for addressing the high cost and limited availability of rhesus monkeys in studying reproductive biology in primates.  相似文献   

Selection of the species-specific number of follicles that will develop and ovulate during the ovarian cycle can be overridden by increasing the levels of pituitary gonadotropin hormones, FSH and LH. During controlled ovarian stimulation (COS) in nonhuman primates for assisted reproductive technology (ART) protocols, the method of choice (but not the only method) has been the administration of exogenous gonadotropins, either of nonprimate or primate origin. Due to species-specificity of the primate LH (but not FSH) receptor, COS with nonprimate (e.g., PMSG) hormones can be attributed to their FSH activity. Elevated levels of FSH alone will produce large antral follicles containing oocytes capable of fertilization in vitro (IVF). However, there is evidence that LH, probably in lesser amounts, increases the rate of follicular development, reduces heterogeneity of the antral follicle pool, and improves the viability and rate of pre-implantation development of IVF-produced embryos. Since an endogenous LH surge typically does not occur during COS cycles (especially when a GnRH antagonist is added), a large dose of an LH-like hormone (i.e., hCG) may be given to reinitiate meiosis and produce fertilizable oocytes. Alternate approaches using exogenous LH (or FSH), or GnRH agonist to induce an endogenous LH surge, have received lesser attention. Current protocols will routinely yield dozens of large follicles with fertilizable eggs. However, limitations include non/poor-responding animals, heterogeneity of follicles (and presumably oocytes) and subsequent short luteal phases (limiting embryo transfer in COS cycles). However, the most serious limitation to further improvements and expanded use of COS protocols for ART is the lack of availability of nonhuman primate gonadotropins. Human, and even more so, nonprimate gonadotropins are antigenic in monkeys, which limits the number of COS cycles to as few as 1 (PMSG) or 3 (recombinant hCG) protocols in macaques. Production and access to sufficient supplies of nonhuman primate FSH, LH and CG would overcome this major hurdle.  相似文献   

The present studies show that estradiol-17B (E2) implanted s.c. in rhesus monkeys for 24 hours reliably induces atresia of the dominant follicle (DF). Analysis of contents of the atretic DF revealed a reduction in cell viability and levels of steroids. These atretogenic effects of E2 could be mimicked by local application, but were not reversed by exogenous gonadotropins. E2 also had a direct effect on inhibiting steroid secretion by follicle cells in vitro. From these studies, we concluded that the effect of E2 is exerted at least in part at the ovarian level; this suggests that estrogen produced locally by the DF could have a physiologic role in controlling atresia of other follicles.  相似文献   

A new model for the investigation of atresia in rhesus monkeys is presented. This model is based upon the reliable induction of an atresia-like process in the dominant preovulatory follicle (DF) by estradiol-17 beta administered subcutaneously via Silastic capsules for 24 h. Data obtained from follicular contents aspirated from treated animals demonstrated alterations in the putative markers of atresia similar to those described in other models of atresia. Although follicle size and appearance and volume of follicular fluid (FF) were unaltered in treated animals, FF was much more viscous than that aspirated from follicles in untreated animals; this was apparently due to a greater quantity of intercellular matrix that was sensitive to digestion by hyaluronidase. In treated animals, FF concentrations of estrogen (E) and progesterone (P) were depressed 3- and 6.6-fold, respectively. Viability of granulosa cells (GC) from these animals was reduced by 40%, as was their ability to release basal amounts of E and P in vitro. Accumulation of P by GC from treated animals approximated unstimulated control levels when human follicle-stimulating hormone (hFSH) was included in the culture. Therefore, FSH may have a limited capability to "rescue" GC from atresia induced by estradiol. The percentage of cells that bound 125I-hFSH maximally, as measured by autoradiography following 72 h in culture, was not altered by treatment. Oocytes from animals treated with estradiol showed signs of degeneration at aspiration, and deteriorated further in culture. This model is unique in that atresia can be induced in the single DF of a primate species, and thus avoids the disadvantages inherent to studying atresia of heterogeneous follicles in polytocous species.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   



The G protein-coupled estrogen receptor (GPER) is thought to be involved in non-genomic estrogen responses as well as processes such as cell proliferation and migration. In this study, we analyzed GPER expression patterns from endometriosis samples and normal endometrial tissue samples and compared these expression profiles to those of the classical sex hormone receptors.


A tissue microarray, which included 74 samples from different types of endometriosis (27 ovarian, 19 peritoneal and 28 deep-infiltrating) and 30 samples from normal endometrial tissue, was used to compare the expression levels of the GPER, estrogen receptor (ER)-alpha, ER-beta and progesterone receptor (PR). The immunoreactive score (IRS) was calculated separately for epithelium and stroma as the product of the staining intensity and the percentage of positive cells. The expression levels of the hormonal receptors were dichotomized into low (IRS?<?6) and high (IRS?>?=6) expression groups.


The mean epithelial IRS (+/?standard deviation, range) of cytoplasmic GPER expression was 1.2 (+/?1.7, 0?C4) in normal endometrium and 5.1 (+/?3.5, 0?C12) in endometriosis (p?<?0.001), of nuclear GPER 6.4 (+/?2.6, 0?C12) and 6.8 (+/?2.9, 2?C12; p?=?0.71), of ER-alpha 10.6 (+/?2.4, 3?C12) and 9.8 (+/?3.0, 2?C12; p?=?0.26), of ER-beta 2.4 (+/?2.2; 0?C8) and 5.6 (+/?2.6; 0?C10; p?<?0.001), and of PR 11.5 (+/?1.7; 3?C12) and 8.1 (+/?4.5; 0?C12; p?<?0.001), respectively. The mean stromal IRS of nuclear GPER expression was 7.7 (+/?3.0; 2?C12) in endometrium and 10.8 (+/?1.7; 6?C12) in endometriosis (p?<?0.001), of ER-alpha 8.7 (+/?3.1; 2?C12) and 10.6 (+/?2.4; 2?C12; p?=?0.001), of ER-beta 1.8 (+/?2.0; 0?C8) and 5.4 (+/?2.5; 0?C10; p?<?0.001), and of PR 11.7 (+/?0.9; 8?C12) and 10.9 (+/?2.0; 3?C12; p?=?0.044), respectively. Cytoplasmic GPER expression was not detectable in the stroma of endometrium and endometriosis. The observed frequency of high epithelial cytoplasmic GPER expression levels was 50% (n?=?30/60) in the endometriosis and none (0/30) in the normal endometrium samples (p?<?0.001). High epithelial cytoplasmic GPER expression levels were more frequent in endometriomas (14/20, 70%; p?=?0.01), as compared to peritoneal (9/18, 50%) or deep-infiltrating endometriotic lesions (7/22, 31.8%). The frequency of high stromal nuclear GPER expression levels was 100% (n?=?74/74) in endometriosis and 76.7% (n?=?23/30) in normal endometrium (p?<?0.001). The frequency of high epithelial nuclear GPER expression levels did not differ between endometriosis and normal endometrium.


The present data indicate a unique GPER expression pattern in endometriosis, especially in endometriomas as compared to the normal endometrium. The overexpression of GPER in endometriotic lesions suggests a potential role for GPER in the hormonal regulation of endometriosis, which should be taken into consideration for future hormonal treatment strategies.  相似文献   

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