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残基突变是提高蛋白质热稳定性最直接有效的方式。在本文中,我们选取一对冷休克蛋白质作为研究对象,其中一个来自嗜温的Bacillus subtilis(Bs-CspB),另一个来自嗜热的Bacillus caldolyticus(Bc-Csp),这两个蛋白质在序列和结构上具有高度的相似性,但两者的耐热能力却相差很大。我们利用全原子模型计算残基突变前后蛋白质的自由能和氨基酸之间相互作用能的变化,分析残基突变对冷休克蛋白热稳定性的影响。通过对比两个蛋白质对应位置上残基的能量,我们成功鉴别出对Bc-Csp的高热稳定性有突出贡献的残基。我们计算了这些残基突变前后,该残基的静电相互作用和范德华相互作用的变化,以分析该残基对Bc-Csp高热稳定性的主要贡献。同时,我们分析了离子键对蛋白质热稳定性的贡献。我们的计算结果和实验结果吻合得很好,关键在于利用该方法可以详细地说明残基突变影响蛋白质热稳定性的根本原因。本文为研究残基突变对蛋白质热稳定性的影响提供了一种计算思路和方法,并有助于设计具有高耐热能力的蛋白质。  相似文献   

蛋白质工程:从定向进化到计算设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曲戈  朱彤  蒋迎迎  吴边  孙周通 《生物工程学报》2019,35(10):1843-1856
定向进化通过建立突变体文库与高通量筛选方法,快速提升蛋白的特定性质,是目前蛋白质工程最为常用的蛋白质设计改造策略。近十年随着计算机运算能力大幅提升以及先进算法不断涌现,计算机辅助蛋白质设计改造得到了极大的重视和发展,成为蛋白质工程新开辟的重要方向。以结构模拟与能量计算为基础的蛋白质计算设计不但能改造酶的底物特异性与热稳定性,还可从头设计具有特定功能的人工酶。近年来机器学习等人工智能技术也被应用于计算机辅助蛋白质设计改造,并取得瞩目的成绩。文中介绍了蛋白质工程的发展历程,重点评述当前计算机辅助蛋白质设计改造方面的进展与应用,并展望其未来发展方向。  相似文献   

利用定向进化策略改造蛋白质功能已经在农业、工业和医药等领域得到了广泛的应用.蛋白质工程的最新进展是利用定向进化策略对自然界蛋白质引入新功能,但由于其决定因素比较复杂,是研究者面临的一个重大挑战.详细介绍了国外近年发展的蛋白质新功能定向进化研究策略:对传统突变体库构建策略进行改进以及非同源重组改造技术的开发,是早期引入蛋白质新功能的常用手段,利用计算/理性设计与定向进化相结合引入蛋白质新功能是近年定向进化研究的一个重大突破,而噬菌体展示技术是蛋白质新功能筛选的主要策略.蛋白质新功能的分子进化模型已逐渐成为蛋白质工程改造的新思路.  相似文献   

蛋白质晶体生长是用衍射法测定和研究蛋白质三维结构不可缺少的首要步骤,因而对于从分子水平了解生命过程和有效地开发蛋白质工程、理性药物设计等新的生物技术具有重要意义。这一结构测定步骤所处的落后状态,更使蛋白质晶体生长成为倍受重视的研究课题。蛋白质和核酸等生物大分子的结晶是一个受多个因素影响的过程。来自不同学科的研究人员从各个方面对蛋白质的晶体生长开展了研究,并取得了不同程度的进展。  相似文献   

蛋白质突变体基因库构建方法的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
体外定向进化是蛋白质工程中一个非常有效的设计策略。最近几年,在过去常用的寡核苷酸介导的随机突变、易错PCR和DNA改组等方法的基础上又出现了一些新的定向进化方法。本文对这些方法及其特点加以总结,为解决特定问题选取何种方法提供一定依据。最近研究表明:定向进化和理性设计相结合、定向进化和以结构为基础的计算设计方法相结合正成为蛋白质工程中两个新的发展方向。  相似文献   

以磷酸吡哆醛为辅酶的谷氨酸脱羧酶(Glutamate decarboxylase,GAD),能专一、不可逆地催化L-谷氨酸脱去α-羧基生成γ-氨基丁酸。为了提高GAD热稳定性为目标,本研究通过与嗜热古细菌Thermococcus kodakarensis中GAD氨基酸序列的比对及引入脯氨酸策略,最终在短乳杆菌Lactobacillus brevis CGMCC No.1306的GAD突变体中筛选得到热稳定性提高的突变酶G364P。结果显示,突变酶G364P在55℃的半衰期以及半失活温度分别比野生酶提高19.4 min和5.3℃,并且突变酶G364P的催化效率与野生酶相比没有明显变化。此外,利用分子动力学模拟来验证突变对蛋白质热稳定性的影响,突变酶G364P的均方根偏差(Rootmeansquare deviation,RMSD)以及含G364的loop区域均方根涨落(Root mean square fluctuation,RMSF)均比野生酶低,引入脯氨酸增加了364位氨基酸与相邻氨基酸的疏水相互作用。文中通过引入脯氨酸成功提高了L. brevis中GAD的热稳定性,同时也为其他酶热稳定性的理性设计提供了方法学指导。  相似文献   

微生物脂肪酶稳定性研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐碧林  朱庆 《微生物学通报》2020,47(6):1958-1972
脂肪酶广泛应用于食品、药物、生物燃料、诊断、生物修复、化学品、化妆品、清洁剂、饲料、皮革和生物传感器等工业领域,微生物脂肪酶是商品化脂肪酶的重要来源。高温、酸性、碱性和有机溶剂等恶劣的工业生产环境使得脂肪酶的进一步工业应用受到限制,获取稳定性好的脂肪酶成为打破这一限制的关键环节。本文重点对提高微生物脂肪酶稳定性的策略进行了综述:挖掘极端微生物脂肪酶资源;利用定向进化、理性设计和半理性设计等蛋白质工程策略改造脂肪酶;利用物理吸附、封装、共价结合和交联等酶的固定化技术提高脂肪酶的稳定性;利用物理/化学修饰、表面展示以及多种改良策略相结合提高脂肪酶的稳定性。结合作者前期对酶工程的研究发现,新型酶催化剂的获得应该基于明确的设计思路,结合多种改造方法,基于定向进化-理性设计、定向进化-半理性设计、蛋白质工程-酶的固定化、蛋白质工程-物理/化学修饰、酶的固定化-物理/化学修饰等组合改造,比单一的改造方法具有更高的效率。  相似文献   

酶因其特异性和可持续性而成为广泛应用的绿色催化剂,其稳定性和催化活性是决定酶适用性的关键因素。为满足实际应用需求,通过蛋白质结构修饰赋予其所需的催化特性是当前的研究热点。提高热稳定性的策略有:引入非共价/共价相互作用(疏水相互作用、氢键、盐桥、芳香环相互作用、二硫键)、环截短、C端和N端工程,及增加脯氨酸/减少甘氨酸的数目等;获得具有高效性和多样性的生物催化剂的策略有:降低空间位阻、拓宽催化口袋、增加底物亲和力及调节活性位点灵活性等。然而,在稳定性或催化功能改造的过程中,新突变的引入会削弱其他功能,致使进化过程中稳定性和催化活性相互制约。因此,采用基于理性计算优选突变热点、基于多重蛋白质稳定性或活性改造策略的共进化,以及基于高度稳定的蛋白质骨架创造或/和优化蛋白质功能等多种策略克服酶稳定性-活性之间的权衡。本综述重点阐述了结构修饰方法在提高酶稳定性或/和催化活性方面的应用,并展望了该领域的未来发展前景。  相似文献   

功能酶被广泛应用于食品、化工、医药等领域,但却容易受高温环境限制,导致催化效率降低。以分子改造为目的的蛋白质工程技术是解决这一问题的关键环节,其能够对酶结构和功能进行改造,获得热稳定性好的工业酶。传统的定向进化方法只能依靠随机突变进行人工筛选,具有效率低、针对性差等缺点;理性设计作为酶热稳定性改造的主要方法,可借助各种计算机程序和软件预测潜在突变位点,但其要求对酶的催化机制、热稳定性机制有深入了解。对于大多数天然酶而言,酶的序列和晶体结构是最容易获取的信息,也是预测功能的重要基础。从酶的序列和晶体结构入手,重点介绍了共识突变、基于序列偏好性的突变、截短柔性区域、优化分子内相互作用力、刚化催化活性区域及计算机辅助筛选柔性位点等常用策略,这些策略具有筛选效率高、改造准确性高、实用性强等优点。结合多种酶的热稳定性改造案例进行分析,旨在为不同酶的改造策略选择提供有效参考,同时也为工业酶的耐热性研究提供理论支持。  相似文献   

蛋白质折叠识别算法是蛋白质三维结构预测的重要方法之一,该方法在生物科学的许多方面得到卓有成效的应用。在过去的十年中,我们见证了一系列基于不同计算方式的蛋白质折叠识别方法。在这些计算方法中,机器学习和序列谱-序列谱比对是两种在蛋白质折叠中应用较为广泛和有效的方法。除了计算方法的进展外,不断增大的蛋白质结构数据库也是蛋白质折叠识别的预测精度不断提高的一个重要因素。在这篇文章中,我们将简要地回顾蛋白质折叠中的先进算法。另外,我们也将讨论一些可能可以应用于改进蛋白质折叠算法的策略。  相似文献   

With the advent of directed evolution techniques, protein engineering has received a fresh impetus. Engineering proteins for thermostability is a particularly exciting and challenging field, as it is crucial for broadening the industrial use of recombinant proteins. In addition to directed evolution, a variety of partially successful rational concepts for engineering thermostability have been developed in the past. Recent results suggest that amino acid sequence comparisons of mesophilic proteins alone can be used efficiently to engineer thermostable proteins. The potential benefits of the underlying, semirational 'consensus concept' are compared with those of rational design and directed evolution approaches.  相似文献   

Our current knowledge of protein unfolding is overwhelmingly related to reversible denaturation. However, to engineer thermostable enzymes for industrial applications and medical diagnostics, it is necessary to consider irreversible denaturation processes and/or the entire quaternary structure. In this study we have used lactate oxidase (LOD), which is employed in lactic acid sensors, as a model example to design thermostable variants by rational design. Twelve mutant proteins were tested and one of them displayed a markedly greater thermostability than all the mutants we had previously obtained by random mutagenesis. This mutant was designed so as to strengthen the interaction between the subunits and stabilize the quaternary structure. Since LOD is difficult to crystallize, its three-dimensional structure remains unknown. This study shows that it is possible to carry out rational design to improve thermostability using a computer-aided quaternary structure model based on the known tertiary structure of a related protein. Critical factors required for increasing the thermal stability of proteins by rational design, where the 3-D structure is not available, are discussed. Revisions requested 18 August 2005; Revisoins received 6 September 2005  相似文献   

Protein thermostability is a crucial factor for biotechnological enzyme applications. Protein engineering studies aimed at improving thermostability have successfully applied both directed evolution and rational design. However, for rational approaches, the major challenge remains the prediction of mutation sites and optimal amino acid substitutions. Recently, we showed that such mutation sites can be identified as structural weak spots by rigidity theory-based thermal unfolding simulations of proteins. Here, we describe and validate a unique, ensemble-based, yet highly efficient strategy to predict optimal amino acid substitutions at structural weak spots for improving a protein’s thermostability. For this, we exploit the fact that in the majority of cases an increased structural rigidity of the folded state has been found as the cause for thermostability. When applied prospectively to lipase A from Bacillus subtilis, we achieved both a high success rate (25% over all experimentally tested mutations, which raises to 60% if small-to-large residue mutations and mutations in the active site are excluded) in predicting significantly thermostabilized lipase variants and a remarkably large increase in those variants’ thermostability (up to 6.6°C) based on single amino acid mutations. When considering negative controls in addition and evaluating the performance of our approach as a binary classifier, the accuracy is 63% and increases to 83% if small-to-large residue mutations and mutations in the active site are excluded. The gain in precision (predictive value for increased thermostability) over random classification is 1.6-fold (2.4-fold). Furthermore, an increase in thermostability predicted by our approach significantly points to increased experimental thermostability (p < 0.05). These results suggest that our strategy is a valuable complement to existing methods for rational protein design aimed at improving thermostability.  相似文献   

High-throughput screening for enhanced protein stability   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
High thermostability of proteins is a prerequisite for their implementation in biocatalytic processes and in the evolution of new functions. Various protein engineering methods have been applied to the evolution of increased thermostability, including the use of combinatorial design where a diverse library of proteins is generated and screened for variants with increased stability. Current trends are toward the use of data-driven methods that reduce the library size by using available data to choose areas of the protein to target, without specifying the precise changes. For example, the half-lives of subtilisin and a Bacillus subtilis lipase were increased 1500-fold and 300-fold, respectively, using a crystal structure to guide mutagenesis choices. Sequence homology based methods have also produced libraries where 50% of the variants have improved thermostability. Moreover, advances in the high-throughput measurement of denaturation curves and the application of selection methods to thermostability evolution have enabled the screening of larger libraries. The combination of these methods will lead to the rapid improvement of protein stability for biotechnological purposes.  相似文献   

Despite recent advances in our understanding of the importance of protein surface properties for protein thermostability,there are seldom studies on multi-factors rational design strategy, so a more scientific, simple and effective rational strategy is urgent for protein engineering. Here, we first attempted to use a three-factors rational design strategy combining three common structural features, protein flexibility, protein surface, and salt bridges. Escherichia coli AppA phytase was used as a model enzyme to improve its thermostability. Moreover, the structure and enzyme features of the thermostable mutants designed by our strategy were analyzed roundly. For the single mutants, two (Q206E and Y311K), in five exhibited thermostable property with a higher success rate of prediction (40 %). For the multiple mutants, the themostable sites were combined with another site, I427L, we obtained by directed evolution, Q206E/I427L, Y311K/I427L, and Q206E/Y311K/I427L, all exhibited thermostable property. The Y311K/I427L doubled thermostability (61.7 %, and was compared to 30.97 % after being heated at 80 °C for 10 min) and catalytic efficiency (4.46 was compared to 2.37) improved more than the wild-type AppA phytase almost without hampering catalytic activity. These multi-factors of rational design strategy can be applied practically as a thermostabilization strategy instead of the conventional single-factor approach.  相似文献   

Functional genomics and proteomics are identifying many potential drug targets for novel therapeutic proteins, and both rational and combinatorial protein engineering methods are available for creating drug candidates. A central challenge is the definition of the most appropriate design criteria, which will benefit critically from computational kinetic models that incorporate integration from the molecular level to the whole systems level. Interpretation of these processes will require mathematical models that are refined in combination with relevant data derived from quantitative assays, to correctly set biophysical objectives for protein design.  相似文献   

Chemical modification and protein engineering especially are now the useful tools for thermo-stabilizing proteins, and also for elucidating the mechanism of protein stability. The information on the mechanism so far accumulated indicate that a single or few amino acid replacement(s) in a protein is/are sufficient to enhance protein thermostability. Salt bridges inside protein molecule or decrease of internal or external hydrophobicity, respectively, may contribute to increased thermostability. However, generalized molecular reasons for protein thermostability and generalized methods for protein stabilization have not yet been proposed. Some of typical examples of the application of protein engineering to stabilize proteins are presented. They are based on information concerning the tertiary structure of the proteins or their related proteins. Even if such structural information is unavailable, one can replace amino acid(s) in a protein by mutagenesis of the gene coding for the protein via the application of chemicals to the gene (or the plasmid harbouring the gene) or organism. A promising strategy involving transfer of the identified gene into a thermophile and subsequent growth at higher temperatures (thermal adaptation) is described.  相似文献   

The thermostability of proteins is particularly relevant for enzyme engineering. Developing a computational method to identify mesophilic proteins would be helpful for protein engineering and design. In this work, we developed support vector machine based method to predict thermophilic proteins using the information of amino acid distribution and selected amino acid pairs. A reliable benchmark dataset including 915 thermophilic proteins and 793 non-thermophilic proteins was constructed for training and testing the proposed models. Results showed that 93.8% thermophilic proteins and 92.7% non-thermophilic proteins could be correctly predicted by using jackknife cross-validation. High predictive successful rate exhibits that this model can be applied for designing stable proteins.  相似文献   


Glycosidases are used in the food, chemical, and energy industries. These proteins are some of the most frequently used such enzymes, and their thermostability is essential for long-term and/or repeated use. In addition to thermostability, modification of the substrate selectivity and improvement of the glycosidase activities are also important. Thermostabilization of enzymes can be performed by directed evolution via random mutagenesis or by rational design via site-directed mutagenesis; each approach has advantages and disadvantages. In this paper, we introduce thermostabilization of glycoside hydrolases by rational protein design using site-directed mutagenesis along with X-ray crystallography and simulation modeling. We focus on the methods of thermostabilization of glycoside hydrolases by linking the N- and C-terminal ends, introducing disulfide bridges, and optimizing β-turn structures to promote hydrophobic interactions.


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