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Parasites and infectious diseases are major determinants of population dynamics and adaptive processes, imposing fitness costs to their hosts and promoting genetic variation in natural populations. In the present study, we evaluate the role of individual genetic diversity on risk of parasitism by feather lice Degeeriella rufa in a wild lesser kestrel population (Falco naumanni). Genetic diversity at 11 microsatellite loci was associated with risk of parasitism by feather lice, with more heterozygous individuals being less likely to be parasitized, and this effect was statistically independent of other nongenetic parameters (colony size, sex, location, and year) which were also associated with lice prevalence. This relationship was nonlinear, with low and consistent prevalences among individuals showing high levels of genetic diversity that increased markedly at low levels of individual heterozygosity. This result appeared to reflect a genome-wide effect, with no single locus contributing disproportionably to the observed effect. Thus, overall genetic variation, rather than linkage of markers to genes experiencing single-locus heterosis, seems to be the underlying mechanism determining the association between risk of parasitism and individual genetic diversity in the study host-parasite system. However, feather lice burden was not affected by individual heterozygosity; what suggest that differences in susceptibility, rather than variation in defences once the parasite has been established, may shape the observed pattern. Overall, our results highlight the role of individual genetic diversity on risk of parasitism in wild populations, what has both important evolutionary implications and major consequences for conservation research on the light of emerging infectious diseases that may endanger genetically depauperated populations.  相似文献   

I describe a method of analysis of genetic differentiation which is suitable for the comparison of genetic and demographic estimates of the ‘neighborhood size’– more precisely the product of density and second moment of dispersal distance σ2– in continuous populations sampled at the smallest scale. This method is based on results of models of isolation by distance common to a wide variety of dispersal distances. The performance of this method is tested by simulation for some highly leptokurtic dispersal distributions, and it is applied to a previous study of a kangaroo‐rat (Dipodomys spectabilis) population. In this case, genetic and demographic estimates are within a factor of two from each other. Thus, in line with some previous examples, this study shows that a better agreement may be attained than is usually recognized between genetic and demographic estimates.  相似文献   

Insight into the genetic basis of malaria resistance is crucial for understanding the consequences of this parasite group on animal populations. Here, we analyse the relationship between genotypic variation at 11 highly variable microsatellite loci and prevalence of three different lineages of avian malaria, two Plasmodium (RTSR1, LK6) and one Haemoproteus (LK2), in a wild population of the endangered lesser kestrel (Falco naumanni). Although we used a large sample size (584 typed individuals), we did not find any significant association between the prevalence of the studied parasite lineages and individual genetic diversity. Although our data set is large, the 11 neutral markers typed may have had low power to detect such association, in part because of the low parasite prevalence observed (less than 5% of infected birds). However, the fact that we have detected previous correlations between genetic diversity and other traits (ectoparasitism risk, fecundity) in the study population using the same panel of neutral markers and lower sample sizes suggests that other factors could underlie the absence of such a similar correlation with avian malaria. Differences in the genetics of the studied traits and in their particular basis of inbreeding depression (dominance vs. overdominance) may have led to malaria prevalence, but not other traits, being uncoupled with individual genetic diversity. Also, we cannot discard the possibility that the absence of association was a consequence of a low pathogenic effect of these particular malaria lineages on our lesser kestrel population, and thus we should not expect the evolution of genetic resistance against these parasites.  相似文献   

The population genetic structure of marine species lacking free-swimming larvae is expected to be strongly affected by random genetic drift among populations, resulting in genetic isolation by geographical distance. At the same time, ecological separation over microhabitats followed by direct selection on those parts of the genome that affect adaptation might also be strong. Here, we address the question of how the relative importance of stochastic vs. selective structuring forces varies at different geographical scales. We use microsatellite DNA and allozyme data from samples of the marine rocky shore snail Littorina saxatilis over distance scales ranging from metres to 1000 km, and we show that genetic drift is the most important structuring evolutionary force at distances > 1 km. On smaller geographical scales (< 1 km), divergent selection between contrasting habitats affects population genetic structure by impeding gene flow over microhabitat borders (microsatellite structure), or by directly favouring specific alleles of selected loci (allozyme structure). The results suggest that evolutionary drivers of population genetic structure cannot a priori be assumed to be equally important at different geographical scales. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 94 , 31–40.  相似文献   

In cooperatively breeding species, restricted dispersal of offspring leads to clustering of closely related individuals, increasing the potential both for indirect genetic benefits and inbreeding costs. In apostlebirds (Struthidea cinerea), philopatry by both sexes results in the formation of large (up to 17 birds), predominantly sedentary breeding groups that remain stable throughout the year. We examined patterns of relatedness and fine-scale genetic structure within a population of apostlebirds using six polymorphic microsatellite loci. We found evidence of fine-scale genetic structure within the study population that is consistent with behavioural observations of short-distance dispersal, natal philopatry by both sexes and restricted movement of breeding groups between seasons. Global F(ST) values among breeding groups were significantly positive, and the average level of pairwise relatedness was significantly higher for individuals within groups than between groups. For individuals from different breeding groups, geographical distance was negatively correlated with pairwise relatedness and positively correlated with pairwise F(ST). However, when each sex was examined separately, this pattern was significant only among males, suggesting that females may disperse over longer distances. We discuss the potential for kin selection to influence the evolution and maintenance of cooperative breeding in apostlebirds. Our results demonstrate that spatial genetic structural analysis offers a useful alternative to field observations in examining dispersal patterns of cooperative breeders.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity and population structure were studied in eight populations of the kestrel Falco tinnunculus to identify the genetic consequences of spatial distribution and to infer the colonization patterns of the Cape Verde archipelago. We studied genetic differentiation and gene flow among seven island populations and one mainland population using nine microsatellite loci. Within the archipelago, differentiation was strong and genetic diversity and heterozygosity were low but variable among populations. Two subspecies F. tinnunculus neglectus on the northwestern islands and F. tinnunculus alexandri on all the other islands were identified as genetically distinct units. F. t. alexandri could be further separated into two groups on eastern and southern islands. Populations are probably founded by birds originating from the mainland. Immigration is more likely to the eastern and southern populations, whereas the northwestern islands with the lowest genetic diversity and highest differentiation are likely to exhibit fewer founding events by immigrants. The number of founding events on each island may depend not only on geographical distance to neighbouring populations, but also on directional immigration due to the northeastern trade winds. This may explain differences in genetic differentiation and diversity between populations and subspecies and may enable allopatric speciation.  相似文献   

The lesser kestrel Falco naumanni is a globally threatened colonial bird that has suffered a generalized population decline in Europe. Recent studies have suggested that the land-use changes linked to agriculture intensification are the main factors accounting for the population regression. However, there has been little analysis of the role of pesticide applications. In this study, we examined the consequences of a malathion treatment in a wild population of lesser kestrels, specifically its effects on breeding performance, adult survival and population size. We found that the larger the area treated with malathion around the colony, the lower the size and the body condition of the fledglings, although no effects were found on the number of fledged chicks per pair or their sex ratio. Survival of adult males, but not females, was lower in the malathion-treated areas. These results show that organophosphorus pesticides applied at standard rates might disrupt the lesser kestrel population dynamics by reducing their breeding performance and increasing adult mortality in a sex-biased way. The proportional area treated around the colony did not affect colony size in the following year, indicating that an increased adult male mortality was not enough to lead to a detectable population size reduction and/or that the arrival of immigrants could have masked it. Both the direct malathion toxic effects and the expected reduction in prey availability due to fumigation are likely to underlie the observed effects. Hence, keeping non-treated buffer areas around kestrel colony centers should be a strictly applied conservation measure to avoid the observed negative side effects of malathion applications.  相似文献   

We propose a model for sex-ratio adjustment complementary to that of Trivers and Willard. In addition to the three basic assumptions of the Trivers-Willard model, our model assumes that the sex with more variable reproductive success (normally male) is also the sex less constrained for reproduction. This assumption seems realistic, because several studies have demonstrated that poor-condition males may adopt alternative mating strategies and sire some offspring, whereas females have physiological constraints for gestation or egg production that cannot be avoided. Thus, under these circumstances, sons of both poor and good condition would be more valuable for parents than daughters, whereas daughters would be relatively more valuable than sons at intermediate condition. This model predicts, therefore, a U-shaped relationship between parental condition and offspring sex ratio. We present a case study for the monogamous lesser kestrel (Falco naumanni) that fulfills the assumptions and predictions of the model. The minimum body condition for breeding, measured as pectoral thickness, was lower for sons than for daughters. Below this minimum, males had a higher chance of breeding than females. Above this minimum, however, the lifetime reproductive success was condition dependent in males but not in females. Thus, males in better body condition attain, on average, higher reproductive success than females. Offspring sex ratio varied with the size of the father's ornaments and mother condition according to the U-shaped pattern predicted by the model.  相似文献   

The conservation importance of the post-fledging period in migratory birds has been scarcely assessed. In this study, we examined the space use and habitat selection of radio-tagged lesser kestrels Falco naumanni at two spatial scales during summer in north-western Spain, where premigratory aggregations of around 1000 lesser kestrels occur. Space use was estimated by kernel accounting for the spatiotemporal autocorrelation of the radio locations, and habitat selection was analysed by weighted compositional analysis accounting for the intensity of use. Kestrels moved within 9 km around roosts during daylight and returned daily during sunset to the same roosts, exhibiting refuging behaviour. They foraged on average 3.7 km from the roost in an area of 346.8 ha (home range), 92.7 ha of which were used intensively (core area). Within these areas, lesser kestrels intensively used more farmland than any land-scale habitat. Within farmland, kestrels significantly avoided the irrigated crops. This avoidance seemed to be due to the difficulty of prey access and/or scarcity of prey available. Conservation plans of lesser kestrel should include the post-fledging period by legally protecting roost sites and maintaining dry farmland systems around the communal roosts.  相似文献   

In the last three decades, the range of the Egyptian mongoose (Herpestes ichneumon) has increased in the Iberian Peninsula. A panel of microsatellites was used to confront the patterns of genetic diversity of the species with the scenario of its recent northward expansion in its Iberian range. Evidence of substructure and significant genetic differentiation within the studied population were recorded, with a central‐northern subpopulation (CNorth) and a southern subpopulation (S). Northward range expansion was supported by the observed allelic frequencies, diversity parameters, and observed heterozygosity of the studied loci, with S showing a higher allelic diversity and a higher number of private alleles than CNorth. Patterns of isolation‐by‐distance and isolation‐by‐barrier as a result of the Tagus River were demonstrated, suggesting that the river acted as a semi‐permeable barrier, possibly leading to genetic differentiation of the studied population. The observed individuals from CNorth in southern locations and individuals from S in central/northern areas might comprise evidence for long‐range dispersals across the studied range. A bottleneck event after population expansion was supported by a significant heterozygosity deficiency in CNorth, which is in agreement with a scenario of founder events occurring in recently colonized areas after the crossing of the Tagus River.  相似文献   

Egg production and individual genetic diversity in lesser kestrels   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
Fecundity is an important component of individual fitness and has major consequences on population dynamics. Despite this, the influence of individual genetic variability on egg production traits is poorly known. Here, we use two microsatellite-based measures, homozygosity by loci and internal relatedness, to analyse the influence of female genotypic variation at 11 highly variable microsatellite loci on both clutch size and egg volume in a wild population of lesser kestrels (Falco naumanni). Genetic diversity was associated with clutch size, with more heterozygous females laying larger clutches, and this effect was statistically independent of other nongenetic variables such as female age and laying date, which were also associated with fecundity in this species. However, egg volume was not affected by female heterozygosity, confirming previous studies from pedigree-based breeding experiments which suggest that this trait is scarcely subjected to inbreeding depression. Finally, we explored whether the association between heterozygosity and clutch size was due to a genome-wide effect (general effect) or to single locus heterozygosity (local effect). Two loci showed a stronger influence but the correlation was not fully explained by these two loci alone, suggesting that a main general effect underlies the association observed. Overall, our results underscore the importance of individual genetic variation for egg production in wild bird populations, a fact that could have important implications for conservation research and provides insights into the study of clutch size evolution and genetic variability maintenance in natural populations.  相似文献   

The analysis of kin selection in subdivided populations has been hampered by the lack of well‐defined measures of genealogical relatedness in the presence of localized dispersal. Furthermore, the usual arguments underlying the definition of game‐theoretical measures of inclusive fitness are not exact under localized dispersal. We define such measures to give the first‐order effects of selection on the probability of fixation of an allele. The derived measures of kin selection and relatedness are valid in finite populations and under localized dispersal. For the infinite island model, the resulting measure of kin selection is equivalent to a previously used measure. In other cases its definition is based on definitions of relatedness which are different from the usual ones. To illustrate the approach, we reanalyse a model with localized dispersal. We consider sex ratio evolution under sex‐specific dispersal behaviour, and the results confirm the earlier conclusion that the sex ratio is biased towards the sex with the dispersal rate closer to the optimal dispersal rate in the absence of sex‐specific dispersal behaviour.  相似文献   

The relatively recent fields of terrestrial landscape and marine seascape genetics seek to identify the influence of biophysical habitat features on the spatial genetic structure of populations or individuals. Over the last few years, there has been accumulating evidence for the effect of environmental heterogeneity on patterns of gene flow and connectivity in marine systems. Here, we investigate the population genetic patterns of an anemonefish, Amphiprion bicinctus, along the Saudi Arabian coast of the Red Sea. We collected nearly one thousand samples from 19 locations, spanning approximately 1500 km, and genotyped them at 38 microsatellite loci. Patterns of gene flow appeared to follow a stepping‐stone model along the northern and central Red Sea, which was disrupted by a distinct genetic break at a latitude of approximately 19°N. The Red Sea is characterized by pronounced environmental gradients along its axis, roughly separating the northern and central from the southern basin. Using mean chlorophyll‐a concentrations as a proxy for this gradient, we ran tests of isolation by distance (IBD, R2 = 0.52) and isolation by environment (IBE, R2 = 0.64), as well as combined models using partial Mantel tests and multiple matrix regression with randomization (MMRR). We found that genetic structure across our sampling sites may be best explained by a combined model of IBD and IBE (Mantel: R2 = 0.71, MMRR: R2 = 0.86). Our results highlight the potential key role of environmental patchiness in shaping patterns of gene flow in species with pelagic larval dispersal. We support growing calls for the integration of biophysical habitat characteristics into future studies of population genetic structure.  相似文献   

Abstract In order to clarify the genetic diversity and population structure of Ranunculus japonicus , allozymic analysis was conducted on 60 populations in southwestern Japan. Considerable genetic variati ons were detected among the populations of R. japonicus . The genetic diversities within species ( H es = 0.215) and within populations ( H ep = 0.172) were slightly higher than those of other perennial herbs with widespread distribution and outcrossing plants. Significantly higher values of fixation index were detected in some populations, which might have arisen from restricted mating partners. The majority of genetic variation (approx. 80%) resided within a population and a moderate level of genetic differentiation ( G ST = 0.203) was observed among populations. The F ST value (0.203) suggests the existence of a substantial population structure in this species. The highly significant correlation between geographic distance and F ST values indicates that isolation by distance has played an important role in the construction of the genetic structure of this species.  相似文献   

Genetic studies of recently established populations are challenging because the assumption of equilibrium underlying many analyses is likely to be violated. Using microsatellites, we investigated determinants of genetic structure and migration among invasive European-Chinese mitten crab populations, applying a combination of traditional population genetic analyses and nonequilibrium Bayesian methods. Consistent with their recent history, invasive populations showed much lower levels of genetic diversity than a native Chinese population, indicative of recent bottlenecks. Population differentiation was generally low but significant and especially pronounced among recently established populations. Significant differentiation among cohorts from the same geographical location (River Thames) suggests the low effective population size and associated strong genetic drift that would be anticipated from a very recent colonization. An isolation-by-distance pattern appears to be driven by an underlying correlation between geographical distance and population age, suggesting that cumulative homogenizing gene flow reduces founder bottleneck-associated genetic differentiation between longer-established populations. This hypothesis was supported by a coalescent analysis, which supported a drift + gene flow model as more likely than a model excluding gene flow. Furthermore, admixture analysis identified several recent migrants between the UK and Continental European population clusters. Admixture proportions were significantly predicted by the volume of shipping between sites, indicating that human-mediated transport remains a significant factor for dispersal of mitten crabs after the initial establishment of populations. Our study highlights the value of nonequilibrium methods for the study of invasive species, and also the importance of evaluating nonequilibrium explanations for isolation by distance patterns.  相似文献   

Hunter–gatherer Pygmies from Central Africa are described as being extremely mobile. Using neutral genetic markers and population genetics theory, we explored the dispersal behaviour of the Baka Pygmies from Cameroon, one of the largest Pygmy populations in Central Africa. We found a strong correlation between genetic and geographical distances: a pattern of isolation by distance arising from limited parent–offspring dispersal. Our study suggests that mobile hunter–gatherers do not necessarily disperse over wide geographical areas.  相似文献   

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