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Geographic variation in body size is common within many animal species. The causes of this pattern, however, remain largely unexplored in most vertebrate groups. Bats are widely distributed globally owing to their ability of powered flight. Most bat species encounter a variety of climatic conditions across their distribution range, making them an ideal taxon for the study of ecogeographic patterns in body size. Here, we used adult least horseshoe bats, Rhinolophus pusillus, to test whether geographic variation in body size was determined by heat conservation, heat dissipation, climatic seasonality, or primary productivity. We measured body mass and head-body length for 246 adult bats from 12 allopatric colonies in China. We quantified the ecological conditions inhabited by each colony, including mean maximum temperature of the warmest month, mean minimum temperature of the coldest month, temperature seasonality, precipitation seasonality, and annual net primary productivity (ANPP). Body mass and head-body length, 2 of the most reliable indicators of body size, exhibited marked differences between colonies. After controlling for spatial autocorrelation, the mean minimum temperature of the coldest month explained most of the variation in body size among colonies, regardless of sex. The mean maximum temperature, climatic seasonality, and ANPP had limited power in predicting body size of males or females in comparison with mean minimum temperature. These results support the heat conservation hypothesis and suggest adaptive responses of body size to cold climates in cave-dwelling bats.  相似文献   

One of the most difficult interactions to observe in nature is the relationship between a predator and its prey. When direct observations are impossible, we rely on morphological classification of prey remains, although this is particularly challenging among generalist predators whose faeces contain mixed and degraded prey fragments. In this investigation, we used a polymerase chain reaction and sequence-based technique to identify prey fragments in the guano of the generalist insectivore, the eastern red bat ( Lasiurus borealis ), and evaluate several hypotheses about prey selection and prey defences. The interaction between bats and insects is of significant evolutionary interest because of the adaptive nature of insect hearing against echolocation. However, measuring the successes of predator tactics or particular prey defences is limited because we cannot normally identify these digested prey fragments beyond order or family. Using a molecular approach, we recovered sequences from 89% of the fragments tested, and through comparison to a reference database of sequences, we were able to identify 127 different species of prey. Our results indicate that despite the robust jaws of L. borealis , most prey taxa were softer-bodied Lepidoptera. Surprisingly, more than 60% of the prey species were tympanate, with ears thought to afford protection against these echolocating bats. Moths of the family Arctiidae, which employ multiple defensive strategies, were not detected as a significant dietary component. Our results provide an unprecedented level of detail for the study of predator–prey relationships in bats and demonstrate the advantages which molecular tools can provide in investigations of complex ecological systems and food-web relationships.  相似文献   

Most studies of phenotypic selection do not estimate selection or fitness surfaces for multiple components of fitness within a unified statistical framework. This makes it difficult or impossible to assess how selection operates on traits through variation in multiple components of fitness. We describe a new generation of aster models that can evaluate phenotypic selection by accounting for timing of life‐history transitions and their effect on population growth rate, in addition to survival and reproductive output. We use this approach to estimate selection on body size and development time for a field population of the herbivorous insect, Manduca sexta (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae). Estimated fitness surfaces revealed strong and significant directional selection favoring both larger adult size (via effects on egg counts) and more rapid rates of early larval development (via effects on larval survival). Incorporating the timing of reproduction and its influence on population growth rate into the analysis resulted in larger values for size in early larval development at which fitness is maximized, and weaker selection on size in early larval development. These results illustrate how the interplay of different components of fitness can influence selection on size and development time. This integrated modeling framework can be readily applied to studies of phenotypic selection via multiple fitness components in other systems.  相似文献   

An analysis of tooth and body size relationship in five primate taxa.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The strength and the nature of the covariance between tooth and body size was investigated in Homo, Gorilla, Pan, Papio and Colobus. When sexes are combined in each taxon, the correlations are strong enough to compare the allometry coefficients of taxa, and the non-human taxa show a sufficiently strong linear relationship to compute 'interspecific' allometry coefficients. Allometry coefficients for each variable were not uniform among the taxa, and coefficients also differed from one variable to another. Computed 'intra' and 'inter' specific allometry coefficients from these data suggest that canine size will usually scale at a higher level than molar crown area, which is at most isometric, and not positively allometric with respect to body size. The consequence is that larger representatives of a taxon would be expected to combine relatively larger canines with a proportional, or relatively smaller, molar crown area. It is pointed out that these differences do not correspond to those found between 'gracile' and 'robust' australopithecines.  相似文献   

The body color of Sulawesi macaques was measured quantitatively and compared among the different monkeys. As a result, divergence models for extant Sulawesi macaques, withtonkeana as the starting point and fading as the sole direction of color change, were inferred as follows: (1) fading slightly on the upper half of the body—nigra, fading more on the proximal part of the body—nigrescens; (2) fading over the whole body—maura; (3) fading greatly on the legs—hecki; and (4) fading on the distal part of the body—ochreata, fading more over the whole body, including the proximal part of the body—brunnescens. The color changed progressively in the order of (1) through (4). The divergence model, excluding the position ofhecki (3), supports the speciation model ofFooden (1969). If the proto-Sulawesi macaques had a body color pattern similar to the livingnemestrina, darkening would have been necessary for the evolution of the Sulawesi macaques after their immigration, and it may have been acquired as an adaptation to the ground (forest floor) living nature of the Sulawesi macaques, together with influences deriving from the insularity and/or from the absence of predators.  相似文献   

An analysis has been performed of visual diagnostic criteria used in cervical cytology applied to machine selected cells in relation to automated classification based on variables, which can be recorded in an image system with automated cell search and segmentation, feature extraction and classification. A 98% accuracy could be obtained with the choice of the most ideal statistical methods for discrimination and the use of the most powerful variables recorded in the image system when compared with consensus of the visual diagnoses based on established cytological criteria for diagnosis of cancer and precancer of the cervix uteri. The most powerful discriminatory variables in the image system (of 17 recorded) for discrimination between normal and abnormal epithelial cells were, in addition to nuclear extinction, cytoplasmic extinction and cytoplasmic shape. It is concluded that the visual classification of cervical cells is highly accurate with experienced observers and that imaging microscopes can be trained to nearly equal this accuracy with appropriate statistical methods of discrimination. The problem of creating fully automated systems, however, also requires the inclusion of even more effective discriminatory variables and also the solution of such problems as automatic cell search, segmentation, artifact rejection, feature extraction, classification and electronic stability in order to become cost-effective.  相似文献   

It is generally accepted that seedlings from large seeds are more tolerant to defoliation than those from small seeds due to the additional metabolic reserves present in the large seeds. However, information on the effects of amount of seed reserves (cotyledon removal) from seedlings resulting from large vs. small seeds on seedling growth and long‐term survival in the field is limited. Five legume species with different sizes of seeds were sown in the field and none, one, or both cotyledons removed 7 days after seedling emergence. Seedling biomass, relative growth rate (RGR) and survival were determined at different time. Cotyledon removal, species, and their interaction had significant effects on seedling growth and survival. During the period between 33 and 70 days, seedlings from large seeds had a significantly lower RGR than those from small seeds. Biomass, RGR, and survival of seedlings from large seeds were significantly reduced by removal one or both cotyledons, whereas those of seedlings from small seeds were not affected. Seed energy reserves are more important for the early growth of seedlings from large seeds than for those from small seeds. The overall effect of cotyledon removal on growth and survival varies with seed size (i.e., energy reserves) with seedlings from small seeds being less sensitive than those from large seeds under field conditions.  相似文献   

Measurements of bubble and pellet size distributions are useful for biochemical process optimizations. The accuracy, representation, and simplicity of these measurements improve when the measurement is performed on-line and in situ rather than off-line using a sample. Historical and currently available measurement systems for photographic methods are summarized for bubble and pellet (morphology) measurement applications. Applications to cells, mycelia, and pellets measurements have driven key technological developments that have been applied for bubble measurements. Measurement trade-offs exist to maximize accuracy, extend range, and attain reasonable cycle times. Mathematical characterization of distributions using standard statistical techniques is straightforward, facilitating data presentation and analysis. For the specific application of bubble size distributions, selected bioreactor operating parameters and physicochemical conditions alter distributions. Empirical relationships have been established in some cases where sufficient data have been collected. In addition, parameters and conditions with substantial effects on bubble size distributions were identified and their relative effects quantified. This information was used to guide required accuracy and precision targets for bubble size distribution measurements from newly developed novel on-line and in situ bubble measurement devices.  相似文献   

To identify subcellular organelles or to observe their pathological changes in sections prepared for light microscopy, immuno- and/or enzyme histochemical staining for the marker substances or enzymes of those subcellular organelles are frequently employed. With conventional light microscopes (CLM), however, it is hardly possible to determine whether or not the target organelles are properly stained and to confirm their fine structure. In the present study, the laser scanning microscope (LSM) was employed to obtain highly contrasted images of histochemically stained subcellular organelles at the limit of resolution in light microscopy. To refine or characterize those images, images built up as electronic signals in LSM were further processed in the Image Analysis System (IAS) with pipeline. Thus, the approximate figures of subcellular organelles such as microtubules, endoplasmic reticula, secretory granules, and mitochondria were visualized in brightfield on sections prepared for light microscopy (paraffin, frozen sections and cultured living cells). The validity of the images obtained by LSM or LSM-IAS was confirmed by immunoelectron microscopy when possible. The LSM images of histochemically stained suborganelles of various cells were definitely improved (refined and/or strengthened) by processing them with IAS.  相似文献   

A tension between cooperation and conflict characterizes the behavioral dynamics of many social species. The foraging benefits of group living include increased efficiency and reduced need for vigilance, but social foraging can also encourage theft of captured prey from conspecifics. The payoffs of stealing prey from others (scrounging) versus capturing prey (producing) may depend not only on the frequency of each foraging strategy in the group but also on an individual’s ability to steal. By observing the foraging behavior of juvenile coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch), we found that, within a group, relatively smaller coho acted primarily as producers and took longer to handle prey, and were therefore more likely to be targeted by scroungers than relatively larger coho. Further, our observations suggest that the frequency of scrounging may be higher when groups contained individuals of different sizes. Based on these observations, we developed a model of phenotype-limited producer-scrounger dynamics, in which rates of stealing were structured by the relative size of producers and scroungers within the foraging group. Model simulations show that when the success of stealing is positively related to body size, relatively large predators should tend to be scroungers while smaller predators should be producers. Contrary to previous models, we also found that, under certain conditions, producer and scrounger strategies could coexist for both large and small phenotypes. Large scroungers tended to receive the highest payoff, suggesting that producer-scrounger dynamics may result in an uneven distribution of benefits among group members that—under the right conditions—could entrench social positions of dominance.  相似文献   

Non-radioactively labelled DNA probes were tested for their ability to identify dried museum specimens of Anopheles gambiae and its sibling species An.arabiensis . The specimens were the progeny of wild-caught females collected in 1991 from villages in western Kenya. Three years later, specimens whose identity was known to the second author were provided 'blind' to the first author for identification with oligonucleotide probes (SH 5 and SH 4 derived from pAngss and pAngsl, respectively) using a simplified squash-blotting protocol for non-radioactive probes. All specimens were successfully identified with whole-body squashes, and the results agreed with previous identifications of parents or siblings based on rDNA-polymerase chain reaction . The amounts of DNA released by squash-blotting were just sufficient for identification by those experienced in the technique, but not for squashes of heads or thoraces alone. An aim of the study was to determine whether squash-blot methods of identification might be useful for establishing the genetic identity of name-bearing type specimens of sibling species held in museum collections.  相似文献   

Hatchling body color and size of the desert locust, Schistocerca gregaria, are determined by the population density of the mothers during their reproductive period. Smaller green hatchlings are produced by adults at low population density (solitarious conditions) and larger dark hatchlings at high population density (gregarious conditions). One claim states that a pheromonal factor secreted by gregarious mothers into foam plugs of egg pods induces darkening in hatchlings. Previous research suggests that the foam factor can be removed by separating eggs individually within 1h of deposition, causing presumptive gregarious eggs to hatch without darkening. The present study re-examined this claim and possible factors that have been proposed which could account for the difference between our results and those reported earlier. Early separation was performed on eggs with a low mortality rate. The results showed that the egg separation did not increase the incidence of green hatchlings. Once chorionated in the ovary, eggs remained unchanged in size until the second day after oviposition in either isolated or crowded locusts. This and other results suggest that the phase-dependent differences in body size and color of hatchlings are established in the ovary and that modifications by the accessory gland factor either in the oviduct or after deposition are unlikely.  相似文献   

Odontometric, dietary, and body weight data were collected for a sample of 29 cercopithecoid species. Each species was assigned to one of three diet classes (frugivore, folivore, and omnivore) , and indices were constructed to estimate the extent of sexual dimorphism in body weight, postcanine area and incisor width in each of the species. Analysis proceeded by means of the analysis of covariance with the dental dimorphism indices as the dependent variables. Body weight dimorphism was not significantly related to either measure of dental dimorphism across the sample, and an analysis by diet alone revealed that omnivores show significantly higher dental dimorphism than do either of the other two diet classes. The relationship between this result and theories of sexual subniche differentiation is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Distribution patterns of foundress group size ofRopalidia fasciata did not fit to 0-truncated Poisson series due to overdispersion. Six of seven distributions fitted to 0-truncated negative binomial series, but, for most cases, neither Brass' moment method nor the maximum liklihood method could be used due to disproportionately high frequency of nests with single foundress. Existence of two kinds of foundresses was suggested. This work was supported in part by a Grant-in-Aid (No. 62304002) from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, Japan.  相似文献   

Summary In vitro-stored plant germplasm is usually evaluated by visual analysis of the plant based on subjective characters. To reduce the variability in these evaluations, we developed a digital-image evaluation system for in vitro-stored plantlets. This study compares the standard visual evaluation system with a digital analysis system to determine if digital analysis can effectively quantify the health of diverse Humulus germplasm. Eight cultivars of Humulus lupulus L. were stored on standard Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium with iron alone (EDTA chelated) and on MS iron with 100 or 200 mgl−1 sequestrene 138 iron (EDDHA chelated). Digital images of the upper two nodes of each plantlet were evaluated for red, green, blue, green/red ratio, and modified normalized difference vegetation index (MNDVI=R-G/R+G). Evaluation of each plantlet for MNDVI values showed consistent significant differences for all treatments only at the upper node. Significant differences for visual and the MNDVI values among the three iron treatments were observed at the upper node of most of the eight hop cultivars. Regression analysis of the upper node MNDVI values vs. whole-plant visual ratings showed positive correlations for most cultivars. Effects of iron treatments on storage duration were also analyzed for both visual and digital systems. There were significant differences among MNDVI values for plantlets stored on medium with standard MS iron alone (EDTA chelated) and with the addition of sequestrene 138 iron. In general, the MNDVI value of the upper node correlated well with visual ratings and could be used to determine the health of in vitro stored hops.  相似文献   

Protein body development in the radicle of the ripening cotton seeds was analyzed with electron microscopy and quantitative image analysis during the period from 30 to 60 days after anthesis (DAA) in control and drought-stressed (defoliated) plants. Vacuolar partitioning to form progenitors of protein bodies was arrested in embryos of plants exposed to drought stress at 30 DAA. Drought stress also resulted in a 75% reduction in amount of protein present in the vacuole/protein body compartment in basal but not apical cortical cells of the radicle when examined at 60 DAA. We interpret these results to indicate that a major effect of whole plant defoliation, as an experimental model of severe drought stress, was either focal reduction in the availability of nutrients or deregulated genetic control of conversion and compartmentation of reserves into protein bodies within basal cortical cells in cotton radicles.  相似文献   

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