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土壤微生物多样性在生态系统功能的维持方面发挥着至关重要的作用,但是土壤生物多样性与生态系统功能(Biodiversity-ecosystem function,BEF)关系仍存在争议。以往的研究多基于简单多样性指标(如物种数、香浓多样性指数等)对BEF关系进行探究,忽略了物种间复杂的相互作用在BEF关系中的重要性。以青藏高原米拉山高寒草甸为研究对象,使用Illumina MiSeq高通量测序技术测定了6个海拔高度(3755 m、3994 m、4225 m、4534 m、4900 m、5120 m)土壤细菌和真菌群落特征,分析了简单微生物多样性指标(物种数)和共现网络复杂性与生态系统多功能性(Ecosystem multifunctionality,EMF)的关系,以期进一步揭示微生物多样性与EMF的关系。共现网络分析表明,表征土壤细菌和真菌网络复杂性的节点(Node)和边(Link)沿海拔高度的升高显著下降(P<0.05)。土壤细菌和真菌的多样性和网络复杂性均沿海拔的升高显著下降(P<0.05),而且网络复杂性比相应的多样性下降明显。在未控制环境因素时,真菌和细菌的多样性和网络复杂性均与EMF显著正相关(P<0.05);其中真菌和细菌网络复杂性对EMF的解释度高于相应多样性对EMF的解释度。通过偏回归分析(Partial least squares regression,PLSR)控制年降水、年均温、黏粒含量、盐基离子和酸性离子等气候及土壤环境因子影响后,土壤细菌和真菌物种多样性与EMF的显著正相关关系变为不相关(P>0.05),而网络复杂性与EMF的显著正相关关系(P<0.05)仍然存在。利用方差分解分析(Variance partition analysis,VPA)将环境因子纳入对EMF的影响后发现,土壤微生物网络复杂性和环境因子对EMF变化的解释度可达80%,高于土壤微生物多样性与环境因子对EMF变化的解释度。结构方程模型(Structural equation model,SEM)分析进一步显示,土壤细菌多样性和真菌多样性通过促进对应共现网络的复杂性,间接对EMF产生正向影响。综上所述,相较于简单的多样性指标,土壤微生物网络复杂性对EMF具有更好的解释度和预测性,微生物多样性主要通过促进网络复杂性间接正向影响EMF。研究结果扩展了BEF关系的研究,证明微生物物种多样性主要通过促进对应的网络复杂性维持EMF。  相似文献   

The relationship between soil microbial communities and the resistance of multiple ecosystem functions linked to C, N and P cycling (multifunctionality resistance) to global change has never been assessed globally in natural ecosystems. We collected soils from 59 dryland ecosystems worldwide to investigate the importance of microbial communities as predictor of multifunctionality resistance to climate change and nitrogen fertilisation. Multifunctionality had a lower resistance to wetting–drying cycles than to warming or N deposition. Multifunctionality resistance was regulated by changes in microbial composition (relative abundance of phylotypes) but not by richness, total abundance of fungi and bacteria or the fungal: bacterial ratio. Our results suggest that positive effects of particular microbial taxa on multifunctionality resistance could potentially be controlled by altering soil pH. Together, our work demonstrates strong links between microbial community composition and multifunctionality resistance in dryland soils from six continents, and provides insights into the importance of microbial community composition for buffering effects of global change in drylands worldwide.  相似文献   

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生物多样性与生态系统多功能性(biodiversity and ecosystem multifunctionality, BEMF)之间的关系是目前生态学研究的一个热点, 其中, 生态系统多功能性(EMF)的测度方法是研究该问题的技术关键。由于缺乏统一的认识, 目前存在多个多功能性的测度方法, 这使人们对生物多样性与生态系统多功能性之间关系的理解复杂化。本文介绍了国际上常用的单功能法、功能-物种替代法、平均值法、单阈值法、多阈值法、直系同源基因法和多元模型法的原理及其特点, 并对其中较难理解的多阈值法进行了举例说明, 希望能对理解EMF的测度方法有所帮助。本文按不同的EMF测度方法对已发表的有关文章进行了归类, 以期帮助读者更好地选择EMF的测度方法。由于缺乏相对统一的、代表各个层次的生态系统功能的测度方法, 导致不同的研究结果难以相互比较, 严重限制了生物多样性与生态系统多功能性研究的发展; 所以, 研发新的、具有普遍适用性的EMF测度方法已成为当务之急。  相似文献   

Global change affects ecosystem functioning both directly by modifications in physicochemical processes, and indirectly, via changes in biotic metabolism and interactions. Unclear, however, is how multiple anthropogenic drivers affect different components of community structure and the performance of multiple ecosystem functions (ecosystem multifunctionality). We manipulated small natural freshwater ecosystems to investigate how warming and top predator loss affect seven ecosystem functions representing two major dimensions of ecosystem functioning, productivity and metabolism. We investigated their direct and indirect effects on community diversity and standing stock of multitrophic macro and microorganisms. Warming directly increased multifunctional ecosystem productivity and metabolism. In contrast, top predator loss indirectly affected multifunctional ecosystem productivity via changes in the diversity of detritivorous macroinvertebrates, but did not affect ecosystem metabolism. In addition to demonstrating how multiple anthropogenic drivers have different impacts, via different pathways, on ecosystem multifunctionality components, our work should further spur advances in predicting responses of ecosystems to multiple simultaneous environmental changes.  相似文献   

生物多样性与生态系统多功能性: 进展与展望   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
全球变化和人类活动引起的生物多样性丧失将会对生态系统功能产生诸多不利影响, 如生产力下降、养分循环失衡等。因此, 始于20世纪90年代的生物多样性与生态系统功能(biodiversity and ecosystem functioning, BEF)研究一直是生态学界关注的热点。然而, 随着研究的深入, 人们逐步认识到生态系统并非仅仅提供单个生态系统功能, 而是能同时提供多个功能, 这一特性被称之为“生态系统多功能性” (ecosystem multifunctionality, EMF)。尽管有此认识, 但直到2007年, 研究者才开始定量描述生物多样性与生态系统多功能性(biodiversity and ecosystem multifunctionality, BEMF)的关系。目前, BEMF研究已成为生态学研究的一个重要议题, 但仍存在很多问题和争议, 如缺少公认的多功能性测度标准、生态系统不同功能之间的权衡问题等。本文概述了BEMF研究的发展历程、常用的量化方法、EMF的维持机制和不同研究视角下BEMF的关系。针对现有研究中的不足, 本文还总结了需要进一步深入研究的地方, 特别强调了优化EMF测度方法和研究不同维度生物多样性与EMF间关系的重要性, 以期对未来的BEMF研究有所帮助。  相似文献   

四川省生物多样性与生态系统多功能性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨渺  肖燚  欧阳志云  江腊海  侯鹏 《生态学报》2021,41(24):9738-9748
生态系统服务与人类福祉和可持续发展息息相关,近年来生物多样性丧失极大影响了生态系统服务。探究生物多样性与生态系统服务之间的关系成为当前生态学领域内的一个重大科学问题。以四川省各乡镇为单元,计算了景观尺度上的多样性指数,评估了四川省水土保持功能、水源涵养功能、固碳功能,并研究了两者之间关系。结果表明:在景观尺度上,Shannon''s多样性指数、修正Simpson''s多样性指数、景观丰度三种多样性指数可以较好表征四川省生物多样性空间分布格局。由景观丰度、欧式最近邻距离的标准差、景观丰度密度构成解释变量矩阵,RDA模型矫正解释率42.25%(P<0.001),可更好解释由土壤保持功能、水源涵养功能、固碳功能构成的响应变量矩阵。四川省生物多样性及生态系统服务关系的模式有以下几种:(1)成都平原区区县空间距离较近,在生态系统服务和生物多样性梯度均差异较小;(2)盆周山地区、盆地丘陵区各区县在水土保持功能梯度上差异较大,与多样性关系较弱;(3)川西高原区区县在固碳、水源涵养梯度上差异较大,并有协同关系,多样性梯度差异较大;(4)川西高山峡谷区、西南山地区区县之间生态系统服务和多样性差异较大,生态系统服务可能存在强烈权衡关系,需进一步引入解释因子。  相似文献   

Concern about human modification of Earth's ecosystems has recently motivated ecologists to address how global change drivers will impact the simultaneous provisioning of multiple functions, termed ecosystem multifunctionality (EMF). However, metrics of EMF have often been applied in global change studies with little consideration of the information they provide beyond single functions, or how and why EMF may respond to global change drivers. Here, we critically review the current state of this rapidly expanding field and provide a conceptual framework to guide the effective incorporation of EMF in global change research. In particular, we emphasize the need for a priori identification and explicit testing of the biotic and abiotic mechanisms through which global change drivers impact EMF, as well as assessing correlations among multiple single functions because these patterns underlie shifts in EMF. While the role of biodiversity in mediating global change effects on EMF has justifiably received much attention, empirical support for effects via other biotic and physicochemical mechanisms are also needed. Studies also frequently stated the importance of measuring EMF responses to global change drivers to understand the potential consequences for multiple ecosystem services, but explicit links between measured functions and ecosystem services were missing from many such studies. While there is clear potential for EMF to provide novel insights to global change research, predictive understanding will be greatly improved by insuring future research is strongly hypothesis‐driven, is designed to explicitly test multiple abiotic and biotic mechanisms, and assesses how single functions and their covariation drive emergent EMF responses to global change drivers.  相似文献   

孙龙  岳阳  胡同欣 《生态学报》2022,42(15):6066-6075
干扰作为生态系统中的一种固有属性,在部分生态系统中已严重影响到了该地区生态系统平衡。生态系统多功能性作为衡量生态系统的一个综合指标,能够同时反映生态系统的整体功能。随着干扰活动的不断变化,干扰对生态系统的影响也受到社会各界广泛关注,针对干扰对生态系统多功能性的研究也在不断增加,但由于对干扰对生态系统多功能性的影响还缺乏系统总结,因此本文从概念进展、量化指标、测度方法、影响因子四个方面论述生态系统多功能性的研究现状,结合干扰对生态系统多功能性的研究,对比分析其研究进展,以期为今后生态系统多功能性的研究提供参考。针对目前森林生态系统多功能性研究存在的问题,今后的相关研究应从以下三点实现突破:(1)生态系统多功能性的应用性研究;(2)评估各生态系统功能之间的相互作用对生态系统多功能性的影响研究;(3)干扰对生态系统多功能性影响的机制性研究。以期为进一步探索干扰对生态系统多功能性的影响机制研究提供借鉴,以推动该领域的发展。  相似文献   

Although the presence of nanoplastics in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems has received increasing attention, little is known about its potential effect on ecosystem processes and functions. Here, we evaluated if differentially charged polystyrene (PS) nanoplastics (PS-NH2 and PS-SO3H) exhibit distinct influences on microbial community structure, nitrogen removal processes (denitrification and anammox), emissions of greenhouse gases (CO2, CH4, and N2O), and ecosystem multifunctionality in soils with and without earthworms through a 42-day microcosm experiment. Our results indicated that nanoplastics significantly altered soil microbial community structure and potential functions, with more pronounced effects for positively charged PS-NH2 than for negatively charged PS-SO3H. Ecologically relevant concentration (3 g kg−1) of nanoplastics inhibited both soil denitrification and anammox rates, while environmentally realistic concentration (0.3 g kg−1) of nanoplastics decreased the denitrification rate and enhanced the anammox rate. The soil N2O flux was always inhibited 6%–51% by both types of nanoplastics, whereas emissions of CO2 and CH4 were enhanced by nanoplastics in most cases. Significantly, although N2O emissions were decreased by nanoplastics, the global warming potential of total greenhouse gases was increased 21%–75% by nanoplastics in soils without earthworms. Moreover, ecosystem multifunctionality was increased 4%–12% by 0.3 g kg−1 of nanoplastics but decreased 4%–11% by 3 g kg−1 of nanoplastics. Our findings provide the only evidence to date that the rapid increase in nanoplastics is altering not only ecosystem structure and processes but also ecosystem multifunctionality, and it may increase the emission of CO2 and CH4 and their global warming potential to some extent.  相似文献   

生物多样性与生态系统功能关系是生态学研究的热点之一,以往研究多关注生物多样性与单一生态系统功能之间的关系,然而生态系统能够同时提供多种功能和服务即生态系统多功能性(ecosystem multifunctionality, EMF),仅考虑单一生态系统功能会低估生物多样性的重要性。近年来,EMF研究的重要性受到更多重视,生物多样性与生态系统多功能性(biodiversity and ecosystem multifunctionality, BEMF)关系成为生态学研究新的热点。梳理近15年的研究发现,不同维度、不同尺度的单一或多营养级生物多样性均会对EMF产生显著的影响,并且在全球变化的背景下,自然干扰与人为干扰均会影响生物多样性与生态系统多功能性从而改变BEMF关系,EMF测度方法的差异也可能导致BEMF关系的不一致。生物多样性维度(尺度)选择的局限、不同EMF测度方法的认知差异、BEMF时空数据库的缺乏以及BEMF关系研究方法的单一等问题阻碍了BEMF关系的深入探究。未来研究应对现有测度方法进行深入比较并发展通用的新方法,深入探究多维度、多尺度生物多样性对EMF影响的综合作用。此...  相似文献   

Large grazers (megaherbivores) have a profound impact on ecosystem functioning. However, how ecosystem multifunctionality is affected by changes in megaherbivore populations remains poorly understood. Understanding the total impact on ecosystem multifunctionality requires an integrative ecosystem approach, which is especially challenging to obtain in marine systems. We assessed the effects of experimentally simulated grazing intensity scenarios on ecosystem functions and multifunctionality in a tropical Caribbean seagrass ecosystem. As a model, we selected a key marine megaherbivore, the green turtle, whose ecological role is rapidly unfolding in numerous foraging areas where populations are recovering through conservation after centuries of decline, with an increase in recorded overgrazing episodes. To quantify the effects, we employed a novel integrated index of seagrass ecosystem multifunctionality based upon multiple, well-recognized measures of seagrass ecosystem functions that reflect ecosystem services. Experiments revealed that intermediate turtle grazing resulted in the highest rates of nutrient cycling and carbon storage, while sediment stabilization, decomposition rates, epifauna richness, and fish biomass are highest in the absence of turtle grazing. In contrast, intense grazing resulted in disproportionally large effects on ecosystem functions and a collapse of multifunctionality. These results imply that (i) the return of a megaherbivore can exert strong effects on coastal ecosystem functions and multifunctionality, (ii) conservation efforts that are skewed toward megaherbivores, but ignore their key drivers like predators or habitat, will likely result in overgrazing-induced loss of multifunctionality, and (iii) the multifunctionality index shows great potential as a quantitative tool to assess ecosystem performance. Considerable and rapid alterations in megaherbivore abundance (both through extinction and conservation) cause an imbalance in ecosystem functioning and substantially alter or even compromise ecosystem services that help to negate global change effects. An integrative ecosystem approach in environmental management is urgently required to protect and enhance ecosystem multifunctionality.  相似文献   

Samples of mixed-liquor from 39 activated-sludge plants and of biological film from 49 rotating discs were examined microscopically for the presence of Ciliated Protozoa. 45 and 47 species of Ciliates were identified in activated-sludge plants and rotating discs, respectively.Most of the ciliate species, which are frequent inhabitants of activated-sludge, were found also in rotating discs. Statistical analysis based on affinity index and on recurrent groups, made it possible to reconstruct the structure in species of ciliate communities both in activated-sludge plants and in rotating discs.  相似文献   

We present an assessment of the spatial pattern of ecosystem services (ES) associations across Europe based on models of eleven ES and one dis-service, mapped at the extent of twenty-seven Member States of the European Union (EU27) on a 1 km2 grid. We isolated three clusters of cells sharing common features in multi-ES supply associated with the main land-use-land-cover types such as forests and agricultural lands. Confronting these spatial patterns with biophysical and socio-economic drivers revealed two strong gradients structuring European ES bundles, climate and land use intensity. Variations in the diversity of ES bundles provided across administrative units (NUTS 2), quantified by the Shannon diversity index, tend to be higher in forested regions (e.g. SE Romania) and in the mosaic landscapes in the central EU27 (from eastern France to Austria). Lower diversity prevails in areas of homogeneous terrain and land use in north-western Europe (e.g. Western France). Our findings illustrate that ES trade-offs and bundles cannot be reduced to land use conflicts but also depend on climate and, for a specific bundle, to biodiversity.  相似文献   

Most ecosystems provide multiple services, thus the impact of biodiversity losses on ecosystem functions may be considerably underestimated by studies that only address single functions. We propose a multivariate modelling framework for quantifying the relationship between biodiversity and multiple ecosystem functions (multifunctionality). Our framework consolidates the strengths of previous approaches to analysing ecosystem multifunctionality and contributes several advances. It simultaneously assesses the drivers of multifunctionality, such as species relative abundances, richness, evenness and other manipulated treatments. It also tests the relative importance of these drivers across functions, incorporates correlations among functions and identifies conditions where all functions perform well and where trade‐offs occur among functions. We illustrate our framework using data from three ecosystem functions (sown biomass, weed suppression and nitrogen yield) in a four‐species grassland experiment. We found high variability in performance across the functions in monocultures, but as community diversity increased, performance increased and variability across functions decreased.  相似文献   

丁婧祎  尹彩春  韩逸  赵文武 《生态学报》2023,43(20):8257-8267
草原灌丛化现象在干旱半干旱区广泛发生,影响了生态系统的结构、过程和功能。生态系统具有同时提供多种功能的能力,即生态系统多功能性。灌丛化是否会引起草原生态系统多功能性的减少,其内在的作用机制又是什么?这些问题仍有待明晰。理解草原灌丛化对生态系统多功能性的影响,对于促进草原地区"草-畜-人"平衡和实现区域可持续发展至关重要。从响应规律、影响路径和控制因素三个方面总结评述了草原灌丛化对生态系统多功能性影响的研究进展,主要包括:(1)阐明了单一生态系统功能和多种生态系统功能对草原灌丛化的响应特征;(2)从生物路径、非生物路径以及气候变化和人类活动的影响方面探讨了灌丛化对生态系统多功能性的影响路径;(3)从灌丛化物种、灌丛化阶段和草原类型三个方面明晰了草原灌丛化对生态系统多功能性影响的控制因素。在此基础上,针对灌丛化对生态系统多功能性的影响机制,对生产-生态功能权衡的影响等方面对未来研究进行了展望,并面向可持续发展目标探讨了灌丛化生态系统的可持续管理路径。研究可为我国灌丛化草原的恢复和管理提供支撑。  相似文献   

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