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Digeneans of sympatric Bufo marinus, B. valliceps, Hyla picta, H. ebraccata, Smilisca baudini, Rana berlandieri, and R. vaillanti from Los Tuxtlas, Veracruz, Mexico, are reported. A total of 7 adult trematode species and 3 unidentified metacercariae was found in the different host species examined: Gorgoderina attenuata, G. parvicava, Cephalogonimus americanus, Haematoloechus medioplexus, Glypthelmins californiensis, Mesocoelium monas and Langeronia macrocirrus. Prevalence, mean intensity and abundance of the trematodes in each host species are given.  相似文献   

DNA sequences of ITS-1 and ITS-2 of rDNA were determined for 16 individual adult males each of Ostertagia gruehneri and Ostertagia arctica from Svalbard reindeer (Rangifer tarandus platyrhynchus) and Eurasian tundra reindeer (R. t. tarandus). Each ITS was virtually identical in O. gruehneri and O. arctica and the three mixed bases detected were shared by both species. Our results strongly suggest that O. gruehneri and O. arctica are dimorphic males of the same species.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study is to elucidate if Oxyporus philadelphi (Parmasto) Ryvarden and Botryodontia millavensis (Bourdot & Galzin) Duhem & H. Michel are conspecific, as suggested by their similar morphology. The analysis of ribosomal DNA ITS sequences indicate that the specimens of O. philadelphi and B. millavensis belong to a single species. The species is closely related to the type species (B. cirrata) of the genus Botryodontia, and therefore the name B. millavensis should currently be used for this taxon. Botryodontia millavensis grows on a wide selection of host species—Juniperus communis, Philadelphus coronarius, Picea abies, Fraxinus excelsior, Lonicera sp., J. turcomanica—and is distributed widely in temperate Eurasia.  相似文献   

The gastro-intestinal parasitic nematodes of ruminants Marshallagia marshalli and M. occidentalis are morphs of a single species according to indirect evidence. In this study, their taxonomic status and molecular identification were assessed more directly in isolates from the abomasal nematode community of Svalbard reindeer using genetic data. DNA sequences of the first and second internal transcribed spacers of nuclear ribosomal RNA genes were obtained from individual nematodes by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Both taxa contained virtually identical sequences of each ITS and shared most of the polymorphisms detected. A PCR assay based on ITS-2 sequences previously developed to identify M. marshalli and Ostertagia gruehneri, the second common species in this community, gave identical results for M. marshalli andM. occidentalis. Genetic data thus confirmed that M. marshalli andM. occidentalis are conspecific.  相似文献   

Members of the family Gastrothylacidae (Trematoda: Digenea: Paramphistomata) are parasitic in ruminants throughout Africa and Asia. In north-east India, five species of pouched amphistomes, namely Fischoederius cobboldi, F. elongatus, Gastrothylax crumenifer, Carmyerius spatiosus and Velasquezotrema tripurensis, belonging to this family have been reported so far. In the present study, the molecular phylogeny of these five gastrothylacid species is derived using the second internal transcribed spacer (ITS2) sequence and secondary structure analyses. ITS2 sequence analysis was carried out to see the occurrence of interspecific variations among the species. Phylogenetic analyses were performed for primary sequence data alone as well as the combined sequence-structure information using neighbour-joining and Bayesian approaches. The sequence analysis revealed that there exist considerable interspecific variations among the various gastrothylacid fluke species. In contrast, the inferred secondary structures for the five species using minimum free energy modelling showed structural identities, in conformity with the core four-helix domain structure that has been recently identified as common to almost all eukaryotic taxa. The phylogenetic tree reconstructed using combined sequence-structure data showed a better resolution, as compared to the one using sequence data alone, with the gastrothylacid species forming a monophyletic group that is well separated from members of the other family, Paramphistomidae, of the amphistomid flukes group. The study provides the molecular characterization based on primary sequence data of the rDNA ITS2 region of the gastrothylacid amphistome flukes. Results also demonstrate the phylogenetic utility of the ITS2 sequence-secondary structure data for inferences at higher taxonomic levels.  相似文献   

Paracreptotrema heterandriae n. sp. (Trematoda: Allocreadiidae) is described from the intestine of the freshwater fish Heterandria bimaculata (Teleostei: Poeciliidae) from the upper basin of Río La Antigua, in Veracruz, Mexico. The new species is distinguished from the 3 others in the Paracreptotrema Choudhury, Pérez-Ponce de León, Brooks, and Daverdin, 2006 , mainly by having a feeble membranous cirrus sac containing an uncoiled seminal vesicle, instead of a well-developed muscular cirrus sac that encloses coiled seminal vesicle, pars prostatica, and ejaculatory duct as in the previously 3 nominal species. Moreover, eggs of the new species are larger than all others ([measurements in micrometers] eggs of P. heterandriae n. sp. 72.5 [70-75] × 40 [35-41]; P. blancoi 55.4 [52.5-62.5] × 38.5 [32.5-42.5]; P. mendezi 46 × 37; P. profundulusi 57 [52-60] × 27.8 [25-30]).  相似文献   

In the north‐western (NW) Mediterranean, the teleosts Diplodus sargus, D. vulgaris and D. annularis coexist in infralittoral habitats. These fishes are infected by two species of the Digenea (Platyhelminthes, Trematoda): Macvicaria crassigula (Opecoelidae) and Monorchis parvus (Monorchiidae) for which we obtained Internal Transcribed Spacer rDNA sequences. Each parasite species represents a complex of two cryptic species, one restricted to D. annularis, and the other shared by D. sargus and D. vulgaris. Cytochrome b mtDNA sequences were used to infer host phylogenetic relationships which showed that the distribution of parasites in Diplodus hosts is not a consequence of coevolutionary interactions. We used diet analyses available for the fish hosts to assess the degree of overlap in the use of food among the three species. The feeding overlap was significant only between D. sargus and D. vulgaris, but not for the other fish pairs. The possible mechanisms involved in the speciation of the digenean fauna of Diplodus fishes are discussed.  相似文献   

Stilestrongylus peromysci n. sp. collected from Peromyscus difficilis (Hidalgo state, México), differs from other species in the genus in number of the spines (30) in the synlophe (both sexes) and because the eighth ray arises from the root of the ninth ray; S. hidalguensis n. sp. parasitised Peromyscus sp. and differs from all other congeneric species in the presence of 24 spines in the male synlophe and in the arrangement of the bursal rays (2-2-1 in the right lobe and 2-3 in the left lobe). A key to the species of Stilestrongylus is provided.  相似文献   

Species of Floridosentis (Acanthocephala) are common parasites of mullets (Mugil spp., Mugilidae) found in tropical marine and brackish water in the Americas. Floridosentis includes 2 species distributed in Mexico, i.e., Floridosentis pacifica, restricted to the Pacific Ocean near Salina Cruz, Oaxaca, and Floridosentis mugilis, distributed along the coast of the Pacific Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico. We sampled 18 populations of F. mugilis and F. pacifica (12 from the Pacific and 6 from the Gulf of Mexico) and sequenced a fragment of the rDNA large subunit to evaluate phylogenetic relationships of populations of Floridosentis spp. from Mexico. Species identification of museum specimens of F. mugilis from the Pacific Ocean was confirmed by examination of morphology traits. Phylogenetic trees inferred with maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood, and Bayesian inference indicate that Floridosentis is monophyletic comprising of 2 major well-supported clades, the first clade corresponding to F. mugilis from the Gulf of Mexico, and the second to F. pacifica from the Pacific Ocean. Genetic divergence between species ranged from 7.68 to 8.60%. Intraspecific divergence ranged from 0.14 to 0.86% for F. mugilis and from 1.72 to 4.49% for F. pacifica. Data obtained from diagnostic characters indicate that specimens from the Pacific Ocean in Mexico have differences in some traits among locations. These results are consistent with the phylogenetic hypothesis, indicating that F. pacifica is distributed in the Pacific Ocean in Mexico with 3 major lineages.  相似文献   

Molecular phylogenies for seven species of schistosomes, including four species infecting man, were constructed from PCR-amplified sequences of two ribosomal genes: one nuclear (internal transcribed spacer 2 in the ribosomal multigenic family) and one mitochondrial (16S rDNA). The two phylogenies obtained are congruent, and the data suggest that the mitochondrial sequence evolves about three times faster than the nuclear sequence. We propose a calibration of the phylogenetic tree of schistosomes that dates "human capture" of these parasites from other animal hosts (rodents and ruminants) in Africa to 1-10 million years ago, when the first hominids invaded savanna areas, which are the favorable environment for parasite transmission.  相似文献   

Interspecific symbiotic relationships involve a complex network of interactions, and understanding their outcome requires quantification of the costs and benefits to both partners. We experimentally investigated the costs and benefits in the relationship between European bitterling fish (Rhodeus sericeus) and freshwater mussels that are used by R. sericeus for oviposition. This relationship has hitherto been thought mutualistic, on the premise that R. sericeus use mussels as foster parents of their embryos while mussels use R. sericeus as hosts for their larvae. We demonstrate that R. sericeus is a parasite of European mussels, because it (i) avoids the cost of infection by mussel larvae and (ii) imposes a direct cost on mussels. Our experiments also indicate a potential coevolutionary arms race between bitterling fishes and their mussel hosts; the outcome of this relationship may differ between Asia, the centre of distribution of bitterling fishes, and Europe where they have recently invaded.  相似文献   

We sought transversotrematid trematodes from French Polynesian fishes by examining 304 individual scaled fishes of 53 species from seven families known to harbour the family elsewhere. A single species was found at two locations in the Tuamotus Archipelago on two species of Chaetodontidae (Chaetodon auriga and Chaetodon ephippium) and one species of Lutjanidae (Lutjanus gibbus). The species closely resembles Transversotrema borboleta Hunter & Cribb, 2012 from chaetodontids and lutjanids of the northern Great Barrier Reef (GBR) but differs from it consistently in 8 base positions of ITS2 rDNA. This level of variation exceeds that between some clearly morphologically distinct pairs of species of Transversotrema and the form from French Polynesia is thus interpreted as a distinct, though cryptic, species and named Transversotrema polynesiae n. sp. The new species forms part of a complex of species, here characterised as the T. borboleta complex, associated with chaetodontids and lutjanids in the tropical Indo-West Pacific. Most of the putative species within this complex are yet to be described. Comparison of identical numbers of matched samples of fishes from French Polynesia, Heron Island (southern GBR) and Lizard Island (northern GBR) revealed 1, 4 and 10 species of Transversotrema respectively suggesting that the French Polynesian fauna is depauperate for this family. In addition to those species apparently missing from suitable hosts in French Polynesia, several species from further west infect fishes (especially Nemipteridae) that are themselves absent from French Polynesia. This dramatic east–west decline in richness contrasts strongly with what is known for monogeneans, which appear to maintain their richness over the same scale, and is more precipitate than is known for other groups of trematodes. The decline might be explained in part by the absence of the as yet unknown first intermediate hosts in French Polynesia. However, we predict that it is explained by other life cycle traits. We hypothesise that the characters of large short-lived cercariae, short-lived miracidia, the absence in the life-cycle of second intermediate hosts that are capable of transporting the species, and definitive and first intermediate hosts that have limited vagility combine to give marine Transversotrematidae limited dispersal capacity and a propensity for localised speciation.  相似文献   

Raptorial birds harbor a variety of ectoparasites and the mayority of them are host specific. The aim of this study was to identify the ectoparasites of captive birds of prey from Mexico, as well as to verify their impact in the health of infested birds. Raptorial birds were confiscated and kept in captivity at the Centro de Investigación y Conservación de Vida Silvestre (CIVS) in Los Reyes La Paz, Mexico State. Seventy-four birds of prey (66 Falconiformes and eigth Strigiformes) of 15 species were examined for the presence of ectoparasites. We examined both juvenile and adult birds from both sexes. The overall prevalence was 16.2%; 66.7% of raptors were infested with a single type of external parasite. Lice were the most prevalent ectoparasites (91.7%), followed by feather mites and fleas (8.3%). Degeeriella fulva (72.7%), Craspedorrhynchus sp. (45.4%) and Strigiphilus aitkeni (9.1%) (Ischnocera, Philopteridae) were recovered from wings, head and neck regions of red-tailed hawk (Buteo jamaicensis), Swainson's hawk (B. swainsoni), Harris's hawk (Parabuteo unicinctus) and Barn owl (Tyto alba). Low lice infestation level was observed. Nymphs and females of feather mites Kramerella sp. (Pterolichoidea, Kramerellidae) were recovered solely from Barn owl (T. alba); while one Caracara (Caracara cheriway) was infested by the sticktight flea Echidnophaga gallinacea (Siphonaptera, Pulicidae). No clinical signs were observed in any infested bird. Probably the periodic use of organophosphorates was responsible of the low prevalence and lice infestation levels. The diversity of external parasites illustrates the importance of detailed revision of incoming and long-term captive raptors as part of responsible captive management. Five new hosts and geographic records are presented.  相似文献   

Thirty-four adult cane toads Bufo marinus L. (12 males and 22 females) collected from 2 localities in Mexico (Cerro de Oro and Temascal Dams, Oaxaca) in September 2003 were examined for helminth parasites. In total, 14,749 helminths belonging to 14 taxa were collected. Included were 2 adult digeneans (Choledocystus hepaticus, Mesocoelium monas); 1 larval cestode (an unidentified pseudophyllidean); and 11 nematodes, including 3 species of larvae (Contracaecum sp., Physaloptera sp., Physocephalus sexalatus) and 8 species of adults (Aplectana itzocanensis, Cosmocerca sp., Cruzia morleyi, Ochoterenella digiticauda, Oswaldocruzia sp., Raillietnema sp., Rhabdias americanus, and Rhabdiasfuelleborni). Higher species richness was recorded in B. marinus from Cerro de Oro (12 taxa versus 9 in those from Temascal); hosts from both localities shared 7 taxa. There were 25 new locality records, and 2 taxa were registered in Mexico for the first time. To date, 112 helminth species have been recorded parasitizing B. marinus along its native and introduced range of distribution, with 40.5% of them reported from Mexico.  相似文献   

Coltriciella sonorensis is described here as a new species from Mexico. It is characterized by pleuropodal, flabelliform basidiomes, rounded to elongated or daedaloid pores, a well-developed sub-hymenium, and oblong to cylindrical basidiospores, slightly attenuated towards the apex. The specimen was collected on soil in an open Quercus stand in mixed Quercus–tropical deciduous forest in the Sierra de álamos–Río Cuchujaqui Biosphere Reserve, Sonora, Mexico. From a phylogenetic perspective, the species appears to be related to C. oblectabilis, also occurring in Mexico.  相似文献   

Concatenated SSU (18S) and partial LSU (28S) sequences (2 kb) from 12 ingroup taxa, comprising 2 phoronids, 2 members of each of the craniid, discinid, and lingulid inarticulate brachiopod lineages, and 4 rhynchonellate, articulate brachiopods (2 rhynchonellides, 1 terebratulide and 1 terebratellide) were aligned with homologous sequences from 6 protostome, deuterostome and sponge outgroups (3964 sites). Regions of potentially ambiguous alignment were removed, and the resulting data (3275 sites, of which 377 were parsimony-informative and 635 variable) were analysed by parsimony, and by maximum and Bayesian likelihood using objectively selected models. There was no base composition heterogeneity. Relative rate tests led to the exclusion (from most analyses) of the more distant outgroups, with retention of the closer pectinid and polyplacophoran (chiton). Parsimony and likelihood bootstrap and Bayesian clade support values were generally high, but only likelihood analyses recovered all brachiopod indicator clades designated a priori. All analyses confirmed the monophyly of (brachiopods+phoronids) and identified phoronids as the sister-group of the three inarticulate brachiopod lineages. Consequently, a revised Linnean classification is proposed in which the subphylum Linguliformea comprises three classes: Lingulata, ‘Phoronata’ (the phoronids), and ‘Craniata’ (the current subphylum Craniiformea). Divergence times of all nodes were estimated by regression from node depths in non-parametrically rate-smoothed and other chronograms, calibrated against palaeontological data, with probable errors not less than 50 My. Only three predicted brachiopod divergence times disagree with palaeontological ages by more than the probable error, and a reasonable explanation exists for at least two. Pruning long-branched ingroups made scant difference to predicted divergence time estimates. The palaeontological age calibration and the existence of Lower Cambrian fossils of both main brachiopod clades together indicate that initial genetic divergence between brachiopod and molluscan (chiton) lineages occurred well before the Lower Cambrian, suggesting that much divergence between metazoan phyla took place in the Proterozoic.

See also Electronic Supplement at: http://www.senckenberg.de/odes/05-11.htm  相似文献   

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