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Proteomic analysis is not limited to the analysis of serum or tissues. Synovial, peritoneal, pericardial and cerebrospinal fluid represent unique proteomes for disease diagnosis and prognosis. In particular, cerebrospinal fluid serves as a rich source of putative biomarkers that are not solely limited to neurologic disorders. Peptides, proteolytic fragments and antibodies are capable of crossing the blood-brain barrier, thus providing a repository of pathologic information. Proteomic technologies such as immunoblotting, isoelectric focusing, 2D gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometry have proven useful for deciphering this unique proteome. Cerebrospinal fluid proteins are generally less abundant than their corresponding serum counterparts, necessitating the development and use of sensitive analytical techniques. This review highlights some of the promising areas of cerebrospinal fluid proteomic research and their clinical applications.  相似文献   

We investigated spatial autocorrelation of female Aedes aegypti L. mosquito abundance from BG‐Sentinel trap and sticky ovitrap collections in Cairns, north Queensland, Australia. BG‐Sentinel trap collections in 2010 show a significant spatial autocorrelation across the study site and over a smaller spatial extent, while sticky ovitrap collections only indicate a non‐significant, weak spatial autocorrelation. The BG‐Sentinel trap collections were suitable for spatial interpolation using ordinary kriging and cokriging techniques. The uses of Premise Condition Index and potential breeding container data have helped improve our prediction of vector abundance. Semiovariograms and prediction maps indicate that the spatial autocorrelation of mosquito abundance determined by BG‐Sentinel traps extends farther compared to sticky ovitrap collections. Based on our data, fewer BG‐Sentinel traps are required to represent vector abundance at a series of houses compared to sticky ovitraps. A lack of spatial structure was observed following vector control treatment in the area. This finding has implications for the design and costs of dengue vector surveillance programs.  相似文献   

Anopheles gambiae is the major mosquito vector of malaria in sub-Saharan Africa. At present, insecticide-treated nets (ITNs) impregnated with pyrethroid insecticides are widely used in malaria-endemic regions to reduce infection; however the emergence of pyrethroid-resistant mosquitoes has significantly reduced the effectiveness of the pyrethroid ITNs. An acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibitor that is potent for An. gambiae but weakly potent for the human enzyme could potentially be safely deployed on a new class of ITNs. In this paper we provide a preliminary pharmacological characterization of An. gambiae AChE, discuss structural features of An. gambiae and human AChE that could lead to selective inhibition, and describe compounds with 130-fold selectivity for inhibition of An. gambiae AChE relative to human AChE.  相似文献   

Male reproductive gland proteins (mRGPs) impact the physiology and/or behavior of mated females in a broad range of organisms. We sought to identify mRGPs of the yellow fever mosquito, Aedes aegypti, the primary vector of dengue and yellow fever viruses. Earlier studies with Ae. aegypti demonstrated that "matrone" (a partially purified male reproductive accessory gland substance) or male accessory gland fluid injected into virgin female Ae. aegypti affect female sexual refractoriness, blood feeding and digestion, flight, ovarian development, and oviposition. Using bioinformatic comparisons to Drosophila melanogaster accessory gland proteins and mass spectrometry of proteins from Ae. aegypti male accessory glands and ejaculatory ducts (AG/ED) and female reproductive tracts, we identified 63 new putative Ae. aegypti mRGPs. Twenty-one of these proteins were found in the reproductive tract of mated females but not of virgin females suggesting that they are transferred from males to females during mating. Most of the putative mRGPs fall into the same protein classes as mRGPs in other organisms, although some appear to be evolving rapidly and lack identifiable homologs in Culex pipiens, Anopheles gambiae, and D. melanogaster. Our results identify candidate male-derived molecules that may have an important influence on behavior, survival, and reproduction of female mosquitoes.  相似文献   

A proteomic analysis of the synaptic vesicle was undertaken to obtain a better understanding of vesicle regulation. Synaptic vesicles primarily consist of integral membrane proteins that are not well resolved on traditional isoelectric focusing/two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (IEF/2-DE) gels and are resistant to in-gel digestion with trypsin thereby reducing the number of peptides available for mass spectrometric analysis. To address these limitations, two complementary 2-DE methods were investigated in the proteome analysis: (a) IEF/sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (IEF/SDS-PAGE) for resolution of soluble proteins and, (b) Benzyl hexadecyl ammonium chloride/SDS-PAGE (16-BAC/SDS-PAGE) for resolution of integral membrane proteins. The IEF/SDS-PAGE method provided superior resolution of soluble proteins, but could only resolve membrane proteins with a single transmembrane domain. The 16-BAC/SDS-PAGE method improved separation, resolution and identification of integral membrane proteins with up to 12 transmembrane domains. Trypsin digestion of the integral membrane proteins was poor and fewer peptides were identified from these proteins. Analysis of both the peptide mass fingerprint and the tandem mass spectra using electrospray ionization quadrupole-time of flight mass spectrometry led to the positive identification of integral membrane proteins. Using both 2-DE separation methods, a total of 36 proteins were identified including seven integral membrane proteins, 17 vesicle regulatory proteins and four proteins whose function in vesicles is not yet known.  相似文献   



Several observations support the hypothesis that vector-driven selection plays an important role in shaping dengue virus (DENV) genetic diversity. Clustering of DENV genetic diversity at a particular location may reflect underlying genetic structure of vector populations, which combined with specific vector genotype × virus genotype (G × G) interactions may promote adaptation of viral lineages to local mosquito vector genotypes. Although spatial structure of vector polymorphism at neutral genetic loci is well-documented, existence of G × G interactions between mosquito and virus genotypes has not been formally demonstrated in natural populations. Here we measure G × G interactions in a system representative of a natural situation in Thailand by challenging three isofemale families from field-derived Aedes aegypti with three contemporaneous low-passage isolates of DENV-1.  相似文献   

Traxler E  Bayer E  Stöckl J  Mohr T  Lenz C  Gerner C 《Proteomics》2004,4(5):1314-1323
Comparative proteome profiling, performed by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis or multidimensional protein identification technology, usually relies on the relative comparison of samples of interest with respect to a reference. Currently, no standardized quantitative protein expression database of human cells, facilitating data comparisons between different laboratories, exists. Recently, we have published two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis-based techniques to assess absolute protein data comprising protein amounts, synthesis rates and biological half-lives (Mol. Cell. Proteomics 2002, 1, 528-537). Determination of protein amounts by fluorography of two-dimensional gels was followed by the exact quantification of the amount of incorporated (35)S radiolabel. Here we demonstrate an application of this highly standardized method to quiescent human T cells, phythaemagglutinin-stimulated T cells and Jurkat cells, a human T lymphoblast cell line. While the protein composition of quiescent T cells differed significantly compared to that of Jurkat cells, it was only slightly different compared to the activated T cells. Synthesis profile analyses demonstrated that activated T cells clearly differed from the quiescent cells, performing apparently almost like lymphoblast cells. The great sensitivity of this approach was further demonstrated with human umbilical vein endothelial cells treated for six hours with vascular endothelial growth factor. While no significant alteration of protein amounts was detected at all upon activation, the synthesis rate of several proteins was found to be more than doubled.  相似文献   

Natural products are considered a good choice in the biological control of mosquitoes because they are an effective way to eliminate larvae and prevent an increase in mosquito numbers, while simultaneously not polluting the environment or damaging health. This investigation was designed to study the potential toxicity of three species of algae, Caulerpa racemosa (Weber-van Bosse, 1909), Padina boryana (Thivy, 1966), and Turbinaria ornata (Turner J. Agardh, 1848), on the larvae of Aedes aegypti mosquito, the vector of dengue and Zika viruses. Among the studied species, Caulerpa racemosa showed the greatest effectiveness in eradicating A. aegypti larvae with an LC50 = 43.5 ppm, followed by Padina boryana with an LC50 = 51.93 ppm. Both species proved to be excellent candidates as a source of larvicidal agents and could be used commercially in mosquito control programs as eco-friendly biopesticides. The combined activity of different mixtures against mosquito larvae was expressed as the coeffective factor (C.F.). C.F. values showed that the joint activity of insect growth regulator Dudim in combination with Caulerpa racemosa and Padina boryana extracts produced degrees of potentiation effects and degrees of additive effects were obtained with Dudim in combination with Turbinaria ornata extract.  相似文献   

The postsynaptic compartment of the excitatory glutamatergic synapse contains hundreds of distinct polypeptides with a wide range of functions (signalling, trafficking, cell-adhesion, etc.). Structural dynamics in the post-synaptic density (PSD) are believed to underpin cognitive processes. Although functionally and morphologically diverse, PSD proteins are generally enriched with specific domains, which precisely define the mode of clustering essential for signal processing. We applied a stochastic calculus of domain binding provided by a rule-based modelling approach to formalise the highly combinatorial signalling pathway in the PSD and perform the numerical analysis of the relative distribution of protein complexes and their sizes. We specified the combinatorics of protein interactions in the PSD by rules, taking into account protein domain structure, specific domain affinity and relative protein availability. With this model we interrogated the critical conditions for the protein aggregation into large complexes and distribution of both size and composition. The presented approach extends existing qualitative protein-protein interaction maps by considering the quantitative information for stoichiometry and binding properties for the elements of the network. This results in a more realistic view of the postsynaptic proteome at the molecular level.  相似文献   

Anopheles gambiae is the major mosquito vector of malaria in sub-Saharan Africa. At present, insecticide-treated nets (ITNs) impregnated with pyrethroid insecticides are widely used in malaria-endemic regions to reduce infection; however the emergence of pyrethroid-resistant mosquitoes has significantly reduced the effectiveness of the pyrethroid ITNs. An acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibitor that is potent for An. gambiae but weakly potent for the human enzyme could potentially be safely deployed on a new class of ITNs. In this paper we provide a preliminary pharmacological characterization of An. gambiae AChE, discuss structural features of An. gambiae and human AChE that could lead to selective inhibition, and describe compounds with 130-fold selectivity for inhibition of An. gambiae AChE relative to human AChE.  相似文献   

Abstract.  In the summer of 2005, the Asian tiger mosquito, Aedes albopictus (Skuse) (Diptera: Culicidae) was found for the first time in the Netherlands. It was collected on the premises of several horticultural companies that import the ornamental plant Dracaena sanderiana (Sparagalus: Dracaenaceae [Agavaceae]), known as Lucky bamboo, from southern China, an area endemic for this mosquito species and for arboviruses transmitted by this vector. Here we report the results of a 1-year survey of the distribution and vector status of Ae. albopictus in Lucky bamboo nurseries in the Netherlands (July 2006–June 2007). As it had been established previously that the presence of this species was linked to the import of Lucky bamboo, the survey was conducted only on sites owned by relevant import companies. In total, 569 adult Ae. albopictus were collected with mosquito traps from 15 of the 17 (88%) glasshouses used by Lucky bamboo importers, none of which were found to be infected with dengue virus. On two occasions there was evidence that Ae. albopictus had escaped from the glasshouses, but, overall, there was no evidence that a population had become established in the greenhouses or elsewhere.  相似文献   

New mosquito control strategies centred on the modifying of populations require knowledge of existing population densities at release sites and an understanding of breeding site ecology. Using a quantitative pupal survey method, we investigated production of the dengue vector Aedes aegypti (L.) (Stegomyia aegypti) (Diptera: Culicidae) in Cairns, Queensland, Australia, and found that garden accoutrements represented the most common container type. Deliberately placed ‘sentinel’ containers were set at seven houses and sampled for pupae over 10 weeks during the wet season. Pupal production was approximately constant; tyres and buckets represented the most productive container types. Sentinel tyres produced the largest female mosquitoes, but were relatively rare in the field survey. We then used field‐collected data to make estimates of per premises population density using three different approaches. Estimates of female Ae. aegypti abundance per premises made using the container‐inhabiting mosquito simulation (CIMSiM) model [95% confidence interval (CI) 18.5–29.1 females] concorded reasonably well with estimates obtained using a standing crop calculation based on pupal collections (95% CI 8.8–22.5) and using BG‐Sentinel traps and a sampling rate correction factor (95% CI 6.2–35.2). By first describing local Ae. aegypti productivity, we were able to compare three separate population density estimates which provided similar results. We anticipate that this will provide researchers and health officials with several tools with which to make estimates of population densities.  相似文献   

The release of circumsporozoite (CS) protein by Plasmodium falciparum sporozoites was investigated to identify factors regulating this process within infected Anopheles gambiae mosquitoes. The potential for sporozoites to release CS protein in vitro was not dependent upon their site-specific developmental stage (i.e., mature oocysts, hemolymph, salivary glands), their duration in the vector, or their exposure to mosquito-derived components such as salivary glands or hemolymph. The capacity of sporozoites to release CS protein was depressed by mosquito blood feeding during periods of sporozoite migration to the salivary glands, but the effect was only temporary and those sporozoites already in the glands were not affected. Free CS protein in the salivary glands was present in 93.3% of 45 infective mosquitoes. Sporozoites from these same, individual mosquitoes were also tested in vitro for CS protein release. In both cases, the amount of soluble CS protein increased as a function of sporozoite density but the total amount of CS protein per sporozoite became progressively less with increasing numbers of sporozoites. Further experiments showed that sporozoite contact with increasing amounts of soluble CS protein caused a down-regulation of CS protein release. Thus, a primary factor regulating the production and release of CS protein by sporozoites is their contact with soluble CS protein within the mosquito.  相似文献   

New protein sequences are deposited in databases at an accelerating pace; however, many of these are homologous to known proteins and could be considered redundant. If all historical releases of the protein database are analysed using the original sequence-clustering procedure described here, the fraction of newly sequenced proteins that are redundant is increasing. We interpret this as an indication that the sequencing of the Earth's proteome--the complete set of proteins on Earth--is approaching completion. We estimate the approximate size of the Earth's proteome to be 5 million sequences, most of which will be identified during the next 5 years. As the Earth's proteome nears completion, cluster analysis of the protein database will become essential to identify under-explored taxa to which future sequencing efforts should be directed and to focus research on protein families without experimental characterization.  相似文献   

To prevent spreading of deadly diseases, populations of mosquitoes can be controlled by interfering with their chemical communication system. Odorant-binding proteins, recently shown to be required for olfaction, represent interesting targets for such purpose. Here we describe the ligand-binding properties and the unusual tissue expression of odorant-binding protein 22 from the repertoire of Aedes aegypti. Best ligands are molecules with two aromatic rings connected by a short rigid chain. The protein is expressed not only in sensory organs, such as the antennae and proboscis, but also in the male reproductive apparatus and transferred to the spermathecs of females. This suggests an additional function for this protein as pheromone carrier, analogously to vertebrates’ urinary and salivary proteins as well as some insect chemosensory proteins. Antiserum against odorant-binding protein 22 also stained the edges and sensilla of spiracles, indicating a third, still unknown, role for this protein.  相似文献   

Tracking proteins’ biophysical characteristics on a proteome-wide scale can provide valuable information on their functions and interactions. Thermal proteome profiling (TPP) is a multiplexed quantitative proteomics approach that measures changes in protein thermal stability—a key biophysical property—across different cellular states. Developed in 2014, as a target-deconvolution assay for drugs and other small molecules, TPP has since evolved to a system-level biochemical omics technique providing insights into context-dependent changes in protein states. In this review, we summarise key advances in the experimental and data analysis pipeline that have aided this transformation and discuss the recent developments and applications of TPP.  相似文献   

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Platelets exert a crucial function in haemostasis, wound repair, and the formation of vascular plugs, underlying thrombotic diseases such as stroke and myocardial infarction. Analysis of platelet biochemistry is largely dependent on protein analysis as platelets are anucleated cells providing little analytical target for DNA or RNA based strategies. Here we present data from our analysis of the human platelet proteome, the entire set of proteins building a platelet at a given point in time. Proteins were separated by two-dimensional electrophoresis (2-DE) using broad and narrow range pH gradients in the isoelectric focusing step. Consequently, a high-resolution 2-DE proteome map has been generated that comprises approximately 2300 different protein features. From the 536 protein features detected in the 4-5 pI range 284 features were identified by electrospray ionisation time of flight tandem mass spectrometry. These 284 proteins originate from 123 different open reading frames. This includes the five human proteins KIAA0193, KIAA0573, KIAA0830, WUGSC:H_DJ0777O23 protein, and cytokine receptor related protein 4, all isolated for the first time. The data are discussed with regard to proteome characteristics, protein function, and the high prevalence of signalling molecules. This study contributes to a more thorough and holistic understanding of platelet biology, helping to build the basis for future identification of new drug targets and therapeutic strategies.  相似文献   

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