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Five parous non-pregnant, non-lactating cows were injected (sc) with progesterone (50 mg/day for 7 consecutive days) followed by estradiol (0.1 mg) plus progesterone (0.25 mg) per kg body wt/day on day 12 to 14 and with reserpine / 2 mg twice a day on day 19 to 22. All the 5 cows were successfully induced into lactation. Animals exhibiting estrus following hormonal therapy were artificially inseminated and one cow became pregnant and exhibited normal parturition. Jugular blood collected was used for estimation of progesterone by RIA technique and considerable individual variation was observed in progesterone concentration.  相似文献   

Estrogen enhances dopamine-mediated behaviors, which make women and female rats more sensitive to the effects of the psychostimulant drugs, cocaine and amphetamine. How cocaine and amphetamine elicit more robust behavioral responses in females remains unclear, but studies have shown that the Regulator of G-protein Signaling 9-2 (RGS9-2) protein is an important modulator of the behavioral responses to these drugs. Previously, we reported that 17-beta estradiol reduced RGS9-2 mRNA expression in the shell of the nucleus accumbens, but not the core. The present studies were designed to further evaluate the involvement of RGS9-2 in estradiol enhancement of amphetamine-induced place preference behavior and to examine which estrogen receptor subtype mediates the effect of estradiol. Female Sprague-Dawley rats were ovariectomized and treated for 14 days with an inert vehicle or 17-beta estradiol (by Silastic implant or injection [80 microg/kg]). 17-beta-Estradiol-treated female rats had enhanced amphetamine-induced conditioned place preference behavior compared to vehicle-treated, ovariectomized female rats. In situ hybridization histochemistry and Western blotting identified an inverse relationship between RGS9-2 protein expression in the nucleus accumbens shell and the hormonal enhancement of amphetamine-induced place preference behavior. A similar relationship was not found between place preference behavior and RGS9-2 expression in the accumbens core. Moreover, treatment of ovariectomized female rats with the selective estrogen receptor-beta agonist, diarylpropionitrile (1 mg/kg), for 2 weeks also facilitated amphetamine-induced place preference behavior and selectively reduced nucleus accumbens shell RGS9-2 protein expression. These data provide insight into a potential mechanism by which estrogen and/or sex modulate mesoaccumbal dopamine receptor signaling and possibly, addictive behaviors.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The aim of the study was to examine susceptibility of the pituitary gland to estrogenic impulse in old, noncycling rats by measurement of steady state level of mRNAs encoding LH subunits a and b and mRNA for PRL. METHODS: 22-month-old rats were ovariectomized and after one week they were subcutaneously implanted with silastic tubing filled with oil or with estradiol 17-beta. Pituitary alpha, LHbeta and PRL mRNAs content and serum LH and PRL concentration was determined. RESULTS: The effect of E (2)treatment was manifested by the significant increase in the weight of the uterus and pituitary gland as well as by elevation of total pituitary RNA (109%, 60% and 78%, respectively; p<0.001). No significant changes (p>0.05) in serum LH concentration were observed, while levels of mRNAs encoding alpha and LH-beta subunits were lowered by 54% (p<0.05) and 96% (p<0.01), respectively, in the rats subjected to E(2) stimuli. No direct correlation between synthesis and release of LH in E(2) treated old rats was observed. The blood PRL concentration and the pituitary level of PRL mRNA increased up to 2,000% and 1,300%, respectively (p<0.001). Spontaneous pituitary adenoma was observed in about 30% of the rats, irrespective of treatment. CONCLUSIONS: These data show that in old rats estrogenic stimulus can effectively diminish both pituitary LH subunits mRNAs as well as stimulate pituitary PRL mRNA level indicating that the E(2)-dependent processes involved in the regulation of corresponding genes are still functional.  相似文献   

Estrogens, primarily 17beta-estradiol (E(2)), may play important roles in male physiology via the androgen receptor (AR). It has already been shown that E(2) modulates AR function in LNCaP prostate cancer cells and xenograft CWR22 prostate cancer tissues. Using a molecular model of E(2) bound-AR-ligand binding domain (LBD) and employing site-directed mutagenesis strategies, we screened several AR mutants that were mutated at E(2)-AR contact sites. We found a mutation at amino acid 749, AR(M749L), which confers AR hypersensitivity to E(2). The reporter assays demonstrate that E(2) can function, like androgen, to induce AR(M749L) transactivation. This E(2)-induced AR mutant transactivation is a direct effect of the AR(M749L), because the transactivation was blocked by antiandrogens. The hypersensitivity of AR(M749L) to E(2) is not due to increased affinity of AR(M749L) for E(2), rather it may be due to the existence of the proper conformation necessary to maintain E(2) binding to the AR-LBD long enough to result in E(2)-induced transactivation. AR(M749L) transactivation can be further enhanced in the presence of AR coregulators, such as ARA70 and SRC-1. Therefore, amino acid 749 may represent an important site within the AR-LBD that is involved in interaction with E(2) that, when mutated, allows E(2) induction of AR transactivation.  相似文献   

Changes in ovarian morphology, brain gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), plasma estradiol, and progesterone were examined during the 1988 and 1989 spawning migrations of the adult female sea lamprey, Petromyzon marinus. There were significant increases through time in brain GnRH (1989) and plasma estradiol (1988 and 1989), with progesterone levels fluctuating (1988 and 1989) during the freshwater phase of the spawning migrations. In 1989, brain GnRH and plasma estradiol levels gradually increased through time until just prior to spawning when levels decreased. During 1988, there were no significant changes in GnRH, which may reflect lower temperatures in that year. These data provide new information on brain GnRH during the final maturational processes in the female sea lamprey.  相似文献   

In normal endometrial glandular epithelial cells (GEC), 17beta-estradiol (E2) enhances proliferation and c-fos expression only in the presence of growth factors. On the contrary, growth factors are not required for the E2 effects in cancerous cells. Thus, a repression of E2 action could exist in normal cells and be turned off in cancerous cells, allowing a direct estrogen-dependent proliferation. To verify this hypothesis, we established immortalized and transformed cell models, then investigated alterations of E2 effects during oncogenesis. SV40 large T-antigen was used to generate immortalized GEC model (IGEC). After observation of telomerase reactivation, IGEC model was transfected by activated c-Ha-ras to obtain transformed cell lines (TGEC1 and TGEC2). The phenotypic, morphological, and genetic characteristics of these models were determined before studying the E2 effects. In IGEC, the E2 action on proliferation and c-fos expression required the presence of growth factors, as observed in GECs. In TGECs, this action arose in the absence of growth factors. After IGEC transformation, the activation of ras pathway would substitute the priming events required for the release of repression in GEC and IGEC and thus permit direct E2 effects. Our cell models are particularly suitable to investigate alterations of gene regulation by E2 during oncogenesis.  相似文献   

Estrogens possess neuroprotective and antiapoptotic properties, however, the issue of involvement of estrogen receptors (ER)-dependent genomic pathway in these effects still remains controversial. Moreover, the majority of data on antiapoptotic effects of estrogens concern non-neuronal cells. In the present study we compared effects of the potent ER agonist, estradiol-17beta (E2), and its metabolite with a weak affinity for ER, estriol, on the neurotoxicity induced by high (1 and 5 mM) NMDA concentrations and on the apoptosis induced by low (0.1 mM) concentration of NMDA in rat primary cortical neurons. The obtained data showed that 24-hour exposure of cortical neurons to NMDA (0.1-5 mM) resulted in a dose-dependent increase in LDH level. Twenty four-hour pretreatment with estriol (100 nM and 500 nM) reduced the NMDA (1 and 5 mM)-induced toxicity by 16-26%, while estradiol-17beta (500 nM) reduced NMDA (5 mM)- induced toxicity by 14%. Twenty four hour exposure of cortical neurons to NMDA (0.1 mM) resulted in decrease of the level of antiapoptotic protein - Bcl-2 by 60% and increased the number of apoptotic cells by 50% compared to the control. Twenty four hour pretreatment with estradiol-17beta or estriol (100 and 1000 nM) prevented the NMDA-induced apoptotic changes. The specific estrogen receptor antagonist ICI 182,780 (100 nM) had no effect alone and did not antagonize the effects of estrogens on NMDA-induced toxicity as well as on changes in Bcl-2 level. The higher efficacy of estriol, together with the fact that the specific ER receptor antagonist, ICI 182,780, did not inhibit the above-described effects support the hypothesis about a nongenomic mechanism of the anti-NMDA action of estrogens.  相似文献   

P N Rao 《Steroids》1971,18(2):219-229
The preparation of 9alpha, 11xi-tritiated 17alpha-ethinyl estradiol, mestranol, estradiol-17beta, and norethindrone are described. Estrone-3-methyl ether was employed as starting material, and ethinylation with lithium acetylide-ethylene diamine resulted in 95% mestranol. Demethylation of mestranol with boron tribromide at 0 degrees resulted in 92% 17alpha-ethinyl estradiol. Dimethylsulfoxide was the choice of reagent for the condensation reaction which was complete at room temperature in about 4 hours. The usually less than 3% of unreacted 17-oxo product was removed by Girard separation. Demethylation of methyl ether with boran tribromide in methylene chloride resulted in an excellent yield of 17alpha-ethinyl estradiol-9alpha, 11xi-tritium. 3-methoxyestra-1,3,5-trien-17-one-9alpha, 11xi-tritium was reduced with sodium bis(2-methoxyethoxy) aluminum hydride to the 17beta-hydroxy compound and subsequent demethylation resulted in estradiol-9alpha, 11xi-tritium. The general method of Ringold et al was employed for the preparation of 17beta-hydroxy-17alpha-ethinylestr-4-en-3-one. Improvements for small scale radiosynthesis are also presented.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the specific expression profile of 132 genes, some of which are estrogen responsive, in largemouth bass (LMB) following exposure to estradiol (E2), or to two hormonally active agents, 4-nonylphenol (4-NP) and 1,1-dichloro-2, 2-bis (p-chlorophenyl) ethylene (p,p′-DDE), using gene array technology. The results of these experiments show that LMB exposed to E2 and 4-NP had similar, but not identical genetic signatures for the genes examined, some of which are known to be estrogen-responsive genes. The differences suggest that 4-NP may have additional modes of action that are independent of the estrogen receptor (ER). We have also shown that exposure of male LMB to p,p′-DDE results in an increase in some estrogen-responsive genes. But in female LMB, the observed changes were a down-regulation of the normally up-regulated estrogen responsive genes. Other genes were also down-regulated. These results suggest that p,p′-DDE may affect regulation of genes differently in male and female LMB. This study further suggests that gene arrays have the potential to map out the gene activation pathways of hormonally active compounds.  相似文献   

Age-related differences in serum luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), salivary testosterone, and 17-beta estradiol levels are reported for Ache Amerindian males (n = 17; mean age, 37.1 +/- 14.2 SD) of Paraguay in order to explore population variation in patterns of male reproductive senescence in a foraging/agricultural community. Hormone associations were examined to test various hypotheses for age-related differences in hypothalamic-pituitary function. Significant increases in FSH (r = 0.75, P < 0.0005) and LH (r = 0.65, P < 0.01) were noted in association with aging. No significant correlation was observed between morning or evening testosterone and age. Morning and evening estradiol levels were associated with morning and evening testosterone, respectively (morning, r = 0.53, P = 0.05; evening, r = 0.63, P = 0.02). Evening estradiol was also positively associated with LH (r = 0.66, P = 0.02), suggesting testicular production to be an important source of circulating estradiol. Morning estradiol tended to rise with age, but was not significant (r = 0.39, P = 0.15). Anthropometric measurements of height, weight, body mass index, and fat percent did not change significantly with age. In contrast to testosterone, age-related differences in gonadotropin levels may be independent of energetic status, less variant, and more universal among male populations. Implications for gonadotropin function and aging on human male reproductive senescence and life histories are discussed.  相似文献   

The effects of in vivo exposure to a natural and synthetic estrogen upon three hepatic phase II enzyme pathways involved in cellular protection against reactive intermediates were investigated in the largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides). The pathways analyzed included glutathione S-transferases (GST), glutathione (GSH) biosynthesis and NAD(P)H-dependent quinone reductase (QR). Following exposure to 17-beta estradiol (E2, a model natural estrogen; 2 mg/kg, i.p.) or 4-nonylphenol (NP, a model synthetic estrogen; 5 mg/kg and 50 mg/kg, i.p.), serum vitellogenin concentrations in male fish were markedly increased. Exposure to E2 did not affect steady-state GST-A mRNA expression, although GST catalytic activity toward 1-chloro 2,4-dinitrobenzene (CDNB) was elevated at 48 h post-injection. In addition, the rates of bass liver GST-4-hydroxy-2-nonenal (GST-4HNE) conjugation were elevated by E2 exposure at all timepoints. In contrast, exposure to NP decreased steady-state GST-A mRNA levels, but did not alter GST catalytic activities. Hepatic GSH levels were not significantly affected by exposure to either compound, although a trend towards increased GSH biosynthesis was observed with both compounds. Although bass liver quinone reductase catalyzed 2,6-dichloroindophenol (DCP) reduction, unlike in rodents, these catalytic activities were not inhibited by dicoumarol. Exposure to 5 mg/kg NP significantly increased hepatic QR activities. Collectively, our data suggest that exposure to E2 or NP alters the ability of largemouth bass to biotransform environmental chemicals through glutathione S-transferase and quinone reductase catalytic pathways.  相似文献   

目的 研究雌二醇(E2)、壬基酚(NP)、多氯联苯(PCBs)、镉(Cd2+)和锌(Zn2+)单独以及联合暴露对唐鱼体内SOD酶活力的影响.方法设计不同浓度的单一物质及混合物对唐鱼14 d暴露染毒,定量测定7、14d体内SOD酶活力的变化.结果 ①低浓度E2处理唐鱼7d可诱导SOD活性显著上升,时间延长、浓度升高时SOD活性无明显变化;②低浓度NP对SOD活性没有明显的影响,高浓度NP使SOD活性极显著上升;③中高浓度组PCBs处理7、14 d,低浓度组PCBs处理14 d时SOD活性被抑制,抑制程度随着时间的延长和浓度的升高有增强的趋势;④Cd2+、Zn2+各浓度组都对唐鱼体内的SOD活性产生了一定的抑制作用,并且抑制程度随着时间的延长而加深.结论 E2、NP、PCBs、Cd2+、Zn2+对唐鱼的SOD酶活力有明显影响,它们单独作用时的SOD活性与暴露浓度之间存在良好的剂量-效应关系.联合作用效应与暴露时间和(或)各物质浓度有关,大部分表现为毒性增强.  相似文献   

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