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Primates change a variety of behavioral responses during short-term exposure to crowding. Under crowded conditions, rates of aggression, submissive behavior, and affiliative behavior may increase or decrease. Different patterns of change among these three categories of response have been interpreted as various coping "strategies" for managing the increased risk of conflict under crowded conditions. Grooming is of particular interest because this behavior is known to have a calming influence on the recipient and could be used to manage conflict under tense situations. A captive group of nine hamadryas baboons (Papio hamadryas hamadryas) composed of two harems was observed under short-term crowding to determine whether this species adopts conflict-management strategies similar to those described in other primates. The aggression, submission, affiliation, and displacement activities of the six adults in the group (two males and four females) were recorded, and behaviors in their small indoor quarters was compared with baseline behaviors in the outdoor section of their enclosure, which had over 10 times more space. Repeated-measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to compare behavioral rates during crowding with baseline rates recorded immediately after crowding and during matched controls collected at the same time of day as the crowding sessions. Aggression and submission rates did not change significantly across conditions. Huddling together and proximity increased during crowding, and females increased grooming of their harem male during crowding. Displacement activities (e.g., pacing and self-grooming) increased during crowding, but scratching, an indicator of anxiety in primates, did not. The pattern of behavior exhibited by this group conforms to an active "tension-reduction" strategy in which animals successfully reduce the higher risk of aggression during crowding.  相似文献   

It has been hypothesized that group-living mammals engage in reconciliation (post-conflict affiliation between former opponents) to reduce the disruptive costs of aggression and restore opponents' tolerance to baseline levels. Recipients of aggression are sometimes reluctant to tolerate the proximity of a recent opponent, however, in apparent fear that aggression will be renewed. In such cases, reconciliatory behaviour by the aggressor's close kin may substitute for direct reconciliation. We describe a playback experiment with free-ranging baboons (Papio hamadryas ursinus) that examines whether friendly behaviour by the aggressor's kin can substitute for direct reconciliation by the aggressor herself. In the test condition, female subjects who had recently been threatened heard the friendly grunt of one of their aggressor's relatives, mimicking kin-mediated vocal reconciliation. In the control condition, subjects heard the grunt of a dominant female from a different matriline. Subjects responded significantly more strongly in test than in control trials. Moreover, in the next hour they were significantly more likely to tolerate the proximity of both their aggressor and the relative whose grunt they had heard. In contrast, subjects' behaviour towards both control females and other members of their aggressor's matriline was unaffected. We conclude that kin-mediated vocal reconciliation can substitute for direct reconciliation in baboons.  相似文献   

Previous studies indicate that the proximate function of post-conflict affiliative interaction among primates is to reduce a victim's uncertainty about its opponent's future behaviour: the ‘uncertainty reduction hypothesis’ (Aureli & van Schaik 1991; Ethology, 89 , 101–114). This study confirms and extends these results, demonstrating that they are neither a product of captivity nor specific to macaques: both victims and initiators of aggression in a large group of wild olive baboons exhibited elevated rates of self-directed behaviour (SDB) - scratching, autogrooming, body-shaking and yawning - in a 10-min post-conflict period. During this period, they were more likely to receive further aggression. Reconciliation reduced both SDB and the incidence of further aggression. However, reconciliation only reduced SDB among individuals involved in conflicts in which both parties exchanged aggression. It is suggested that aggressors in unilateral conflicts were aroused rather than uncertain and that their victims' lack of control over post-conflict interactions (which tended to be initiated by their opponents) prevented them from benefiting from reconciliation in the same fashion as longtailed macaque victims, which frequently initiated reconciliation.  相似文献   

Researchers have associated variation in the occurrence of postconflict behaviors with variation in the relationship quality between involved individuals. Apart from those on the great apes, the vast majority of postconflict studies involved female-bonded species and focused on the victim. We examined postconflict affiliation involving the aggressor in a non-female-bonded species, hamadryas baboons (Papio hamadryas), and investigated the influence of relationship quality on the occurrence of 2 types of postconflict affiliative behaviors. Hamadryas baboons reconciled after a conflict and the highest rate of reconciliation was between one-male unit (OMU) leader males and their females. Via direct measures of relationship characteristics we also found that partners with higher-quality relationship, e.g., highly affiliative dyads and allies, showed higher levels of conciliatory tendency than dyads with lower-quality relationship, e.g., less affiliative dyads and non-allies. We found evidence of postconflict third-party affiliation initiated by aggressors, but not by third parties. Further, aggressor-initiated affiliation was more likely with individuals of the same OMU and individuals with which the aggressor maintained a strongly affiliative relationship. Our findings provide further support for relationship quality as a fundamental underlying factor not only in reconciliation, but also in postconflict affiliations involving third parties.  相似文献   

Reconciliation (i.e. the post-conflict exchange of friendly behaviour between former opponents) functions to control for the detrimental effects that aggression may have on social relationships. Studies conducted so far have investigated intra-individual sources of variation in post-conflict behaviour, showing that animals have a stronger increase in anxiety and are more likely to reconcile after conflicts with valuable partners, such as kin. Much less attention has been given to how differences between individuals in emotional profiles affect post-conflict behaviour. Our aim was to analyse whether inter-individual differences in baseline anxiety levels predicted the magnitude of the increase in anxiety following a conflict and the occurrence of reconciliation. We collected data on two groups of wild Japanese macaques ( Macaca fuscata yakui ). Animals having a higher baseline level of anxiety had a more dramatic anxious response following a conflict while controlling for a series of factors (e.g. relationship quality between opponents). These more anxious animals were also less likely to reconcile than more relaxed individuals. Therefore, more anxious animals face some social costs by being less able to cope with the post-conflict condition. We propose that differences in anxiety levels may be interpreted as tradeoffs between benefits and costs across conditions. For example, more anxious animals, who are less able to reconcile conflicts, might also be less exploratory and thus face a lower risk to eat unknown, poisonous food.  相似文献   

Researchers have documented elevated rates of affinitive interaction between opponents shortly after aggressive conflicts, or reconciliation, in many primate species. Reconciliation may ameliorate the immediate negative effects of aggression by reducing the chance of further aggression between opponents and thus reducing tension, and may avert or repair damage to long-term social relationships important to the animals' fitness. Data on post-conflict interactions between opponents in two groups of wild mountain gorillas (Gorilla gorilla beringei) fail to show reconciliation after conflicts between females, between males, or between immatures, but females seem to commonly reconcile themselves with males after receipt of male aggression. Females and subordinate males often avoid same-sex opponents after conflicts. Females commonly retaliate against female aggressors, and post-conflict rates of aggression between females are higher than baseline levels. Females may not need to achieve reconciliation with each other because relationships between co-resident relatives are resiliant, while those between non-relatives are mostly neutral to antagonistic. Males are, however, important social partners and protectors of females, and female transfer is common. Thus, the results strongly support the ‘important relationships’ hypothesis for the function of reconciliation.  相似文献   

Previous studies on macaques and baboons showed that after agonistic conflicts aggressees as well as aggressors show an increase in stress-related behavior such as scratching. Reconciliation reduces stress-related behavior of the aggressee. We investigated the influence of various affiliative postconflict behaviors of the aggressor on the aggressor's scratching rates in captive long-tailed macaques: reconciliation, contacts with the aggressee's kin (or substitute reconciliation), and contact with other group members (or triadic affiliation). After a conflict, the aggressor showed an increase in rates of scratching. Scratching rates were reduced after reconciled conflicts compared to nonreconciled conflicts. Substitute reconciliation did not reduce scratching when we controlled for the influence of reconciliation, i.e., the aggressor might not interpret it as a substitute for reconciliation. Triadic affiliation did not reduce scratching rates, hence, triadic affiliation probably does not console the aggressor. Scratching rates after reconciliation are significantly lower than scratching rates after triadic affiliation. This proves that the stress-reducing effect of reconciliation is not due to the calming effect of general body contact but that the stress reduction is specifically associated with contacts with the former opponent. The contestants are anxious about their relationship, and only reconciliation takes away this anxiety. Reconciliation is thus an important social repair strategy.  相似文献   

Reconciliation is the most extensively studied conflict resolution mechanism in animal societies. However, despite the extensive literature on this topic, behaviors considered to represent postconflict affiliation have not been consistent across studies of reconciliation. Critically, reconciliation is usually defined as postconflict contact affiliation, e.g., grooming, and the importance of including interopponent distance regulation is often neglected. Moreover, to date, no study has simultaneously investigated different behavioral forms of reconciliation. We tested in two groups of wild Barbary macaques (Macaca sylvanus) the relative importance of postconflict close proximity and grooming in the mediation of two important costs of aggression: damage to the opponent’s social relationship and elevated postconflict anxiety. We provide evidence that close-proximity approaches function to resolve conflicts: Close-proximity approaches reduced the victim’s postconflict anxiety and were predicted by the quality of the social relationship with the opponent. Moreover, postconflict grooming alone, although predicted by the quality of the opponent’s social relationship, did not influence the victim’s elevated postconflict anxiety. Our results suggest that interopponent distance regulation plays an important role in reconciling the costs of aggression in Barbary macaques. We advocate that further efforts should be made to test which behaviors play a role in conflict resolution in different species. This is important because even closely related species may differ in the function of behaviors that superficially appear to be rather similar. Moreover, the choice of behaviors used to study conflict resolution determines the frequency with which reconciliation is observed and can thus bias comparisons across species.  相似文献   

With one exception, all previous studies of reconciliation in non-human primates (friendly reunion between former opponents) have focused on demonstrating the immediate, short-term effects despite the widely held view that reconciliation has a long-term function of repairing social relationships following aggression. To investigate this long-term function I compared mean interaction rates between opponents during the 10 d following reconciled and non-reconciled conflicts to baseline levels of interaction. Aggression rates during the 10 d after non-reconciled conflicts were significantly higher than the baseline rate, whereas after reconciled conflicts aggression was minimal. Similarly, grooming, proximity and approach rates during the 10 d after non-reconciled conflicts were significantly lower than the baseline rate whereas grooming, proximity and approach rates in the 10 d after reconciled conflicts were restored to baseline levels. These results indicate that there are consequences to not reconciling with a former opponent and highlight the fact that these may be costly in terms of increased risk of long-term aggression and reduced affiliation. The data support predictions from the Relationship-Repair Hypothesis suggesting that reconciliation functions as a mechanism for the repair of social relationships damaged by aggression.  相似文献   

The relational model of conflict resolution predicts that after an aggressive conflict there should be a motivational shift from aggression to attraction. Most tests of the reconciliation hypothesis assume, however, that all non‐aggressive post‐conflict behaviours between former opponents are motivationally homogeneous and qualify as friendly reunions. In fact, although the hypothesis predicts an increased occurrence of friendly contacts after conflicts, in practice, however, post‐conflict reunions often include a mixture of contact and non‐contact behaviours. Most reconciliation studies either (often) assume a conciliatory function for post‐conflict reunions or (less often) test functional predictions. Finally, the valuable relationships hypothesis predicts that conciliatory rates should be relatively higher between friends and allies than between non‐friends/allies. In this paper, we use data on non‐aggressive interactions following conflicts between adult male hamadryas baboons that are neither friends nor allies to assess the implications of all these important but largely overlooked issues. The analyses of the rate and temporal relation of non‐contact greeting (NCTG) to anxiety‐related behaviours and side‐directed aggression as well as of the behaviours used during non‐aggressive interactions with male and female third‐parties suggest that the NCTG used by males after conflicts were neither motivationally friendly nor functionally conciliatory. We point out that the gestures exchanged during these post‐conflict NCTG can be interpreted as formalized signals of equal status and that the rate and form of the greetings used by male opponents are indicative of high relationship insecurity and incompatibility respectively. We conclude that although male hamadryas’ post‐conflict NCTG are not conciliatory they may serve to assess their opponents’ attitude and to negotiate the restoring of their pre‐conflict levels of peaceful but non‐amicable co‐existence.  相似文献   

Post-conflict interactions between former opponents were investigated in a troop of hamadryas baboons, Papio hamadryas. This species is known for it's multilevel structure with evidently expressed hierarchy between males and females. Due to this fact hamadryas baboons represent an ideal object for testing the "relationship quality" hypothesis. The analyses were done on 436 PC-MC pairs of animals, which represented different social classes (harem male-female pairs, harem females, relatives, females from different harems. Male-male pairs, and female-subadult pairs). Reconciliation was practiced in different social classes of individuals: harem male-female pairs, harem female-female pairs, kin-kin pairs, male-male pairs, female-subadult pairs. Significant differences in the rate of reconciliatory tendency for different categories of interacting animals were found. Interactions between former opponents were highly selective. These may be interpreted as an indicator of the influence of the relation quality on the probability of reconciliation in hamadryas baboons.  相似文献   

Reconciliation is the post-conflict friendly reunion between opponents. A series of conditions and rules in order for reconciliation to take place has been recently proposed. One critical condition is that the relationship between opponents must be disrupted. We tested this condition using post-conflict and matched-control observations on 4 small groups of tamarins (Saguinus labiatus). Our previous lack of evidence for reconciliation was confirmed. No post-conflict relationship damage was therefore expected. We found evidence that relationships were disturbed following conflicts over food but, as in other primates, no evidence for reconciliation following such conflicts was found. For non-food-related conflicts there was no evidence that relationships were disturbed, as opponents were in close proximity to each other and resumed the exact same activity as frequently in the post-conflict observations as they did in the matched-control observations. We conclude that 'everyday' aggression may not disrupt the relationships among individuals from the same family group and therefore reconciliation is not needed.  相似文献   

冲突后行为(post-conflict behavior)在非人灵长类中普遍存在。通过对旧大陆灵长类和类人猿的冲突后行为的观察,人们早期主要关注其和解行为,随着研究的不断深入,近些年来则对转向攻击行为、安慰行为和替代和解行为等其他冲突后行为也多有涉猎。目前主要应用匹配控制观察法来研究灵长类的冲突后行为,发现不同的物种往往有不同的冲突后行为模式,她们的统治风格、亲豫关系、等级地位远近及冲突起因等因素会对冲突后行为产生影响,进而发现不同的冲突后行为模式具有不同的功能,并且提出了社会认知、社会约束和关系价值假说。  相似文献   

In a mixed-sex, captive group of hamadryas baboons (Papio hamadryas hamadryas) we investigated whether female grooming relationships are affected by their dominance ranks. Seyfarth's [1977] grooming for support model and Barrett et al.'s [1999] biological market model both predict that in primate groups where competition for monopolizable resources is high, grooming among females is based, at least partly, on the interchange of grooming for rank-related benefits, and that rank thus influences the distribution of grooming in females. Contrary to this prediction, our results show that despite the existence of a linear dominance hierarchy, rather strict dominance relationships, and high food-related aggression rates, grooming among female hamadryas baboons is not affected by rank and is only exchanged for itself. This is understandable since rank differences in our study group only result in differential access to limited, preferred food items that are not actively shared. Although some females are more likely to tolerate one another at the food pile, this tolerance is not determined by their grooming efforts and interchange of grooming for rank-related benefits does not occur. We conclude that female hamadryas baboons groom others in order to be groomed by them, which is supported by our observation that grooming reciprocity within a dyad increases when more grooming occurs in this dyad. Our results indicate that grooming is indeed a valuable commodity in itself, probably because of its stress- and tension-reducing effect. Based on our findings, the existing groom trade model is extended to include circumstances in which monopolizable resources are available but are not traded for grooming.  相似文献   

Fraser ON  Bugnyar T 《PloS one》2011,6(3):e18118
Reconciliation, a post-conflict affiliative interaction between former opponents, is an important mechanism for reducing the costs of aggressive conflict in primates and some other mammals as it may repair the opponents' relationship and reduce post-conflict distress. Opponents who share a valuable relationship are expected to be more likely to reconcile as for such partners the benefits of relationship repair should outweigh the risk of renewed aggression. In birds, however, post-conflict behavior has thus far been marked by an apparent absence of reconciliation, suggested to result either from differing avian and mammalian strategies or because birds may not share valuable relationships with partners with whom they engage in aggressive conflict. Here, we demonstrate the occurrence of reconciliation in a group of captive subadult ravens (Corvus corax) and show that it is more likely to occur after conflicts between partners who share a valuable relationship. Furthermore, former opponents were less likely to engage in renewed aggression following reconciliation, suggesting that reconciliation repairs damage caused to their relationship by the preceding conflict. Our findings suggest not only that primate-like valuable relationships exist outside the pair bond in birds, but that such partners may employ the same mechanisms in birds as in primates to ensure that the benefits afforded by their relationships are maintained even when conflicts of interest escalate into aggression. These results provide further support for a convergent evolution of social strategies in avian and mammalian species.  相似文献   

In the multilevel societies of hamadryas baboons, adult males can be attached to single one-male units (OMUs) or to clans containing several such OMUs. This paper examines the effect of male number and rivalry between males within a clan on their ability to compete for access to a clumped food resource. The data come from a study of a multilevel colony of hamadryas baboons (Papio hamadryas hamadryas) housed at the Madrid Zoo. The colony consisted of 12 harem-holding males and 40 sexually mature females, and was organized into five single OMUs and two clans (containing three and four OMUs, respectively). The top-ranking male of one of the clans was removed and later reintroduced, so the study involved an analysis of the composition of clans and OMUs and of the males' use of the feeding area across three study periods: preseparation, separation, and reintroduction. The findings reported indicate that both males and females derived clear advantages in the context of contest competition for access to clumped food if they were members of clans, because the males and females from large clans had a feeding advantage over those from smaller clans and single OMUs. Furthermore, rivalry among males within the clan reduced their ability to compete for food against males outside their clan. This paper provides empirical evidence for one of the potential advantages that hamadryas males may enjoy if they are attached to clans, and also provides empirical support for the general hypothesis that a large number of males in a group may provide fitness-related benefits to the group members, provided they are able to cooperate with each other.  相似文献   

Many group living primates have evolved mechanisms to repair their social relationships after conflicts ('reconciliation'). We analysed the post-conflict behaviour of female Barbary macaques, Macaca sylvanus , living in the enclosure 'La Forêt des Singes' at Rocamadour, France. Based on a sample of 914 conflicts, we investigated whether relationship (kinship, rank, affiliation, support and sex) and conflict characteristics (conflict intensity, context and duration) affected the quality and frequency of affiliative post-conflict interactions. Thirty-two per cent of all conflicts were followed by post-conflict affiliation. Rates of socio-positive interactions and support were better predictors of post-conflict affiliation than kinship or rank. Short conflicts were followed by post-conflict affiliation relatively more frequently, after a shorter latency, but only briefly, and such interactions were initiated by both parties equally frequently. The majority of affiliative post-conflict interactions occurred immediately after the end of the conflict. In sum, female Barbary macaques invest more in post-conflict affiliation with valuable partners, and they modulate their post-conflict behaviour in relation to conflict characteristics. Remarkably, affiliative post-conflict interactions increased the short-term probability of renewed aggression by the former aggressor to 16% compared with 9% for conflicts that were not followed by affiliative behaviour. Such renewed aggression after post-conflict affiliation occurred particularly frequently among females and after conflicts over food, suggesting that post-conflict affiliation sometimes falsely lures the former victim to stay in the vicinity, even at the risk of receiving renewed aggression.  相似文献   

We present data on sexual maturity in young hamadryas baboon males (Papio hamadryas hamadryas) and its reproductive consequences in a large captive baboon colony. Hamadryas baboons live in a multilevel social system, with one-male units (OMUs) as the smallest social entity. Male leaders of OMUs are believed to monopolize matings within their OMUs; hence mating is believed to be polygynous and monandrous. In a captive colony of hamadryas baboons, we found evidence that young males less than 4 years old fathered at least 2.5% of 121 offspring born subsequent to vasectomy of all adult males, and males aged 4-5 years fathered at least 16.5% of the offspring. Additional evidence that these young males are able to sire offspring came from a morphological comparison of sperm from hamadryas males of different ages. The sperm of a 48-month-old hamadryas baboon were morphologically indistinguishable from viable sperm from adult males, whereas sperm from a 45-month-old male showed some aberrations. If successful copulations by adolescent males constitute a regular pattern even in free-ranging hamadryas baboons, a hamadryas male's chances to reproduce would not be limited to his role as an OMU leader as previously assumed, and a male's reproductive career would consist of two phases: the adolescent phase, and the OMU leader male phase.  相似文献   

At least three diurnal primate taxa are still present in Eritrea, NE Africa: hamadryas baboons (Papio hamadryas hamadryas), olive baboons (Papio h. anubis) and grivet monkeys (Chlorocebus aethiops aethiops). However, information on status and distribution of primates and their habitats in Eritrea is outdated and incomplete. We conducted a primate survey, focussing on hamadryas baboons, to obtain data which will be integrated in a national wildlife management and conservation plan in Eritrea. We obtained information about the geographical distribution and abundance of baboons, their altitudinal range, habitat quality of their home-ranges, aggregation sizes at sleeping cliffs and predator presence. We described habitat quality via the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), a vegetation classification of Landsat MSS satellite data. Hamadryas and olive baboons are still present in Eritrea in ample numbers. Their geographical distributions in 1997 and 1998 did not deviate significantly from their historical distributions. An estimated 15,000 Papio hamadryas hamadryas lived in the 25,000-km2 area of survey (0.58 baboons/km2). Population densities of hamadryas baboons in many parts of the survey area are higher than at Kummer's (1968) study site in Ethiopia. Hamadryas baboons live at all altitudes in four of five ecogeographical zones of Eritrea. Olive baboons replaced them in the western lowlands. Both baboon taxa tend to select better quality habitats, characterized by a higher normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) than the average for the respective ecogeographical zones. Hamadryas baboons show a greater ecological plasticity than olive baboons, which are confined to riverbeds with extended gallery forest. By the end of 1999, a hybrid zone could not be confirmed.  相似文献   

Understanding the extent of human–primate conflict is crucial to the development of conservation and management strategies. We carried out this study in an unprotected area of central Ethiopia to examine the magnitude of human–hamadryas baboon (Papio hamadryas) conflict and to assess the attitude of local farmers towards baboons in Wonchit Valley. In 2014, we interviewed 119 adult respondents using a structured questionnaire. Local farmers considered hamadryas baboons to be the major pest in the area. All respondents reported that hamadryas baboons caused crop raiding and small livestock predation in the region. Respondents reported that a shortage of fruit producing wild trees and ready availability of crops were the main causes of conflict between farmers and hamadryas baboons. We found that hamadryas baboons damaged cereal crops at dusk and dawn during full moonlight, and most (89.9%) respondents claimed that they were not interested in hamadryas baboon conservation. Our results indicate that human–hamadryas baboon conflict has a strongly negative impact on both baboon conservation and local farmers. We suggest that to mitigate the human–hamadryas baboon conflict, job opportunities such as beekeeping should be introduced in the region.  相似文献   

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