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勐养保护区亚洲象微卫星位点筛选及种群遗传多样性分析 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
本文以亚洲象肌肉样品提出的DNA为模板,从非洲象31个微卫星位点和5个已知亚洲象微卫星位点中筛选勐养亚洲象的微卫星位点,进而对在西双版纳勐养保护区3年采集到的191 份亚洲象粪便样品中提出的DNA进行特异性PCR扩增、基因分型、检测位点信息和遗传多样性分析.结果表明:36个位点中有14个位点能在亚洲象肌肉样品提出的DNA中成功扩增,且经测序证实为微卫星位点.其中9个多态位点能在185份粪便样品DNA中稳定扩增.勐养种群中,3个位点可能偏离Hardy Weubberg平衡,至少8个位点间无明显连锁存在,平均等位基因数3.78±1.72,平均期望杂和度0.32 ± 0.06,平均观察杂和度0.36±0.02,平均多态信息含量0.28 ,说明这9个位点适用于勐养亚洲象的遗传学研究.根据微卫星位点的杂合度和等位基因频率,相比于其他亚洲象种群,勐养亚洲象种群遗传多样性较低且等位基因频率具有特异性. 相似文献
亚洲象是我国国家一级保护动物.本文利用非损伤性取样法,以亚洲象粪便中脱落的肠道上皮细胞为DNA来源,选用线粒体DNA作为分子标记,对分布于我国境内的亚洲象种群的遗传结构和种群遗传多样性进行研究.本研究得到mtDNA序列片段长度为556 bp,经对178个个体进行扩增结果分析,共得到24个单倍型.在5个地理种群中,除南滚河种群外,其他4个种群中的114个个体共享同一单倍型,南滚河种群与其他种群间未观察到共享单倍型.系统发生分析,观察到中国境内现有亚洲象种群在进化上分为两大分支,α和β.其中分支α中包含除南滚河种群外的4个地理种群,分支β仅含有南滚河种群,表明南滚河种群与其他4个地理种群间存在明显分化.遗传多样性分析结果表明,中国境内的亚洲象种群的遗传多样性水平较低,分析原因认为是栖息地破碎化阻断了种群间有效的基因交流. 相似文献
内蒙古亚洲小车蝗种群遗传多样性的微卫星分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
亚洲小车蝗Oedaleus asiaticus Bei-Bienko是我国北方草原和农牧交错区主要的害虫之一。为了从分子水平评价内蒙古地区亚洲小车蝗种群的遗传多样性和种群间遗传分化, 本文采用8对微卫星引物对内蒙古15个地点的亚洲小车蝗种群进行遗传多样性分析。结果表明: 各位点有效等位基因数为3.4517~13.2881, 多态信息含量值为0.5601~0.8563, Shannon氏多样性指数在0.7018~4.1789之间。15个种群的平均期望杂合度为0.6836, Nei氏期望杂合度为0.5303~0.6513, 群体遗传距离为0.1092~0.4235, 群体分化率Fst平均值为0.1612, 基因流Nm平均值为1.6164。8个微卫星位点均具有较高的多态性, 各种群间的遗传分化水平较大, 基因交流程度中等, 个体间的遗传变异大于种群间的遗传变异。15个不同地点的亚洲小车蝗种群根据遗传距离共聚为6支。种群间遗传分化与地理距离呈正相关关系。高山和沙漠对不同地区亚洲小车蝗种群的迁移具有阻碍作用, 可能是形成遗传分化的主要原因。研究结果从分子水平探索不同地区亚洲小车蝗种群间的内在联系, 为制定亚洲小车蝗的综合治理策略提供了分子生物学的基础资料。 相似文献
梅花鹿3个种群遗传多样性的微卫星标记分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
利用16个微卫星标记对黑龙江省部分地区(兴凯湖农场、大庆市银浪牧场、五大连池大庆农场鹿苑)的3个梅花鹿(Cervus nippon)群体进行了遗传多样性检测.统计了3个鹿群的等位基因组成、平均有效等位基因数(Ne)、平均遗传杂合度(h)和多态信息含量(PIC).结果表明,除5个位点外,其余11个微卫星位点均表现出不同的多态信息含量,其中高度多态位点5个,中度多态位点4个.这说明本研究所选用的微卫星位点可较准确地评估3个梅花鹿群体的遗传多样性,并为今后相关研究筛选出了有价值的引物.3个梅花鹿群体的平均h在0.454~0.636之间变动,其中兴凯湖梅花鹿群体最高,为0.636,具有较大的遗传潜力. 相似文献
利用微卫星标记分析山东地方鸡品种的遗传多样性 总被引:53,自引:1,他引:53
微卫星是近几年来应用较多的一种分子标记,可有效地进行基因鉴定与系谱分析,并可估算群体间的遗传距离。通过选用5个微卫星标记,检测了山东省5个地方鸡种:日照麻鸡、寿光鸡、莱芜黑鸡、济宁百日鸡、鲁西斗鸡以及一个外来鸡种——安卡黄鸡和一个外省地方鸡种——广西黄鸡共7个鸡种的遗传多样性。根据测试结果计算了每个等位基因的频率,以基因频率为基础分析了品种内的遗传变异和品种间的DA遗传距离,并讨论了微卫星多态性在应用于群体遗传变异及亲缘关系等方面的意义。结果表明:共检测到40个等位基因,其中等位基因数最多的位点为。ADL0136(10个);等位基因数最低的位点为ADL0146(5个);而且每个位点的等位基因分布并不均匀,都有一种或几种优势基因存在。在7个品种中,杂合度最低的为寿光鸡,杂合度值为0.3327,因为此鸡种多年来一直由寿光市慈伦种鸡场进行纯繁保种,未与其他鸡种杂交,因此杂合度最小;其他鸡种杂合度也都低于0.4,据分析可能是由于日照麻鸡、济宁百日鸡群体较小;莱芜黑鸡是正在选育的一个品种,个体间遗传关系也不远;安卡黄鸡和广西黄鸡自从引人嘉明公司后,群体近交现象普遍,因此各鸡种杂合度都偏低。由此可见,通过对杂合度的计算,微卫星可以较好地反应群体内的变异。各品种PIC值的变动范围从0.6196(寿光鸡)到0.7027(莱芜黑鸡),PIC值的大小与杂合度的高低体现了较高的一致性。对DA遗传距离的计算表明:日照麻鸡与济宁百日鸡的距离最近,而鲁西斗鸡与其他鸡种距离均较远。用UPGMA法进行聚类分析,结果7个鸡种被聚为3类:山东的4个地方鸡种寿光鸡、日照麻鸡、莱芜黑鸡与济宁百日鸡聚为一类;安卡黄鸡和广西黄鸡聚在一起;鲁西斗鸡独自为一类。这与几个鸡种的分化与选育历史是一致的,因此聚类图能够比较正确地反映7个品种之间的亲缘关系。 相似文献
为了解我国境内白斑狗鱼(Esox lucius)野生群体的遗传多样性现状,利用8对微卫星引物对额尔齐斯河流域185河段、635河段、乌伦古湖及吉力湖4个地理群体的遗传多样性进行了研究。结果显示,8个微卫星位点的平均等位基因数为6.625 0,多态信息含量为0.603 6~0.656 5,可有效用于白斑狗鱼遗传多样性和遗传结构分析。4个群体的平均期望杂合度为0.712 6~0.660 0,表明我国境内野生白斑狗鱼群体有较高的遗传多样性水平。整个群体的总近交系数为0.266 6,少数个体存在近交现象,白斑狗鱼群体有近交倾向。平均分化系数为0.062 2,群体间的遗传变异占总群体变异的6.22%,白斑狗鱼各群体间的分化程度不大。群体间的基因流值变化范围为10.077 5~3.360 6,说明白斑狗鱼不同群体间存在较为广泛的基因交流。 相似文献
利用8个微卫星标记分析了6个生产类群鸡的遗传多样性。计算了各群体在各位点上的等位基因频率,并据此计算出各群体的平均遗传杂合度(h)、多态信息含量(PIC)和有效等位基因数(Ne)。结果表明:6个鸡群在8个微卫星座位上的基因频率存在明显的差异,其平均基因杂合度为0.7317,平均多态信息含量为0.6815。其中,群体平均杂合度最高的是安卡红鸡,为0.7716;平均杂合度最低的是新罗曼鸡,为0.7073。所选的8个微卫星座位均为高度多态,可作为有效的遗传标记用于鸡群体遗传多样性的分析。 相似文献
扬子鳄种群的微卫星DNA多态及其遗传多样性保护对策分析 总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24
扬子鳄(Alligator sinensis)是中国特有的珍稀保护动物,为保护这一濒危物种,我国于80年代初在安徽宣州先后建立了扬子鳄繁殖研究中心和国家级扬子鳄自然保护区,现饲养种群存鳄数量已达10000余头。为了揭示扬子鳄种群的遗传结构,共采集了39个个体的样品,其中包括6件剥制标本,按代系不同,分为野生群、F1代饲养群及F1代饲养群,用微卫星DNA分子标记对其进行研究。分析结果显示:扬子鳄种群在微卫星水平表现出很低的遗传多样性,平均等位基因数A=2.38,平均有效等位基因数Ne=1.60,平均观察杂合度He=0.374,平均期望杂合度He=0.350,平均多态信息含量PIG=0.327,3个群体间A、Ne、Ho、He、PIC及各微卫星位点等位基因频率分布无显著差异,但F1代饲养群在Ami-μ-6和Ami-μ-222两个位点表现出极显著的遗传不平衡。扬子鳄种群遗传多样性水平低下的主要原因是近几十年来种群数量大幅减少造成,现阶段应将全部现存的扬子鳄作为一个整体加以保护。 相似文献
为了保护和合理利用我国地方山羊品种遗传资源提供理论基础,本研究利用国际农粮组织和国际家畜研究所推荐的10对微卫星引物,结合荧光标记PCR,检测了中国9个地方山羊品种和1个引进山羊品种的遗传多样性。所研究的10个品种中7个呈现出高度多态,3个呈现出中度多态。并共检测到119个等位基因,有效等位基因数在1.4641~9.2911之间,座位平均杂合度在0.2618~0.7672之间,品种平均杂合度在0.5196~0.7024之间,其中SRCRSP23位点和河西绒山羊(HXR)平均杂合度最高。聚类关系(NJ和UPGMA)和主成分分析结果与其起源、育成历史及地理分布基本一致。 相似文献
The green mussel, Perna viridis is ecologically and economically important in the coastal region of the South China Sea. Determining its population genetic structure at this fine geographic scale will help sustainable management of natural stocks. In this study, we examined the genetic diversity and population genetic structure of P. viridis from four locations in the South China Sea (n = 45–48) using nine microsatellite loci. The results showed moderate levels of genetic diversity in all four samples (mean A = 13.222–14.000, mean Ae = 7.092–7.571, mean Ar = 12.894–13.746, mean Ho = 0.596–0.656, mean He = 0.690–0.733) and a large effective population size estimate for the pooled sample (total Ne estimates = infinity, 95% CI = 1869.0-infinity). We did not detect any sign of recent bottleneck events in P. viridis populations in the South China Sea. The conventional and a model-based analysis reveal low, non-significant genetic divergence among the four samples (FST = − 0.001–0.005, P > 0.05/6). The results obtained from this study can provide valuable genetic information for the conservation and fishery management of P. viridis by retaining the high Ne estimates. 相似文献
In order to assess the genetic variability and population structure of north-east Asian cattle, 13 microsatellite loci were analysed for a total of 200 individuals including Korean, Chinese, Japanese Black and European Holstein cattle. Observed and expected heterozygosity, two estimators (F(ST) and G(ST)) of gene differentiation, and Nei's DA distance were evaluated. Based on expected mean heterozygosity, the lowest genetic diversity was exhibited in Japanese Black cattle (H(E)=0.471), and the highest in Chinese cattle (H(E)=0.744). Korean cattle revealed a relatively high degree of genetic diversity (H(E)=0.728). Average proportion of genetic variation because of interpopulation subdivision among north-east Asian cattle varied between 10.9 and 9.9%, depending on the estimator used. N-J tree based on Nei's DA genetic distance showed that Korean and Chinese cattle are closely related, whereas Japanese Black cattle are clearly distinct from the other two populations, forming a north-east Asian outgroup. 相似文献
Chatchote Thitaram Nikorn Thongtip Chaleamchart Somgird Ben Colenbrander Dick C. J. van Boxtel Frank van Steenbeek Johannes A. Lenstra 《Conservation Genetics》2008,9(4):921-925
Numbers of the Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) population are declining due to poaching, human-elephant conflicts, capture of wild calves for tourism and export and habitat
destruction, which also may cause inbreeding in fragmented populations. In order to contribute to a reversal of this trend,
we have developed an identification and parentage test by evaluation and selection of markers from 43 microsatellite loci
that have been previously described for Asian or African elephants. Testing these markers on a panel of 169 Asian elephants
comprising the 23 mother-offspring, 13 father-offspring and 13 parents-offspring pairs yielded 26 polymorphic markers. However,
only 14 of these were found to be suitable for an analysis of molecular diversity, 12 of which will be implemented for an
identification and parentage test to control the capture of wild calves in Thailand and neighboring countries. 相似文献
In this study, genetic diversity and structure of three Misgurnus anguillicaudatus populations from three different geographical locations in China (Hunan, Hubei and Henan province) were investigated using microsatellite markers. High level of genetic diversity of all three populations was revealed by expected heterozygosity (He), observed heterozygosity (Ho) and allele number. Significant genetic differentiations were found between all pairs of populations. The efficiency of eight microsatellite markers in parentage assignment of 540 progeny from twenty full-sib families was evaluated. Simulation based on allele frequency data demonstrated that probabilities of exclusion per locus range from 0.313 to 0.825 when no parent information is available and 0.504 to 0.904 when one parent is known. The assignment success rate based on the real data using eight markers was 96.85%. This study indicates that these M. anguillicaudatus resources are valuable genetic and breeding material for aquaculture and the microsatellite markers will be useful for investigation of genetic background and molecular marker-assisted selective breeding in this species. 相似文献
The Chinese sika deer (Cervus nippon) is a rare and vulnerable animal in China for medical use. In this study, the genetic diversity and population genetic structure of 113 Chinese sika deer from 4 populations (Linyi Farm, LF; Linyi Park, LP, Yangzhou Farm, YF; Yangzhou Zoo, YZ) were investigated with 14 microsatellite loci. Eighty-three alleles were detected at the 14 loci in all populations. The expected heterozygosity ranged from 0.257 to 0.863 and the observed heterozygosity from 0.226 to 0.821. The polymorphism information content at different loci ranged from 0.217 to 0.825. The results of the HWE (Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium) tests indicated that only four loci (CEH-5, BL42, Mber70, and CEH-2) were in HWE (P > 0.01). The mean number of alleles per population ranged from 3.21 to 5.64, observed and expected heterozygosities ranged from 0.568 to 0.685, respectively. Positive inbreeding coefficient (FIS) values were found in every population. FST values ranged from 0.101 in the LF to 0.155 in the YZ. The genetic identity ranged from 0.1236 to 0.1645. The genetic distance ranged from 0.4746 to 0.6025. The results of this study indicate moderate genetic variation and polymorphism across the loci. Appropriate breeding strategies should be designed for deer in captivity. 相似文献
This study seeks to investigate the genetic variability of PRNP in Asian goats. We sequenced the PRNP coding region using a total of 193 samples from seven Asian countries (Japan, Laos, Vietnam, Bhutan, Mongolia, Myanmar and Cambodia). Sequence comparison revealed five previously reported polymorphisms in the PRNP coding region. Two of those polymorphisms (G126A and C414T) were silent mutations, and the other three (T304G, A428G and T718C) caused amino acid changes (W102G, H143R and S240P). In the total of 193 animals, one amino acid mutation (T304G) exhibited low variability (minor allele frequency = 0.04), but the other four were high (0.31–0.36). In addition, allele frequencies of C414T and T718C exhibited remarkable differences among countries (p-values of 6.50E−17 and 5.49E−18). These results suggest high genetic variability of PRNP among these countries and are useful information for estimating genetic diversity in Asian goats. 相似文献
Sinojackia huangmeiensis is a critically endangered tree species in the Styracaceae endemic to China. To create tools to better evaluate the genetic diversity of this species, we used a modified genomic library enrichment method, the PETUER (Probe Extension and TEACl Universal EnRichment) method, to develop genetic markers. The resulting 18 microsatellite loci had high polymorphism with 3–12 alleles per locus and showed negligible stutter. Observed (HO) heterozygosities were 0.057–0.724, and polymorphism information content (PIC) was 0.109–0.794. No significant linkage disequilibrium between pairs of loci was found. All 123 individuals found in the National Natural Reserve of Longgan Lake was genotyped at the 18 loci and used to estimate a UPGMA dendrogram. Using an iterative clustering method, a set of 18 individuals was established as a core collection to represent genetic diversity and would be useful to facilitate the conservation for S. huangmeiensis. In addition, we tested the 18 loci for cross-species amplification in three other Sinojackia species and the closely related Changiostyrax dolichocarpa. These polymorphic loci will be valuable for future population genetic and phylogenetic studies of S. huangmeiensis and congeneric species, as well as in closely related Styracaceae. 相似文献
The objective of this study was to isolate microsatellite loci to analyze the genetic diversity of Whitmania pigra. Four new microsatellite markers of W. pigra were developed from an enriched library and ten from a modified SAMPL assay. A total of 127 alleles were detected, with an average of 9.1 alleles per locus. The expected heterozygosity (He) of each microsatellite locus varied from 0.451 to 0.857, with an average of 0.688. The polymorphism information content (PIC) of each microsatellite locus ranged from 0.361 to 0.838, with an average of 0.640. Analysis of molecular variance showed that the main variation component existed within the populations (81.64%) rather than among the populations (18.36%). Phylogenetic tree for 15 populations of Hirudo using the NJ method by MEGA 5.1 software were divided into two major clusters. These microsatellite markers will contribute to research on the individual identification, genetic diversity, population structure, genome mapping and conservation biology of Hirudo. 相似文献